🎨 Make Windows Terminal Look Better | Oh My Posh Guide

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what's up I'm troubleshoot welcome back to another video in this guide I'll show you how to make your windows terminal look a lot better if we head across to the Microsoft store for the windows terminal you'll see that we have these blocks here but they're not enabled by default and they're a little bit more confusing with how to set up in order to get these little blocks all you need is the windows terminal installed or the windows terminal preview which you can find on the Microsoft App Store otherwise you can download it from the Microsoft GitHub linked down below when terminal installs you'll see something like this or actually this on Windows 11 it may even be pre-installed for you anyways the first thing I do is open up settings by clicking the down arrow then settings and under the appearance tab I'll go ahead and scroll down to enable use acrylic material in tabro that'll make the top transparent things look a lot better the theme we can only choose between dark and light but on the color schemes tab over here we can choose between many different themes and even even add new ones from the internet when we add new you'll just need to click edit choose some colors here and we can rename it as well otherwise you can import using Json files so let's go ahead and do that for example in the description down below you'll find a link to the windows terminal themes page where we can easily click through thousands of different profiles to see exactly what we like and what we don't all you need to do is Click get theme when you're happy with one it'll copy it to your clipboard and in the windows terminal and do the settings screen here we can click open Json file on the far bottom left and in this new window that opens up we can hit control F and search for schemes inside of quotes and we'll jump down to the themes that we currently have installed there's a few of them here for now these are all the ones built in that come with the program if we head down to the last one where the closing curly braces we can add a comma and paste in our new theme on the next line so right here comma once more and I'll add another theme I'm particularly fond of being the terminal from Dracula all we need to do is copy the theme Here For example and paste it in with a comma on the previous line we'll hit Ctrl s to save and we can close this then looking inside of the terminal once more and do color schemes we should see our new themes here here I have Dracula next up we'll go ahead and download some nerd fonts essentially these are normal fonts but they have thousands of icons in them and little glyphs that add to the overall user experience you'll find this GitHub linked down below we have tons of font awesome icons Dev icons whether OCT icons material design Etc they really add to the overall experience if we scroll down you'll see patched fonts these are all the different fonts that they've added this to one of my favorite fonts is the fire code nerd font here all we need to do to download these is to head to the releases section all the way at the top of this GitHub page here then under the latest release 2.3.3 in this case we'll need to scroll down to the bottom of this post we will find assets you may need to expand this clicking show all we get all the different fonts available for download now I'll go ahead and download maybe fire a code here so I'll click it it's a 31 megabyte file but when it's done we can open it and we have tons of fonts in here now all we need to do is extract this to a folder I'll just make a new folder on my desktop and drag all of them in like that then we can close the zip select everything with Ctrl a right click and then click install if you get any areas just click close And wait for it to complete now that it's done we can close it and return to the windows terminal we'll need to close it and reopen it to refresh the icon cache now we can head into settings once more I'll move this folder away now from here we need to head to the defaults where we see profiles here scroll down and click on appearance then inside of here we can change the color scheme that we want our terminal to use to whatever you want and then font face just change the this from Cascadia or whatever it is to one of the options that we just installed for example fire code nfm or retina you can choose whichever one you want I think I'll choose retina as it's just a little bit thicker than with everything as is we should now be set up on top of this there's tons of customization that we can do here such as text formatting transparency adding padding to the window and most importantly setting a background should you want you can also set it to use your desktop wallpaper so when we save changes you can see we now have a wallpaper here but it's a bit distracting obviously you'll want something nice and dark that you can easily read over I'll go ahead and turn that off as it's a little bit annoying you can either do that manually or head vacuum background image it's now expanded we can lower the opacity to something more handlable and now it's much easier to read but I think I'll leave that off and maybe customize it later on to something Less in your face there we go next up we'll be installing and setting up oh my Posh this is a extension for Windows terminal that makes things look a heck of a lot better you'll find it in the description down below oh my Posh this is what we came here for these little arrows and blocks all we need to do is make sure that we have access to the winget command running when get you see a response like this if you don't see a response when you run winget in Powershell or command prompt in the Microsoft store you can search for win get one word and you'll see app installer this is only to do just install the app installer then after restarting your terminal you should have access to the winget command all we need to do is Click get started then at the very top right click the sun icon to make the page readable and on the far left click Windows under installation scrolling down it'll recommend us to use a nerd font and to use it inside of WSL we need to install it in the WSL Linux but we'll get there later installation winget copy this command here by clicking the copy button here and simply paste it into command prompt or Powershell window and hit enter now it'll be downloaded and installed just like that it's now done scrolling down this includes oh my Posh and themes for omaposh and for the path to be reloaded a restart of your terminal is advised and here's a prompt about anti-biases and how you can get to where it's located to whitelist it in the future we can run when get upgrade followed by this here to update it but for now we should be fine let's go ahead and activate it now we'll close and restart our terminal and things won't look any different but we'll type in O hyphen my hyphen Posh and hit enter and you'll see response here great at the bottom of this page here we can copy this command here to get the default setup enabled so I'll paste it in and hit enter we'll see this command I'll copy it right click and paste it in and now we can see things look a little bit different whenever we type a command we'll see how long it took to run as well as the current time on the far right but program we're currently using etc for me this is a little bit much but that's where themes come in we can head to themes on the far left here and run get Posh themes in order to customize what we're doing you can see a ton of different themes in here being populated one by one all you need to do is scroll through these and look for something you like starting from the top so for example one shell agnoster aliens Etc we're really just looking for something that tickles your fancy I like the J blab one here we can control click to open a Json file where it's currently installed where we can customize it should you want I'll leave it open to keep the name in memory just in case I want to go back to it I think I'm happy with that some to change your theme adjust the init script in this file path here for example run oh my Posh in it pwsh for Powershell config followed by the path to our wanted theme pipe invoke expression as such so I'll paste it in and instead of running it I'll change the file name here to the one that I liked so for me J blab underscore2021.omp.json I'll hit enter and just like that we now have our new theme set up here and just like that things already look a lot better now the thing is is that when you restart Powershell for example you'll lose that oh my Posh setting heading across to the prompt section of this we get this command him to see exactly what shell we're in so for example this should return pwsh for Powershell which is good we can run notepad profile to change the default but if you get an error about the file not being able to open copy the next command him and run it then run notepad profile and it should open up all we need to do is copy this next command paste it as a notepad control s and close it now whenever we open up a new terminal you'll see the theme here obviously though this isn't the one that I wanted you'll see a notification here about anti-biases and a workaround and how to reload your current page but using the upper ads get to our previous commands this is the one that I'll be using as it's the theme that I like so no bad profile instead of using the default I'll paste in this one save it and close it running dot space dollar sign profile hitting enter it should reload and we'll be back to where we were opening a new terminal you should see that things are set up once more and that's great if we open up command prompt for example things don't look great we can head back to this installation prompt section and open CMD for example you'll see steps here are a little bit different there's no out-of-the-box support for Windows command prompt when it comes to custom prompt there is however a way to use it using clink which at the same time supercharges your CMD experience we can install a theme and set it up but I think this is a different program from the terminal entirely that it is so I don't think I'll be going into that but anyway there's a few things we can customize here older than molested here it does also work on other systems such as Mac and Linux if you'd like to get it working on a WSL or Linux for that volume you can head to the installation tab for Linux that thumb is a whole other video by itself so if you're interested in that I'll be releasing that video tomorrow so you can get it set up for your Ubuntu WSL or anywsl and of course if you're running at Linux then that'll help you as well anyways that's about it for this quick guide so thank you all for watching mine has been troubleshoot and I'll see you all next time ciao foreign
Channel: TroubleChute
Views: 342,980
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Oh my Posh, Oh My Posh, Windows Terminal, terminal customization, terminal theming, terminal colors, prompt customization, custom prompt, terminal segments, terminal implementation, theme creation, terminal design, command line theming, Oh My Posh tutorial, Windows Terminal tutorial, terminal tutorial, customizing command line, command line customization, command prompt theming, prompt design, Oh My Posh setup, Windows Terminal setup, terminal setup
Id: -G6GbXGo4wo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 30sec (630 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 25 2023
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