Tambour Door Gets a New Canvas Backing - Thomas Johnson Antique Furniture Restoration

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this is a late 18th century English cabinet and it's in pretty good shape I need to take it apart and reglue it all the joints are coming apart it has this Tambor door and the tambour door has problems seems to open okay but it gets hung up in the corner and then it won't close again I can feel that the fabric is messed up behind it so what I'm going to focus on in this video is when I take this apart I can get this Tambor door out I'm going to replace the fabric on the back alright I've taken the cabinet apart here's the door and sure enough you can see that on the back how bad the fabric is there already been multiple layers of fabric on here so I can't put fabric over this I need to remove this old fabric I'm going to wrap it out a couple of pieces of wood that I can then secure to this plywood that will hold this tambour down while I scrape off the fabric [Applause] [Music] okay I've scraped these tan bores pretty well I'm going to do a little more scraping now I got to do this end piece here even though these pieces are probably interchangeable I still try to keep them in the exact right order if for no other reason the color on the outside of the piece and there's a bunch of little like upholstery tacks that must have held the fabric on originally - I've got to get those out these little nails that took out of the front part of the door they look like they're original to the piece and so I may want to reuse them so I think I'll use some epoxy putty to fill in all those little nail holes I took off one of the cleats so I can now finish scraping these and I'm being careful to keep them in the same order I'm ready to set these Tam bores up in my jig and glue the fabric down I have a nice piece of fabric a kind of a heavy linen I have to glue this fabric up in stages this is the front first piece with the handle so it goes like that the fabric actually glues to the back of this and then takes a ninety degree turn here and then it gets glued on to the tambour so I think I'm going to do this in stages I'm going to glue this part down first I'm going to use my jig to make sure I have the fabric straight and now I'm going to glue this little section where it makes this turn right here I'm going to take this off I want to make sure I don't get any glue on this area between the tan bores the next step will be to nail this little piece of wood that they had here to help hold this fabric in place okay the next step is to line everything up in my jig first thing I want to do is put down some wax paper here then I'll start with our first piece here with the fabric already attached I want to make sure this first piece is square and I pull this fabric back technically it should make any difference but I'm more concerned about color differences that may exist on the front making sure this first piece is square all the individual slats are right where I want them to be okay I feel like I'm all set to go here just using regular yellow glue put down the fabric smooth it down with a block this is just a hard rubber sanding block I can feel the fabric starting to grab now to make sure everything stays nice and a lot put down a piece of wax paper I have a piece of plywood I cut to fit in here and a couple of cans to weight it down all right okay the tambour split up really well so now I'll come off the excess fabric I've got to clean any glue off just with water I can clean off the glue that came through the surface and then the next step will be to clamp up the table dry without glue and see how the tambour is work and as I reassemble this table I'm making sure that the groove that the tambour runs in is all cleaned and waxed and I'll use a piece of old candle for wax I'm putting this together without glue so just dry I want to see how the Tam force work I think it's going to work fine now I'll glue it up alright I glued the table back together with the new Tambor doors in it and they work well looks pretty good you
Channel: Thomas Johnson Antique Furniture Restoration
Views: 119,736
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: furniture repair maine, furniture restoration maine, furniture restoration gorham maine, furniture repair gorham maine, furniture repair newton massachusetts, furniture restoration newton massachusetts, antique furniture restoration maine, antique furniture repair newton massachusetts
Id: o9auSpBZl_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 32sec (632 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 16 2014
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