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hey guys average jonas here this video is going to be something completely different from what i normally post because i had the opportunity to invite aaron the voice behind sova to join me for a chat on my stream the other day and flexinja joined as well so i thought i'd give you a highlight of what we talked about and how much fun we had actually just chatting about gaming and voice acting in general also feel free to follow aaron on twitter and i'll leave the link in the description below enjoy the funny thing is guys aaron hasn't actually played this game because he's one of the mac users don't well let's not dive into yeah don't don't go into that i'll just be just off or something so we're we're gonna have to explain to him what everything is so anyway here we are here we are so this is silva right and you see his abilities at the bottom because a shock start is just something you shoot like this and it deals damage right in in that area and the closer it is to someone the more damage it does hey can you just say shock dart for me like he says it shock dart this is so good i love that's it this is the best content ever i wish i could just have you in the background when i'm playing i'm like getting ready and then suddenly aaron pops up he's like shook that shock that yeah hey my my favorite to be honest is um i am the hunter oh say it say it say it say it oh [ __ ] okay i am the hunter i'm dead that's so funny i just loved i remember doing that in the booth and it was just the director was just like come on dude you're trying to save the save everybody around you this is your moment this is your final your epic kind of like bow and arrow [ __ ] go for it okay all right i am i don't know so that's kind of so you basically have like your trick shots don't you you've got like you found out specific places yeah you're gonna be like all right this is the place i'll show an example for one of like my most common spot so for instance this is a typical spot that the enemy defender will stand on because it's like a choke hold and he just aims down this area here so i can make two shock darts land in this opening at the same time because one shock dart doesn't kill anyone so you need to make two of them land at the same time so that means that you have to shoot one high one and then one lower one so that they land at the same time that's where it gets challenging that's the tricky one so i'll show you how i do it so i can stand here and then i can just make lineups by using things in the surroundings i can be like okay so this is a letter so let's do something like this and then i'll do something like this something like this and then when i look up in the sky see they both land at the same spot at the same time all right so you you aimed the second one a bit lower than the ah [ __ ] nice so that's like damn okay that's like geometry for you so i know geometry well very good i can i can talk to you like this if you want to it will make it better i cannot function oh my god this is too good okay so so before we forget and um before it yeah before we forget i would love to have um a voice line for my subscriber alert right and i thought if you could just read up something then i can just rip it off the stream afterwards and make an audio file out of it and i was thinking something like uh another arrow for my quiver thank you for subscribing or something like that can you say that yeah i'm down let me just finish my breakfast and then i'll do that yeah yeah okay that's so cool that that i've already when you send that line to me i was like okay let me see how i can do this yes i get it perfect yo what what's pogue what does that mean oh plug yourself uh when a lot of people use an extension called bttv which adds a lot of emotes so pog u is basically just an emote that like oh and i can't see it because i got i don't got the extension yeah yeah but it's a chrome extension guys guys i can't see it stop doing all these poke you and pogo's man i don't see [ __ ] honestly when i when i used to play i mean i i'm a ps4 kind of guy so i got that in the back but when i games on pc like you just your your whole vernacular your whole kind of the things you say to each other changes completely they think yeah you know that's ridiculous monkeys pogo so when we were doing this this the voice uh recording for all this they were talking about how they want to like combine the kind of they didn't say counter-strike obviously but that kind of vibe yeah yeah to like the different characters they have in uh overwatch if i'm not mistaken yeah yeah um so i was just wondering like is that kind of the sensei did you really get overwatch do you feel like this is a combination of both of them yeah as a game the first thing i thought when i played this game was this is literally like if overwatch and cs had a league of legends that's it right right so that's what um that's kind of i feel like such a noob talking about this because i have zero knowledge like i would definitely if i had a pc i'd play it but now it's just like you're feeling it i have no idea what it's like tell me tell me so i know give me the information exactly and that's the thing i like about silva as well he's an info character so even if you're not having the best day in franking you can just like revealing area you can do so much stuff to help your team yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah also one of the voice lines that a lot of people find funny is that i have money thing it's okay it's becoming kind of like a meme because it's like you know whispered into my ear i have money i have money i have money i have money let's just make them crazy man so what you didn't play any other car any other character you didn't try the other ones i did try them a bit but i was like they didn't have the appropriate amount of nerdism so i was like sure that i needed to do this kind of so what do you mean to say is that you didn't have the rugged tones that sofa has right yes exactly i love this whole like russian post-war style uh kind of this battle-hardened soldier from russia that's kind of like me you know we're both we're both old men you know we're starting to we need to start exactly hey don't start saying that man don't start saying that nah but when we were um when we were in the booth and that's exactly what the director was aiming for like that is a hundred percent i'm so happy to hear you say that because he's just like look this guy he's a tough [ __ ] like yeah he stops him and he will give everything for the team to to you know get to the objective and and win yeah just everything you said was just [ __ ] on point that's good hey i guess you made it yes well play it bro yeah did you get to meet any of the other voice actors or were they all like separated when you recorded now we were completely separated let me just do this happy birthday emma just so you have that um and uh yeah we were completely separated but uh i got to i got to see the back of phoenix once and i got so [ __ ] exciting excited i mean yeah we were just like i think we were we were doing a recording for something that that should come out soon and then he's in it too and i was just like i i just passed him i didn't even realize that the beginning was him then i turned around i heard his voice and i was like damn that's [ __ ] phoenix that's the dude and i love his [ __ ] dope with voiceover he just did a great job yeah phoenix voice lines are really good i remember watching hiko stream because he was interviewing the voice actor of uh phoenix no no i was just amazing to hear how he actually speaks because like the the whole british team is like it's so cool yeah yeah he's he's a london guy so i got i gotta be excited about that but um oh yeah hopefully hopefully hopefully we'll get a chance to all meet one day i don't know i i mean one of my dreams i don't know if you have you ever gone to gamecon or like comic-con no but i'm going to all of them next year are you all right okay well let's meet up there man yeah give me a chance to go let's do oh my god can you imagine meet up with the silva mane and the silva voice [ __ ] dope man that was [ __ ] awesome but yeah i'm definitely going to twitchcon and gamescom and stuff next year so so there's one in san diego one in amsterdam and then gamescom is in mesa i think in germany for not mistaken so i said that very well i'm impressed thank you i do occasionally sing in seven languages so seven dude [ __ ] hell man i speak four languages but seven i don't speak seven though you speak for i just know the grammatics and the like pronunciation rules i just i don't have the vocabulary you know i mean oh i see so you know how to how to read it from a piece of like sheet of music and then sing it properly yeah right and i still need to like check out what it's actually on about right okay so i'm turning it on right now okay here he goes i am the hunter my old that's the that's the ultimate and it goes through walls so the whole idea is to like try to hit people through the wall insane railgun would it be able to handle playing online let me let's see what you got man oh mean me yeah yeah you man i can't play okay okay okay okay i'll find i'll just join an unrated match maybe we'll get some cool interactions here all right all right uh just you got a guy here called foolhardy i'm just gonna answer his questions like any future projects um i i have a small part in the new kingsman that's supposed to come out which i'm [ __ ] looking forward to um i don't know have you seen these the two films yeah they're so cool yeah the third one's coming out and i mean it's really tiny but i just can't i can't freaking wait to actually see what comes out of it so that's that's kind of the the the latest the newest thing that's supposed to come out but yeah the rest i just felt finished filming a short film and that's kind of it prove it like you said yeah exactly but then again covet is why we're doing this exact thing right now so yeah man yeah thanks kovid hey don't take it personally if i start playing okay no no no no no hey you i love banter i love bennett have you been to england i've i've been to 70 countries so yes oh [ __ ] oh yeah but that's because you've been [ __ ] on that steam liner that [ __ ] like direct takes you to all the different like all the world pretty much probably yeah i've seen seen some stuff but i love match found i love england because of broadway broadway right west end west end yeah sorry dude so close so close yet so far away yeah exactly but you hit it like west the the west end the broadway that's the one in new york but uh west end that's the london one yeah that shit's crazy that's yeah yeah yeah the actors on theirs but i was gonna say banter is a big thing here in the uk you probably have realized yeah experiences yourself so if i can love it over here i mean i look at this guy oh look at him the handsome you know what guys i'm over i'm actually planning to uh do a cosplay with voice seriously yeah oh sick man i'm so excited i can't wait to see you with them for a gamescom or like you know twitchcon or whatever so i'm gonna set up i'm eventually gonna set up a donation goal because i'm gonna spend almost like a thousand dollars to get a proper cosplay oh [ __ ] okay and i found him i've found uh i found the boat nowhere to run oh wait people want me to move the camera move the camera so we can see the chat okay where should i move him guys bottom right oh someone recognized me wait i'm interviewing the silva voice actor hello mr lionel hello guys i'm excited to have some good arrows now i'll put him there yeah that's better okay all right so you probably know the map by heart by now don't you yes so i have about 50 or 60 lineups per map i think so oh [ __ ] per map yeah so the other ability that you use a lot is a recon dart okay oh i think i've i think i've seen you use that before yeah so i won like this one this was found by a guy called secrecy you just aim for the back wall of this building revealing area and then it bounces off the back wall i think even three enemies and it goes there and then it hits the door frame like that boom and reveals people but there was nobody there so it's a shame [ __ ] [ __ ] man i used to remember playing oh my god kyle just gifted 10 subscriptions in the channel give him some love guys holy [ __ ] so i don't know if you know how subscribing works on uh twitch oh sick okay so he just gave away 10 subscriptions which is basically 50 dollars that's very kind of you kyle thank you man that's very kind of you kyle okay so now i'm gonna do now my plan is to do one of my favorite lineups one hp wait it's flex india on the other team i just realized omen brain is flexi what wait a minute no way okay so this is my favorite is that actually him it could be wait what is his thing no his ping is low it's not him this looks dope man i'm like when i used to play america's army that was ages ago i used to love it man that [ __ ] like you know when you're on just a on a wave and nobody can stop you just [ __ ] on fire yeah [ __ ] crazy you will not kill my allies so aaron is actually russian guys so that's kind of cool my babushka told me not to brag for this i make an exception you're dead yes my my my parents are both russian i was born in aladdin i was born in holland but also the people there if you get to speak to the people they kind of they kind of have the same mentality as sofa you know yeah yeah i totally know what you mean they do not give a [ __ ] and they will tell you what they think yeah if you don't like it then too bad you know i remember one of the first interviews i saw after covet and there was this russian was like we don't have kobe we drink vodka every day and i was like yeah dude that's hardcore exactly the russians they don't they're not scared of anything uh the real nitro nitro is asking me to say i love you all so that you know yeah go what were you saying so i was thinking you could say something like another arrow in my quiver thank you for subscribing another arrow in my quiver thank you for subscribing yes it's so good thank you oh my goodness i'm cray-gasping right now perfect i like it i'm glad i'm literally gonna have a thousand million people subscribing to me now going like oh well i mean it's the silver voice what can i do that's pretty much like that's also how it works when you're recording something so you can have this line and you know you just go through it a couple of times a binning and depending on what emotion or what kind of situation you're in you just give it a couple lines that's why i'm so really used to being like uh give me another one give me another one yeah oh my god i'm doing the [ __ ] thing here yo emma just because my beard is making me look like a gramps all right that's just that's just something that i i had for uh no quarantine are you guys ready to hear another shock dart okay watch and learn wait oh yeah of course i've already said it um shock dart we have another donation someone asks thank you for the five dollars can you ask him to say melissa you will never learn i killed my bot all right melissa you will never learn yo is flex not playing then ct lost he just woke up but he's probably playing soon but i think the omen voice actor misinterpreted the time zones i think [ __ ] okay so i don't think he's coming but flex flex is probably in his bed if i'm if i'm not mistaken because like we yourself you guys have a very intimate relationship yes the best of the best and we will forget the spike i did forget this bike man i need to download this game this game looks fun hello hello the clockwork mage by the way i was wondering i i just got another idea for a voicemail that we could use to like a donation or something okay can you say average jonas let your senses come alive of course everest jonas let your senses come alive i could just do this all day this is so funny honestly this is like the first time because like i said the first time i'm doing this game i just didn't realize how big valorant was gonna get or you know yeah i mean you never know i guess you know like yeah i mean i knew ride games had you know had their big game right so i knew they were massive but you never know what a new game is going to be like how players are going to take it in or not so i just didn't assume and now it's just you know it's so funny i can say line and this whole chat is just like what i know that was easy must feel good for you though i mean i'm just i'm glad you guys love it man that's what i you know i'm happy about that as long as i can make you guys happy i'm good shocked [Laughter] he literally said it just as i shot it as well [Laughter] a boy is old-fashioned sometimes i remember this line wait let me do this again is old-fashioned sometimes oh [ __ ] all the ways work the best yet a boy narrow is old-fashioned sometimes oh what the [ __ ] one enemy remaining is old-fashioned sometimes old foot take four take four guys take four i can't see this you're like a director you know is old-fashioned sometimes old ways work the best there we go this is what happens i got too many languages in my head to like just get them all they all mix up i gotta be like [ __ ] get this away i can relate to this oh yeah so you you speak danish i guess and what else no norwegian norwegian oh man sorry why why why do i keep saying you're denmark sorry dude oh my god i said that last time as well you should have told me get me get this guy out of here abby best of luck in your studies attackers win my babushka told me not to brag but for this i make an exception i love the bausch guy uh what was going to say so i i have i've got actually i wonder norwegian right yeah oh yeah the languages norwegian uh swedish english french italian german and latin [ __ ] off seriously yeah [ __ ] hell man all right so now we have flex ninja here as well he said he's shalom i'm israelite hey dude well said do you know what he said no he just said he loved sofa a lot so that's very you actually pronounced it really well man i'm so surprised i guess i'm a natural it sounds like i studied it yeah it seems like it it's almost like i studied phonetics right just almost almost a little recognition is nice now and then thank you funny this is so funny oh my god my new sub alerts are going to be so freaking good hey yeah i have an idea guys we need to use the i have money for the donation alert of course yeah should we like uh we need to like change it up because the original one is already i have money so what could we average jonas you have money [Music] yeah i was gonna say or average jonas here's some money or uh take my money yeah yeah something like that what is it so this is somebody donating money to you yeah like a donation alert everest jonas here is my money [Laughter] this is too good oh my god this is time i'm gonna be able to stay for another 15 minutes just you know okay yeah yeah yeah that's that's all good man i think we are all uh appreciating that you took your time to join us regardless it's all good it's so good just letting you know hey let's flex did you hear him say i'm the hunter wait say it again i didn't hear him was that earlier at the beginning say it i am the hunter that's so good they demand the fight what are we to disobey so wait so have you been still doing any like singing or not uh yeah so i occasionally sing on stream like i just pick up my guitar and do country roads or something like that oh okay okay oh yeah you have to do a country road spring okay yeah let me do country roads okay yeah go on oh it's so good it's almost heaven west virginia blue ridge mountain chamber river life is old here older than the trees younger than the mountains flowing like a breeze country roads take me home to the place i belong west virginia mountain mama take me home country road all my memories gather around her ladies rained into the water dark and dusty painted in the sky misty days the moon shine teared up in my eye country roads [Laughter] take me home country road and then the bonus footage comes guys are you ready for it country road take me home to the place i belong western norway mountain mama take me home country road that is beautiful damn man nice thank you my son are you gonna where are you are they gonna ever have you add voice lines if needed yeah they said that if i mean we're we've we've already been working on something right now that's supposed to come out so uh yeah i can't say much than that but something is supposed to come out so cool so i've been recording for that and i think if anything like if they've is there like is there an actual like story in this game or is it just basically online play so far they are working on a backstory and some lore but it's not like that much like it's not that available yet i'd say right right right well they were they just prepared me if and when you know some something like that might develop they're like just so you know you'll come back and do some more lines yeah yeah yeah absolutely i mean i know that like when they make these animated shorts there's usually some new voice lines needed that's like what they did with the phoenix and the jet thing so that [ __ ] shirt looked amazing man yeah yeah yeah this ball has taken men and beast alike i have found there is little difference i'm getting chilled that's good wait wait my chat i want you to say shock dart shock dart that's so good it's so good the door the door just rolls off your tongue it does man i love it the ro the rolling r's jonah's already picked up on it are so much fun to do man yeah i can't do it i can't i could never roll my words hey man you practice you practice you get there you know i don't know how to begin wait so what you guys know each other from just playing uh valerian or you guys played other games too no we just met each other on valerie yeah sick i was like googling other handsome streamers and then i found flex frosty sparks i shall show you the way of the hunter well the way he rolls the word chat it's like he's a professional come into the unknown is the next one it's it's it's you gotta set the tone guys come here into the unknown yeah come into the unknown oh i just realized we should have a separate isn't it possible to have a separate twitch prime um twitch prime done alert compared to like the regular sub sound like since twitch prime is free it's it's like so if you have amazon prime right you can basically get like a free subscription uh instead right so i was wondering if you could maybe like something like uh you have no money but i still accept your or you know what i mean something funny yeah you're broke but i will still accept your invitation yes yes sir you are broke but i still welcome you to our family that's so bad maybe it can be something with a russian kind of a russian word in there but um you are broke but spasiba for your um for what was it for um for your brain okay yeah so you are broke but spasiba for your prime yeah i'll take both of those this is freaking good i love it man this is like it's so funny because me and flex were like i guess we'll just play games and talk to they're like no let's just listen to him and just not do anything and it's freaking content yeah yeah yeah i did i that's like i never really imagined that this could be a thing to me as well i mean i hope you're enjoying this as much as we are oh man i'm loving it i'm really enjoying it a lot man this has been [ __ ] dope so far i i do want to i wish i could play like the actual game and play with you guys but you should get a computer and some ass kick your ass okay maybe let's see how how and where did you apply for being soba's voice actor oh man now you've got agents for stuff like that it's something that um that they they find your voice or know you as an actor they approach your agent they like come and do an audition which is what i did i came for two days i did two uh i did one first audition was two hours of recording just getting all the lines and seeing how i work off the director and then the second time was a four hour recording and then they send that all to riot games and they have their own team of like writers and concept guys and whatever and they just they just sit down and listen to the voices and try to understand you know who fits the best then i had another audition now it was just me or another guy who was between the two of them of us and i knew the other guy too so oh it was going to be tough yeah i could wreck him bro well sorry dude yeah no no offense but it ended up being me so i'm super happy at that man but hey you're welcome to tune in anytime and you know what can you just write in chat because i'm going to give you a vip so that everybody can see that it's the real you because that's like a rare badge that only people that have watched the stream like 300 hours or something gets or if they've donated [ __ ] tons of money but like since you're a special guy and you're helping us enjoy all this content i would love to give you the vip so everybody can see that you are you and i would love if you tune in once in a while if you want to because we stream every day i'd be happy to man i'd be happy to and if you ever get a computer then you know you can just freaking i'm there man i'm there okay i kind of want like one omen line and so is voice god what's the line i am the beginning i am the end i am the beginning i am the end that gave me chills dude i can't wait to play with the uh the um voice actor so i can get lines from my stream that'd be cool yeah i mean we all know that the only the only omen voice line you need is true is that the one line that is just like he's known for no but that's like that's like the funny thing about these these things like i had to when i was recording just recently you know not all everything is like obviously lines so you have to like do some movements or running or getting shot or whatever yeah just through your voice you know and it's the most ridiculous it's the most ridiculous thing but hilarious i couldn't stop laughing it was just like one of the things they they asked me to do was like hide behind a couple of crates and then my leg is shot so i you know i can't barely move i look around and then as i look around i'm being shot i need to get back and then after that i need to jump and pull my arrow bow and air and shoot somebody and all that all that i can now do it with your voice it's like um there's something ridiculous like that [Music] that's awesome and it yeah it's just it's grunting becomes an art which is ridiculous i'm a professional grunt yeah he's a professional grunter chad yeah exactly and then you jump or something like that you know i mean i'm so glad we're watching the video if you're doing it so like people don't think they were actually watching something else but oh wait dude i'm not showing you oh my god yeah exactly oh yeah flex is just it's coming across it's like welcome to the pornhub podcast exactly yeah you can differentiate the guys who have something else in their mind oh my god all right guys well i i gotta go i'm gonna leave you guys love and leave you uh it was an absolute honor and pleasure well um appreciate you coming man and uh this was dope man this is dope jonas keep kicking ass bossies thank you once i get that pc i'll i'll come and hell yeah come and help out you know where to find us man you know where to find us all right peace out have a great great like stream thank you man have a good one thank you aaron and now he needs to find out just uh ignore me it's like elevator music oh elevator music give me a second well if you want that what's up god oh god dude this is not elevator music i'm gonna stay and listen to this i'm not kidding i'm gonna stay this backfired okay what about what's the elevator music then uh no i don't know no all right okay i found enough see you later dude
Channel: AverageJonas
Views: 720,123
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: average jonas, valorant, sova main, sova plays, sova outplays, flexinja, flights, insane sova plays, updated sova, shock dart, recon dart, recon bolt, shock bolt, sova ultimate, agressive sova outplays, sova to radiant, immortal sova, sova in ranked, ranked valorant, valorant scrims, sova tips and tricks, best sova play, sick sova clips, agressive raze, agressive omen, red valorant, hiko, voice acting, sova voice actor, sova voicelines, sova voice, valorant voice acting
Id: 6CIFCs8kcds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 9sec (2109 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 25 2020
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