Talking to 2 Millionaires & Buying a Tesla Model X... Secure The Swag (Episode 6)
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: The Swag Academy
Views: 95,032
Rating: 4.9300785 out of 5
Keywords: forex, stock market, forex Swaggy c, the swag academy, forex the swag academy, forex market swaggy, forex market the swag academy, secure the swag episode 6, the swag academy gold, the swag academy forex, secure the swag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 16sec (1876 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 28 2020
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
For those who don’t want to watch, here’s the transcript of him slipping up:
Edit: This video was filmed over the last week. It features footage of him buying a tesla and talking about it, which he did a week ago according to his instagram. Bayleigh is ONLY featured in footage of when he buys the Tesla a week ago.
Edit: He has edited out the part I have bolded above.
How do I get away from this guy?
I'll take your word. I'm not watching this crap.
When I was younger, we use to call people like this douchebags. It’s weird getting old.
The bullshit artist himself.
Swaggy should have put this much effort and finesse into the game, maybe he'd have been a better player than he is at swindling Swaleigh fans out of their allowance or even grown idiots out of their paychecks.
People please stop posting this clowns B.S. It's reminds me of getting an email from Ghana saying I have been given 10 million dollars all I need to do is send them $100 so they can send it to me.
Damn. She was really bad to her alliance which was painful to watch and I don’t know if I want to watch her again.