Talking to 2 Millionaires & Buying a Tesla Model X... Secure The Swag (Episode 6)

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For those who don’t want to watch, here’s the transcript of him slipping up:

So I can dedicate my time to trading, and making my wife happy. Obviously, she’s on the show now, so she’s not there, but the goal is to whenever she wants to at the drop of a dime...

Edit: This video was filmed over the last week. It features footage of him buying a tesla and talking about it, which he did a week ago according to his instagram. Bayleigh is ONLY featured in footage of when he buys the Tesla a week ago.

Edit: He has edited out the part I have bolded above.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 29 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/GerrysPoopSalad πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 29 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

How do I get away from this guy?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 48 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ObeliskOG πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 29 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'll take your word. I'm not watching this crap.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 52 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/vino23 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 29 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

When I was younger, we use to call people like this douchebags. It’s weird getting old.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FriendOfDrBob πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 29 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

The bullshit artist himself.

Swaggy should have put this much effort and finesse into the game, maybe he'd have been a better player than he is at swindling Swaleigh fans out of their allowance or even grown idiots out of their paychecks.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/thebragade πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 29 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

People please stop posting this clowns B.S. It's reminds me of getting an email from Ghana saying I have been given 10 million dollars all I need to do is send them $100 so they can send it to me.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/hootie235 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 29 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Damn. She was really bad to her alliance which was painful to watch and I don’t know if I want to watch her again.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/magikarpgrind πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 29 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
my name is swaggy c five years ago i was super broke in college and came across day trading i stopped playing college basketball dropped out of school my senior year and spent the next few years learning forex stock indices and cryptocurrencies i became a babysitter in greenwich connecticut to pay my bills while trying to become a consistent trader in 2018 i got on a cbs show called big brother and met my wife bailey after returning to her hometown of missouri we rented a penske truck and drove 33 hours and moved to los angeles while living in l.a i went on another tv show called mtv's the challenge and lived in prague czech republic for a few months while in prague i knew that i wanted to focus on building my business and becoming the greatest trader in the world upon returning back to the states after coming home i put my all into day trading and created two businesses now after five years of studying the market i'm set to hit 1.7 million dollars this year with none of that money related to tv [Music] guys episode 6 is starting and it feels you know normal to start it off like this today is the day that i purchase a tesla um i actually purchased it a few days ago so it's looking kind of crazy right now um about to buy this tesla model x fully in cash just like i told you guys i would episode one um pardon the dryer to the left of me but 104 them things do i delivery i'm trying to click submit but it's refreshing for so long let me refresh the page in general there we go here we go and this is on my iphone so excuse the quality this is not awesome quality material so here we go all right please pay off your remaining balance product delivery cool we have insurance now we scroll down boom please submit a secure payment for your tested directly from your checking our savings account we do not accept credit card payments it's time boom pay uh okay get started uh back america and put my id in y'all i'll holla at y'all um in cash and obviously when they say in cash it just means debit card but in cash a few days ago and today is the day i'm supposed to pick it up y'all remember how i started the very first episode where i said the goal by episode six or seven is to buy a car outright austin do the flashback my plan is by episode six or seven i'm gonna go to a dealership or two and buy two cars outright one for me and one for my wife bailey and now back to me y'all see like it's not so much predicting the future it's more so uh making a plan and just executing on it and um [Music] it's time to pick this baby up let's get the chop in his face like this hold on we are about to take the mask off pick up the tesla i just bought uh bailey and i decided to buy tesla last week and it's here so it's real exciting this is secure the swag content right yeah so to get this flag could be a little bit longer what other content would it be instagram oh maybe multifaceted multi over here baby um yeah so it's all black tesla black rims model x black everything 20 20 black everything a six-seater just like we're in now and um i'm excited to go see it with my why you feel bad i'm excited that i can be here um i'm nervous to see it but it's already bought so it's ours we're keeping it i can't wait till she gets hers yeah mine is gonna be sick though y'all it's gonna be it's gonna be the s with the red with the black rims it's gonna be sleek it's gonna be sporty it's gonna be everything y'all know that i am okay you love it i love it do you love it yeah it's so cute so cute yeah you gotta be getting me in it look at the vegan unit wow this is nice that smells good and it's all yours oh my gosh let me take off my master smell it you're good oh wow there's two keys one for me one for you literally new car smell this is amazing oh that six eater is nice is it oh let me get this open can you open that open because let me pull up a little bit let me see oh we got it there hold on all right awesome i didn't just pull up oh you already did it okay cool this is fire this is let me get up here [Music] yo this car is is gorgeous man um i don't know man this is the car i've always wanted um i tested driven a lot of cars a lot of exotic cars and this was the one where i walked and felt like yo this is it you know how they say when you know it's right you know it's right like i always think that quote is cliche but when i met bailey for the first time that's when i felt like yo this is my wife i love her you know what i mean because i knew and same with the tesla so it is my car now of course there's people in the comments i posted this and somebody on facebook was like good car but next time uh put no money down and you know do three percent finance or this and that and then you can do your credit score like give me this whole plan i'm just like bro just comment great pick just say great picture and move on like of course i already thought about that i wanted to purchase the car in cash debit but in cash so i did that so i'm happy with uh my car and here's a toast i don't have a drink all right here here's a toast to uh my new car this video is not sponsored by body armor but it should be [Music] so guys as you know eric thomas is my mentor um and his whole team you know is obviously helping you know create and expand my brand um you know helping me awesome with a lot of things the academy with uh the ideas we have with like you know i can't even explain it we have like it's not even just the academy we have so many different ideas and business ventures that we want to do and like one by one by one month by month year by year and they're part of the team their family for life and long story short he actually invited me to the conference so if you know eric thomas he does like in-person conferences all the time in front of a lot of people obviously with the pandemic going on he has to resort to you know a virtual conference and it's called rebuild for this one so he invited me for 45 minutes to come on and talk to a live audience about financial literacy give them some words of wisdom tell them my story and just speak life into them and um i'm actually not nervous i'm ready to roll like the camera's come on i'm ready to rock so uh it's another day in in the life of me so let's rock yeah yeah that's good man that's so good so what is it that what is it that we need to learn to go from poverty you know to wealth like you have been trading but as you spent all these hours in this trading help us out what is it that we should be looking for or how should we be looking at something from a wealth standpoint versus a poverty standpoint yeah so the the biggest thing i would say i tell everybody all the time you have to understand how money works i don't care how broke you are how much money you are there's reality stars who will win a reality show and you get 500 grand i know them personally and the next year they're broke because they don't know how money works i think like they think all right i gotta find a grand nope it's tax you got family you're going to spend it on a big car when you you know what i mean a six-figure car when you only have about 100 grand left you know what i mean like if you don't know how money works you really like you're really out of luck don't care how much money you're making you're out of luck so for me is i literally studied money i didn't study the market just yet or anybody just yet i literally woke up every morning and then you got to get motivated you know how you said like you know you people wake up in the d listening to you like i was waking up all right cool let me get motivated if my situation isn't motivating me enough and i feel a little bit lazy i'll throw an e.t make sure i'm motivated cool boom once i get that energy let me study money and how it works let me either read some books or watch the wealthiest people like you said you was in a room with um dan gilbert and all that stuff it's like yeah warren buffet and all them it's like when you're obviously they won't be in a room but if you read a book or just watch interviews on how they're talking and articulating themselves over time like i said it really adds up you start understanding how money works you start to value the dollar more and then it doesn't matter how much money you make you can make let's say two thousand a month you will know how to basically budget that 2000 so that extra money you have can fund that business you want or that passion that you have and then over time you keep doing that for over like i said like it won't happen overnight but once you learn the language of money you take that little extra money that you have start funding what you want you are good everything goes from there and that's kind of what i would tell people where it's like focus on financial literacy what happened when did you know so let's talk because i feel like you made your two meals before you made it two minutes yeah what what happened when you was like i got it i got it what was that ah like i got it i see exactly what's going down so that the people could come you know like i said it was a little bit what was the thing like yeah got it now it's hot you can take everything from me and i can reveal it what was that thing for you i think for me this may go underrated and maybe a lot of uh people may not agree or understand it it was confidence like it was my ability to really be confident i was like yo i've studied this for two three years why am i still hesitating or still wondering how it works or if i'm even good at it i've studied this for three years i can accurately call the market out or do x y z or if somebody brings a topic up i can talk about it all day but when it goes to the actual market i'm hesitating no you're confident live die buy it be robotic you know whether you win or lose just be robotic you're executing a job you're a master at your craft act like it and once i acted like it like i said it's really it sounds like you need to understand more and read more no it's literally a switch in your brain confidence i told everybody at my high school like not to shade y'all but like y'all y'all are not gonna outwork me like from now to i may be the class clown at 14 years old 10 years from now you guys are gonna be asking for a job for me like i'm telling you i'm going to be here one day and i'm not gonna be like y'all no i would welcome you all but i just have this confidence and it may come off as arrogant but i'm really confident in my ability where it's like you ship all the money from my bank account right now give me a few months it'll be right back in there and it comes from when you put so many hours into a skill you know what i mean yo i'm not gonna lie i feel like i just came in there and did my thing that's my first time talking you know obviously i couldn't really hear the audience but i feel like my first time talking in front of an actual live crowd and i feel like i feel like i just did my thing man your phone was saying i feel like i came in did my part and left and i felt like i left an impact on people and that's the biggest thing that i possibly can do is leave an impact i feel like people just felt my word just now man that that just speaks a lot i'm not speechless but appreciate you austin for capturing that um yeah i'm speechless bro yo so i have a very very special guest today um this will be the second time i have a sit-down conversation um with a man who's won the last reality shows on three times he's earned over you know over 850 000 just off that show alone not even including his other businesses he's a millionaire you know what i'm saying we got another millionaire on the show his name is jordan wisely and um i'm excited to have them on uh we plan on talking to you guys about you know finances and being an entrepreneur in this climate um and also using the money that you're making from your job or reality show and flipping it into you know another business or another you know opportunity that you you know are thinking in your head and just executing on it so excited to talk to him and with that i was able to put it away and really look okay how do rich people make money that was the biggest thing and so i just started researching stocks came up and and to me the uh the logic behind okay you know everybody tells you put your money in a savings account and if you got a lot of money it can make a lot it can make money back right if you're really lucky you can get like six percent back all right six percent is over how many years two right by the way there's nothing so i looked at it and i was like well there's these companies that they're steadily gaining and i'm talking companies that have been there for a long time oil companies walmart amazon now all these companies that have been around for a minute ford even they're getting more than 10 15 a year return so if you just put a thousand dollars in that i'd get way more of a return back so that's when i started that logic clicked for me and that's when i started to really look at the stock market it's not super difficult it can be simple and it can be difficult it can be difficult but realistically the longer you are trading in the stock market currency crypto industry options whatever market you're in it's like anything you do in life the longer you're into it the easier it becomes you know what i mean as opposed to your first year in it it may seem overwhelming new language new jargon what is margin what is leverage what is you know stop loss and all that stuff but then over time it's like all right this is easy just like playing basketball second nature it's like boom boom boom boom boom so the more you you actually learn the better and it's fun that you brought up the money because it's like when i made my first you know 100 grand or 200 grand i'm thinking i'm bawling i'm rich i'm like i it's lit and then i'm like okay rent okay cool but rent i got family to take care of taxes and then after that it's like i want to do some things for myself and it's like damn i only got like 50k left yeah yeah yeah back in 60 years was gone quick real quick like i'm only at five exactly so it's like for me at a very you know early age i realized that okay if you ever come across a large lump sum of money or it's steady you always have to be on offense you can't be on defense where it's like you get a large sump of money or it's over time and you're literally just saving all of it you know what i mean you can't you have to attack attack attack you got to be you got to be like have a certain level of risk to you where it's like all right i want to start this business and do x y z because they don't know too much but you have several businesses you started you put your hand in and they're all successful right now and if you were on the defense and just holding all that money and just money like oh yeah i'm rich you're not really rich if you're this is my opinion if you like are like having a bunch of money you're saving it but you can't really it's going to be like it's there's a difference in wealth the difference in wealth and rich you know what i mean and yeah and that's what i've had to like learn for just listening you know when you get into these rooms when you start making a little money you it's weird you start getting these rooms and you can start hearing people talk and you pay attention to people and hear the problems that they have and know that you're going to get there or or figure out how to avoid those and it's always you have to have multiple things going every wealthy person out there they have more than one thing going easily even if they got famous for one thing i got rich on one thing they go into more and we're going to talk about that reality tv exactly exactly [Music] so guys i've actually made uh a decision recently um i've been so you know bogged down and kind of stressed out with creating new videos for the academy hiring people venturing out you know with my new ideas um that i haven't really made too much time for trading um you know i've amassed my fame and reputation uh as being a great trader and i am a great trader um and then when you become a great trader you have 10 other responsibilities that you want to attend to and you love attending to but it gets in the way of you know priority number one um so right now i probably and i'm gonna say this on like the camera i probably won't be trading for the next three weeks i'll still come up with trading videos and analyze the market for you guys and break it down but i probably me physically trade because everybody knows when your mind isn't there it's hard to really trade and i gotta get to a situation where everything is automated and i'm good and i can wake up and just focus strictly on trading i wake up and i'm focused on hiring people taxes my accountant um this conference and this thing and this you know situation this meeting and it's like i i have to get an assistant i gotta get somebody to organize somebody answer my email i got like so many things in roles to fill so i'm not at the head you know the head of the snake um and like taking all of it and i think once i do that i'll be able to like fully fully trade and it's like i think the best part about me is i adapt i don't stick with what is the norm or or what goes on or what is told in the beginning and similar college and you know me dropping out when i don't feel this right and doing x y and z what i mean so right now it's like i know the very very first episode i said all right guys i'm trading every single uh episode going forward and then um i'm showing you the life of velvet i'm showing you the life of bailey it's been six episodes bailey has had one confessional velvet has had one appearance you know what i mean i've traded episode three four and uh two but it's not the same as when everything is automated or before i even had all these other responsibilities me just locking in on the chart everybody get away from me let me rock out you what i'm saying i can get back to that level i just feel like it takes some time so right now i'm in the process of hiring you know a team to help me not only run the academy but also run my actual brand my actual business and help them with the new business idea i'm starting soon i'm looking for a copywriter two extra editors to help austin um an assistant virtual assistant um hr i'm looking for so many different roles probably somewhere between six and thirteen um so weird random number but anywhere between those uh that amount to just help make my life easier put some money in you guys pocket while also um yeah i think i just said it putting money in you guys pocket helping you guys while you guys help me make my life easier so i can dedicate my time to trading and uh making my wife happier but the goal is to whenever she wants at the drop of a dime hey babe come over spend time with me i should be able to do that and i'd be like babe give me five hours i gotta respond to this these comments in front of these emails uh have an hour phone call with this person um you know what i mean i shouldn't have to do that so i'm trying to fill that role i think if i completely stop trading right now so you guys don't you know look for these this episode and the other episodes follow for me specifically trading let me take like maybe three episodes off and then you know once i feel like everything is automated i'll keep you guys on the you know the whole hiring process and i was going on you guys will see me fully fully live trade i told you guys i wanted to take one trader you know and teach him how to trade every episode and i haven't done that because new things happened eric thomas came in my life and he wasn't there now he's my mentor and we're you know running a lot of things up and starting new businesses i had another business idea with my man jordan who came earlier today um i have you know an idea to to create something that no other traders ever created centered around trading with you know some traders across the world that i want to implement in 2021 there's so many ideas that i have and so many things that i want to do that came out of nowhere due to security swag so i want you guys to have a good you know time watching these shows watching my life the these security swag episodes is really to document my life document what i'm going through what i'm feeling just everything about swaggy and how like what better way to show everything about swaggy did not show you guys how not stressed but stressed out i am right now trying to figure things out and like i'm really holding back on trading the only reason i'm physically trading every single day is to show you guys boom boom boom when i've already made my money with trading let me just take my month off and you know run the business and implement these new ideas and talk to my accountant and get all my affairs in order and then go back but i feel like i'm rushing trading just to show you guys xyz and show you guys breakdowns when i can just continue to like break down whatever pairs y'all want or break down specific subjects which is easy that's second nature you guys tell me to break down fibonacci to you explain it to you do xyz you can do that in a second um but actually you know doing certain things i feel like i would have to come up with like a sub show or or sub section or something where it's like specifically on trading because this show is about my life when i do trade it'll be an episode when i don't trade it won't be an episode when i do have a meeting it'll be an episode you know what i mean it's everything around my life so um the next episode is going forward you guys will see everything's going on in my life i just wouldn't expect actual trading now maybe in this episode i did make six or seven grand off of what pair was it yeah i did make uh six thousand twenty five dollars in about two hours off gu i'm sorry an hour and 30 of gbp usd um but that was just me waking up saw the market look good you know put a five lot on it cool boom checked it an hour and thirty later it was up five six grand close it put it in my account boom like you know what i mean like it's easy but it's not that easy it comes like when it happens i don't have time to be focusing focus and focusing every single day on the market right now until i get all my fears in order and all my fears are about 50 in order right now i am creating a whole bunch of new videos for the academy with austin so i got about 120 new videos to make for the new academy let's drop in next month um and i feel like probably around august 20th august 25th that's what i'm like alright everybody get away from me let me let me rock out give me a computer close the door don't come near me zero dark dirty let me rock out for you guys so um just want to give you guys an update on just my trading mentor in general it's just there but it's like it's on pause for a second while i get everything else in order um but i definitely will still be helping you guys understand the market a lot better than you guys know now so appreciate you guys [Music] it is so so funny to the glasses off i'm serious for real like it's so funny that i said that you know i'm gonna chill out on trading until i hire all the right people until you know my academy all the new videos are done you know series one series two series three like i'm dropping so much content and i couldn't focus on trading you know what i mean like i know episode one was like all right trading challenge but then eric thomas came in my life and then you know me and my wife are doing a lot of things and then you know obviously this this pandemic is getting crazier and crazier and i need to hire more people and i'm starting new businesses not just the academy i'm starting five six more businesses over the next few years and i need people to work for me so i'm like you know what give me a month to just relax and make all these new videos for my current academy students and for new academy students who want to be on you know what i mean um that'll drop probably august 15 to august 20th so you know what let me chill out on trading let me focus on getting this content out and then once august 20th comes i'm back to full-time trading because everything's automated i got people you know hired over here over here over here over here so i don't gotta worry about too much and then i open my chart and i see gold going crazy you know i'm saying and obviously gold is my favorite pair so yesterday i was trading i didn't even trade on my my big account um my big account has like i think 55 grand in it like to actually trade i've actually placed a trade on my small account the trading account that i started for you guys um that i only traded probably three times on a small account because i've been so busy trying to automate everything and hire people and you know help certain people help my wife and help myself and stuff so this is my fourth time trading and um i'm trying to show you exactly what i got in there so i got it at 1928. look at that right here so once it got right here the market got right here and it made this huge you know confirmation marabou candlestick and then it came up here came down started to consolidate once it consolidated but came back down here and it started bouncing off of the moving averages i actually got in right here on a smaller time frame i'm gonna show you guys real quick but i actually got in right here once i sold the actual moving average balance because i said it in my my latest gold video it's like that's one of the tips and tricks that people don't know velvet top the tips and tricks that people don't know is that like price can bounce off a trend line support resistance once it bounces off of a moving average that is completely different because people would just overlook a moving average bounce they just expected to be on support and adrenaline over and over again moving averages act as a moving you know support and resistance it bounces off that it's very clear where it's going to go so i got in right here it consolidated a little bit you understand it went up went down a little bit of you know doji and then the shot up shot up and then boom we off to races i put this on my instagram yesterday you can just dive in on it obviously it's a small account so that is now twenty four thousand dollars uh in the account a fourteen thousand dollar uh profit this is the screen record from yesterday because i put it on my story i didn't austin wasn't even here like usually when i trade i'm like all right austin you're here you know stay with me but i uh just self-recorded myself um and it saved it so i can put it on secure the swag um so that account is now 24 000. velvet stop i'm trying to talk bro stop uh that account is now 24 000 um so 21 000 profit in one month listen i only traded four times i really could have ran that up in that one month but 20 000 a month it's still pretty good you know what i mean that from 3 000 that's still pretty good a lot of y'all can use 20 000 a month or 10 000 a month but like i said once i really automate this business and help automate my next business and my next venture and you know i just hired somebody to help with uh my house in general that you'll see on securities like episode 7 it's a really big change um i'm back to trading full-time like full-time right now it's kind of a part-time thing so i'm managing a business managing a reality tv career that i just quit but i still got to do some little stuff but just quit and trading so give me about a month and i'll be back to full-time trading but 21 thousand dollars and a month is pretty good that's what i'm saying pretty good um but yeah so gold long story short before i finish this video so i said i was gonna go to two flat two uh thousand per ounce and once i saw this wick get out like i i literally manually closed only because it don't it closed ten percent of the original candlesticks move this is where you gotta focus in on the candlestick it went all the way up here and then it closed right here you should know if price ever does that it's about to crash all the way down and that's what prices did it crash all the way down and went from 1986 all the way to 1904 that is about a 820 pip you know drop and what's crazy is am i capturing on instagram i wrote gold is going to get to 2000 flat create a big wick and then drop all the way down it got to 1987 so 130 pips shy and then drop all the way down now it's coming back up you know what i mean um it didn't create another week whenever you see a long wick and i'll get into more of this deeper in my actual new academy now i want you to see like a long long long specific wick i understand something goes the other way like they didn't just create that long wick for no reason so another long whip a little bit of a doji confirmation candle shooting up a hammer and then obviously off to the races i still didn't go to hit 2000 flat um before you know kind of really resetting itself and balancing itself out but as long as there's no confidence in the us dollar in the u.s economy gold is going to keep going up because it's negative correlated with the dxy regardless so um i still meant what i said where it's like i'm not gonna really really really trade until i get these new videos done for all of my uh members and my academy um but i just made 15 grand in like 24 hours so i had to show you guys that and if it happens again or 10 grand if i lose money i'll show you guys as well but that was probably my fourth trade because i've been doing so much so love you guys i holla at you guys um and uh i don't know be disciplined and and keep getting better at trading and i'll hold you guys the next episode [Music] so preview to episode 7 me and my wife make a very huge decision i'm not even exaggerating like it's a very very very huge decision um we add a new member to the swag team you probably i'm saying it's like somebody we actually needed and me and austin finished all of the videos for the brand new academy swag academy 2.0 all the videos are done it's a lot of videos a lot of content a lot of details so see behind the scenes and all the b-roll stuff and all the topics we're talking about and just stay tuned for a lot of content we have a lot more little micro content that i'm going to say here but episode 7 is going to be a good one so stay tuned
Channel: The Swag Academy
Views: 95,032
Rating: 4.9300785 out of 5
Keywords: forex, stock market, forex Swaggy c, the swag academy, forex the swag academy, forex market swaggy, forex market the swag academy, secure the swag episode 6, the swag academy gold, the swag academy forex, secure the swag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 16sec (1876 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 28 2020
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