The Importance of Market Structure | (Part 1)

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gang life without without without being a building match by disease here I appreciate you guys for following a channel and helping it grow to exactly where it is today I was at maybe 1000 subscribers because I wasn't paying too much attention to my YouTube as I have a big platform on Instagram Twitter and Facebook but I never paid attention to YouTube I'm like you know what let me be consistent on YouTube and like teach them what I know at least and then after a month of consistency now I'm at 11k subscribers so I really really really appreciate you guys for following along as long as you guys follow along I will drop beetles like these every single day if not every day every other day I try to be consistent if you have not already go down and subscribe below so you can be notified a stack turn that bell on so you get notified when I drop a video like this also if you want to learn directly from me and skip the whole YouTube learning process because you 2004 at acai drop random videos it's not you know a-to-z and beginning to end like my actual you know on academy is go to WWE and had me calm and you will learn everything I have a mentorship group offer text messaging FaceTime zoom calls social timeline daily market breakdowns weekly stuff all that good stuff but this video is about market structure and how important and vital it is I saw a lot of things on you know GU I actually made I want to say three grand or 3128 something like that on GU this week and I'm gonna kind of show you guys exactly my thought process on the exact crave but actually how to get out as well take profit as well because as important it is to enter the trade it's just as important to exit the trade as well because you want to make sure you get the most you know money for the time you put in you don't want to get out too early and then try to get in again but at a worse entry to have a bigger stop-loss or enemy you want to make sure you get at the right time how do you figure out the right time market structure so I'm gonna open up my start and show you guys everything right now again the forest like this video like I do in every video this is my actual Academy this is a timeline where everybody can write their analysis however they feel up those screenshots and trading you talk about their experience what they're learning in the course but they're struggling with to get help obviously and they're actually trades on a demo account or a lot of account deleted messages so you can privately message other members or me or the other instructors as well you can go down friend request your notification see all the other members see everybody else in your analysis click members everybody has their own profile as well so you have like you know your own bio people know where you are who can link up with you all that other stuff so on and so forth let me break down market structure so market structure G you if you haven't watched any of my videos yet on why I have my key levels where I have them go back and watch my support and resistance video and I think my price action video one of the other should be both but I have it up 125 right here this is the paramedic to rebrand on last week and I see a lot of questions people saying you know who did you learn from who is a mentor everybody knows strongly was one mentor strongly taught me everything I learned about the market he's the greatest trader in the world to me so he taught me everything I know um but here is gu and here is market structure so price you know comes up above this resistance right everybody knows when price breaks above resistance or below support it will come down and retest it when price goes up and comes down to retest it it's either gonna retest and go back up or the retest is not gonna be strong enough it's gonna break back down that's what happened here as you see on the four-hour the moving average is crossed back down it tried to come back up and push back up but it didn't have enough of momentum from the buyers and obviously it created a lower high moving average cross back down and then it started bouncing on this 1.25 level again I have it at you know just even wrong number because the things like the trade at this number it's a lot easier for them now us knowing that it helps us become a better trader because we know where to put our support and resistance at at the poster you know scrolling up and have no support musicians at random levels that really don't make sense at all that don't align you know with our trading and the slightest bit it makes no sense to have a bunch of you know levels everywhere and anywhere when you can just have a clean chart and it makes you know chart watching and analyzing and actually trading a lot more clear and simple so structure structure is basically clients actions basically looking at the candle studies looking at price for what it's worth technical analysis at its simplest form nothing else so price breaks down below not read says what does that tell you there are a lot of sellers in here so what if I start doing consolidating understand what consolidation is consolidation means prices going up down up down it's not moving nowhere it's about to have a big move whenever you see consolidation doesn't matter how long it is understand whenever price breaks out of consolidation it is about to start trending it is about to move in whatever direction it breaks out in in a high fashion now there are such things as fake outs where price may break below robots and you may enter an assailant you know come back in the box you have to wait for again like I said earlier this video upload below a retest and then a continuation down or vice versa so if it breaks above you can't just see it breaking a box down and then immediately enter you got a pay attention structure so for me when I saw price you know constantly rejected as 1.25 over one two three four five six seven eight nine ten bounces on that 1.25 levels these are for our bounces but that means each candidate is four hours so I had a box around here from here to here right I think I had all the way down here believe so I had this whole box ass consolidation because we want to draw a box to see you know price went up down up down just to see when it does break where it's gonna break to see where it's really gonna go why would anybody try to buy when the market is looking like this just why look at it it's hitting 1.25 several times it's not even going above it anymore the moving averages are down so sometimes you can pay attention to purely structure and you see that price is going to head down it's just a matter of time before it heads down or price is gonna head up it's just a matter of time so right here it's just a matter of time before price breaks down there's so many chemists except telling you priced is not going up and then on top of that you start seeing canons lino up here up here right here candles start getting littler and littler and smaller and smaller and then you have a push up from you know a couple of buyers and guess what happens it cannot break this moving average and it starts to get lower and lower that will tell you flat out right then and there you should be looking to enter soon if you want to find an entry you can look at my sniper entry video like I said I'm not gonna focus on entries at this video I have to snipe or entry videos that tells you exactly where to get in this is more so of getting out you know video and process market structure as a whole so market structure I can tell that this like why would I try to buy or look for okay if it breaks the box up then I'm going to get in for a bite no like this is telling you clear as day this is gonna go down just a matter when it breaks you know that support level which is this box so price can't break this moving average each type price goes above way above way above right here cannot break above cannot break above understanding differently with a wick and a body if the body does not close above a support or resistance and is not classified as a break so you may have a resistance and the wick may go above it if it still closes below that resistance or support held firm do not classify that as a break so this right here these you know I mean it closed above this the body does not close about the moving average this doji does not close above what does that mean look for yourself like I said I'm not gonna do a sniper entry video here you could have easily got in here stop-loss right above here or you could have gotten you know the midst of this you know fail of a close above stop blocks right there take profit all the way at the next level now where is the next level several ways to find the next level I understand I have it at 125 I don't have them audience I know about the top of my head but if I want to have it on there I have that 120 I'd probably clone this it's a really good video guys I hope you guys are really paying attention to it you know Rwanda study it analyze it and then I have a mid-level at one point 20 to 5 because the mid-level obviously price sometimes won't go to a major level to a major level it'll stop and hesitate at a mid-level sometimes so like I said I think I did it in my complete breakdown of a pair I made a few days ago exactly you know how exhort on I would have a Ray at one point twenty two point five flat and why here because it is the middle of this so I take my 1.25 level my 120 level and I find out a midpoint in it which is one point twenty to five I do that for all of my pairs you can see unified dragged us all the way over you can see price stop just as here as well like this is one point twenty six four four three let me actually perfect 5-0 flat you can see price did not break up up did not break them up did not break them up finally broke above came down where does it come down to when it retest this level where does it come down to when it would test this level goes a little bit below but still this level and it comes back so when drags all the back over here knowing that we know we have a mid-level so this would be arts a profit we entered here but why else would be our take profit like I said I see two other reasons as well like a bar replayed this the nemertean market Barbie play okay cool I can bar we play this from here this would already be like I said I trade in levels if you don't know how I trade I trade in levels so when price breaks you know this is absolute resistance right now but when it was support break below I'd say it to one point twenty two five if it breaks below there my next take profit is 120 flat I don't trade little mini levels I'm not a scalper I trade them levels hold my trades I'm more of an intraday swing trader but intraday and swing you're kind of like one of the same sometimes I get out after 10 hours 4 hours 5 hours sometimes I hold it for a few days it depends on the trade um I like to trade play out to exhaustion is awesome zones well maybe I gotta make a video about that as well umm but two things one Fibonacci so I see a Fibonacci a little B so a B C goes to this 50 levels starts going lower and lower and look at D twenty seven and sixty one point eight the sixty one point eight wins distance lines up perfectly without 1.22 500 level that is another confluence why that should be our take profit obviously if you scale in and have more than one trade the twenty seven sentence to always be your first take profit so if you have two different trades have taken one of them out or I don't know I just have been happen I hate Adobe but partially take it out if you just have one trade maybe take parcel a profit and then let the other half one and sixty one point eight but this is our major take profits the third reason is you got to understand that price moves and levels so it's all historical technical analysis does the same thing over and over again so I'm going to take this box and clone it and you can bring it right below you and obviously right above you but like depending on if it breaks above right below you and the same move it did in this box the same range will be the similar of the of the next leg it presents and does for itself so it ranged in this guess what the next breakout down or above it'll do the exact same thing it won't consolidate but it'll go at least that level at a minimum so obviously if I click play you've already seen where it was it lines up all of it x3 confluences Fibonacci's right here our mid-level between 125 120 s here and even obviously you cloned the rain jewels in and bring it below or above and obviously it goes you know right there and then where does it go it stops right here at the end of the box to end of the six one point eight and twenty two point five level and what does it do it retraces it's done why does it retrace immediately you got to understand the market is a combination of players people trading a lot of people are profitable traders there's obviously more losers than winners but people are profitable traders the reason price goes down it goes up in the first place is because everybody or the majority of people are pushing it in that direction people may have these same key levels once they see it go to 122 you know 500 if they're that same key level or the Fibonacci or they clean the box either of them they all took profit when you take the market out you know I mean or your or your trade out and close your trade what happens there's not enough sellers to keep pushing it down so what is the mark to do it retraces so now it's time to consolidate because me and everybody else took our money at this level obviously when you push it down push it down it goes here watch the consolidate all of a sudden all the money is being taken out and now it's like a you know y-you see a bunch of doji's and innocent and decisive candles because there's an equal amount of buyers entos in the market right now maybe a little bit more sellers you know because obviously is still pushing down a little bit up like a comic saying but at the end of the day is still the same in regards to you know pushing down so pay attention to structure at the end of the day and then walk huh good so patrons are trucks at the end of the day but that it was my GU trade but going back to GA back to my my actual you know paradox breaking down and the part 1 and part 2 section that I made a few days ago look at this so 205 to flat 1.95 same levels that I had with gu in general like I said I trade in levels haven't met my mid-level and then I have a little daily for our level dad I delete when price moves away from Sam over here they just help me you know if I can actually go back a little bit they just help me you know patients know price more frequently and clearer but I can delete it obviously and then you can see Claire's they look at this so in my part two video if I press you know backwards obviously you remember I drew that box that is structure as well so don't get so caught up in weekly levels and this and that like I said keep them there but there's a reason why I had that little black you know line here or little black line here as well because sometimes you need a little for our levels or daily levels or to our levels so remember on that part two video that I did complete breakdown of up here and even part one I had my you know other level right here and this is how important structure is because Christ right here didn't break above didn't break above doji stop came right here when it broke above retest it came right here to stop stop so I had it here like I said you can see it in my part to break down prices right there and then it broke and came immediately right here so now we wait that was our take profit price may come up and retest this level but eventually a price breaks this level where's next levels gonna go to I have my one nine zero level which is right here as well you know I mean I have my one nine zero level clear as day I don't know just make it clearer I guess one nine zeros I don't like doing them but oh well cool I had that level here I can clone this and bring it down structure is very important historical price patterns also have mine nah collects it price is way down here now so I don't really need this anymore constantly moving around so now I can only focus on you know these three levels you from Salem accent brings back let me go and now I have it here now my next level is one point nine to five obviously that's still our mid level but I'm more so focused on where prices act so price came right here came right here came right here finally broke about to the next level same right here when it came down to retest where does it do stop right there so I'm gonna draw from the wick to the body all the way over here and you can see if I bring it over same applies to right here as well so I'm not gonna explain why I did that in my complete breakdown of a pair part 1 and part 2 and I did that in my was a sniper entry video I believe in price actually I did it several times but that is my next big profit it is only about 150 pips but like I said I trade them levels so I will have maybe two or three trades running out of time I still have one trade right now running from here to here I took profit from here to here already and when price breaks here I will enter like a quick introduce rate from here to here as well but my trade from here ninety five two nine zero level will still be running if I see anything that tells me structure has been broken by a higher low and a higher high and price is going up I will close out my longer-term swing trade but obviously my intraday trade will be closed as well because it actually got right here um but I'm not in that intraday trading until it clears this level and breaks below and no Rockets go down to thirty minute I don't want to get into sniper entry so I did that twice already I'll do it again but if I could see I was consolidating consolidate if I see a level that a move that lets me believe it's gonna break then I won't enter so sorry for that you know my camera going away and you know only so my charts because apparently um I ran out of storage you know I have so much storage my phone ran out so that was the end of the video so I'm just gonna keep you know my voice over on the QuickTime Player and then obviously you know my face will disappear for a little bit doesn't really matter so much um but that is the end of the video I wanna show you guys how important structure was in the market it's the most important thing over all these fancy software as fancy indicators that don't really work you know I mean like focus on price action in structure if you have any questions I answer all emails Chris at display and if you wonder like I said skip this entire process and just learn for me directly get a mentorship go to WWII TV comm you can text my personal number you can call me have a zoom session post on the social timeline get daily breakdowns on your favorite pairs all that stuff so on and so forth make sure you go down and subscribe so you can be notified when I drop videos like this like I said it stand there every day if not every day every other day and I will see you on the next video
Channel: Chris "Swaggy C" Williams
Views: 195,296
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: market structure, forex market structure, forex price action strategies, forex strategies, market structure strategies, forex the swag academy, forex swaggyctv, forex strategy, price action strategy
Id: 3zZvYTLFig4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 22sec (1042 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 26 2020
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