Talk to ANY PDF without OpenAI APIs: LangChain, it's not what you think
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Whispering AI
Views: 2,356
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: LLMs, prompt engineering, natural language processing, langchain openai, langchain in python, long chain tutorial, langchain, gpt-3, train gpt on your data, train openai, langchain tutorial, langchain ai, whispering ai, asmr, prompt engineering course, langchain chatgpt, long chain python, gpt 4, pinecone, hugging face, hugging face models, langchain prompt, langchain agent, chat pdf, document question answering, how to use langchain with pinecone and openai, chatgpt, huggingface
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 43sec (283 seconds)
Published: Mon May 15 2023
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