Tales of the Djaradin - UNDERGROUND SECRETS [Lore]

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Hello everyone! The Djarradin, although looking  a lot like the vrykul, are a new race added   to Warcraft with Dragonflight. During our  adventures we learn that they love a good   challenge and there’s no better fight to be found  for them then that with Dragons making them a big   problem for our allies since with the awaking of  the dragon isles, so too did the djaradin rise.  Behind the obsidian sanctum we find Tarjin the  Blind who’s willing to share the tales of the   mighty djaradin, masters of magma, slayers of  dragons, conquerors of this land... but not for   free. We’ll have to prove ourselves worthy  of his time each week by slaying dragons,   but don’t worry. If we don’t have the  stomach to fight our precious dragonflight,   we may seek out the proto-dragons and  bring their skulls in turn... So sit back,   relax, and listen to the tales of the  djaradin as told by Tarjin the Blind... Gossip How did you lose your eyesight? I lost my eyesight as any djaradin would  wish to... in battle with a massive dragon!  I hid on a mountaintop for three weeks without  moving, waiting for the perfect moment to strike!  Finally, I stuck, jumping on the back of a  powerful dragon named Fenistrasza flying by.  We wrestled as we plummeted  through the sky, hundreds of feet,   until we slammed into the heart of a volcano! Fenistrasza had gouged out my eyes with her talons   during the fall, but I had only begun to fight! I ripped the lava and earth swirling around us   upward, wrapping around the dragon's entire body. Sightless, but filled with fury, I forced the   dragon downward into the volcano's throat, burning  it alive as we were both enveloped in lava.  I held Fenistrasza in that volcano for  three days straight, until I emerged   with nothing but her skull. Lava still pours out of her   skull's eye sockets to this day. Do you doubt me? It rests there   on the shelf beside me. See for yourself  what happens to those who oppose a djaradin And from the naming scheme we can  figure out that Fenistrasza similar   to alexstrasza would be a female red dragon. And why should I be with the other djaradin?  Do not presume to know of our ways, outsider.  After I was blinded in battle  with Fenistrasza, I was no longer   welcome on the Qalashi dragonhunting parties. And they were right. I could not keep up with   the other dragonhunters. I was a liability. So I passed my days in camp, as a laborer.  But my strength never waned! I continued  down a different path to glory.  I mastered control of earth and fire, bending  magma and stubborn fire elementals to my will.  While slumbering deep in the  ground with the other djaradin,   my command over earth only grew stronger! When the djaradin awoke, I had no interest   in returning to manual labor in our camp. Here, I can focus on strengthening my command   over earth and fire, without distraction. Usually. Now leave me alone. I still wonder where the line is drawn between  those that fell asleep when the dragon isles were   locked away and thosethat kept on going. Like from  the centaur stories we learned that the centaur   kept operating. The dragonkin, the dragonspawn  also kept the island turning, the cities upheld   and lal that good stuff yet the djaradin  and apperantly some of the titan creatures   they went to sleep so i wodner where that  diffence lies and why exactly they awoke.   I imagine it has something to do with  their connection to the elements,   but who knows. Maybe something  well explore in the future. Gossip Tale of the Outsider Long ago, far before my time,  legends tell of an outsider ship   landing on the shores of the Dragon Isles. A warband of half-giants, led by their king,   carved their way through the land. The djaradin had not yet united   under the Qalashi banner, and several  tribes fell to the fearsome half-giants.  But, like all who face djaradin on  the battlefield, they eventually fell.  In the end, their king stood  alone in the battlefield against   armies from all of the djaradin tribes. A whirlwind of violence and stubborness,   he refused to fall. For eight days and nights,  he fought without rest and without fail.  He had earned his place among the djaradin,  and joined the Qalashi tribe as a dragonhunter!  He fought alongside the Qalashi for  years, slaying countless dragons   as he proved his worth a hundredfold. Until the day he finally fell in battle   with a powerful dragon a hundred times his size. He arrived an outsider, but he died a djaradin. Gossip Tale of the Elders Outsiders have often asked where the  djaradin learned to command earth and fire.  Ignorant fools. The djaradin command the earth  and fire, because we ARE the earth and fire!  It is said that the djaradin were the first  earth giants to walk the surface of Azeroth.  Shaping earth and mountains, they  formed this land with their fists.  According to legend, four elders of  those ancient djaradin joined their   powers together to burrow deep inside the earth. The legends do not agree what happened down there,   but they all end the same way. The elders emerged, touched by   the fires of the world to be true djaradin,  commanding full control over fire and earth!  In turn, the elders empowered all djaradin  into the mighty giants you see today! HEre we are told about 4 of them, 4 elders  that went very deep below. Unknown what   happened to them in a world infested by the  old gods. Unknown waht happened to them in a   world where the elements were just locked away  within their elemental planes. All the same,   they emerged with fire. Fire in their  veins and the djaradin were born. Curious   if we’ll ever see the full details as  to what happened ot them down below. Gossip Tale of the Warlord It is said that the ancient djaradin  tribes were disorganized. Rival   warlords battling each other for supremacy. Until one warlord, of the Qalashi tribe,   saw a more worthy path for her people. She ordered her tribe to leave the djaradin   battlefields, and focus their skills only  on hunting the powerful dragons nearby.  The other tribes preyed on the weak around  them: the tuskarr, gnolls, underdwellers.   And in time, they grew weak as well. But the Qalashi grew strong from fighting   only the most worthy foes in the Isles. In time, the warlord easily conquered   the lazy tribes, uniting their  strongest under the Qalashi banner.  Focused and forged in battle, the  newly emboldened Qalashi led a   legendary rampage against the dragons! Never before or since have the djaradin   slaughtered so many dragons in a single day. Some djaradin have forgotten the warlord's   timeless truth: What you fight, you become. This is why true Qalashi seek out strong   opponents. And why weaklings such  as you are not worth fighting. Were familiar wit hthe tuskar ofcourse and  we’re familiar with the gnolls. Underdwellers   seemingly new name, there has been a rather  interestingt vcreature datamined and we could   look at some of the books that were dropped  in the ulkdaman revamped dungeon. Apperantly   there has been some sort of earthen evolutin tat  we havent come across but it is similar to the   earthen evolution that we’ve seen before.  Interesting. Again with the elders going   underneath the earth and now underdwellers  aswell...some hints are being dropped here. Gossip Tale of the Slumbering Are you sure you wish to hear this  tale? It may make you rethink your   friendship with the dragons... It is said that the four djaradin   elders' mastery over earth and fire caught  the dragons off-guard in those first battles.  Dragon after dragon fell, until Neltharion  emerged from the Obsidian Citadel with   his armies to halt their advance. The elders were hopelessly outnumbered,   but the dragons were hopelessly outmatched. As the elders battled all challengers with honor,   the so-called "Earth-Warder"  revealed his cowardice.  Through honorless guile and  trickery, the elders fell that day.  But not before they had secured permanent  footholds for the djaradin in the surface of   these lands. Footholds we still hold to this day! Some say that the elders did not die that day,   but retreated deep into the earth, where  they slumber and recover their strength.  I do not know if I believe that, but I hope it's  true. You and your dragon friends would be doomed. Neltharions trickery and guile, do they  mean the creation of the dracthyr? do   they mean his allegiance to the old gods?  Is defeating razageth not the first time   he embraced the powers of the ovid? What  exactly did neltharion do to secure victory   against the djaradin? In turen the elders,  these epic giants, those that found their   fire connection deep beneath the earth.  Rumor has it that they’re still alive.   Say that we do go underground, would  make for one heck of an encounter. Gossip The Magma Pact Even the legendary Qalashi warlord  who united the tribes never matched   the raw power of the four elders. As the years passed, again and again   the warlord lost ground to the dragons. Our people pushed farther back into their   mountain footholds, practically underground! It is said that after her defeat at Scalebreaker   Keep, she withdrew deep into the earth to  ask the elders to lend her their strength.  But upon her journey, a massive being  of elemental magic approached her. An   Incarnate of the earth itself. This Incarnate, Iridikron,   asked the warlord what she would be willing  to do to end the reign of the Aspects.  The warlord answered as any djaradin  would: We would do anything.  Iridikron offered not power,   but allies. An alliance of the Primalists  and djaradin against the dragonflights.  The warlord agreed. Some djaradin  objected, but most saw the truth.  In this would, only the strong  survive. And the djaradin must survive.  And I say, if there are to be dragons flying  overhead, let it be the ones infused with the   same earth and fire that burns within us. Then, after the dragonflights are no more,   these 'allies' will merely be the  last foes left for us to hunt. An allegiance that we could also see in  the vaulkt of the incarnates where the   djaradin showed up to fight with the primalists,   yet at the same time they do make mention  like dont trust these dragon worshippers... Ingame dialogue... Iridicron has been sset free from its  prison now at the defeat of razageth   herself. ALex and the others are quite  worried about the hunger of irikron,   khadgar also asks why does  iridikron vex you so much? Ingame dialogue.... This could be most definatly be one of  those deals, get the djaradin on their   side increase their army and forces.  WIth iridikron on the warpath now,   somewhere deep beneath the earth. One can  only wonder what kind of allies and what   kind of armies tnheyre going to unleash  and what the story is going to bring. ANd then the final one... Gossip Tale of the Weakling Now this is my favorite  tale that the djaradin tell.  Long ago, there was a weak  <player character's race> who   believed themselves equal  with a powerful djaradin.  The weakling asked many questions and  didn't always listen to the answers.  The powerful djaradin commanded the  elements of the earth to consume the   weakling and bury them deep in the ground. The weakling begged for their life, promising   to tell the many stories of the great and powerful  djaradin they had heard to all who would listen.  The powerful djaradin spared the  weakling's life, and the weakling   spent the rest of their days telling everyone  of the mighty djaradin of the Dragons Isles!  And I can assure you that  this one is a very true story. So go out there weaklings and share the tales  of the djaradin. Its interesting to seee that   theyre dropping some hints on what the future  story is going to bring. Some fair few signs   pointing towards down below the earth. IRidikron  hiding themselves down there, here we have the   djaradin and the elder s down below. Also had  a couple of people tweet me hatches they found   across the dragon isles wondering what that is  all about. Also some weird runestones found across   the isles... For now youre up to speed on  the tales shared about the djaradin. Again,   similar to how they did all sides of the stories,  i like that theyve done more details. I like   how this is a way of unlocking more hsitory  behind the dragon isles. It isnt hiding away   the majorstoryline and yet for those itnerested it  adds more flavor. It adds more insight. WOnderful   way that this was done.Right everyone, thank  you very much for watching. Subscribe if you   like my videos, leave a like if you enjoyed  this one aaand until next time...see ya!
Channel: Nobbel87
Views: 28,378
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nobbel, Nobbel87, Warcraft, Dragonflight, Lore, Quest, Renown, Dragonscale, Expedition, Titans, Hall, Record, Tyr, Aspects, Proto, Old GOds, Incarnates, Galakrond, Dawn of the Aspects, N'zoth, Whispers, Elders, Elemental Lords, Elements, Deathwing, Underground
Id: ubtFCWUedJI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 55sec (775 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 20 2023
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