Tales From Tech Support - "You knew the ENTIRE time?!?"

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hey everyone welcome to r tales from tech support where we get to have a little chuckle at the technologically disadvantaged like me i'm uncle reddit and have i got a story for you so before we get into the video i just want to apologize because you're probably going to hear some background noise in this video unfortunately the attic's getting way too hot to be recording in and the usual springtime noises are starting to appear outside here and you know parking dogs kids screaming cars that have never gone down this road before just it looks like a parade out back so i apologize ahead of time hopefully i can find a quiet spot to start recording in soon we don't have a purple router in our store i'm sure of it years back when i worked graveyard i got a call from a location whose credit card stopped processing it's a secure system so it has its own router within the client network which has all the credit card systems connected to it that router was known to lock up occasionally and a reboot fixes it most of the time it's a purple phased router i asked the girl on the phone to find the purple router and reboot it her we don't have a purple router me well the system actually needs that router to function you couldn't process cards without it it's a black box with a purple face on the front name says xyz proceeds to look for 30 seconds then argues that they don't have one and she doesn't want to move equipment to follow cables it's unmounted shelf equipment me alright well we'll need to schedule a tech which will take a few days or if you can have a manager or someone who can follow the cabling to find the router her size okay thank you and we disconnect couple hours later manager from the location calls happens to root to me is we're pretty dead pun intended and she's yelling about the previous rep telling her employee about a purple router they don't have me well ma'am that was me and unfortunately you have to have a purple router there with xyz name on the front otherwise your card system couldn't possibly work i can guide you to finding it by following a certain cable manager i'm telling you we don't have this purple router fix my card system me ma'am i would love to help get you back online could we just try following some cables manager oh fine whatever you're just wasting time i had to drive two hours to come here for this crap i proceeded to tell her which cable to follow from which piece of equipment i hear her moving stuff out of the way to keep following the cable more moving a couple minutes later manager her voice completely quiet now okay i've come to this box me okay does it have a purple face on the front that says xyz on it manager yes it does me laughing like a hyena internally okay perfect so let's go ahead and unplug the power cord from the back of the purple router and wait 30 seconds 30 seconds later me okay let's plug the power back into the purple router plug back in lights start coming up sync to the network complete ask the manager to try a card card goes through just fine me great so we were able to get you back online after rebooting the xyz purple router for future reference you can try rebooting the purple router if it happens again it could possibly save you a lot of time otherwise i would have had to send a technician out to reboot the purple router in your store which would have cost you a fee in a few days manager very quietly okay thanks bye click all that anger and frustration gone after six minutes of following instructions op i can only hope that you repeated the word purple router as many times as possible even more than you said in this story to that manager just cementing the point that there was in fact a purple router in her store i already did that received a call from a site today complaining about multiple pieces of equipment offline taking a look at the site i know all those devices are connected to the same switch i asked the caller to do a reboot so just a simple turn off and back on she gets livid and swears up and down she already tried that and tells me to actually solve the problem i assure her that power cycling it is helping in solving the problem she again reassures me that she already did this step a couple times and it doesn't need to be done after convincing her to go do it she comes back to the phone and says i don't see a power switch or button how do i turn it off she needed directions to power cycle this device that she supposedly already did a couple times ah liars are always gonna lie i can't tell if it's just a simple lack of wanting to follow directions or if they just don't want to be bothered with the actual task or the work i don't know you knew this the entire time so for context i work at a medium-sized msp we primarily provide network hardware servers limited software support if someone has a problem with outlook no problem your super specific real estate appraisal software don't know a damn thing about it let me call them they actually pay these guys for software support just because it's more efficient for me to call them and get a solution in 20 minutes supposedly then spent three hours reinventing the wheel my boss also prefers i don't mess with their software for liability reasons if something breaks he doesn't want us to get blamed we've had this ongoing issue where their program runs like dog crap i'm talking errors crashing freezing on every system at least every 15 minutes or so it varies a little but has been getting progressively worse as the size of the database increases so i've been working with the vendor trying to get this fixed they've resurrected the database reinstall programs blamed our network spoiler it's not our network queue yesterday i finally get frustrated enough to go digging verified firewall rules dug through event logs all that fun stuff well you know what i discovered they installed sql express 208r and never updated it i called up the vendor and the conversation was thus me hi so i'm sure you can see this has been an ongoing issue for a while now with no resolution i did a little investigation myself and it seems a lot of the errors we're getting are in relation to sql microsoft has documentation on it but the update package is no longer available through their catalogs you know because the software is over a decade old vendor oh yeah that may cause the problem here's a non-searchable article on our website about upgrading to 2017 me okay wait a minute you're telling me you guys have spent i checked the ticket about 16 hours working on this problem and knew the entire time vendor well 2008 is what gets installed with our program and updating to 2017 is out of the scope of our support at this point i could hear the toilet quietly running as our client flushed their money down the toilet to pay these buffoons me just so we're being extremely clear you knew outdated software was the issue you knew that it got installed with your application in the first place you and at least half a dozen other support staff i don't dare call them texts never even thought to mention this vendor that's just what gets installed with our software me alright cool thanks for your time i wrote up an email with what i found sent it off to my boss and the client waited patiently several minutes later the client calls me the littlest bit heated client so they knew the entire effing time it's been almost two months me that is correct client and they literally have an article on their website about it and they never sent it to us me yep client i'll call you back in a few several minutes later i receive an email from the client with my boss and everyone in kingdom come cc'd spoke with total they said they would be happy to update their database i would prefer that you all did that if possible reply yup no problem i love contracts that would be like me building somebody in addition and using outdated hardware screws nails hurricane straps you name it well yeah they stopped using these 20 years ago but i had them so that's just what gets installed unbelievable help desk doesn't mean we help with everything i'm a new ish employee on the is help desk in a healthcare company we're a super small team of just six people how we handle calls goes like this we have one person on the phone doing inbound tier one if it goes over a couple of minutes troubleshooting she creates a ticket and one of us in tier two will call them back i was covering tier one as part of my training about an hour ago when i get a call asking for the phone number to hr pretty simple not really our purview but ours is the number plastered on every computer's desktop so understandable i provide the number she hangs up problem solved only the next call i get is the same user she called the number i gave and it went to voicemail three times doesn't anyone work in hr someone was accidentally stuck with a needle she's also talking to a co-worker in the background caller i called the help desk co-worker derisively they're not very helpful i still wish i could have clapped back instead i'm left raging at the entitlement of some people you were just the first convenient actual real live person that they could get a hold of so unfortunately you were going to catch all the heat at that moment it's not the server it's not the network it's the printer quick and simple cbe equals client boss thought i was going to say choosing beggar pt equals printer tech me 51 feeling 90 and tired of this cb you did the email thing last week now our printer isn't scanning to ocr pt says you changed everything and broke it me well that's not possible but i'll work with him just give me the contact info cb he said the drivers are wrong fix it coffee advil and a short time later me so pt what's going on pt you broke the ocr we need new drivers me well we changed nothing except an email migration does the ocr process try to email the doc pt no the device does a scan runs it through ocr then saves it to the server get me in and i'll show you me okay show me pt connects to the mfc web interface see this device has built-in ocr engine and it's not working we need new drivers me so an internal module that never sees a request via the driver needs a new driver installed on a server that just offers up a share pt yes see here's where it's set up see this it's um oh me you mean see where it states this device is not licensed for ocr yeah i can see that pt i need to get their license code generated i can update it to restore service me no new drivers then pt no it's just a license issue me right then i'll update the users it's gotta be so satisfying when they realize their own mistake and then back off okay dog let me finish my story here blueberry muffins story the secretary called the help desk reporting stuck keys on her keyboard i took the call and walked over with a shiny new keyboard i checked out the keyboard and sure enough keys were stuck i could see it was full of crumbs and other junk so i replaced the keyboard so she could work i let her know it was all working and tried to walk away she asked me what the problem was so i felt obligated to tell her i said the keys were stuck because it was full of food crumbs she immediately responded with a head wobble back and forth i don't need over my keyboard i walked back to her desk turned the keyboard upside down over her desk and banged on the back of it two whole blueberry muffins fell out on her desk and i walked away it's a fun story to tell but i usually use it with new employees as an example of being right versus good customer service yes i was right yes she probably deserved it no it was poor customer service also two hole muffins didn't actually fall out that's a fun exaggeration but you get the point yeah i had a co-worker wants it every time i was sick i'd come back the next day and the whole inside of our vehicle would reek like cigarette smoke and i could actually see yellow staining on the headliner right near his driver's window oh i don't smoke in this truck oh okay this one almost cost me my job i was working in a big engineering company my manager went to a business trip and left me in charge of everything for a day for some reason one file server crashes i tried to reboot it but it crashes again when booting up i know the server is critical it serves the home directories and shared storage for about 150 unix workstations nfs and 100 windows pcs sa s-a-m-b-a managers start calling to know what's happening i briefly explain what's happening and that i'm working on it one of the engineering managers wants to know how long this is going to take i told him i don't know but i'm working as fast as i can he decides to pay me a visit and keeps nagging about not being able to work i'm super stressed at one point he asks do you know how much money we're losing per minute we can't work i snapped and answered yes insert manager name i do and we've been chatting for like 30 minutes he turns around and leaves super peeved i managed to solve the problem the next day that manager asked my manager for my head on a stick my manager answers him well yes you were wasting his time and preventing him from fixing the problem if memory doesn't fail me the problem was that the server exceeded the max open files limit also i had to disconnect the server from the network to let it boot properly without being choked by all the clients trying to connect at the same time yeah i love it when somebody wants to stand over my shoulder and say what's wrong how long is it going to take do you know how much this is costing us oh my god you're holding this all up yeah keep talking the more you talk the longer this is going to take it adventures that really butters your muffins more muffins i take a call how can i help you customer i can't get my screens to work they're all black i took my laptop home and the battery died over the weekend me okay no problem are you currently working from home or are you in the office customer i'm in the office today nothing works everything is crap goes on a tangent me i'll assist you with all your issues are you currently connected to a docking station i check the vpn vpn's good runs group update sfc scan now check software updates needs a million of them i inform the customer it does look like there are quite a few updates to install this will take some time is there anything else you can do in the meantime while i work on this in the background customer begrudgingly size i suppose i can i'm working off my ipad i really need you to get this fixed asap me no problem i'll work on these issues as fast as possible i inform the customer on the steps i'm taking and how long it'll take about 30 minutes goes by updates are still installing multiple pc restarts have taken place and the customer is getting extremely antsy customer any progress i needed you to fix this like yesterday me i'm still working on the issues we'll have to perform a few more restarts for the updates to install properly once those are complete we'll also have to disassemble the docking station and power cycle it since the other monitors are not displaying properly customer oh my god you are slow just fix this already me about 50 minutes into the call technically making progress so it's not an escalation okay i need you to restart your machine connect it to the docking station then proceed with plugging the power cord back into the docking station all steps are performed customer what the hell my screens are all still black you didn't fix it oh wait i see the taskbar on all the screens but they're still all black me explains that our version of bomgar blacks out the screen to protect the customer's privacy customer oh okay that's still dumb though also why did my font change what did you do with those updates the text looks different i don't like it me verified everything else is running as it should it is it could have been due to the software updates i could take a look into the font settings and change them for you customer no it's fine you took long enough and they hang up me sighing in the background no problem glad i fixed all your problems but now you want to get snotty over how the text looks on your screen sounds like some afternoon drinking is in store edit for context first off thank you for the overwhelming support i wrote the above post in a bit of a fit of raged event i'm in t1 help desk so there are a lot of things outside of my scope unfortunately the phone filtering system is horrendous and my department is often told to troubleshoot as best as possible regardless then to escalate once you've reached a point where you're not making progress since i was technically making progress i stuck with the call i fully understand making the customer sit there was far from ideal but so is having a customer with an unusable system as well as escalating something i know how to fix i'm told i'm wasting time by fixing it myself but the issue with sending it up is they're starting from square one i already have the remote session going i already have the updates necessary to get them up to speed and i'm already the best key to get them going yeah that makes sense i mean why put it off to somebody else and they're basically starting from scratch with this person when you're already part way there just keep the call going if you know how to fix it and get it done oh well hey thanks for hanging out with me today guys if you've enjoyed this content do me a favor would you consider giving this video a like subscribing to the channel and maybe click that little bell icon so you don't miss the fact out with the beard telling you stories see ya
Channel: Story Time with Uncle Reddit
Views: 8,017
Rating: 4.9433961 out of 5
Keywords: uncle reddit, reddit, reddit stories, funny reddit stories, r/idontworkherelady, r/prorevenge, r/entitledparents, funny reddit stories 2020, rslash, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, comedy, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, entitledparents, entitledparents fails, entitled parents fail, malicious compliance reddit, malicious compliance, tech support, tales from tech support reddit, funny reddit posts clean, tales from tech support
Id: GyhqRdz7l6M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 9sec (1149 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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