Tales From Tech Support - Arranged marriage?!?

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hey everyone welcome back to another episode of r slash tales from tech support where we get to have a little chuckle at the technologically disadvantaged i'm uncle reddit and have i got a story for you internet and phones are down but not sure why i work for a small msp in a medium-sized city in the southeast we do mainly medical and legal practices but also donate our services to a few non-profit organizations as well usually these non-profits are pretty self-sufficient and hardly put in tickets for problems but today was not one of those days today one of our non-profit clients called in a ticket saying their phones voip and internet have gone down and they're not sure why a quick call to the isp told me that their modem must be turned off as there are no area outages and their neighbors still had modems online so i pack up and head on site when i arrived i walked through the building and took a look at the server closet nothing looks out of order and the modem is on and running one of the workers comes to the closet and says they think they know the issue i follow the worker outside where the gentleman states that there was an old phone line running from the building that was draped on the ground going to the phone pole outside there was a storm last night that probably broke the coiled excess cable and dropped it to the ground he said it was in the way so i went ahead and just cut it the cable runs about 30 feet from the pole to the building and this guy decided to cut it at the building and at the pole and throw the excess away the best part is the guy who cut the line was very pointedly telling me that down time for this was just unacceptable and i needed to get the cable and splice the piece to both ends and restore the connection which i didn't have the tools to do as we oftentimes outsource our cabling luckily the on-site manager over him used to work at our company and she told him they would pay the isp to take care of it gotta love when some people are either just arrogant enough or maybe just demented enough to cause a problem and then assume that it's your responsibility to fix what they screwed up new guy learns our most basic rule evening family i have a tale to tell this literally just happened the cast me the new guy my young cousin and the user hapless as the day is long i don't work tech support anymore gave up that life i teach now new problems but you never forget those tech support lessons today my young cousin learned our most basic rule i get a call from him around 7 30 p.m new guy hey good old beej i've been working on this for a couple hours can you help me fix it me yeah sure tell me your problem i say with great reluctance on the inside phone tech support is the worst new guy oh no i mean can you come out here user can't get her monitors to work and she promised her boss she'd be able to log in tomorrow it's a 45 minute drive to that side of town plus fix it time plus the drive back on a school night i'm seething inside all of a sudden this is my problem me no not really possible how about you explain what's going on maybe facetime new guy understandable god bless him she has two monitors hooked up to her laptop but it roots through this box i'm worried now some cracked setup i've never put eyes on before splitter maybe need to start with the basics okay cousin imma send you a zoom link so i can see the problem cue a few minutes of logging in sending a zoom link highs and hellos me okay what kind of cable is coming out of the laptop new guy usbc like my phone uses to charge internally i'm dying inside that box has me worried taking the sub output via special software we're so boned me and that goes into the box new guy yup i think it powers it more internal but now confused screaming me okay let's take a look at the box what's the input labeled as and also potential outputs let's get an idea of what this thing is doing new guy okay it's a dell made in china plus his heart being so detailed here's the back usb ethernet power power wait what internal screaming is turned to laughter new guy wait user you said this was powered from your computer where's the power cable i kid you not this was her response oh you mean this new guy in the purest form of relieved exasperation yes i mean that minute later everything is working before i end the call i get his attention me new guy that was fun i know you're a little frustrated right now but today you learned our most important lesson and user please don't take this wrong way but new guy as always verify the basics yourself never ever trust the user user to her credit nods and says oh yeah no he's right like one of my favorite heroes gregory house always says people lie and make mistakes also my granddaughter is single we had a customer a very nice older lady who owned cottages on prince edward island i was working whether on some customizations and setup of the software so i got to know her pretty well i eventually ended up being her primary contact when she called one afternoon she asked if i'm married and at the time i wasn't and told her so she then tells me that i should come visit since i've been doing so much work for her she starts telling me how she's been considering turning the business over to her granddaughter and that her only concern is that her granddaughter is single and she needs a man to help her with the cottages well that's odd informational for the tech guy this type of thing becomes more regular where she'd offer personal details about her plans and such then one day she tells me they got a website and wanted me to check it out this time not everyone had a website so it was pretty neat i took a look she asked me if i noticed the pretty young lady in a lot of the pictures and tells me that this is her granddaughter she makes sure i know it's her single granddaughter single she tells me there aren't any really good guys left on prince edward island and get straight to the point and asked me if i'd consider moving to a place like prince edward island if i knew a girl was waiting for me there don't get me wrong this girl was really pretty and the small cottages they owned were beautiful but this was starting to sound like a mail order husband type thing i laughed it off and we got to work with software configuration on some of the customization she wanted but in my mind i started thinking about it this is a really pretty girl and the business seems to be successful because she's paying for custom work my mind starts telling me that this might be a pretty nice life but then my brain tells me to think of reality i've never spoken to this girl and does she even know her grandmother is trying to import some guy from 2 000 miles away to move in and marry her it starts to creep me out a little and the next time i speak with the grandmother she asks me again i tell her i'm flattered but not ready to move or get married anytime soon she tells me she's disappointed but understands and that if i change my mind she'll be happy to make arrangements i just checked google and these cottages are either no longer in business or changed the name i wonder if the granddaughter ever found a man whoa grandma pimping out the granddaughter i know some grandmothers in their cute little old lady way like to make sure that their granddaughters are taken care of and things like that but were arranged marriages really that much of a thing back in the day i feel like maybe there should have been a dowry involved some chickens and goats and maybe gold coins reliable backup systems are for weak mortals apparently so some fairly important backups were stuck on a way too old server in our server room the guy in charge is a co-worker at some far away location and more of a software kind of guy less the operating system guy yet what i thought was sort of a tech literate anyway the windows operating system on that machine failed and refused all efforts to boot recovery rescue whatever all i managed was data access using a live boot disk that i booted into the ram since i needed the usb stick somewhere else found out most drives showed heavy rw error rates almost toast so i set up an sftp got him access and told him to urgently get his backups off this machine as most discs in there are almost done for two months later i get a phone call me so is that server ready to be scrapped him oh not yet the server just needs to hold up until the end of the next year just in case i need those backups then it can be scrapped just wait until then me you do know that you rely on a way too old machine with broken hard drives as your backup storage solution running a rescue operating system in memory for access right and then i told you two months ago to urgently get those backups off that server like years before him getting that much storage somewhere else sounded like a lot of effort so i just left it like that my eyes are twitching at this point how much data are we even talking about him about a terabyte i don't even in the end i just plug the usb drive into it to transfer the backups into our regular backup system dude i don't know how old this story is but i've had one terabyte drives for years i mean it's not complicated it's not even expensive you plug the stupid thing in transfer your files and you're done or copy them over or whatever listen i'm a lazy guy i'm a real lazy guy but even i could do this incompetent security another story recently our parent company demanded we clean up admin rights in our environment we had about 150 users who had been added to the local admin group on their pc some because no one wanted to figure out what in their workflow needed admin rights and try and fix it and others were temporary but never removed once the demand was made parent company retreated back to their tower leaving us alone and thus one day soon after our security team decreed no longer will any user be allowed to be added to the local admin group on a pc every account that needs admin access must be in a security group we will configure a gpo to rip out all entries from the local admin group and add what we choose will there be any way to give a user admin rights people asked what about even temporarily no no user accounts allowed in the local admin group security said if someone needs admin rights temporarily we've created the security group temporary admins that we can add them to that group will be added to the local admin group on all pcs but many people replied that gives the user admin rights to all pcs not just theirs that seems worse than just giving them admin rights on their pc no worry security will approve or deny all requests for admin rights we will be all knowing and keep the list in check and prevent abuse and how long will users be allowed to stay in the group we asked we expect the users to let us know when they no longer need admin right security replied if you've read any of my recent stories you know our security team is not the best so this process was implemented and security received all requests for pc admin rights and then one of the biggest flaws of our security team revealed itself they don't question anything they get asked to do something they do it there were definitely times they granted admin access when stopping to question the ticket would have revealed other ways to get user access to what they need one is tfts worthy for sure time passed all seemed to be going well then last week the skies darkened we are following up on our directive a voice boomed from our parent company how many users are currently in the temporary admin group um 197 security whispered what the voice boomed again how are there that many that's more than you started with we we were expecting users to let us know when they no longer needed admin rights squeak security this is what you came up with we need to have a discussion with you the voice trailed off we now wait to see what the next process will be most likely coming from our parent company directly this time whoops i think there needs to be policies put in place for security before you have security implement policies for admin rights that was our slash tales from tech support if you've enjoyed these stories do me a favor give us a thumbs up click on subscribe and oh yeah hit that bell notification icon so you don't miss the fat guy with the beard telling you stories oh yeah check out a couple of these videos here i think you'll like them too see ya [Music] you
Channel: Story Time with Uncle Reddit
Views: 3,706
Rating: 4.9641256 out of 5
Keywords: uncle reddit, reddit, reddit stories, funny reddit stories, r/idontworkherelady, r/prorevenge, r/entitledparents, entitled parents, funny reddit stories 2020, rslash, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, comedy, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, entitledparents, entitledparents fails, entitled parents fail, malicious compliance reddit, malicious compliance, tech support, tales from tech support reddit, funny reddit posts clean
Id: ZKtnl_Wly5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 38sec (878 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 13 2020
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