Tales From Tech Support - Its all YOUR fault!

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hey everyone welcome to our slash tales from tech support where we get to have a little chuckle at the technically disadvantaged I'm all credit and have I got some stories for you remote desktop for the dumbest reasons I have a user who was high up in the chain and testing my patience before we all became stuck inside he ordered a brand-new Windows 10 laptop per his request but he decided not to pick up until two weeks into everyone working from home so I came in just for his request and set him up two weeks go by and he puts in a ticket about Google Remote Desktop stopped working we don't use chrome remote desktop turns out the host machine shows offline but the computer is on because he is in office so I told him to reconfigure the host then he threw a fuss of why it would go down after working and decided not to do that but I was wondering why would he need remote desktop at all the laptop has all the software file servers have all working files turns out he was remoting into a Mac his reasons I like Apple Mail better connecting the servers on a Mac is integral to my workflow as I can move in a quicker fashion this laptop isn't the same as my desktop despite its capabilities the laptop isn't doing the work I am holy snot why the heck would you order Windows 10 laptop 2 chrome remote desktop into an old iMac good question it just makes no sense just buy the new Mac actually the new Mac wouldn't have been that much more expensive anyway so I don't know why it didn't just do that make life a whole lot simpler some days are a joy search engines to the rescue too long didn't read where our hero uses his amazing Google skills to save his job and both his boss and customer thousands I posted earlier about when manufacturers tend to make minor mistakes also tried to post about how hard it is to flush electricity but that one got canned I reckon but here's another such story we had a customer bring in a luxury SUV for a popping sound Tex checked it out and said it was from the transfer case pretty sure they had a different name for this jewel but it's been a few years this transfer case is kind of costly and give them an estimate of around 2500 as I recall customers are nice people but they want a second estimate sure here are the keys take it anywhere you wish we stand behind our estimate if only I had known what was to come next thing I know I'm getting a call from an irate customer they had taken their luxury SUV down to the local generic Motors dealership I was soon to grow to loathe this dealership after a few run-ins seems the dealer agreed that the vehicle needed a transfer case but they took it one step further they had told the customer they had evaluated the car and it was clear to them that we had caused the failure I was concerned that we had missed something and waited for the rest seems that the car had front tires a tiny bit smaller than the rear as built from the factory what we call a staggered fitment and to be truthful I owned this one I had accidentally put the same size tires all the way around when they had come in for tires a few months past the dealer was saying that the transfer case was designed for that difference in tire size and we had caused the failure of the unit by putting the same size tires I was a gas that I had made what looked to be a mistake that could possibly cost my business owner several thousand dollars I was new enough in this job that the owner would not look too kindly on an expensive mistake and it could end up being a resume generating event if I did not get on top of the issue thus motivated I was curious about how the dealer could be so sure of the actual cause I began to investigate and the more I learned the more it stank first of all I calculated the actual diameters of both the front and rear tires it was a whopping point zero six of an inch difference that did not seem right at all that such a small difference could damage a transfer case surely the manufacturer made allowances for tire wear in the construction of this vehicle and if so one would think a tenth of an inch would not be enough to cause this failure digging deeper I began to research this issue on the Internet nowadays things would be much easier but 15 to 16 years ago we didn't have the same tools we had today now I could log into different automotive tech resources we just subscribe to and learn about all sorts of things back in those days some of these tools did not exist or the business owners had not yet seen the value in them after a few fruitless google searches I hit gold I found the owners forum for the luxury SUVs ever since those days anytime I get an off the wall crazy issue I always take a quick search of the forums for that particular make and model what I learned that day both amazed and angered me it would seem it like many components generic motors did not in fact build the transfer case instead they purchased them from Braun Walter a large company that builds all sorts of vehicle components realizing they had a problem generic motors initially tried to fix a rash of early transfer case programs by issuing a tech bulletin to have all owners bring in their car for a computer update how might you ask can a computer update fix a driveline component a mechanical issue from failing by telling the computer to turn down the available power so in essence those owners that bought the vehicles because they were both large enough to haul the family and it was also sporty enough to have a little zip due to the 300 horsepower probably were never told the dealer was turning the power way down to avoid generic motors actually fixing the issue I'm sure there were a lot of SUV owners who were less than thrilled about the results of this after their car suddenly became sluggish of course they didn't spell out the repair rather than it was simply an update I also read that the tire size was not an issue many people were choosing to customize their cars and put aftermarket wheels and tires that were larger but all the same size but reading further on the forums the programming did not fix this issue braum Walker the manufacturer of the part had given generic motors a green light to replace any failed units but to keep costs down to both it was not given a recall status rather a letter was sent out to the dealers informing them as such and also if anyone called the 1-800 number for the LED SUV brand they were told they could get the repair done at no cost interesting having done my homework it was time to make a call I got in touch with the service writer they had called the customer and asked him just how they determined the tires had caused the part failure we are professionals here and we just know was the reply oh I see then I upped the ante I asked him if he could look and see if the SUV in question had ever had the update or in car lingo TSB 101 zero zero one two four five it got quiet for a minute and then he asked me where I had found that me sir that doesn't really matter does it I have a computer and know how to use it you got a bit frosty at that time to go nuclear I played my ace me are you aware generic motors policy letter one two three four five that informs dealers that this part will be replaced at no charge under campaign number 2005 one one two upon getting the reply I kept on me I would take a dealership such as yours should be fully aware of this information and you should have made the customer aware of it long ago I think either you are doing your job or you're trying to avoid doing warranty working instead making customers or us pay for a job that's covered he was pretty irked and shot back I don't think I like how you're talking to me end of conversation time to talk to the customer they were happy it was resolved at no cost to them we made them write on the tires and she did mention the service writer thought I was awful rude I get that way sometimes yeah that's simply amazing to me listen I'm a dumb carpenter from years gone by who now has a completely other career and make youtube videos but even I know how to use Google I received an email and the attachment won't open you know that some sentences will instantly make your heart beat faster this morning while I was waking up I received a message from our team lead with such a sentence team lead hey ope are you all mine yet I received an email and the attachment won't open I didn't even bother to write back or put clothes on I called him team leader good morning are me are you at home we're in the office Reid did you mess up just a single notebook or did you manage to infect the entire network again positive side effects of not having a VPN yay team leader I'm at home see I got this email and downloaded the attach me don't do anything just starting my PC would you please start TeamViewer in the meantime team leader sure but if I try to open that file it tells me that it can't open it me internally you [ __ ] note to self stress the idea of cybersecurity training and get some toys for me externally we all look into it after what felt like an eternity I connected to his machine me please show me the email he opened the web portal and clicked on the email as I recognize the email address of one of our customers I calmed myself down a little at least it wasn't a too obvious attempt in the end it was just a file created by an export of a CAD drawing he didn't know what to do with and didn't need to but as mentioned earlier infected the entire network again this would not have been the first mess up went back to bed cried a little I'll bet you did never assume you know who's on the call until you know who's on the call long ago before some of you were born I was working monitoring for a fortune 500 we got an error from a third-party tool and I contacted the owner of the tool we looked at it and determined we need the application team that was using it as they had a code issue causing the error so I called the application on call and conference them in me hi this is cyberghost with monitoring we received an error from tool on your machine and the tool on call says we need to bring you in to look at your configs I've got this this was going to be tool guy from tool team on the call but I got interrupted at this point dead Oh tool team those jerks are never any help they're so lazy every time we try to get any support from them they tell us it's our code before they even look at anything let me guess he won't even log on to look at until I do me actually know he did look at it and he said you should take a look at your application logs because the error will show up they're dead whatever I'll go look but it'll be their problem not mine they're just freaking lazy I'm gonna put you on hold me thanks I'll be right here a couple minutes goes by and the dev comes back on the line dev cyber ghost or whatever your name was are you still there me yup right here dead yeah it looks like tool team was right it's our problem for once all the patch to load in a bit I'll call you back when we're ready to load me okay I'll be here if you get somebody else asked for cyber ghost dead yeah whatever hangs up the phone mean did you get all that cool guy yep every word me cool like your manager no these calls are recorded and this one started at time tech guy will do thanks dev didn't get fired over this but he was gone within a couple of years for similar behavior yeah man you got to be careful you never know when you're being conferenced or anything and you just start running off at the mouth I mean I'm not saying I might not have been you know maybe I felt the same way who knows maybe it did always seem like it was always their problem even if it wasn't but no matter what your feelings are you gotta learn to control yourself in a professional environment or go work for yourself and make youtube videos whatever hey if you made it this far you are a legend do me a favor let's take it a step further and click one of these videos
Channel: Story Time with Uncle Reddit
Views: 8,460
Rating: 4.9422383 out of 5
Keywords: uncle reddit, reddit, reddit stories, funny reddit stories, r/idontworkherelady, r/prorevenge, r/entitledparents, entitled parents, funny reddit stories 2020, rslash, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, comedy, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, entitledparents, entitledparents fails, entitled parents fail, malicious compliance reddit, malicious compliance, tech support, tales from tech support reddit, funny reddit posts clean
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 15sec (795 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 10 2020
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