Taking Territories | Pastor Tunde Bakare | Harmony Christian Centre

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good morning god bless you amen say to your neighbor peace to you peace to your house peace to all that you have peace to the united kingdom and peace to my beloved nation nigeria [Music] in the mighty name of jesus years ago long before anyone in this room was born a missionary was on his way to my hometown his name henry townsend and they had to go all the way by road to a balcony there are no motor cars he was going to preach his first message in my ancestral compound if you go to abercuda today you will see how beautiful the place has been done up which i said what i have to commemorate that day that's not my story on the way right on the road he saw bananas purple all kinds of fruits by the roadside but there was no attendant there was no single person to direct how the seals would go and he wanted some of the banners so he said to his interpreter how would i pay for this so you see the number of stones by every batch of fruit represents the number of calories if you drop he said is this not stupid supposing i take the banana nobody sees me he said look up at the top of the little roof there there was you know uh concord the left over it was burnt and was pierced with iron rod he said is that voodoo said no the owner is saying to you if you take my products without paying you born in hell he said the people i'm going to preach god to already know god when that last song was going on i had to open my note to show pastor and to show my beloved friend therein i describe our god the adjacency who has never lost a battle and so when they were singing i said do i need to preach anymore i'm going to be preaching to the choir because you already know the message for today is your god victorious is he a man of war has he lost any battle before will you lose any please jam your hands together again wow it gave me such pure joy for us to be here again today this is my first time since kuvit thank god that you are alive and thank god that i'm alive too it is the mercy of the lord many people stronger and healthier than us are gone but we are still here we give him glory and praise my wife saying greetings she's in luck she's in london she came a few days ago but you know the covet regulations we are not abiding citizens i try to tell her that since you are now you're taking the double dose you can call with me today said the lord does not say so i've spoken with pastor ronke and said okay all right i'll go alone again but it's not good for man to be alone so the lord ensured that two of my sons are here with me and pastor sheik thank you for coming so also i've had very very dear friends and partners in the gospel of the lord jesus christ uh pastor it depends on how you ca you read it the real name is dollar but many people have been calling him dollar dollar so i'm quite privileged to be his friend because i'm going to get a lot of dollars pastor babajide and pastor shala o dolla we thank you for coming they came all the way from manchester yesterday just to be part of this meeting today and how do i introduce my son pastor shalat destroyer pastor comforter this way am i my one and only son allah lua is my son he's helping me to raise him and uh aurelius and your fellow were all in a coventry a few days ago for allah's graduation it's such a joy to see you again today thank you so much for coming you know i'm very glad that this she's in servants of god along with your pastor or here it's uh sometimes trepidating for me to preach on his puppet because your son is better than you but he just honor you okay i've seen why you doing this how many of you know that i am failing to marry personality one beloved by god that's your name i'm using it you're really really special special before god because i remember those days that we were trusting god for the fruit of the womb i remember how many times i ate panda dm not for the children but at least i have point of contact to pray to god with my king idea [Music] thank you for being you and thank you for shepherding the flock of god with fear of god in you we appreciate you thank you the last time i took part in a similar meeting like two days here in the uk was at the freedom's ark international church in august 1997. the month and the year that princess diana died some few days before that fatal accident i was ministering in the u.s and one of the nights the lord arrives me from sleep so i want you to go to london and to prophesy now has that ever happened to you i pray it will so that we can be on the same page if you don't believe this story there are living witnesses and i'm not sharing them to let you see how important i am but to let you see where god is bringing his church i recall the way the lord said the same thing to me and i'm coming back to that story i was minding my business you know like amos the gathering of skill come on fruit was not a prophet not a profession he was a shepherd and gatherer of scum of fruit in my father's lineage directly in it there was never a christian i was the first one and terribly persecuted so i couldn't have been son of a prophet and honestly i did not apply for this job god arrested me okay i'm not going to complain i'm thanking him because in those days in my legal practice days before you enter my office you had paid and now they call all of us lazy thieves they call us names but it's okay we take it out for the lord i was busy just doing my own thing and the lord said arise and go to hong kong and short sands down how do you shut cells down does it make sense okay your pastor can tell you the rest of the story because i asked him and pastor a day to come with me he said i will not die alone but we are talking about adjectives the victorious one the one was never lost it but i had him clearly and i said they should come with me and we got to the tail of the plane about to break they were distributing face masks and they took them children say drop them and they saw that i didn't take and i didn't wear any you know somebody has asked me now why are you wearing this time i said god did not speak to me not to wear i'm not stupid i said drop them and we didn't wear any face mark we go to the hall for the meeting and oh we are in face man says remove it i'm here to shut down i don't know how to shut down anything but i just latched on to what i was told i'm here to shut down cells severe acute respiratory syndrome it is one medicine does not know the exact thing that they look for long name acquired immune deficiency syndrome the thing has no name is too long and i said to them what shadrach meshach and abednego when they fire a furnace what air do they breathe in those of you who breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide no i have the breath of life in me i'm not against science but i have the breath of life in me i have the life of god on the inside of me and said now we shut down sirs and we left i still have the front page of the newspaper thereafter sas went down just because he said so so he said go to london a prophecy my heart was palpatine because he asked me to go on prophecy at least if you tell me what to prophesy does that happen to you sir that you you don't know what to say but it fills your mouth so i call pastor names and say pastor names the lord is asking me to come to london to prophesy i'll be going to nigeria on friday i will arrive on wednesday morning and i would like to meet with your church wednesday evening to prophesy it's a pastor wednesday meeting will be so small there have been just a few people there i said you have forgotten heaven's quran heaven's quran for anything to happen on earth is not multitude of people if god had been looking for multitudes he will call footballers no pastors where two or three are gathered together in my name i'll be in the midst of them that's the quran of heaven for anything to happen on the earth while the service was going on i heard loud and clear me i can hear funeral judge in the british monarchy wow to them that go down to egypt i left for lagos on friday by the next 31st then i was dead and he needed to see the opera of grief that proceeded almost covered the whole earth for the death of that charming is a charming for a woman you know beautiful princess 36 years old in the same car doddie fired so she truly went down to egypt that i didn't understand fully i'm preparing your heart for days because at least my children could tell and i told you so and i mentioned it to you i woke up at 6 00 a.m yesterday to start preparing for this message and i finished at 10 pm i took a break for about 30 minutes to eat so if i don't finish today i'll be back do you understand me but you have enough to chew today is not about someone is about to die today is about how to accurately position the church for the season we are in it's a mighty humongous harvest that's ahead of us and you have no place to keep the harvest i'm sure it's difficult because you are counting your chairs you will not have enough space you'll be begging people to come and take people i am not trying to cajole you i'm telling you what heaven is declaring the harvest is truly plentious deliver us a few therefore this morning as we pray for the lord to send liberals into his harvest you must be ready you know you know there are some breakthroughs that you share with your wife and your children and it's fine because it still breaks through breakthrough has levels but there are some breakthroughs you have to back onto your partner since we come and take come and take or else everything will sink uh charismatic is called it boat sinking net breaking miracle i think that's a disaster because when the net breaks the fish returns into the sea and when the boat sinks your capital and your assets everything is gone but he just wanted to show them who created the fish the theme that i saw on the flyer in flowers taking territories and i just got completely intoxicated by that those two words and so you turn your bible with me this morning then we pray for the entrance of his world to bring light and understanding to the symbol for god to help us to be doers of the world and not hear us alone deceiving ourselves for us to receive accurately moment by moment inspiration illumination and revelation i will not perish with the wise men of babylon that will be on the cutting edge of what god is doing in our day in the name of jesus second samuel chapter 11 only one verse verse number one second samuel chapter 11 verse number one he reads and i quote it happened in the spring of the year at the time when kings go out to battle that david sent job with his servants with him and all israel and they destroyed the people of ammon and besieged rubber but david remained at jerusalem those of you are very familiar with this text of scripture may jump into the conclusion that i'm about to teach and the consequences of moral tumble that befell david after he committed adultery with bathsheba and subsequently killed her husband uriah the hittite one of the reasons i believe the word of god the bible is true is that such stories are recorded politicians in this age will not only kill the media house that will publish it they will jail everybody that will ever write it down a man had written the bible he would not have said husbands love your wife as christ loved the church he would not put that because he gave himself not his things for the bride he will find a way of saying a husband should love to your wife by giving them things because that's faster but to give yourself stuff and no woman would have written if it was a woman that wrote the bible and not inspired by the holy spirit no woman i would say submit yourself to your own husband because this submission is creating a lot of trouble but stories like these are in the bible so that you know that god is real that he can make a message out of a mess and that regardless of your frailties and your faults and your letdowns and your disappointment if it focuses on you to use it for you glory he will still do so or else pastor wali please teach me what integrity will moses have to teach national murder or is it not part of ten commandments you can imagine saul of tarsus who became paul stand and said we have run no man we have cheated no man paul there are widows in the house whose husband you jailed and he said if any man being christ is a new creation who thinks only god can make that happen just look at you looking beautiful like nothing has gone wrong and you know all the hierarchies you have committed if you don't know yours i know mine but thank god for jesus so i'm not talking about david and uriah or bashar that's the title of second psalm chapter 11. if you read it in your bible you see the title david bathsheba uriah but that's not where i'm what i'm about this morning what i'm about is in the times the kings go to battle in the times the kings go to battle in ancient times and in recent history especially during the colonial era in africa when the so-called colonial masters scrambled for africa kings and leaders of such nations went to war mainly to extend their territorial influence and to increase their resources or their well-based i had the privilege of reading a brilliant essay last night it was sent to me last night by pastor wali and i had it printed out for me i read every page of it an underline it was written by my granddaughter who just sang beautifully here choosing ululano part of the essays she was submitting in the university of birmingham after i read i said lord nigeria will flourish again the title of the essay is why the leaders of independent african states not redraw the map of the continent during the 1960s as she wrote in 1960 alone 17 african nations received independence the map of africa by 1960 look very different to how it did 75 years earlier prior to the partition of africa at the berlin conference to settle arguments between great britain germany and france for example colonizers negotiated their claims to the land and formalized the decision by creating a new map upon which they agreed is it not amazing that some of the nations you see today they didn't look like that the map that emerged as a result of the conversation was habitually drawn and followed the process of map drawing during the times of war as it was a decision made for the sake of efficiently managing their colonies and protectorates you see how they jammed the north and the south of nigeria together it was seldom protectorate another protectorate then match them together for administrative ease in 1914 chosen advancement reasons why the then imagine african leaders did not bother to redraw the map of africa or restore it to what it was before among those reasons i am highlighting two one they concluded at the first meeting of the organization of african unity not to begin the adverse process of cartography because of the fear of inter-tribal and ethnic wars loyalty to former colonial masters and their methods and the fear of losing deposits of resources the second point really caught my attention because it's about nigeria she wrote the major laws of life and violence from the biafra war is a direct result of the creation of a nation which has been forced to construct a singular national identity despite the fact that preferential treatment had been given to particular groups and vast cultural differences existed in the case of nigerians before the road the main reason why the war for unity was fought was because of the wealth of oil in the biafra region which was crucial to maintaining and growing nigeria's economy if their generation get to know the true history then we are better off she then concluded in part natural resources are one of the main reasons for the maintaining of borders across africa what a brilliant essay where is choosing where are you where is she if she's not in the house please put your hands together for her on my behalf i'm giving you a hug by faith that was a brilliant essay or maybe it doesn't have what to preach wait and see people of god what many people may not know is that this is not new it has always been part of ancient history especially from the days of abraham down to this day the first recorded world in the bible involving tiger the king of nations and his allies on the one hand and father abraham called abram at that time on the other hand was fought over resource control who can determine the results asphalt is here in genesis chapter 14. so it's not new from the text of scripture that we have just read second psalm 11 1 it is very clear to me that taking territories in those days was by waging wars spearheaded or led by the kings of the nations at war thank god our king is yaya gonzago the victorious one who has never lost any war the man of war who will not lose any from eternity to eternity can i hear amen i want you to please pay attention also that is not only for taking territories that the kings go to war at a particular season they also will fight from time to time for the preservation of their own territories that happened when the king of ammon died and his son came to the throne and david said oh that guy was very good to me and sent ambassadors in second samuel 19 sent ambassadors to go greet him and the men of war around him said hey [Music] moses i mean david has sent them to spite the land and they cut off their beard caught their their clothes halfway in the middle and returned to israel in shame eventually this unprovoked war had to be fought but job said something that i want to live with you this morning as we are getting ready to take territories for god second psalm chapter 19 verse number 13 listening to what job said so whether we are preserving what god has done already or extending the frontiers of his kingdom is going to involve some warfare what did i say second samuel i think it's chronicles it's first chronicles 19 not second someone first chronicles 19 and right average 13 first chronicles 19 13. too many words in those days thank you first chronicles 19 verse 13 be of good courage and let us be strong for who for our people and for the cities of our god and may the lord do what is good in his side be of good courage let us be strong that was a campaign slogan it's three word campaign slogan courage strength goodness courage strength and goodness they were ready for war they had to encourage themselves i'm saying all this because i do not want you to believe the lie of the devil from this day forever that there are nations that are impossible to conquer for god there are territories that are impregnable don't believe a lie no matter what the messiah jesus have said and i'm not saying they said wrong things but do not misconstrue the levels they have put on those nations unreached people 940 window bamboo and iron countries i am not saying they are wrong i'm just saying their argument is inferior to what we have to conquer those territories do you understand me i'm not going to waste time telling you about 9 40 window this morning you all have read the book if i brought another one now nine to five window to target those who walk the only nine to five there'll be so many and it's not wrong i'm just telling you that those arguments will fall flat when god zeroes in on a people and he finds a person at a period he releases provision you didn't get that i'm going to be sharing some things with you this morning i call them the fundamentals of city taking the fundamentals of taking territories for god that which our eyes have seen in our years of heart and our hands have handled informed what has been presented to you for your consideration and if you find them to be the truth wrong with them before i get into the nitty-gritty let me share this with you when the lord jesus asked his servants or his disciples to pray what did he ask them to pray he said the harvest is truly plentious in kjv in in the new king is a plentiful why he saw them as sheep without shepherd they were harassed and he said the harvest is truly plenty but the liberals are few praise the lord of harvest to send the liberals into his habits by chapter 10 verse number one he called his 12 disciples to himself and by vast by verse number two they become apostles why he empowered them he gave them power over unclean spirits not to debate with them to cast them out and to heal the sick and raise the dead and he said oh by the way you must know your territory do not go unto the way of the gentiles now to the cities of the samaritans i'm sending you only to the lordship of the house of israel they are lost they're in the house that's where you're going to start your own ministry your evangelism has a target lost sheep of the house of israel i don't have time to teach on that because it will take a while to decode it for you because he said i'm sending you a sheep into the midst of wolves it is a lost sheep there are wolves if you doubt it go to acts 20 he said many of you will rise grievous will come and devour many of the people you call pastors are butchers they just gather people together for lamb chops but their season of judgment has come those who like to take the preeminence in the church about to hit the waterloo because of the season we are entering do you understand me he wants to be the head of his church and not you and not me can i hear amen they came back and he said and reported to him the things that the lord had done he sent the seventy also they came back and said even the demons are subject to rules that's your name so why is mission now such a tough thing that we are finding difficult to do i was like passing the microphone to the airport shoe my friend because he's seriously into missions now i thank god for his life omega 2 we succeed beyond your widest imagination omega one was not a flop omega two they are operating now many nations of the earth now 46 nations of the earth supporting missionaries given to them from time to time encouraging them teaching them being there for them it's wonderful god bless you sir for your labor of love you will not lose your reward in jesus mighty name but is it possible to evangelize the whole world before jesus comes is it possible for in this generation that every nation will bow to the gospel of the lord jesus christ or we have difficult areas that are impossible to penetrate i'm not sure you've read about the underground church in china and in russia and what god is doing in the midst of them if god could say and it's deceiving and if we achieve this muslim boy he can save anybody because i didn't i wasn't ill i was in sick they didn't take me to evangelist for prayer no i was not in church to receive jesus that's why i never will use the word i found jesus in 1974. i will tell you he found me because he was not lost i was the one lost i came to church to take photographs to earn some money and he arrested me end of story do you understand me there had never been a preacher in my family i never desired to be a preacher never even after i became born again i didn't know i would ever preach i had a triangle drawn law business politics that's all that's my live mission and suddenly through the spanner into my wheel of progress and turned me to men wearing suit and tie on sunday i'm preaching ma'am and he applied for this job maybe your husband did you know i was the director of army in nigeria this man sitted here it was director nigerian army people with power but listen to me this morning and i will come back for part two whenever we desire it i really love to give you what god gave to me would you like to receive it i call it template for global mission biblical template for global mission but that's not what you're receiving now don't type i'm not going there yet you are going to pay for this one maybe we can discuss it at home biblical template for global mission god is not pharaoh that will ask you to bake bricks and not give you straw he's figured out how everything will pan out before he asks you to start a finished walk you will now break down in the name of jesus as we begin to catch new territories for god how many of you really want to take territories for god i can see your hand up let me pause here and quickly tell you something that can work against you do you realize that it was job who attacked or besieged rubber that david was at home messing around in the cool of the evening he came you know the rest of the story and he had a one-night stand with one of his devoted military officers uriah the hittite i mean not a jew not from any of the tribes he was a hittite but totally sold out to god he said to david how can i go and be enjoying the comfort of my bed with my wife when the armies of israel and the ark of the covenant of the god of israel was in the battlefield now i will not go to my wife king he tried to get him drunk first night second night he said i tried to protect your life once this adultery is found out somebody will have to die and it's not me uriah may also rest in peace david sent the first password bomb in history and if you are terrified by suicide bombers the first one in the bible was something let me die with the philistines so be careful these things are not new they don't terrify me banditry terrorism you read election verse 26 god says if you do this and you do not reform i will punish you seven times you see terror there you will see all kinds of things that say they are not new we have a work to do let's not be petrified and terrified are you with me so job went sir besides rubber and when he had won the battle he stayed outside and sent for david despite his frailties despite the blunder he had just committed he said david we have conquered the territory if i was stepping before you it will be named after me so come quickly so that it can be named after you the problem why we are not seeing many nations conquered why we are not seeing many nations territories taken is because we do not know the grace of our partnership have been given to us for obedience to the faith among our nations for his name if you are driven by your ego if you all you want is men to know who is in church and who has taken that who's taking this you won't last long no read the story well it took rubber but it was named after david read your bible so say with me we have received grace and apostleship for obedience to the faith among our nations for his name are you ready to enroll in the army are you ready to join these city takers in those days at the then later in assembly i will have time to share more of that with you in the days to come we had what we call charismatic revolutionary army with 12 battalions and we had sss not state security service saturday soul-winning soldiers the moment we announced it security men started attending the church some of their directors are members of our they thought we were up to something i come to church on a sunday practical standing church what time is it and they will scream back it's time to take over then i will ask how so there are wars to fight there are giants to kill there are cities to take we are god's warriors we are giant killers we are city takers and we stand our entire environment because they say you must begin in your jerusalem if you are not useful in your community why do you want to take new territories charity begins at all if you are the geographical boundary for every church orient i mean mission orientations and mission oriented churches the geographical boundary only four jerusalem judea samaria bottomless path don't jump we will deal with that later but let's just see how many of you really want to take territories for god you really decide okay now these are my 10 fundamentals if you if you have not lost any finger if you have 10 if you have lost one i'm not trying to mock you accidents do happen what's the name of the bishop in ghana duncan williams duncan williams came to my home many years ago i think 1990 or so and it was sitting there amphisole and says what caught your fingers i said oh god it was an accident because it was a rough fighter and before he knew christ if you have 10 fingers i want you to wear the things i'm about to share with you on your fingertips so that you know them you know them in your heart and you're ready to flow with them why are we so sure that we can lose this war why are we sure that the evangelization of the world is a done deal why are we so confident because the world was sending us to battle does not lose anymore first of all several years ago pastor abdullah was a protocol officer getting visas and things like that i was to go to melbourne austria in 1993 and i said go to the australian embassy and get me a visa and he submitted all the documents and everything tickets and everything and the woman sent for himself let a person appear himself so i went so why are you going to australia as i'm going there to preach is that you are flying first i said yes this is 1993 i started flying force in 85. it's not new he said you are going to preach that it's too far i said that's my business it's a refugee division and i looked at her and said welcome to my wife to my life nobody refuses me visa i'll bring you a gift from australia and i turned back i came to london called my friend wayne got david of blessed memory now i said wenger are you free to go to australia with us he had british passport he said yes okay this is dr adebayo's passport my password go get visa he went there pom pom they gave us visa i bought him bought high gift return to nigeria you remember i promise you that i'll bring you a gift from australia you do not have what it takes to prevent me from going to where god sends me non-nation that's what it takes to do that if you are sent if you have not gotten any frolic of your own what is the first thing you must know are you ready god has sworn on earth that all the earth will be filled with his glory that's my own starting point anytime i consider a mission and i consider praying for a particular country he had sworn on earth in numbers 14 21 he said as truly as i live all the earth shall be filled with my glory when jesus asked his disciples not to go to samaria is it because he was going to exclude samaria you're not listening to me can't do two things at the same time by the tip i want to make eye contact with you i want to put this deposited in your heart when he said do not go the way of some the city of samaria samaritan's america was he excluding them because it was not the assignment it was his he was going to break this place open by casual conversation not cruciate by casual conversation with an elizabeth taylor married five times and now just leaving arraignment you understand me fetch water and i'll take care of you but then why are you laughing at the woman have you been married to five husbands excuse me why did you have to tell a lie you've not been married to five husbands are you sure mom do you have five senses i'm not going there everyone is married to five husbands sing hearing taste all those things guide you instead of the holy spirit they are your husbands the sixth one is humanistic philosophy but listen to me my casual conversation was going to open up the whole of samaria and all men of the city knew this woman so even in our past god is glorified [Music] she was a key to the city but a man like peter by pastor because of prejudice and gender issue but that was god's person for that city she ran and said come and see a man who told me everything i did he stayed there for three days because of that conversation and the people said yes when you told us to believe your story but now we believe also because we have seen him this is truly the messiah look what did it take sir how many vigils did jesus do i'm not against prayer i pray my house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations not a house of cardinal conventions say with me the lord has won all the earth will be filled with my glory even if this is the only point i take today is enough for me because if you understand this point every other thing will fall into place we'll fall into place what does god need to fill the earth with his glory in issue of me he can do without us it chose to include us because it's a god who commanded light to shine out of darkness who was shown in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of god on the face of jesus christ are you with me if you still believe in the impossible in doing the impossible you see the invisible that's what the bible says he endured seeing the invisible if you believe this thing that the one who swore that all the earth to be filled with my glory had concluded on how to do it just waiting for you to wake up and smell the coffee lift up your hands and bless his holy name he hath sworn all the earth will be filled with my glory point number two because of time for god's glory to spread across the planet knowledge must increase hello oh i love this part and you're annoying with your architectural insight and really record this for the glory of the lord to spread across the planet what must increase knowledge must increase what kind of knowledge let's back up a little this war all the air to be filled with my glory but he needed someone on earth to speak like he spoke in the beginning let there be light he said so in the last prayer of david the son of jesus in psalm 72 he said let the earth be filled with his glory someone took what's in heaven and brought it on earth why forever oh lord your word is settled in heaven and if you can find someone who believes i want to bring it on earth then confirmation will follow declaration are you following me david let's hear the feeling with your glory and i desire in the year that king gosa had died so i saw it a lot it was high and lifted off his trail filled the temple angels could not behold this glory with two wings they were flying with two wings they covered their feet and with two wings they covered their eyes and they were shouting holy holy holy as a lord of us the old earth is filled with your glory it was after that revelation they said who shall we say who will go for us it simply means those who will evangelize the word the way god designed it a career of his glory the careers of his glory i'm a carrier of his glory you're a carrier of his glory if you don't believe that go to john 17 said the glory they have given you have given i have given it to them i'm accounting of his glory if they help me to preach this lord help me do you know what god told daniel he said in the end time knowledge will increase daniel chapter 12 verse number four knowledge will increase habakkuk told us what that knowledge is is a knowledge of the glory of god will cover the earth in such a way there will be nothing left as the waters cover at this if you don't believe these things don't even step into mission you will burn out you you'll be discouraged you will and you'll be looking for those who don't even understand what your assignment is have you read example 43 don't say the lord jacob i created you israel i formed you so you would take the new creation formation and being carrier of his glory he said i have created you for my glory everyone i've created for my glory i've created them i've formed them if god does not feel you it cannot form you if he does not form you you cannot carry his glory he will take the carriers of his glory to the nations because that's what they are looking for that's why it's arise and shine for your light has come and what the glory of the lord is risen upon you darkness shall cover the earth and grasp darkness the people but the glory of the lord will be upon you and kings will back until you come into your light no please i'm serious about what i'm teaching this is my life i caught god to be a witness i'm trying i'm not trying to impress you i sat in one spot i couldn't leave my ipad it's about time to put distance on record so people can see and learn let's not make mountains out of more heels he figured out everything his wall all the air to be female my glory and his knowledge will increase now ladies and gentlemen as knowledge increase this is the era of knowledge explosion can we really give any excuse when the early church with our printing press with our complete bible no telephone no radio no television no satellite no social media no internet reach the whole world did they know what do we have any excuse do we what is missing we are sending non-carriers of his glory okay let me explain that because i don't want you to think i'm saying there's a special indeed there is a special call look i'm closing my note i don't need it anymore when when you have my time i'll sit with you and step by step i will deliver it in a manner that i process do that does not make me a puzzle he's an apostle my son should be greater than i am so esther is now here i've done extras you were there when she was ordained listen when god said daniel give me daniel chapter 12 verse 4. i conclude with this if this is all i see today i'm fine there's more to say but if you get this you go back home and say lord give me what ah lord just just come take over my life make me carry of your glory that's what the kings are coming into they're not coming to find english and fine suits and nice leather shoes and diamond drink and perfumes as a please i thank the lord oh god almighty for this day such a joy to be here um we've been traveling and i now telling what number is this this is our 20th country this year it's global tourism because there's no impact anywhere nobody is feeling anything danielle try for but you daniel shot up the words and sealed the book under the time of the end many shall run to and fro and knowledge shall increase you can eat breakfast in nigeria lunch in london and deny los angeles in one day but here is the key my son he said shut up the words daniel i sealed the book was it god who shot up the words no was it angel who shot up the words no it was daniel daniel what i'm giving you is for the end time shut up the words and seal the book question they daniel understand what he was asked to shut up did they understand what he was asked to seal give me verse 8. let's make these things clear today because god is going to use you mightily in the mighty name of jesus give me verse 8 daniel 12 8 thank you although i heard i did not understand then i said my lord what shall be the end of these things next verse continue sir verse 9 and he said go your way danielle for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end what's going to happen at that time many shall be purified mid-white refined but the wicker shall do wickedly and none of the weaker shall understand but the wives will unders do i have wise men in the house that will understand this season it was not shut up by the angel it was not sealed by the angel it was shut up by daniel it was sealed by daniel and daniel confessed i did not even understand so how do you tell someone who says to you go to hong kong and shut down church and say okay lord before i go what would i say when i get there what what shall i say send me that was the problem of moses because of 40 years he had been deprogrammed it was mighty words and these but now i'm a stamina slew of speech so are we going to unseal this very simple very very simple we will need the frequency that daniel carried to begin to unseal the book and not shut he carried the frequency that enabled him to get things and you just need to read eclipses chapter 12. you find it it says the preacher searches for acceptable words is not searching for words to please you is searching for what will open your laptop this has password yours has password if you don't tell me what the password is even if i take your documents i can access them so and he said the secret things belong to the lord our god those things which are revealed belong to us and to our children forever that might be able to walk the work of this law but not only that the secrets of the lord are with them that fear him that he might show them his covenant when you read ecclesiastes 12 you will see frequencies there acceptable vocabulary means you have gotten the access to divine mysteries that will open up a city or a nation and that's why you can't rush ahead and go without being told number three [Music] god in his wisdom gave all the nations of the earth their inheritance and he alone determined their pre-appointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings that's the literal amendment to my daughter's note those that gathered together the belgians they now they didn't even know what they were doing they called it balkanization of africa but with the hands of these colonial masters a huge nation was first together not forged it's called amalgamation that's a language for welding we were welded together but look at the sheer market look at the sheer population when that giant truly rises the world will have a place to thank god i'm not kidding i'm not going to wait around the side of those who are looking for cessation i don't believe in oppression any constitution that does not bend will break i've said so much of that but god use the hands of those who do not even know what they are doing to carve out a giant nation in the means of french territories and to position it there does not realize what is about or what a destiny is yet but you begin to look for scribes and those with understanding and said the season is here i'm doing this in you i'm doing this in your nation go declare it if they love at you stop don't stop declaring just keep on declaring it you're not going to beg them they are going to beg you [Music] god gave inheritance to every nation of the earth every nation every nation if you see a nation that they say is backwards third what country you should rejoice because god lives in third heaven you live in third world it's local call it makes it a lot easier they are doing long distance because they're in the first world listen to me i'm serious daniel chapter north daniel deuteronomy chapter 32 god gave inheritance to all the nations of the earth and predetermine their boundaries and the time of their visitation are you with me sir if god did that then accurate timing is crucial for territory-taking you can run like moses to deliver the children of israel 40 years earlier you are the one that will leave town you'll see use you you come back 40 years after i said by the way you didn't read what i said to your grandfather i already determined that they will spend 400 years there you are trying to frustrate you when it was 360. i said my thing in order you can't accidentally reach me i know what i'm doing i have told them that nation will have to leave them four hundred years is predetermined so 360 years of the time you can go to the backside we need to prune you it predetermined the boundaries of their dwellings and he gave them inheritance so if there is timing and we run out of time and not in time we are going to become a casualty of neatness warfare very simple and what it says in the book of jeremiah interests me more is that whenever you miss the appointed time you become nice you become annoyed it's not a voice you're becoming noisy pharaoh has means the appointed time is become annoying i don't want to be a noise i want to be a voice like that of someone who speaks and god confirms from the day that god called him to the day of his death his word did not fall to the ground that's what i desire so i want you to lift up your hands as a lord plug me into your accurate timing give me a sense of your kairos moment let me understand when my time comes so like a a fist caught in a cranet that would not be my portion in the name of jesus now god gave all that he had given to the nations and predetermined the boundaries of that their dwelling place and the times of their visitation because he wants all men saved he wants all men to come to repentance he does not want anyone to perish do you understand this does he want china to perish does he want saudi arabia to perish does he want russia to perish does he want america to perish what does he want nigeria to perish why do you join those who say this country is this and this country is that nothing can happen there no let's let's be on the side of the lord i can see all the trouble that do you know the man called abacok in my urban bible it's called abba the cuckoo family are related to him he began to pray and said god why do you show me the law is powerless there is corruption everywhere there is violence everywhere law is so weak everything is and he complained and complain and god said look among the nations i'm about to do a thing that if you are told you not believe it so i stop talking to you keep on murmuring keep on complaining don't lie is now one dollar to 550 eyes are your business why is that your headache if a loaf of bread is light if his slice is sold for one thousand dollars i will not ask god for deliberate i will ask for the bakery because i mean son so i can feed others do you understand me i'm about to do anything in the nation's habakkuk if you are told you know you stop believing you start complaining that i'm not talking to you he has a second question your eyes are too pure to behold evil why don't you do this these men have spread their crew on it heaven was silent he said i'll mount my watch i will see what he will say to me it's better for him to rebuke me and correct me than for him not to speak to me when he was registered write division make it plain he said upon tablet he knew this day we come you know about a window before big gates was born and if you are looking for live streaming check your reminder that they will stream with joy unto me he knows all these things he knows about technology more than you do and if you look at me and say but you're not technically serviced i sent you to school i was gonna my mother told me listen to me my friends in the name of the lord jesus christ let's use our tongue let's use it to god to begin to create the atmosphere that we want to see in our nation and in the cities of the world it does not want anyone to perish he wants them to come to repentance and to the knowledge of the savior and may god use you for his glory in the mighty name of jesus for the salvation of the world god's unspeakable gift to mankind is jesus the lord who over 2 000 years ago gave himself as an offering to god a sacrifice that fully paid for the blunders of mankind what else do we have to add to that sacrificer nothing more to add nothing more to add to the sacrifice of jesus ladies and gentlemen you want to take territories look onto the cross settle there sit there look under the cross settle there completely how do i know psalm 22 elohim elohim lama sabachthani did god answer him yes the answer is in that psalm he said you have answered me what was the answer all the nations of the earth will come to bow they will come to work because you are the governor among the nations may god find you fit for this assignment in the mighty name of jesus may you find your feet for the masters used he had paid the price john 3 16 for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in him should not perish but ham everlasting life he did not send his word son to the world to condemn the world but through him the world might be saved i want to pause here and share one thing with you i'll tell you the rest in future in acts of the apostle chapter 4 let me begin to read from verse 5. i want to show you the profile of a career of god's glory they don't look qualified sir they didn't go to ui neither did they go to unilak they were not in birmingham university no they were unlimited ignorant fishermen but when they saw when they saw the boldness of peter and john they took knowledge that they have been with jesus i want to ask you a question and then you can take over from here there'll be plenty to share in the days to come or i send all the notes to you go preach it son question what made them recognize peter and john if you infer your answer from the scripture we've just read mum he said they shout their buddness was peter bulls before do you know who he was addressing here the chief priests the rulers the leaders of israel the bible says as he opened his mouth it was filled with the holy spirit was the holy spirit the glory of the father are you filled with the holy spirit when they saw the boldness was that the reason they took knowledge they acknowledged that being with jesus they knew is this the first time that peter and john were with jesus glory john 19 you will know that that john was well known to the high priest that it was he who negotiated for peter to be brought in that he sat in that judgment court they already knew him but there was something they couldn't deny this 40 year old man that was born left from his mother's womb that was sitting at the gate called beautiful for all his life that i've been begging for arms do you know what they said that that innotable miracle that cannot be denied had happened we that this man did it we are in trouble they are now doing exactly what jesus said they would do this is the problem is this a full gospel church sir or half it's true gospel thank you pierre for answering me the answer is this a full gospel church then i'm going to pray the father and we are going to agree together the gospel is not fully preached until it is preached with mighty signs and wonders by the power of the holy spirit not stage manage miracles not credit a lot not injustice money and distributing money those are devils i'm talking of real tangible that a notable miracle have been done by this men we can no longer deny it but how do we threaten them that they should not preach in that name anyone say we cannot stop that which our eyes have seen that which our eyes are look this is simon ah i denied before i have a farm back i'm filled with the holy spirit now i'm different i'm a carrier of his glory miracles begin to happen like commonplace in our lives and ministry may god return his power to the church so that we do not labor in vain or bring forth for trouble this is the missing factor stand to your feet this morning i want you to ask afraid lord fill me with your holy spirit fill me with your holy spirit afresh they threatened them they went to their company and prayed again and they were filled with the holy spirit afresh i'm sorry for every complaint i'm sorry for every time i've been discouraged you have finished your job before you ask me to come and do it i thank you that i will be the right person the right place at the right time for the right reasons i'm presenting myself to you afresh that you will give me your technology for city taking your technology for territory sticking you are strong on earth all the earth will be free with your glory nothing can change that you're merely looking for careers of your glory whose word do you confound with signs and wonders and nations after nations after nations will open to them with all that we have at our disposal in the means of knowledge explosion will reach the world i will bring them back to you in jesus mighty name say with me this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached unto all nations as a witness then the end will come did god take them from jerusalem to judea to samaria what he began in samaria was finished by a decade not an apostle and when the decree showed up a priest christ and signs and miracles and wonders what happened in samaria and the sorcerer also repented and was baptized it was called the great power of god before dickins showed up may our dick is not just we are tied to may there be fire breath for god in the name of jesus may the power of the holy ghost flow through us again in the church confirming our world with signs and wonders may we have the audacity the boldness what it takes to preach the full gospel with signs and wonders and the power of the holy ghost happening all around us go in this your strength god bless you [Music]
Channel: Harmony Christian Centre
Views: 1,241
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 24sec (4824 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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