TAKING ON THE TERRIFYING KILLER || Five Nights at Candy's 3 FINAL NIGHT (Five Nights at Freddys)

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what's going on guys and welcome back to more five nights at candies three now in today's video we are going to be going into the final night and taking on vinnie and probably dying a lot if i had to take a guess but of course if you guys enjoy the series don't forget to smash that like button down below and also if you're new to the channel be sure to subscribe for more content like this and let's go ahead and get into this i'm honestly i'm scared right now oh my god there's vinnie there he is why did you return here the secret's out the weight of your guilt has been erased so why did you return here i honestly don't even know i guess you wanted to confront the problem me the problem i didn't realize what i had done until i was in my bed about to sleep i was never able to think clearly again how did it take you that long to register that you just killed two people i don't even know if it still would have happened if you hadn't been there but you were there you saw it all and now the truth has come out and my life ends it'll never be like before yep see you later vinnie i had everything oh and then you took it away whoa you don't get to walk away from what you've done to me you've ruined my life and now i will make sure you'll never be able to sleep again oh my god yeah i'm not gonna be able to sleep again dude that oh my god dude seeing that thing right there it just proves it i'm gonna say it right now this game's animatronics are way scarier than finance at freddy's animatronics like anything fights phrases done this game is way scarier honestly that's just my personal opinion but these are genuinely creepy and just terrifying where is he it's just him it's gotta be just him because of the fact that rat and cat are dead oh i heard that no he's not here i'm so confused what's going on it's completely quiet i gotta activate the tape recorder i'm gonna press play on it hopefully we don't die doing this okay where what the heck is that oh god there he is oh so he's just like rat okay he's just like rat which means he's probably gonna attack we have to shine our light on him just like rat would just like we would on rat okay i can do this guys i can do this i hope i can do this dude this is oh his face is so creepy and i love how he kept it like dark like that until now and now you get to see just his face all lit up and just how disturbing it looks and it's just i don't know like the storyline for this one really does make sense to me because okay so nightmare or not nightmare rat and cat died in their suits that's why she saw them oh god who's wait who's knocking if if cat's dead i don't know okay but that makes sense why she's having the nightmares about them like the actual animatronics because the people that were in the suits died in their suits so that's what she saw but now vinnie he died well he killed him when he wasn't in his suit oh god oh oh my god he's so fast he's so fast what that dude he's so freaking fast he dodges everything oh my god dude this is crazy he he moved oh my god he moves around the room this is crazy oh my god oh this is so scary if i lose track of him for like a second i'm pretty sure he's gonna kill me what the heck he moved again oh my god this is crazy i keep saying that because i really don't know what else to say right now because i'm really trying not to die right now and i'm really scared go away why is he taking he keeps moving back and forth this is insane are you oh my god he's got some sick moves not even gonna lie dude this guy can straight up dance if he if he wanted to he could probably be a really good breakdancer he's straight up breaking bones by doing these moves oh my god come on dude stop hitting me with the head head wobble oh god oh no he's under the bed all right how does this work okay i'm going i'm going i'm going i'm going listen i heard it how does this work oh that's it oh i am oh i could not be any more happy that's how that worked that was crazy dude there's no way there is honestly no freaking way i'm gonna be able to beat this he like he swerves you at every like chance he can that was insane i mean i i honestly don't think i'm gonna be able to beat this i feel like i got lucky right there it's like it's one of those instances where if you're off of him for probably like one second longer than i was you're dead you're so freaking dead and i will say this though um unlike most fights for fan games i played this one is probably the easiest in my personal opinion and i'm very happy about that because i was able to fully enjoy the game and not have to like be on full panic mode and have to quit after like night four because it's too hard like that's one of the problems i was running to with a lot of fan games as lately as of lately well not as of lately as much but like before like final nights three and stuff like that they were just they were so difficult that i just could not have a good time playing them because it got to the point where it was just next to impossible but this you can probably be if you just don't mess it up which knowing me i'm going to end up messing it up but you know what let's hope that i don't here and hope that i win i am so sorry if i'm talking weird right now i this is really difficult come on come on come on oh my god he keeps moving stop moving you're gonna end up killing me bro oh my god my my heart's starting to sound different in the game i think he might he might be just about to kill me then i really don't know we're about to find out though come on stop moving going to the bed already go into the bed come on that's the easy part all i gotta do is survive this and then you go under the bed come on stop moving you can do this you can do this yes oh okay under the bed time easy part easy part come on left side yep time to go on the right side and listen i heard it come on go back go back go back oh what what are you kidding me what was i like a second late like i don't understand i was literally like i literally went down saw him and then as soon as i heard it i turned and looked at him and he killed me anyways i'm guessing i was just literally like a second too late that's the only thing i can think of dang it dude ah this is this feels like it it's it's possible but it's got a lot of room for failure so you could you could mess this up really easily all right let's start this up first we're learning though all right it's a learning process we've got to figure out how he moves we got to figure out what we got to do to properly beat this guy just like every other animatronic all right we beat we meet we be i keep wanting to come nightmare rat and nightmare cat but we beat monster rat and we beat monster cat so we can definitely beat vinnie even though he he killed both of them he literally killed both of them so i mean they're really no challenge to him but i don't know man we could do this hopefully i'm just gonna keep telling myself that i just gotta start believing it we just gotta make sure that we get that that tape recorder going it has to be going as much as possible because the faster we have that like the more we have that thing playing the faster this night is going to go by so we we got to make sure that thing does not stop and if it does we got to go right back on it unless we're forced to not go back on it like if this guy attacks it's off all right quickly rewind and back up all right check for him i think after this next attack he's going to come in yep i think he's going to come in after this one so we got to keep an eye on him here come on oh there's the knocking the knocking starting our tape is rewinding it should be almost done here it's done quickly go down press play i hear the knocking oh he's in the room all right here we go we got that tape playing though so this is not terrible come on we can do this shine in it shining it we got the nice music playing oh no you know i thought of because the music's playing we're probably not going to be able to hear him when he comes up so i'm gonna have to go off of like instinct here and just i guess no oh what dude there is no room for error in that at all like you mess you you your mouse cursor if it passes him by a centimeter and it goes back onto him you're dead you're you're dead all right guys you know what i'm going to do i'm going to start it whenever we get to like 3 or 4 a.m and uh we'll go from there all right so i'll see you guys in just a second all right guys so as you can tell we are currently underneath the bed and you may be wondering well why are you underneath the bed brendan um you should be on top of the bed your boy vinnie is he's he's right on your trail dude he's going to kill you well no i actually tweeted out something and i said that i was just having a very difficult time in fighting to case through the final night of the game um i keep getting to the same point and i keep dying davini and he's like lagging behind at the same point on every night at least it feels like to me and uh one of you guys actually the name was the sparky 556 he told me you can super tease it by just looking under the bed that stops him from killing you and i was like nah there's no way that there's no way this is possible and well now we're now we're under the bed i've been under here for quite a while and uh yeah it actually works i mean usually i feel kind of bad about using stuff like this but i seriously i don't i think he's broken i don't know like either there's something up with my computer or what but literally like i have footage of it he lags at a certain move when he's on the left side of the bed he'll lag a little bit and it causes it to the game to like i don't know it just messes up and he just instantly attacks you and it happened to me three times i haven't played this game for over an hour at this point trying to get this guy to defeat him you know trying to beat this guy and it just kept happening to me at like it was around like 3 a.m to 4 a.m and it literally happened all the time and then i got to 5 a.m and it happened on 5 a.m it's the weirdest thing but it's like the game lags behind and it causes him to just jump scare you instantly so yeah now i'm under the bed and uh i i yeah this is a glitch it actually works so if you guys are having a hard time on night five and or if you just want to beat it quickly you can do this not really quickly it actually takes a lot longer being under here than it does being on top of the bed but i mean i guess if you just can't see the monsters they're not actually real and we won so yeah like i said though usually i feel bad about doing glitches like that if you guys want to see me beat it without any glitches or anything like that just tell me in the comment section down below and i'll go back to it and beat it officially but honestly i i do honestly feel like the game was a little bit broken right there for me so that's why i did that all right what what's going on here oh we came out hello you're dead hi you're dead too yep and you were never even alive it's vinnie yeah well vinnie that's not actually vinnie then he's out here somewhere let's go see him did he get arrested by the police let's go find out come on vinnie where you at bro what the heck it's so quiet out here it's like everyone's dead oh the doors are open let's go out oh rat and cat theater hey you shouldn't be here oh no you were in there the whole time i'm so sorry i thought you said the place was cleared cleared out don't cry missy where are your parents you don't understand sir my daughter is still in there oh i didn't realize i was supposed to be like a dramatic mary i was reading that so boringly oh mary i was so worried i'm sorry they were getting everyone out i tried to tell them but they had to get everyone out i hate how it like it says it in like pieces like this i'm sorry for leaving you in there because you think like the sentence is over but it's not all right so we did it we have beat in the night all right so it says i believe mary is finally beginning to see the end of her recovery it's been about half a year now since she remembered the cause of her trauma determinization and every time we've met since then she seemed much more energetic and happy she doesn't have any nightmares and she's not afraid of the rat and the cat anymore she's even began drawing regularly again wait but she is she afraid of vinnie because that's what she should be afraid of she's not afraid of letting her create creativity run wild i think the next session will be our last i hope i'm happy to say that she won't need any further counseling that's it canceling all right so uh we did it what's what's going on where is he whoa what's going on right now that's what you all asked where is he where is he where's who it was just another game another game like the ones we always played hide and seek you were supposed to be fine no you were supposed to find me but then you never did where is he like all the others in that box i have become forgotten me your favorite and best friend in the world where is he the game never finished i'm still hiding somewhere waiting for you to find me find the pieces and find me where is he so just keep asking maybe ask the others what the heck what was that okay so what i'm guessing that is right there is uh oh we got two stars we need i'm guessing one or two more um i'm guessing what that is is we're gonna have to go back into the game find all the little pieces that'll unlock something i i guess i really don't know so here's the monsters once again we have monster cat monster rat monster cat monster cat and monster vinny there he is looking terrifying and there's a little up close shot for you guys and then let's go into the dev sketches where you have nightmare rat design one which is rough um nightmare rat design one detailed nightmare right design one traditional monster rat design one and then monster rat design two wow that actually looks really cool like a hairy version of them monster rat design three and then monster art design four and then it says something right here which i can't read replace something origami something and then a vinnie concept and a vinnie oh monster vinnie concept all right cool and then we go to jump scares obviously we have all the ones what is this 50 oh it's like the speed oh wow that's cool you can actually see him run up to you i want to see that again look at this wait how do i get that to play again look at that he literally runs up to you that is actually terrifying and then cat and then vinny wow that is crazy seeing that in slow motion arcade obviously we gotta find the other games challenges oh challenges work across all nights laser pointer the flashlight is smaller my wake up music play the tape to keep yourself awake the tape doesn't make the night go by oh wow that's actually really cool silent night the tape works but you can't hear it and then the shadow challenge oh there's a shadow guys if you guys want to see me play that drop a like on the video right now oh my god i got to do that the makey of monster app which we already saw beta content oh finds kenny's bait off is one wow that brings back some memories oh my god dude that brings back some memories that's like how the office basically looked finds candy's bait office three look at that wow fight case two oh my god fights candy's three that is so cool and this is the map concept the map concept again map concept and then the first render of chester how cool is that the first render of rat dude whoa unused teaser for the rat dude that's crazy whoa a new shadow candy jumpscare what from fights at candies i never even saw that that's cool oh it's unused that's cool what the heck dude those are crazy and then thank you thank you for playing wait how do i get rid of this oh that's cool dude check that out though you got blank cindy all of them candy wow the original um candy right there that is crazy look at the shadow versions of them back there holy crap dude look at vinnie there in the middle that is insane all right well let's head back i don't think we really can do anything else obviously we do the challenges and the shadow night so if you guys want to see me do that like i said before just drop a like on the video if you're new to subscribe for more content like this and i will see you guys in the next one peace out guys
Channel: FusionZGamer
Views: 543,132
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Five Nights at Candys 3, Five Nights at Candys 3 demo, Five Nights at Candys 3 gameplay, Five Nights at Candys 3 part 1, Five Nights at Candys 3 trailer, Five Nights at Candys, Five Nights at Candys 3 ending, Five Nights at Candys 3 walkthrough, No Cursing, Kid Friendly, RAT, CAT, NIGHTMARE RAT, NIGHTMARE CAT, fnac 3, five nights at candy's, five nights at candy's 3, FNAC 3 TRUTH ENDING
Id: e8RbNOC8mWo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 40sec (1000 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 05 2017
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