Working as a MECHANIC at a NEW FNAF LOCATION.. - FNAF The Freddy Fazbear Checkup

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what's up guys and welcome to the Freddy Fazbear checkup this is a brand new FNA fan game where apparently we're going to be checking up on our boy Freddy Fazbear and apparently working on him his animatronics suit and stuff like that and having to repair him it sounds very scary you guys know these kind of games like where we're up close with the animatronics having to work on them like we've seen it help wanted and you know those type of games are always very very scary now let's not waste any more time though let's start the game and begin here we go okay so oh we can do different save files dang how long is this game fast fact no the am trunks are not evil and do not watch around oh yeah I dude hey the fast fact said it it means it's true what is this all material appear on this tape is protected by copyright ooh wait we got like a little uh training tape or something this could be cool all right if they if they throw in like some FNAF VHS stuff you know like from uh like like what we've been seeing on YouTube this could be fun all right this is taking a long time to start ye I hope you're fantastic today well you might ask why you were brought here his voice is so today your main star Fredy fazber has suffer serious injuries due to his last performance ohed to check and make sure that Freddy fazer is ready for the next show see this is so cool like Freddy fazer goes around like killing people with repair five steps to make sure that fredd is fully working if you are still with d the security guard will help you up talking to you through the walkie talkie oh cool the person step is security protocols to Cle and turn him up you will need first to turn up his security protocols to turn off his security protocols just press the security button and turn him off oh well that's easy when you hear a his little nose you will knowe that his security protocols has been turned up okay step one Boop his nose step two what's next the second step is clearing for oh goodness this step is way to simple just press the spray button on your back and wait 5 seconds after all parts are complete you can move to the next step oh wow that's super easy all right so wash Freddy the third step is charge the parts okay after cleaning up it's time to charge his Parts just first and hold to charge his parts and wait to fully charge okay also sounds very easy I'm going to somehow mess this up you guys already know important step is this sound test use the sound response and see pretty faster works correctly if don't make sure to mark it on your bad oh we got the little pad back again okay on pizz finally turn his security protocols on SI wait why did it say 666 wait a minute hello after all ignore that pretty fether will be ready for his next show he looks a little lops don't and make our biggest St work again we are counting on you okay this seems cool man I I was like I saw this come I was like man this is cool but like nobody's played it I don't know what's going on man people need to wake up Step One Security protocols let's do this whoa remember to keep our friends up to date doing the daily checkouts hey employee we are going to check this big boy tonight to make sure he's working okay be sure to turn off the security before we start working okay oh wait what did I just do no no no don't wait how do I turn off the security how do I turn oh um oh Boop the nose right Boop the nose let me get a little closer to him maybe uh what's this oh can I click no okay I'm clicking his nose but nothing's happening um h i see I might be doing something incorrect here but I don't know maybe it like you guys can see my mouse like literally I'm clicking his nose oh what's this remember oh you can just like randomly walk up to oh oh my gosh okay no that's the wrong nose that's the wrong no okay maybe can I not grab this stuff I really I want to grab it's making noises like I'm grabbing oh oh there we go there okay there press it oh I got to hold it okay kind of weird how you get to him oh you see the face that's the child that's inside of Freddy that's cool that's cool that is awesome okay it's it's a little drawn out okay buddy we get it you're in there get off my face there we go wait did I okay I did it it now back it up back it up all right wait uh step two um hold on can you can you come back guy and help me um step two was to go over here go over here and grab okay that was complete luck I forgot cleaning Freddy that's right that's right okay tab okay now we should start by cleaning his Parts the VHS say to clean with your bed however the system is working a bit Quicky and with connection errors so we're going to use the old ways try to find a cleaning spray take a look around and try to find it h i feel like on the material that Freddy Fazbear's made out of that's not a good idea but what why are you calling me what do you want nothing yet I haven't even looked look under table can you give me a second I would have I could have found that myself maybe if you didn't you know barge in there and steal my thunder what is that oh the Faz spray I like how everything in Freddy Faz they put Faz in front of it the power is going crazy right now the system is out of control and we need to go to the generator room and restart the whole power of the pizzeria how do I do is we starting now it will take a little bit more than a minute hold on and everything will be fine but take a closer attention to Freddy he likes to walk in the dark if you see him put a light on his face God this should scare him away what what if you heard a laugh just look to the opposite side okay wait I don't have both head okay okay both headphones are secured um what wait what happened laugh laugh look laugh look I'm looking left I'm looking left I'm looking okay both headphones are securely on my ears and my right ear is oh my god oh there wait was he to-ing what was that you guys saw that it look like he was to-ing no no look left look left okay I'm looking left not moving okay wait okay okay okay okay this is good this is good we're we're doing fine I thought this was going to be a simple you know first day we come on the job we do we do a little bit of repairing a little you know goofing around we're out of here no no no no no the lights power goes off now we got this guy trying to kill us laughing in our face while he does it okay 41 seconds left oh get rid of him what was that sound like he clapped when he showed up I didn't see his hands clapping though so I don't know what where's that clapping noise coming from Freddy what is that his hands are not moving oh go away maybe it's like an electrical thing going out or something I don't know okay oh no no look left look left all right we're good we're good I'm just going to stay looking over here for a second I don't know how Okay out for him he's that's right side that's left I meant that's left side oh man I thought he was only going to show up on the right side okay okay okay 3 seconds 3 seconds we're out of here any second now there we go that was scary ooh much better now what are we talking about oh we need to clean this thing that's right oh okay looks I'm about to spray paint him right click to use the spray boom okay now we need to charge the electronic parts this time we use the pad just hold the buttons to charge his part Freddy will try to screw up the light when you are not see I'm able to fix it here quick but for your safety keep an eye on him he can also break the camera but I don't think you it could be that hard to fix it good luck you'll be good oh thank you step three charge the parts okay so to charge them I got to go up to them right I got to like hold on I got to get a little closer I think um open the tablet with s Sure oh oh oh no I see what's happening click here to see the camera okay it looks good there's no need to fix it yeah yeah this is interesting so it's not like your typical like repair thing like he's got a lot going on here okay so we got to we got to charge this guy up but obviously he's going to be moving he said he can see him on the camera though right so will he let me know if he like is about to thought I heard him moving did you wait what's that what's that light on the bottom does that mean the power is about to go out hold on I don't know oh maybe wait wait the camera's no the camera's good the camera's good I don't know what's happening just just charge it just charge it come on no wor wasting time I'm not going to look at him camera's out he move he what is this huh wait press space okay is he is he able to kill me while I'm doing this I feel like he's going to press space uh be but be aware that you are not no you okay that noise horrified me for no reason all right come on keep it going I think it's so funny that like I get scared by the dumbest things like the jump scares and stuff not as much but it's just like random noises and you guys know I've always been like that like random loud noises always terrify me it's not really like the stuff happening on screen that gets me usually okay come on 100% nice that's one did you all right buddy who told you to cut the camera huh who told you to do that okay this one is taking this is taking forever hello what is this oh my gosh why is it should I can I no oh I'm trying to click out I can't click out so I it says you are not looking at Freddy while doing this I know that I'm trying to go back and look at him but okay never mind I guess we're just dead that's cool that's cool okay just please here something no it's not him come come on come on come on yes come go oh he's still there okay cool all right back to this like I was saying uh I don't know if I should hold this for longer he hasn't moved so I don't know you know maybe I just hold it until like 50% and see what happens but let me check okay the camera's still up go go go come on come on come on this takes quite a while though charging every single little part of them it's kind of cool though okay 60 n okay he's still there you know what I'm going for 100 I'm going for 100 I don't care I see that little thing on the top right though which I feel like I probably should not let that go to zero unless that is that means he's like fully charged when that hits zero okay go go go go go go go no it like restarted see I don't want that to drain all the way okay done I need to get that back though okay you're still looking good up here buddy what's this on the bottom right or on the bottom in general there like light bulb down here I don't know wait can I call him let me see hey buddy buddy you there no okay never mind let's go back to doing my job all right not that bad not that bad like I said as long as I don't see him moving I'm fine I am a okay wait I hear like little I don't know if it's even in the game or if it's in real life I don't know what I'm here hear little things though look see right there I don't know I'm hearing dude they're in my walls they're in the walls they're in the walls dude Freddy Faz somehow fit in between my walls I don't know how that's possible oh I almost drained it oh that could have been bad all right guys last one I'm going to be honest though he uh kind of fell asleep I I don't know I and if you think about it though right like all of his Parts aren't charged so this guy can't move even if he wanted to I'm actually kind of helping him kill me because now his parts are charged up now he can actually move again that's why if you repair anything on him you got to do like his feet last cuz obviously that's what allows him to move so but yeah he hasn't he hasn't been doing anything I don't know what's going on like not even the camera's been going off so maybe this part needs a little bit of an update I don't I don't know it's a little strange you just kind of get like a you know free little Victory Royale here by doing absolutely nothing I say that watch I'm end up dying in the last second here let me check no he's good he's good go go go come on come on come on just go for it just go we're going for it come on baby come on baby 100 let's go there we go okay sound response step step four I got this i got this okay so sound response now we are doing the sound response I will say which side you put the walkie talking on and I will play the sound if you Freddy does what I say mark it yes on the pad if it doesn't Mark it as no put the walkie talkie on the left the left this side his left okay nope okay come on buddy you got to specify his left my left you didn't even you can at least have said whose left you're talking about the last checkpoint okay please put me right back there again please don't start me at the beginning of that other thing cuz that would be okay thank goodness all right so okay he means like he should really say like my left his left you know I'm just just saying but okay he said Put it on the right so there you go that's on the right respond correctly he should look to the right which right which right wa he is looking to the right he is but it's not which he's looking to his right so that's correct but he oh my okay is he looking to the right I'm going to say no because I'm going to assume that he means left because I played it on his left so no correctly oh my gosh oh my what the walk talking on the left oh my gosh this is hilarious okay left Freddy respond correctly he should look to the right oh he's looking right at me so the sound response no no cuz he's looking straight correctly put the walkie-talkie on the left on the left okay if Freddy respond correctly he should look to the left okay and he's looking to the left so yes correctly oh my gosh thank you put the walkie talkie on the this is right way more stressful than it needs to be because fredd respond correctly he should look still on the front Okay front he's not he's looking at me so no correctly put the walkie talkie on the left left okay here you go if Freddy respond correctly he should look still on the front Okay he should be looking right at me he's not okay so noly okay thank goodness thank goodness that was that was way too close for no reason oh what happening okay you did great now we are good to go oh nice now what finished off with Freddy do you go like the rush the gang oh what happened what happened what how' I get in a su thank you G I will take it from here what Well w well you what is that what is that yes I need you but don't get me wrong this is not a pleasure thing to do what is that it is necessary we need to stop the one who always come back he always does if we get to a place where he'll never come back maybe we have a chance to stop him forever what is happening right now your Agony breaks through all the timelines you are an I'm not canon my friend but this is for something El Canon not canon what is going on here you will be peace soon it will be quick you won't be dislay will be she was still talking it faded to Black I I don't know what she said we'll never know what she said in those final moments we'll never know oh still in a suit oh my gosh oh that's the end of the game okay so it was like a short little sweet game that was that was really good that was really good I would love to see this like expanded on like you know with the help wanted animatronics or not help wanted uh security breach animatronics those type of fellas and just stuff like that um because I think the way they did it was interesting and it wasn't like um you know you can tell a lot of work was in went into this and it was a they did it in a more fun way I think the only that really slowed down the game was that part where like you have to work on every single part of them or charge it up but everything else was really good and um yeah that was cool I I would love to see this you know like I said some more of it some more animatronics some more fellas and you know some more lore and stuff like that but uh let's see what happens after this cuz I'm curious all right let's see so the credits just end black screen something oh okay so you get like um is that supposed to be baby why does it kind of look like her there I don't know I don't know what that thing is but it's like holding up Freddy it's very cool art though I like this a lot let's see if it uh we get anything else at the end of this though that that was that was great though very good I do want to know who that character is on the right though if you guys know let me know oh TV turn it on turn it oh don't tell me okay does it say Freddy against evil golden foxy oh okay like Freddy and space their version of it or something available now wait does it mean like on game do that game's actually available or is it I don't know wait now I think about this game was a hard mode and extra oh don't tell me golden Freddy's in hard mode extras what's in here characters o Freddy Fazbear okay dream whoa whoa what is that what spoilers what is that where is that guy that's okay Eliza is that thing's name what okay I don't know what that thing jump scares hold on if we got a jump scare for this other no what is that thing what what hold on a minute so we go through the making what is that wait what is going on what is what is all this other stuff wait wait what is that what is this what is what is half of this I feel like I missed something important what happened I don't know then there's a thank you button hey friend hipster here I want to thank you for getting here uh it's been long two years of problems and even if the game isn't the best of all fan games I liked it and I really hope you enjoyed and with all my heart thank you for playing yeah I I really enjoyed this if you're watching I really enjoyed it um I do want to know though cuz look we got this like little game here oh this is so cool this is so cool what is this what is this wa what is this there's a whole other game dude dude I just spit I just spit I I get too excited spit dude um who okay so this is a whole game this is a whole what this is so cool okay guys here's the deal okay since it seems like there's a lot here I thought we were done with the game and even the hard mode I'm going to end this video here though but if you guys want to see some more we return and we will do whatever this is in hard mode and and we'll go from there let's actually try this out a little bit here though so I didn't I didn't read any of that though dang it finally found an agent Freddy and now it's time for the final battle oh oh my what is this this is so cool this is so cool what the okay so this is like a whole like little mini game and oh this is like Freddy in space like a different art style very cool I wonder if I can stomp on these things okay no it's not like Super Mario bro okay no no no no no no he's right on my butt okay oh my go oh I'm getting smacked up by these okay they are really getting me can I jump on I thought that was something I could jump on I don't know why all right well I don't know what these things are supposed to be but uh this is awesome this is very cool oh my gosh no make the jump no don't that other thing was going to hit me okay dude can you can you get okay I'm getting bullied right now please holy okay here we go here we go going further in move all right that how did that hit me please let me under please thank you okay keep going forward so wait golden Fox he's going to be like the the final boss in this thing or what cuz I kind of want to find out here I want to know what that that bloody thing was that we saw on the title screen that would have killed me okay careful go okay he he got my pinky toe dude come on okay that does not go down very low okay hold on hold on hold on dude okay I think I have to jump under it yeah no okay it puts you back here all right guys so I I like I said we'll do this in another video we'll we'll finish off this we'll see what other secrets we can find and we will go from there great game though I'm looking forward to playing some more of this I hope you guys enjoyed that I'll see you guys in the next one thank you so much for watching peace out
Channel: FusionZGamer
Views: 318,626
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fazbear checkup, the freddy fazbear checkup, fnaf, five nights at freddy's, freddy fazbear
Id: 1kuI8GLYQk4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 56sec (1256 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2024
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