The SCARIEST Animatronic is FOLLOWING ME.. TERRIFYING NIGHT! | Five Unreal Nights at Candy's FNAF

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what's going on guys and welcome back to some more five unreal nights at candy's free roam in the last video as you guys know we completed night one and night two of the game and we hopped into night three and we got utterly destroyed by everybody i mean literally every truck was coming after us even a giant penguin it was absolutely insane so we're gonna go and hop back into night three and give it another go so here we go guys hello there third night well you've made it this far so that's pretty good so tonight as you'll notice your task is a bit different than usual the group in party room 2 left a pretty big mess in there today and well you guessed it you're the one who's going to be picking it up we have another party that's booked for the early morning so our janitor won't be able to get here in time to finish cleaning i set up a little trash box in your office which is where you'll have to put all the trash when you're finished you're like broke boring and maybe a bit disgusting but remember what the company motto is now we all help each other out because you're a part of the family now anyways enough cheesy talk and remember you only have to pick up party room 2 tonight oh and before i leave you may notice that candy's active tonight the animatronics have been known to become more active throughout the week so i would be a bit more cautious if i was you well have fun picking up trash and i'll talk to you tomorrow bye okay i'll have fun picking up trash um here we go so i just okay already off to a great start dude we're off to a fantastic start i think i'm really gonna wait hey what's up penguin no i pressed the wrong button oh did i reset you i hope i did i hope i pressed the reset button on you i did okay good candy lose me candy lose me can he lose me candy lost me no cindy's on me now are you kidding me you can't make this stuff up i lose one i gained another anyways we're back on some five nights at candies and uh we're gonna be completing night three we better at least if i don't keep getting chased in a circle oh my god but i want to say something real quick i want to say a humongous hello to everyone that has recently joined the channel and hit that sub button we have been gaining subs very fast i know i've been saying that a lot these past few months but we have been so yeah what's up to everyone that's new if you guys you know our you know regulars around here say what's up to all the new people in the comment section down below because there is quite a lot of them and uh give them a warm welcome but okay here we go please just leave me alone i just want to pick up some garbage dude can i just no okay all right i've got both of them on me i don't just have one i have two now how the heck am i supposed to get in there i've got to take care of blank now first okay look look you just keep going why didn't you turn around why did you turn around dude i pressed the rock i'm stuck i pressed the wrong button and i got stuck you know what i feel like that one was a bad start that was a bad start i feel like i i didn't really do much that time all right mute that what the is the phone call still okay i thought the phone call was still playing i was gonna say that's very weird okay so turn on the lights outside first of all so we can actually see what we're doing all right get those on and okay i'm gonna go this way first sweet did candy go straight into this room i think all right you go back no why i always press the wrong button with you okay so he said trash didn't really i think he did i was i got distracted okay i think he said trash i'm gonna go pick up all the trash in this room and throw it in a box and hope for the best i think he means this box i don't think he means this no it has to be this box i don't think that box was there before so i think this is where he wants me to put it oh no i hear the penguin going around by the way you guys were saying like does he not remember the penguin from the main game no i do remember it's just it just i didn't think this is how he would be put into this game just slowly rolling towards the office everyone's like does he have memory loss did this guy forget about the giant penguin in the original no guys i remember it's okay oh no he's still rolling his little way over here where are you guy where are you huh where are you there you are nice suit though i like his suit all right you know if i give him i give him props for the suit at least this is probably room okay that is i didn't really look oh no the animatronics are back the animatronics are back this isn't good i heard them stomping around over there i get that in there quick blink is still at 60 so we're doing pretty good oh no where's hmm wait where are they they should be coming yep that that that's what i was saying i was like they should be coming into this room any second now i'm literally just gonna keep looping this until you eventually forget i'm here eventually you'll forget about me right okay or you'll outsmart me and turn back i forgot about me you forgot about me where is it though okay it's right there where's candy where's candy everyone get in the room okay no don't see me die died which way is she going that way i can't tell i'm gonna go this way yeah she's going oh why is she just sitting in there what's wrong with you you look they keep trying to get in that room what's in that room that you guys want so bad and where's there there's candy there's okay buddy do you need some help do you need some you need some like non-stick spray or something like that spray it on the sides i'll grease it right through there bro he's a giant metal robot just grease him up and slide him through he's good he's okay he's feeling better now no don't see me no okay you know what come in here come in here come in the kitchen i dare you i'm gonna juke you and then i'm gonna close this door on you can't even fit through it you can't even fit through there wait wait no close oh no he got through he got through all right you know what get in here get the plane get the blank which one was it b no you're back on me again oh no okay this is bad this is bad run i i really want to try to lock him in the kitchen i want to see if that's possible oh my no i'm stuck no i should stop trying to do dumb stuff oh trunks is barking that's a first he's he only let out one singular bark oh no there it is there it is i was like that's a first he's just letting out one bark like what's is he feeling okay today now he's growling i i guarantee you if i look out that window right now there is nothing out there's probably like a small chihuahua like 10 miles from the house and he's just barking at it drugs do you want me to turn on the video again and show you to the trunks do you want do you want me to turn on my camera huh do you want me to turn on my iphone and take another video for the people huh i think he does i literally i think he wants me to take another iphone video for you guys oh that didn't go in uh oh does that count does that count as going in i don't know i'm just gonna restart it alright guys so i've been picking up trash for a decent amount of time here okay and by a decent amount of time i think i've been going for a whole 30 seconds but we got a little bit left okay i think i have like two paper balls in this burger do you consider this burger trash i don't know i would eat that nice i don't know how many of you guys would need a burger off the ground i wouldn't especially now what's going on in today's you know day but you know how many guys need a burger off the ground let me know in the comments is there an animatronic no there's not okay literally i just no no i just need this okay candy's there watching i'm just gonna go over here real quick don't mind me and don't see me i forgot all about blank too he's at 48 i think if i can get this done in enough time i might not even have to like reset him which would be nice that'd be nice to have to deal with him for once all right nobody in here right oh no cindy no not you cindy i hate you cindy i hate cindy so much she always gets me okay this should be the last piece i think unless there's a piece somewhere else in there come on and all right oh oh what incarnation is that ever since that financial video where i googled tarnation i'm just gonna keep using one incarnation all the comments are gonna be like i feel like i'm like if i say something like you guys will probably say it too in real life it's just like it's like habit but i don't know do you guys say what in tarnation now no just me probably what was that by the way that was like some bodies or something that was creepy all right well night four time here we go let's do this hello hey did you have fun picking up that trash last night yes well you probably don't want to talk about it oh wait i forgot one piece it's me i'm sorry again about the inconvenience and we're trying to work out some new schedules with the janitor you're probably wondering why i'm bringing up all this sorry talk now well we had a um problem with the heat is that a monkey included it is that a chip it's coming towards me you should be able to reset the heating by turning the valve what's it doing what that's where the problem comes help help somebody help there's a monkey coming for me help somebody out there's a monkey coming to get me oh my god there's an actual monkey coming to get me that's the bottom of the door get behind the toilet well i don't remember exactly where i put this it comes in this one maybe around the kitchen somewhere i'm not too sure but you should try and look there first again i'm sorry about this whole thing and if it'll help you overlook this i'll add a little extra to your paycheck this week like the sound of that don't you good luck tonight on your shift and i look forward to seeing the heating system working again tomorrow the crowds just keep getting bigger and bigger i'll call you again tomorrow okay yeah i'm gonna be honest with you i have no idea what you just said i was so focused on a giant chimp coming towards me that i didn't know what you just i need to look for some oh no it's outside the door it's outside the door okay um uh okay i don't want to go out i don't want to go out why is it oh no okay i'm gonna make a run for it run oh i ran straight into it what the heck why is why is it trying to get me dude that thing's creepy that thing is creepy okay yeah yeah i had fun okay he said i need something in the kitchen that's all that matters that's where i'm going i need to run dude there's a monkey coming for me i need to get out of here chester is insane dude oh my god leave me alone you're both in here too okay i've got a chimp a cat and a cindy coming after i don't know okay just leave me alone i've got two cats and a chimp i never saw i never thought i'd see the day i never thought i'd see the day i literally get stuck what do i do okay i'm just gonna run this away and just try to avoid everything hello oh of course you didn't follow me over here okay i'm gonna go this way no don't get any closer don't get any ideas stay away okay where are you what what is what are you what are you cindy why did you do that she chases me in the weirdest open door open the door she chases me in the weirdest possible ways okay the chimp is still here but we're okay i can go around it there's no way she's still behind me but candy has eyes on the back of his head i know he does get in the kitchen no you saw me in the kitchen get stuck wait come here come here come here get stuck get stuck yup no no come here you're so oh my god what the heck you're so close to getting stuck you just left me alone wait how am i gonna do this can i open this door because the chimp is gonna be at one of the doors no both of the doors lock open the door i dude okay i've got to get him in here with me wait what did he want in this room though wait close the door closer to a hurry where is it close it close it close the door oh my gosh dude it's like it follows have you guys ever seen it follows you know where like the entire movie i can't get into this one in the entire movie they have something chasing after them well you know there's more to it than that but you know i don't want to get in the details but anyways um but you know uh that's what this thing is it's literally it follows it's just constantly following me i've got to pass it on to somebody else i don't even know what i'm doing in here i should have listened to the call probably something to do with these switches but i just want to get in here and see if i could see it without having to listen to the call but yeah i think i'm wait does this work what does work i don't know if that's copyrighted though so i'm not gonna listen to it all right guys who's ready to see a blank jump scare i got about seven seconds i'm gonna go ahead and let myself get jump scared because the chimp distracted me way too much from the phone call to the point where i don't exactly know what to do so yeah i need to listen to the phone call again but yeah i'll go and start whenever i figure out what to do wait here's the blink jumps guy i forgot i forgot about the blank jump scare well here it goes and he's second now right yep there it is there you go for everyone that wanted to see the blank jump scare there you go all right hey guys i know what to do now so basically it was still really hard to hear with all these giant animatronics please don't go through holy that's close please don't don't get through here don't do it okay there we go so what we have to do is there's a drawer in our office that we have to unlock with the key now he said the key is probably in the kitchen but i don't know where he said look in the kitchen first and if you can't find it in the kitchen which is kind of hard to tell if it's on top of one of these like blend in but if it's not in here then i don't know where it could be he just said look in the kitchen i'm gonna check underneath stuff so we need the drawer key which then will give us access to the that key i don't the key to the parts and service which should be wait wasn't that key it was in here wasn't it oh we probably still have it i didn't think about that because previously the keys used to just reset but i'm guessing where's that chimp at okay he's oh my goodness he's far but you're not okay i think i still have the key if i remember correctly you guys remember where i picked up the key on the first episode but the weird thing is whenever i did that episode again like when i did knight two oh no whenever i did night two i didn't have the key oh my god i didn't have the key anymore so i don't know if i have it or not we'll find out let's go up to the door though let's just try to get in there okay so mute that i need to get there quick though that's the thing so i need to grab all this very fast get these doors open and the lights on and then run to the door right away because that's the way i'm gonna make it there in time before the chimp gets me and actually is he guarding parts and service where is he okay do i have a key no see there's no key in my inventory where is he where is he okay he's over there all right so there's a key that we have to find then but it's somehow not in the kitchen it's got to be in the kitchen somewhere i just can't find it that's what it used to be in that don't don't don't no all right give me a second guys you know i'm just gonna find the key first all right guys so i have been looking around for this key for a little bit of time here about like 10 minutes something like that and i cannot find it so he says around the kitchen so i don't think he means like in the kitchen oh no i was looking in the kitchen this whole time but i'm gonna try looking around like i've checked everywhere i've checked out here i've checked who saw me who saw me who saw me who saw me oh you did oh wait oh no i thought that was the key um but yeah i'm going to try checking in blank's room because what he says around the kitchen that's the only thing i can think of besides everywhere i've checked i've checked everywhere out here but i haven't checked in here because in here is hard to do let me press b on you because the animatronics like to come in here a lot so you don't really have much time to check there's the key i knew it of course the one spot that i'm like i would check that but it's difficult to do because the electronics always attack you all right so kitchen cabinet is unlocked perfect let's get in here and the final key for the office drawer there we go all right now make sure nobody's out here plotting my demise okay watch out everyone i'm coming through cindy don't have any ideas all right i'm watching yeah see i'm on to you i knew you were gonna try to do it oh see they're trying to 360 no scope me these animatronics are you gonna keep an eye on them they'll do a random 360 sometimes and they're dangerous all right like the drawer come on the drawer please open hurry hurry before the chimp comes hurry i can't get it open okay what another key holy i'm getting a key for a key for a key parts yoshi service key is that a yoshi that looks like a little yoshi emoji in the top left that's what it looked like to me all right so wait is this parts and service no wait person service was over there somewhere i'm gonna try it on this room wait oh this one's person service okay quick go in go and go let me in let me in let me in oh close the door close the door hurry don't let me don't let me please please don't get in oh okay yeah you're still in here that's great all right um i i should should i feel safe or should i be scared because i'm in here with you now you don't move do you you're not one of those if i don't look at you move okay no we're good it's a bunch of penguins in here with me all right so what exactly do you need for me in here i forgot there's a there's a switch i got to press in here or something to reset the heating but where is it oh here we go flip that anything else i need to do okay no we beat the knight what now so this is going into night five holy a little static 6 a.m though we did it all right perfect holy moly we actually did it guys all right so guys this is where i'm gonna end this video if you guys enjoyed the video and you're new to the channel you haven't already be sure to hit that subscribe button because trust me you don't wanna miss the upcoming finance race content and when i say trust me i mean trust me because there's some stuff coming and it's crazy so yeah anyways if you guys are liking this video be sure to leave a like reading on the video down below and i'll see you all in the next one thank you guys so much for watching peace out
Channel: FusionZGamer
Views: 504,524
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fnaf, five nights at freddy's, fnaf fan games, fnaf vr, fnaf vr help wanted, five nights at freddy's vr, five nights at freddys, fnaf 6, fnaf 7, fnaf help wanted, five nights, fnac remastered, fnac remastered gameplay, five nights at candy's, five nights at candy's remastered, five nights at candy's remastered gameplay, fnac 4, fnac 4 trailer, five nights at candy's 4, five nights at candy's 4 gameplay, five nights at candy's 4 jumpscares, five nights at candy's 4 full game
Id: zuAT83Dtzy4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 25sec (1045 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 21 2020
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