Takedown Kel-Tec CMR-30

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- Welcome back to the channel. I'm Hank Strange. It's been brought to my attention that it's been a while since I've done a simple take down video which takes out all my talking and yacking about whatever the gun or accessory is. So, it's time to do one of those, and today we're doing the CMR-30 here. That is the younger, but bigger brother to the PMR-30, and I've got my PMR-30 here so I can just show you really quick. See how slow that slide's going back. If you can look in there you'll see the gold or brass flakings that come off the 22 WMR, 22 Magnum, 22 Magnum and 22 very dirty, so this is very important to know how to clean your gun. Alright, now if you haven't done it already, you're gonna want to remove the magazine, and check the weapon to make sure it's clear, and there's nothing in the chamber there, so this is indeed clear. Alright, now another thing that I always recommend people do, is read the manual, Kel-Tec, does some really nice manuals, very detailed, so you've got it open here. This is what it looks like, this is your schematic of what it looks like, field stripped, and we're gonna get into that now. One of the things I want to point out to you guys, as well that I think is really important, is you need to look at how the stock, this is the stock back here and it extends, you want to look at how the stock meets up with the rail for the stock okay, because this is easy to take down, but a little bit difficult to put back together, because of the stock fitting on the rail. You have to make sure you do that properly. So just, check that out. Make sure you keep that in mind. Okay, so the first thing that we need to do here after we've cleared it is to open the stock, okay, all the way. Kel-Tec wants to make sure that you keep the gun safe, so make sure you keep it safe like that so that you don't, if you accidently pull that trigger you don't damage the hammer or anything else in there. Now once you've done that, there is a takedown pin, very similar to what's in the PMR. We're gonna want to remove the takedown pin. So, flip it over, here's your takedown pin here, you can put this in from either side. Right now we need to push it out from the right side of the gun, so push it out like that, and then you can just remove it, comes all the way out. Make sure you don't lose that. It's a little tiny thing, easy to lose. Okay so, once you've got the takedown pin out, you need to remove the grip assembly here, and that's basically gonna go forward and down. Or, backwards and down. So, you wanna pull that out like this, and take it off. So, there's the grip assembly, we'll move that out of the way. Alright, so your next step, is you're gonna wanna point the barrel down and put your hand here on the charging handle, and you can use that to pull the bolt up, you can see the bolt's going up here. So once you get that up, you can get your hand on the bolt like this, and start to pull the bolt up, in order to remove it. Okay, now you wanna move the, see it's moving the stock up. That's fine. That's all part of getting the bolt out of there. And then you know, you can turn it 90 degrees and there's your bolt. So now the bolt is removed. Okay, and you don't have to take the stock off. I would say unless you want to clean the stock, you know, if dirt or grit got in there, and it's making it difficult to go up and down then you might want to take it all the way off. But, it'll be easier if you leave it on there. I'll take it off so I can make sure that I show you guys how to put it back on. So there's you're stock, here's your barrel group, or your upper assembly, here's your bolt, and there's the grip. So that's the, gun disassembled you can get in there now, and clean the barrel, however you do that. It's pretty easy to do, straight forward. Kel-Tec doesn't really want you to take it down any further from here, so that's their recommended takedown. Okay, so I'm just gonna put the grip assembly off to the side here. Now, the first thing that you wanna put back is going to be, the stock. Now, what Kel-Tec is recommending, is that you put a barrel down, and line up the stock. Get the stock back on there, okay. And that's their idea of how to do it. I think if I do it that way, we're going to miss out on exactly how you need to do this. So I'm gonna start from down here. The easiest way for me to explain this to you, because once you take the stock off, trying to get it back on the rails is gonna be a world of hurt for you if you don't do it right. Because it looks like there's so many different channels here. Now the important thing is that the teeth, you see these teeth down here at the beginning of the stock where it's threading in, you need to line those teeth up with the right channel. Now, the right channel is, if you're going from where the side is here, and you're going up That's one of the first channels, it's not that. Here's the second channel, it's not that. You need to get it here in this particular channel. Okay, so you need to get those teeth to run along this channel on both sides. If you go in here at an angle, you're fitting into that channel and the one under it. And that's what you need to do, and you need to hold it down with your other hand, and start to slide it in like that, and you can see the teeth are starting to feed in. That's how this needs to go in, and basically that's if you want to, you can pull up the release for it here, and let it go past and when you lock that down you'll see it'll catch. So there you go, that's caught in there. You know, I can see it's locking back on it, so that's how I know I put it in properly. And it's now sitting back in both channels. Alright, there we go. This is how you know that it's sitting on there properly, it's down off the picatinny rail enough, it should be sitting you'll see this gap here and this gap above it in the picatinny rail. It should have, here's the channel that it's gonna run to and go all the way in. So if we, here's the release that would be normally be over the trigger guard, if you pull that up, you should, I'm gonna flip this up now. You should be able to just pull the stock down. Okay, and then it'll go all the way down. And now you see it's riding again properly on the rails. So for the next step, I'm gonna pull this up as far as I can here. Without taking it off. You don't wanna get it off those rails again. Okay, once again it's easier I think to show you guys from down here. Now, so we're gonna put that upper part of the bolt assembly in like this, and then turn it, and then you see here it's fitting in on the grooves. That's what you're gonna want to do, and, once you have it in, you can actually, you know using the tension in the spring, now be careful don't pull this off all the way. But what you wanna do is pull the bolt back, and get it to sit in here on this, to ride in there. Okay, so now everything should sit inside of the stock. Alright, so now once you've got it sitting in there, you can start moving the stock slowly in. Okay, because what you want to do now, is line up the bolt. Okay, so once it's lining up, and you'll hear it clicking and all that kind of stuff, it should come all the way in here and fit in neatly like that. Okay. So once you've got that going on, you can, you know, you can actually start now to close this, close this in a little bit more if you want to. There we go. Okay, so, now we know we've got that sitting back in there properly. Okay, alright, now comes the easy part. Alright, want you want to do now is, the grip assembly is gonna go up and on. It's gonna ride on these outside rails here, so here's the outside rail. And the grip assembly is go up on there and ride over it, like that. You know, it should ride in that channel, should be able to bring it right in like that. And should sit snugly, and you should be able to see all the way through. You can put in your takedown pin on either side. Whatever works for you. So I'm gonna put the takedown pin in from this side, push it in, there we go. Make sure it's in all the way. There you are. Okay, now all that's left is to function check it. So, what I'm gonna do to function check it is I'm gonna take it off safety, pull the trigger, then I'm gonna rack it, pull the trigger again. Okay, so that part of it is good, rack it. Okay, now you wanna test your stock, and here's the release for the stock, on the trigger guard. So, I'm gonna push that in. When it's closed, you should be able to just hold it and pull it out like that, and you'll hear it rack out. Alright, and so you know it works coming out, and then, in order to check it closing, you wanna just hold it and put your finger down on the trigger guard, put it in one. Here we go. It should be smooth. That's what you want, and then when you come here to look, at the front, like I was telling you, you've got it right back in the channels the way that it's supposed to be. Okay, there you go. Like I said, it's actually I think easy to take down, but you wanna be careful with this stock. If you take it off all the way, you're gonna have to make sure that you know how you're putting it back on. I know I've had some issues with it, it's taken some time. You just have to make sure that you do it right and you get it sitting in the right channels. You'll know when it's right, and the rest of it is pretty straight forward. Okay, I don't wanna make this long. This is Hank Strange, stay tuned to the channel, like, share with your friends. As always, we appreciate it. Peace out.
Channel: Hank Strange
Views: 33,011
Rating: 4.9104476 out of 5
Id: ympAFofs0VA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 14sec (674 seconds)
Published: Sun May 31 2015
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