TAKEAWAY ROULETTE - ft Chris, Shannon & Kelly

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chris munch is going for the food Chris smudge is going for the food no the premise of this video is simple Chris Kelly Shannon and I will be buying each other takeaway but we have complete control over what we get the other person who will be blank for Lube is decided by random wheel and that's about it okay when I was not such Alan space I can see like from your mouth to like your chest basically just like yes too late I've got my thumbnail that's for you yeah you're gonna see my windmill again in a video there is my wheel I hope you all appreciate the time and effort that I've put into it wait what's my photo I'm excited first bin I went in this picks this picture oh oh hello oh oh it's a little bit boy to true prolly [Music] crazy cat lady so the wheel has to create that Shannon will buy for me I will buy for Chris Chris will bite the Kelly and Kelly will buy for Shannon excellent okay so basic ground rules considering I got Shannon what's allowed seeing as you are allergic to everything I can't eat gluten because especially takeaways they've got a lot in so I could explode basically I know if you guys are ready for me to link all of your addresses do you not leak our addresses please like please I'll do my best I'm just going to search out how to spell food je what have you done Kelly what's your least favorite food okay what is your favorite thing what is your favorite food I'm in the mood for pizza tonight John what are you in the mood for tonight maybe like I'll be honest my lack of knowledge of Thai food is screwing me over here yeah Kelly's probably gonna try and order you some nice Thai food options and just totally ruin it oh I think I know what your main is going to be Kelly Shannon what's your opinion on fish I mean I prefer fish over me if possible because I try not eat me it's not a medical thing so you know I just ignoring that for now oh my god I've just come across such a funny yes yes miss Paris I'm just ordering the likely most healthy options I predict dr. Kelly you're just looking out for your sister may Chanin ordered something on delivery want and set the delivery address to secret lovers house and then we realized that that showed up to the driver and it was our folks have as well so is even more dodging Oh number tuna are on food on a Holly do you wanna well so you don't want the main course and for portions of mushy peas I'm going to hurt you Kelly get ready for the worst do you think your life oh yeah there any instructions want me to leave for the driver send your cutest delivery boy all right so I have ordered the vegetarian dairy-free tofu salad for Olli and he's gonna hate it oh my god Shannon I've just heard like not from the video but just from the other world just kind of what you're already probably a nice hilarious I honestly can't wait to see all these angry red faces while even computer screen oh no she'll just God we are unable to complete your order yeah I know I just said order canceled yeah sorry do you like some vinegar on your salads I hate everything about what you just said I've no idea what this isn't nice to Google is work because it's French woman dumb so I just massively flex on you long and get Kelly Lobster yes I think you should I'm formally here's a spoiler you're not getting long stuff Chris I'm also using your card spoiler Chris I'm also using your car me too actually the how spoiled it for me support I have literally no idea whether I've ordered some Shannon something good or bad or just a bit cuz I don't either Google everything i order generally have a nice designer yeah that's good show no mercy also all is the funniest person to make angry to do for that I'm in okay Olli you've been ordered for yes the order has been sent mine is also been sent Kelly your order is sorted and we just wait an hour for that [Music] this is worried that appears to be two pizzas well this one's not the most subtle but thank you very much oh that doesn't smell good yeah something in that smells bad so giggling tell you what if you've got currently I have two boxes of pizza and several bags something large has arrived oh it smells good it's much has ventured into the sitting-room upon arrival of the takeaway shock yeah first thing is from from ciao ciao of an oriental kitchen exciting let's let's open it up it's nice it's vegetables only read what is called read what the dish is called why does anything have a thing called the Chinese vegetable green detox crisps much is going for the food crisps much is going for the food this isn't a pizza that's confusing okay oh my god this is my starter canzone yes about the calzones I have spotted a drink am I allowed to get that out yes yes you can have the drink Thanks do you like Fanta Oh Olli yeah you should get your drink as well I'm gonna start so all he really likes beer and I just loved yes I thought I'd get him a nice bottle of fruity wine which we expect him to see off yeah I wanted to see you off as well how were those how them apples ollie it's actually not too bad it's kind of spicy which kind of masks the vegetable nests this is like the worst version of Christmas Day grease really vinegary oh is this oh it's a peak its it maybe one better than that is our vegan burger is literally called the vegan I'm surprised it didn't fall apart as I open another tinfoil mosa prawn crackers plenty salsa congrat okay I'll just other style the prawn crackers oh that's a jalapeno okay is that basically a vegetarian calzone no it's no I see pepperoni and ham as well and pineapple the sake okay is burger it's like it's a little bit spicy fairly tasteless but you know Deena - yeah I'm not having to like force it now Kristof I think you need a drink to go with your main so I think you can take either either one out vegetarian stuff is also spicy because they know they have to they have Chris everything on this is questionable to say the least so I've spotted pepperoni happy nose pineapple spinach some sort of cheese that I don't know what it is it tastes is it like goats cheese it's blue cheese it tastes grim I'll be honest oh my god Chris this is banana I believe there are no ingredients that she hasn't found yet if this isn't onion I don't know what it is does it look like a fish oh god I was going onion because I really didn't want it to be a fish does it look like anchovies I don't know what to be look like that brim the calzones betrayed me I don't know what these people thought when they were putting the banana in especially yeah also wise know we're in an option yeah honey holy this is frizzy horrible no glide like but bear it is pretty bad we drunk whale poo in Iceland how did they get the beer after the whale balls we actually had to it helped the process of extracting it let's do a little dance and Chris walked off the whale what it's not that bad sorry I'm just throwing the camera Maya my vegan burger I mean it's a nice of girthy burger I'll say that you know they did not I'm not messed around with this burger shame they haven't put as much time into taste let's dip into the goodie bag let's start with the one on top who is this oh my god this is from the panda shop I probably explain this is that I love kindness and there was a panda shop in Jersey and let's not panic don't sell pandas that's illegal they bought them on the black market but I love pandas and this is a founder on it and it's good yeah what does it say it's a code it doesn't it says it's what SPS asq definitely not gluten-free I said not gluten-free where's it good question I have no idea I ordered you squid so it's probably that oh yeah that's quick oh my god that's spicy its chili squid yeah that was this is fine I'm just buying question my vegetables well done ollie the worst is over this is so nice but after everybody massive burns I feel like I need to have a bite of the banana and kind of pull together though with the tomato sauce and pepperoni cuz I feel like that's what this videos about [Music] I think that was the most disgusting thing I've ever put in my mouth let's not make any comments she's my sister remember it Peggy 3 unless my nose deceives me something smells fishy and I'm liking it oh there we go baby chicks please up anything with pasta possible just keep going oh oh oh comfy yeah thank you this one's quite heavy it's large hello handsome oh my goodness that is a lot of chips see just the absolute vastness of this portion of chips thank you I'm nice to you they're only up nice to there yeah Shannon can you just try this please I bring on the noise just try me it takes my beer but like this sweet sweet and fitting that we die is the worst tasting beer I think I hate beer [Music] okay it's very red oh did you get me a tikka masala pizza very nice okay I reckon this will actually be quite nice it's honestly the best I used to get them all the time when I when I was like 16 and drunk it smells really good and then Kelly you've also got a sign there's this yeah I think it's gonna be that somebody you might need a sign with your pizza is that seaweed I thought some seaweed would be you know as we live on an island and I wanted to bring out the cultural food and you know specialties around here so you just know you would like yeah I just wanted a seaweed something that is actually a great I'm actually very happy with that broccoli that is actually quite good for me because I enjoy the fact that you can sometimes get vegetables from a takeaway and they're quite intertwined so actually yes because he's nice properly with every single meal so only that's actually a very good chance oh sorry to have finessed that L into a dollar I did not think that BBQ broccoli was going to get such a positive reception this looks like a pad thai one of them is the pad thai is it a chicken pad thai oh is it wrong oh no it's mixed see what you can spot those three different types of meat actually he'll there's prawn chicken and bacon is that right yeah that's them all right what do we have here Oh some chicken wings I'm guessing you don't have a receipt there that says what it is they lifted a some pterodactyl wings yeah they look like chicken wings really zone the sauce on this smells horrible no nose out no a new challenger has entered they look vile only it kinda looks like roadkill yeah that was supposed to be the nice thing and it's terrible it doesn't taste much better so here are the-- there's not chicken wings that's brutal I think of everyone I've been I'm sorry Kristoff I did not mean it to end this way but someone else just told me something else and hang on the council is deciding no no let me eat my burger but you can go into your last thing as well it should be another bottle shape thing cook it's cranberry genes lies you know the highlights of this evening of food that is how bad this orderly how are you supposed to eat seaweed you just kind of use a fork and spoon now in here and put it in your mouth and chew it swallow it thank you for that advice you just have to say that you're fine Brianna and that is gross how do you say that's nice ha ha also Chris just saying you would have got you would have had a pudding but this place didn't have any and I didn't think to try somewhere else you have successfully Stephanie here so excited I was actually so excited for this video and my motivation has just been crumpled this is not a nice Jana's pad Thais are Walden I'm not I'm not gonna lie to you this is not a nice pad thai like I'm not blaming you personally you didn't cook it don't say that without like it's just like really bland oh my god it's really heavy what is this ch bamboo oh my god what is this there's another pad thai so hold me oh I think I'm done with my barbecued roadkill it really does not taste like it would ever lived only the broccoli is the nicest thing you do yeah I don't want any of his thanks I thought the beginner would cope hump level me and only gets up one hair I'll be honest yeah you guys really have this was a great idea wasn't it everyone I love again Shawn you couldn't corrupt me oh shoot you know it's too much easy for you to get out but I really isn't because I can't touch anything I have a pterodactyl blood all over my hands [Music] cross wide like this Chris I don't know what yeah why don't this to us it's actually sadder because we weren't even trying to be mean they're just big yeah I think they've been quite ungrateful personally it's not your fault like you didn't cook him a bullet choosing and shut up I'm trying to make any literally I wouldn't tell you what she'd ordered Kenny you had one job of not ordering gluten Shannon and you failed if you google spice chili squid it does not come up with gluten no I tried Kelly I'm not talking about a giant you're a terrible order and you suck you've taken away a rapid I can I just say that the pudding was the only thing on the menu so I ordered it I have no idea what it is oh hey Kelly okay well these I have three brown Wolf's outer beauty layer it sounded weird okay very nice okay so the middle of this is reunited it's about I agree normal I tried to order you a gluten-free salted caramel brownie Channel with ice cream but they didn't deliver Wow Wow just rubbing so Chris this is a burger what is it okay I'm so concerned by your face I don't want to take a bite I mean it tastes normal it tastes like a chicken burger or something looks like a normal bleep burger yeah I'm probably losing me is that weightless there's people oh no oh [ __ ] was a bit weird it was called a salad burger so I assumed only salad oh that's chocolate fudge cake this cake is amazing not to something rub salt in the wound but I'm really enjoying this I'm so glad so was Kelly had that's nice chocolate okay what do you have this nice Chris shut up I personally very very much enjoyed this video Kelly you've got another dessert still there as well oh I took a key thank you for the cookie tell me yes I ordered a flavored cookie itself by food Oh je I've genuinely I've never had a burger that tastes that bad I don't know I'll exchange this phone number this Buddha's just gone this last food was gonna be like the Redeemer of the video and then it's least roadkill oh we see his red I honestly can't wait to see Ali's angry red face as he looks on tables [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] vamos our butter all right let's see what else came in the longest bag Oh a veggie protein powder salt and pepper nuts and veggies oh boy gonna get my protein oh my god oh yeah I can actually does this help [Music] don't make me throw on my chocolate pools at you gross you haven't eaten the moon Shannon I ate two out three of them Cal was the third we put in smudges lipstick oh it just tastes like rabbit food how do you know what rabbit food tastes like curious I'm gonna have a nice big Debbie tried the milkshake no yeah I was waiting for permission praise be Thank You chef I tried to get you the thing that wouldn't deliver it was a vegan dairy-free salad bowl so you try to get my tofu oh yeah you would have seen tears I have finally I have finally vanquished the line I dedicate this victory to my parents their love for me helped me drink this fight
Channel: Ollie Dixon
Views: 1,581,826
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ChrisMD, Ollie Dixon, Shannon Langdon, Kelly Dixon, Takeaway Roulette
Id: 0HYuhoVpkjg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 12sec (1392 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 12 2020
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