Take Two FIRES 600 Game Devs after DOUBLING CEO Pay (GTA6) - Angry Rant!

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I have to do a breaking news update a mini angry rant because this news is so Brazen this news is so insulting in your face of corporate buffoonery no corporate [ __ ] this is Corporate Commander personified in my opinion uh because of all of the series of events that led up to it so was just announced that take to interactive the [ __ ] that are about to release the biggest video game of all time in Grand Theft Auto 6 that's going to make three to four billion dollar and I'm not exaggerating it is going to make that money next year is announcing payoffs they have to do it it's so difficult but they're forced to do over 580 jobs this is a percentage of their Workforce they have to cost in addition cancel multiple projects in development if that isn't the stupidest [ __ ] thing I've ever heard of it it no it is because of the fact that these companies cannot build D to ride through any amount of loss at all yeah and and the times that the company's like well okay we're not really releasing anything but okay we have these projects coming up so that money shall sh you know will sustain us until we hit that and and ride out these things and and continue to make great games and projects behind the scenes but no these things get cancelled if 5% of your profits drop and it's [ __ ] considering what's coming up so oh it's only 5% of the workforce oh they're they're you if you [ __ ] repeat the pr lines of readjusting realigning we are streamlining we are cost reducing as people's lives are [ __ ] destroyed in this [ __ ] volatile industry of pure greed get the [ __ ] out of here here's what they have to say as a part of these efforts the company is rationalizing its Pipeline and eliminating several projects in development and streamlining its organizational structure which will eliminate headcount and reduce future hiring needs take two explained in an SEC filing stating that the board of directors approved this new program today h aren't you happy God I am so sick and tired of this [ __ ] thing Take 2 has over 11 11,000 full-time employees so this layoff of only 5% of its Workforce is going to Encompass 580 people this is the third program third program what the [ __ ] is a program a program is firing people and destroying their lives now why am I so upset about this one because [ __ ] you know jobs are lost all the time in this industry it's a freaking meat grinder it needs to change there needs to be a union I the corporate CEO salaries are out of control and it's just 100% um out of whack why this one well because just the two months ago the CEO uh Strauss zelnick was like don't worry guys don't worry there after our uh they did this same thing the firing people this time last year and then earlier in the year and two months ago they said don't worry they we will not have to lay off any more people he said claimed the publisher had no plans for more layoffs that was two months ago saying that would quote unquote be the hardest thing to do so two months ago you said it would be the hardest thing to do and that there were no more layoffs but then now you announce oh well the the the board approved of another layoff because we can't bear to have our profits drop another you know I don't know 100 million when we're about to make six billion million dollar next year so they're laying off 600 more workers and even worse cancelling multiple projects who knows if these were the games that you were waiting for that I were waiting for and it blows me away and okay even if you're like oh well that's not many many jobs in the grand scheme of things I it's like okay well what makes it even worse let me remind you that take 2 paid their CEO and president $72 million do in bonuses bonuses last year proof of the need to change in this industry as it runs a muck with people's lives and job security this double from last time so they're they're doubling their CEO's pay and now they have to say oh we need to eliminate only 5% of the workforce because I we are streamlining and we need job reduction and we're cancelling a bunch of games we're we're streamlining and cancelling those games uh we need the money [ __ ] you give me money [ __ ] your life go go find some other job hopefully my heart goes out to these people hopefully they didn't move States move cities to work for this [ __ ] Corporation that's going to fire them on a whim if their CEO or board of directors gets any hint that they may not be making all of the money right now they are literally about to make all of the money in the world in 2025 with Grand Theft Auto 6 the biggest video game release of all time and let me remind you that GTA it is the second best-selling video game of all time with over 1995 million copies sold okay this is a $8.5 billion franchise worldwide Revenue $8.5 billion and its successor is about to come out oh my God more and more profits for these companies but never for the devs in fact we did a new story just recently that one of the former CEOs that had millions of millions dollars sitting on his yacht he goes you know what be a great idea if you guys tipped the developers after they made a good game you guys pay the developers who make the games not us cuz they we don't pay them a [ __ ] livable wage you got to do it now the Tipping culture is completely out of control that you got a tip for the Developers for making a game because [ __ ] corporations can't stand to have any of their money be given to the people that actually create the [ __ ] products that give them the goddamn profits that they've so [ __ ] crave I I hate it I hate take two I hate take two as a corporation it's it's just uh making billions of dollars in profits and also doing layoffs [ __ ] that noise and I'm tired of it and when somebody one CEO is getting paid double what they got paid last year and they come out and say uh oh we did three uh layoffs but don't worry there's no more layoffs coming then two months later more [ __ ] layoffs all this why you're about to make the most money you've ever seen next year it's [ __ ] [ __ ] and I hate it and I love here let's just read some more of this [ __ ] and when asked about the layoffs he would say the second plan was more robust than the first one and then take two posted net losses for seven straight quarters its last quarter reporting a net profit that there were three months ending in June 20 so it's last quarter reported a profit and they lost uh net losses for seven straight quarters cuz you have nothing out we have net revenue of$ 1.3 billion so they're down 7% year on year why why do you think that you're down 7% year on year because what I don't know your two biggest titles are 10 [ __ ] years old it's [ __ ] Red Dead Redemption 2 and [ __ ] Grand Theft Auto 5 online Shark cards okay what do you expect an NBA 2K4 to hold you through the whole [ __ ] thing you can't wait 6 months you can't wait one year until [ __ ] next year but that's 7% woo woo woo got cancel game projects [ __ ] fire people it's it's [ __ ] ridiculous and I oh I can't stand it when you get to these billions and billions of dollars in revenue and in Province and the shareholders then that is what is Paramount instead of making good games instead of taking care of developers and and giving them the environment that they need in order to create excellent games but none of that [ __ ] [ __ ] matters because it doesn't matter to this company whether it's a 10 out of 10 or a [ __ ] four out of 10 so as long as it's making money and who who it [ __ ] chews up along the way it's it it's not a [ __ ] de big deal for these uh big huge corporations that in my opinion are completely out of [ __ ] control asked whether these titles are expected to lose momentum anytime soon we are always concerned he said we never take success for granted and all titles degrade at some point there is a Decay Decay curve but rock rockstar has done to fight that curve and in fact to create onward growth has been nothing short of extraordinary and I think it reflects the near Perfection of these properties and he's talking about the micro transactions that sustain it I don't know how about not cancel not cancelling multiple future projects in development and making sure that these projects in development line up to where you have Grand Theft Auto [ __ ] five the [ __ ] Shark cards the [ __ ] online the dirty microtransactions then one of these titles that come out to help sustain you until you get to the next Red Dead Redemption until you get to the next Grand Theft Auto 5 until you get to the next yearly [ __ ] NBA goddamn microtransaction Casino [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] release how about trying that okay that's ah all right that's all I have to say today thank you for listening to me [ __ ] rant about this stupid [ __ ] more [ __ ] jobs lost in the games industry and probably awesome developers having to [ __ ] and uproot their lives and find and and go into panic mode and try to find a new job because a company couldn't stand to lose 7% of their [ __ ] things when right around the corner you're about to make all of the money all of it in the world see you guys on the next Angry Joe show
Channel: AngryJoeShow
Views: 322,237
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Id: bWxPyyhNdqQ
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Length: 11min 53sec (713 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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