If You Want To Become A Millionaire WATCH THIS! | Dave Ramsey & Lewis Howes

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I lost everything in my 20s I don't go back there but the lessons that I learned from that pain were so thorough pain is a thorough teacher yeah that uh you know it was a rich time welcome back everyone to the school of greatness podcast we've got the legendary Dave Ramsey in the house sir thank you so much for taking the time an honor to be with you my friend thank you for reaching out we got to connect I think it was a year ago maybe here and a half ago and I came down in Nashville and came into the studio you were gracious enough to have me on and have a little chat with me and I've been wanted to have you in LA come for years now but you're never here except for maybe once or twice a year and you're pretty booked so now we've got this time to do it virtually so I'm grateful we got the time to do it now and appreciate you for for being here man well that was back before they closed LA is that still closed or you guys yeah yeah it's closed they're pretty close yeah just gotta be careful you probably got a lot of your your team staying at home and just ah almost all of them yeah I mean with that we got a thousand folks on the team and they're all working from home we got a a few folks coming in to do the radio show here we got a few skills and crew things but very minor most everybody well your I've been loving what you've been posting about on Instagram I'm I'm not sure if do you have any idea what's what your team is posting or if it's you know I definitely do it's amazing you're inspiring a lot of people especially in this times of uncertainty financially and I remember watching a clip of yours talking about 2008 2010 that time frame where you made you said you made a lot of money in the last recession and I think what people are struggling to figure out well you know I just got laid off and but how can I see this as an opportunity to make money when it seems like no one's buying anything or no one's investing in things but why is a time like this a great time to make money well it's a great time to be introspective and to pivot and to do resets and to trust if you never tried before yeah because you might as well right sitting home I got those free sighs I mean we pivoted a whole bunch of product lines here at Ramsey and all kinds of things and we could throw all these offerings out there stuff that we might have messed around with split tests for a year or whatever it still we just dumped it on the street let's just try it just see if we can help some people and give some people something to do while they're at home with some digital products and so that's exciting you may have a situation where you hated your job I mean statistics tell us that 68% of Americans hate their job and some of you don't have that job anymore so you get the opportunity to get one you like now and you might not have done that on your own so this could be the best thing that ever happened to you there's a lot of good that comes out of this much pressure because it forces it forces you to reset yeah versus you to rethink and you know two or three four crisis's ago I don't know back I'm an old guy now I had a personal crisis you know of losing everything I decided I was never gonna be the victim of the things I can control when one of these things that I can't control come at me again and so we got out of that and we built an emergency fund and we were in the last downturn of 2008 we were in a position of we had piles of cash and so I was able to buy real estate at a nickel a dime on the dollar it was a wonderful time but there were other times I was broken couldn't take advantage of stuff being on sale but if you're in a position you got money right now the stock markets on sale real estates not move much yet but if you're buying even consumer items other than toilet paper most things are on sale I know how much how much deeper down do you think this will take in terms of you said real estates not on sale yeah but it probably will be how much farther down you think things are to go and for how long with your well just your guests on this I mean you know weather forecasters and economists the only people can be wrong all the time and still keep their job so I have no idea but I do know there's going to be a direct correlation between how long we stay out and how long it takes us to recover no kidding that's kind of common sense the obvious is every week that we're out there's another series of businesses that will never reopen moonglow's and so and that's a recession is two consecutive quarters of the gross domestic product all goods and services produced in the u.s. shrinking rather than growing that's all it is it receded rather than expand it and so recession sounds like a big scary depression type word but it simply means 2/4 we've not had one quarter yet mmm shrinkage so it would have to be up into the fall before you can officially declare this a recession or what results in a from the corona shutdowns a recession so I don't know but I'm sure hoping that that the folks are not a on and that nobody died and it's a horrible thing and but the the but in the juxtaposition with that is the sooner we get back to work the fewer people are going to be you know affected by the economics of this and it's not saying I'm trading a dollar for a life but today actually that we've lost about a hundred jobs per case of Corona right now Wow so the corona shot in America in America or in America yeah we've lost about you know the cross sounds affected a hundred families jobs for every case not not death for every case of the virus and I don't want anybody be sick I don't anybody die and I don't want the hospital bills the beds and the ventilators run out I don't want any bad stuff I don't know I'm not a medical person but but I am an entrepreneur and I'm you know every day we're not working is a trade off and it is a good trade off because you don't want to kill people believe me I'm not saying that but but man it's just it's painful to watch these people lose their businesses yeah from your you mentioned you've been through three or four recessions I don't want to I'm gonna say you're aged out here but it sounds like you've been pretty you've been around the block you've experienced some stuff you know I only went through really you know I guess it's my adult life when I was 24 I guess it was the 2008-2009 time for time frame when I was just got out of school and I was trying to figure out my life I had three credit cards I was living off of living on my sister's couch for a year and a half I was in college debt and I didn't have any skills that I thought were usable to get a job or do anything and when I look back you know eleven twelve that was actually the greatest time and the greatest gift for me to develop skills to work hard to hustle to try to see it how can I make $100 here and there and then turn that into a business and it was the greatest it was the hardest time and the greatest time for me I'm curious with your experience in in watching these in the over the years what were the greatest lessons you learned from each one that you applied in the last three weeks with your more personal business well it is cliche but cliches come from truth that you know that that you know it's the greatest time and the worst time in your life you don't go back there no good Lord novel I don't never back there I went bankrupt I lost everything in my 20s I don't go back there but the lessons that I learned from that pain were so thorough mmm pain is a thorough teacher yeah that uh you know I it was a rich time the fertilizer was everywhere lots of places to grow stuff you know lots of poop so you know and and that's you know that's what you had there in 2008 there weren't any jobs you couldn't like you could just I mean there was a contraction of the economy a recession and you're there you are in your citrus couching so you found out that the secret sauce in your life is the guy in your mirror mm-hmm but it's not some outside variable that's gonna come and save you the Calvary's not coming Santa Claus doesn't live in Washington DC it's up to you baby and get up off the couch I got to go leave the cave kill something in drag at home you found that truth in that moment I found that truth that you know what doesn't kill you makes you stronger you know that old saying I found that truth and so nowadays now that I've been through you know y2k or nine-one-one or all these initials come at you you know the-the-the horrible thing of 2008 now the corona the only thing I am sure is we're gonna get through this yeah you get hope because you go it's not gonna kill you well I guess you could get the virus I don't mean that I'm saying the the economic stress that we're under the fear that we have the concern of the worry that we have it doesn't that you don't die from it you but but you feel you feel like like there's this hopelessness and the truth is that's unfounded the truth is there's a lot of reason to have hope by September where do you really think we're gonna be by this time next year are you not ninety something percent sure that the economy will be roaring again and your life will be back to some level of normalcy you think it's gonna be ten years for you to personally recover from this no that's absurd and you know that once you've walked through several of them and so it's just to me it's like yeah you're gonna make it we're gonna be okay yeah and so your personal I guess I'm just curious about your personal thoughts do you think to yourself like I'm fine cuz I've I've followed my seven steps for years and I've got you know cash and I feel safe and protected so now how can I shift and adapt and pivot and serve my community and customers more or do you feel any do you feel any anxiety personally at all or oh no none no I mean I'm we're we're in fabulous financial shape it's not okay I've got a lot of money invest in the stock market's going down I'm gonna put some more money in while it's on sale you know I mean it's if real estate goes on sale again I'll buy some more so no I mean my personal stuff it's it's it's not arrogance it's just I've been doing this I'll do it you're the king yeah I'm the little pig in the brick house you know I mean huff and puff baby and so but but I do it does put you in a position to serve then and truthfully you get more joy even in a crisis and serving than you do in sitting in the basement and counting your coins I mean so the opportunity I got a thousand folks aren't team and it you know the struggle and the scratching and the scrappiness and the clawing to keep this place running and all of them not have their incomes interrupted in any way during this time that's an act of service in leadership the act of service of speaking hope and life into this into the communities around America right now is an act of service on my part it's being on the air three hours a day that I Ramsey show I'm saying it's gonna be okay it's gonna be okay it's gonna be okay over and over and over again right now that's my job that's what I do and it's there that's just so much more satisfying the counting coins yeah now I'd followed your steps when I was you know 25 26 when I started making some money when I was like it's hard to it's hard to follow the step when you feel like you're you're living off credit cards and in debt and I'm not making any money you feel like the sense of helplessness really and I know I've listened to a lot of your shows with people where they feel helpless and it takes that initial momentum to kind of kickstart it and see little savings here and there and then pay off one thing here and there but I tell you once I finished those I guess really the the first five or six steps I don't have a home still I still rent for personal reasons but the first five to six steps and then building wealth and giving and giving once I got through these it's just like manage you feel so much more bulletproof I feel so much more bulletproof from now after ten years of building into this recession I feel safe I feel fine I feel protected and it gives me so much more peace of mind since I did follow your steps so I would first want to acknowledge you for that for creating something so simple for us and providing this three hours a day for everybody I think it's amazing you sound like a preacher and a motivational speaker to me in the last few minutes just speaking life and hoping to us so I appreciate that what are you telling the people right now who are saying you know what I didn't follow your advice I didn't do what I should I should have done I I still live off credit cards I overbought paid for my house and I've got this expensive lifestyle and credit cards that I know I'm wrong I've made a mistake I own it and now I'm screwed and I just got 50% cut of my work I might lose my job in two months I got all these bills like how do you even how to even respond to something like that now well I certainly don't say I told you so that's not that's not the message because I've been there I've done stupid stuff too and that's not helpful and it doesn't bring it doesn't bring any healing the thing is this we all get wake-up calls we get wake-up calls in our relationships our spiritual walk our leadership styles we get wake up causing our finances and some people the phone's ringing off the hook right now they're getting wake-up calls on a bunch of things there at home with their family and it's and they're starting to realize I was disconnected from my family I haven't been plugged in them but they got a wake-up call on their relationships at home they've gotten a wake-up call on you know I don't have any savings and I've got I'm deeply in debt this isn't working and so the you know the cool thing is when you get the call then you have to make the choice are you gonna answer the phone if you pick the phone up that means maybe it's time to change mmm and you can look back and you might be 27 years old right now watching this and you're screwed you lost your job you got no money you got no savings and you feel like it's all over and I remember in 1970 I was 10 years old and I was in my grandpa's backyard we were tearing down an old deck and I pulled some nails out of those old boards as we were taking the boards off and he taught me to put them down and straighten them with a hammer and save those used nails in a coffee can now my grandpa Ramsey was one of my favorite people on the planet this is 1970 and he was still answering the phone that rang in the Great Depression it changed his life he was frugal and careful and wise with money the rest of his life and so someday twenty-seven-year-old you're gonna be sitting on the back porch with your grandkid and you're gonna remember back in all 20 there was the corner virus and it changed my life you know and that you're gonna be that guy you're gonna be giving dad jokes you know and grap all jokes right like I am now and you're gonna get that opportunity I was 28 years old when I lost everything is my fault was the S&L crisis the banking climate changed I'd built a house of cards I was stupid and the phone rang and it was my wake-up call are you gonna answer the phone are you gonna change your life where you say never again I'm gonna control the controllables to where I'm the little pig in the brick house never again that may be the only thing you get out of this crisis and if it is you got enough preach to the Dave come on now I love this what's uh what's the biggest wake-up call for you this has had maybe it's not the financial side of things or business because you guys are thriving is there something you know relationship family friendships health is there anything that's woken you up now or in the near future and recently well I've spent the last 15 years pouring in to our leadership team and the Remzi personalities creating the succession plan of and so it's not a wake up cause more of a source of pride as to how our leadership team and our Remzi personalities are reacting in the moment here without me coaching them they already knew what to do they're leading or out there doing it they're doing it their honor they're not waiting for grandpa Dave to say what do I do tell me this Dennis there they are they already did it and then I found out about it you know and that's that's awesome and so it's just a sense of ah this is starting to work you know I mean when Rachel Cruise and Ken Hogan and these guys are doing Ken Coleman are doing all these hits and Chris Hogan all these guys are doing all these hits he's radio and TV and appearances and all this stuff everywhere and the network's are calling and asking for them which is awesome and so you know that kind of thing is I don't know if it's a wake-up call as much as it is it's very satisfying say you know all that work of the last decade and a half of getting everybody ready to win because we were winning in a winning environment but then when you get the pressures on and you get squeezed you see what comes out and it's good stuff coming out mmm what was the last I mean what year would you say was the last big wake-up call for you around you know one of the main areas of your life do you remember when that was we're like oh man um eating a little too many candy bars or um you know my relationship or you know what it sounds like you've had to finance it down for many years but is there yeah yeah yeah you're like oh you know what I really didn't do as good as I should have done here I guess it's probably leadership and I'm probably getting one of those calls every day there's some days I'm a world-class leader and some days I'm just a but in what way like how are you I mean sometimes I do a better job than other times as a leader and I I own it I get it but you'd think as old as I am I'd be doing better so but I know what I'm supposed to do but sometimes I just don't have the energy to do it I don't care and I should just care more I really shouldn't be such a grouch oh you care a lot about a lot of people I'm curious what's the best what's the best dad joke you share I don't have no idea you got me I'm not a dad joke Gary other than just stupid stuff off-the-cuff that doesn't even make sense generationally so ya know good jokes what uh what is the most common thing that you're hearing with your the people that are calling in for you right now what's the thing that you hear over and over again that they need to most support with I think there's a sense I think when the hope gets got punched the way it has for folks right now the the the the answers fall a lot of them fall in the category of this is not gonna last forever because there's a sense that you know stock markets down but I take my investments out well only if you think it's gonna stay down forever right cuz you know you're you're 35 you're gonna be investing for 30 more years you don't think it's going to come up in 30 more years I mean really you're predicting the end of America I mean that's a silly but your emotions tell you lies when they're based in fear and when they're based in anger and they tell you lies and and they tell me lies we believe those lies in situations like this so you know you I lost my job I know but that's happened before earned and probably happen and just get you know well in this verse I know there's a lot of people hurt right now there are a lot of people hire Amazon Amazon's hiring a hundred thousand people right now yeah so I mean there's jobs it may not be the one you want but you can get some food yeah I mean get you a leaf blower and rich people are afraid to leave you know I mean you can make some money so there's some stuff to do out there but the so the thing that the sense that that that the thing you're afraid of is going to last longer than it is yeah whether it's the actual virus or that's the shutdown's whether it's economic repercussions of the shutdowns whether it's the employment situation whether it's the quarantine it feels like it's gonna last forever but I mean the chances of you being in the exact situation you're in in a few months is almost zero your life is not a snapshot you're not trapped in this moment it's a film strip the story's going to continue to unfold yeah and so that that when hope takes a gut punch though when we get down in that fear or we're mad or what however it is we manifest that stuff that those negative things with the emotions that we all have in these situations that's where a lot of my questions are coming they're all built in that I'm spending all my time going yeah but it's not gonna last forever uh yeah but it's not gonna last forever yeah but let's visit this in May I think you're gonna be okay by June are you even gonna remember this it's the great toilet paper shortage of the scram you know I don't know I mean what is it you know it's you know some people are gonna have devastating horrible things that are gonna be life-changing but that that's a very small percentage compared to the number of that are worried about it yeah and so you know you and you're gonna get out of it you're gonna get out okay I mean you're gonna be okay I like I like preacher Dave man this is a pretty good show you know I like this what is the worst investment people should be making during this time and what's the best investment they can make in my life I have become desperate right after that's when I become stupid yeah and it's played the other way well you know when you get scared and you go rushing towards something out of fear that Desa sense of desperation this thing when you do that you're getting ready screw up mmm I mean just count on it and the other time you do that is if you're greedy if you think you okay I got this one I can take advantage of this and I mean greedy as a lack of virtue greedy I don't mean greedy in a positive way where I'm being ambitious okay I mean the negative sides of greed and so if you're functioning in desperation or in this no-holds-barred I I'm gonna just clean up on other people's pain thing that's when you're getting ready screw up and you're getting ready to make a major mistake and so you're set up also for con artists when you do that mmm and so if you're if you're functioning in high emotion your brain just doesn't work good my friend art Laffer says what people when you're panicked and when you're drunk you don't make good decisions and so you know you you're when you're on high emotion your brain is it's your critical thinking skills shut down and so that's when I've made the biggest mistakes in my life is when I was desperate and the few times that I was greedy where I thought oh I'm gonna slip in there and that's gonna be easy money well what was the night easy money could you share a story of one of those greedy times we tried to jump in and stop buddy of mine a buddy of mine I was in my 20s and a buddy of mine was buying gold and now this is in that 80s okay it's a million years ago and he's buying gold and he had this friend that was a gold that he was a Gold Bug he was picking gold and this guy had picked the gold prices where they were going within a dollar like 14 times in a row and so we both dropped 5 grand into this thing and if we had hid it was a it was a margin deal and so I would have made 50 grand and I thought doesn't in here I'm gonna make 50 grand but it's a margin play which means you're either gonna make 50 grand you're gonna make 0 mmm and so he picked it right 14 times the time I got in the 15th time missed it I got zero turn 5000 bucks into zero instantly last time I bought gold last time I played stuff on margin last time I got greedy was it as there ever a time where so what's the between greed and a great opportunity of being ambitious can you make any money can you make money fast in certain things or is typically most things take a certain amount of time and energy and effort the vast majority of people who are successful financially and successful have done it incrementally there's very few people who you see a meteoric rise in their wealth or their success that's keep it and that I think because you build your character along the way to be able to hold on and be able to do it I think that's that's my theory on it I mean I got rich quick I started with nothing and by the time I was 26 I had four million dollars was real estate I built the house of cards you know and I had a million dollar net worth I made $250,000 in 1984 I was making 20,000 bucks a month and in my 20 so I mean but you thought I had it all figured out a meteoric rise to the top but the very thing that caused me to be the incredible overdrive of ambition caused me to go so fast that I that I missed the blind spots I missed the detour signs I missed the bridge out signs and so I built this house of cards I thought was a stone house but I was and I even didn't know and along comes some regulations changes a few shifts in the economy a little S&L crisis and comes down yeah you know all the sudden Dave looks like an idiot instead of a genius and so it turns out I was a little of both because you don't build something like that at 25 if you're not somewhat of a genius but I was obviously an idiot in the way I built this and so I get to do it again get the opportunity to start over and it's not the right way yeah yeah but I mean in the midst of that as I was falling oh it took two-and-a-half years to lose everything me I had stuff presented me I almost got conned serious cons like people just a real con artist type guy they're not many of them out there right most the time you get screwed by well-meaning ignoramuses but this these were real con artists coming into my path and I was about to give them money because I so desperately needed to turn quick money into big money to save myself I was desperate and right about the time to get desperate when you get stupid so doctors don't make those decisions so there's not really so what I'm here to say is the wealthy wealthy people it takes time and it's incremental it's not an overnight thing it's not a quick rise there might be some spikes here and there but it's typically over time it's okay to take a spike but anytime I get a spike I'm always a little suspicious of it real them it makes me it makes me even more careful I draw back and I go well that's really cool is it okay you know because it's not normative normative is incremental and so I always tell entrepreneurs it's okay to be on the cover of slow company magazine now something that you mentioned and something I just know about you as an individual your values and the values and the of your your business and your brand is how important character is from every person that comes there you I think it's a twelve part interview series before someone can be hired is that correct twelve yeah twelve interviews and I'm not sure how public that is let me know if I'm that's okay because you go through the wringer to get in here yeah exactly you gotta you pretty much takes you six years to get a job they rank they talk to you to talk to your spouse and your dogs and and everything to make sure that you have great character and this is what I love about you is your leadership on a certain standard for it the human beings you surround yourself with and who are part of your your mission and I think it's really inspiring and I look up to that I'm curious how do you teach character for people that don't have what you want yet and maybe not everyone's at the level you want but how do you can people change their character over time and how do you shift that oh yeah I mean it's a decision you can just decide I mean think about it what's integrity integrity I can just decide I have it yeah and now I do and I start acting out of the fact that I am a person of high integrity I'm a person who's dependable I'm a person you can count on I got your six I got your back I'm not gonna say I'm not gonna cut your throat from behind and you can just decide to be that today maybe you were the world's worst gossip before and none of your friends could count on anything except you slitting their throat from behind but you can just decide just like that to change and so it's a wonderful decision in Christianity we call it repentance you're walking one way you stop you turn you walk the other way that's all it is you turn around do you do a turn around yeah and so for most of us it's a journey you don't do it instantaneously I can decide to control my tongue I can decide to speak life over people rather than death and filth over them I can decide that I don't always do it right I just told you a minute ago sometimes on a jerk right so but it's just and we don't by the way won't have any perfect people working here we have people that are trying you're not for every day we had not just read the articles okay but now the I mean that that the thing is we got people that are trying yeah they're humble in the sense that they know they're not but we're listen we aspire to be people that can be counted on we aspire to be people of value we aspire to be people of noble character and when we don't then we know that we didn't but most people just go along and their language is filthy and their life is filthy and then they wonder why they're not attractive and they wonder why they're not winsome and the opportunity does not come to them it's because opportunity runs from that hmm people don't want to do deals with people they can't count on who are crooks they don't want to do deals with people who you know run around on their wife because if you run around on your wife you're probably gonna mess me over in a business deal I mean you know so this is a lack of character and so I'm always leery when I run into that out there in the market when we're doing deals were hiring a vendor we're bringing somebody on the team we're interacting with new friends we have and so forth and I it's not that I'm being judgmental I'm just gonna be wise because you know you become who you hang around with for sure your speech patterns you read the same books you have the same thought patterns you're hopeful or fearful based on who you run around with your inputs you know you we know this because those of us that raise kids we don't let our kids run around with juvenile delinquents because we know they'll come home acting like juvenile delinquents a lot right so and adults are any different they're the same thing I read the same books my best buds read I'm I think the same way they think and so I have to be careful who were my who's my inner circle who's my Posse that that's influencing Dave and so that's the kind of stuff we're doing and you know as a person of faith that means I'm going to church on Sunday and it's not because they have some kind of magic pill down there it's because I need to be connected to God because I'm not gonna get this by myself otherwise that's the way I view it and that's what we do around here I'm curious asked I've got about a seven or eight six or seven minutes left with you I got a few questions left I asked a question the rock Dwayne Johnson had a Instagram live over the weekend and I asked him a question on Instagram on his first Instagram live and I asked him a question just via the text but he said Lewis Howes great question and he responded to I'm gonna ask you the same question and I'm curious your response the question to him was two questions that he answered one what was the greatest lesson that your father taught you so I'll let you answer that one first what's the greatest lesson that your your father taught you my dad was in the real estate business when I was growing up and was a student of all the great sales trainers and positive thinkers of that day so I mean we had breakfast lunch and dinner was a zig Zigler Earl Nightingale Paul Harvey Cavett Robert Charlie tremendous Jones and he infected us my dad did infected my sister and I with the belief that we can do anything I really believe I can do anything now III not not within I mean I guess within I'm not gonna be in the NBA okay I'm not gonna play in the NFL okay I don't mean that but I'm saying if I apply myself and I figure out what the steps are and what the blockers are and I do the steps and I overcome the blockers it's up to me no one the Calvary is not coming and so it was a wonderful wonderful childhood in that regard very entrepreneurial household that goes with that obviously but if you will get up and leave the cave kill something and drag it home you'll be okay mm-hmm love that answer the second question I asked him was what does he what does the thing that he admires and respects the most about his wife and I'm curious for you as well the thing you admire and respect the most about why he decided to be with your wife she has uncanny scary wisdom hmm her insight she can read a room I just go in a room and have a party and then wonder about the people later she can walk into a room and reads everybody's mail before we leave and she comes out and she goes you know I go over there that's a good guy you got a gal over there she's getting ready to be in trouble she's getting ready to step in a bear trap and she has this discernment this ability to read people and this level of wisdom and got to tell you that's a really handy decision-making tool to have her you know standing beside me going uh-uh-uh we're not doing that I'm like yeah every time I go against that suggestion I lose 10 grand or more so I'm not doing that Yeah right so you do you mean on her for a lot of feedback or wisdom on big deals that you do or decisions in yes one of the things we learned when we went broke was was that I was not listening guard and she wasn't speaking up either she was kind of doing the I'll stay home and she's southern you know I stay home and raise the kids and and meanwhile she's thinking bridge out bridge out bridge out you know and not saying so so she had to learn to find her voice in this but there's a proverb that says who can find a virtuous wife for her worth as far above rubies the heart of her husband safely trusts her and he will have no lack of gain hmm interesting mom so I decided I didn't want a lack of gain and so I and she's virtuous so I can count on her and if she's not virtuous I call her on it but when we get ready to make major decisions a major purchase of a an asset at the bill at the office a major hire of the leader when we first started hiring people that's where we learned to interview spouses was Sharon and I would go to dinner with you and your spouse with our first 30 or 40 team members that came on board years ago and I'm just looking for her to certainement you know cuz she's got those antennae on her head she can go weirdo weirdo you know and she can see bottom a mile away and I can't and so because I just like everybody I'm just like a Labrador Retriever you know so but she she helped me figure out that we're not gonna hire and sometimes their spouse spoke into it so it's a two-way street yeah and we just have dinner it's not a formal interview we just have dinner with you and our team still does this in the hiring process it's the final thing you mentioned it earlier spousal interview we call it it's not really an interview but it comes from that proverb and it comes from that idea we don't right now our Ramsey family foundation our charitable giving stuff is run by my daughter Denise she's our director of that for last decade and she's very competent as the director of a substantial foundation but when we're doing something weird that's off budget she emails in to Sharon and I and this afternoon I got an email large amount got the ability to pay this caterer to go in and feed all the nurses and feed all the docs at this hospital do we want to spend that and Sharon and I make that decision together mmm and so quick email took 30 seconds yeah we got the budget got the room in the budget yeah we got a miscellaneous category tap it do it game all okay wasn't really a tough decision because all those mechanisms were put in place ahead of time but major hires major purchases major donations that kind of stuff she speaks into and now we buy copier paper without talking to her okay that's not what I'm talking about but but and and you know most of hires down here she was not involved in 98 percent of who works here today or 90 percent of who works here today but but still there's a tremendous benefit to having that wisdom in my life amazing that's Boris um it's one of the reasons I'm vastly successful that's good that's good a great partner great wife will support you and either being greatly successful or a failure I guess or falling down over and over I want to be mindful of our times I think we have maybe two minutes left so I want to make sure I ask this last couple questions quickly this is called the three truths I asked this to everyone at the end I want you to imagine a hypothetical situation it's the last day on earth for you and it's a hundred years from now or however long that you can live but at some point you got to say okay today's the time that I go and you have achieved everything you have built this amazing business you've seen your family grow up and people are happy you've done it all and for whatever reason you've got to take all of your audio videos books you've got to take them with you to the next place so no one has access to your content anymore again hypothetical and all you could leave behind were the three things you know to be true that would be the three lessons you would leave behind with everything you've learned in your life I call it the three truths question what would be your three truths God is real you can count on him people are worth the investment they'll be your greatest joy and they'll break your heart but they're worth the investment and everybody needs a dog I've never heard that one but I just got a dog six months ago it's like the greatest joy of my life right now I love that answer Dave how can we support you you got an amazing radio show you've got so many books where can we go to learn more about our finances and our life and all the things you're doing oh man we're great just hit Dave Ramsey calm and if we can serve you and help you with your career your money your marriage and the stuff that we're doing over here it's what we do and it'd be our greatest honor to be able to serve you as you walk through a transformational time in your life and we're not or imperfect people helping imperfect people get better mmm you're not perfect yet that's the third time you've asked that question this is my I'll leave you with the final question before I do I want to acknowledge idees for the the consistency you've had over decades of serving people at the highest level while being imperfect yourself constantly learning growing and acknowledging the imperfections you have thank you for for being a preacher today I think people really needed to hear that it's all gonna be okay it may take months it may take a year but eventually you'll have the strength to move forward and just not acknowledge you for your joy and in constant giving nature it's really beautiful to see someone that I've my respect to be at that level and with such a great character the final question on my friend of course man and hopefully I'll see you soon in LA when you're out here when I'm in Nashville next time got a question what's your definition of greatness I have to probably wordsmith a little bit but it's gonna have something to do with service there are very few people that are great that don't know how to serve there's very few people that are happy that I haven't learned how to serve where the service becomes generosity or whether it's a servant leader or whether it's a dad who gives really good hugs to his babies it's got to be around service mm-hmm Dave Ramsey thank you for your love and generosity and your wisdom I really appreciate you thank you very much appreciate your friendship brother thanks for having me of course thank you so much for watching this video and if you're looking for more in your life and check out this next video right here I don't care how well-prepared you are that's a scary thing yeah but it is the greatest opportunity in your lifetime to go from wherever you are financially to where you want to be I hope your audience listening might hear me
Channel: Lewis Howes
Views: 422,927
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lewis howes, lewis howes interview, dave ramsey, dave ramsey interview, dave ramsey money, money, wealth, from broke to millionaire, how to make money, how to get rich, inspiration, motivation, inspirational video, motivational videos, finance 101, cash flow, cash, build wealth, money interview, school of greatness, make money in a recession, how to invest, investing 101, how to make money in a market crash, success, how to become a millionaire, the secret to not being broke
Id: HfdvWl_q1bc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 43sec (2503 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 08 2020
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