I'm 31 Years Old & Own A Fleet Of 6 Semi Trucks, Take A Ride In My 1988 Stretched Out Peterbilt 379

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we got on the other side of the turnpike beside me there cody what we're hopping stuff so uh this is one of the customers a lot of them kind of load in this familiar way but this is just a hand ramp so to lay on the back of the trailer right up against the concrete disappeared so my name is chris joslin with joslyn transport this is my 1988 379 feeder built kind of a rat rod themed truck we did everything in the house bought the truck from a small dealer in oklahoma brought it back and we just kind of uh you know let it go with the things that had come up we did it some things have changed but we stretched it out just walk it let's walk it yeah 325 inch wheelbase uh running an airliner suspension so it's off of a freightliner we stretched it double framed it when we stretched it it's got the same line that came in the freightliner um cat motor in it uh 3406 b model kind of a story behind that one i think he previously made a video where we went in depth with it but short story is we found the engine in the field got it running it didn't blow up and turned the fuel up did a couple things to it again we elaborated a little bit more the last time but uh yeah just a cool project truck rat rod theme drive it every day we're down here currently in homestead miami loading nursery stock uh we're out of janesville wisconsin and uh yeah this is our ride or my ride and 53 foot reefer trailer on here normally is what we haul we do flatbed stuff dry van stuff but kind of uh this time of year and normally during the year we're pulling a reefer we're a small family owned and operated company we run a couple company trucks and some owner operators with us and uh we're gonna take on a ride today and show you kind of life behind the wheel and how we pick up nursery stock down here in southern florida and homestead florida let's go open ollie this is my guy chris right here oh that wasn't a slime that's safe no it's not there you go it's like a square body champion is that what it is this is my good friend chris man i'm telling you guys we are on for a ride today yep someone's actually using their cb radio i know i know down the homestead get loaded all right yeah tell us a little bit about what we're doing today brother oh so this is uh kind of what we do normally right now is our busy season so we wouldn't normally be coming down here we would be doing the stores and stuff up near michigan wisconsin illinois and the ann area but uh obviously we came down to do the 75 crumb shop truck show so we had a lot of fun there meet a lot of people probably over indulge a couple times but really good time hey that's what's up brother look at this turn radius right yeah it's a lot of truck here man i love it i love it man that's great so uh yeah we're going down to homestead picking up flowers uh nursery stock again uh we've been on for this particular company for i have for like the last three years and uh real good people real good people to work with um every time we come down to florida we just basically bring whatever coming down here and we always have the same stuff coming back up load uh miami homestead area um sometimes orlando i may pronounce it wrong with polka areas like that around orlando and um straight back to michigan as soon as we can get it back they're ready for it and uh they take it in do a little boxing distribution sometimes they cut them depending on what they are and ship them out and then they uh go to a store near you that's why you want me to go because i want people to cry i want people to cry chris i mean you know while you're turning right now we'll wait till you know you're driving straight don't look at the camera don't worry no no i'm looking at gps so um i mean how long have you been short driving brother um so i've been driving commercial vehicles since i was 18. i started out in a day cab on a walking floor trailer doing like mulch and topsoil and stuff uh and i did dump truck running like asphalt at night hauling asphalt doing millings and stuff and kind of i guess you would say like i cut my teeth with backing and learning a lot of the maneuvers by running that day cap with the walking floor trailer and the dump truck get a little bit of experience uh when we were running like mulch and topsoil you know these big commercial landscape companies would have them delivered to a mcdonald's so you know they would be building the mcdonald's yeah zigzagging in there yeah getting the trailer kind of closer to where they would want it so they didn't have to move it so much so you kind of really you know i bet that's where you got a lot of that experience so i mean straight out of the gate man i mean are you a generational truck driver what made you want to do this straight out of the gate chris actually uh i'm the first time truck driver no you're not yeah i would not believe that seriously my dad my mother my grandfather you know i don't really know anybody close to my family that had drove truck i know uh yeah no nobody that would be close enough ken to be in relations so what made you want to go ahead and do it so quick i mean so young uh i always like kind of had a love for trucks so my dad was in the military growing up and we traveled a little bit growing uh growing up i grew up in virginia my dad got stationed in hawaii i was actually born in hawaii how are you so you're hawaiian and technically yeah yeah i was born in hawaii uh during the end of his first deployment there and we traveled back across of course i don't remember that because i was so young but we went back in the i wanted to say middle mid 90s or so lived there for three years i remember that and uh so when we traveled my mom i'd always tell my mom i want to drive truck when i get older you know what what'd she think about that brother she was like go to college yeah yeah he'll grow out of it you know do something uh do something else and uh you know we'd do road trips and stuff and i could like just look at the headlights on the truck and know hey that's a mac that's the kenworth that's a feeder built you know and my dad if you ask him to tell you the same thing he said yeah i don't know how or where i learned it from but i would just do stuff like that i was always mechanical my grandad uh deceased now but growing up he was old school hot rodder we went to like the hot rod nationals up in pennsylvania he built like a t-bucket some other cars so that was like my mechanical background now if you were to uh describe your grandfather in a few words uh what would those words be i love that man to death you know i spent a lot of time with him when i was younger kind of your your old school hot rodder you know like doesn't really take from anybody he was in the navy you know you know love turning wrenches but also you know if i was working on something and didn't quite do it right you know he'd tell me i was stupid and let me know that that wasn't the right way to do it but a good guy you know a good guy i did learn a lot from him you know during the time that i was around and had him so uh that's he's down looking at you now uh what would what would he say about you brother i think he'd be uh happy i talked to him a little bit he got cancer real bad and kind of snuck up on him real quick so i got to see him i got to see him shortly before he passed away but uh i think he he'd be real proud you know if he i think you know you're done yeah yeah i think so too and you know if you guys are wondering why my my camera is jumping around more than usual i mean what your truck is this man talk about it a little bit so it's an 88 uh kind of i guess you would describe it as a rat rod you know it's a not perfect show truck you know we obviously put it in the show but just because that's what i like to do i enjoy to do it you know people picking things they like things they don't like things but we built this in our shop from the day i bought it everything you see now so stretching it engine transmission uh cody the driver and uh the other truck behind me you know a lot of nights we were laying up underneath here putting the transmission in it doing a little bit of everything so it's kind of cool that you know we bought it it had a story kind of when we bought it we did a bunch of things to it and we run it and just have fun with it you know it's not anything perfect it good i don't think it'll ever be perfect but i just i love driving it and i uh i'll drive it until they tell us we can't drive the old trucks anymore so i'll be the last one on the road with some old truck but i love it i'll tell you man you know a lot of people they worry about what's going to happen to trucking and you know the younger generation and what they're gonna do with it and i'll be honest brother if you're a part of this chris i think chucky might be okay brother yeah yeah so uh when i was younger still young now i'm 31 i know so wait up give me the years how many years you've been trucking when if you said 18 right yeah 18 to 31 18 to 31 um 18 to 21 i was local you know i couldn't go out of state um did a little bit of everything you know driving coming up here slowing down up here cody [Music] um 18 to 21 god did a little bit of everything i always wrench so i wasn't like full time over the road the real backed up back here or just kind of traffic through miami um but yeah so did a little bit of everything drove single axle dump trucks tandem dump trucks uh my boss i was working for at the time had a bunch of dump trucks and uh you know there's dead cavs walking floor trailer and i kind of pushed on him um i didn't go to uh like a truck driving school or anything like what you'd see so when i got my license again you know not that long ago but a little while ago um i went to the dmv got my learner's permit you know took the book home studied it studied it went got my learner's permit and uh what you had to do basically to qualify to get your license you had to spend so many hours in a truck driving with somebody that had a cdl and uh you know i had been driving kind of yeah look at that smile some other things so i met the dot officer um at the power facility um in my small little town she uh did my pre-trip with me and then a road test and actually the first time i took the test for my a i failed it i feel oh how did you feel i failed the pre-trip did you cry i would have cried a little bit a little teary i was pretty upset because i had to wait like a whole another month you know and you think you're going to come home but i failed it a couple different well one day in particular um you know i was very good obviously had worked on these things and yeah i'd say hey you need to check your oil but uh apparently you need to say hey if you check your oil and if it's low add it and those were just little things that they needed to hear that i you know i obviously knew if i checked it and it was low to add some but i didn't say it any advice for the new people that are getting on that are having problems right now with the written portion of the test you know uh i'd say tag along with somebody you know that drives or somebody you look up to or you know if you got a company around you that works on trucks you know just maybe not necessarily say hey you want to work there you know draw a paycheck but just spend a little time with somebody that you know and uh you know they'll usually steer you in the right direction i love it i love it you know uh let's let's talk about it so you worked for a company chris for a couple years yep and you know people might not know but uh you actually owned a joslin transport is it transportation i apologize no there's transport yeah yeah yeah and so justly transport you are a young man to be owning a trucking business sir well not as young you know i met a lot of guys uh in wildwood that you know are 10 years ahead of me i know we met jordan i met like jt baker they're like 23 24 with like three four or five trucks already on or off and i think i think that's awesome you know like everybody has different views on it but like i want to see everybody succeed if you're hard worker you're motivated what you want to do if i can help you out or you know you help me out however it works but like i want to see us all succeed i'm not the type that's like i just want me to go forward and you know get left and just get left i think that's awesome they have a head start on it i'm jealous i'm jealous i ain't gonna lie i'm jealous you know me but it's a beautiful thing of course mother trucker is wearing traffic you know chris warned me he says i got this old truck we don't got ac and i said don't worry about it but you know of course we're going to be stuck you know god is playing his joke on us today hanging out with us i love it get my tan on you know enjoy the heat enjoy the heat right but this is trekking right here baby exactly you better love every piece of it oh yeah because if you're coming into this industry thing you're gonna make some money it's a rude awakening you better love it because if you don't love it you're going to quit before everybody else man that's the truth so let's talk about this you know you're a company driver for a couple years and when did you decide or when was the feeling that you knew it was like that aha moment chris where you're like i want to be on our own yeah uh so i was a company driver obviously for a while i actually drove for a couple different companies um i won't name them just because i don't know if they want to be named or not not a problem that's respect yeah but i work for a couple good people i always believe one thing you know never burn a bridge you never know what you may need in the future or what you do and that actually has kind of helped us out because we still haul for a company that i used to work for there you go don't burn bridges nope they're all stuck in their yard they're you know a good supplier of that but uh i always wanted to own my own truck you know being having a mechanical background i always thought hey maybe i would buy one just fix it up run it around or maybe eventually run it um but there was never a right time oh man i think you guys got a lot of robot he's gonna have some problems i think yep but uh yeah so i uh i actually got out of trucking for a couple months i left a company that i worked for really loved them had no problems but uh we had our first born son you know and i wanted to be home more i think everybody probably at some point in their career has experienced that so i got a job offer with caterpillar and they offered me a real sweet job being an annual tech got my own service truck took it home just worked on equipment and kind of could do whatever i wanted and as far as a company aspect job if i were to work for a company that would be the perfect for me you know i love working outside i love working on stuff but we did that and it's kind of one of the things that gets stuck in you and in your blood and you do it for so long it's hard to do that nine to five or a normal job i was calling you back baby yup so uh probably did it at the worst time i got some advice from a couple different people and uh this sand is always stuck in my head it's never the right time to do anything so you're always gonna have an excuse there's always going to be man i don't have the money i shouldn't switch it right now maybe it's next year and i'm the type that you know doesn't always work for everybody but i'm i'm ready to do it you know i'm going to make the move i'd rather try it out now fail at it find out i don't like that and move on to something else than living any kind of regret so uh i quit uh bought a truck um i think i heard another guy on one of your videos say it but my my kind of upbringing with it was very similar i had a pickup truck that i drove every day and uh i sold it and the money i got from that pickup i used to basically pay our bills in the house and feed our kid at the time and i i told them i said look i'm gonna do everything i can for as long as i can until we're built back up and have some maintenance fun but i'll work every day 24 7 if i have to and i i still you know try to try to keep that same work ethic but i work my butt off saved up how much weight did you save up i think our goal at first was like to get a maintenance count up like 10 grand um truly i don't know if we ever did that at first because things come out we had truck problems issues things like that but to get within reason where we weren't sweating it is bad you know that was my first goal so take that notch off your belt move on now your next goal is to build this account or maybe your next goal is to buy your own truck when i bought the truck i was leased on um kind of a family friend uh still talk to her day again don't burn bridges and uh there's a lady i was leased to her she treated me real well you know uh we worked together um i actually started working with her when i got the contract for what we do now oh wow and uh would it end up kind of making the push for me uh i never really had a big idea that hey man i was gonna get my authority like now i knew that was like the next step but it wasn't kind of in my vision at that particular time but uh kind of my hand got forced and you know it was a good thing scary i'm scared let's talk about the the scared when you guys just jump and do it let's talk about that for a second brother so the way to explain it is that the you know maybe some people have been in this situation but put everything you've had in your life in other people's lives meaning if you have a wife or a girlfriend or you know kids and you're kind of putting they're i'm not going to say livelihood but kind of what their future looks like at risk but all that on the plate plus anything that belongs to you and it could go poof if if something doesn't go right and it's five or six things that could go wrong and one of those things will take it at all that's that's what happened we got our own authority um we talked with a couple people but the problem is i'll say this but the problem is i knew a lot of people that said oh yeah you just do this you just do that i'm not going to name any names but i called him up and i'm like well hey what do i need what does this form mean what and they're like oh well i didn't do it this guy did it and i run you know so like i never could get to the guy that actually like got his own authority and i wasn't going to call like maybe one of my employers and i'm sure he's got a busy schedule to talk to me about how to start my own stuff so we researched it online um my girlfriend becky really like huge health uh even to this day with admin stuff and doing paperwork but uh we looked at what forms we needed there were companies that you could go and and apply and they would take care of all of it like a government service yeah you know all of them right i'm not gonna name them but you guys can look them up correct find the one you want and they'll do it all for you they'll do your mc your authority they'll do everything you know help you or your ein number you know whatever you need and of course the biggest one insurance right right so that that was the big one uh that i'm not going to say it's the easy part but that's fairly simple to get those things filled out but your insurance uh your driving record and when you get your authority you're a new entity you've got a fresh d.o.t number you don't have any marks on your record but you also don't have any history it's like credit so there's only a couple insurance companies out there that will ensure a new authority i hate to say their names but one is progressive yeah progressive uh great west says they will but uh realistically at least in my case it's unaffordable so yeah they physically will but you know who has 57 000 for the year right and uh you know so that's a fairly decent sized lump sum up front and uh you know once you sign that and say hey look i'm gonna pay this big insurance note every month that bill comes and you better make sure that when your insurance comes valid and you're ready to run that you're running because that next month you're gonna have that payment up so now now you have debt you know so with all that fear and we're telling people the truth and that's why we make these videos uh you just you're glad you did it yeah so now uh you know i'm happy doing it all over again i probably would have done things differently because i did have to learn some things a lot harder well wait up give me a second so uh yeah there were things that you had to learn things that you found out you know things that you need for this dealing with brokers terms who you're hauling for you know a lot of these brokers are 30 60 90 days out you know and you can choose if you want to go through factoring companies or you know if you get maybe like a contract that you're more in with them and they pay you directly or it's just so let's talk about it chris factoring good or bad so i'm not a very good uh private person to talk to because i haven't factored never failed well i've noticed that most people that have stayed in business don't factor i would say this so long story short if you need to do it you need to do it there's no shame in it i mean especially when you're starting new you're not gonna have all this money i mean who can sit for 30 60 90 days i mean we're by any means not a huge company we're a small fleet there are definitely cases that i probably couldn't sit 60 days i mean you got trucks running out west you know fuel's going up 2 000 2500 3000 you know not that high yet but per truck depending on how many trucks it's a lot of money you know and you go through a fuel network again credit comes into play you know we uh we deal with our fuel in-house so we do it off the bank card we use apps like mud flap and some other stuff and we deal with nasdaq they have discounts but just we could go into a long spat of here's what you need here's what you got to do people want to know like and you know what actually mother truckers and we sit down we'll do that we're going to sit down uh and i'm going to fly out to wisconsin for you or drive down there we i do it for the trucker community and everybody because just like chris talks about everybody in their mama likes to say oh yeah it's easy but then when you ask them how to exactly do it for some reason no one has the answers so that's going to be a great video brother yeah yeah looking forward to it you know and remember to you know i'm not an expert with this i had to learn a lot still learning i'll learn until the day i die and i have leaned on people and people have helped me get where i'm at so don't ever you know turn down help i'd say listen even if you don't use what they tell you listen to it you know and uh i have reached out to quite a few people and said hey man i'm in a pickle with this you know what would you do what would you do that and uh you know help and another thing before we'll have a whole segment on this i guess he said he wanted to come up but uh also learn what you're not good at and delegate that find somebody that has your strengths or you know are their weakness and their strengths are your weakness that will make for an awesome team because i'm not good honestly with a lot of the admin and paperwork stuff can i physically do it yes but that's just i don't have good handwriting you know that's just not i'm not saying everybody loves doing it but i know that that's my weak point you know so i know that if you were to hire me don't worry christopher don't hire me in your accounting department that's what i'm saying no i love it but uh yeah but shop things and you know what things cost and parts how much repair bills are very very good with that but yeah so that's it for that oh i love it i love it um you know we're just hanging out at the end of this uh shout out to anyone out there yeah yeah so uh again back home becky uh my kids i love you all very much i appreciate you uh you know dealing with dad being gone all the time and uh you know i just hope uh that my kids when they grow up you know understood that uh you know dan had to be gone for a long long time it's still a long time to make things work but you know they're strong we're strong we'll get through it and uh everybody that uh you know is in the trucking community i think everybody deserves to thank you you know there's plenty of drivers out here same as me same situation got kids at home uh you know i've met a lot of good people even the last couple of years that same kind of area as me either have a couple trucks or have more than a couple trucks and uh awesome thank you all our help you know people to help us out drivers i think you'll talk to one of them later today and tomorrow and get his story and i think that i think that's cool we got on this other side of the turnpike beside me there cody what i said when we make this right going back south to continue on the turnpike you want to roll up beside me for a little bit yeah yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] people always cut you up that guy cut us off how do you feel when people cut you off i just uh you know wish people would realize that these things aren't cars they don't stop as quick and uh you know people are just so busy with uh their phone and not paying attention to what they're doing you know yeah they're in their cars getting interviews yeah yeah getting interviews and doing everything you shouldn't do but yeah now uh i don't know somebody told me a while back that uh best explanation i found was it's a dead time you know drivers and even you know local delivery drivers we're all out here for a reason because of your job to be out here but most people that are commuting to and from work they're only out here because they're commuting or they have something they need to go do so it's dead time to them so they're thinking about you know what's on tv when they get home what they're cooking for dinner you know who's message them and they're not paying attention as much as they should you know that that makes sense it does make sense there are bad truck drivers out there you know i mean yeah but uh i would say that the percentage of bad cars probably still outweigh that by 1000. curving we're hopping stuff what happened happened happened welcome to homestead hey chris and i were just having a conversation off camera but you know i hate to say it but a lot of people make excuses for their life right a lot of people always say woes me i can't make it my parents weren't rich you know what what are your thoughts about that chris honestly man oh so kind of inspire me is not what you have or what your ambitions are i mean you could not want anything to do with the trucking sphere whatever i enjoy being around people that are motivated doesn't mean that they have money or they do have money or whatnot just somebody that's motivated you know that will work as hard as they need or harder to get where they want uh those are the people that i like to surround myself with again you know there's no rhyme or reason it doesn't matter if they're in the same business or do the same things or have money don't have money you know there are a lot of lazy people in this world that are a lot uh will me or what can i get for free and i just for me i don't i don't like being around those type of people or i don't like surrounding myself i don't i don't like pity parties you know i understand there are certain things in life that are women and unfortunate and i'm not talking about those i'm talking about your average fairly healthy person that could do something with their life you know sitting at home or they're talking about what they could do and they're not doing it and uh i made a comment to him i said you know regardless what happens it happens in the future or you know if i lost everything tomorrow and mcdonald's was the only job i would work i'd work 150 hours a week to have to you know batman to support my family and then go i needed to save up x amount dollars so i could restart this i would i do in a heartbeat you know it's not i i don't feel like i'm the only one that has a sale i think a lot of people that are either motivated for one or an entrepreneur or in the business field have that same drive and passion like there are no there are no rules to how hard or what you know if it means day and night if it means not getting any sleep if it means doing this you'll do it no questions asked i was telling him also you know there are limitations like as you get older like with your family if you're married if you have a girlfriend if you have kids you know you have to understand that you do have some limitations because you uh you are putting them through it in a sense you know you're 80 90 whatever you want to average it is on you but at the end of the day they're carrying some of the weight even though you're putting in the work because they're suffering by not having a dad not having a partner in life not doing this so uh what i would say is uh don't be lazy we get along but i like i enjoy motivating people you know that's all right fine chris i'll get out of the truck i get out of the truck at this stop sign no man i appreciate you i appreciate you both oh yeah i'm sorry to say chris there's a lot of in here man how the hell do i get my window down oh you want your window down yeah watch this whoa what the hell air buddy it's still on air yeah air operated windows in this whole girl hey i love it that was nice [Music] no air ride on this cab i can feel it chris real man's truck yes chris i don't know we got a line of trucks we should have pretty good palm here look at that barely fairly barely sir [Music] claire [Music] [Music] so [Music] so yeah i'm gonna hit the this door up here turn the reefer on start uh rolling some plants in [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so uh this is one of the customers a lot of them kind of load in this familiar way uh but this is just a hand ramp so to lay on the back of the trailer right up against the concrete and then this conveyor belt will actually roll all the way to the front of the trailer and they'll set the plants on the conveyor belt and just uh set them up in there they load them by hand so somebody would be putting them on the belt somebody will be taking them off on the end of the trailer and um this particular trailer has a knee track so sometimes they will either use load bars or they're just a clamp that you can put a 2x4 in and they'll do it around the whole length of the trailer and double stack them so you'll have a row on the bottom and a row on the top to try to get the most in the trailer because uh it's not really weight restricted you can have a full load of these and they don't really weigh all that much it just takes up space [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] disappeared [Music] so we are the music makers and we are the dreamers of dreams [Music] you
Channel: The Asian Mai Show - Official Trucking Channel
Views: 378,478
Rating: 4.8755946 out of 5
Keywords: trucking, owner operator, cdl, lease operator, trucker, truck driver, swift transportation, knight transportation, do truck drivers make money, how to become a truck driver, how to get your cdl, custom Peter, 379 peterbilt
Id: POXoDMplpcA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 8sec (2348 seconds)
Published: Wed May 05 2021
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