Tailscale SERVE and FUNNEL | Share files and services without PORT forwarding | Proxmox Home Server

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hello everyone and thank you much for watching this is me Mr P and this is another episode in a proximos Home Server Series in this video I will try to do my best and explain to you tail scale serve and tail scale funnel tail scale serve is a service created by tail scale that will allow you to share content or local servers from that tail scale node to your tail net and tail scale funnel is addition addition to their tail skill Sur that will not only share bya inside the tailet but it but it will open to entire Internet please note that tail skill funnel is available for free premium Enterprise plans and tail skill funnel is currently in beta so some things well it does work for me I've been using tail scale funnel and serve for about almost a month now but just sometimes it is a bit of flaky especially the tail skill funnel so hopefully everything will work correctly for this video and you will you will understand or you'll learn what the tail scale serve and tail scale funnel is tail scale serve will serve the content or servers to your tailet so what is the tailet if you log into your tail scale dashboard and click on DNS you will find your tailet domain in my case is a raptor dbanj jo. ts.net so this is my tailet and the machines that currently exists in that tailet are Linux and tail scale and Linux and tail scale is these two devices these two virtual machines here so one of them is lxc container that's run stale scale and another one is virtual machine that is running pop OS Linux OS and they both are linked to the same tail net so tail scale serve would allow me to share content from let's say tail scale machine to to Linux machine and vice versa if I have here let's say if I had 10 15 20 90 devices and I have a file that I want to share from one machine to another yes I can set up the FTP or SMB or any other way or I can just enable tail skill serve that will create a URL that I can open um into another machine or W get uh the content using that URL and it will will share the content between all my tail scale nodes so tail scale serve will share from one machine to another and tail scale funnel will share not only between two machines within my tailet but anybody who knows their URL will be able to access the files so let's start setting this up I will start with the tail scale serve so if I'm going to click on a tail scale lxc container another gate to home and Mr P folder inside here I have a folder called share- folder navigate in this folder and the content of this folder is as follows I have two files actually have three files but two of them are small they're just txt files 18 and 35 kiloby respectively and I have Linux ISO file which is 2 gigs Linux ISO is basically my pop OS ISO file so right now I want the Linux virtual machine access these files from my Alex container I just need to let say download them or use them in any way and just how to get these files from my tail scaley container to my Linux YT so step one if I click on my L on my tail skill dashboard I can see both nodes are active and they are indeed belongs to belong to the same tail net so inside a tail scale LXE container if I type you need to type pseudo if you're not logged in as a super user roote I am logged in as root so Sudo is not required but I'm just going to type anyway as a it's a good habit to type it so Pudo tail scale serve status currently you can see no serve config so that means tail scale serve is not active so I'll bring the same command back it'll delete the status and now I'm going to type HTTP let's say semicolon 1 2 3 4 then slash slashes what what subfolder or subdomain I want to use so if I'm going to click on a tail scale it's going to be Raptor dobano dot.net SL whatever if I chose to I'm going to just leave as a main and now I'm going to just type a location of the folder that I want to share in my case is home Mr P shared folder enter no errors that's good if you doing this for very first time there is a chance that the link will show up which you need to click and activate the link will bring you to a page that looks something like this as you can see this is activation screen for using funnel something like this will show up if you're doing the tail scale serve for very first time especially when you're using https instead of HTTP so right now serve is running if I'll bring the command which is tail scale serve status and enter as you can see it gives me a list uh let me do this way it gives me two URLs I'm going to use this URL to access this as you can see it says tailet only or I can use full tail scale dyt so node name dot tailet address semicolon and a port I opened so let's go back in here inside popos I'm going to open the browser let's wait for browser to show up and if I type tail scale all this address delete at the end and put 1 2 3 4 and enter here you go this is Mye three files here that it's shared let's go back inside tail scale and you can see one two three just to make sure that it's definitely the same one I can write touch let's say touch and let's put TS so I created a for file which is just TS if I go back to my Linux Linux virtual machine po virtual machine refresh the file showed up so right now anybody within my Tails tailet can have can access these files using this l so they can go and click for example what's the config subscribe and what's under important and don't forget to click like I hope you will do that and Linux ISO is like I said is pop OS installation drive installation uh media as you can see is right now done loading that's it so everybody within my tail net will be able to access this all this screen that you see in here is the Chrome browser running on my laptop that I'm using right now to in demonstrate all this so if I do the same here and press enter uh tail scale dyt enter and it's going to try to load because this laptop that I'm using to record this video is not a part of the tail net so doesn't matter how long I'm going to wait it's not B it won't open this page because my laptop that I'm using is not part of the tailet so tail scale serve only serves content within your Tails tail net so I need to right now open this to uh entire internet be able to download this couple of things please note uh that the tail the funnel will limit limit the bandwidth so it's not like you can open the port and you and everybody who connects will be able to use this full speed it's going to be limited traffic over funnel is subject to bandwidth limit and the ports that you can specify to expose the funnel are currently available are 4 for free 8 for for free and Port 10,000 and funnel needs to be set up via tail scale serve https Port not HTTP it needs to be https otherwise it's not going to work so let's go back here this this still works because this popest virtual machine is a part of a tailet as you can see this one it just keeps loading and load loading and it's just going to keep loading and nothing's going to happen so let's go back to my tail scale dyt container where I have the tail scale tail scale serve running as you can see here tail net only I'm just going to delete status and type reset tail scale serve reset will close the connection so right now this page if I refresh it will not work anymore so now let's set set create the tail scale serve using https and one the ports that is allowed in tail scale funnel and then activate the funnel for this demo I still going to use the same folder but like I said you can use not only the folder but you can use a service as well so for example if you have a pie hole running inside here or file browser Docker container anything you will be able to share the service as well so let's right now set up the tail scale serve again so tail scale serve serve not server serve https and then if you leave like that it will default to 443 but I'm just going to go and force it anyway to use 44 fre Port then slash let's say slash files and then what location I want to share so it's going to be home Mr P shared folder enter if I type tail scale serve status and enter right now it's sharing using this link so tail skill serve status so tail scale dyt and it says tailet only so if I refresh this link like that uh it should open up any second now is it panjo 443 no don't want to do that let's force it https tail scale dyt no so it's um this is where the buggy stuff get start happening so let's do a tail scale tail scale come on tail scale serve reset and let's re reset again so https oh it's files that's what I missed I forgot to enter files so where is that URL slash files here we go so right now it's accessing by https I do get the padlock everything is verified and I do have access to this files I forgot to put the files end bit to um to tell that this is the URL slash files to access path and this is a location so tailet only working now if I type tail scale funnel specify the port that I used which is going to be for for free and then type on enter and right now if you're going to run this for very first time you should see the screen or link that will take you to screen something like this where you enable the funnel and funnel and serve is not enabled by default you will have to enable during the first initial run let's go back here inside my tail skill dyt Alexi container and find my command tail skill serve status enter and now you can see there's more information showing up that was before before it was just a link and it says tail SC tailet only but now it says funnel on this is URL that funnel is on and this is the links that they can access so it's can they can go and access using this URL and this end bit to access the files so right now if I'm going to go back here into my popos BM and refresh that I still have access to these files but right now inside my Chrome browser on the laptop that has is not the part of tailet if I type https tail scale let's delete put dyt files at the end I do have access to these files because they been tunnel they been funneled using tail scale funnel to entire internet so anybody who has access or know knows that link they can punch that link in the browser on the phone on any device that has internet connection and a browser and they will be able to access these files they can even go and let's say if I go and select this and copy the link I can go inside the SS um SSH um terminal and then W get and paste that link so if I'm going to go and let's say paste that link like that they will be able to download this link which will ask them politely to to subscribe to my channel so this is how tail skill funnel and tail skill server Works once you've done everything and you want to close the connection you type tail scale funnel specify the port 4 for fre off enter so right now funnel is off but tail scale serve is still active so now on the inside the Chrome browser on the device that is not part of the tail net for refresh it skips spinning and spinning and spinning and eventually I'll get the time out that the link doesn't exist or I have no access rights or here we go side cannot be reached because tail scale funnel is off and if I type tail scale St serf status the actual link is still active but it is only within tailet so inside popos if I refresh this then link still works and our files can still be accessed with no problems so tail scale funnel specify the port and type off is to turn off access from entire internet or if I type tail scill serve reset it will completely close this um connection and right now I even my devices within my tail tailet won't be able to access the file so right now let me try again tail scale enter and it was files and that's it unable to connect doesn't matter how I try that's it tail scale serve is disconnected and now as you can see no serve config found so the tail scale serve will share the file folder or any content within your tailet and tail scale funnel will expose that content to entire internet if you want to send a big file to someone or let's say someone like I said you can share the services so for example you can give a quick access to one of your Docker containers to someone who just let's say wants to upload something like for example I have a Docker container which is file browser I already done a video about file browser this is very simplified Google Drive alternative kind of thing so let's say if you want to give this someone access to this device to this thing to this Docker container via internet without opening ports or using Cloud FL tunnel or having a subdomain or anything like that so for example what you would type then is tail scale serve https semicolon 44 free file browser for example and then specify the URL your url that you need to specify using a tail scale serve needs to be your Local Host I can't use this lxc container to expose stuff on this virtual machine it needs to be running Inside Yes this inside the same node so for example then I can type HTTP Local Host semicolon 4433 for example and that's it if I press enter tail scale serve status so now I have my Local Host uh service running at Port 443 exposed to a tailet by 443 instead of 4433 it's going to be 443 and then if I would like to go further I can type 443 on and basically that's how I would expose the docker the container file browser from my node that was running that docker container to entire internet once I done that or my friend uploaded a file or downloaded what he needs I off I put the off to a to the tail scale funnel and then reset and that's it all the access to the service is blocked I hope this video is useful for you I've been using tail skill serve and tail skill funnel for about a month now where I need to send a big files or allow someone to upload files to my file browser doc or other things and it's been working not all not 100% like I said tail scale funnel is in beta so there is sometimes a little hiccups here or there but overall I'm very happy with the service with a tail scale serve and tail scale funnel and it's just a very simple and easy um setup where you need need to send a file or folder or just to expose a service to someone quick and you don't want to use any file transfer third party service is to move a 2 three 4 GB of data I hope this video is useful for you and thank you much for watching and I'll see you in the next video goodbye
Channel: MRP
Views: 2,313
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: proxmox home server, home lab, tailscale serve, tailscale funnel, tailscale server server, tailscale funnel server, self-hosting, proxmox home server series
Id: qAuPoAQImo0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 9sec (1089 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 09 2023
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