Split DNS Magic with Tailscale - Access remote services from anywhere!

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by now tail scale is no secret I've been using it for a year or two and it's been a total game changer for how I interact with my networks gone are the days of generating my own wire guard Keys finding a good way to keep them in sync across all my devices and whilst they do fully acknowledge that there are some downsides in having someone else host my wire guard keys for me it's a trade-off in terms of convenience that I'm willing to make the biggest compliment I can give to tailscale is that it just works our self-hosters we've been trying to find ways to solve the problem of accessing our services from anywhere in the world without opening up ports in our firewalls since basically the beginning of time that is the promise of tailscale in today's video we're going to take a deep dive into the world of DNS specifically looking at tailscale's Magic DNS feature this allows us to do neat things like refer to our tailnet devices by name or configure split DNS to query remote DNS service I'll explain what all of that means in a minute and show you how to get it set up [Music] in order to visualize this let's imagine that we have a remote Network and in that Network we want to host some Services perhaps this is at a parent's house or a friend's house or something like that now we don't want to expose these services to the internet but we do want to be able to access them via a fully qualified domain name in our browser so something like my service.mumshouse.domain.com we also want our parent to be able to access this service in their local network even if they're not using tailscale at all we're going to do all this using split DNS and in order for this whole split DNS thing to actually be properly useful we're going to need a local DNS server in the remote Network and ideally some level of control over the DHCP in the remote networks firewall or router and that's to ensure that clients there get leases configured with our DNS server and not some ISP automatically generated garbage we're also going to need a way to run a subnet router in the remote Network in my case if it's at all possible I will run this on the open sense firewall now if that isn't an option I'll try and carve out a VM somewhere and if that's not an option I'll find something like a Raspberry Pi or a really small low power device I can just throw in the corner and install tailscale on that now we could throw all this in a public DNS provider but that feels unnecessarily inefficient given that tailscales local DNS implementation with magic DNS caches all of these responses locally if the request is a name found in your tailnet that request never leaves your device that's because tailscale runs a local DNS server on every single tailscale client yes that includes your phone I think that's pretty cool one final thing before we get into a real example is it's really really really important for your own sanity that the subnet ranges of all of these different networks in question do not overlap pick something unique for each site and it's going to make your life a whole lot easier I find postal codes or house numbers or phone numbers or whatever helpful in IP ranges as a unique ish identifier in either the second or third octet I hope you're still visualizing that remote Network because now I've decided that I want to deploy next Cloud both here at home and also at my parents house to keep things simple for all of us let's come up with a standardized naming scheme so that it's obvious what's going to be running where I typically like to lay out my DNS something like this service dot host Dot site Dot domain.com and so a real world example of this might be nexcloud.dell3060.ncusa dot badgesbits.io or nextcloud.synology.lancashire UK Dot badgesbits.io and so on using this method we're able to tell what service is running on which box and then which physical site that box is located in now when we make these requests tailscale knows thanks to the configuration we've done in our admin panel to forward any requests for lanks UK to that local DNS server in the remote Network note that the matching is done at the site level and not at the service or host level we could get into doing that but it would get quite messy quite quickly as having one entry per service in our DNS server that's a lot to manage wildcards make this really easy for us and it's why I recommend a five layer deep domain name system now this whole process is split DNS in action the process of sending requests to different places based on matching the contents of a portion of a URL so let's jump over to my workstation take a quick look at my tailscale dashboard to see how we can figure this so this is a brand new tail net that I've created just for the purposes of this video I'm logged into my tailscale admin dashboard right here what I wanted to show you is that currently there's only one device connected and that's this laptop that we're using to do this recording I've built a remote demo site I've built this in a VLAN on my local network using proxmox so I've got three systems I've got open sense running as a fake virtual firewall I've got pie hole running as a fake virtual DNS system and then I've got Ubuntu running as a fake application server and those three nodes are going to be the three that we're going to use throughout this demo the fact that they're in a VLAN isn't important and it's not relevant to tailscale whatsoever but I thought I'd just explain it so that you knew what was going on now what we're going to want to do is just take a quick look at what we can do first of all so if we go and try and connect to one of these nodes this is from my local laptop I'm trying to connect to uh anything with that 150 in the subnet octet the third octet we can just pretend for sake of argument is in a different building in a different continent somewhere that we don't actually have physical access to right now so the first thing that we want to do is find a way to install tailscale in that remote subnet so that we can at least connect to one of these hosts I'm going to bring in the Ubuntu VM that I talked about at the beginning of this video this is going to act as a way for me to Trojan into the network the remote Network temporarily now you could use TeamViewer onto a family member's laptop or actually go and visit them if you want to and go and connect physically to the the command line of open sense itself one thing I wanted to show you before we install tailscale is that this network is actually running a bunch of other applications just fine so you know it's got DNS running in pie hole we've got um Libre speed running and applications as well so if if tailscale isn't even involved in the equation everything's still working just fine and that's really important because the last thing we want is you know a support call from a family member saying hey things are broken can you come fix it for me when it's some some complicated thing that you've configured that's got a Upstream dependency that you can't figure out remotely now the easiest way to show you how to install um tailscale is to actually drop to the command line you can't install tailscale through the GUI so we need to SSH into tailscale or hook up a keyboard or Monitor and a mouse if you're physically visiting family select option 8 to go to a shell now the next thing we're going to want to do is this option here of fetch a memugmail.com file there'll be a link to this in the description down below by the way in fact I'm going to be writing a blog post about this entire process so check out that blog post link for all of this kind of documentation we've installed the meme of mail repo configuration file you're probably familiar with this kind of stuff if you've used Linux it's like um installing an app to repo or something like that package update is analogous to running apt update in Ubuntu for example and the next thing we're going to want to do is a package install tail scale once we've done the package update PKG is just bsd's equivalent of Apt for example now we are going to want to install that 25 megabyte package yes please once that's done we're going to want to do a couple of things with the tailscale D surface the tail scale Daemon we're going to want firstly to enable it so that this demon starts when tailscale Boots and secondly we're going to start it manually so that we can actually use it right away now uh what we can do next let's just check the status of it make sure that uh that all worked fine yes running as PID 61 for 22. now it's time to actually start using tail scale so the First Command that we always want to run when adding a new node to our tail net is tail scale up now I'm going to add one more option to this of advertise advertise roots and what this is going to do if I do 24. is it's going to allow any device connected to our tail net access to any device in this 150.0 24 subnet so all of the 254 devices that get IP addresses from this particular DHCP server those are going to get access from the tail net now when I hit enter it's going to ask me to log in at the tailscale web interface so I'm going to go back over to a browser log in to my tailscale interface using whatever authentication method you've picked and under here it's going to give me a bunch of information about the specific node that we're trying to add we can see do we want to connect the device open sense to your tailnet yes please let's click connect and you say you approved opensense excellent give it a second and it will refresh and we can see right away that we've now added open sense into our tail net it's got its own private IP address but there's an option here subnets with an exclamation mark next to it and this is because by default tailscale we've advertised the root 150.0 but by default it's a fairly insecure thing to you know some if someone got malicious access to your physical hardware and they wanted to enable subnet routing but they didn't have for some reason access to your tailnet dashboard your admin console they couldn't get Island topping going in that way without also having access to your tailscale dashboard so if I select this checkbox here and turn it on that now means I can connect any device through my tailnet Subnet router which is running on open sense in this subnet now I know I only just turned it on but I'm going to turn it off again just very briefly just to show you that I can't actually connect to anything right now on this 150. subnet so if I just do ping 192.168 150.1 we can see that currently I have no root to host if I check this box here and go back to my terminal window we can see in real time that's now updated underneath and also I can actually access open sense from my local laptop which isn't in that remote location remember from a browser so that's great we've enabled a tail scale subnet router and we have now connected to it from our remote laptop the next thing to do is to start work on DNS so if we go to opensense.demosite1dns.demosite speed none of this stuff is working and let's take a quick look at what happens so if we try to go to open sense dot demosite one dot badgesbit.io we get some interesting information so I'm using a tool here called dig this is a DNS querying tool and we can see it we've got we're going through the tailscale DNS server at quad 100 but we're not getting any reply whatsoever we'd normally expect to see let me just show you something here yeah google.com we'd normally expect to see the answer section full of IP addresses that have translated google.com into a bunch of different IP addresses but with open sense right now we're not getting anything at all and that's a problem in order to solve that problem we're going to need to head over to the tailscale admin dashboard and configure some DNS settings so if we take a quick look over here we are familiar with this page we just added our open sense node to it London machines Services users access control and logs there's another option here called DNS now under this page we've got a bunch of information so we've got our unique tailnet name 70b8b.ts.net uh we want to leave magic DNS enabled but you can see by default the quad 100 magic DNS IP address that's here is kind of it's kind of a reserved one as part of the carrier grade Nat IP block so this um IP address doesn't actually get rooted to the public internet now if we want to add something that's going to enable demo site one to actually resolve we're going to need to do a couple of things first of all we're going to need to enable cloudflare public DNS this is so that we can force our clients to have their local DNS overridden I like to do this because it means that when I connect to a specific tail net it means I'm switching context mentally but also switching context with DNS as well by enabling cloudflare as my public DNS I guarantee that all of the clients connected to my tailnet are all using cloudflare for their public DNS that's useful for me because that's where I host all of myself hosted kind of DNS entries for all of my records so propagation is going to be the fastest for me through cloudflare now the next thing that we need to do is click on ADD name server and then go to custom and this is where the entire premise of this video will become hopefully a bit more clear to you so what we're going to do is add in a and Dot 2 is my pie hole instance which is running in the remote Network but we're going to want to check this box here that says split DNS restricted domain split DNS and we're going to want to enable that for every DNS query which matches badgersbits.io or demosite1. badgesbits.io when I click save this is going to take a second to update on all of the clients but what we should see when we go back to my terminal window is it should update now and give us an IP address back there we go in real time that worked perfectly now what this is actually doing under the hood is it's rooting everything that matches demo site one dot badges bits.io as a wild card to my caddy reverse proxy which is running in the remote uh remote subnet so if I go back to this tab over here we can see that now I can access opensense with a proper TLS certificate running in the remote Lan all locally this is not available to the public internet none of this is exposed publicly this is all happening over tailscale same is true of my DNS server so this is running at dns.demosite1. badges bits and the same is true of the Libre speed instance as well I mean the speed is going to be horrible because it's going over a tethered 5G connection but that's not what we're testing today if you want to see speed tests that was my last video um what we're proving here is I can now access these websites as if I was in that physical Lan even though I'm not and the reason we're able to do that is because of wild cards I'm going to show you how you can figure a wild card in pie hole this is a pie hole specific thing but it's actually using DNS mask under the hood and so if we look at this file here zero three slash custom uh this is in slash Etsy slash dnsmask.d and I'm connected as root to my lxc container that's hosting pie hole for me we can see here that I have this line which is address equals slash demo site one dot badgesbits dot IO slash and the reason that's important is because if I wanted to query the DNS for a specific domain I know there's a lot of windows so just hang on hang on we'll make it work uh we can see here the open sense isn't actually configured as a specific host in any any DNS entries anywhere and I can change I can prove that to you but I can do literally just type in a random string of utter nonsense 15 levels deep and I'll still get the same IP address back that's the power of wild card DNS matching now if I wanted to add another one let's say for example I wanted to add a new host to my network um of Batman for whatever reason and I wanted to give that an IP address of 150.99 I go in and I'd modify my custom conf file in pie hole under under the hood add this wildcard domain in here and then restart the pie hole DNS engine what I then need to do is ask dig and say hey if I wanted to go to um I don't know robin.batman dot uh demo site one dot badgersbits.io where can I find that particular service and you can see it's returned based on the wild card template matching it's returned 150.99 for that particular DNS entry now on occasion you might find a situation where you want to completely ignore your reverse proxy and and completely ignore all of the wild cards that are in here and override specific things we can do that really easily if we go to pie hole remember this is the DNS for the entire network so we can go to local DNS and then DNS records in here and you see I've actually got one for pie hole itself so it's not dependent on any third-party service maybe you'd find that useful for open sense as well so we could do I don't know router dot demo site one well let's do firewall let's do firewall it's technically a firewall so let's do that firewall dot demosite1. badgesbits.io we go to 192.168 150.1 and if we click add and then go back to the terminal and we type in firewall we'll see that we get our 150.1 come back now I do have a full blog post on a fully automated DNS setup using ansible and pie hole in this exact Manner and I'll be doing a video on that in the future as well but it's a lot of work so I'll get to it but just not yet but the biggest caveat really about wild cards is you can't set them through the UI which is the entire reason that I had to drop to the pie hole terminal in order to make that happen now if we wanted to add more remote sites I'm not going to do it for the video today I think we're quite long enough already but it'd be easy enough just to come in here and add you know a non-overlapping subnet remember it's really important that your subnets don't overlap let's just do another DNS server at 140.2 and we'll set that to demo site2. badgesbits.io and I think you start to get the idea of how you can add specific websites or specifics physical sites and have multiple sites and access them from a single client as if that's just all one big flat Network now the other thing to think about too are what happens if you have non-conformist URLs so something may be like a specific service that you don't want to put in a local pie hole in a specific uh remote site for some reason this could be a really old service that is just doesn't match your current naming conventions and so let's just let's just make one up let's just do you know let's just say for whatever reason you want your home assistant URL to be a really short one so you could just do h a DOT badgesbits.io that doesn't tell you anything about where it physically is or what host it's running on but sometimes that's what you want we can restrict it to that specific domain and then any request you make to ha dot badges bids will go to that specific host and in that way you can get kind of complicated with how you configure and override these various different things if you want to now recently tailscale made some changes to their pricing structures they reduced the limits on the free tier for the numbers of subnet routers they increase the number of nodes in a free tail net to 100 and they maintain that their business model is based around getting more technical users excited and interested in tailscale who then take it into work and monetize the product that way I love this approach and applaud tailscale for doing it but not only doing it but doubling down on that business model as they mature and add new features as well from an overall solution point of view it's worth remembering that all of these rules I I made them up and they work for me but you're totally at Liberty to make up your own naming conventions your own rules and break them whenever you like whatever works for you it's your infrastructure after all there are thousands of different possible permutations to make a solution like this work and I couldn't possibly cover all of them today's video was designed to give you an understanding for you to go away and design your own Solutions based around tailscale and split DNS let me know down in the comments what you end up building I'd love to hear it also down in the description will be a link to a blog post where all of the diagrams from today's video can be found and that's tailscale's magic DNS in a nutshell really it's a super simple but very powerful way to root DNS requests around different endpoints with no client-side configuration or complex routing table Foo required I've been Alex from ktz systems and as always thank you so much for watching
Channel: KTZ Systems
Views: 45,219
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tailscale, MagicDNS, SplitDNS, OPNsense, DNS, Proxmox, VLAN, Network Security, Virtual Private Network, Zero Trust Networking, DNS Management, Network Routing, Network Infrastructure, Secure Networking, Network Privacy, Proxmox Virtual Environment, Network Segmentation, Firewall Configuration, Network Monitoring, OPNsense Tutorial, Network Administration, Network Virtualization, Software-Defined Networking, Network Automation, Network Performance Optimization, overlay network
Id: Uzcs97XcxiE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 3sec (1383 seconds)
Published: Mon May 08 2023
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