TAHM REWORK! Riot Messed Up And Fixed This REALLY Fast!

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guys i have a hand warmer that's why you know this video is gonna be try hard okay but we have a very special one today we're in practice tool and here's how it's all gonna work okay the game's gonna progress and get crazier and crazier as time goes on so at five minutes that's when we get unlimited mana okay then 10 minutes that's when we get 100 cool down 15 minutes is when we increase in size in 20 minutes we get a 10k gold bonus so i just missed that cs and i'm a little upset about it but there's a bug right now with tom kench q that makes his q hit box bigger i don't think this is supposed to be in the game okay i'm pretty sure it's bugged but i'm gonna make it my absolute goal to get this q global this game it should be extremely fun we also gotta talk about the rework in general as well because check out this w okay we can launch on people from wherever oh we stunned him in tower fresh rest in pepperoni yo do i dare we can hop on them just like this forgot we're gonna talk about a whole rework in general as well yo should i just go on this guy uh maybe if we flank spank gank fast enough it's doable i don't know but i kid you not this q is literally gonna go from here all the way to here okay you guys are gonna laugh at this all right i'm going i'm going i'm gone oh boy i should probably i didn't hit it oh i'm kind of sad about that oh here goes nothing one second knock up and then here comes the big damage i probably should hit the stun but you know what we'll take that as a victory dude i love the early roams i love it i love it i love it so i'm not gonna buy many mana items this game considering we're gonna get unlimited mana in a minute and a half okay this thing is gonna ramp up quickly and i'm excited but let's talk about the rework in general all right this cue again not sure does this say it scales with size um i i think it's actually a bug if it's not you guys are going to be laughing so hard by the end of the game i guaran oh my god he's already back what can i peace out if i press the dude gosh darn it if i slam jam either i'm pretty sure i survived that yo do i dare the thing is i can no longer take allies with me on the magical if i press my ultimate now okay basically w and r swapped okay and uh if i eat someone with my ultimate now it sounds so weird yeah eat someone with my ultimate now oh it's time to get unlimited man account me and five minute point has arrived time to spam our licking um anyways back to what we were talking about man of time i'm excited for that that's why i'm rushing war monks dude we're gonna have the greatest build of all time i am so excited actually here we go there we go feels weird having limited mana but no uh unlimited cooldowns get over here i'm looking to poke for days gotcha very good very good what if we just started getting creative with it boom that didn't get a knock up you serious having a limited cdr is gonna be awesome but um yes i can eat someone with my ultimate then w wait does that mean they don't have a chance but you can troll people so hard with tom now you're basically forcing people oh wow if you thought you could troll people with tom kush before it just got a whole lot worse i just realized that i'll show you guys that in a bit once we actually get our ulti for now uh is there any way i can show you guys how we actually do scale with size on this tom q without actually getting massive huh you best bet we're buying an iron potion we're buying the extra size item we're getting it all dude we are getting it all we're maxing q maybe we just send it like this all right single knock-up interesting oh i wanted to stun on the new but i suppose we are okay we'll take that trade right fellers anyways 2.1 k gold and we are good to go i just cannot wait for the i missed i literally missed the bush can i wait for 100 cdr three minutes and counting then we're gonna start getting sniped and wiped like crazy i don't think tom is that good at the 100 cdr but hey maybe new tom is gonna blow our mind all right we'll see do i go on this dude this ability is so weird it is actually so weird oh this could be good for us okay i don't think this is good get over here one more lick bro i'm an auto i'm an auto there we go oh my god i almost messed that up yo do i dare you i don't think i don't really do maybe with this hey come back if i had some moisturizers right now i'd slam this button but if you guys take the time to drop a thumbs up on the video i appreciate it a lot a lot a lot all right you're gonna absolutely love this bug oh little six that's nice hey we got some wave clear with our w it's actually a pretty short cooldown i'm not gonna lie how is this dude already back oh wait we all teleport i forgot no wonder that makes a whole lot more sense we should go tp back as well we'll have it back in two minutes anyways once the cdr kicks in and let me know we should do more of these videos because i know some of you guys one second i gotta focus i'm not dying right now oh i wanna eat this guy you can eat people from range now as well let's see how this goes we got to get three licks on them before we start going crazy i'm ready to w at any moment okay but but but here comes this guy very nice very nice i probably should have eaten them oh black no we didn't take a tower shot are you serious get over here dude tom kush is nasty i can take you on are you kidding me wait this guy's insane either he's insane or i'm horrible i think it's a mix of both no no no no what if that i had to listen to see if we could hit what's his face but oh yeah yeah dude i actually let both those kills go away i am so sad i'm going back to base now this is where things really get crazy okay auto refresh cooldowns are on i think the mixture of having like uh cdr enjoy dude it's lickety split time now i am so excited with this ultimate most of all you'll see exactly why in a second okay but yeah our wave clear just got pretty good get over here get over here now very nice oh we can do this i just realized if only the range on this was a tad bit better yo hop with me you're coming with me okay this is a horrible idea i am oh my god okay yep that did not work and i mean double kill hmm might need a new plan going forward but this is how you bring allies with you just like this dude we really didn't increase the range on this bro xerath is low-key freaking busted i'm coming i'm coming yo tom is ridiculous coming through i missed the knock up wait where is he what what i'm so confused does the range on this get bigger oh my god it does but by so little it literally increased 50 range are you serious actually 50 range okay but the main reason why i wanted to go practice tool mode was because we can add size down the road which you'll see exactly why what the snowball you'll see exactly why it's amazing in a second i'll see you later i'll see you later nanu you're coming with me we gotta increase the range on our shenanigans oh yeah yeah but we're getting sniped and wiped over here we're just gonna find these little guys okay i did not want to go in that i freaking die all right let's go dragon have some fun got the cannon very nice all right oh going under that was awesome all right so we have to survive till 15 minutes to get this extra size bonus that's gonna give us hp which we scale really well with as well and our q hitbox range is gonna be going inside day four i'm coming buddy all right i'm boosted i'm just gonna keep committing to this i don't know annoy you later what is happening what is happening there we go we gotta get out of here it's a war zone bro it is a war zone we need to increase range on this now should i go on the zeroth or what oh i'm coming for him he has no idea he's got no idea how you do it check this out the long range lickety-split i couldn't do it because i was stunned okay here we go i couldn't do it because he was dead i'll show you guys in a second it is time to get more hp all right i'm gonna go buy and get massive i'm so excited we are one big tom cookie can i not teleport hello okay no we're challenged look how long this cue actually is no no oh my god no i kid you not they literally just fixed it are you kidding me i need by the way i definitely need to buy merch friends i definitely definitely need to buy merc treads can i not move okay i can move trundle you're coming with me this game just became the biggest fiesta on the planet all right we're gonna take this guy with us wherever we're going you are coming he's coming all the way to the fountain fellers look if he doesn't die let's do a little bit of this a little bit of that and he's dead where the heck are mike treads who need them i legitimately think they just nerfed what i wanted to show you guys ryan's too smart i was just in a game where this long q because of how much uh distance this is traveling now it no longer hits him oh my goodness right you dirty dogs at least let me get the video first all right we'll just start freaking people out with this tongue size dude like this i kid you not would be a hitting gin right now i'm just gonna start licking everyone close range yeah what you gonna do now big boy what you gonna do now i can't dude my my size my tongue size i'm not hitting him all right that one hit that one hit that one hit yonk oh my god we just copped him up puked him out i got you big guy can i spit people over the wall or how does this work please tell me i can no please come on can i w with people inside me nope i definitely can't plan b we're out of here boys time to piece the heck on out i cannot believe they nerfed that speaking of it's uh time to get 10k gold the time has already surpassed by two minutes uh yeah yeah it's hard to keep up with all these shenanigans going down all right everyone already got 10k gold i'm behind add gold here we go what do we want to finish this build off with we'll get some of that we'll get some of that and some of that and now it just got a whole lot bigger dude look how far this cue actually is okay oh my gosh this q range was going out to here dude retail you dirty dog gotcha all right i am uh i'm quite large let's do this eat you you're coming with me dude i don't think anyone would want to play against this tom right now hey hey hey gotcha oh my goodness dude what kind of game are we even playing right now let's go this way by the way warmogs is going to work wonders with this thank you very much thank you very much i can't move i actually can't move dude i miss my freaking now it's just global animation looks on the tongue i i literally can't move i i literally team team team we need some backup over here we need some backup i've got taste that i'm easily pacified yeah you guys want to piss someone off oh dude all right let's see here no we're actually that would definitely be breaking the rules okay but there's one button we could press that can be pretty funny i'm not gonna lie let's see uh we'll do to someone on top where's where's the tank hey tf can i do something to you let's see how this goes all right we're gonna tp here launch right on top of them we'll get some uh consent from mr tf first of all and see how this goes is this guy still missed where is he where is he all right here goes nothing we're gonna do a little bit of this a little bit of this definitely not allowed and we won't do it anymore but it was pretty funny i'm not gonna lie oh my gosh dude this guy's ridiculous i think i was gonna say i can't die then i realized i just died so uh is that global he thought that's how tom actually works let's eat you and out you go this actually does quite a bit of damage fifteen percent of max health and skills with ap so maybe we should get some more ap in the mix dude this game just turned into the most into the most wild shenanigans thing you've ever seen why is he healing so much i don't get it where should we take this guy to next yo we keep them in our stomach for so long thank you why am i still taking so much damage yeah what's happening gotcha i swear dude does this guy have the auto hp regen on do you have hp regen on is trundle just that broken please tell me that's not the case no oh he has unlimited ultimates i now see the issue and i now see why i'm getting destroyed wait this is the perfect match for trundle are you kidding me oh my gosh so uh rest in peace this massive across the entire map cue dude right you dirty dogs i gotta be faster next time i was literally just in the custom game practicing to seeing how far we could get the tongue i could hit it from here literally from here whatever this this would hit the grump you dirty dogs rito you dirty dog okay you know what you live you learn what it's 4am right now how are they patching the game at 4am right go to sleep all right you know what i'm taking towers see if i care see if i care you you're coming with me big dog you're coming with me i feel like i got to eat the syrup too you want to keep on stunning me see what happens i i think i'm dead i'm not gonna lie unless if i can w out nope okay listen i'm lantern anything guys go on without me going without me my tongue would literally be a gin w right now is to deny a craving let's have some fun man and also if you guys want to see a normal tom kench game i'll be uploading a um reworked tom video not with this crazy uh cdr shenanigans oh god my whole team's dead dude we're so screwed we are so screwed this is bad this is bad this is really bad yeah you can save me i think if i just make it to him dude come on buddy we're getting out of here alive oh i probably should have ate them i definitely should have ate them dude i can't move when i'm seated no no no no no i'm going out there buddy i'm sorry this gold card is pissing me off dude even merc treads can't save this i dubbed back in the same spot i feel like an absolute idiot all right the one time it works i went nowhere dude this is so sad look he tries to come with me but he can't anymore i have to wait what the you come with me big guy you are coming with me can i w twice with someone inside me oh that's pretty cool you're coming with me my guy you're coming with me what the traps no no no no no dude i am my eyeballs okay my eyeballs if you don't have a good graphics card that might have crashed your computer holy god speaking of we'll have to do another one fatty pc giveaway soon i know you guys are a big fan of those all right we got it in the works don't you worry let's grab this and lick it down some more coming on through folks coming on through trundle get out of here get out of here wait is it working no it's not oh my god i thought the range was actually what it was once upon a time dude i'm just gonna kill him with him inside of me he can't open us if he's stuck inside of my belly team hit these stupid towers we know this guy's not gonna die so i'm just gonna keep him in our belly oh this is bad this is bad this is bad this is really bad dude get me out of here all right we're chilling we're chilling i i i have to fight come on gotcha all right we're bouncing before bail and can we juke these guys or not let's get the heck out of there and then get back in there shall we oh my gosh what a cluster of a game but hey you know what sometimes those type of games are the best all mid they're all dead still we can go we can go we can go we literally have 20 seconds to send it oh my god dude this guy actually pisses me off oh maybe if i just keep stunning him that's the move okay there we go there we go i definitely should not press e yeah that's uh that's not good yo they all spawn so soon we're going in buddy we're going in we need creeps or do we i'm just hitting this tower like i said a thumbs up helps a lot and bunny fufu gaming if you guys want to check out a non-absolute cluster game of the actual reworked tom all right that won't have the cdr shenanigans and a queue the size of i'm not too sure rito you dirty dogs i'll get you next time thank you all so much for watching peace
Channel: BunnyFuFuu
Views: 73,786
Rating: 4.8506541 out of 5
Keywords: BunnyFuFuu, Thresh, Cloud9, C9 BunnyFuFuu, Cloud 9, C9, Stream Highlights, Support, League of Legends, best, build, rune, runes, builds, reworked, tahm, bug, bugged
Id: PSKDi_eG1d4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 42sec (1422 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 09 2021
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