Tactics Ogre Reborn | Wield The POWER OF THE ELEMENTS With The Apocrypha | Titanium Guides

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as you've progressed through chapter four of tactics over reborn you may have noticed some whispered rumors about the fabled Apocrypha legendary spells of incredible power any enterprising tactician will want to get their hands on such powerful magic and today I'm going to help you do just that [Music] everyone my name is Tom otherwise known as titanium leg man I'm hoping to hit 15 000 subscribers by the end of 2023 so if you find my content fun entertaining or educational Please Subscribe thank you the quest to find the hidden Apocrypha their Associated Elemental shrines and gain access to the powerful Shaman class is one of the lengthier ones in Tactics Ogre reborn it becomes available starting in chapter four no matter what route you took to get there as such keep in mind that there could be casual spoilers regarding minor characters and locations within this guide if you have not already made it to chapter four you have been warned before we begin there are two notes that need to be acknowledged here first you must have at least one of the Farina sisters alive and in your party to make any progress here so keep that in mind if you were not aware the sisters are sistina Syria Sherry and Olivia And depending on your route choices you may be limited in which ones you were able to recruit you also must complete the side quest to recruit lindle and turn characters into fusiliers before you will be able to finish the Apocrypha Quest as one of the locations you'll need to visit is locked behind Grimsby Grimsby of course being a town featured in lindell's story if you need to know how to do that side quest I have a guide right here link to that will be in the description as well and finally you must complete the battles at lausanne fortress on the way to the Palace of the Dead to clear the way for a different battle you will need to handle there later as part of the Apocrypha Quest you can activate that fight by reading the golgastani cited at lausanne talk entry in the Warren report with all these prerequisites like trying to sign up for a college course I swear it's giving me flashbacks anyway once we've taken care of all of that and the professor has allowed you to sign up for their class we can start first look for a talk Topic in the Warren report titled the ancient temples if you don't see it yet you may need to progress a bit deeper into chapter four after you read this six battles will become available one at each of these six fortresses which are spread around the edges of the world map note that for extra tomfoolery these battles don't show up as red Story battles you just kinda need to know that the battles are there or over time just stumble across them so don't be worried if the fortresses don't turn red speaking of fortresses they are in no particular order cadrega boed and damsa gaeld lazan and Gekko these battles can be completed in any order and they're fairly standard as far as fights are concerned if you've made it this far in Tactics Ogre reborn you should be able to handle them without any major trouble once all six of these battles are completed it will be time to return to karit and I keep for a little conversation with a bunam Aruba he'll speak with you about the legend of the Apocrypha and why it's considered forbidden a conversation that will culminate in an important dialogue choice when given a choice State quote I know I will unquote to assure the good abuna that you can be trusted with his great Secret once you do so he will impart onto you the location of the Apocrypha or at least the ones that he personally knows the location of while the Divine and dark Apocrypha are lost to him maruba knows that the other six are hidden away in shrines to the gods buried beneath the very fortresses you cleared out previously each Fortress has now been turned into a multi-floor dungeon themed after the element that it represents compared to something like the Palace of the Dead these are rather simple dungeons but as each one is six floors it's going to be a little bit of a slog to get through them all so strap in the most important thing to note is that insta kill pitfalls will start to show up semi-regularly in these dungeons so if you haven't encountered these before really pay attention to the map note where there's just a pit because if someone gets knocked into it they're gone forever unless you reset or use the chariot coming prepared with flying units knockback resistance and careful positioning on maps that feature these pitfalls will be a must to avoid spontaneously losing someone to them also note that the temples are often stuffed full of beasts dragons golems and the undead so I recommend having Specialists on hand to deal with them as well these of course being dragoons witches and warlocks and clerics at the end of each Temple you'll find a boss a big Angry glowing talking Avatar of the elements made manifest these avatars are powerful typically wielding the abilities of their base form such as the cockatrice boss petrifying you as well as being able to cast The Very Apocrypha that you're here to collect check the defenses of these units as some of them might surprise you Ifrit in particular was alarmingly resistant to physical damage for me so bring whatever Specialists you need pack some extra defenses especially against magical damage and bring the beasts down each one of these bosses that you defeat will drop its Associated Apocrypha spell as well as crafting recipes for the second strongest set of craftable equipment in the game these recipes will allow you to craft considerably stronger gear than what you're probably using right now so spend some time at making upgrades after each recipe if you can as far as the Apocrypha itself is concerned it won't be as much of an immediate power boost until you clear all six temples you can't change to Shaman which is one of the only wielders of this magic if you have princess or Witcher you may be able to but for now typically I would just say power on finally once you've slain all six bosses you'll get the last of the base Apocrypha the last of the crafting recipes and a full set of oracle's marks which you need to turn a unit into a shaman however before we start talking about shamans and their Magic including the Apocrypha itself let's take a quick jump forward in time to talk about some extra goodies that you can find in these temples you see the temples as we stated before are dungeons now and as such can be cleared multiple times like the farappa Wildwood or the Pirates graveyard but why would you want to do that you might ask yourself well the answer is because some of the bosses have rare gear they can now drop and each one has a rank two more powerful version of the Apocrypha that hits for more damage in a larger area and both the gear and the Spells have a low chance to drop the boss of air can drop vanitya's Talon apologies if I mispronounce that I'm vinatea maybe I I don't know it's a fist weapon the lightning boss can drop collado's canine a dagger the water boss drops talalex bolt a spear and the Earth boss drops Ori calcum a powerful crafting material and the nathalork male powerful armor this Loot and the rank to Apocrypha spells are around five percent drop rates so get grinding I chose to do this after I did some grinding in the Palace of the Dead to acquire powerful relics but before I beat the game the temples are unchanged from your previous runs through them if you want to Auto Battle your way through with your most powerful teams I encourage you to do so but again be wary of those pitfalls make sure you don't accidentally lose a party member or three and then wind up saving and screwing yourself over once you get to the final battle in each dungeon here's what you're going to do kill everything but the boss and one enemy unit if you can petrify or otherwise incapacitate that random enemy surround the boss and then start manipulating the RNG using the Chariot mechanic if you've been recruiting enemies you should be familiar with how this works but here's the quick and dirty recap using the Chariot system you can manipulate the RNG of every action if you kill the boss and it drops a stack card instead of a loot bag for example you can use the Chariot to rewind move the unit who dealt the final blow to a different spot and launch the attack again to change what drops from the boss this is important as not only do you need to get a loop bag but that Loop bag also needs to contain the Apocrypha and that could take a while to make happen I believe on average it took me about 30 minutes to an hour per drop to get this done so I wouldn't do it all in one sitting and unfortunately I can't give you a more exact time frame because I did this off stream I was not going to subject myself in my chat to just Chariot grinding endlessly so a little bit of a loosey-goosey estimate but it'll take a little while put it that way also I personally don't find it worth it to grind for the rare gear drops unless you're going for a like 100 completionist run which I would not recommend in this game anyway but you do you it's pretty much anything you get from the Palace of the Dead is going to be better and easier to get in terms of gear the Apocrypha is the goal here and for what it's worth level 2 spells are very strong so to me I would consider it worth it also note that if you need extra Oracle marks to turn extra units into shamans these bosses are the place to get them to drop once you've acquired these higher level versions of the Apocrypha you will be set for AOE magic damage until you get something like level 2 Summon magic to rival it so congrats with the grinder done let's talk about Shaman as a class Shaman is by far one of the best magic damage classes in Tactics Ogre reborn rivaled only by Lich and witcha for damage and uptime compared to Witcher which is blocked to denev and Lich which either requires a lengthy Palace of the Dead grind for a ring of the dead or recruiting a generic glitch from the pirate's graveyard Shaman is relatively easy to access and can be used by multiple unique units is all about raw damage output harnessing the elements to devastate your enemies they wield these six quote-unquote natural elements in fire air water Earth ice and lightning and they can use the full complement of spells in those elements direct spells indirect spells the instill element spell summons Apocrypha and The Elemental draconic Magic the six potential wielders of the elements here are sistina zarya cherry and Olivia Farina perhaps unsurprisingly since they were relevant to the first part of the quest as well as deneb funnily enough and winged songstress urea I have guides covering how to recruit sistina Seria and deneb up already on the channel which I will link below in the description and I'm working on some videos for Sherry Olivia and yuria that will hopefully be published soon double hopefully I'll remember to add links to those videos here as well as I publish them we'll see if my memory doesn't fail me of these candidates the Farina sisters are Far and Away the best options for reclassing the shaman seeing as how they have no other unique class to use although I do feel there's Merit to using some of the generic classes with them as well like Valkyrie but deneb has nice special abilities in her Witcher class and has in my opinion the best status application ability and the area is by far the strongest support character in the game thanks to the absolutely busted songs that she gets in songstress that said if you just want raw damage switching everyone to Shaman is a very reasonable path to take it's worth noting as well that the sisters are actually forced into a specific element that aligns with their color scheme when switching to Shaman sistina to air Syria to Fire Cherry to Earth and Olivia to water you cannot change this element for them it's kind of like Necromancer and Lich being forced into dark so make sure you're using the appropriate gear and spells if you decide to make the sisters shamans deneb and eria can in turn be made into whatever element you want allowing you to round out the gaps in your Elemental coverage with them so I've stated that Shaman is the big damage class for magic but why is that well first of all dual access to summons and the Apocrypha is nasty allowing huge AOE damage and single Target damage depending on what you need an isolated enemy that's unfortunate enough to be targeted by a fully kitted out Shaman Sherry is not guaranteed to be one shot by her summon magic and it's not uncommon for entire squads to be destroyed in one volley of Apocrypha casts from the sisters unsurprisingly the Shaman's skillist complements this big damage goal as well meditate for means you'll actually be able to keep up with the high MP costs of your best spells while the elemental resonance skills will make any enemy Who Dares approach these casters even more vulnerable to their spells while also granting the elemental touched skill to allies nearby to increase their damage as well in Golf 2 rounds out the support package making it not guaranteed that you can nuke any enemy on the map no matter where you're standing real kicker here though is Nature's Touch an auto skill that just multiplies the damage of your next Elemental spell by 1.5 that's after stat calculations by the way that's it it's just free huge damage notably Lich also gets this which is part of why the class competes with Shaman for damage output and thanks to tactics overstat's God recession for the clarification on the exact percentages here for Nature's Touch you the man so what's the gameplay Loop for Shaman then it's pretty simple really turn one you'll do one of two things did meditate proc if yes use a spirit Stone to the Stars to boost your damage if no use an MP charge wand to get your MP up or have another character do the same on your Shaman turn two step forward and nuke a priority Target with summons or drop an AOE Apocrypha or summon two if there's a suitably large enemy group in range rinse and repeat until the entire map is a smoldering ruin just as king Roderick intended remember when we promised the Buna maruvo that we'd use this power responsibly yeah me neither but yeah maybe not the most thrilling and tactically interesting playstyle in the game but I mean it is very fun and satisfying and by this point you've been grinding you've been leveling even training you've kind of earned the ability to just nuke a map you know ing now how Shaman plays you might be asking how should you build one well really it's as simple a process as playing the classes let's take a look at my Sherry here and note this is a more end game Focus build so there is some high level crafted gear here but there's definitely far better you could put on her as well maxed out relics for example are very nice shamans are locked to the standard array of Mage gear so we're going for an elemental wand of Earth giving us the ability to MP charge Sherry a passive plus five to spell range and if you're feeling spicy the ability to inflict earthiverse onto melee hit next we have a plus one balder shield for some extra protection and a nice little bump in Magic damage a plus one wizard's hat some Mages mitts and Mage trousers to give even more magic damage via some very solid in mind boosts and then the Robes of dust also give good casting stats while just being thematically appropriate and boosting your Earth resistance you know just in case you need to Target yourself to blow something up for some reason it'll reduce the damage you take finally a ring of intellect plus one again gives us even more damage and while there are certainly other good accessories to use here as well I mean at Baseline you can't just argue with free damage it's just free damage moving on to our items spells and skills there's actually a little bit of play to discuss here my first choice is actually a fruit of the Adept plus one shamans are fairly squishy and will be a priority Target for the enemy as such a 25 heal that also restores MP can be quite useful in an emergency of course then we have the standard Spirit Stone of the stars and blessing Stone as one would expect but I'd also advocate for the rare glass pumpkin or magic Essence use here for the full MP charge given how expensive the Shaman's spells can be it's not completely impossible that you'd want to get a full complement of MP ready so that every turn for the rest of the battle will be guaranteed to be full of spell slinging if you're using Boon of swiftness and or velocity shift to speed your shamans up you'll burn through Mana at an alarming rate and thanks to Shaman being a unique only class you'll have the lower RT to kind of eat the cost of these 40 RT items to get that full charge it's not something you'll need frequently by any means but it is worth considering all the same for emergency purposes for spells we've pretty much already discussed this but we'll recap apocryphal 1 and 2 are great to have on hand for AOE damage of varying sizes while summon one in this case gnome is the bet for single targets I also like to take a rank 3 direct spell as it has a lower MP and RT cost than these other big boy casts which can help if you're in a sticky situation that said I'll likely swap that out for summon two once I have access to it I just haven't gotten there for skills your weapon skill of choice is always a good pick with cudgels being the best thanks to the boosts late game cuddles can give including that MP charge and spell range then your next best bet is going to be in Golf 2 meditate 4 and Nature's Touch for Maximum Carnage at maximum range that said I do like to run resonance 4 over in golf sometimes for a little bit of added team support and because the plus 5 range from Elemental wands is often more than enough for most Maps it's honestly a little disappointing that there's not really more flexibility of builds for Shaman but what can I say they do one thing and they do it very well this build will work for any of these six potential shamans in the game so just swap the elementally dependent gear and spells for whatever element the unit in question is and you'll be good to go there is some potential for a fun little melee range build using Elemental residence and tomes for the good melee damage that the tomes bring to the table but I mean that would really be a niche for fun type build if you're just looking for the best of the best stick to the stuff outlined above and that my friends is the long and short of the Apocrypha Quest and the shaman class this is this is one of the more standout side quests in the game not only having six cool thematic dungeons to delve through but also unlocking one of the best classes and Suite of spells in the game as a bonus we also learn more about the backstory of Valeria and the Great War that set the stage for our current story which will wind up coming into play later in the coda post game content all in all excellent stuff very good content and a ton of fun to cover for me as well as always if you have any interesting insight into this Quest or shamans feel free to strike up a conversation in the comments I love talking Tactics Ogre and I know a bunch of you do as well again my name is Tom otherwise known as titanium leg man I hope you all have a good night stay safe and healthy out there and remember be good to each other bye now
Channel: TitaniumLegman
Views: 7,158
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tactics Ogre Reborn, Square Enix, Tips and tricks, guides
Id: MkufugoW7rA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 28sec (1168 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 21 2023
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