Tactics Ogre Reborn: Guide on How to Use Archers and other Ranged Units Effectively in the Mid Game

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hello every folks and welcome to the sort of mid to late game guide on how exactly to utilize your archers and other ranged units in tactic sugar reborn so as with many things uh obviously this game is going to be fairly complicated so there's going to be a lot of misconceptions over you know how different units might potentially be useful and probably one of the most misunderstood ones is going to be archers so here's the thing um the trick with archers is that you don't compare them in a straight head-to-head damage race that is not exactly their role if you think about it this way um imagine a situation like let's say you have a modern Army type of situation all right they're running around with rifles and things what happened uh what happened way back you know in the Middle Ages or whatever else you know somebody swings and acts a spear you know a sword what have you that's going to do a lot of damage comparatively speaking uh think about your standard modern day bullet it doesn't do very much but there's a lot of them right there's a lot of them going to the right places at the right times and basically that's the mindset that you should be looking at the archers with here that effectively they are there to apply just the right amount of pressure in just the right way at the right time uh to uh to get a certain job done it's not necessarily like you're going to go for those One-Shot uh kills every time with these guys but they've got a lot of tricks up their sleeves so let me go ahead and show what I've gone and set up here so for one thing I've brought a few other classes along just to kind of show some other stuff you can do with ranged units as well as some things you can do with builds so like uh for example uh we have a ninja with a short bow here to show the benefits of combining something like multiple debuffs at the same time we have a Dragoon to show how good they can be with these Slayer skills um and then we have something like the Knight over here to show you how good a potential body block can be even if they're not attacking in melee so the rest of these guys are more or less going to be running a similar type situation I've got one Archer over here that's doing what I like to call the skirmisher build effectively uh going for uh for a dagger and a short bow um using the dagger for self-defense using the bow to spread debuffs And Delay the enemy there so a lot of what the archers can do comes down to just fighting tricky so right here I want to point out one little minor thing that may potentially get missed you may notice that some of these short range guys have different armor setup so in most of these cases they're going to be wearing gloves and they're going to be wearing leggings this is pretty standard for lightweight units but for these closer range ones I have them running the balder armor and the circlet but why they're not necessarily the best you know hard defense options they don't have the biggest Defense number well if we look over here we see that if we think about it they're going to be in the front line more they might potentially be in within range to be targeted by their spellcasters more therefore that eight percent resistance plus that additional four percent resistance against all elements here might be very handy the harder armor here with the balder armor might also give them better defense when it comes to those lighter plink attacks such as from enemy archers meanwhile on the flip side here The Shield can do a similar thing providing just additional defense at the cost of a second arm slot whereas most of these characters will be wearing things like leather armor leather sleeves and chain leggings for the strength and dexterity bonuses generally speaking archers will gain the most benefit out of dexterity but strength is certainly going to be handy for things like crossbows in certain situations now another thing to kind of think about here is that when we're thinking about setting up for a all ranged unit team we don't want to plan around being hit see here's the thing if we just plan around uh charging forward and you know getting slaughtered then we're kind of missing out on the whole strategy element of this whole thing um so what we do and kind of how we understand this whole situation here is we look at what we can potentially do at range and what we can do to keep these units at range now your first option might be to think you know okay let's go ahead and collect some cards let's go ahead and run away but these archers uh even with their upgraded equipment will only have four movement that's not very far and they're not really going to be out running anything because well while they do fire fast when they're standing still they're not going to be firing very fast if they're also running at the same time so what we want to do is bring the enemy to us instead and prevent them from reaching us at the same time you may notice with these loadouts right here that many of them are going to be running a few different things for one thing they're going to be running Eagle Eye for a 100 chance to hit but the real benefit of this is going to be combining in with our bow gun plus one here the because we're looking at a map and this map was actually surprisingly requested multiple times for this exact test if we're looking at this thing it has a secondary effect that has a stun on it we are at an elevation disadvantage therefore we want to be able to have the ability to shoot upwards at these guys as they come down so that will mean that every time that we fire um you know this if we keep everybody bundled up realistically everybody's going to be giving that Eagle Eye buff to each other so every time they fire they will be inflicting stun at the same time if anybody gets too close they can Mass fire tremendous shots if they go in they Mass fire tremendous shots that will keep that unit moving far away three archers can essentially keep a unit permanently stun locked so we can effectively keep doing that as much as we want now in this case we've gone ahead and we've gotten our buff already going and we want to make sure that this unit will hopefully not be a problem because they're a high movement unit now unlike the previous uh entry into this particular game uh stun will not prevent counters so you can't rely on that particular thing but we can go and attempt to do several different things here so for one thing uh we see that they've got some casters over here on the left side and we have a ninja over here that's going to be showing off what you can do with short bows see he's got in venom he's got concentrate uh he has a bridal and he's got a short bow with once again that stun effect on there so effectively what this means is that he is entirely built with the idea that he is going to delay everybody as much as possible so we want to be able to get as many actions as we can to their actions we want to be able to keep our units up in play and firing as much as humanly possible and we want to be able to do so with as little investment in movement tiles and overall attacks as possible so right here we see that okay it's going to take essentially up to 13 bolts to go ahead and take this guy down but we can go ahead and make that investment because for the time being we're all standing still and we can just quickly Mass fire on this guy to make that happen so what we want to do here is we're going to go ahead and have some of our units buff up in the meantime we're gonna have a couple uh buff up we're going to have the rest fire then we will have others buff up and then we'll have the rest fire um effectively creating this uh it's kind of little uh firing area where some fire some hide you know that kind of thing we want to move our units with daggers and shields up to the front as well as uh improve their defense with basins of time to make sure that if anything does hit them pretty hard they will well be able to take that hit um Additionally you may notice the choice of healing item there is going to be a South plus one technically you can invest into a full heel item but realistically if something is already below 25 Health it's honestly nothing short of a miracle that they're still alive and you can use the South plus one a lot faster so we might as well go for something like that now we see here that this one's going to be out of range so we're gonna go ahead and uh we're gonna go ahead and put a defense buff on them so we're gonna move our shield and Dagger units up to the front because we want them to be taught targeted we want them to be the ones taking hits we want them to be magnets for incoming damage now I specifically didn't bring a counter shot against this Griffin here notice again we have a heavy crossbow Dragoon with a Slayer skill just because they are here to go counter those dragons up there but I want to show that we don't necessarily need to bring a counter in all situations either now the dragons technically could work the same with the same as this guy where we repeatedly just slow them down but either way for the time being we're just gonna Mass fire on the script and he's probably going to get one attack off and then we'll be all well and done at the same time we're going to head and move going to go ahead and move our Knight up here to once again just continue layering laying pressure on this guy the thing to bear in mind is that you really want to kind of continuously Focus your attacks like right there we see that we've uh We've essentially removed half his health and caused him to waste his turn before he ever even got close and that's really the way they want to be thinking about this you don't want to be thinking about oh I'm going to make my one single hit do a ton of damage you can do that uh through uh through a combination of breach and fear you can take advantage of their intensely High scaling to well effectively do thousands of damage in a single round but that takes a lot of time to set up and we are looking to show off what you can do with simply archers crossbows you know short bows that kind of thing the basic garbage that you find up to chapter three so this fight if you're uh if you've never run into it before this one's a bit of a notorious uh one uh from uh from chaos uh generally uh referred to as a snow Hector um essentially it's a fight wherein you are well you're kind of stuck in a bigger trap than you may potentially realize um so what we have here is a situation where we have a couple of rounds to set up but they've got casters rolling down the left side for a pincer we have Hector himself that many times will pull forward and then pull back Meanwhile we're trapped in with the uh the dragons and dragoons and all of their support up there if you try to charge in you'll simply be surrounded in most situations now technically this version actually is a little bit different from the PSP version which had an additional Dragon and also had the terranite uh charging in from the right side here rather than where they are right now minor difference but moving on so we're going to go ahead and continue firing on that one over there they are now at half health so right now uh what we're trying to set up is a situation where you know the Griffin is gone that is their main offensive component the rest of it for the time being doesn't particularly matter if we look at it we can do sort of okay damage against most things using these crossbows generally speaking the rule comes that if you have an elevation Advantage you take advantage of the fact that you can push stuff back endlessly with longbows but if you're at an elevation disadvantage you want to be using crossbows now skills rank up fast enough and you generally have your uh your level caps spaced out far enough that you can realistically swap between these as the map dictates so in this case once again we are going to continue firing keep building up a TP well MP in this case for these particular units we're going to take some counter hits but that's perfectly fine all right so at this point we're now seeing a situation where their their healer has gone and exposed herself so we're going to once again buff up some party units and we're going to go ahead and move this one forward okay the reason for this is because we want to be able to hold a front line that we can later collapse down additionally we can take advantage of this card over here as well as bait a few more attacks and potentially can we potentially Target this uh one over here yes we sure can I believe her Eagle Eye is active so there we go we went ahead and stunned their healer so now hopefully they will end up rolling that 50 and we don't have to worry about it but just in case we're going to go ahead and move forward here and we're going to go ahead and take a follow-up shot just to hopefully I get them down a little bit more so there we go now we get them down to a little bit farther Health there now additionally we don't want their support coming in for the party so what we're gonna do is we're gonna go ahead and have this guy start harassing the site over here it doesn't matter that he's not really doing any damage see the thing is he he is over here simply to delay one important factor to consider is that in many cases having a unit simply out of the fight is just as effective as having them dead and if you can dedicate one unit uh to essentially having multiple units unable to participate then that's going to be a good trade so in this case we have this uh we basically have this uh Griffin over here more or less dead to rights um he may potentially get another action but we're probably going to be fine uh we got a silence off over on this Terror night I believe did we um we might not have because I don't believe he actually rolled his uh he didn't get his uh Bridle going yet either way for the time being that's going to be fine but what we're looking at is that we should hopefully be able to reduce this Griffin either down to uh down to a couple of actions or we should hopefully uh be able to just not have to deal with him whatsoever so we can't get a kill on him right now but potentially there is an opening here to see their cleric dead before they can ever provide any meaningful support so we're going to go ahead and move up here and see if we can make that happen uh we did that buff earlier this has a chance to roll exactly high and maybe finish them off but it probably won't uh they survived with one Health this is perfectly fine so they're gonna go ahead and go for one of our weaker units so as you can see that still wasn't terribly threatening we can still make this work just fine so at this point another advantage of having crossbows is that most of the time they will get in close and attempt to uh to take more meaningful shots with their uh with their bows and essentially our crossbows will be able to counter attack in those in those cases once again spreading more stuns across their team potentially wasting more of their time now what you want to bear in mind here is that you can't rely on it working 100 of the time in a lot of cases you know the the stun will simply just not happen what you want to do is spread it around though because with it with a guaranteed on every shot you can more or less just keep spamming this until you end up having an entire team that's sitting there twitching unable to move so what we're going to do is in this case we now have another shot on some of these units right here so we see that that guy's stunned we see that we're not gonna have a shot on this one but we could potentially delay the actions of that guy over there all right so we haven't even put our tremendous shots into play yet we'll do that later but right there is why we brought that Dragoon along so counter counter units will vary in terms of their usefulness that's obviously all over the place it's uh it's one of those things that's a little bit hard to quantify depending on your situation but what we want to do is now create a situation where we have only our front units there to take the hit from that Dragon ideally we want to make sure that we're not taking hits whatsoever but realistically we see that that dragon has a turn coming up if we see that we're able to move everybody back then it's worth moving back if we see that we can't then it's time to push forward so we see here that we can put another delay onto that guy over there hopefully uh prevents him from acting later uh for the time being we can see about having Eleanor work towards finishing off this Griffin so there we go you can go ahead and take that shot right there uh I believe one of our other uh strengthened units should be nearby to finish the job here which looks like they're going to be uh they're gonna be slightly shy of making that happen um so instead of what we're going to do is we're going to go ahead and see what kind of actions are available to us here we can potentially take a swing at this guy he has no counter so it's basically free damage uh we can have her potentially take a shot at this one a little bit of extra damage to hopefully delay their healing uh one thing to bear in mind is uh splitting healing is 100 a viable strategy so what we're gonna probably do in this case is go ahead and Pop That healer real quick move her back so that we can create a defensive line this way she has a chance to Parry but her defense isn't the highest in the world so we're gonna essentially rely on the Knight that is ahead of her to uh to keep this particular line going all right so now we have another unit that's able to act and thankfully she's able to go over here and finish off that Griffin all right so that was going to be one little uh take in our back line dealt with and we'll go ahead and pick up this crit card because it's right here uh she's going to need a heel in a little bit but we'll worry about that when we get to it all right next up we see what our damage situation is against different units we see that we're definitely not going to be sniping down Hector yet we have plans to deal with this but for the time being it's not going to be our Target now I want to make sure that uh we're uh we're kind of secured and uh and ready for the next wave to come in so what we're going to do is we're going to move him over here and we're going to go ahead and strengthen him up now we have the option to strengthen we have the option for some double binds here I'm not seeing the the benefit of doing the dull bind right now so we're just going to go ahead and put the uh put the blue bottom strengthen them up I have his next round be a little bit stronger all right so next up we see that we've got a pretty decent shot on that Archer we could potentially do that so let's go ahead and pick our targets here see what we want to uh we do all right so that's 147 now we could go for the dull bind or we could go for the tremendous so the tremendous is going to knock them backwards which again is going to be helpful because it will waste their time so archers are very very good at wasting enemy turns and conveniently we're seeing a whole lot of situations here where a whole lot of these fist guards are coming up but we can take a nice quick move over here and we can go ahead and see that Bridal has already activated and we can go ahead and just turn off their wizard right here it's going to be the main thread here we're going to use this River to block any additional movement I'm circling in we see that Terror Knight is trying to get into position but we'll deal with that hmm that is some tasty coffee all right so that Dragon went ahead and uh took their uh took their Empower move so we'll go ahead and uh we'll go ahead and drop that over there uh they uh they got stunned there did I remember to bring the correct move along now that I look at it and it looks like that was the dragon's air one so either way so in that particular case that wasn't exactly the most impressive move in the world but whatever we'll deal with it so what else are we looking at damage wise here we see that the rest of these guys are going to be plinking pretty good but we see that she potentially could be in position to finish off this uh cleric over here so what we want to do is kind of disable their healing so we take a look over here we see that we're going to have line of sight with this uh with this Del bind here we're just going to go ahead and take that shot and we're going to continue using rampant Aura over here to continue denying movement to these dragons so because of the fact that they're encircled in because the fact that they're nearby their Beast Hammer we are going to want to start folding our line a little bit backwards because that is not the type of damage that we want to be taking so their healer is currently out of range to provide any meaningful support to anyone and really the only ones that they wanted to heal are already dead anyway all right so now we're in an interesting position because now we see that okay Hector the main target of our attack here is already pushing himself forward that's kind of interesting um so in this case we potentially could start targeting him but we see that okay he's definitely going to be a hard target here we're going to want to work on him in just a little bit for the time being we want to try and isolate him from the rest of the team and we want to make sure that he doesn't have support there's really no point in trying to charge him down at this point uh because he both has the means to heal and he has somebody else that's able to support him in the back row there all right so we got a little bit outsped when it comes to that unit up front but that's fine we can still deal with this so what we're going to want to do is fold over this way and see what our odds are of actually uh dropping a sun in this guy and we see that yes we can absolutely delay his turns as well most bosses in this game uh will be um uh will actually be uh fully able to be hit by uh by stuns and in some cases fear breach and stun though are pretty much always going to be effective all right so what we want to do here is since we can't quite kill off these dragons we want to slow them down as much as possible so at this point since we want to go into a little bit of a bit of a retreat in our right flank and make use of that River we want to do is slow down this dragon as much as possible dark weight has a Latin effect on there and if it lands which it almost always does because I believe it's based off of agility this time around and archers have a ton of that um if we have that going for us then potentially uh we'll uh we'll just kind of see it Landing every time so let's go go ahead and look at some of our damage options here so if you're looking for a sort of desperate attack just kind of honeybee type situation you can 100 uh just give several units uh conflagration shots and have them just while more or less punch grenade this guy uh and you know it's potentially an option it's not a good option but it's most certainly an option but for the time being we want to make sure that this TK is not a problem because she is over here kind of getting on her side and that is just not okay so we want to make sure that she's unable to touch anyone because that fear is going to be very disabling at this point so let's go see if we can take a shot at this angle there we go so now we've gone ahead and stunned her and put her over there now we can get our ninja away from her and move on from there all right so we want these guys stunned and slowed down as much as possible uh we'll see about dealing with some of these other guys as time permits but right now this little uh angle of three units is keeping these four units at Bay all right so essentially our goals now are not to even bother with these dragons for the most part because they're going to take several shots and quite frankly we can just delay them um currently she has her uh she currently has her uh stun shot active so we can go ahead and move over here and we can go ahead and try to delay the actions of this one as well so here's hoping again total coin flip on this but here's hoping that uh through this combination of different tiles here that they really won't be able to hopefully do much um the Knight will be able to take their hits the others aren't necessarily designed for it so we're now in a good position to take advantage of this right here so um we have a let's see have we had a concentration active we don't so one combination you can do if you want to have a fun little thing here is a concentration is a skill that doesn't uh come up very often but it can combine with Shadow bind to completely turn off an enemy for a little while in this case though we see that we have a nice cozy shot right over here so we can go ahead and disable this uh this clear cup here using our Bridle so that is effectively more healing that we don't have to deal with whatsoever okay so that is going to be two casters dealt with and then we can go ahead and drop another silence on Hector to entirely disable their whole team's healing um so effectively that means that any damage that we do well for the time being anyway end up sticking but we want to hopefully start working on Hector himself so now we go over here and we take a dinos King's meat this is a 100 chance to drop a breach debuff and so there we go we go ahead and drop down in him there and additionally uh there's been many complaints about him one-shotting people in certain circumstances so something to bear in mind ice is going to be super effective against wind if he were to attack our wind Dragoon for example with a reddening gale he would get a damage bonus both attacks would get that damage bonus and yes that would be a very devastating thing this isn't just him in particular this is just going to be something that applies in all cases in a lot of cases folks will end up piling onto a boss and not realize that oh hey if I uh you know if I end up taking one of these finishers with a Elemental weakness I'm gonna have a bad time so I apologize he's uh he's water uh he's not um uh he's not uh what's it uh uh ice so essentially if he's hitting fire he's going to be um he's going to be doing quite a bit any darn ways so at this point we're gonna go ahead and uh take another dragon slayer shot over here uh we'll go ahead and take another plank at this Dragon see what we can do uh this will always guarantee a stone effect on that dragon as well so we'll just continue keeping her right there so that she can keep putting uh shots on that guy um that unit over there has appallingly low dexterity so her scaling is going to suck anyway so we continue seeing the the ninja over there just continuing to cause delays we see Hector going ahead and putting on his failing so that's not gonna be very good but as you can see right there versus uh versus the uh the ninja there granted he did have steel stance that's not going to be a good example um but uh he was able to uh to do about roughly half Health to that guy in that situation it's hard to quantify that particular situation because he's got he's got the bonus but he's also got the um he's also got the weakness debuff which reduces his damage by about 20 percent but then at the same time at the same time steel stance is reducing it by like 40 or something um steel stance at this rank anyway it just increases defense in general either way the point being it's absolutely survival um generally speaking you just get one of those uh one of those uh brand of the sacrifices and there you go done deal so okay so now let's look at this so we've got a situation where we've got one Archer down is this necessarily a problem not really if we look at it because really she's body blocking these three units from doing anything but you know what what the hell why not we might as well just get her back up on her feet so we'll just go ahead and leave denim where he is he's reasonably bulky you know it is how it is there so those guys are not being too much of a threat um but we want what we want now is to be able to uh see about uh maybe taking some more effective moves in this direction so that's only gonna do seven not terribly uh threatening but uh we're gonna go ahead and move her forward because we want her taking over for that front line there let's see just a four just a one this guy has a Charmed art though we really don't want to be dealing with that so we'll go ahead and re-up his stun just to be safe all right so that was a weird situation I'm not entirely sure why she got a turn like there there our team must have been exactly zero because technically speaking this should have made their turn happen next that was weird um apparently you can actually take a turn before the unit that was just revived cool okay so we now have two Shield units up front again delaying their entire big offensive uh right flank there by doing just fine taking those additional hits uh thanks to uh Buffs and other things just so you know the Fizz up buff has absolutely no benefit whatsoever uh when it comes to taking a hit it's only uh to uh Landing a hit just to kind of clear up that little misconception there it's surprising how often that time com that ends up coming up so okay so now we have a situation where that TK um like I'm worried about the TK because their debuff can potentially disable a unit outright so this guy will be able to move uh relatively soon so instead what we can do is make sure that everybody's out of her range for now and we can continue bullying this healer over here while he's gone and gotten himself exposed so we deal with that we take a few shots at him we take a few stats from matragon over there um so we're gonna go ahead and fold them back over here to drop a little bit of a heel on these guys again these men men salves are going to be more expensive than some of the healing items but by and large they're just a solid uh solid overall Choice a solid little balance between uh speed and uh between speed and uh the other word I can't remember right now um speed and Effectiveness there we go yeah there we go uh totally don't have cold Marine at all today I don't know what you're talking about anyway that'll be an 80 missing bit of a bummer but oh well so we've got a concentration activating right there and at that point we can just go ahead and take advantage of this little situation right here where you know what One Way Or Another We're not dealing with your crap today sir so you just go ahead and do that now we want his skills to be triggering more often because we want him to be delaying people more often so we're gonna go ahead and pick up one of those cards over there and move on all right so now we have a follow-up to go deal with this guy um do I want to blow another uh I guess I do I guess I do want to go deal with them a little bit see because that will it'll take us a lot of turns to deal with the TK while we can just dance around them uh whereas if we do something like this hopefully we should be able to mostly delay him um I saw that I had a turn coming up here with the uh with the light crossbow um I can effectively just uh move her over one tile and mostly keep the line intact now this is going to leave a little bit of a gap we're going to leave a few units more exposed but we now have the majority of their healing dealt with we know that there's only one source that can do that healing and we might be able to shut that down in just a moment so anyway so at this point we will go over here to our uh to our Dragoon we'll go ahead and put a plume on her because she doesn't have any good shots at the moment and we want to be dealing with these uh dragons a little bit faster so we're gonna pick up our 15 scaling damage off of this Fizz card now because dragon slayer ignores defense this will mean that she will get maximum benefit out of that card and as you see right there just a standard Archer right there did not get one shot by the guy um I don't I'm not really sure why it was this one in particular that ended up getting brought up so many times because honestly I feel like snow Hector's kind of uh well he's a lot less punishing than he than he was in the PSP version I will say that much either darn ways I mean whether they had cards or not it's really just their damage output the changes it's not really anything that actually matters so anyway uh we now are looking at this all of his uh stuff is debuffed uh we're looking at a case where some of our units are looking a little bit ragged like we're just gonna go ahead and take our turn to boost up Volterra over here and continue holding position for the time B all right so short bows are not really going to do very much against this guy but uh we can go ahead and take a quick heal with a mending seed with a Glinda over here and continue holding this particular line once again his turns are just getting completely wasted by all this uh stun that they're doing um and one of these dragons and whatever else is probably gonna have the return getting ruined pretty soon here or uh rather they're probably going to be uh getting their turns back pretty soon what am I saying okay so let me take a look at our damage versus some of these units here we see that we can do a decent bit to the bird we can sort of uh plink away at Hector for the time being um for the time being I'm thinking we want to be dealing with some of these other units maybe um this uh this terranite in particular is a bit of a problem but right now they're locked away on a single tile which doesn't really give them uh give them a whole lot of movement so I'm gonna go ahead and start targeting them a little bit I was going to just dance around them but uh I think this might be the better way to go all right so we see that we're going to be doing next to nothing with affiliate here that's perfectly fine again we're just going to continue holding this line for the time being a deal with some of the incoming threats and address them as they come up so we want to make sure that any damage that we do sticks so at this point we are going to go ahead and use the short bow to see if we can drop a silence on Hector which we absolutely can and he's going to go ahead and Parry it that's uh less than ideal but oh well now we want to make sure that he's still doing his steel stance so we're going to move him over this direction all right now what do we got here so we have decent amounts of damage coming out of you so at this point we might as well start working on killing off one of these dragons so that we can hopefully isolate and deal with a Hector so something you can take advantage of in a situation like this is the fact that any unit that's knocked back will take additional damage if they are well knocked back so essentially we can potentially start spacing them out in such a way where we essentially start getting plus 10 damage on every shot that doesn't sound like very much but it does tend to add up relatively quickly so either way once again it's just one of those we might as well consider it type of situations so say we want to make sure that Hector's not doing very much so what we're going to do is we're actually going to pull back right here and we're going to drop a rampant Shadow so I want to try to block off as many units as I can so we're gonna go walk off in this direction I'm thinking actually I'm thinking we'll let um okay we're gonna walk right here and we're gonna block it off in this direction this will still give us the axis that we need while blocking off that particular tile okay Stone once again just putting in work delaying that unit's turn okay so we see that we can take another fairly effective shot against this Dragon but we're gonna go ahead and use Dragon Slayer just to uh take a uh take a nice uh defense uh avoiding shot instead so as we see here we use dragon slayer and now we're suddenly doing 324 to this thing fantastic they're gonna do a little bit of a planky counter but that's perfectly fine that's perfectly manageable all right frost breath we can continue taking Buffs currently are still holding defensive line is still currently holding uh they're going to be uh knocking him backwards which is a little bit suboptimal but oh well so you take a nice little move forward he got himself past that line all right cool you see some prizes some surprises from the AI every now and then all right back to it then so what do we got we got 119 off of you that is definitely worth taking and conveniently there's a nice little uh crit card over here so we can maybe roll double that just for funds and giggles and that's just going to go ahead and take a six percent Miss fantastic all right so moving right along here uh let's see we're gonna want a bit of a defensive buff on you uh basically uh denim's uh starting to run a little bit low on the old defensive side so we're gonna go ahead and drop that there we've got a rampart mostly closing off that line up on the top there ideally we want to be circling around that night to fully take advantage of that but for the time being we'll be fine all right either way now that we've mostly got him dealt with uh what we want to do is hopefully start slowing him down so uh basically if you didn't know uh the the secondary effect on um on dark weight there like I was mentioning earlier will inflict leaden so okay so now we'll uh go ahead and uh sit right here it seems like a pretty solid spot he's gonna go ahead and power unfortunately he's not powering up the uh the damaged one but that's perfectly fine okay so at this point let's see if we can uh maybe sneak in we can almost sneak in finishing that guy off uh we might have to maybe instead we actually want to go for something a little bit more like this just because we don't want to see denim accidentally get sniped all right so we'll go ahead and do something along those lines we can go ahead and uh start working a little bit more on you or on you I'm feeling like that's probably the more solid way to go because we might as well take advantage of this little opportunity where he has gone and completely isolated himself to go ahead and take some nice little uh little uh damage packs here 170 is pretty good we didn't get our full double damage crit because I think uh bosses end up uh reducing that by a little bit or something I'm not entirely sure what's going on there anyway I will uh I think what we're gonna do is probably sneak over this way see if we can't let's see what kind of shots we got from this angle basically none um okay why don't you go ahead and move yourself into sort of a kind of a over the cliff position up here this way she can hopefully start sniping from the other side so we've got concentration coming in from you and we've got steel stance coming in so we know he's probably gonna be safe for another round here uh what exactly is this guy uh he's an Archer uh and what exactly are you I don't know why the hell I'm asking this question of course he's a wizard why would he not be a wizard any darn ways um I'm feeling like he's probably gonna be a bit of an annoyance so we're just gonna go ahead and just make sure he doesn't happen anymore so there we go we'll go ahead and uh stop him in place for the time being he's probably gonna be out of the fight the whole rest of the time here all right so that Dragoon is finding a little bit of a sneaky way around as they do so let's see what kind of uh potentially do you have any kind of Solutions on Hector here you do have a shot at him is one worth taking yeah that's reasonable enough let's go ahead and take that shot right there next up we got dragony doing their thing over there I really got to start dropping some more of these uh stuns that's uh proving to be very certain anyway we want to make sure that the breach doesn't wear off on Hector so we'll go ahead and drop that on him right here just make sure that's all re-upped and we can continue uh plinking away at him all right they're gonna go ahead and finally get their fear off oh well that's uh one unit that will not be doing stuff for roughly in the ballpark of two to three rounds but we now have a nice solid uh scaling finisher with a heart Crusher so if you have a skirmisher type of unit I just know that melee weapons generally tend to scale dramatically better versus uh versus Armor so right here we can go ahead and just use this gen this basic you know out of the box sticker to uh to do 200 damage to this uh this tanky boss and we can uh potentially go for something like this here try to roll for that crit but didn't quite get it anyway uh let's see we got this Dragon over here they've pulled back their damaged one um I can potentially get a shot from over here let's see what we got uh so we got yeah we do have a solid shot there it's probably not gonna be enough to kill by itself so all right so it's gonna be just shy of killing there but uh they may potentially just be uh plinked away oh actually I guess that will be uh rolling just high enough to finish the job [Music] all right [Music] they're going to take a bit of an unfortunate uh crit over there they definitely want to try to make a comeback at this point that is for dang sure I will not deny you that yeah fair enough it's a fairly difficult boss fight if you don't know what you're doing uh he's gonna go single out that guy because he's got that fire Affinity to him um either darn way here uh we're gonna be just fine uh because uh you know he went ahead and rolled that stun so that's good stuff over there now we want to make sure that this dragon's not doing anything particularly special she's got her Eagle Eye active so we'll go ahead and uh try to delay his turns a little bit by dropping the Ola stun business on him now just so you know uh there's nothing wrong with going on a damaging variant of a bow if you'd prefer like if you want to get better damage you just go for higher damage bows but you can make these tricky variants uh work in your favor just fine so we see that we're getting another 82 out of this one right here so we'll go ahead and drop that on him right there while continuing to uh to uh hopefully kind of recreate this line to some degree they're going to empower that Dragon down there perfectly fine and the charm though is wild sub-optimal uh it's uh definitely not the end of the world uh considering that uh she just basically healed herself and can't really do very much anyway so we'll go ahead and leave her there so we've got concentration rolling in again so we'll probably just go ahead here and uh see who we can go ahead and drop a stop on it seems like we can just go ahead and prevent this uh dragon over here from doing anything whatsoever and there we go done deal all right so this wizard has decided to rejoin the party so let's say we do something like this we go over here we uh like we already know that that stun is going to remain active on that Terror night but we don't necessarily need to do very much with her for the time being what kind of uh things can we do to this wizard well we can hopefully just push him out of the way once again just kind of keep him out of the fight for the time being and continue circling around so there we go we'll take our 300 over there he'll probably be dead next round if he even does anything useful at all he can just go ahead and sit over there for the most part you'll see Archer's heart countering wizards but again it just sort of depends on the situation all right so they've still got their stun active what can we potentially do on you I'm feeling like maybe that might be a solid shot because we move over here and we take a bit of a shot on this guy and once again hopefully uh continue to delay him due to all of those uh stacking eagle eyes doing their thing we now have uh let's see we have an opportunity to heal here so we'll go ahead and drop a uh drop a better heel on this dude over here there you go mending style plus one take a nice big meaty heel and do something like that there we go and now we can Let's see we can go ahead and roll for the correct chance over there I was going to say we can maybe go pick up the Fizz card and it would be kind of funny if uh they ended up just doing some ridonculous number but oh well there we go so that is snow Hector done with just archers and other mascot ranged units deal with that information as you will so uh again archers are not terrible you just have to utilize the food you just have to utilize their strengths really um just kind of utilize what they can do don't try to assume and make them do things that they can't it's all right you guys have a good one hopefully this will be handy for you and y'all have a fantastic one take care
Channel: Coffee Potato
Views: 18,351
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tactics ogre reborn, tactics ogre, tactics ogre remake, final fantasy tactics remake, ogre battle
Id: 8PwcqY9UMTw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 6sec (2466 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 23 2022
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