Know Your Unit Reborn: White Knight

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all righty hello every folks and good morning welcome to another edition of know your unit today we discuss the White Knight the zoomi more like a Berserker than a night Knight but hey it you know it is what it is so um you know given that I'm now four guildes deep into losing that guy over and over again the only white knight we have to talk about today is going to be murden but let's talk about the night in question what is the deal with this class I mean in most cases folks will get a hold of these guys in chapter 3 and just happily let them curb stomp a lot of their problems away the thing is they come in with a decent stat advantage and they come in with their weapon skills maxed out and all that but uh the thing is they're actually not really a knight so to speak like they carry the title but there's nothing defensive about these guys they're effectively more of an upgrade Berserker than an actual Knight so let's get into their skills here weapon-wise they have access to fists axes hammers Spears swords and two handers along with crossbows and cudgel between all of these fists are going to be really solid for addressing some of their kind of a range limitations swords are generally going to be pretty solid defensively uh two-handers are kind of similar to fists this time around on account of cyclone saber but they do miss out on some of that Elemental coverage at longer range um axes are going to as always be really solid as far as stuff like Infinity goes so just generally a good coverage move actually axes and hammers there's not many classes that can actually afford to run both Axe and Hammer and while there is still a little bit of overlap there I generally find the combination works pretty decently however you can actually do some tricky weirdness with these guys for example if you decided that you wanted to Simply utilize their velocity shift ability uh which allows you to reduce the recovery time of units uh by 35 you actually may potentially get a decent p uh bit of a mileage out of using cudgels and crossbows so as much as these seem like weird gimmick options in the case of crossbows their stats are already pretty darn high so when it comes to the finishers stuff like death whale has a pretty good shot of one-shotting a lot of things with any kind of of uh defense break whatsoever so that's potentially a really solid hitting option and additionally as far as cudgel go although they don't exactly get the healing multipliers of something like a cleric and they only have access to you know the standard Knight spells uh the White Knight is going to be one of the faster classes in the game so if you're going for a lightweight equipment along with a high range and the ability to speed boost stuff around them they sort of become a more automated uh support cleric in a way um being able to use essentially shittier heels but more or less a free speed boost to consistently just run around doing little tap heels here and there while supporting the rest of the team it's not exactly their most ideal use case or anything I just thought it was kind of neat um however that being said they are also pretty much limited to uh to two-handed uh maces for the most part as as far as getting that range boost unless you get the cigara at which point that ends up increasing significantly now do you necessarily want to go use one of the best potential uh casting tools in the game on a guy that's going to be you know doing un un boosted heals I mean Dumber things have happened it it you know you do you you you do what makes the game fun for you yeah uh so in some ways like for example say you needed uh like the use case that I had for this was that I was doing some sand bronza and I wanted to have a essentially a cleric doing tap heels without actually having a cleric on that particular map it's it's that one that's like the big Square Bridge area in San bronza and so I wanted to essentially have an automated healer that would be able to uh keep everybody supported so in this particular case this actually ended up being a pretty solid use case for stuff like this uh since if you end up uh going for some lighter uh lighter weight equipment or whatnot uh you generally can get his uh recovery time down to about 100 it's not exactly you know the best thing in the world but you can get it pretty decent it is a hell of a lot of investment for a lot of a very in kind of expensive gear and what have you like at least expensive um effort wise but it will do the job um again not ideal but it will but it did uh suit that particular purpose normally this is something they'd use the Lord for but it is an oddly specific use case uh the weapon stuff I'm assuming most most folks kind of understand at this point you know you use whatever weapon type you need to cover the coverage that you need uh pincer attacks are really solid in their hands on account of their just higher stats when they're coming in so they get more out of those pincers um especially if you're running things like a lot of uh late game weapons like if we go for some of the fancier swords there they're going to have their counter four uh that is going to give us a pretty significant uh bonus to the damage there uh giving them their full 100% so just something to potentially consider um additionally if we were to uh to go over here they do have stuff like a sanctuary as well as sanctuary shadows and ramper shadows again if you're looking for that support thing there is technically a use case to be argued uh if you were to let's say go for uh for something like a velocity shift a Guardian Force um and then go for uh for Shadows like let's say in this particular case we wanted to just do ramper for the sake of simplicity so we put a ramp ramper and then we put the uh the Shadow on there um the main use case for something like this would just be somebody that's able to still do the whole sport heal but effectively just spend all of their points on uh on going in denying areas so actually this probably would be a better use case for the Sagara uh type of build in this case as basically everything would be I know I'm leaning a lot on the on the cudgels this time around I just thought that this was a kind of a neat uh use case and all that um anyway so in this particular case comes with uh comes with a spell charge essentially you combine that in with a uh uh with the ability to put down shadows and whatnot so if you needed to very quickly both have a speed support as well as a support wall you know potentially it's a turbo healing Golem at that point but that being said there's actually a funnier use case for all of this stuff in the case of like let's say something like we give him a sword we still give him that cigar there um and then we just basically have him using this to get free finishers whenever he wants to so that's also a potential fun option as well actually one of the interesting things about going for a cigara build in his case uh given that they're very kind of offensively structured stat-wise they actually can get really solid returns just sort of charging their own finishers for the the cudgel hits themselves that's why this guy was as he is to begin with so just uh something that's kind of neat there uh as it were so if you didn't want to go for you know the tanky instakill Bonker kind of situation then yeah they're certainly they to provide that for you uh the cudel finishers like the cudel them the uh sorry the cudel itself kind of sucks damage wise but uh if you were to use the finishers those obviously will not have that uh negative 90% scaling penalty thing that the regular cudel swing has which means that he can get ful use of his stats and all that and generally just kind of boned up pretty hard he doesn't have all of them unlocked but stuff like Trinity pulse is actually pretty threatening why you'd use this over death whale I mean outside of the charging bonus I'm not sure but it's still something that you can technically do anyway so as far as the rest of their skills go they've got their usual Constitution Insight all of that they've got their steadfast because of course they do Sanctuary because of course they do uh they've also got a recruit uh if you want to go and have them go chatting people up and then uh they also have paralysis play this is probably going to be one of their more more notable offensive moves especially if running something like a counter um in fact this is probably why as soon as you get the lombardia you probably should give it to one of these guys because they can essentially stay defensive while also going in applying stun pretty much constantly uh they're one of the well I say one of they're essentially one of uh actually I guess they would be unique in this they're a unique case of a unit that's able to consistently turn every weapon into a stun weapon so if you wanted to for example uh say have them running around with a uh something like a Zander or in their case since they're actually more of a heavy hitter something like a claymore uh you can actually have them running a breach stun as a combination that hits on every attack uh so that actually can be pretty darn threatening so status weapons are very highly recommended on these guys they won't guarantee that secondary status on the weapon itself um but just the fact that it's a combination of stun plus something else gives them incredibly good returns for anything Counterattack related so definitely should consider that uh they don't have short bows so pretty much should stick with uh with weapons like this um I will say though uh if for example you're going for something like let's say um something like a scorpion paralysis blade just something to bear in mind is that uh you you want to make sure not to have them anywhere nearby the rest of your people most of the time uh cuz uh yeah they will uh they will inevitably end up hitting your own people with those status debuffs that is a whole lot of statuses going out uh this particular setup originally I was thinking would be incredibly handy for an AI team they kept repeatedly uh poisoning and stunning themselves a paralysis blade is definitely one of those you want to have it on a single Target kind of weapon deals um but uh yeah just something to consider so yeah that's kind of about that uh they're I mean I'm pretty sure most folks are familiar with how velocity Shift Works at this point uh just basically spe speeds up everything around them so it's just something to always have on hand uh if you happen to have something like a fairy on your team this actually can be combined with the uh uh free uh free turn that a fairy can give to create a Perpetual uh motion kind of circle uh where if you have two or three white Knights essentially standing next to this fairy fairy goes and smooches somebody uh they go ahead and get their speed bonuses uh those speed bonuses trigger the other person to act who then triggers their speed bonuses who then triggers the fairy to act again who then restarts the entire cycle and it's incredibly tedious to do it that way but you can basically get infinite actions doing this eventually um so you know that's a fun little cycle lastly uh there's there's three characters that that can become white Knights you have your mden and your gildas but you also have ravness that's able to become one so if you didn't know that yes ravness can also become the uh the third white knight there if you want to have them in a nice spinning triangle type of situation uh nobody else uh gets access to uh to that one uh even uh even Mr dude guy down here does not get access to oh yeah I guess I guess there was a new Guild this I picked up at some point totally forgot anyway so this one apparently lived uh is ravenous dead again ravenous is dead again but this one does not get access to the White Knight is what I was trying to get at anyway so that's about that uh that is the uh kind of uh overall ramble as far as stuff like the White Knight goes generally they're the Speedy zoomy guy um and while they do have Guardian Force uh that is basically the only Knight ability that they actually get to call themselves a knight which is ironic cuz like it feels like every other cut scene they're going around asking if somebody can dare call themselves a knight I don't know can you you don't have fail lanks kind of shitty night is this uh but anyways no they're they're pretty solid units you know good stat advantages that speed bonus is fantastic um basically it removes about a third uh a third or more of your uh of the uh the turn cost of the units nearby uh for those that uh uh are not used to staring at the RT counter anyway that's about that you have yourselves a good one and I'll see you in the next one bye
Channel: Coffee Potato
Views: 1,950
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tactics ogre reborn, white knight, tactics ogre, ogre battle
Id: AmyF51oMke0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 23sec (683 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2024
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