Tactics Ogre Reborn: Early Game Classes, Where To Find Them, Some Recommended Builds

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hello every folks and good morning welcome to a early game build and class guide uh hopefully covering all of the information that you need to know to start effectively building your units in different ways so without any further Ado let's get started first and most importantly how do you identify a good unit because we before we even give somebody a job we need to know what they're actually even good at so let's cover what the stats do real quick so let's go over uh over here so first of all we see that we're a bit too broke to actually hire anyone so we go ahead and uh inherit a little bit of money from the war fund and uh let's go and hire somebody so first things first when you go over the screen here what you have to know is that any unit will essentially be gifted in certain ways some can be good at certain stats some will be very good at certain things and some will just be outright awful at certain things so like for example right here we see that this lady's evasion is appalling she refuses to dodge anything um but generally speaking the way it comes down is this if you want to have a character that is very good at hitting things physically most of the time strength is going to be the biggest number that you want to see up here dexterity is the second damage dealing number essentially both of these will be combined depending on what weapons being used what skill is being used by and large both strength and dexterity will contribute to your physical offense Vitality on the other hand is your physical defense and it also combines with strength so this affects both of these things agility on the other hand is your accuracy this can vary in a lot of different ways but generally speaking Mo this is not a particularly important one since most of your attacks will already have pretty high accuracy but there's certain skills that will check agility avoidance on the other hand is your ability to dodge things and while a low score isn't the end of the world because everyone's already fairly accurate if you see somebody that's very good at avoidance they might potentially be a absolute Game Changer in the right circumstances so just something to consider intelligence is your primary magic damage dealing stat mind is the stat that primarily affects your odds of landing debuffs and bear in mind these are both going to be for your weapon debuffs your skill debuffs just any kind of debuffs whatsoever whether they're important or not mind is going to be the main one that determines this and then resistance is going to be your primary magic resistance as you'd kind of expect okay so let's say we're looking at any unit I would say right off the bat probably don't bother hiring them from the store you can just hire them in the middle of a fight but when you're looking at these different stats like you can see this guy has extremely high agility compared to his other stats it's noticeably higher and he's got some pretty good intelligence two so he might be uh you know he might be good as a Caster in that case this guy's got very high mind and resistance uh therefore he might potentially be very good at uh at being a debuff wizard um whereas we see this guy has a very high strength and vitality and dexterity he actually rolled four uh High stats in this case so this guy would make for an excellent frontliner because uh frontliners generally speaking are weak to Magic so having high resistance while also having three uh solid good physical stats here he'd be a pretty good winner as far as that goes now again you're not looking for specific numbers you don't want to sit here re-rolling for maximum amounts all day or whatever else but just so you know that's what they do if you see a number that is drastically higher than everything else then there you go that's what they're talented at okay let's get into what these classes actually do so you have 12 classes that are available right from the get-go again here in the early game uh that pretty much everybody can use so I'll explain what they do and where to get them there's actually a rule in this game that the first time that you uh that you run into a class and if you kill that class you'll always get three of their class Mark as long as they drop a bag so for example everyone starts off the game with three night class marks because the first boss is a knight uh pretty much immediately after over here in the archipelissa rhyme the second class that you end up unlocking is going to be the Beast Tamer and this guy is just sitting there with a uh with his uh best friend the dragon there and he'll end up dropping three marks for you as well the Dragoon on the other hand is available typically around this area usually immediately as you start to chapter two you will end up running into a Dragoon within a couple of fights and again if you kill them you get their class marks additionally uh if we're curious where we managed to get a swordmaster from if you were to go into the farampa Wildwood over here and follow the map all the way to the right you will find several maps that will have that will have sword Masters you can either recruit them or you can kill them for their class marks the class marks are less common of a drop over there because they're not a story encounter but you know if you want if you want a sword master just go in there and hire way and then next up is the the Terra Knight which that one you get pretty much immediately at the start of chapter two both chapter two fights uh again at the start like in law it's the very first fight that has a terror Knight that will drop them in uh chaos it's going to be the fight with zapan that will have a terranite right there both of them are going to charge directly at you there's a pretty decent chance you're probably gonna get it by accident but let's start covering what you can actually do with these classes as well as some good uh early game builds for you to work with so by and large I would say probably my favorite early game Warrior build right here is essentially just gonna be the poison claw this is a build that is so good that when the One Vision mod happened it just became the standard for claw weapons um so let me explain a little bit about what the warrior does so the Warrior Is Your Weapon Specialist they can equip more weapons than everybody else but other than that it's really just all about hitting things for them so you can boost their health you can boost their mp uh you can make them pincer which means that they'll attack they'll do a follow-up if any unit ends its turn with their back to them that you've already attacked they've got Siege which allows them to sacrifice one movement in order to ignore rampant auras either get the usual resists and they can have two different ways to guarantee that their hits will land so these are usable depending on what you really want so vigorous attack is going to make everybody around them have a 100 chance to hit which additionally comes with the added effect that anything like this right here where if you have any weapon that says it has an on hit effect will be guaranteed if you ever see 100 this also means that this will be guaranteed so depending on how you want to look at it vigorous attack allows you to pretty much always have a chance to poison with these claws whereas Mighty impact will guarantee a critical hit and allow you to once again guarantee that poison but you can choose when it happens so it's up to you whether you want to just kind of adapt and fly or guarantee that uh that something will happen both choices are there but uh when it comes to this build uh poison will Scale based off of health so this is just a solid build uh what we're going for here is uh we're going for the bronze home uh for that strength and vitality going for the chainmail for once again the strength and vitality the gauntlets for the strength and vitality and once again chain leggings for the strength and vitality over here we also got the warrior ring which uh in this particular case is used for what I like to refer to as penetration basically attack score is going to improve your performance versus Armor so in this case a claw is considered a heavier weapon and generally speaking this will improve that penetration a little bit it barely weighs anything so this is going to have an easier time punching past uh past some mid and heavy weight units so overall we're looking at a build here that is able to hit hard it's able to leave that unit poisoned and in many cases all they need is one Mighty strike on somebody and they can simply go walk away and deal with somebody else they uh they give them one big hit they poison finishes them off and they can go off to do other things additionally they've got vigorous attack because there's a lot of weapons at this point that will have those on hit effects which means that they are a good support as well so I like going for something like this because again Mighty impact you take a hit they poison you set him up for a pincer attack um and then vigorous happens to go on there as well or if we're going about it the other way let's say vigorous triggers they're able to guarantee a poison on something they set up for a pincer but they also activate their Mighty impact which means that you attack with somebody else and then they will pincer in a second poison effect as well they're just very very good at spreading around damage okay next Warrior build this one's a a fan favorite for a lot of folks here and that's just the uh the standard hit the dude with a big weapon um so at this point this way hander plus one pretty solid weapon we'll uh have that uh on hit breach effect can again combine with Mighty impact um in their case uh they're just basically running ahead and hitting stuff and occasionally setting themselves behind other units in order to set up a pincer a fun little uh tip on this by the way uh they don't always have to be sitting behind the other unit uh simply speaking if you see that somebody has a counter attack you can simply attack them from the other side and they will be able to uh to activate that pincer because the unit has to turn in order to counter so this one's fairly obvious and straightforward big dude hit thing with big weapon and it will ruin their defense because of this on hip breach effect all right simple enough let's move on to the next one alright so next we have the Archer the second basic class that you get to right off the start of the game and these are effectively a ranged variant of that Warrior there they will be able to use bows they'll be able to use crossbows as well as daggers for self-defense uh and generally speaking are going to be a range support type of unit uh primarily you want to keep these guys out of range but there are a couple different builds that are pretty fun to do with them so first we go with the standard essentially just going for uh for very long range here now what you want to do is ideally either stack Vitality or stack dexterity if you want to improve their overall offense you can actually leave them with the basic leather armor it will have a better dexterity bonus leather sleeves leather leggings or you know as it's more commonly called just sticking them with Leathers but either way you can go ahead and give them all of these different dexterity bonuses this unit will by and large be staying out of range so you don't really have to worry about their armor being very good at protecting them seeing as this bow comes with eight range just so you know you can fire Beyond this Bose range the trajectory marker will always tell you where the arrow will land so you can usually fire one or two tiles beyond that and if you go higher you can easily double your range or more alright so as far as their skills go they have dramatically less than the warrior here but if you're going for if you're going for a standard build you really just need bows or crossbows on there generally speaking it's a good idea to actually swap out between these depending on the map that you're fighting so for example if you're fighting uphill you want to be using crossbows but if you're fighting downhill or on an even plane you usually want to be using bows to give you more lines to fire from with their different skills you've got back attack which will basically just improve their accuracy passively this one is not amazing um it's just kind of another thing to have on their list if you want really it just boosts accuracy that being said this one will boost accuracy pretty regularly whereas something like Eagle Eye right here will guarantee the hit as well as any secondary effects while being less likely to trigger and then at the same time like before we have the tremendous shot here to guarantee the hit so same rules as the warrior there if you have a if you have a weapon that's upgraded and has an on-hit effect they will be able to guarantee that effect which is again available from the store right from the get-go if we go over to these craftables right here one thing I would recommend early on is to go pick up some short bow plus ones uh they're they're cheap and easy to craft and will also allow them to guarantee stun when they hit now with the different bows that you have available uh the uh like the for example the short bow will do less overall damage but being able to Simply point in somebody and say hey you're gonna lose your turn 50 of the time now is pretty handy so as far as these builds go there's really two that I see as the main ones so this would be your obvious long-range sniper sword just uh build for dexterity and just pick armor that gives them dexterity bonuses a long range bow and any kind of ring that will give them a bonus so typically Warrior ring is pretty good at this point though Ring Of The Horde and ring of dexterity will certainly be helpful for them as you travel on through chapter two and three uh very basic you just pick out weak targets and go ahead and go for them this is especially useful when combined with things like that breach effect from that Warrior earlier basically anytime that there's a unit that is a week has low defense or has had its defense damaged in some way they will be able to do tremendously more damage the Longbow in particular gives them a lot of extra damage under the right circumstances so while their initial damage may seem weak using them in the right way will cause them cause their numbers to go up pretty much exponentially I'm not exaggerating when I say that I have seen a uh a hit go from from 10 damage all the way up to over a thousand uh depending on how many debuffs were applied to the Target all right so that's the long range Archer but the short range Archer is something that's a little bit more tricky so this is not really something that I'd necessarily recommend for all newcomers but if you're feeling a little bit more confident this might be something for you to play around with so the purpose of this one is what I like to call the skirmisher essentially we're talking a case where they keep the dagger for two purposes one is a chance to Parry but it's fairly low the other is for the dagger skill which once uh they uh once they get this up a little bit uh the their access to finishers will be pretty solid see the dagger will essentially do more damage than either of these bows and especially if you happen to have like let's say an Archer with wind they have that first dagger finisher this gives them an opening to exploit any Earth units with a high damage High scaling finisher so it might be something to consider but generally speaking for now we're just going to go ahead and say that this dagger is here for defensive purposes and that this short bow is good for landing a debuff on somebody so stun is something that a wizard would have to take a chance on whereas the Archer can simply say okay you are stunned now so combined with tremendous shot or Eagle Eye this will always land okay moving on all right next up we have the wizard now these will come in essentially two flavors you've got your offensive Wizards and you've got your debuff Wizards realistically speaking there's really no reason that you can't just be running one or the other I know personally I have to say uh just putting poison Cloud on a wizard with concentration by itself was enough of a Powerhouse to actually last all the way throughout the entire game since again as we discussed earlier poison scales so this is just a just a solid spell to always have available when boosted with concentration you're typically seeing anywhere from about 30 to 100 hit odds against most star most targets which will mean that they will be able to melt away ten percent of Something's Health three times per turn so this is a specially good considering it hits in an area so realistically for new players I would just say poison Cloud concentration put some conservative RT on there put some meditate on there there you go everything else is a freebie if you want to give them a magic or a matching Elemental spell go for it you want to give them some overhead spells sure go for it but generally speaking poison is just going to be a solid backup for anyone to use and abuse as they will uh as far as their other debuffs Petra burst is very good for making sure a unit definitely can't move right now but it's a little bit less reliable on its hit odds charm is very good for taking a unit that's about to take a turn and turning it against the enemy but again Lower hit odds and there's other ways to make this happen so for example by this point uh you uh there's a decent chance that you've picked up an item called a caldia which allows you to just simply use that spell without putting a slot in there anyways main thing you need to know is that yes poison and stun are just something that will absolutely carry you through the early game generally you want to spam these as much as possible and they will end up softening targets for pretty much everybody else as far as their builds go they don't have a whole lot in the way of armor options at this point in the game but you can just upgrade their stuff to let them wade into the water and then go for either a shield or dagger for defensive purposes a shield will make them get targeted less often because they've got a higher defense threshold uh whereas a dagger might give them a chance to for example deflect an arrow out of the way now it depends on which defends you for her but both of those are valid options generally though as soon as you get access to a one-handed staff you want to go ahead and stick with that um because that the added spell range is pretty significant all right moving on to the next one all right next up we move on to the cleric again this one is not one that you really have to worry too much in terms of their uh their quote unquote build here basically give them a defender's ring uh you give them their basic armor upgrade it when you have a chance to um there's not really too much you know to swap out here you can give them better robes and all of that kind of thing but generally speaking you're going to see them using these leather gloves and slops straight through most of the game they're not a particularly heavy armored class though I will say they do get access to the the balder mace a little bit earlier than many of the other characters so that will give them a little bit of extra range earlier on as far as as far as the Clare goes this is something this is the first class that I would really recommend um kind of carrying additional items um obviously everyone's preference on these different things will vary but I know in my case uh it was pretty good to carry fairy scale powder around it just boosts their healing I just know that healing doesn't really scale like other magic or physical damage uh healing is kind of its own thing so fairy scale is going to be the main thing that will boost it overall um you additionally have other skills later like for example mother's blessing but mother's blessing is not exactly always reliable it will sometimes trigger at the start of your turn you can pick up cards to make it more common but generally speaking you can just put on this powder and you'll have slightly better healing right off the bat so next I like to carry around a few items to let them do things when for example they're out of MP or I just don't want to have them uh you know wasting their MP for now so for example an area ion plume if you have some archers nearby you can have your caloric boost The Archers uh attack power this way just kind of boost the maximum damage that they can do if a unit is petrified this is a harder debuff to get rid of so a uh some yarn powder on her is not a bad idea and then fear is also something you tend to see start coming up around this point in the game so it's also a pretty solid idea to keep a fear removal item here as well um as far as your heels go you don't always want to go for the bigger and more important heels but generally speaking you want to have one that's kind of available for quick use and you want to have one that's available for more effective so how you want to slot these out is up to you generally speaking you're going to be getting about 15 to 20 MP per round and assuming that you had them you know sitting around a little bit you've probably got at least a little bit saved up so for example if you want to Target one unit to heal a lot you can spend 30 on that or you can spend 25 to heal multiple units for a little bit less but major heal for example is something that will usually be available uh pretty uh pretty consistently whereas for example a basic heel will almost always be available so it's good to kind of tear out your uh your spells there so that you have low cost options you have high cost options when you need them for specific things so like for example an exorcism is something that you may always want to keep on hand somewhere in your team uh whether through items or whether through spells so I just went ahead and slotted it in here but for example we can keep a a cheap heel on here so that she always has something to uh to heal with or we can go for a a major heel over here in order to uh to heal multiple ends at once or we could for example slide in a heel too uh to make sure that she can heal that one unit more it's kind of up to you um I have a boon of swiftness on here just uh just so you know if you if you're coming from an fft Boon of swiftness is basically like haste but it doesn't last as long but it's also a little bit more intense so effectively this just allows one unit to have their next couple turns uh come quite a bit faster uh so again this is just a nice little uh pivot for the cleric to have where for example if you have nobody that's uh that's healed they can go for a little bit of offense on their side by just going and boosting the nearest attack unit or for example they can repeatedly hit stuff with their stick and make sure that they have something like wrathful strike over here available allowing them to attack stuff at close range as well so while the cudgel skill is not necessary to keep on them for clerics I personally find that it's just a solid idea because if something does get close they don't have any healing to do sometimes removing the threat to your team is better than trying to heal away the damage that it does so something like wrathful strike does work very well uh considering that many of the times that you hire a cleric they will already be classed as a Define element okay moving on to the next one okay next we get to my personal favorite and this is the roon fencer basically they are once again another jack of all trades class but you can do a lot of very fun things with this one so personally I mean my favorite just because I like having Spears is just the standard you know put whatever heavy armor is available at the time get a volish plus one for that breach effect later on this can become a scorpion for a poison effect um and then combine it with an instill so they are effectively hitting twice their first hit does normal damage their second in still hit will do 25 percent of that initial hit and then it will try to do its secondary chance uh which is the breach in this case so you can kind of see it as attacking three times from a melee range uh from there uh generally speaking it's a good idea to uh to give them a wide variety of different spells usually the standard is going to be a one damaging spell one and still a heel of some variety which by the way it is actually worth keeping a heavier heel on them because they're a hybrid they will be attacking just as often as they'll be casting so having more expensive spells is perfectly viable for them because they'll usually have the MD to use them and then Boon of swiftness again for the same reason as the cleric so depending on what you want out of them these their skills consist of having an HP boost and MP boost as usual usual resists they can recruit they can meditate and they can concentrate so concentrate just increases your odds of debuffs or spells Landing um they don't really have any spells that really require this um so I'm actually truth be told I don't even know why they have concentration because I have never seen anything other than 100 hit odds for their spells but all right whatever it's just sort of there now I like running something like this so meditate allows them to constantly be overflowing with MP sometimes they go for a basic attack sometimes they go for a spell but either way they will functionally be able to use most of their list at all times you know maybe they're out of range they go for a lightning bow maybe somebody's heard they go for a heal maybe somebody's uh needing a little bit of a boost so they boost them up with moon of swiftness generally speaking this just keeps them very uh very Nimble they're able to Pivot between different things and you can go for uh for finishers at the same time throwing for a for a health boost is just a solid Choice especially if you have a denim as your Rune fencer here and having a recruit on there is good because you know what if they're always going to have MP they're always going to be kind of wandering around the field so to speak there's a decent chance that they're going to be around you know units that are at low health so at that point you might as well try to make some friends a quick little note on recruit because I have seen it come up pretty regularly if you have a if you target a unit with recruit if it has a red X on them it just simply means they are not a valid Target so it will give you for example as you can see on this menu um like where it's showing a red X or a blue circle it will give you the same thing over the recruit icon uh when you're targeting somebody to let you know if it even has a chance to uh it's actually a function in that case because a recruit is very situational so if somebody is mentally affected in some way so for example say they're scared or they're Charmed or they're petrified or they're asleep you can't talk to them as if they're a normal normal person so therefore you won't be able to negotiate with them to be recruited all right just so you know that is a thing so if you've got a blue circle that means you have a chance at which point you just lower their health and hopefully you'll be able to get them recruited alrighty so next is a personal favorite that I like to call the switch Archer here so basically this consists of a light uh light crossbow or light bow um and you essentially just uh kind of a switch between um the switch between uh bow and crossbow as is you know as is fitting for your uh particular situation like the Archer you know you go for bows if you've got a height advantage you go up a crossbows if you don't but an interesting thing here is that it allows you to use this in still a skill over here with a ranged weapon so for example if you happen to have a unit with pretty high dexterity this means that you can essentially get plus 25 uh percent bonus damage on a ranged attack allows you to pack on some heavy armor onto what is effectively a short range Archer while still having the ability to heal now while this is a pretty effective unit and it basically allows them to also switch into spells if a unit for example is resistant to physical attacks you use a spell on them if they're resistant to dispels you use your uh your uh kind of rapid fire bow situation on them and it still retains the ability for them to use their shield now I haven't mentioned the shield up to this point but Shields are very effective spacing tools so for example you want to get into a location you can Shield bash those units out of the way as long as they're on flat ground and there's nothing behind them you can usually knock a unit backwards and if there's another unit with a pincer you can Shield bash into that pincer attack so this is potentially a very useful tool to have but it also means that if for example somebody's standing on the edge of a ledge or the edge of a wall or something like that you can simply slap them with a shield in some cases knocking a unit off of a wall and straight out of the fight will essentially be the same thing as just having killed them outright if they can't fight then you know they're not exactly uh participating anymore so this is a this is just a build that's very very handy for a lot of situations you can do something similar with the warrior as well as with the Archer but I feel like this is definitely the the stronger way to go about it and in this particular case um I wanted to make sure that they can do a lot of different things so we keep a leaf for healing we keep a blessing stone for Reviving another unit if there's a boss or something like that we keep a dynast king's Mead for destroying their defense because you know obviously people are going to be a lot worse at fighting if you give them some liquor and we keep a a fear removing Grog on there just in case they're hit with fear so this is just a fun one to play around with meditate is primarily just here to keep Boon of swiftness going uh concentration really has no purpose here but I I want to feel like it maybe will somehow help with something so I just kind of keep it there because it's fun anyway moving on to the next one all right so next we have the night so once again you might notice I'm really liking uh keeping units with uh Shields and crossbows just know their damage isn't going to be insane I call them uh you know light damage dealers for a reason but usually there's a lot of utility you can get out of light units so in this case they're paradoxically a light tank so they've got a light crossbow so they're going to be just taking targets of opportunity to sort of uh plinking away at anything that's within range but they're going to be taking advantage of Phalanx to reduce their incoming damage as well as rampant Aura to interrupt the movements of units around them as well as Rampart Shadow to continue causing all kinds of disruptions for the units around them to just be a nuisance so the purpose of this unit is effectively to block well to block enemy units it's effectively here to try and waste everybody's time and give you control over all movement see you can run through your own ramparts shadows and um and Rampart auras and things like that the enemy can't so for example You Can Box them into certain locations you can drop a bunch of rampart shadows and things in their way um and you can have this unit to reposition themselves in order to prevent their movement the night is while they're labeled as a tank the Knight is primarily a a movement disruption unit as their description says there is nothing but quite stops in advance like a knight so just so you know that is definitely a thing even units of the teleport by the way will get caught in the rampart Aura uh the only ones that can actually get around it are Flyers so this is just a fun little way to disrupt but at the same time you can basically swap out any type of weapon for this for example if you want to be able to have a access to a double hit you might go for swords if you want to have access to one big solid chunky meaty hit right out of the bat or you want a you want to be able to counter attack while doing this then you go for the balder hammer a little bit of a side note by the way whenever Phalanx triggers it prevents counter attacks from working so it may not always be the most reliable for dealing damage but that's not their purpose um so there we go uh they're uh they're a nice little uh disruption for you to play around with and let's go ahead and move on to the next one all right so next we get to the terror night the sort of Premiere can opener unit um so the Terra Knight technically speaking is sort of a middle ground between the Knight and the Berserker we've covered the night we haven't covered the Berserker but there's a reason for this so the Terra Knight's main thing is inflicting fear this is a debuff that while not exclusive to them might as well be not many units have access to it um now between their different skills here uh there they have access to uh two-handers heavy axes heavy hammers uh cuddles and crossbows so they can do the same shield and crossbow thing if you're also having fun with all of that but realistically you usually want to go for one of the big meaty weapons because of the kinds of damage that they can do so there's two uh two well three builds that I would kind of recommend for the Terra Knight here just uh to give you some ideas so for example if once again you're you're like me and you like obsessing with that crossbow and shield build generally you would just keep lament of the Dead on there uh put them into an annoying position combine it with Rampart aura and then just boost their HP and there you go you have a nice little uh like passive uh defense of destroying uh annoyance tank in that situation so then we would just let's say put some crossbows on there we go ahead and uh put said uh shooty things in here we go now again this is mostly just for annoyance but let's say you want to have something a little bit more you know effective and more fitting for this particular unit type so if you want to have a bulky kind of Defense tank type situation um you want to just have them be extremely annoying while uh still being very extremely terrifying then you go for something like hammer and shield here drain heart will allow them to keep their uh their health chopped up for the most part sleep might not be terribly accurate but it's something that allows them to cheaply engage at range whereas drain mind might be just what you need to prevent a uh an enemy uh hit from coming to your way my drain mind is less about making sure that you have MP and more about making sure that the other guy doesn't you'll actually will rarely end up breaking even on this but for example you see somebody with a threatening finisher that you're afraid of you go ahead and snipe them with drain mind real quick and suddenly they're back to basic attacks so just something to bear in mind there but this is a solid little Loadout here to give some give some different ways to engage at different ranges you can also stick something like a stun on there as well they don't really have a wide variety of spells but this will do the job just fine and especially if you stack them with all balder gear I don't have any balder pants on the save file apparently but you'll notice it's all boosting intelligence which will boost your damage with that drain health and drain MP if you want to sleep and stun to land more often you're looking more for uh for mind off these different pieces of equipment so let's see if we can I don't believe there's any that are going to be boosting mind off of these shields it doesn't look like it yeah we're not really going to be getting any mind bonuses off any of our armors but that's okay um you can potentially if you happen to get a hold of a ring in the mind it can make them pretty uh dramatically more consistent uh with their spells but generally speaking I would recommend something more like this where you go for a heavy weapon you go for the uh for the fearful impact uh concentration will also boost their debuff accuracy by the way now you can just go ahead and slap that on there uh just so you know Shadow Break um you don't come up with uh you don't see enemy uh Rampart Shadows that often I wouldn't recommend even putting Shadow break on there at this point um maybe something will get changed at some point but uh for for now Shadow break still isn't terribly useful usually this is going to be the standard build for a terranite though has been since the snez basically big meaty uh ax or sword or whatever else um and you can uh you can just go ahead and combine in a fearful impact a pincer attack and Constitution however once again just like the warrior if you want to absolutely make a can opener what you want to do is go for the the zway hander later on this can be switched out for the Claymore you combine that with that fearful impact and uh and there you go uh you essentially have a unit that will completely bottom out something's defense pretty much immediately this can combine very well with archers essentially you are you're combining that fearful impact and that breach effect to guarantee that a unit is more or less Marked for Death um any uh any archers hitting them will effectively be doing well beyond any normal damage they would normally be able to do um and any any other follow-ups will also simply crush them their offense will be functionally non-existent so this is just a really solid can opener it is the most reliable way for you to uh to break down enemy defenses by far but you know they're uh there may be more complicated options down the road either way definitely by far the most uh recommended Terror night build moving on all right next we get to the Berserker so this is going to be your Premiere pincer attack specialist oddly enough but they specialize in swinging uh well swinging wildly all over the dang place um interestingly enough uh they actually can combine two different uh damage up moves at the same time so for example uh being able to attack more often is many in many cases going to be more valuable uh than one big meaty hit so my personal favorite for Berserkers is going to be dagger and shield because effectively uh berserk increases physical damage and causes it to hit in an AOE while sanguine assault increases your strength by 15 for the next attack this effectively means that they will be uh that they'll be combining the fact that the dagger has pretty good scaling damage on there while effectively well powering through defenses for the most part but if you're in a situation where you don't want to swing in a wide Arc you can always swap in for the shield to go for a shield bash instead and not waste your berserk so this is all Handy by itself but you can also combine in a pincer attack a fun note by the way is um if you have a pincer attack and a berserk at the same time you can't technically combine two berserks two sanguins uh two uh pincer attacks as well as any dagger with a secondary effect on there um and you can effectively hit about 10 units at once such having the two pincer against each other like for example if we look at the Dirk plus one we can see that it has a silence effect on there if you're if you're running into a situation where there's a lot of uh you know a lot of units like let's say tanks like tanky uh Knights or Terror nights or whatever else that are healing or stunning or you know what have you you put these uh you give them a dirk right you uh have a warrior with vigorous nearby they trigger vigorous they both trigger berserk they both trigger sanguine you have them stand diagonal they just kind of like scissor in from a diagonal and then the two of them attack and uh pincer at the same time just shredding an entire crowd in a big meat grinder oh it's downright silly but it works so anyway so this one's a pretty fun one but you really can combine them with just about anything uh technically speaking you can go for your heavy axes and heavy Hammers and things like that and they'll do the job just fine like the previous uh thing with inflecting silence on stuff applies to any Boulder weapon but realistically speaking it's um it's one of these cases where you're making a choice between if you go for a heavy weapon you will have access to a counter attack but you will have less control over your berserk so if berserk triggers then you won't be able to do as much with it whereas on the flip side if you want to um you know if you want to have more control you can go for shield and a lighter version of the weapon generally speaking with how many Buffs they get you are perfectly fine going for a lighter hammer or or ax you don't really have to worry about losing out on much offense as far as that goes you're gonna have a slightly lower you know maximum damage in that case but you're going to still be doing just fine um I have kind of overlooked claws for this one obviously the previous poison claw strategy can work just fine for them as well so if you wanted Mass claw poison that is certainly an option but again I know personally I prefer going for a shield and one-handed weapon here uh armor-wise you just go for anything that boosts strength and you'll be just fine strength or defense will benefit them greatly as far as items are concerned uh what I would recommend is a basin of time which I hope I have on this okay apparently I don't have a save file um but in their particular case they usually want to carry around a few buff items um just to kind of help them out so an area ion plume will uh will improve their maximum damage which combines very well with the two other uh bits of offense they've got going on for them uh putting on a fortify is just a solid idea because again they're going to be pretty much directly in front uh for the most part um and then on top of that you're going to want to pick up a crystallized flame for them as well which will allow them to resist spellcasters because they're incredibly weak to those on top of that you usually want to give them a heel of some sort the reason that I'm recommending carrying more items on some characters than others is simply because they're usually going to be in a better position to do so like for example a Berserker can afford to take a turn to for example buff and set themselves up for a pincer attack rather than always needing to take an action directly so in this particular case we're going to give them a offense buff we're gonna give them a defense buff and then we're gonna give them the ability to resist uh Magic as well and they can just sort of use whichever one is appropriate in their given situation I put an exorcism on here simply because they might be in the front row when there's a zombie that's downed and it might be handy for them to have so the one thing I will say as far as building Berserkers while any of their weapons will have their own you know benefits there really is nothing that you can go wrong with except for one and that would be the uh the boulder uh the balder mace right here later on this will be the damask mace so the mace is a strange weapon I would never recommend putting this on a Berserker um but basically the mace is a spell casting tool that is specifically used to boost range it while it does have what is on paper a decent attack value um it's not an it doesn't seem to be an accurate attack value so the mace is a you can think of it as more of a trick gimmick weapon uh than something that you directly want to use in most cases like for example earlier you saw I had one on the terranite and I didn't even recommend it um so like personally I kept a balder mace on a terranite for having this extra spell range which was just fun to play around with um as far as being optimal goes it's really not exactly optimal interestingly enough despite being usable on that Terror Knight there specifically for making debuffs you know more available range wise it actually reduces mind making them less likely to hit which is anyway so so yeah this is not a good physical weapon even in the hands of the Berserker so it's not really recommended to put on them just so you know all right let's move on to the next one all right so next up here we are gonna have the uh the sword master so they're only going to be available from farampa Wildwood this early in the game um they only have one weapon type that they can use and that's the 200 Katana and quite frankly their build options are extremely limited um so they're more or less a one-trick pony for all intents and purposes usually you want to give them something like a ring of Vitality to boost their defense as much as possible but more or less you give them armor you give them a weapon and they're Off to the Races they only have one weapon type you want to pretty much always keep a preempt on there now as far as their other skills go for now like they will get more later But Mighty strike preempt and falling blade you might as well just always keep these ones on there what this consists of preempt if it triggers at the start of the turn will cause them to attack if they're first if they're attacked by an enemy if you set up falling blade beforehand this is a 100 hit and crit move this will cause them to knock the unit backwards effectively causing them to disable the enemy unit uh before their actual attack meaning that they get to attack instead of the enemy and then Mighty strike is just an increase of 25 to attack armor penetration um so effectively you just keep all of these on here trigger falling blade as often as possible and just leave them in the front row casting Buffs that's really all there is to the swordmaster here they're not terribly complicated at this point and realistically this is their one like they're entirely a one-trick pony but they do it well um they're entirely a dualist kind of class they don't hold up well versus spell casters or archers or things like that but against melee characters they can absolutely clown on them so they're a very good Powerhouse this early on their 200 katanas are actually pretty strong in this version I mentioned this specifically because the uh back in their original PSP version they were a very bad class anyhow um very good to uh to keep around for a mass strength and buff on all nearby units as well as good for a little bit of a passive heel with Harvest Dance most of the time you'll just be spending your points on falling blade and just watching them do all their cool Kung Fu nonsense yeah usually you'll just kind of see them uh out fighting people in the front and that's about it nothing too fancy there moving on all right next up we have the Dragoon so this is your dedicated uh anti-anti monster unit however they have a bit more to them so weapon wise they have access to one-handed swords two-handed swords axes of both varieties uh Spears cudgels crossbows still wouldn't recommend cudgels on them I'm not sure why they have access to them but they've got the usual health and MP boosts they've got access to a pincer attack they've got rampant Aura Siege as well as these down here these are their kind of signature moves of dragon slayer dragon's Bane B Slayer Beast Bane so usually what I'd recommend is uh you scout out Maps beforehand and if you see a beast unit you simply go uh go beast Slayer and beastmain and then you keep pretty much anything else you want to on the extra slot so these skills will only trigger if it's relevant for them to trigger so like for example I like having a pincer attack on here um but for example like if you if there's no beasts on the map they will never trigger Beast Bane but you can you can basically stack these two on top of another to completely delete beasts and Dragons um beast Bane by itself will boost damage dealt to all uh and we're just gonna say Bane in general uh we'll uh boost your damage versus beasts or dragons uh for all units that are within their AOE uh this uh this only applies to melee attacks though the Slayer skills however uh will cause the unit in question to actually ignore the armor of the Target in question interestingly Enough by the way if you want to just run BEAST's layer and uh Dragonslayer they also can use for example uh crossbows like they can use heavy crossbows with the Slayer skills despite the fact that it says that they're melee only so this is also a perfectly viable build however it basically means that they are the only one that's able to uh to do that extra damage versus that unit um so it's kind of up to you like this is perfectly viable if you just give them for example like let's say a plume you start off with a plume early on and you have them activate the relevant Slayer skill you have them take a snipe with their crossbow and there you go a couple shots said unit will probably be done and dealt with with relative ease there additionally in that case if you're running that kind of unit you may want to pick up something like Siege uh if you're if you're expecting to uh to run into them into having some issues actually reaching them however in most cases you you would just simply slot in something extra like a health boost or something like that in most cases beasts and Dragons will be out in front but if you expect to have some difficulties with rampant Aura you could always put Siege on there so this sniper Dragoon is perfectly valid it also keeps them relatively safe because they're just simply plinking away at stuff from far away at the same time you can go for your preferred melee weapon option to Simply set up pincers a fun note by the way they can both counter and pincer with a spear so you can have two dragoons on opposite ends of each other this is actually a a fan fan favorite you can have two units with Spears on opposite ends of each other because they both use Spears they both have better defense versus Spears but you just have them surround a unit one unit attacks with a spear their target turns around and tries to counter them at which point the other unit follows up with a counter at which point they then also follow up with a pincer and basically this dude is just getting stabbed three times in a row it's kind of wonderful anyway so that's the overview for the Dragoon moving on to the next one all right next we have the ninja so this is a primarily this is primarily a debuff specialist um but they're able to uh to kind of build for a lot of different options so to start off with I'd say the strongest early game build to uh give for this guy Shield bow and then you pick up a bitnam at this point later on down the road you'll have access to um uh two in venom all right so you basically give them any short bow their damage is irrelevant they are essentially going to be throwing out debuffs so early game what I would recommend is uh going for uh concentration which will guarantee that uh Ninja spells hit with 100 accuracy they have Shadow bind which is a stop spell right this is going to be the main thing that they're going to be doing damage with um but it kind of uh breaks down like this you give them their bow skill so that they're a little bit better with the bow uh you give them their uh you give them their uh concentration here to guarantee that shadow bind here which normally has very low odds to hit will always hit uh now this will stop a unit in place effectively disabling their turn entirely uh usually it'll last one or two rounds that that unit can simply do nothing again with 100 accuracy uh then you have been numb and bridle that are available these will trigger like the other instill skills just kind of activating at the start of your turn the numb causes them to lose a turn 50 of the time Bridal means that they can't talk but if you stack two of them at the same time they will effectively alternate every now and then so this means that sometimes you want stun sometimes you want Bridle if you're really only going for one thing I would recommend be numb but Bridal is very good for shutting down casters for example steel stance will increase their defense which means that they can functionally be invisible because nothing will Target them with their higher defense uh back attack is just kind of something to have here like I know the temp the immediate temptation is to take double attack and go two swords and go fold the weeb ninja mode which is fine it can work if you're gonna go for that I would recommend going for something along the lines of double attack going for the uh the Double one-handed katanas but only ever charging in if steel Sans activates because realistically they can keep that going for one turn steel stance activates they run in they take some attacks they hopefully survive that round and then they run the hell away because their defense in any other situation is absolutely paper thin so basically yes they can keep it up but only for a little while now you can get a little bit trickier with this like for example you may want to go for something like a you know dagger in their offhand uh to give them that Parry chance or you know maybe you want to go for uh for the whole sword and bow thing because you think it's the 80s and you want to look like uh the old Ninja Assassin stereotype uh either way their purpose is basically hit and run type tactics but uh just when you get access to poisoned arrows they are an absolute godsend in terms of just being able to uh to completely melt health because again it's not very not very very many cases where you can have guaranteed poison and effectively guarantee poison at range so just something to consider there definitely would recommend the the trick Arrow ninja to start off with and then just kind of work in the uh if you want to go for you know that higher damage build type situation just uh just do two swords then you do a steel stance you do uh the the two-handers or the the two hands here you put their skill on there and then you make sure again to only attack once steel stance is actually active concentration is good to keep on there because once it deactivates you could always Escape while dropping a shadow Bond on your way out so again hit and run you know that kind of stuff additionally if you want to be a little bit faster with this so you can also go double knives so double knife is a pretty uh pretty solid overall Weight Wise uh they're pretty similar this time around um but just so you know that is an option if there's a certain knife that you'd prefer all right second to last here we have the Beast Tamer I mean it's pretty much right on right in the name there they tame beasts their purpose is to uh to boost up beasts as well as uh get them on your side generally speaking what I'd recommend on this guy is just going uh lobber and a couple of uh status blow guns reason for this something like a charm Dart especially if you have a Archer nearby with Eagle Eye will effectively be a guaranteed charm on any nearby unit which is absolutely hilarious same thing for the mute Dart having them in power whatever your preferred Beast or dragon or whatever is can be pretty darn handy um and generally speaking you really only want to keep tame and subdue on there whenever you uh you happen to have a thing that you're trying to hire but then you keep the lobber on there and then the bulk of their damage would actually come from these shots so shots are pretty darn solid they're basically a set amount of damage that can increase with physical up cards but they can function as the team's Grenadier now these are not exactly cheap to use but they are potentially game changing in the right circumstance so for example you put a boon of swiftness on them you take a bunch of these shots and you have them Chuck grenades like crazy when stuff is getting a little bit dire so overall this is pretty solid the damage that you get off of the finisher for the blow guns is pretty good damage as well and usually they're bulky enough that you really don't have to worry too much about keeping them safe so yes have a Grenadier uh they make your Beast units uh do uh do a bit better um there are other options as well like for example one that I particularly liked uh was combining the uh combining the hammer over here which apparently I don't have any more in stock as well as the petrodart blow gun which I don't have on hand at this moment I can actually make that yet uh there's a uh yeah there's the petrodar right here uh this is one of those interesting situations where um you have an unusually high bonus on something so for example having a light hammer and the petrodar blow gun with its plus 15 strength bonus out of nowhere um can make for a very very uh tanky um uh Beast Tamer over here so just uh kind of something to bear in mind it's going to be far more useful than any Shield that they can have not to mention you potentially can guarantee a petrification on something so all right so last class to cover for the time being because we're not going to cover Beast units um is going to be the Varden here a very effective early game try bread but what I would recommend by and large for newer players go daggers go bows put put alcoas winds on there which will give air touched put this guy nearby your archers so that he can buff their arrows with this air touch stability basically increasing their damage by 25 and then simply wander I mean this guy is it's strange to say but he's an effective wandering unit he's one of the few cases where his movement is so high that he can reasonably go around just getting his pick of uh of cards and well his stats are dramatically higher than everybody else at this point like you can see he's got 20 higher strength than our Archer over here um Dex is comparable but 20 higher Vitality his stats are absolutely jacked so realistically anything you do with him is going to be great and yes you can technically get a generic buttons as well uh but just so you know uh yes uh generally speaking anything you do with him will be great but uh dagger finisher for him hits like an absolute truck he already starts off as wind it's just a good Synergy um give him a blessing Stone to be able to fly in and revive somebody at any point you know healing exorcism for the same reason and uh there you go uh not really anything too fancy to worry about with this guy pretty much anything can happen to do is going to be great but uh this way if something's weak to arrows yep you click plink it with arrows uh like if there's a squishy that's far away um if you have something that uh that's close by you go for the knife if you have something that's Earth you delete them with heart Crusher and uh if you have somebody that's in need of support there you go you have it right there generally speaking I like to stack a lot of various missile abilities on this guy just to exploit Elemental weaknesses but again you know mileage may vary as far as what you prefer there and if you're wondering while you're in farampa um you can actually get a lot of Beast units as well some early ones that I would recommend uh if you go to the top left map there will be zombie octopi that you can hire and these are just very solid in general the AI will rarely if ever carry exorcism so they can unfunctionally speaking just die and come back to life repeatedly it's a very solid um if you want to have the best support available go for Griffins they're available in the very first map in the forest and all you have to do is just give them a bunch of uh of healing items and there you go just having a bunch of blessing stones on a griffin means that you can bring your team back from the brink if stuff starts going poorly um additionally if you're wondering how to even unlock the forest by the way if you just go to the Warren report you go down here to the talk section you'll see that uh you click on uh farampa open to hunting many of these stories will open different areas but there you go that'll give you access to a lot of these classes and that's just located right over here so anyway hopefully this was a useful little uh kind of early game starter guide type of situation um bear in mind that obviously there's I mean there's a ton of different builds you can do with all these different characters and really you should be uh you should be trying to put together stuff that you personally find just fun and interesting like some prefer you know sword and board Knights iPhone crossbow and shield to be hilarious so that's what I prefer but everyone's going to have their preferences so hopefully this helped and uh yeah y'all have a good one take care and uh let me know if I can answer any more questions
Channel: Coffee Potato
Views: 110,103
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tactics ogre reborn, tactics ogre, ogre battle, tactics ogre remake, final fantasy tactics remake
Id: vOYaUe8iTC4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 44sec (3584 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 19 2022
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