Tactics Ogre Reborn | 13 Things I Missed | Tips, Facts and Useful Info | Titanium Guides

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well there are a lot of things I've covered in Tactics Ogre born the game is huge and as I'm delving deeper into its systems and content there's a lot of little things that I'm learning and if I'm just learning them it's likely that a lot of y'all need to know as well so let's talk about things I've missed [Music] hello everyone my name is Tom otherwise known as titanium leg man it's 2023 and while my intention to make content during the holiday break didn't pan out we're back now thank you all for the support in making 2022 a great year by the way and since we're moving into the new year we have a new goal 15 000 subscribers y'all proved me wrong when I didn't think we'd hit 5K in 2022 let's see what happens in 2023 shall we for today's topic I have some miscellaneous facts and tips first then a slew of information about Elemental affinities and interactions let's begin the first thing I've learned about the finer points of Tactics Ogre reborn is that it's really not just strength and intelligence that are going to impact your damage dexterity and mind are just as important and as you increase these stats you'll see an increase in your physical and magical damage respectively this might seem like a no-brainer to some of you but it Bears stating when stat charms are hard to come by in bulk until the very late game foods are expensive and rare and as we now know multiple stats impact your damage for example I've been putting decks into my Berserker recently and it has helped her damage output tremendously I've also been pumping mind on Cressida which has the double benefit of increasing her damage and her ability to inflict status and debuffs with the relevant magic and this will of course be true for any Caster that you're using especially one that's using debuffing dark magic it is worth noting as well that from what I've seen decks and mind don't have as much of an impact on your damage as the primary strength and intelligence stats but if you're looking to buff up a unit and you're sitting on some decks in mind charms or some food consider adding them to the pot next up did you know that Undead units don't count as incapacitated when pursuing an optional objective that requires you to beat a level without any incapacitated units consider bringing a team of the undead when they're knocked down they're just that knocked down as they do not actually die and get back up on their own they're not considered incapacitated they are only considered incapped if they're exercised after being knocked down unfortunately the times you'll have to worry about that happening to you are few and far between this will be of particular use in the Palace of the dead or to get extra stat charms and the like you'll often need to win without using the Chariot and without any in-apped units for those of you who are pursuing the no incapacitations title this may also be of use note I've not yet tested this for myself but it stands to reason that Undead will not add to your incapacitated units list if you're going for this title and you're in a position to field an army of the Damned it might make your life a little bit easier if you do so experiment with it and if it works let us know in the comments next up we have grenades which scale with your weapon proficiency meaning that they will always deal very viable damage if you didn't know grenades are a consumable that you can buy in shops in chapter two they can be purchased for 750 goth a piece and to deal AOE Elemental damage in a plus formation with the element being based on which grenade you've purchased what's noteworthy is that the damage of your grenades scales with your weapon proficiency no matter what it is dagger sword cudgel bow whatever it all works you'll reach maximum damage by having a rank 30 weapon skill with a plus 20 Boost from the relevant weapons crafted earring you can then further buff this damage with physical cards full credit to Community member Baka nikajaga for doing the math here and filling me in now normally these grenades can only be used in melee range meaning you'll hit your own unit when you use it you know dropping it at your feet generally not the recommended usage of a grenade but they can also be thrown with the lobber skill so units such as Beast Tamers now have access to a cheap mana free ranged AOE attack that will not just always be relevant but often deal massive damage of course you can only bring four grenades per battle per unit but even so in most fights you shouldn't really need more than that I highly recommend looking into specking out a Grenadier unit and watching the fireworks circling back around to these zombies we mentioned before we have number four You Can level zombies using charms and I know this is a rather minor point but it is one that I've seen people surprised by so I think it Bears stating while it's true that zombified units can't gain post-battle experience they can be leveled using XP charms this is actually wonderful to know as this makes zombies fairly risk-free meat Shields that will still maintain viability one common tactic I've seen is to get a zombie dragon or two due to the Natural bulk and abilities of dragons they're already quite hard to kill then knowing they'll get right back up when they do go down you never need to worry about them beyond the occasional exorcism and you have a fire and forget frontliner just don't try to use more than one or maybe two at a time unless you not have enough charms to level them on the zombie train we have number five liches and divine Knights cannot become zombies if you're looking to make an all Undead Army that isn't constrained to the classes that skeletons and ghosts can be you unfortunately won't be able to add these powerful late game classes to that party for divine Knights that's not too big of a deal but of course the Lich would be great to have for extra necromancy and other Undead synergies dark magic all that type of stuff it's a shame but socos looks like you're going to be stuck with necromancers as your late game zombified dark magic caster number six characters will heal for more if they are casting spells while of the Light Element this is another minor point but it's an improvement that could just make the difference between success and failure in a tough fight just like matching a character's Elemental Affinity with their spells will increase damage using a Divine Affinity character to heal will increase their healing output again this isn't a huge difference maybe an increase of 40 HP in a healing spell but still it could be the Difference Maker so if you're using some clerics or something like a Divine rune fencer for healing consider using a light charm and changing them to Divine affinity for some sweet bonuses number seven did you know that there's a menu to access your party and equipment in the store to save yourself some extra menuing when doing a lot of buying selling crafting and upgrading in the shop save yourself some time and use the party menu you can see in the shop I somehow missed this until I was literally days into my playthrough like as in actual hours is worth of hours into my playthrough and I didn't know this until chat pointed it out but you can access your entire party including equipping and unequipping all your gear checking stats the whole kit and caboodle I still have a lot of muscle memory that I need to unlearn that backs me out of the shop before I even realize what I'm doing but when crafting and Relic upgrading this is a useful little feature to swap gear around as needed it's also quite nice for checking what spells you need to get there's just there's so many spells there's so many even now with the condensed spell list there's so many and it's hard to remember for me what character needs what it use this menu trust me and like seriously as much as I love hearing that is a familiar face sometimes I just want to be efficient and get done with the shop you know number eight certain beasts will give you the orbs you need for deneb's side quest it's not just dragons so I mean basically this one is exactly as it says on the tin shout out to a few fine folks for pointing this one out to me when doing denim's Quest you can get the orbs that you need from units other than just dragons credit to Huang Bay in the comments of my dinner video for pointing the following out you can get Gloom orbs from cockatrice as a substitute for dark dragons since they are rather rare you can get flood water orbs from octopi as a substitute for flood dragons you know octopi tend to show up a bit earlier than flood dragons do and you can get dust orbs from Griffins which is a substitute for the cloud dragon which again you're going to see plenty of griffins before you start seeing dragons so it could be an easy early pickup the other notable substitution is that balder Golems can be substituted for Arc dragons when trying to get radiant orbs but the issue with that is in my experience baller Golems will generally only show up very late anyway like in the Palace of the Dead late so it's probably actually easier to scoop up an arc dragon from story battle than trying to get a ball to Golem uh the other elemental dragons by the way are quite easy to find in the farappa Wildwood so I wouldn't worry about going out of your way to get beasts to replace those orbs like just go to the farappa Wildwood use the strategies outlined in my denim guide you'll get the dragons you need there I promise moving on from General tips and info we have five more points about Elemental affinity and other Elemental interactions there's a lot to unpack with these points and some I'm still kicking myself for not knowing sooner so number nine Elemental affinities on weapons will increase or decrease your attack depending on your character's Elemental affinity this one legit blew me away and it was only pointed out because I couldn't figure out why I statistically Superior Katana was actually reducing hobram's attack when I equipped it to him the answer was that it had an attached element that conflicted with his personal Elemental affinity and if I'm remembering correctly I believe it was a water element Katana conflicting with his fire affinity due to this conflict he was actually taking a hit to his attack that made the better Katana worse for him specifically my chat then informed me that all I had to do to use this Katana successfully was to switch hobram's element I could either change it to a neutral element with water or ideally change him to water himself to increase his damage I had plenty of water charms on hand so that's what I did the increase in physical attack I saw was notable so I then quickly went through and aligned all of the characters in my army with the elements of their weapons wherever I could wasn't possible everywhere not all weapons have elemental affinities some are rarer like dark or Divine and some units can't be switched to it or I don't have charms whatever but still it was a nice little power boost I recommend you do the same it is free damage number 10 you can change any class to the dark element by switching a character to Tara Knight using a dark charm then switching back as I mentioned previously you may find yourself in a bit of a pickle if the weapon you're using is of the dark element or potentially the Divine element but the class you're using can't be switched to that element take for example my Berserker here latherine I have her equipped with late game crafted fists the Kerberos claws these are dark element fists that can deal big damage so of course I want her element to be dark to match but Berserkers can't be switched to dark the answer switch to a class that can be given the dark element such as Terra Knight use your dark charm then switch back to Berserker or whatever other class you're trying to make dark the element will stick and you'll have yourself your Broody new damage dealer moving on you can tell if a finishing move has an attached element based on the color of its icon speaking of paying attention to attached elements you may have noticed some finishing moves have differently colored icons if you didn't pick up on it this denotes what element if any the damage of the finisher in question will be most commonly from my experience you'll see fire ice and lightning element finishers though there are others as well depending on the weapon you're wielding nice little quality of life feature letting you tell at a glance what element your attack will be if that's relevant info for your upcoming attack and why would that info be relevant well did you know that you can match your character's element with the element of their finisher to increase the damage of said finisher like with other Elemental interactions such as weapon and character elements aiding or hampering your damage the same is true for your Elemental finishers much like with matched healing and damage spells this isn't a crucial Factor but where you can make it work for you it'll certainly help most often you'll likely see this referenced when discussing Rune fencers and Valkyries as players will be quick to suggest you make these units lightning aligned spear wielders this will allow them to make the most use of the level 3 finishing move for Spears Giga Tempest a ranged plus shaped AOE finisher that deals lightning damage paired with the ability to inflict lightning adverse via their magic and you'll deal a lot of damage with this finisher and this is a note for all types of finishers if you are able to align a character's weapon and personal element and the element of your preferred finisher for them all together you're going to see a marked damage increase so pay attention to this stuff especially as you get into the late game and finally if the element of your finisher is at an advantage against the opponent's element you'll do more damage if it's at a disadvantage you'll deal less damage it stands to reason I suppose that the element of your finisher will increase or decrease the damage that you deal depending on how it interacts with your Target's Elemental Affinity it does follow the same type of formula as magic if you've ever wondered why you seem to randomly deal more or less damage between your different finishers that's probably why this makes weapons like hammers extra useful as they have not won not two but three different Elemental finishers and one non-elemental finisher as well and for weapons that only have one or two elements in their finisher as well those non-elemental ones will be important too as they'll always deal reasonable damage even if you find yourself kind of at a poor match up elementally against your current opponents in short I hope that all these points about Elemental affinity and interactions drive home the idea that you must pay attention to Elemental interactions in tactics over Reborn it may be playing a much bigger part in your successes and your failures on the battlefield than you realize and with all that said Happy New Year everyone it's good to get back to making guide content for Tactics Ogre I can't wait to go live and Vibe with you all again soon thank you for your support last year I hope that I'm able to keep putting out fun and informative content for y'all going into 2023. there's certainly a ton of content for me to cover yet in tactic Soca reborn and a bunch of new stuff coming out that I want to cover as well so again my name is Tom otherwise known as titanium leg man have a good night stay safe and healthy out there and remember be good to each other bye now
Channel: TitaniumLegman
Views: 25,809
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tactics Ogre Reborn, Square Enix, Tips and tricks, guides
Id: p6fMGsOBAQo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 8sec (908 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 03 2023
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