Tacoma Narrows Bridge Collapse 4k AI Upscaling

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[Music] dawn of a fatal day and the wind begins to speak with a roar that no man can fail to hear in a 40 mile an hour gale the center span weaves like a ribbon in a swing twist that you wouldn't believe possible unless you could see it as you do now [Music] there's an automobile caught on the heaving roadway the eleven thousand tonne center stand twists and strains of giant cables that support it cables of 6300 wire strands each 17 inches thick [Music] [Music] back out of the danger zone all stricken spectators are driven to safety as the bridge gyrates like a nightmare high above the river twisting turning curling the lone motorist is forced to abandon the car he has been a few minutes in which to save himself face to face with fate his destiny hanging in the balance will he heed the last warning or perish with the doomed structure [Music] but he saves himself by second [Music] no structure of steel and concrete can stand such a strain steel girders buckle and giant tables snap like puny threads there it goes engineers are divided as to the cause of the disaster some claim it was the use of solid girders others differ but whatever the reason tacoma will rebuild this time a bridge that will not provide a super thrill in the news [Music]
Channel: Massimo Tava
Views: 15,290
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Photography, computers, Nikon, canon, Olympus, DSLR, digital, HDR, Landscape
Id: XyMDwLLa7pA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 35sec (155 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 13 2021
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