Abandoned Railroad Found, Radar Train Speed Check & Train Knocks Down Signal In Cresson Pennsylvania

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[Music] hey check this out folks I'm between Cass and Cowan I'm about 25 miles Northwest of Cass West Virginia and Cowan is about same distance that we're headed towards and there's a railroad I found an old railroad just by chance over here just stopped look at this road crossing here on this little lane I took this little lane goes across a narrow one lane bridge right there without sides to it there's my car let's get a closer look at that in a minute it's way out here in the boonies though but there's this railroad track it goes right through here can't see it let's walk over and have a quick look we're gonna get chiggers on me here's a small railroad bridge look at this small railroad bridge here it has been years since the train went through here the tracks are still here though this is interesting look at that Barrel Bridge there's Bridges walked over does anybody know where I'm at here wow look at that when was the last train through here can anyone answer that I just came across this by chance I saw that bridge off to the side that bridge over there we'll have a closer look at it and I thought I want to check that out I'd like to find some dates on this track gnats are terrible look at this I doubt it would be another train on this again so the track just keeps on going that way I think it falls along this Creek and the road I'll have a closer look at the bridge here in just a second keeps going that way somewhere I don't know I'm gonna get any more bites on me so I'm not going any farther here's the bridge now there's no way I'd be driving across this bridge look at this I don't see how this could possibly be safe to drive over I don't even know where it's supposed to go there's some kids sitting over there who's that kid Hey kid what are you doing wow it's pretty out here this is the boonies Lily everybody thinks we live in the boonies but this is real boonies oh look down there I'll be still in the car there trying to sleep we just left Cass a little bit ago look at this I'm not gonna drive over this I don't know where it goes to though it doesn't really appear to go anywhere hi well I just now found another abandoned railroad bridge here look at this this thing's in terrible shape let's have a look at it wow I don't think we'll ever have a train on this again see if we can find some spots to step without falling through wow this is cool there's a big hole there though there you go same Railroad uh that was that I went through the woods by this River Elk River Maybe yo what's up this is really cool I like this bridge well everyone draw twos again and I've returned over here to the Abner games house in Walton Kentucky um I brought my radar Unit A lot of people are asking for me to check the train speeds so I brought my little radar Gizmo it's right over here right there's my old Bushnell we've seen that a few times here's the Abner Gaines house it's got the CSX on this side over here and you've got the Norfolk Southern on the other side of the house we've got a CSX train coming right now go ahead start the video son let's check some train speeds now this first train is going to be slow CSX runs a lot slower than Norfolk Southern so here we go thank you foreign foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] there you go some empty Auto racks empty Auto racks headed southbound through LaGrange or I mean um Walton they will be going through LaGrange Street running track probably about an hour and a half or so this is the same line it goes through LaGrange and by popular demand I brought back the radar unit everybody keeps asking about that that train there wasn't very interesting for it he started out around 18 miles an hour he sped up to about 21 22 miles an hour that was about it all right well let's walk back up here and see if we can get a Norfolk Southern Train the population of Walton is 5 530. it's gone up a little bit over the past 10 or 15 years and it's a little bit over four square miles and like I said this home and the property around it is owned by the city of Walton the epigan's house is the oldest house in Walton and it's owned by the city of Walton it's open from two to four pm on the second Sunday of the month admission is five dollars per adult but wait there's more foreign all righty there they go they were looking pretty good what's the hurry let's sit there and stop anyway no I'm not kidding um they were going between 48 and 52. so they're picking up speed it looks like headed westbound I didn't really see hardly any bounce the rail itself goes up and down on the um the other side of the bridge if you notice the rail right over there where it comes to the bridge that goes up and down a little bit but other than that the bridge is pretty solid no more bouncy bridge ah but wait there's more that was his hello everyone jawtooth here we just got here to Cresson just right down from the Crescent Inn and we got train coming first time I've been here in two years as soon as we get here is the train coming check this out here's the signals down here these are all new since the last time I was here got a clear signal we got the train coming over this way I don't know what we got yet foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] there you go that was pretty cool I haven't been here in two years to Cresson and uh it's been a few years since I stayed at the station end just right up the road here that would be cool to stay up there tonight wouldn't it here's some other cool stuff over here check out this caboose but wait there's more Caboose is right over here if I can get a good shot of that well it's kind of hard to film it's starting to get a little bit dark here thanks for watching folks give me a thumbs up rate subscribe all this stuff let's see if any more trains happen to go by and we'll see you it's more of course there always is and here it comes right now another train live action live action [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign there you go downtown Crescent Pennsylvania that'd be last one here for today because it's getting too dark for this thing thanks for watching give me a thumbs up and subscribe and we'll see you later and there's quacky Louie right there [Music] foreign [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thanks for watching my videos I really appreciate your support and if you have time watch another video because every view really helps my channel and we'll see you later [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Jaw Tooth
Views: 57,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ohio train videos, branch line railroads, norfolk southern main line trains, dangerous trains, weird railroad crossings, fast freight trains, massive freight trains, america railways, Unites States trains, railway shunting, train with DPU, worlds longest trains, rare trains, trains in Pennsylvania, Cresson Pa trains, abandoned railroads, abandoned railway bridge, CSX trains, radar speed checks, West Virginia railroads, Millenniumforce, exploration, worst railroad track ever
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 42sec (1602 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 14 2023
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