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so this time on modded blues TV battles we have the tax shooter versus the spike factory some would say this videos gonna be tacky and you know what else is tacky the last time I did one of these modded balloons videos it doesn't even have a hundred thousand likes come on we can get seventy thousand likes in two days please don't embarrass me also flip your phone like this and hit the subscribe button to join the team hope you enjoy the video all right Judy I'm the tech man and you're the spiked boy alright so how this challenge works we each get two of our designated turrets we can upgrade down the left path and the right path right and that's it here we go look at this okay oh oh look at my tower tree oh you just hit like boogers well good shooting I'm shooting Barney boogers no okay okay we're gonna put that mine oh honey wait yours is shooting out instead of spikes other towers let's go so it shoots out just away what are they called century um that doesn't seem very fair to you I don't know if I agree with your way of life so you're actually shooting out centuries and I'm shooting out boogers well we know who's got the better Tower this time yeah definitely you okay so the issue with this these upgrades on these towers are extremely expensive so we're not gonna see these upgrades for a while oh gosh and I gotta use this spikes over and over here because I'm a bot so I put down one of these monkey villages because that halves how much the upgrades cost thank goodness because it didn't have that we'd be here for 70 years no no well I would be dead by then because all I'm shooting are Barney boogers okay I gotta upgrade this I gotta I gotta get $1,100 $1,100 for me so I'm tired of connecting them oh no shoot my thingy yeah got it nice I need $7,000 can you give me seven thousand years have you upgraded your tower once I haven't upgraded a single time hey haven't either okay I'm gonna do more goo ready for this I'm ready for it well I don't know what to expect it literally did nothing it just shoots boogers faster tutti I mean what good is this tower tutti is awful you know what I think I I haven't even needed to upgrade it it just it just you are shooting centuries that I'm shooting boogers I think that's really fair no it's not fair at all tutti you know I think it's time for me to upgrade my tower okay yeah go ahead go ahead more MORE I just got to keep using these spikes I'm gonna run out of these spikes soon wait okay so you're just shooting out more towers yeah oh I'm gonna upgrade my turrets so now all my turrets are destroyed oh my god what are these boogers even do I don't know but I love it oh I don't like the Booker's okay I just gotta spare money I'm currently spending money um let's do that for 7,000 wait homing bullets let's go wait you have homing bullets oh my goodness the turns actually just like the bullets just follow them and then just attack them that's so powerful your your towers a little bit broken duty okay little bit yeah I'm gonna do a city goo acidic goo what does a city goo do I just look ready to sit at goo and it didn't do anything Tony [Music] okay let's through spitting goo what spitting goo do oh it says the book is out farther in twos okay that do that do that do that do that more money more money more money how much money do you have to te-- $50,000 ha oh okay I got 40,000 we're good okay I'm gonna upgrade electrified goo oh no I've got it nail it nail it okay I'm gonna do electrified goo 35,000 you ready for this I just went from almost losing to they can't even leave the starting point okay I gotta get an upgrade now all right I'm gonna upgrade and get my boogers are electrified and I don't know what that means you might want to see someone about that but it's okay you have so many turrets Tootie I don't look I sit down a bomb that just dropped turrets all right I don't see more turds oh I see the bomb but where the turret at so just wait wait wait for the wait for the bomb to come out boom oh no I'm sick there's a bunch of turrets on the ground there we go yeah so if the bomb hits then it just Falls mortars well that seems a mildly broken okay I'm gonna I need a hundred and sixty-five thousand oh my goodness okay I'm getting the last T for up here to this tower cuz I'm losing lives it's called super centuries it across forty thousand dollars let's go super centuries oh my goodness you have blue towers now I have not only are this like a do we have a hacked our that spawned centuries it spawns hacked and modern centuries that seems cheating Tootie why are you cheating we're both cheating what are you talking we got him or app we got a Moab we got a mole of explosive goo uploading explosive goop Wow my boogers explode [Laughter] eating this is my boogers my boogers are electrified and exploding and this is only one upgrade path oh my goodness I can totally put a towel right here right oh this is cheating too - you're a cheater cheater cheater you're a cheating dude you're a cheat guys if you think to tease I make booty uh say Trudy's a big booty in the comp spam - d'emic booty in the comments I want to point out the fact that all of my comment section is all just 2d is a big booty okay I'm gonna upgrade my final form on the right path this is called electrical overcharge you haven't even gotten your last pass nope ready for this I'm ready hunter 6-5000 oh the boogers that explode also send out electricity excuse me everyone take it to what I guess I can go afk now huh okay I'm going to get my next upgrade put on the right for my second tower because I need it or else I'm gonna lose so I have one power and they're not getting paths pretty much wait what did you upgrade I just got array of centuries what does that do it just sends out line you send out all what dude you should put that tower on the back of your map and see it go forward let's do it it's how the whine of turrets all on the ground that's insane well alright I'm gonna start on my second tower all right I'm ready let's see what you got I'm gonna put it right there yeah okay okay so let's do DDT's just got Tomales by my electrified exploding boogers nice alright so let's do splitting gule okay I'm gonna do explosive goo okay I'm ready more goo acidic goo so it's farther what's even gonna happen I don't know goo puddles what is it group this cost five or fifty seven thousand thousand what I'm putting boogers all over the map Tootie all right I'm gonna get the I'm over I'm getting the last upgrade perm I think it's ru Llosa Frey I don't know what that means okay let's a break all right here we go oh look at how many turns you have in a little area wait wait whoa whoa whoa whoa oh my goodness you know how I got my t fours like working my towers have a t5 upgrade no that's cheating okay okay I'm gonna get the first t5 tower so my tower cost two hundred sixty-five thousand to upgrade I need a hundred thousand more to get this final form of the booger ground I'm gonna upgrade it it's called century cluster let's go okay Tootie this is not fair you have towers on towers on towers Oh Trudy Trudy your side is cheating everytime nope nope no not playing this anymore not playing it this is just okay I'm still like not jeffing a great time though which is kind of rough are you using your spite look at how many towers you have okay I need I need 30,000 more and I can see my final form for the the ground boogers unless I die here okay here we go this is called compressed GU white okay okay here we go it's did anything happen I don't know what happened all I know is I got compressed to goo always putting more goo on the ground Judy this is so much I have to get my okay I'm upgrading and getting the triple rate wait wait I'm gonna get rid of I want to do exactly what this does I'm getting the last upgrade so after this I'm like maxed out you you used all of your spikes right there I almost all of them right right go what his triple radio hey girl that's out three giant razors but you're a tyre sidon and every one of your nails are exploding I it looks like oh my gosh you're right Judy you're cheating - what's eating Judy you're actually cheating no no no no you're cheating no no no no no no no no no listen to what I'm saying you're cheating we are demolishing oh no a bad bad boy boys here's the first I deny elated it I just annihilated this guy yours disintegrated let's go hey can I have some of your spike towers on my side just send them over you got more than enough just send him on over to my side I wouldn't be surprised that I had so many they just like randomly showed up on your daddy okay we're bad balloon Oh No 33 towers are a little bit okay look at how many centuries you have theirs they're everywhere there are even spikes I only am I only have 11 more spikes I only have 11 more spikes to have 17 I'm I might as well just give him the assistance oh no oh did you say go-go-go condescendingly I just muted this quarter what I'm gonna do I am gonna see if I can get a win I'm gonna spam as many of these bad blends like a banana farm Judy set off the spikes Rory on Route 55 yeah and I only have seven more spikes six more spikes I'm just gonna I'm gonna eco and send a bunch of blue let's restart good make money you know what you know what you know what I'm gonna do I'm setting balloons at you no we're good wait wait no no no not like that I'm sitting it Oh No all right I'm gonna use my spikes I can oh pretty go stop sending him at me what are you doing I use almost like lose my spikes use my spikes use my spikes I'm using my PowerUp boosts my towers all of them all my guys you are destroying all of my bad balloons doodie how did you destroy three bad balloons please explain three bad balloons versus 1 million century hey tui I have no more space I think I lose here dude your tower was way too Oh people guys hit that like button fern to tea to make booty cheater and of course you guys have enjoyed click the subscribe button to join the team and click this next video to watch the next video please I love you you
Channel: SSundee
Views: 3,637,706
Rating: 4.9452882 out of 5
Id: w7DR7sBmxxQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 24sec (804 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 11 2020
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