Learn To Play: The Goonies Never Say Die

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[Music] hey everyone thanks during learn to play games my name is lance and in today's video i'm going to teach you how to play the goonies never say die this is a new game from funko games it is a two to five player game that takes roughly 45 minutes to an hour and a half to play and is a one versus mini game which means that one player is going to be controlling the gm or goon doc's master controlling all the enemies and trying to stop the goonie players from meeting their objectives while he's trying to meet his objective on the other side all the rest of the players are going to be playing the goonies working together to solve and meet the objectives of whatever adventure they're currently on so in the video i'm going to teach you how to play starting with components setup the goonies round and the the gundogs master round if you find these videos helpful if you like what i do please considering that like button and subscribe to my channel it's one of the easiest ways you can support channels like mine so we can continue to grow and be able to produce this content if you want to get into all my videos also considering that bell so your notifications any time i release new stuff i also have a link up the top corner if you'd like to check out a full playthrough video to give a get a good idea how this game plays so let's head to the table and i'll teach you how to play there are three custom sets of dice included in the game first let me go over the symbols you'll find on these dice so each set is going to have a single bone on it which will count as one success the blue and green will have a pair of double bones which is going to count as two successes all three sets will have a single skull which is going to give the goondak's master a skull token and all three sets will also have a number of blank sides which are going to count as nothing from there let me break down each one of the dice and give you the symbols on there so with the d6 red dice they are going to have three sides with a single bone one side with a skull and two sides of the blank with the blue d8s they are going to have three sides with a single bone two sides with a double bone one side with a skull and two sides with a blank finally with the green d12s they are going to have six sides with a single bone three sides with a double bone one side with a skull and two sides with a blank there are a number of different sets of cards included in the game as well the first that i have are the item cards and these will be able to be gained by the goonie players at certain points throughout the game each one of these items is going to be a single use item that will list the name of that item on it and then the ability of that item when it's used these are going to range with all kinds of different effects including healing gaining wish tokens and even being able to destroy rubble and a number of other things throughout the game goonie players will also have access to treasure cards and these will give the players powerful new abilities each of these cards is going to list the name of the card and then the effect of it with some of the cards giving players certain passive abilities where other cards will list that they have to spend an action order to carry out that ability the goonie players also have access to the teenagers bran steph and andy each one of these is a single used card that when used will be flipped over and will give that player an additional green d12 die up to the maximum of three dice that they can roll from there they'll flip it over once it is used and there will be certain points throughout the game that players will be able to flip these cards back over and i'll explain that more later in the video legendary treasure cards will be used in certain scenarios each one of these cards will list the name of that card in which of the adventures that card is used in as well as any other information on it each goonies player is going to control one or more goonies throughout the game and each goonie is going to have its own tile that'll list the name of that goonie on the top along with that goonies hit points and maximum number of wish tokens that goonie can have at the end of the round then each goonie is going to have three different stats for strength dexterity and search each one of these stats will list a paradise that gooney will roll when doing that check and each goonie is going to have one or more special abilities they will be able to use throughout the game some goonies such as data and mouth will also have their own special deck of cards that they're going to use throughout the game as well and the way that they are used is going to be outlined on those goonies tiles moving over to the gundogs master they have two different types of enemies that they'll be able to deploy throughout the game to try to stop the goonies the first are foes and each one of the foes will have their own card that'll list the name of that foe on the top along with the number of hit points it has some foes will have a special ability that they will trigger at certain points and then each one will list the attack and the type of dice that it will roll when it performs that attack action the gundog's master also has access to three bosses that are included in the game the fratellis one-eyed willy and the octopus each one of these will have their own tile that'll list the name of that boss and it the number of hitpoints it has and the dice that's going to roll when making an attack along with any special abilities it has and some of the boss enemies will even have their own small deck of cards that will go with them the gundogs master also has access to their own gm deck this is going to contain 24 basic cards each one of these cards will list the name of that card and then most of the cards are going to give the gm player an option of when to use that card they can use the card doing their turn to carry out the action listed below it or they can also use the card as reaction doing during the goonies turn and then carry out the action that's listed there there will be a couple of cards included in the deck as well that are going to have the hourglass marker on them and these will have specific actions or be able to be triggered at certain points to take an end-of-nine role and i'll cover those more in detail later during some of the adventures you'll also be able to add adventure gm cards and these will be specific to each adventure and they will list up in the top corner of the die as well as which adventures those cards will be added to and these will work the same way as the other cards in the deck from there let's go ahead and move into setup so first off what you want to do is place out the main game board with the gundogs master side facing the gundog's master player from there you're also going to want to place out all the dice you're going to be using for this game in reach of all players so we're going to place these over here and you'll also want to place out all the different tokens you're going to be using for this game go ahead and place the hourglass tile out and also place the sand tokens on there then place out the three teenager cards in reach of the goonies players so i'll place those up top here and then you also go ahead and shuffle up and place out the items deck and treasure deck i'm going to place those next to those cards up there from there then i'm going to move into player setups so first off i'm going to go ahead and start with the goonies players if you're only having one player play goonies then that player will select two goonies to play if you're playing with more than one goonies player then each player can choose to have one goonie or they can control multiple if they choose to as well so for my game i'm gonna go ahead and set up for three players and i've selected to have chunk data and mikey play so each one of the goonies will place out their tile if the goonie has any extra cards or anything go ahead and place those out as well so data has a token as well as his nine or his six cards and you'll start with those face up so i'm going to place those out each one of the goonies players will also receive wish tokens up to their wish limits or their max on their cards and their miniatures so chunk will start with three wish tokens data will have three as well and mikey will have four each player will also get their own reference guide for the turn all right at this point then we're gonna move over to the goon docs master and cover their setup so for those of you that are playing the goonies players and you don't want anything spoiled please go ahead and step out of the room or skip ahead in this video at this point as i am going to be covering some spoilers for this very first adventure and showing the gundogs master how to set it up and all of the details of their adventure book all right you've been warned so let's get into it first it's going to start with the adventure guide so each adventure in the book is going to have two pages a left page and a right page on the left page it's going to list the number of that adventure along with the title then you're going to have the adventures map that's going to outline all the different rooms and their setup instructions throughout the game as the goonie players explore them now you will not set up all of this at the beginning of the game and i'll go through more of how that works in a minute from there then you have the introduction this is the text you're going to read to the goonies players to set the mood for this adventure underneath that is going to be additional setup instructions for this adventure it's going to include the adventure gm cards and this particular one does not use any and i'll explain how that works during that part of the setup from there then it's going to list any special components you need for this adventure so you would need to grab the copper bones legendary treasure card as well as the moss garden wishing well with these two items you can either keep them behind your screen or simply leave them in the game box until you need them it also is going to list the foes you're going to need for this adventure so you'll need the giant rats and the bat swarms and again you can keep all of these behind your screen or you can keep them in the box whichever is more convenient for you underneath that is going to be the wandering foe for this adventure which is going to be the bat swarms and this is very important as some of the gm cards are going to allow you to spawn a wandering foe and for this adventure that will be the bat swarms going back to the map tile you're going to notice that some of the rooms are numbered and this does not mean that the goonie players have to explore the room in any particular order it just means when they move into a room with a number on it the first time they explore that room and that room is revealed it is going to reference with an explanation point that there is text on the right hand page now on this page you're going to at the top of the page you're going to have the starting goals for the goonies as well as for the gm so you're going to read those to all the players so everybody is familiar with the starting goals now as the adventure goes on there will be new objectives that are going to be revealed later on and the text is going to outline when the gm is going to read those going back to the room numbers some of the rooms are going to list a number with an exclamation point which is referenced on this page so as you can see when a player explores the room 2 for the first time there's going to be some text that you're going to read for that there's also a secret in there which you will not reveal to the players until the player triggers that for this room if a goonies player rolls three or four or more successes when searching the pirate stash token then they are going to reveal the secret passage in this room and you would read that text if they don't then you simply will not reveal this text at all and they've simply missed the opportunity to find that secret now that you understand how the adventure guide works let's go ahead and move into the rest of the goon duck master setup so from here we're going to go ahead and create the gundog master deck of cards the gm cards so this deck is going to consist of 24 basic cards they're going to be used in every single game and then certain adventures again are going to list any adventure gm cards that are going to be added to this deck and again these cards will have a specific icon as you can see here in the top left hand corner of each card so for the first adventure you're simply going to use the deck of 24 cards go ahead and shuffle this deck up and place it off to the side where you can draw from it from there then you're going to draw one of these cards per goonie player that's out there per goonie that's being played so in this adventure i'll go ahead and start off my game with three cards in my hands and also gain three gm tokens of the skull tokens now this is common knowledge for all the players so the goonie players will always get to know how many of the skull tokens you have and how many gm cards you have in your hand at all times from there then you can place out your screen and this is a great handy reference for the gm player as this has all of the rules references of the foes that are going to be used the goonies round sequence as well as your round sequence and then a token reference for all the rules for the token so this is a great guide for this you'll go ahead and place this in front of you and you can keep the foes and all the special items behind this that you need again you will have to show the goonie players how many gm tokens you have and cards you have in your hand at all times from there then you're going to go ahead and set up the board itself so with the start of an adventure you're only going to set up the very first room that lists the start token on it and you'll place passages that lead out of that room but you will not set up any other rooms so first off we're going to place that start token on that passage and then that room also is going to need a pirate's treasure token then it does have one passage leading out to it which is a regular passage so we're going to go ahead and place that one out and then the next room that that passage leads into will also place an unexplored token if there are multiple passages that leads in multiple rooms each room is going to have an unexplored token so again do we only have the one passage that leads to room the room two so that is the only room that will get the unexplored token and we will not set up anything else for this particular adventure yet until the goonie players start exploring you also want to keep this out of the goonie players site so keep that behind your screen so that the goonie players cannot see that from there the goonies players can place their figures in the starting location and the final thing the gm player is going to do is read the introduction for this particular adventure if you're playing adventure one also read the it all starts here text on page three and then also go over the starting goals for the goonies players as well as let them know what your goal is for this particular adventure as well from there we're ready to move into the game goodies is played over an undefined number of rounds the rounds are going to alternate starting with the goonie players taking their round first and all the players getting to go once the goonies round is done then it'll move over to the gm to take their round this is going to continue alternating back and forth until one of the objectives is met for the goonie players this objective might not be revealed at the beginning of adventure and that's okay as the goonie players explore the map the gm is going to reveal new objectives throughout the adventure for the gm their objective is always the same they're trying to delay the goonie players long enough that they can move all four of these sand markers to the bottom of the sands track or sound hourglass and if they begin a turn and all four of the markers are at the bottom of the hourglass then the gm has won and defeated the goonie players before getting into the goonies round there's a couple of important concepts that i want to cover first is dice checks and there this is going to apply to both the goonie players and the goon doc's master as there's going to be a number of situations throughout the game where the players are going to make dice checks for the goonie players they have three different stats including strength dexterity and search each one of these stats is going to list the type of dice and number dice they're going to roll for that check so for example with mikey if he makes a dexterity check he's going to roll two blue dice a lot of the different checks are going to list a number next to them as well which is the number of successes that player must roll in order to pass that check each success that or each role that shows a bone is going to count as one success and the crossbones are going to count as two successes if a player or gundog master roll the skull symbol then the goondak master is going to gain a gm token for each one of those symbols that comes up and this is going to apply again whether it's a goonie player or the gundog master that rolls him so for example with a dexterity 2 check if a player rolls this result and they have rolled three successes and passed that check now there's going to be a number of different ways that the players are going to be able to modify their dice as well as get help from other players that i'm going to cover next before rolling for dice checks there's a couple of different ways the players can modify their roles the first is upgrading dice in order to do this the player must spend a token to do so for the goonie players they must spend a wish token and for the gm he must spend a gm token each token the player spends allows them to upgrade one die to one higher level red dice will be upgraded to blue dice and blue dice will be upgraded to green green are the highest dice in the game so they cannot be upgraded so going back to our example earlier with mikey if he makes a dexterity check and let's say he has a really hard one where he needs a dexterity 3 he may choose to upgrade his dice he can do that by again spending a wish token and replacing a die with a higher level die you can do this with both of them so i could spend another token to upgrade this blue to a green as well for the goonie players there's a couple of additional ways that they can help each other the first is teamwork so if a goonie is in the same space as another goonie they can ask that goonie for help if that guni agrees that guni will spend one of their wish tokens and then give that player a die of the matching stat that they're testing for so going back to our previous example with mikey he's making a dexterity check he has two blue dice one of which he upgraded to a green he's in the same space as data so he asks data for help data can spend a wish token and then give him one of his die of the matching stat so he would give mikey one blue die from his dexterity now the important there's a couple important things with this first off if a die is shared through teamwork that die cannot be upgraded so mikey could choose cannot choose to spend a wish token to upgrade that blue to a green another important thing is that a player can never roll more than three dice for any check so mikey cannot get teamwork from multiple players and mikey must always roll the dice that are for his check so he must always roll his two dice he cannot choose to get teamwork from multiple players and use their dice for that role so only one player can ever help another player out there is a couple of important exceptions to this first off when removing rubble tokens from a blocked passage or when moving through a dangerous passage a goonie may ask for teamwork from a goonie in either room connected to that passage so for example with mikey if he's removing rubble tokens from this passage here he could ask for help from data since it is in a connected room likewise if data is trying to move through this dangerous passage here he could ask chunk for help in doing that the final way a goonie player can get help is by using a teenager card of the matching stat so with mikey making that dexterity check he could choose to use the andy card and gain a green die for his check once he uses that card he's going to be flipped face down and then he'll add that die to his area again you can never rule more than three dice for a check so if you use a teenager card you cannot also gain help from an another goonie player the teenager cards will only ever be flipped face up again when one of the hourglass markers is moved down on the hourglass and then at that point you would choose one of the teenager cards to flip back face up if you've used any at that point now we're ready to move into the game so we're going to start with the goonie round so each goonie round consists of five steps that are going to be done in order the first step is that each kuni is going to receive a wish token this will not happen during the very first guni round of the game then each goonie is also going to flip over their board to its face upside next each one of the goonies is going to activate taking their turn they can do this in any order they choose and when a goonie activates they can perform two actions during their turn from a list of actions they can also use any items or treasure cards they have and activate any special abilities on their card and i'm going to go through each one of these in more detail to show you how this works so first let's start by talking about the actions a player can perform during a player's turn that player is allowed to perform two actions from a list of actions and they can take the same action twice if they want to these actions include moving searching attacking rest treasure action and adventure action so let's go ahead and start by looking at a move action a move action allows a goonie to move from their room to an adjacent room and rooms are considered adjacent if they are connected by a passage that does not contain rubble so this room is adjacent to this room currently as there are no rubble tokens on that passage but if there was then these rooms would not be considered adjacent if a goonie moves into a room that has a unexplored token then they must pause their turn and the gm will populate that room with new tokens and enemies and other passages and i'll explain this in a minute there's also three different types of passages including the game you'll have regular passages that i already explained then there are dangerous passages which have the dexterity symbol on them in order to use a dangerous passage a player must make a dexterity check of one if they roll one or more successes then they are able to move through there as normal if they fail that check then they are going to stay in the room that they currently are in and they lose that action if they have another action remaining they can try that again and then the final type of passage is a secret passage and these are only going to be revealed if certain conditions are met by the goonie players and the gm will reveal those at that point in time otherwise these passages work exactly the same way as regular passages at this point let's look at an example of this so we'll say it's mikey's turn and as his first action he's going to move into this adjacent room that's connected by this passage he moved into an unexplored room so this token will be removed and his turn is going to be paused at this point then the gm player is going to consult the adventure map and populate that room with any tokens and read any narrative or flavor text that's attached to that room so as you can see as the gm this room does have some flavor text so you will read that and then you're going to place out a pirate treasure token and you can see that there's an enemy in here we have swarms of bats and there is a two on there which means you're going to place out two bat swarm tokens since this is the first foe that is out you'll also place the bat swarm faux reference card out for the players to consult so they always know how that works finally you're going to place connecting passages to other rooms so we do have a passage leading into this room here and you'll place an unexplored token in that now also note that there is a secret passage connected to this room which you will not place at this point this is only going to be placed if certain conditions are met so as you can see here on the right side page it does give you detailed instructions on how to reveal that so if a goonie does a search action and rolls three or more successes at that point then you will reveal the secret passage and read the narrative and flavor text for that from here then mikey can take his second action he can continue moving as enemies are not going to impair his movement so he could choose to move into this space here and explore this room or move back in with his fellow goonies and get ready to handle the bad swarms a goonie can perform a search action if they're in the same room as a token that has a lantern symbol on it such as the bone pile or pirate stash in order to carry this action out the goonie is going to announce to the gm which token they are searching and then they'll do a search check so for example with mikey being in this room with a pirate's dash we're going to go ahead and search that so he'll announce that and then he'll gather up his dice under his search so he's going to get two green dice and then he's also going to ask data for some help so data will discard one of his wish tokens and give mikey a blue die from there we're going to go and roll them and we did very well with six successes now no matter the result on the dice you're always going to gain an item card for each search that you do and then if you roll two or more successes you're also going to gain a treasure card from the supply once you've completed the action the token is going to be removed if it's a pirate's stash if it's a bone pile it'll be flipped over to its other side with the exclamation point a bone pile that has an explanation point to face up cannot be searched by a goonie player a rest action will get a goonie another wish token if a goonie has a treasure card that shows action on the card they must spend a treasure action or to carry out the ability on that card a goonie can take an adventure action to overcome an obstacle such as removing rubble from a passage or if they have a trap token on them in the situation where they're removing rubble they're going to make a strength check and for each success that they roll they're going to remove one of the rubble tokens if a goonie has a trapped token next to them then they are trapped and while trapped a goonie can only take an adventure action which will allow them to make a dexterity one check if they pass they escape and remove the trap token if not then they will leave the trap token next to them and must try again and goonies cannot give teamwork when trapped and then some adventures will also provide special adventure actions for that particular adventure that the gm is going to let you know about if a goonie is in the same room as one or more enemies they can do an attack action against those enemies in order to do this the goonie is going to nominate which enemy he's going to attack and then he'll do a strength check so with mikey he'll attack a bat swarm so he's going to gather his two red dice you can upgrade these dice as normal by spending wish tokens or you can ask other goonies that are in the same room as you for teamwork to help out mikey is going to spend one wish token to upgrade one of his blue reds to a blue and then he's gonna go ahead and roll against that bat swarm so let's see what we get wow he did really well with three hits so for each success you roll you deal one damage to the enemy and each enemy is going to have a number of hit points on it that is both on its token as well as reference if you do enough damage to an enemy you are going to remove that enemy and you'll gain a wish token for defeating that foe if not you'll place a number of hit tokens next that enemy if for example an enemy has a number of hits on it already and you roll say this result where you do more damage to the enemy than is required that is that that damage is simply wasted and is not conferred over to another enemy in the same room unless an ability or other skill says otherwise i also want to go over real quick enemies attacking goonies as this is going to be important for goonie players and i'll cover this in more detail during the gm turn so let's say for example this bat swarm is going to attack mikey each foe is going to list the dice that it's going to gain and the gm can also spend gm tokens to upgrade those dice as normal once a gm has their dice they're gonna go and roll them and we got two results so at this point mikey is going to take two damage and there's two different options that mikey can do he can simply take the damage adding the damage tokens to his board or he can spend a wish token to prevent one point of damage and he can do that any number of times as many wish tokens as he has so mikey could take two damage he could spend two wish tokens to prevent that two damage or he can take one damage and spend a wish token it's however the player wants to do it during a goonies turn they can also use any item cards that they have in their hands each item card is a single use and will be discarded after the goonie uses it and certain item cards such as bubble gum will list that you can remove a damage from any goonie in your room and this is including the goonie that is carrying the item you can use items and some treasure cards that don't require an action even after you've used your two actions or even if a goonie starts their turn with a stun token on them goonies also have special abilities with some of them being passive abilities such as mikey's pirate lore which allows him to gain a wish token anytime he rolls the gm symbol or skull symbol on a die as well as the gm gaining their own token other goonies such as data will have special cards that will require him to spin an action but then he gets to use that card and flip it over as each card is a one use only then the last thing i want to go over is if a goonie ever takes enough damage equal to their health goonies never say die so a goonie is never eliminated from the game so let's say for example that that bad swarm is attacking mikey and gets two more successes mikey is out of wish tokens and so he's going to have to take damage for that so he'll place the damage down and now he has damage equal to or greater than his health at this point mikey is down so the gm is going to get to move a sand marker down on the hourglass and because of that if one of the players had used any of the teenager cards they could choose to flip one of those back to its face upside from there then mikey is not allowed to be hit at this point anymore and at the end of the gm's round mikey will remove all of the hit points on his character and add them back to the supply if mikey had a trapped or stuns token on him he would remove those as well and then during the next goonie round mikey can perform his actions as normal again at this point we've gone through all the different actions that a goonie can play during their turn so let's put it all together and take you through one example turn real quick so let's go ahead and go ahead and activate mikey so first off he's got that pirate stash in there let's go ahead and spend our first action to search that so with mikey he's going to get two green dice for that and i am going to ask for some help from data so he is going to give me a blue die as well so i can roll all three as getting treasure items are very important they're very powerful items so any chance you get you definitely want one of those if you can help it all right and i got three successes so that's good i will get an item i always get an item and i have my wish so this is good that'll give me a couple wish tokens if i need them and i've got the pirates cutlass whenever you take an attack action upgrade a die for free awesome very nice okay this is going to be removed and as my second action i will move through this room through this passage into an unexplored room so again at this point then the gm is going to tell me what happens so with that room that is you enter the remnants of an old mining shaft the large chamber is filled with a green tinged copper and rusting steel pipes then the gm is going to fill the room so we have two of the bat swarms in there as well as a pirate stash all right and that'll be mikey's turn as he has performed both of his actions so then we will flip his card over and it'll start a new goonies turn so then let's go with chunk next so he's going to spend his first action to move in and then his second action he's going to attack now he does have a couple of special abilities he has captain chunk so whenever chunk spends a wish token to upgrade a die he may upgrade two dice instead and then he also has riled up well if chunk is given teamwork when making an attack action he may divide any damage dealt between any foes in his room so those are both really good abilities of his so his second action he's going to attack and he'll attack this bat swarm here he is going to get two blue dice and he will spend a token to upgrade so because of his captain chunk he gets upgrade two dice so he'll upgrade those to green and then he is also going to ask for some teamwork so mikey is going to assist and give him a red die that way then if he does really well then we can split that damage up he got two successes so he's gonna deal two damage to that bad swarm and that is all he can do at this point so then his turn is over so we'll flip his card over and then let's go ahead and say that we go ahead and go with data as well so we're just going to move him in there and he was able to finish off this bat swarm is his second action he would attack so i'm just going to sky through and flip through that real quick and say that we had taken care of that now after all of the goonies have gone there's a couple of things that they're going to all of them as a group are going to handle first off each player that each goonie that shares the same room as another goonie can trade any items or treasure with those goonies these don't have to be fair trades or anything like that i can give cards over to my fellow goonies if i want to but all the goonies that are in the same room or share rooms can share and trade items and treasure cards once all the players are done with that then all players must discard down to two treasure cards each as no player can hold more than two treasure cards at a time once the players are done with that they're also going to discard down to their maximum number of wish tokens as each player has a maximum that is listed on their card as you can see here once the players are all done with that then the goonies turn or goonies round is over and ready to move into the gm round now before doing that there is one mistake that i made when setting up this room real quick during the goonies last turn i forgot to place a passage leading into the next room as well as an unexplored token into that room itself so from there the gundogs masters turn is going to or around consists of four steps that are going to be done in order the very first step in that round is the gundog's master is going to gain a new gm token so he'll add that to his supply then after that then he is going to activate all of the foes on the board he is going to this is a two-step process the first step is that you will move all the foes up to one space now they do not have to move so with my bat swarm in here he's already ready to attack those goonies so he doesn't have to move that swarm but if there was other enemies on the board they can move now when moving enemies it works exactly with the same way as goonies with a couple of exceptions first enemies are not going to be affected by pit tokens or by dangerous passages they don't have to roll for dexterity they simply move right on over those the one exception to that is that foes cannot move through rubble tokens so if a passage is blocked by rebel tokens the foe cannot move through that the one exception to that is a boss foe who can negate or not attack in order to remove all the rebel tokens on a passage once you have moved all of the foes on the board then you are going to move into the second step of the enemy activation where each foe is going to attack so each foe must choose their target again and if there are multiple goonies in the same space you must choose one goonie to attack now if there are multiple foes in the same space each foe must attack a different goonie if there is more than one goonie in the space in this way as the goonie players you want to make sure that you kind of stay bunched up that way then the foes cannot pick you off and all attack in one goonie so in this situation if i had two goonies in here and two foes each foe would have to attack a separate goonie if i had only one goonie in here both foes could attack just the one goonie alright so then attacking is going to again work the same way as the goonies i'll consult my reference card so i'm going to roll the two red dice i again can spend gm tokens to upgrade those dice to higher level dice so i could upgrade these to blues or even upgrade one die all the way up to a green if i wanted to by spending a couple of tokens i think i'm good there so i'm going to go ahead and roll this and i will go after chunk and see what happens with that i rolled a gm symbol so i will get another gm token to add to my stash and i rolled one wound on chunk so chunk is going to have an option then he can either take the damage or he can spend his wish token so chunk is going to go ahead and spend his wish token to discard and avoid that damage that is all the foes that i have and if you don't have any foes on the board then you'll simply skip over the attack step the third step in the gm's turn is to draw one card and add it to their hands after they have done this they can choose to spend gm tokens to draw additional cards into their hand one gm token per card they wish to draw so i think i will i'll spend a gm token and draw an additional card into my hands and again i can continue doing that if i want to as long as i have the tokens to spend now you must draw all the cards you wish to in this step before playing any cards so once you start playing cards you will not be able to spend gm tokens to draw additional cards the final step in the jam's turn is that you get to play a card for free so i can choose a card in my hands and resolve the gm turn part of that card and then after that i can choose to spend additional gm tokens one token per card that i wish to play so i can continue playing additional cards the one important note with that is you can never play the same card or the ace the two cards of the same name so for example in my hand right now i have falling boulders i have abrupt cave cave-in sinkhole daunting figure and another falling boulders so i could not choose to play both of the falling boulders during this turn but i could play one of each of the other cards so as the gm let's go ahead and start with let's go ahead and play the falling boulders this is going to be my free card that i'm going to play during this turn and as the gm part of it it says that i can place a wandering foe in an explored room without a goonie so the only room that's been explored that doesn't have any goonies in it is that room there but if there are no rooms that are unexplored that are explored without goonies then i cannot play this so then i can go ahead and do that and that'll be discarded and at this point then i can choose to spend a gm token to play another card if i want to and i think i'm going to pass at this point and hold on to what i have now again there are reactions to each one of these cards as well that i can play during the goonies turns important note with that is that i do not have to spend a gm token to use the the card for its effect on the reaction part during the goonies turns and each one of the cards will outline when that can be played for example let's look at an example of this so on abrupt cave-in this card says as a reaction after a goonie moves through a passage i can place a rubble token on that passage so when a goonie takes an action to move through a passage then i can play that reaction card and trigger that effect now once i'm done with my turn i choose not to do anything else the last step in my turn is to discard down to five cards so i can never have more than five cards in my hand at any time once i'm done with that then my turn will end and it'll move back over to the next goonie round for the goonies to start now there's a couple of important things i'd like to cover with this first off there are going to be three basic cards in the basic gm deck that are going to be to allow you to do a end is nigh roll these are willy's deceit willie's ruination and willy's male addiction so each one of these cards is going to have two conditions on it as you can see if the player if the gm is able to meet the top condition then he doesn't have to pay any more of the gm tokens to play this card otherwise you can always choose to pay two of the gm tokens to play one of these cards inch is going to have different content conditions such as with melee willy's deceits each goonie has two or more damage then i can do an end of my role once i play one of these cards in order to do an end tonight as my role i'm going to gather all three of the red dice from there just as normal i can choose to spend gm tokens to upgrade those dice so for example let's go ahead and spend one gm token and i'll upgrade one of these reds to a blue then i can again do that again as much as i want to once i'm satisfied with the dice that i have i'll go ahead and give those a roll and if i roll two or more successes then i have passed that end of my roll and i'll get to move a sand marker down on the hourglass so i'll go ahead and do that and then again one of the teenage cards can be refreshed if one of them has been used at this point and then this is going to be discarded to the discard pile now if for example let's say that i had failed that test then this is going to this card will be shuffled back into the gm deck and i can redraw this at a later point and again at this point in order for the gm to win all four of the hourglass markers must be on the bottom side of the hourglass at the beginning of a gm's turn so even if i would have placed the last sand marker down here during my turn it would move back over to the goonies to start their new round and they'll have that last final round to try to win the game but if at that point it moves over to my round again and i start my round with all four sand markers down i have won the game and defeated the goonies there's a couple of additional tokens that i want to go over as well the first are pit tokens when a pit token is placed into a room that has a goonie or a goonie moves into a room with a bit token they must make a dexterity one check or be trapped so with mikey being in that room he would have to make a dexterity check if he passes everything is fine if he fails then he becomes trapped and a trap token is placed next to him foes are not affected by pet pit tokens a goonie is in a room with a flooded token they must spend two wish tokens instead of one when upgrading a die or giving teamwork goonies in other rooms are unaffected even if they are giving teamwork to a goonie in a flooded room in situations with a dangerous passage or removing rebel tokens foes are not affected by flooded tokens with stuns tokens a goonie that is stunned cannot use cards special abilities or give teamwork if a if a goonie becomes stunned during their turn their turn immediately ends and if a goonie or a foe starts their turn or activation with a stunned token then they're going to have to skip both of their actions and then they can discard that stun token with goonies after a stun token is removed a goonie may still use item cards treasure cards and special abilities in the same turn as long as they don't require an action to use well i hope you found this video helpful if you have any questions or comments please post those in the comment section below if you'd like to see the game in action i also have a link up in the top corner to a playthrough that me and my teammate did playing through the very first scenario so if you'd like to see how the game plays in action check that out as well as always thank you so much for taking the time to watch my videos and leave me feedback on them i do really appreciate it and take into account everything you say to make the best possible videos until next time i'll see you later you
Channel: Learn to Play Games
Views: 27,759
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: board, game, tutorial, boardgame, Learn to Play, Learn to Play Games, cards, cooperative, dice, the goonies never say die, Funko Games, Movie, 80's movie, The Goonies, fantasy, treasure, mvm, Dice Tower, Quackalope, monsters, booby traps, inventions, Prospero Hall, Adventure, Exploration, Miniatures, Area Movement, Dice Rolling, Events, Multiple Maps, Scenario / Mission / Campaign Game, Team-Based Game, Variable Player Powers, Movies: The Goonies, Players: One versus Many
Id: vMYlTgJQMuk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 15sec (2595 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 05 2021
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