Tabernacles and the Return of Christ - Pastor John Koe

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[Music] good afternoon to all all the patrons all our brothers and sisters in the house of god and good afternoon to you to all you who may be guests and visitors coming online to join into this service we welcome you i want to tell you jesus loves you and he has a beautiful plan for your life and today i want to uh touch on a topic that is actually really interesting and really important and i want to before i start i want to ask you to pray with me all right um so would you uh close your eyes join me now in in a moment of prayer to commit this time to the lord let's pray heavenly father we want to acknowledge you in your presence in our midst thank you for loving us and because you you first initiated this love towards us you've empowered us to be able to love others and today we ask that you cause your love to flow through us with the people around us bless this time that we're gonna have together bless the sharing of your word and let your word calm like like dew on hermon on mount hermon like like that rain upon a parched ground let your word come forth to nourish our hearts and and comfort our soul and bring empowerment and equipping that we might be use of you lord to display your glory in this season of darkness and and challenges thank you father thank you father for loving your children and for ministering to your children right now through the ministry of the word as well as the ministry of your holy spirit we thank you right now in jesus name amen amen amen well it's the time of the year again that is uh of the that is the feast of tabernacles that's gonna take place uh next weekend actually so what happened is that uh tomorrow which is uh 27 from sundown uh israel while the jewish people they will celebrate actually they will observe the atonement day of atonement tomorrow from sun down to sundown and then and then by friday at sundown they will begin to observe the greatest feast of the whole year which is the feast of tabernacles and so and so today i'm going to touch about an aspect of tabernacle that is i feel it's a fresh word that the lord has given me for you all right and and uh i want to talk about the implication of tabernacles tabernacle the feast of tabernacle is just about one of the seven feasts that god has instructed ancient israel to observe annually and actually to do so forever and this is recorded in leviticus chapter 23. so without further ado i'm going to bring you there right now um how do it's already on here but it's not showing up there yeah okay if you give me a moment we're gonna set up the slides right now all right there we go um okay i'm going to title this message tabernacles and the return of christ and helping us see the relevance of these feasts especially at a time such as this that we're experiencing right now all right so without further ado i want to bring you to the first scripture of this session and this is found in leviticus 23. verse 2 speak to the people of israel tell them here are my appointed feast days they are the appointed feast days of the lord tell the people that they must come together for this sacred feast so god has instructed the israelites to observe certain feast days and god say they are sacred they are holy in his sight they are his divine appointment with his people all right then in verse 41 of the same chapter you go the scripture goes on to tell us that this regulation is to be kept god speaking to the israelites this regulation is to be kept by your descendants for all time to come so we know that the feast days are sacred unto god and it should be then sacred unto us and we are to observe it forever forever without end all right so let's look at this the seven phase days i've covered this in time past before but today we're going to look at it from a fresh angle to gain fresh understanding and revelation of the meaning of these days and what is the relevance in our life today all right the 70 fees days that god has instructed the israelites to observe can be separated into the spring feast which will of course take place at the time of spring and then half a year later at the time of autumn or the fall these are the fall fees all right so the spring feast and the fall feast the spring feast consists of passover unleavened bread first fruits and then pentecost the fall feasts include trumpets day of atonement and tabernacles so the question right now is now wait a minute if this is the instruction of god for the israelites why should we christians be even interested in it at all well the answer is these seven feasts are actually prophetic symbols that point to the redemptive work of our lord jesus christ and that's why it's highly relevant for us god's plan actually for the salvation of humanity through jesus christ is reviewed by these seven feasts and that's what makes it so powerful and so interesting so i'm going to give you give us here an overview of what of how these seven fees prophetically point to the to the salvation work of the messiah whom we now know is jesus christ right and so the fourth spring feast we begin with the fourth spring feast it begins with the first one called the passover the passover do you know how lord jesus he was sacrificed he was crucified at the feast of passover as the true passover lamb the righteous dying for the unrighteous he who knew no sin die for the sinners of the whole world that we who believe in him might become righteous might become the saints of god the children of the most high jesus was crucified at passover to be the ultimate passover lamb that's why passover actually points to the sacrifice of our lord jesus and then we know in quick succession within the few days 2000 years ago was in fact was the very next day it was the unleavened bread while the jews were observing unleavened bread jesus was being wrapped up to be buried as the unleavened bread actually that means the man without sin the man without sin he was the unleavened bread because leaven represents sin he so he was buried at unleavened bread and then three days later we know at uh on the sunday two thousand years ago while the jews celebrated first fruits guess what happened to our lord he became the first fruits from the dead he resurrected on the resurrection sunday and he became the first fruits of a new human race that is redeemed by god hallelujah 50 days later on pentecost what jesus promised came to pass he promised the holy spirit to his disciples to empower them to be his his anointed witnesses from jerusalem to judea to samaria to the remotest part of the world it happened as jesus promised and it happened on the on the day of pentecost at the feast of pentecost and so and so jesus fulfilled already actually all the spring feasts he actually fulfilled to the dot all that the spring feasts have pointed to prophetically about the work of the coming messiah then 2 000 years have come in between we know what is going to be fulfilled in the days ahead which will which will be the events as as prophetically pointed to by the fall feast represented by the fall feast all right so what will happen one day while the jews are celebrating the feast of trumpets you know what the church will be taken away will be lifted up will be raptured unto the lord he will catch his bride away the bridegroom will catch his bride away that's what's going to happen on on that uh day when the jews will be celebrating trumpets and then on atonement day or day of atonement like for this year it will happen tomorrow that points to our lord jesus coming as the king to judge the nations to judge them for their sin for all who have rejected his free gift of life and salvation that is what the day of atonement points to and then ultimately we come to tabernacles which is the focus of today's message tabernacles points to when our lord jesus will come to dwell with us to dwell with mankind and to reign on the earth because tabernacles point to god's presence being with us and jesus i am so sure will come on a day that is actually uh celebrated by the jews to be the feast of tabernacles actually also celebrated by us who know the true meaning of all these feast days and because jesus fulfillment of all the spring feasts is so exact we know that he will also fulfill the remaining fall feast that is right up ahead the right up ahead all right and so that's why it is so relevant for us to understand about the feast and to truly grasp the depth of what the feasts represent the key is jesus the key is jesus the key to understanding the prophetic symbolism hidden and embedded in the feast is found in the person of jesus christ because in him are all the feasts personified as well as fulfilled so today my brothers and sisters i want to explain from a fresh angle how do all these feasts of israel are really relevant to us as new testament believers in christ and how we can derive great benefits from understanding how our lord jesus fulfill all those feasts the spring feast especially all right yeah he has fulfilled and how he will come soon to fulfill all the fall feasts and by knowing this revelation and when we apply them into our lives we are going to be so blessed you are going to be so blessed so now are you ready are you ready to receive the revelation all right i want to begin with showing us three ways that jesus fulfilled the feast and what it means for us all right i've actually put this into the chart for us three ways of how he fulfilled the feast now in the old testament first of all we begin with the old testament as observed by the jews in the old testament the observance of the feast was god's corporate instruction for the israelites as a nation but with the fulfillment of the feast by jesus something has changed for us in the new testament now in the new testament the feasts actually carry god's personal revelation and application for us who are believers in christ so listen good now because what you're gonna hear actually has personal application in your life that can they can and will bring you great blessings so so that's so jesus by fulfilling the feasts have made them personal and applicable for us to bless us now the second point the second way jesus fulfilled the feast and changed it the feast in the old testament the feast was symbolic in nature but in the new testament the feasts are actual being fulfilled in jesus amen thirdly the feast in the old testament was celebrated literally literally now in the new testament the feasts are experienced spiritually in jesus because i want to draw you into the spiritual encounter with god through understanding the feast and you will be so blessed you'll be so blessed all right in summary what this chart tells us all right what this cha tell us in summary is that the revelations of the feasts have application in our lives today because of what jesus has done to fulfill them and having shown us that he is a substance of the shadow of the way the feast was celebrated in the old testament and because jesus is the the true fulfillment the feast today today the application it has application for us that is personal bringing about blessings that are actual and experiential i want to repeat that again the revelations of the feasts have applications in our lives today that is personal and it brings about blessings to us that are actual and experiential which is what i want to bring you to by the grace of god in today's sharing because of jesus fulfillment of the feast what was once symbolic and his shadow have now become real and substantial what what were god's promises in the old testament has now become tangible realizable blessings in christ for us in christ for us in other words for us in christ we can access all the real blessing that the feasts represent so through this message today and by god's grace i want to help us all experience the divine blessings of god through understanding the feasts in the light of the redemptive work of christ and then we're going to zoom in on this implication especially for us in the last days before the return of our king as it is right now people as it is right now we are already experiencing deeper depths of the feast more than any prior generations more than all the certainly more than all the jews who have yet to realize that jesus is the messiah who have fulfilled all the feasts but we are also experiencing more benefits and have deeper depths of this feast experiencing deeper depths of this feast also than than believers in christ prior to us you know why because with the passage of time and the progressive fulfillment of more and more biblical prophecies we have been gaining increasing insights and revelations of what jesus has done and through that we can know what jesus will do so what's the implication here why am i sharing this what i'm sharing is this that would mean that this feast all these jewish feast actually will take on a much more urgent and experiential meaning for us as we draw closer and closer to the return of our lord jesus and that's why we must look deeper and deeper into the feast in these last days and it will unfold for us more and more light and revelation from god that will equip us and empower us to live triumphant lives for him in these last days and in this turbulent times now what i've just shared just now is a brief overview of the seven fees of israel i'm going to take us now to zoom in on the feast of tabernacles which is our focus today the focus of this message the feast of tabernacles first of all let's look at the scriptural reference in leviticus chapter 23 verse 34. speak to the children of israel saying the 15th day of this seventh month shall be the feast of tabernacles for seven days to the lord seven days is a very special feast or do you know of all the seven feasts the greatest feast for the jews the celebration is the feast of tabernacles and it should be also for us believers who understand the true meaning of the feast knowing that they all point to our lord jesus so the time so tabernacles is celebrated for seven days and with great rivalry and we great joy and we want to know why today and what is this implication in our life as we can see right now you can see on the chart that the feast of tabernacles is the final one of the seven fees that god has instructed his people to observe all right because passover passover takes place about in our calendar you know the jews they do uh uh they do have their own calendar in our calendar usually passover takes place somewhere in april in quick succession passover unleavened bread first fruits within the few days within that week actually all these have have transpired and then there's a break of like 50 days after first fruits that would be pentecost that's why it usually happens in pentecost usually happens in may on our calendar and then there comes a big break of almost six months the further stretch you can have for annual celebration then we come to the fall feast which in quick succession again trumpets day of atonement and tabernacles so we know by now that jesus has already fulfilled all the spring feasts and and there is a symbolic reason to why the spring feasts and the fall feasts are as as far apart as they can be within a year you know why because these six months represent the intervention of the church so to say actually to that's when church came in do you know that do you know the church of jesus christ was birth on the day of pentecost 2000 years ago and god's attention turned to the gentile world for this gospel to permeate the gentile world and bringing salvation to many many to multitudes across the nations that's the birth of the church and it's been 2 000 years right now that the feast has not found greater food has not found further uh uh fulfillment yet you understand what i mean this stretch of six months on the on the calendar represents the actually the 2000 years of the birth of the church the dispensation of the church of jesus christ when gentiles can also come to know the god of israel and be reconciled with him and be saved and be blessed in him so we know after 2000 years we're gonna see again a quick success of the realization of the fall feast which points to the coming the return of our lord jesus and this is this is very interesting all right and today i'm going to talk about the return of our lord in the light of the feast of tabernacles the feast of tabernacles thus represents the eventual return of jesus the messiah to establish its millennial rule on earth the bible tells us about that the bible prophetic prophetically uh reveals to us how do we know that the tabern how can we be so sure that the tabernacles represent the return of christ well to begin with the word tabernacle came from the time of israel's sojourn in the wilderness between the exodus from egypt and their eventual arrival in canaan in those years at the sojourn in the wilderness god instructed the israelites through moses to build the tabernacle actually the background to my slice uh is a picture of the of the most the tabernacle that moses built and the tabernacle what does it what was it for it was a very huge tent as you can tell in the picture a very huge tent which housed the ark of the covenant in the innermost chamber and the bible tells us that god's presence his glory cloud would descend very regularly upon the tabernacle where god would interact with moses who represents the people before god so the tabernacle thus represents god's presence dwelling with his people and guiding them toward canaan eventually to lay hold of their inheritance of their fullness of inheritance so the tabernacle represents it represents god's presence among his people and their presence continue to to lead the people of israel the israelites through their years of journey their presence brought them provision gave them protection it affected preservation of their life the presence of god was everything they needed and much more it sustained them it navigated them and the presence finally brought them into the fullness of what god promised them which was represented by canaan the land of promise now we fast forward history for about a thousand six hundred years to the time of jesus when jesus the messiah came and the word became flesh jesus was born to joseph and mary right and the scripture interestingly uses the same word tabernacle to describe jesus incarnation divinity taking on humanity god who's a spirit who he took on flesh and that's why it's called incarnation all right let's look at the scripture this is in john the gospel of john chapter 1 verse 14. the word became flesh and made his dwelling among us the word dwelling in greek is the exact same word tabernacle and that's why you know in a young's literal translation this scripture is translated as and the word became flesh and deep tabernacle among us so you see tabernacle is consistently used to describe god being with us god taken on materiality you can say that all right to to live with us in fact because of what what this verse implies it tells us that jesus has taken up residence in the believers those who have received him as lord and savior through faith and through the incarnation of jesus god not only could dwell with his people god can also dwell in his people because of what jesus has done he really brought the presence of god to us not only to be with us but to be in us and that's why jesus the name jesus yeshua in in yeshua in hebrew is is also is also jesus is also given the name of emmanuel emmanuel means god with us it directly uh described god's presence among his people because jesus came to tabernacle among us so we can see by now con we can we can see by now clearly in the bible the word tabernacle is synonymous with god's coming and his presence dwelling with humanity that's why we can conclude that prophetically as depicted on the chart just now of the fall feast we know that the feast of tabernacles must be pointing to the actual return of our lord jesus to dwell with mankind forever because bible does talk about jesus coming back again to rule the nations in fact the bible is so specific to say he will rule the nation from jerusalem so let us look at the seven feasts again which reveals actually the timeline and sequence of god's salvation of mankind and you can see the tabernacles being the the last feast is the full and final act of redemption it describes god's full and final act of redemption that is represented by the feast of tabernacle it points to the return of jesus christ our lord when the fullness of god's presence shall be restored among mankind in the person of jesus reigning and ruling the nations from jerusalem let's look at the scriptural reference for that jeremiah chapter 3 verse 17 at that time jerusalem shall be called the throne of the lord and all the nations shall be gathered to it to the name of the lord to jerusalem yerushalayim in hebrew the city of peace and that's why god wants us to pray for the peace of jerusalem that means we pray for jerusalem to fulfill its destiny and this is something that will happen and god wants you and i to to co-labor with him to partner with him to see this come to pass we know there is something that will happen just like jesus in the way he exactly fulfill all the spring feasts we know he will exactly fulfill all the fall feasts and you and i we have the privilege privilege to partner with god to bring this to pass let's look at this other scripture together zechariah 14 verse 16 and it shall come to pass that everyone who is left of all the nations which came against jerusalem shall go up from year to year to worship the king this will be during the millennial reign of christ year to year to worship the king the lord of hosts and to keep the feasts of tabernacles the scriptures even specifically say that the nations of the world shall celebrate the feast of tabernacles how by actually coming to jerusalem physically and to and to worship the messiah there in jerusalem and that's why the feast of tabernacles is so special and today from the feast of tabernacle we can see greater light of how jesus would come and how jesus will fulfill this final feast and that is an imminent event we are certainly living in the days closer to the return of our lord jesus than ever before the question now is is there anything we can or should do to align our lives to his imminent return does god's word contain any instruction pertaining to that how we can align ourselves with him in order to be ready for his return the answer is yes and which is something that is very fresh for me that i want to share with us i just saw this actually uh in the scripture just yesterday i was just looking at the feast of tabernacle and i realized something that is so beautiful that is relevant to what is happening right now even exactly right now with covet 19 ravaging through the world right now i want to share with us this principle cleansing precedes his indwelling whenever the scripture talks about the coming of the lord to dwell in us or with us it is often accompanied by by instructions regarding judgment and cleansing now it's relevant for us to know this especially in this season all right let's look at second corinthians second corinthians chapter 6 verse 16 and what agreement does the temple of god have with idols for we are the temple of the living god as god said i will dwell and walk among them and i will be their god and they will be my people therefore you notice i i i i intentionally uh bowl the word dwell it's in the context of god wanting to dwell with us but with that will come his instruction therefore verse 17 come out from among them and be separate says the lord do not touch any unclean thing and i will welcome you i will be a father to you and you will be sons and daughters to me says the lord almighty so in the context of him wanting to dwell in us he says hmm come out from among the world be separate from that which is unclean and don't touch that which is unclean god says because i want to dwell in you would you take that to heart today because there's something very beautiful god actually is doing in the midst of what is seeming times of challenge and pandemic and all that god is some is doing something glorious in preparing his people for his imminent return to dwell with us permanently now right after this was right to the next scripture because this is the end of chapter six now the first verse of chapters seven in second corinthians says this oops i'm so sorry i missed out one scripture let me read chapter 7 verse 1 for us all so then dear friends since we have these promises let us cleanse ourselves from every impurity of the flesh and spirit bringing holiness to completion in the fear of god so so right after god talks about wanting to dwell in us asking us to separate from the world and not to touch that which is unclean god say cleanse yourself from every impurity be sanctified because god wants to indulge this is consistent in the scripture so when christ and for example when christ entered the father's house remember the temple what did he do he drove out the money changers because it is it is unclean in the temple courtyard in the father's house they were doing business there doing by cell and jesus drove the mouth when christ enters our hearts he casts out also what is displeasing to god what is hindering us from walking as we should in the beauty of his holiness amen amen now this has great relevance in the days ahead right now and much more in the days ahead so stay with me the coming and indwelling of the lord is always preceded always preceded by cleansing and sanctification of the holy spirit whether on a personal level or or on a corporate level i'll begin with a personal level to help us find application to this truth on the personal level the holy spirit cleanses us for his indwelling at the point of our being born again do you remember at the point of being born again the scripture says we experience the the cleansing and the washing and of of renewal by the holy spirit he cleanses us so clean that we have become the temple of the lord in which the the the spirit of god can indulge permanently that's on a personal level and then the holy spirit beyond that initial act of of a regeneration of cleansing and regeneration he continues in our lifetime to sanctify us to to for greater and greater infilling of of himself and and to fill us with the glory of god amen with his cleansing he fills us with greater measure greater and greater greater measure of god's glory that is god's intention that's on a personal level though this cleansing before his indwelling takes place not only on a personal level it also takes place on a corporate level such as the church such as our nation and even even the world at large this principle is consistent whether personal or corporate this is what provides the context of the worldwide shaking that is happening already why you might ask because jesus is coming back soon to tabernacle among men and to rule from jerusalem remember we just saw the scripture so just as there must be cleansing before before the indwelling for the world there must be the shaking before he's reigning among us amen so with that i'm gonna bring you to the parallel thought right now let me repeat just as there is cleansing that precedes his indwelling now we're gonna see that they will be shaking before his coming his return to to take his bride there will be the worldwide shaking we know that this covered 19 pandemic right now that is happening is a major sign of the great end times shaking spoken of in hebrews chapter 12 which i've been reading from many times in in my uh past few messages so we will not read the scripture all over again about god saying there will be a shaking before his son returns he will shake the world he said he will shake everything that can be shaken everything that is not of him everything that is incongruent with his character everything that does not align with his kingdom and his righteousness will be shaken will be exposed will be taken down and so we know we know that a key purpose of the shaking is the cleansing of the nations in preparation for the soon coming of the king of glory hallelujah and this shaking also served for the world not only it's not only for the world this shaking also serves to purify the bride who is the bride the church is the bride why why so that so that we are made acceptable by the bright groom who is coming back for us jesus the bridegroom amen do you see the context right now this is this is the climax of what i want to bring us to realize today which is what i felt he he gave me yesterday as i was meditating about the tabernacles i realized it has such immediate relevance and application for us right now right now even as we see the shaking that is taking place around the world we know that this covenant pandemic is just about the but the initial wave jesus said it will be like birth pangs so we know there are greater plagues up ahead yes i know i know you might say oh pastor john is supposed to tell us the good news this is the good news the good news is that if you know it is god at work you will not be harmed and if you are already experiencing the shaking to yourself i want you to know god is the process of cleansing you he's in the process of preparing you to be made usable by him in this grandest move of his spirit in the last days so there is a shaking that is that is inevitable that the bible tells us must happen and this shaking not only affects the world it will affect the church not to harm us though to purify us and to cleanse us and to make us unshakeable in all the shakings that will come in all the increasing shaking that will come upon the world the people of god will be unshakable eve if we allow him to cleanse us if we if we allow ourselves to be cleansed by him and and to be intentional in wanting to align with his kingdom and his righteousness you hear that remember i say that god will shake everything that is not aligned with his kingdom nor his righteousness there's a lot of injustice a lot of things that are unrighteous that have been taking place in increasing measure in the world and those things grieve god things that are against his nature against his character against his holiness and you know what god is about to do some real cleansing of the nations and that's why to us his people god tells us seek ye first the kingdom and his righteousness you understand why he tells us specifically to seek his kingdom and his righteousness because if you will align with me you will be unshakable if you are already built in the on the foundation of the kingdom you are already living the life of righteousness that god has given us in christ we will not be shaken we will not be harmed by all the increasing shaking that's going to come upon the world and not only that god said through all the shaking that's found in hebrews 12 god said he will hand the kingdom to his children there's going to be such a transfer of wealth do you know that such a transfer of of resources for his people to steward and to steward for his glory for the salvation of the world and that is what god is wanting to do in these days up ahead and that's why this this message is very relevant for us i i because the shaking of the world is is inevitable and also because the word of god says judgment begins in the house of god we know that that we will not be spared from that shaking all right not not god is not going to shake us to harm us i repeat that again but to cleanse us and to prepare us to to empower us to be able to prosper in the days ahead to prosper in his purposes to prosper in his calling and destiny that is upon our life all right and so i'm gonna uh read this scripture to us that is in the context of god wanting to use a church wanting to use the shaking to bring about the church awakening repentance and realignment with him and his kingdom second chronicles chapter 7 verse 14 if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then will i hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land the repentance of the church precedes the end time revival you see it's all congruent right now it's all parallel right now let me repeat what is the parallel what are the parallels cleansing precedes his indwelling at a personal level for the world there must be shaking that precedes he's reigning over the nation but where the church is concerned there must be repentance before the revival because revival is the manifestation of his presence in the house of god his presence in us so i i believe strongly that right now that for this year's feast of tabernacle that god's message to his people is get ready for the return of his son and that means get ready to be able to hold his presence and there are things that he want us to be mindful about with regards to hosting his presence i repeat again the repentance of the church must precede the end time revival of the church because repentance then revival is the outworking of the principle of cleansing before the indwelling you see now the parallel and so and so what is happening right now in the light of the tabernacle is that god is bringing about the preparation for the harvest he's preparing us to be the harvesters i want us to be aware of that so that we can cooperate with him we can align with with the holy spirit in in allowing him to do a deeper work of sanctification in us that he might prepare us to be anointed of him for his work ahead amen he has very specific kingdom assignment for each and every one of us we have not been put for to this generation and for such a time as this without a specific and important calling from him and assignment from heaven so another aspect of the feast of tabernacle that i want to close this message with is this for the jews the feast of tabernacle which will be celebrating for example next weekend is also a time of celebrating the in gathering of the final harvest for the year they have different harvests but the final harvest will be in august of the different crops that come in august about end august will be about the time of the the last harvest of everything they grow and farm for the la for the for the year and that's why after that coming into this into september that's when they celebrate the feast of tabernacles when they would not only celebrate god's presence with them they would they this you know they caused to caught all right the the tabernacle the tent you know they remember that all those years sojourning through the wilderness they lived in tabernacle and so does god who live in the big tabernacle the tabernacle of moses among them so during the time of tabernacles that they call sukkot they celebrate god's faithful presence in their midst and not only that they also celebrate god's faithful provision for them and so tabernacles is is also a time of of celebrating the harvest spiritually speaking the feast of tabernacle now i'm the prophetic allegory now the feast of tabernacles also points to the final harvest of souls before the return of christ there will be such a huge huge unprecedented harvest of souls people that must come in great multitudes nations come in great multitudes to be reconciled with god our maker the king of the universe so for this year's feast of tabernacles i believe god is calling his people to be braced for the great shaking and cleansing on every level on every level in preparation for the coming of jesus the bridegroom the judge of mankind and the ruler of the nations so be brave people be brave for that because tabernacle tells us it must be preceded by atonement you you see that now that's why i said tomorrow the the uh the jews were selling will celebrate first the day of atonement there must be atonement first before god can tabernacle with his people you see that there must be cleansing first before his indwelling in us there must be repentance in the church before the great and final end time revival there must be the shaking of the nations before the reigning of the christ over the nations so this year for the feast of tabernacle i want to exhort us people of god god is preparing us for the harvest so don't be disheartened don't be disheartened if you if you feel like you're experiencing challenges and shaking you you may have lost your job you may have struggled with certain leg things may be rough for you right now because of all this shaking as a result of the pandemic or the lockdowns and quarantines and and the economy being wrecked and many companies going out of business and and shut down and all of that a lot of god's people are affected too i know that even a lot of god's people are affected in a marriage and family right now there's a lot a whole lot of shaking taking place from marriage to family to finances to the works of our hand our enterprises church and ministries there are many churches who struggle about sustenance right now not being able to meet together and not being able to reach their flock to minister to the flock effectively the many challenges but i want to remind us this god's grace is sufficient for us to allow him to to to cleanse us in this process to purify our heart our motives and to even change the way we work god is speaking to his people in this time so do not be discouraged if right now you feel like you're facing challenges upon challenges i want you to know god is preparing you to be a harvester of souls ambassador of his kingdom and most of all to be the immaculate bride of christ god is doing something glorious be hooked up with him walk with him fix your eyes upon him focus your faith upon him who will never fail us him who is faithful amen amen he's the one who say i will never leave no forsake you do you know that's in the context of finances go search out the scripture he will never leave not forsake you in providing for you as a good father in this difficult times know that there is a shaking going on and and and for the world it might be scary and it might seem really bad but actually god is weeding out evil god is exposing many things unclean and unrighteous and meanwhile god is also doing that in our life exposing things that are unclean and have devoured us and god is saying my people work with me walk with me be separate from the world do not touch that which is unclean right remember the scripture we've read just now god say you belong to me you belong to me let me work in you a work that can reflect the beauty of my holiness in you to cause you to be able to reflect my character in you because god says i want to use you to reveal my goodness and to reflect my glory to your generation there must be this cleansing there must be this cleansing that will allow god to be able to indwell us in in greater measure than ever before he's anointing his power being able to flow through us to impact our generations and that's what he wants to do that what that's what he's doing already right now and and right now i want you to know god is cleansing you in order to indwell you with in greater measure god wants to fill you with his power and presence he wants to fill your household with his glory with his glory and his goodness and god wants to equip you empower you that he might use you to co-labor with him in bringing in the greatest harvest of souls in the history of mankind amen that is the meaning of the tabernacles christ in you the hope of glory and so let us fix our eyes upon him the author and the perfecter of our faith let us fix our eyes upon him right now would you join us join your faith with me right now i want to pray with you brothers and sisters i wanna pray with you that we will not miss what god is doing we will not be distracted by the by all the seeming chaos and challenges and we we forget this is a glorious moment in history when god is about to indwell his people in measures greater than ever before than all prior generations that he has ever indwelled because god is going to do a work greater than ever before and to bring in a harvest greater than ever before and you and i are being prepared for such a kingdom assignment as this and for such a time as this amen let us pray let us pray would you close your eyes and pray with me heavenly father were reminded through your word today that you want you want to cleanse us you want to sanctify us by the blood of your son and you want us to cooperate with you to align with you to align our lives with you our thought life our personal walk our devotional life even our marriage our family the work of our hands our enterprises businesses and even ministries that have given us a steward it's a time of alignment because you are you're preparing us in such a way that we might be indwelled by you in far greater measure you're preparing us such that you can pour down of your anointing and your presence upon our lives in measures we've never experienced before for a task we have never accomplished before up ahead and so father today i join my faith with all my brothers and sisters right now to say god have your way withdraw from you your abundant grace your boundless grace because it takes grace to be willing to allow you to shape us and mold us and to prepare us for your divine purposes lord we draw upon your amazing grace right now and we say father strengthen us equip us for your glorious purposes i pray for those brothers and sisters [Music] who feel shaken in one way or another facing challenges whether it be financial or marital relational in every which way lord release your abundant grace release your abundant grace draw them to the place of intimacy with you to seek your face to humble themselves and to to seek your face and to repent before you of those things that do not align with your kingdom nor your righteousness and allowing you lord to do a glorious work of sanctification in us through your holy spirit making us [Music] usable by you and making us ready for the bridegroom to take us as his bride so even as we step into the season of the of the feast of tabernacles father we ask of you not just prepare us but prepare our family our households in such a way that your glory your presence may flood our family too that not only us but we in our children and even our children's children maybe a people who were separated from the world unto you that we can declare like joshua of all as for me and my household we will serve the lord i speak this blessing over your people right now who are listening to this message over every household every family represented may your glory and your presence tabernacle with your people and may your glorious purposes come to pass in our life our work and our ministry unto your delight and for your glory we pray all this in a unison of faith and in the name of our lord jesus and all of god's people say a man amen the lord the lord's presence be with you you have been listening to a petra church recording we hope that you have been blessed for more information and resources visit us at
Channel: Petra Community
Views: 1,511
Rating: 4.8709679 out of 5
Keywords: Petra, petra community, petra church
Id: x2CNo1uWe-I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 38sec (3578 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 01 2020
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