CROSSROADS: Lost And Found: Transformed By God - Dr Leslie Tay

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hello everyone my slights on lost-and-found yes today's message so you all know that thanks for the introduction and thank you very much for inviting me to Petra Church my second time here the first time I was here I was prostate John course preaching and I was introduced to Pastor John I think this year only and amazing things you know I met him before and he showed me some of the videos of the amazing things he has been doing in Philippines and I'm sure tomorrow or next week he's gonna report to you right he's just came back from Philippines so anyway today's message is lost and found and this is my website if your how many how many of you here will consider yourselves foodies like you live to eat Wow only so fewer the rest of you just eat to live is it or are you just saying that because you're in church you do and your posture to know that that you actually enjoy food so much that you just live to eat so I consider myself I like to live to ela if I don't have any good food that day I don't eat so I can save my calories that's why my motto is never waste your calories on yucky food and the question that I have asked of me most of the time is this how come you as a doctor can be a foodie as if doctors don't eat or doctors gonna enjoy food now there's this funny public understanding or thinking that just because you're talking dog every time you go to see the doctor right doctor we say I cannot eat this can I eat that can I eat this can I eat it correct and here comes this doctor online I telling you you can eat chocolate do it going is your bar and all this thing everybody say hey how come this doctor tell me to eat all these things I'm not telling you as a doctor I'm telling you as a foodie because before I became a doctor I was a foodie I grew up as a kid right I like to eat my lunch in me in Appalachia that's what I had for lunch today III like all these things so just because I'm a doctor doesn't change who I am correct and so they asked me how come I I have this love for food and you know earlier this year I was in town so you know I went back to attitude any how many - two people here oh uh Kenan Kenan Kenan okay I went back to town hall and I wasn't my plan but I just know that my father always told me that we have a village in somewhere in some authority College smarter but they don't really know what's what how means actually swatter is another district toto it serves how to city is a city so when I went there I only had this one named Dean yeah you know I said I don't know what these words mean I don't know even know whether I can find my village or not so inside when I we went into a total we caught off the train and yet this person met me so the first thing he asked into chi sao which village are you from it's a hourly yet you're on oh yeah what time what is your surname thing only attend what's I would say it's a 20 minutes from here who is most excited ah Wow I mean it's we find my villager even my father hasn't been to my village right so we took the car he went there and we found the village and then in the villager in the center of the village is this building there has been there for hundreds of years where all the Taser of all the generations right all the records are kept there so I looked at my record right and I found out actually in the past one of my ancestors er was also a big foodie you know and he he served the Emperor he was an imperial food taster [Applause] no I mean right yeah he was the Imperial for taste time what he did was he will go throughout the teens yeah you know grow throughout tian xia and gonna find a good food let me find a good food he'll come back and then he will report to the Emperor so then you bring the foot back to the Emperor and then let them produce by now you should know that it's a tall story the total story is real the village is real okay this one is because we we did this skip as part of the this TV series are my country places lost-and-found have you seen it yeah okay if you say yes it shows how you because young people don't watch TV nowadays right but you can still find it on toggle so anyway my car places Lost and Found I mean if you love funa the worst thing last time before there was internet the worst thing is your favorite chocolate there one day go there and this how come close hey what I put on my truck with your place right losts right and then you there's no way to find it there's no internet you can't just look up Facebook look at your Facebook page look at their website so then you're the cheung chiu-hung here and then try to find out where they go that one dealer one day suddenly a few years ready right then your friend comes hey you want to eat so and so talk with your now is it huh you phony now where is it oh it's so in so please why are you so happy right lost and found it's the title to this okay as I go on before I go on we want to read this passage of Scripture who knows what story we're gonna talk about Zacchaeus what very good a church very very good okay now for the distinction answer anybody know which gospel is wrong oh okay you go halogen what a theologian okay it's from the Gospel of Luke so go to Luke and then go to chapter 19 if you don't have your Bibles I know you're doing right you can bring out the fourth phone Bibles okay and let's read this story of Jesus and Zacchaeus this is a a beautiful beautiful story it is very simple and yet it's got very deep theological meaning okay are you there Luke chapter 19 he entered Jericho and was passing through and behold I love this will every time I will go this way behold there was a man named Zacchaeus he was a chief tax collector and was rich and he was seeking to see who Jesus was but on account of the crowd he could not because he was small in stature so he ran on ahead and climbed up into a sycamore tree to see him for he was about to pass that way and when Jesus came to the place he looked up and said to him Zacchaeus hurry and come down for I must stay at your house today so he hurried and came down and received him joyfully and when they saw it they all grumble he has gone in to be the guest of a man who is a sinner and the case stood and said to the Lord behold on the half of my goods I give to the poor and if I have defrauded anyone of anything I restore it fourfold and Jesus said to him today salvation has come to this house since he also is a son of Abraham for the Son of man came to seek and to save the Lost an amazing story of a man called Zacchaeus now in this in this passage right it says that Jesus was entering Jericho and was passing through so those of you who have been to Israel okay when we read the Bible all these places are real places right you go to Jericho Jericho is the last city before Jerusalem Jesus was heading towards Jerusalem to do the Passover and he was during that Passover then he was crucified right so this is this final journey and he knows it so he was passing through Jericho and a lot of people were with him why are there so many people with him because this man was a miracle worker Jesus you know just before this event right it was recorded that he raised a man from the dead now if you raise a man from the dead you think people you know what gets around right you say hey there's this miracle worker he managed to raise someone from the dead of course there's this big crowd who are following him and just before he go into Jericho he even heal a blind man who was at the side of the road his name was Matt Emmaus and but the mayor's call out to him son of David have mercy on me and Jesus looked at him and said what do you want me to do for you and bother me and say I want to see and Jesus heal him so the crowd were very excited no following this man with a miracle worker who's a amazing teacher every word that come off his mouth was amazing was life-giving and they were following the mists men so this man Jesus was moving across he was traveling through Jericho on the way to Jerusalem and the Bible tells us there's his next character Zacchaeus Zacchaeus three things we know about him one he's a chief tax collector okay I you know tax collector nobody likes well nobody likes tax collector especially when they come collecting taxes right how many of you would be very happy if suddenly you got an email from IRAs say actually we checked your records and you know we found out that there are some Texas then you're going well it's not always that way sometimes we got email from then say oh you pick too much text we want to refund those emails are very good but fine between right nobody likes to tax collectors in those days it was even worse why because the tax collectors or what we call the pun - you know even in World War two in in World War two in Singapore was occupied by the Japanese Singaporeans who couldn't sell themself to the Japanese and they book for them I look down upon as the Punto so in those days the tax collectors are the ones working for the Romans and so they were hated because what the Romans did was the Romans were saying okay from this province we want you to be able to collect for us this amount of text okay you give us this money we don't care how you collect your texts how much you collect your texts so all the text collectors were very corrupt so if they need only to collect X X amount they will collect xxx and your texts you on everything as they also got good sense so this is tech so you got you got a cut do text you on the wheel your text you on axle you grow this or body don't know what don't know what new text you it so it's up to the text collector to determine what to collect so as you can see text collectors are not very well liked and this guy was not just a tax collector he was the chief of the tax collector the hip okay and he was rich why was he rich he was rich because he extolled the people's money and so he were they were hated so tax collectors you know the general public whenever they walk across a door just like the pre on his pre on that even at em or whatever okay they just don't like tax collectors they consider them sinners as part of this group of people that you don't want to associate don't to touch so the chaos was a tax collector and he was very rich and the next thing we learn about the case was he is very small he was very short alright so so this guy wanted to see Jesus and because he was very short and because it was so so many people following Jesus yes hunt see Jesus so what did he do what did he do climb up a tree how many of you had climb a tree yeah also showing your age because young people don't climb trees nowadays right yeah in the old days got no computer games gone oh we climb trees for fun right right okay those people not in your head okay my generation okay so he climbed up a sycamore tree now it's amazing the Bible is very precise a Bible a counter of this event is an eyewitness account is an eyewitness account because all the places that they describe are real places you can go there today you can go to Jericho and you can see all these places and then when they say it's a sycamore tree they really asked sycamore trees in Jericho this is called this is a Kaos tree and we've been there so we saw this is the KSR tree now this is not the exact tree because sycamore trees live about 400 years so this would have been like the great-great-great grandson or granddaughter come or tree by least we know the sycamore trees so the sycamore tree is these got branches they come up very horizontal so it's the case climbed up this sycamore tree to see to have a look at Jesus and the most amazing thing happened okay he wanted to see Jesus he didn't expect Jesus to see him right but then the amazing thing happened when Jesus came to the place he looked up and he knew his name he called him the kiss hurry and come down for I must stay your house today not only he know his name he knows he's a tax collector I'm sure and yeah he went to stay in his house by everybody around there you can imagine the shock horror suddenly say kiss everybody who are still very excited looking up looking up oh he's calling someone say kids they say oh he's calling the tax collector and wasn't want to be the tax collector you say I want to stay your house every going on how come you're gonna stay at the house of a sinner how can a holy man an amazing man a rabbi can't stay in the house of a sinner but that's what he said to the case I need to stay a house today and they all grumble because he has gone in to be the guest of a man who is a sinner and the case stood and said to the Lord now okay they must have had dinner Jesus and the kids might have had some exchanged some words maybe even touched him felt his presence whatever happened we don't know when I go to heaven or gonna ask you what did Jesus say to you that you're willing to start an Eli Dana give half of your wealth away I mean just one meeting with Jesus is it okay I'm gonna give half on my welfare way because the half was cheated wanna there was money that's not mine anyway I wasn't you know I I realized it's wrong to cheat and to extort so if I've defrauded a anyone with any money I'll pay them back for false and jesus said today salvation has come to this house so a meeting with Jesus resulted in transformation meeting with Jesus resulted in transformation and Jesus summarized the whole of the gospel the Bible in fact what is the Bible all about it's about God or the son of man God Jesus coming to seek and to save the Lost this is what the whole Bible is all about God seeking and saving the Lost so what do we mean by lost who has never been lost before okay everybody telling the truth y'all been lost before right huh last time before google maps are men many women ok showing your age again right how many quarrels your head in the car because your loss it's a combination map with we're lost so you can be directionally lost huh in army we call it a long long any army people am i right I mean my generation you use the Kali below the commander say I don't know where we are belong long or you can be conceptionally loss like what we call the a book you that kind of lost I mean someone see something I hope y'all can still catch balsa young lost you're not lost right you okay went but I will always remember in maths class after like 15 minutes I got one son well yeah boo cure a lot really yes I became a doctor cannot do maths cannot be engineer okay so you can be directionally loss you can be conceptionally lost conceptional concept conceptual capital conceptually loss see I was lost and then you can be spiritually lost you can be spiritually lost I mean when the Bible says the Son of man came to seek and to save the loss is talking about people who are spiritually lost okay and before I go on I want to introduce you to two men that I met three years ago they're gonna tell you their story of how they were once lost and now what is life now that they have been found by Jesus so their names are Raven and Victor you please keep them over here okay i Raymond will go first and I Victor will come on all right you got slicer people i summarize my life story in a few pieces of paper now just not to bore you guys so this is my simple slide so yeah I am 31 I'm Raymond and he's my family my wife we have two beautiful kids yeah so I had a rough childhood I had a rough childhood not the typical type of complete family like others never seen my father before so my I don't have this father figure I never seen my father I don't even have any impression and you must sing leader sorry Oh God not really let me be him so I thought yeah his name is Lila huh so um to make matters worse right because I don't have this father figure I I kind of like was reviewed of a secret like my grandparents out of a mischievous eye when I was 11 or so he said you wife I know you saw nakiye that time so you don't take bear huh did what no one was 11 what were you saying then yeah now I found out I was like this those days 1987 are they they don't sell are they like gif but any get some money to rely on powers aware that no I was given 30,000 my grandparents because my mom was very young she she she she she had me when she was 15 so yeah my mom was really my grandparents they don't have to cannot know and they saw me away that was when deeply I I felt so unwanted and then I felt like I was like something that is being thrown away and then this show total you know my mom like and my and oh no cannot sleep well and they go back and then they make up of hassle if they I sometimes bring my I know I jokingly blame my mama to like take me back because from y know they gave me to a passing pass upon Jang vegetables Allah quite good to live a much who won oh you woke you up tonight what young well rescuing no tingle to booty hole ah so yeah so and then there was when I just my life had gone down with a trophy ax so I was caught for shoplifting Takashimaya then 14 years or to brief you I'm not going to glorify all these things that so 14 years I called court for stolen item send a boys home for one year during secondary school i i i met my my ex-girlfriend now my wife she's my guys now yeah we went through a literally picnic you know big last time we were dating teens pick and teams eventually she fell first no I mean she went to a lot of prison boys home so she she knows a lot of prison she knows how to go and she's expressed you than one whom we shot the mother now the mother-in-law was so happy that no I've changed and everything but last time what a mother every day we see school cause they were better don't let your son your daughter be with this guy man and a lot of things happen so really went through a lot 16 years oh I got quit school and then I got caught Gailen selling those cough mixture and everything it in your oh I got involved with motor vehicle theft in point export but from stolen vehicles I got caught so but my mom always loved me so much right always would think that the Sun is the enjoying that I see always thing that you know one day you were changing every time just shake or karate she will hire borrow or whatever just to get the best lawyer to help me and I got off lightly every time so I didn't mend my ways over became border 20 years old during army I I got caught for credit card fraud it's just a life full of crime because I don't I I felt like you know if I can be so for money money something that I feel that will give me wolf and that was when I always pursue the monetary things in the world and again because of the credit card I was sent to prison then I was lucky 10 months I was in prison I I was left after that I was given my freedom back but just after 23 days of Myra Lisa that was the first time I ran into a adult prison what 23 days later I got call again tell you I was so scared I don't know what to do but this time wrong and I got smarter in a way I never got caught in Singapore soil I got caught in international waters over some other different things jurisdiction difference I pretty very hot that time see me see Mumbai yes anything that can help me you know and I got a warning in a sense to shut a story short I now if I'm get if I get caught for criminal crime Agena I'll be placed five and five years minimum shelf years maximum no need to go any court hearing or it's like is a big criminal detention because of the past offenses that I continuously have and yeah so but print now I also go to prison now by Weaver pass I can pick go you go out no praise God yeah so yeah so I'm I promised myself back then not to you know I said I cannot get caught again I must change and then back then I didn't really know Galah so I like okay I change I change in fact I actually got smarter when I was after my NS I got smarter I got married then after that yeah so nice my wife my wife BT my mom obviously I know a church in Cuba loud apparently they I said well my wife very good still very pretty in my eyes for everything yeah I then started my business from nothing uh I first leaf falsely declare my income and I said becomes me smarter I submit that loans to buy six cars at one shot so that the credit bureau cannot detect my my-my-my purchase so six I submit that the whole thing right is my first time buying car I bought six alcohol proof and I stopped at a current of them yeah when I was 23 after my NS after my prison then yeah I one year later I grew to 25 cars two years later I got 40 overcast then after a I also subsequently go workshop then I got to reach to young twenty four years oh I did got my bucket of gold yeah like wow I thought that was there was the stuff of my real life I don't know why she was the start of all the bad things you ever heard of a test you know ever hear how to test a man and a woman to test a menu here we go to test a man right you give the men everything you know how to test a woman you give the man you give the woman a man with nothing I I kind of feel that data when I was given everything I feel that that's my wife when I was when she was given a man with nothing she continuously go through all the reason you know so lucky she not here but she knows she knows I'm thankful so as I as I unmooring more I didn't realize that became more and more crooked I I always hang out with I choose my friends over my family I adjust my priorities all wrong then I hang out with the wrong people I go out I just do all the wrong things to sustain that life right I became worse I didn't come on the news I current I used to read my customers or so people my current I called dream car and some people call it nightmare current the rain car for me I will specific spot of damages I'll leave it there so that why you see coming and just take just keep ripping off the customers who ran hard for me to sustain the kind of life nothing to be Power then we also use a lot of scare tactics then what thank God now God have changed me to become so loving money some people to agree us some work after they know me yes and then just suddenly more and more problems that do start to happen and then soon my family fell apart and and I I can give them everything like why you staying condo we drive a good kind we got a lot of cardio choose from tomorrow then we I thought this is the happiness that I can provide and you should I should be like content and then well you know I just need in the typical Chinese thinking last night I think that all I need to do is what I come back I give you money you don't have to say anything or you don't have to bother what I do after that so my my part is provide your house I pay for everything and everything you know but it's - my family fell apart and back then I never knew that I fell to truly gave them what's most important which is love and yeah there are resolved to gambling starter or casino a high ceiling I go there I really but yet I'm thankful for this because if it's not for this I would not have realized you know everybody has a time back then I was like residing and all these how this is explained is this this is after I became a Christian I showed I try I kind of like Samba which I like I didn't know I came back casino report so this is was you know a very wise oh man ever told me is I'm a coin here jackpot okay but I just tell you had a jackpot machinae the reason so the Vice oh man that we you know a jackpot Messina you can sue is where they the hole so small Sigma Chang Woods who see me to not see me home she has me boys I because I don't believe no I'm telling my god come to kill Aurora I just keep playing and I really this is electronic gaming if you see technically economy was seven hundred I was an insider and I only took back forty thousand that means the rest of the machine mechanically are bully orally so yeah so this is yeah it was just a very short time money then this is my this table games so if you see paper games is 2.4 million well I'm so shy it's also a very hot Hana no it's chilly love people so I thought I lost but this is just the bad things so when I was at this moment right I was like wow I was so lost idea I was really lost I was like asking God or whatever that I think was God like dinner to help me and oh yeah this I have to know else then yeah these are the rooms that I stay in order you see my daughter is there my wife they came to charities although the sweet slam you know your new buddies hotel no wonder what one oh yeah so this one is like what thousand seven one night okay then at the dream of losing almost everything with the last fifty thousand I pray very hard I prayed I prayed I say you know if God who can help me uh just you know I went to early morning I went to early morning before dawn I went to topic on after in the morning I went to cunning Bureau see me see my boom biker you know I host say that I take a fifty thousand in my hand I my condo one two hit put a casino and really just to really win back you know I thought that time I was reminded of Jesus when I was in a put in a daycare center no they told me thank you love for the food we eat and I remember Jesus see me simoom Pilar a most in awake out his eyes just pray that God see you wanna help me I would become better but he really really I never loved you he vidi-vidi after I prayer he really helped me how he helped me no he helped me lose everything I never lose money so fast before - bottom - but back that I didn't know by everything I realized oh oh really cause I work so okay well I'm my mile umpire so you wonder how God will help you when I tell you so with that yeah I kind of like after that I was suicidal I wonder in my life but before that I wanted to jump I shall receive a message my wife said she got she's constant she has a kid like God knows know what can stop me in and I didn't in my life then and uh kind of like upgrade at me instead of a carrot I lost all my wealth idea yeah I I had to pick myself up because of that he kind of upgraded me to a personal cubicle I got my own workspace I got my own yeah least one personal cubicle my own workspace no boss so I started this career and humming yeah and then it was a good idea but God was not involve I tried my best when I tried to look for a lot of people to help nobody help but in our desperation I'm message on the blog Gaza then he came back that I didn't know him I thought he was a message nobody reply only this one was in English called boring alright impressive today next a camera is this one I think most similar 100 by Dylan Ola who lighted talk at you know gula he come then he kind of helped me talking and he also invited me to church so we went to sjm back then he have a heavy blow yeah so he invited me to church bus Tinky on let's go sorry I hire in Syria ok hot sauce to me I know you will block for me okay okay go now I still remember us likes to smoking inside my van now inside the church smoking smoking I just go in please him I was sitting at the front he brought me to senior I don't go to and do anything no yeah yeah just sit yeah he said here God can touch you a war really when they didn't choke watch your back sorry I just keep crying I don't know why know what I saw I see Uncle Mike he be like don't know what to do then then typical sing up already got altar calling he say no who want I accept Christ and then this time you can change your life to lose it open house I go and I go in fun and yeah yes yeah praise God I di wow so amazing so next time your must know how to like hold something get the person to church first then you know it's not honest we need the lots of cars to be surely in how to priests to share the gospel okay so yeah and go into an ID and then I know I over run it then yeah I I was so confused I I ran home I was like thinking wha why why can't like that why that I told myself it was confirm mr. the song the song just made me like one who you know some things in my life that cost me to cry I said okay but doctor he told me is a chorus vo no you just pray and anyone listen to you and he can hear you I said what okay I was closing my shop then then yeah I was a heavy smoker I taught us more in the van and everything I was I recently I just tell you like that he tell me but I still hiding to see what car you drive that I'm you know I like but that's another story anyway so then yeah and then after I pray I pray I pray I say God if you are view right I don't know what happened yesterday but if you can write I don't ask for money now I say this smoking someone's is a boy everybody knows so I say if can you help me take away and then I will believe you that's why I said well knowing behold I tell you you almost really decided saying be careful what you pray for this is real and God answered he really answered idea is that night I say that makes dear you know morning stay I mean if people who ever smoked before the the standard routine you go toilet your life secret why he went a secret like stay strong I think maybe I'll echo scorpion go down by one new packaged food still tastes different I tell you then after era I was like well I go and stop my shop open everything after I go to a smoking corner the smoke came and I smell like a bear like oh I was like what is this man really what I think think think think that I think all confirms it's our main Ron Conway my fable finale our lawyers if you can do this I not to believe yeah like and I you must understand go to prison for five time know if I can quit a long time ago quit this one is smoke I can buy any time I can I don't have to quit and it's you know this one is like just suddenly I cannot smoke why I tell you I Wow God all God's glory and that's when I made a choice I got baptized yeah you see this was back then when I like kind of knew him after know that doctor who block right now become my dad no but he pitched me to inner heaven teach me to exercise so maybe he got tell me to exercise oh yeah so ok and then yeah for people who for Mila now he speaks to me money I used to be very tight and my money yeah now I realized money is like you know something that you you money can do a lot of things but there's certain things that you cannot do like you can buy a bit but you cannot buy sleep no I go very expensive bit last time when I was rich yeah so can buy your books can I buy you knowledge can buy you food I cannot buy your appetite most importantly can buy you a very nice house right I cannot buy you home and yeah so then now doctor is like give me Bible verses to and all the the Bible verses is so amazing way it really speak to you you can denying you like it would speak to you one way or another so I you know doctor every time he was M it is like what Apostle Paul wrote does I mean everything carefully hold fast to that which is good and abstain from every form of evil every nice to follow but again doctor and the community I am surrounded with helps me to kind of like journey and yes I am able to now profound I'm lost but I'm always found by people who put me around with and it is now you know this kind of verses that promises us that God is always there and this God that we are dealing with it's not a god that were just you know he invites you a sinner to his house to his presence yeah and he was surely do it so now this is the thing that I really no longer so under me I'm afraid not leave me - because if I do still continue so and Tommy I cannot evangelize you know you could meet more you cannot tell him about the gospel I fix car I fix like a slowly that time that I have until he was like I think I got more time to share yeah so now this is why do and yeah this is the end and my family my mom you see the center whenever jeans y'all you know my mom yeah doctor ordered a my mom but praise God and yeah thank God for changing my life the next person that is going to come up is amazing or so you know God today I provide a very good show for you one is the living problem why is it sooner or Louie assuming all the worldly problem this one makes money when you must be the problem I don't give you too much info about Victor my brother he's amazing [Applause] hi everyone okay it is tough to speak after him because you take up most of the time all the time okay okay okay this is my story okay how lost I was a okay my journey towards Christianity has been nothing short of miraculous okay okay I was a staunch Buddhist when I was younger at the peak of my bootys favor I collected more than 60 Thai Buddhist amulets and artifacts worth thousands of dollars I frequent tempers both locals and an overseas but by his grace the Lord through a series of events stop in my tracks and call me to follow him so to give you some background but in 2013 I had a near-fatal medical condition okay I want an awesome myocarditis he was a very infection of the heart which caused permanent damage to her muscles I was in ICU for three days and my hobby was hovering at 20 beats a minute okay so I was conscious but I couldn't do anything I know people working around me if I can't do anything I just like you know hibernating okay okay but uh I was very many saputra and I subsequently discharged however my heart has weakened and you know so my honey was a 60% strength okay so if you see me in public next time don't come from behind don't Victor that here sure Joelle come from the front uh-huh Victor I see yeah okay okay 60% stronger so doctor from behind okay okay okay then in a November 2014 okay I had an out-of-body experience where I was sleeping in the middle of the night I thought I saw a bright light and I found myself floating towards it I was like wondering what is this so basically is a he felt very good I was right comfortable then I look around my body was diagonally behind me okay and my feet was through my wall I was like where am I you know it felt so nice and that is light and there was nothing beyond I like there was an order I doz they're pretty - there wasn't a gate there wasn't Jesus there wasn't wrong or whatever thing just bright like I was in the round about ten or fifteen seconds you know you saw you know going and coming back going coming back going for me after day I found myself snapped back into my body they felt he felt weird because I know it's not a dream it's too real to be a dream and then by I know that uh something's wrong I was scared I was worried and I couldn't move I know he was you know roughly about two to four hours that couldn't move because I can hear my neighbor's leaving the house I can hear the cars you know moving off downstairs and hear buses everything I just couldn't move so it's about no like not that to the flowers I'm sad to be able to wiggle my fingers my toes and then so it krabi then I know I was thinking okay I should just wash up and go to the nearest clinic okay I know I cannot drive because you know why something happened to me where I was you know the end of you sorry you know which is the nearest clinic and that is where I wanted to dr. Lesley me yeah that's how I met him again so really he's clean he's the one that's news to my place I have no idea that there was a clinic at their place that he's you know the he decided to is cleaning okay so it's tough for me to go to a clinic to another doctor doctor last night in my sleep I saw a light you know who can do that I would I just think you know maybe the you ask you know beauty our last night did a fan hit your head when I just I just thought why I say okay just saying sure he's a doctor I had my car at this last year and last night I saw the light and then you know okay y'all Cimino him where some may not last so this is what I saw he was looking at me that he they for some cross the lake there on the chair hello I was thinking - Samir okay so what do you say I said okay what as a mini mini suggests that I go to any for a thorough checkup but we for selling me to hospital he asked me to me they had our body experience okay so basically he said that uh I've actually died and my spirit left my body and I was going to be gone okay I dunno why was that he then told me the good news that Jesus had died for all my sins and I should settle my accounts we got well see a chance because you know you're my heart stopped again I'm gonna have another chance anytime I didn't I don't fully understand what you're saying a doula is a good thing for me I see okay I was thinking as long as I don't pray for the prayer you know I scared you prayed in dubuque um our $50 prayer so say I am praying okay so I fight again pray that after that I just go Eddie okay okay so I panic any okay the test in hospital showed that I had a high level cardiac enzyme in the bloodstream okay career enzymes are protein enzymes are which are released into the blood streams by dying heart muscles so clinically I was D okay for a few hours so when the doctor had any found from this enzyme I was strapped to a baby operators I was so scared so because I've seen stretcher I seen base everything but not with three monitors two oxygen tanks underneath and a sail on top I see the one empty you know I notice on this I we need so I was born day so I was worried okay they had to take my blood sample every three hours okay and he cannot take it from the same place so you might be how many hosts you to do one here after there the knees right here then so and I was there for two and a half days okay so you how many hosts it because the admission at the proteins I never drop if his constant means that my muscles are slowly dying if he's going up me the moment her muscles are dying that means I would need to go into the operating theatre but sorry decreases decreases decreases and to a level which they feel is comfortable for them they released me so I was released to go back home to rest for two months they say anything please go back to a hospital okay so okay now is the start of my journey towards Christ okay Otto I was in the clinic and dr. D the sinners pray for me okay I did not understand there had become a Christian okay I don't know he was he prema I was a really calm calm easy okay okay and I still went to Tempest and Prater okay so and I still go to the same clinic because news to my house man well you drive okay I know he will preach okay I know it just by not worried because I got patients my career on the most I give him 15 20 minutes we had no as I said oh you know like cuff $20 know everything prayer free okay I can go okay most important okay so it was in a 2016 okay not a visiting Hema for two years ready then he said it's time you take a serious consideration that I was thinking kill at the doctor is such a noble person he's been such a nice man to ask nicely without being pushy so I say okay doctor I'll go once if I don't let you ask me again I say yes okay so I go so I went to church and then the seminary hit me I need to go I say back in I come next week okay second we go wow so tune again okay now I just go at least and first it was you know free or man or you pay you to go treasure the first okay so then I I stop the witness witness many miraculous events are before my eyes then I even started going to sir group okay so this is one of his favorite pictures he and the bodyguard yeah this is one of the South Cooper so this is where I met my brother a man and the other son remembers are but one of the most significant events was when a traveling prophetess we stay at a circle meeting okay traveling prophetess Elaine from Philippines never met us before I never met her no one we had before okay we set in once I'm in soccer so she went around ministering to everyone one by one I was sitting at the end I also don't know how I was then Tom tosya you know yeah and last night sorry Raymond was a no attacked I'm a chef because you're almost memorized visa yeah I was too new you know I only went to church in June July the Saudis 8th of August when she was praying for him and this fella crying Oh crying I made a peace I know please pull back who bets that one up to you sorry PC whatever they tell you clean diesel why are they no I was thinking what what can happen to meet a guy so big sighs cry and you know image like I was scary do you know yeah one by one boy they came to me I was like what if I say oh no okay but you know what happen when pulsating him to me she just put her power my chest and then she punched my heart she punched her Feaster that the partner twice she say brother got a punch you're hot twice today attention for nearly a year for the handstand that I was okay cannot play ready so then these words were and you know it was encouraging to me because a few days later actually concert a friend of mine who I just lost a newborn baby she gave us her key the key some you know organs stuff everything so the key couldn't even make it past her in four hours so the key pass on so she was grieving and I actually went to talk to her and then you know I never had this way of wanting to talk to someone but it was there to her I say Shan trust me your son is in a better place I was there okay who can see that here no one night she heard that she's small she cry then from the plane oh okay there are this is where I have my strengthe and these way I got one finger okay okay since then I then in the year itself I decided okay my Tulio just get my son baptized so I spoke in the you know hamburgers Church reticent service as well so this was our 2016 okay very fast yeah okay okay since then I realized I can really help those who are grieving I've visited patients in hospitals praying for them and you know and I even arranged for a pastor to baptize a patient just three days before he passed on okay I even you know the I am still praying for those in hospitals and today actually today is the my first day at Andrews nursing home and therefore half year volunteer mission okay okay now I'll share something okay this is an interesting thing they're gonna share video okay quite fishermen other times when if felt lost and wondering where God is are you dance at all okay this what I became a Christian huh okay one day I was born down with who issues a I decided to let myself have a quiet time and do I'd like to do so I like to go fishing so I went to a local reservoir and I you know but there was an in-custody it was like I was just praying on God so big the police one fishers are gonna give me really rather their sake now may I go to another place okay so I went to another reservoir just drank there okay and then I decided to use differently oh okay earlier is a thinner used to atrophy okay so what's the law is a this matter thing is supposed to rotate in the water they're beaming some fish you know or the flashing thing okay just a 10-gram yer okay then when I was casting for about an hour where is he can I just go I just stopped keeping when I was leaving I saw this law fishing idea aside I have to walk past him to us the copper so I see how was his cash then you say nothing there was a big fish on there you can try the fish won't take my eyes okay I'm gonna try so we didn't read in like five cars okay my motto fishing dressing bar is I cast there retrieve back first retrieve so each time is maybe less than one minute less than five cars I got this okay then when I got his vision start looking around on West Alamo he's nowhere to be found okay okay all the Christian years you all know what is this sorry I work is when Jesus anything you ready you really give me a fish this time okay and this is by far my biggest fish in a local reservoir Liguria I don't do illegal stuff no not like my okay we don't say okay so this is this is a very rare catch in a legal area okay anyway for me is I catch I take picture and I release the fish okay the fish don't die the fish yes got pain okay those who ask me the fees that it will be order for all the ladies up your your your you know the the year piercing right open time for me like I can simply the fetus oh okay okay so anyway this picture was taken by a passerby ler not a more okay because I couldn't find out more and really was impossible for someone to just leave we you know we don't mean no teasing we're here to keep all the stuff and here what passed me to the kappa there's no way so i that they really felt God telling me nah happy Derby okay thank you God okay okay yeah finishing her okay then a photography is my other hobby okay I was out one night trying to temperature actually it was a very bad day evening that day then I just asked lots a lot give me your miracle this is what he gave me so for all the Christian out there okay be faithful in your prayer and really pray as much as you can okay thank you i pastor might back to dr. okay it's oil mix on again great can you please give an around report for Raymond Victor it is amazing when a person comes to meet Jesus Wednesday KS met Jesus his life was changed you see these two young men and I've been very privileged in the last three years to have met two of them and a few more men that I am mentored that's my other passion is actually my first passion then the food and the medical secondary to a passion for God because it is amazing when Jesus finds a lost soul and then he saves it you know in you look at a person like Raymond society will tell you this guy I woke you leo you know society we just say you put him in prison and just leave him there for good luck so that the rest of us can just get on with our life without him messing it up right cheating people and all these things that's what society will say but when God looks at Raymond he saw potential for men of God someone he can change someone he can change to to influence the world my slides my slides okay so the verse today right the son of man came to seek and to save that which was lost to see and to save the Lost so when you lose something the two parties involved one is the luster all right the person who lost something is the luster and Indiana the thing that he lost is the lost key there's a lost her and there's a lost T the person who lost something and the thing that was lost correct okay so in this story of the case who is the Noster gusta lost her who is the person who lost something God right God lost something and then who was the lost D it was the case right so you have the luster and the lost T so God is the luster got lost something what he got loose got lost humanity how did God lose humanity this is where we go back to the beginning of the Bible remain to you the whole Bible is about God seeking to save the loss then in the beginning of the Bible we found out what got lost when God made the world he made the world beautiful and then he created human beings and human beings were created in His image because he wanted human beings to represent him in the world so the human being was supposed to be good it's supposed to be righteous it's supposed to be just you know it's supposed to bring Beauty to the world but there was rebellion because Adam and Eve refused to obey God Eve took the Apple eat the apple and that is the picture of rebellion it means God said listen to me this is not good for you this Apple if you eat it was surely dying but he didn't believe God and when the rebellious seen in another rebellion in them just went ahead and took that that fruit the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil and therefore sin came into the world got lost humanity and the rest of the Bible is about how God wanted to win back humanity again and in the earlier earlier part of the Book of Luke where Jesus introduced the heart of God as the person who has lost humanity he he introduced it as a story three stories in fact which is actually one story he told them about a man who had 100 sheep and he lost one she and then he left the 99 to go and look for the one sheep and when he found that sheep he put it on his shoulder and he rejoice if all his friends you know and he said heaven rejoices over one one lost soul that comes home and then he told them another story about a woman who had ten coins she's a very fella he told one story for the men and he tells my story old woman the men go out to work right the woman stay home so the woman had ten coins she lost one and and she lost that one coin she lit the lamb and she went whole house have you lost something at home before is that amazing how can you lose that one teeny lulululu I guess when you found when she found that coin she called her friends come have a party actually how much the putty cause I don't know whoever he cause the coin because Oh any and Jesus said again heaven rejoices when one person comes back to God you see the heart of the father the father lost his children and now he's out to look for them and then the third story the climax he told the story of the prodigal son right is the prodigal son this man had two sons the youngest son though his father one day I'm gonna take my inheritance and I'm gonna leave the favor I don't have anything to do you he's the Paikea like Raymond right and he went out and he did all the bad things like Raymond okay okay okay he went to do all the bad things they spend all the money and then here to grin he was so poor you gotta feed the pigs then he came to his senses he said aha my father's servants eat better than me why don't I just go back and it'd be servin okay so I in the cows aasaiya tea when you do such such a thing to your family and a family disowned you know even in Chinese society so this this this son no more really didn't really gone ready right so this is what when Jesus told this story everybody was expecting him to say you know that the father GaN scold the son make sure that he he knows of his sin pays for his crimes you know before he even accept him back but no Jesus told his story this way he said that the father saw him when he was coming home far far off and father ran out and embrace him because in Jesus we see the heart of God Jesus is actually gone become men right the Word of God made flesh God Himself came to earth to dwell among us and to tell us what the real heart of God is towards all of us it is a heart of love it is a heart that wants you to come home but in that story he also told them that there was another brother who was not happy right the person the brother was not happy is the one they always follow the rules you know he is at home he's always follow his father's rules and the father never even gave him a party never give him a small little good to have a party you know here it is this son came home after squandering his welfare and the father welcomed him and he's angry he's like Victor always doing everything right right so one is like Victor one agreement two sons both are lost even the oldest son is lost he was lost even though he's at home he's lost because he doesn't know the father's heart and the oldest son is like the coin he's the coins at home and yet lost right and the sheep is out and it's loss so that sheep is like Raymond the youngest son and and the coin is like Victor so there to say okay everything starting to gel together area okay so this amazing story tells us that God's heart for all his children I didn't be all the one all then to come home that's why the son of man came to seek and to save the Lost now we are thus modern society is lost okay I don't know where I I don't know where I am going I don't know where I'm going I'm on my way and you're relate to this you wake up in the morning first thing you check your handphone then after that before you know it the day goes by I go to work and then go for lunch with me a friend and this department appointment at the end of the day ah diets the next day repeat repeat again and again and again they don't ever ask yourself what am i doing all these things for where am I eventually going to end up right like Viktor never asked the question until he saw the light vehicle you mean to say one day I'm gonna die I mean everybody knows we are all gonna die one day and yet how many of us have actually really really sat down and really think about it if I'm gonna die one day where am I gonna end up okay and this problem in our society and and and this is what you know society wants to lure you into a sort of false sense of reality you want to forget about the realities of life that this one day there's this thing called death is going to visit all of us you just gonna keep you as busy as you can doing all your things all your games are playing all your games that are doing your work making money like you can do all the things just want to take this reality away from you don't even want to think about it right alright and so it resulted in a society where people are lost spiritually lost and we have three side rates going up okay now skip these two slides for a 4-time this is how the Bible describes humanity that we are dead in our trespasses and sins in which we once walked following the course of the world following the Prince of the power of the air and the spirit is now at work in the sons of disobedience it means where when we grew up with group when we are born into this world we are born into a sinful world okay and like Raymond he born into the world it doesn't know any better his father left when he was a young boy he had no person to tell him this is the way to live righteousness do good don't be naughty and all these things nobody to him in fact all of us when you were born into this world we were born to be good God made us to be good but we are born with a propensity to just incline to do the bad things and so humanity is lost and we are lost because we all once lived in the passions of a flash carrying out the desires of the body and the mind so we follow our very basic animal interesting animal instinct say or go food eat your food eat your food eat now I love food but I also control you know so gotta look after why you eat go to exercise regularly right doctor is that food is good God created food for everyone to enjoy but within limits right you you like what you steak yeah but you cannot eat what you stick 3 times a day every day because you're gonna get you're gonna get put on the way right they're gonna eat a balanced meal so so everything was created for good but we need to put a boundary around it okay but this world that we are born into he's telling us if he feels good do it if he feels good do it there are no limits no boundaries if you're happy you do it there's a song as you are happy right there's no God to hold you accountable that's what the will is telling us all of us and so we are lost this was a this was the rescue of the fifth 12 footballers and the coach right 13 of them in a cave last year in Thailand right they were in the cave for nine days darkness no way to get out it's a picture of humanity we are in total darkness we are trapped there's no way there's no means for us to rescue ourselves in this boy greater his story but a tenth night we were losing patience hope physical energy and courage we could not anything do anything to help the only thing that I could do was pray I pray a lot I'm only a boy you are mighty God you are holy you're powerful right now I can't do anything will you protect us come and help that's altered in a very soon after that in the darkness suddenly and like suddenly a voice in the darkness can you imagine the relief Salinas like someone came to save us someone came to save us and Jesus said I am the light of the world he who follows me will not walk in darkness but have the light of Life and Yun darkness you can't see where you're going Jesus comes to us and say I don't only give you the light I am the light if you follow me you will not walk in darkness I have the light of Life Jesus says also I am the way and the truth and the life they imagined in a cave in that utter darkness the people who come to rescue them right Sonique whipped up a map and a touch light and give it to the boys and say here's a touch like here's the map of the cave good luck he went home can you imagine that how do you get out of Darkness you need someone to come and take your hand right and rescue you it is not it's a religion it's not a method it is not instructions it is not about oh how do I find God I need to do this do this do this take this journey do this that do there and the other and maybe I will find God religion is not about them Christian faith is about God coming to seek and to save the Lost Jesus says I am the way he didn't say I will show you the way or give you instructions so they can find a way Jesus says I'm the way in my father's house there are many rooms if it is not true I whatever I have tell you that I can prepare room for you and if I prepare a room for you I will come back myself and take you to where I am I am the way take my hand I will show you the way the way to Who I am the way the truth the life no man comes to me no man comes to the Father except through me so Jesus is a way not to a destination Jesus is the way to a person Jesus away back to father father God who is looking for all of us and home is not a place it's a person it's a relationship now two young men here grew up a Victor didn't share this but he also grew up with our father father left very young okay and we and and for those of us who have fathers we are very grateful but those of us who don't have fathers we can't grow up with this what we call often spirit that we feel that we are abandoned we have no direction we don't we don't belong to anybody and and so you are very very lost your watch Lion King er who hasn't watched Lion King The Lion King Khan everybody's oh yeah even you okay watch much the the climax of the movie are those over you watch remember right Simba Simba the lion was very dejected very discouraged right was very lost and the baboon was the Pope once never forgot his name was the robbed baboons day Rafiki watch my son is very good with this the baboon said the father has never left you I'll show you the Father and then he he showed him looked into the water he said I don't see my father I see myself and it suddenly there's something in the sky my father appeared in the sky and the thing that the father told him was very very significant he said you have forgotten me see I haven't forgotten you you see you forgotten me because you've forgotten who you are you forgotten who you are you are my son and so when when Jesus come to seek and to save the Lost it comes to remind us we are children of God we are sons and we are daughters of God you might have forgotten it but you were born with the instinct God gave you the instinct because he created you and I to be his children we have forgotten it today he wants to remind you tell you again you are my son you're my my daughter if your loss come home time to come home because Jesus is here to seek and to save the lost the son of man came to seek and to save the Lost so today we have a few characters right we have Zacchaeus who was very rich well - do you know everything that materially you can ask for yet he felt there was something missing maybe some of you here feel like that you know you're successful in your career you're doing very well you've got great family you got a good career a company enough money in the bank you cars maybe few properties whatever or maybe not so much while you're comfortable and yet something's missing that's like you feel like the case maybe it's time for you to meet Jesus or maybe you can identify with Raymond or maybe nice balance Raymond other protocol son you know you are lost you know you know you're lost and you need help okay because you've gotten yourself into this terrible situation for ever reason made mistakes in your life you know because you followed the course of the world what the world who you is help is its most most important you followed what they will tell you or you can make a lot of money and just forget about everything else just focus on money and because of that you have gotten yourself into a terrible situation or or you could you could be doing other naughty things la okay we don't need to go into all the details but because of the things that you've done you are in a bad stream you are like the prodigal son today it's also time to come home or maybe you can relate with the older brother you've always done everything right in your life everything come to church you do everything right you know you can even come to church and be lost because you still do not know in the heart of the father right so I don't to end my sermon I invite everyone to just close your eyes we're gonna just gonna pray right now we're gonna pray right now we're gonna pray for all those of you who are who maybe feel that today you want to respond to to the Lord Jesus just close your eyes every eye is closed every hit now in the story of Zacchaeus the picture is this imagine you are there Jesus is about to come by Jesus is about to come by okay if you feel that you want to meet him right symbolically right do what the KSR do did and climb that tree so that Jesus can see you all right you don't have a tree to climb so can I just ask you those of you feel that in your heart you just feel yes today I want to respond to Jesus you just quickly put up your hand and put it down it's a symbol that you are climbing up that tree climbing up the sycamore tree to see Jesus Jesus says the next thing to you I want to come into your house today the Bible says Jesus stands at the door and knock whoever can hear my voice and open the door I will come in and will sup with him and he with me today if you meet Jesus you will come into your life if you cleanse your way or sins and you'll put the Holy Spirit into you so that you and God can be in a loving relationship again so they can come home not be lost anymore yes anybody else wants to put up your hands want to climb that tree and let Jesus or anybody else just put on your hands very good let me pray for everyone and after I pray we're gonna invite you all to come up to the front here so that the pastor's can pray for you personally father we give you thanks and praise you long then you are God of compassion of mercy you go out you love your creation so much it pains your heart to see your creation lost and so you send your only Son Jesus to come in seek and to save the Lost I thank you Father for today that you are here the Jesus you are here and you come to seek and to save those which are lost and your wanting to enter in and thus up with them but those of the four those brothers and sisters who have put up their hands we pray father a blessing on their lives and we just give you thanks and praise your God of mercy and justice in Jesus amen amen amen thank you you know I don't think it is coincidental as all of you are here I can feel the father's hands all through the message there many of us will leave our life as if we are orphans but you know what you never been because God the Father loves you from the Eternity began and then he's wooing you and he's waiting for you and he's crying out to each one of you and say my son and my daughter it's time for you to come home come and experience me come and embrace me and let me embrace you so that you know my heart for you my heart for you we're seeing the song the goodness of God as a response as we sing the songs really the goodness of God is running after you because God has never gave out you and after the songs I will call and invite you to come forward those of us who have never received a Father's love they want to receive Jesus into your life and experience the love of God and I invite you to come forward there are some of us perhaps we may be leaving believers for a long time by living as orphans you need a fresh touch of the Father's love I will invite you to come forward as well so for those of us on the receive Jesus gotta marry right and those of us want to receive and experience the love of the Father Tata my life it's okay that's all right [Music] you your never fails me [Music] love you have [Music] it's so good [Music] is calling you now we through the five is today we see me [Music] thank you dance with us [Music] [Applause] [Music] so good with a [Music] to me [Music] give me [Music] you're good [Music] to me [Music] so this company they just take a step come over don't you want to receive Jesus into your line please come over right now [Music] you have [Music] Jessica follow look up all it [Music] those who were to receive Jesus into your life please come forward it's time to come home it's time to come off decide to come off inside the gamma just come forward [Music] every browser [Music] I'd like to invite anyone here who perhaps have been Christians for a while but you know has been living as an orphan have not experienced the father's love and heart of the father in your life our prayers prayers we adjust just lost it you need the fresh encounter and experience an embrace or the father order to invite you to come right here right now but this outer stage if this message speak to you and that you have been so far removed like a lost sheep the lost son it's time to come over here oh yeah it's time to come I asked for the French stash of the father's love into your life let open this space for you to come forward to be preformed please [Music] the father's heart is here fue fathers wants to touch you in a fresh new way [Music] receive is not today for the law never give us a spirit of offer besides she the parable of the lost coin is this the koi is part of a chain of a wedding where the lady will break it has such a sentimental value and our coin is lost the chain is incomplete I just feel that from the message there are some among Garcia has been so far removed from God there's a incompleteness in your life is until the one coin is found so like to invite those of us who are experiencing something in our life of you know leaving never never find a completion a satisfaction there's something always missing that something not fixed not not complete if you are going through a passage of your life in that sense I like to invite you to come forward to be praying for and ask or say God you who make me you know my life then complete my life I like to invite you to come forward as well [Music] oh so fast that's good news my life you have been so long with every breath that I am able I will see [Music] of God Islam yes mrs. DISA last call there's a last call for anyone who want to receive Jesus please come ought to be very far through to receive the Father's love thank you Jesus mistresses come let's pray father God we want to thank you for these precious moments the Lord you never never cast your eye away from each one of us but we know they're your eyes are always upon us we are the fathers in the prodigal stories whose eyes never left the horizon and you know from the silhouette from the faraway image of your son you will read you reign and their Lord we just know that God you never give up on us no ad fast or forsake us the Lord chase us with a relentless love that you pursue us to the very end so father God we want to thank you for a message today in a reminder of the lost-and-found and lo we just want to ask that God you turn the lostness in our life so that we may turn to you once again whatever there is in completely in our life lord help us to come back to you and again and to find the completion there's only in you and soullow father we want to come to you this afternoon Jesus you say I am the way the truth and the life and soul of father give us the way the truth the life may give way give us life about the days as you have promised as you have promised [Music] in Jesus name Amen amen amen amen give a lot of traveling but then the service is over you know the front is still open for anyone of us who want to come forward to be prayed for you know we will love to pray with you and journey with you and go in the peace of God and may the Lord bless you but I'll keep you in all the fullness of His goodness be with you amen
Channel: Petra Community
Views: 46,659
Rating: 4.7652812 out of 5
Keywords: Petra, petra church, petra community, leslie tay, ieatishootipost, lost and found
Id: 4OV2UqXlkPM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 2sec (5462 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 30 2019
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