T880 Rotator- Country Repair Rollover (Garbage Truck Recovery)

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how's it going good it's like a pretty bad one huh yep one of these girls oh you got to hit it pretty hard yeah no kidding really oh my gosh that's crazy he wants to get on the brakes pretty hard mustard pen yep people need to be a little more careful right here at this intersection these guys try to beat this traffic I think so too same thing with down here like sure I think so yeah probably safest oh yeah you got to see the rotator work this thing yeah so you want me to stay where I'm at okay [Music] we're gonna put them to the side for now got that one you may how's it going good he's sure his first time seeing the rotator it's pretty awesome I've had it for three months now I think something like that yeah oh yeah yeah this thing's awesome we could what we're gonna do is just go ahead and just tip it over but will we can boom all the way 90 degree angle and just 90 degree angle just tip it over yeah oh yeah it's a 50-ton so it can lift it up turn it 360 degrees yeah it's a beast 70,000 70,000 pounds yeah it's a heavy it's a beast but anybody saw you over here so I'd say yeah I could see it got your ladder there I get that you are a little frayed of heights do you want to grab that side swing oh yeah yeah all right cool [Music] shackle but chain do you want for that axle fifteen there's two of them I don't like ramp the axle here here up here okay we'll go between the engine and the frame over the frame and come up over the all gotcha okay [Music] [Applause] Claro yes sir I need your angle from this lake I can't go this just turn hard left go forward and then back up yeah so we're to climb up yeah so we got to connect that back to the frame back to the truck we'll just go himself Jeff Jane okay I got tension again we're in [Applause] yes [Music] so release the what okay hey guys is there a hydraulic release valve somewhere that we need to know about for the Dennis you got it for you we were just curious if there's a hydraulic release valve we need to know about for the hydraulics on this is there any kind of a release valve or no no no okay all right right yep yeah we just okay now the only thing is okay and the cylinders okay so it's pressure up and then gravity falls down okay the arms shouldn't swing open unless they froze unless they broke or something okay awesome appreciate it thank you No now he said there's no kind of release valve or anything so guys just go like this no need to do you don't need to basket to the body just for extra support right yep no no no no we're all the bowls going to be from where you can see these on the frame there it's for support yeah oh yeah oh yeah definitely yeah I dunno exactly oh you're saying yeah he just said we're just gonna just support the body so we're gonna do right now is lift on these high lines it's just gonna get the body supported and then we're gonna do it at the same time yeah you can wire in nope he's good yep yeah it is yep nope yeah inside of it okay he's gonna hold up see get that hooks ready for a new home where you're almost tight that's right insight [Music] thank you oh you want me to squeeze so you can remember the tires are gonna come are or it a little bit something right in there okay so Oh white white good good bags back good [Applause] [Applause]
Channel: Country Equipment Rentals
Views: 188,268
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rotator, Truck Wreck, Garbage Truck, Roll Over, Accident
Id: EouuwUBlphY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 21sec (1401 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 28 2018
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