T238 Flashboom (Nerf Grenade PSA)

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hello everyone my name is Brett and sometimes I wear a beret and today I'd like to talk to you about nerf grenades I made a wikiHow video about this not long ago and it started with some other things that wiki help went out but I've also fell in love with when I was very early into the nerfing game this is a foldable frisbee you put darts inside and then it opens up and your frisbee disappears and your darts go poof sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't simple fun and it holds a dear place in my heart because there was nothing else really that existed as a nerf grenade officially until this started hitting the market the t23 eight LBT nerf grenade we saw him on like light take and have strike and it's pretty simple you pull the pin I'm missing the keyring on the top here but you would pull the pin here and then when this hits the ground it impacts jostles this and the flaps open like that and then things go everywhere sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't because if it's face no if it's down like this then the projectiles will come out at you but if it falls on its side they may not but I mean it was pretty cool and for about $20 this was not an unreasonably priced thing it's of course made of plastic and that's a big concerning to throw at someone especially if you're throwing them at their face which you should not do and you probably shouldn't throw this at other people as well but as a official like nerf grenade this was about as close as we got and then they they said yeah well we'll make that in clear - and I like the clear you can actually see your ammo if there is any inside and then I suppose my favorite that came from this which I definitely got and forgot to make an official review video for or just didn't get to this is the version 2 T 2 3/8 grenade and why I like this one is because while these can be a bit questionable for game usage because if you allow them well can you like literally just throw them can you just only only underhand them do you require maximum distance that people can throw them well this one actually gives you options because with this one being delayed delayed there we go that's still out there's something else you can do with this instead of just throwing this at people you can roll this on the ground and after a while it would open up and poof it may not again go in the direction you want to but because the flaps open to the side and not vertically up in one direction this actually gives you a higher chance of it hitting people on the ground like from this position obviously only one or two flaps may open in the direction you want and the other may open into the ground but hey you can also just leave this somewhere pull the pin and it'll go off that's cool and then this is an adjustable screw that I think you can now buy from NF strike or other places AJ my friend AJ gave me this one and because it normally it just came with a set screw that you'd have to adjust by hand after a while but you can adjust how long you want the delay to be or if you want it to be really quick just like that one and you throw it and poof instantaneous almost maybe not so good if you're trying to get it away from you but I like this one this one is pretty awesome and I think you can buy all of these all of these these three from out of darts comm and I think they're all the same price so I would recommend this one it's a little fatter than these guys but it gives you some pretty good options for how to use it and I think the little channels here give you some more room for miscellaneous types of ammo and I think there's actually some use you can use for games compared to these ones which I understand why some people might be a little skeptical of their usage so what have I been delaying to why Brett what's the title of this video and why haven't you gotten to that one well because those even if you're not really sure if you want to use this kind of quote-unquote nerf grenade in a game I just explained there might be some ways but I understand if you don't want to because it is still hard plastic you're not throwing darts at someone you're throwing this so how about something that has absolutely no place in a nerf game even though when NF strike reached out to me and asked if I wanted to review this hot new product because it'd be perfect for nerf games they said yes it's our new flash boom and that's what I'm gonna call it because on my email correspondence from NF strike they just kept referring to it as the flash boom and I like that better than flashbang because it sounds more fun and game friendly toy friendly the official name for it is t2 3/8 flash bomb grenade with battery yellow that's yellow that's yellow this is orange good job guys and as it says it does in fact come with a battery as well that's right this is a lights and sound flash boom flashbang grenade pretty much that is meant to oh what do I want to call it incapacitate your opponents this is meant to launch projectiles and tag people out you know darts hit you this is meant to blind you and deafen you and if you have any problems with stroking whites though I'm sure it'll do even more than that it does what it is intended to do and I'm not gonna actually set it off here I've set it off at my apartment once and I will not do it again because it is awful for this place as no place in my apartment has no place at a general nerf game bad if that don't do that but I have I have tested it a little bit and I'll show you some of those at the end of this video so if you don't want to see that don't worry you just have to avoid the end and I will let you know when now I understand that there are games all across the world that have different fields and they have different kinds of what do I want to say different kinds of blasters different kinds of gear that you're allowed to use which is great and that's what makes all of our locations so different and cool and in some places you can use like you know actual smoke bombs and cover the field with that because you have a private field for a public game this is also a no-go maybe on a private field or where everyone can agree that it's able to be used that's gonna work alright but in general just for a classic common game of you know nerf blasting fun for the whole family this has no place especially during the day this will serve no purpose like I said if it's a lights and sound grenade the point is to disrupt your vision and to disrupt your hearing that is kind of against rule 1 for most of our games and if you don't believe that to be true for your games I would love to talk to you it just has no place and I don't like that they tried to make it in our place it's bad let me okay let me talk more about the grenade itself it takes a lipo that's a bit concerning it is decently housed up here where it says t2 3:8 is where the screw port is you open that up make sure to take the screw completely out it's a pretty cheap screw you pull this tab off and there is your space for the lipo I'm not gonna plug this in do not be dumb Brett you will regret it there's a pretty thin channel in there for your lipo you can yeah there it goes you can fit it in well and then you plug it in close it all up and put the top back on and I'm not gonna do that because I'm lazy also it takes a minute to fiddle around with everything and I don't want to squish the lipo for obvious reasons now when that is fully installed and you put the top back on then how would you operate it well like the other ones you pull the pin and this just Springs open once this Springs open like the other ones they don't spring this I mean it slowly opens like that but you can easily stop it with this one I mean if you barely let go oh shoot it there it goes once this is released this starts beeping and when I mean beeping I mean it basically like a small countdown that doesn't say how long it's going to go for but there's like little green lights around this ring here that are in a sense the countdown of get ready here it comes and then it goes off and boy what a treat that was to set it off in a dark room very confined and it was mmm it was a joy a joy for me to behold and I thought my fire alarm was going off my smoke detectors I should say this is loud this is really really loud and obnoxious when I saw the testing footage from this I knew that these were gonna be bright and uncomfortable in a dark room that's exactly what they do in a bright field not not so much especially if it rounds the corner it's not kind of like blind you through a wall no I mean these are obviously worse in dark conditions but meant this is the worst part of it in my opinion it sounds like your smoke detectors going off and it just will not stop in order to actually make this stop to stop the entire sequence of flash booming you have to reinsert the pin you don't you can't just close it back up like this and hold it with your hand you need to close it and put the pin back in and you do not have much time to make that happen so pretty much if you throw this anywhere and someone else doesn't have a pin which they wouldn't yeah done for do I like also that there's a lipo in this when you throw it like if I drop this from 20 feet onto a concrete surface would I be concerned I mean obviously I'm a little concerned because there's a lipo inside but I'm not too concerned about the lipo getting damaged first I think other parts of this would get a little bit damaged before that lipo still I'm not a huge fan of that battery but it's not my main concern I suppose at the price point it's almost twice as expensive as these other items that as I keep mentioning I actually see a use for so it was expensive and it's not really useful for all of us who actively engage in nerve Kombat II goodness I think it's important that we understand what products are coming to the field and which ones are appropriate to let's slide you know new blasters that come out new kinds of darts because you know a lot of places nowadays don't allow for hard tip darts for good reasons and if you're not aware that hard tip darts exist that's kind of a problem because then someone shows up and you're like oh shoot you're hitting like the same FPS that all of us allow and that's actually kind of painful for some people especially for small kids who didn't expect it this is kind of one of those as well if people don't know that nerf rip grenades exist like the previous t23 eight versions and you throw it at them that's a bit dangerous so it's good to disclose that maybe some are going to be used during the day or disclose that they are not going to be allowed and so for someone to like say try and sneak one of these onto the field for whatever reason it's just not okay in my opinion but you know that's just an opinion nerf opinion in closing I just want to obviously say be responsible at your games whether you're just a player well you're someone who's organizing know that this thing is probably not recommended and there could be a completely reasonable game mode that you have where this would be cool in a dark area where everyone is ok with it and they're aware that something like this might be thrown might be used it is still plastic so you might not want to have it thrown at people like at eye level height be careful please because as people look for new and fun things to use in games and they look to other hobbies like you know say airsoft I'm sure they have a lot more throwables like you know smoke grenades and flashbangs to this nature this might be great for airsoft I don't know I don't play airsoft they may have things that you try to translate over directly to nerf and that will not work for many reasons so be careful and ask before doing be safe have fun in my opinion this is not fun I don't see any fun value out of this but if you want to buy it it's available from NF strike for about $40 or whatever price reduction is going on today except how it works anyhow my name is Brett sometimes we're a Bray and I'll show you now some footage of me using this I shouldn't stab that [Music] that is all for today thank you everyone for watching and I will see you later
Channel: Beret
Views: 287,592
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beret nerf, nerf grenade, nerf flashboom, t238
Id: Y3_Hd80TuZs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 25sec (865 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 27 2019
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