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[Music] what up dude gross I'm Frank this is a video review of a nerf Claymore I recently reviewed a nerve grenade this is very similar in concept in the sense that it uses direct mechanical propulsion to launch anything sort of like a catapult but this Claymore has a remote activating trigger so I can press this to fire rather than throw it like a grenade as well as a tripwire to set and forget run away and then allow your foe to trip the wire and blow themselves up pretty fun product so let's get into the review included is the Claymore itself a rechargeable battery the battery charging cable remote string string holder in the instructions so the too long didn't read or the general overview of what this product actually is it's a nerf bomb or a mind that you can set and allow it to detonate on your opponent uses two mechanical arms that are spring powered on the inside to straighten out or to stretch this little piece of canvas and that stretching process flings anything that you put in the canvas out just like the grenade you can fire anything that you can put inside of it this Claymore along with that grenade were pretty much designed for airsoft but they don't launch with a barrel system or anything specific to the projectiles used in airsoft so we can use it for a nerf very well so I've successfully launched full sized nerf elite darts cut down there feely darts nerf Ely dart heads boom ko cut down darts in Dorf rival rounds so yeah Holi tactics Batman so getting into the external overview of the product in the front here of the Claymore we have the little front towards enemy that's the mock of like a real clay mark that's actually on real claymores to make sure you you know you pointed at where you're trying to shoot instead of back at yourself because friendly fires not cool bro and the text of front is also this little opening gate so you can load in airsoft BB's this makes loading a little bit faster if you're using it for that airsoft application but this hole is not big enough for any of the ammos that i've tested you can really cram them in there if you try but it's actually easier to load it another way which I'll show you in a moment so we can just keep that little gate closed down below we have these little legs and this is so you can place the Claymore you don't thinking it with like stakes in the grass or anything like that it's just you know rests with gravity these are adjustable so I can place it and and then modify the angle that I want the claim or to detonate because this is pretty much leveled to the table here or if I wanted to increase the range if the Claymore has to be further away from my opponent you can angle it back so then it'll loft the ammo up to the air and you know go further these little legs can also collapse completely and then fold to the side like this so they're pretty much out of the way so if you're carrying around the Claymore and a backpack are actually on your belt with the little belt clip here the legs being out of the way will be more convenient on your gear so on the back we have that little belt clip so you can carry this around the remote also has the same belt clip so you can walk around with this you don't need a backpack if you want to use this in a nerf game until you choose the right corner to uh you know set up your booby trap I said booby also on the back there are two little D rings so if you wanted to link up like a sling or something so you put it around your shoulder instead of the belt clip I haven't used those but if you don't want them they're kind of out of the way not really a big deal and then over here we have the battery door this comes with a rechargeable battery and a charging cord charging up the included battery is pretty simple you just plug in the little charging cable to the battery and on the other side of the cable you have a little USB male right here it does not come with a USB female I'm pretty sure they can just ship this all over the world now the USB technology is everywhere but this is an American outlet plug for our Edison outlet so I can plug that into this adapter which is not included that's just something I have for like an iPhone then you let it sit and it charges up after it's charged you can take off this little battery door by removing a screw popping that off and then putting in the battery pretty simple stuff I do appreciate that it includes a rechargeable battery pack because you have to turn this on and then leave it on whereas the radio which takes alkaline 'he's not included with the product you can turn this on right before you detonate but this has to be on so after you set up your booby trap I said booby you have to turn it on and keep it on until it detonates which could be a long time so it's nice that you're not burning through your own alkaline batteries that could get expensive and kind of just annoying you can recharge it with the included cable before every battle so that's the back and then up on the top here we have over here a little red LED that indicates if the device is on so it's off right now when you flick on the switch which I'll show you that will just turn on red to let you know it's on so when you walk away from your booby trap I said booby yeah you can have confirmation that the receivers on it's ready to go then you're ready to detonate also up on the top is the trigger or how the device activates that can be activated with the tripwire which is included so you can tie you the string through that little loop and then tie the other side of the string to something else so when the string is pulled it pulls on this firing it right below that trigger is a little key and this is a key or a safety however you want to think about it if you're walking around with this as gear I'd recommend keeping that however it could get lost pretty easily and to take that key out you twist and then pull and it comes right out like that and the purpose of that is to mechanically block the catch from disengaging or from the trip wire from tripping so as you're setting it all up you might keep that in so you don't accidentally friendly-fire kill yourself so the key or the safety is out this is armed ready to go so when that moves forward it disengages the catch and it fires like that pointing out one issue that I've had these legs loosen up like really quickly I get one good shot and then I have to get my screwdriver and retighten them when they become loose like that it becomes like difficult to place first of all because they aren't strong enough to hold what angle I said it at but I'll get to my pros and cons and highlights at the end so this is the inside of the Claymore again how this works both of these little black things right here are spring-loaded to pull outward similar to a mousetrap in a way that if the mouse's head would be over here and over here they want to go that way with the spring power but connecting these two black arms or is this orange canvas right here and that's where you want to put your ammo if you're a nerf er and not like an airsoft guy you have to load it before you shut it or as you're shutting it so if I want to dilute in standard Nerf darts like these I can push in on the canvas a little bit to collapse these arms a little bit and then drop in the ammo like this and then I'm pushing down on these little arms to shut the front cap and when I click that down now it's locked and you know ready to go the insides are pretty simple that's how you load it over here you have the on/off switch it's a bit of an inconvenience that it's on the inside because you have to remember to turn it on before you like load it it'd be nice if that were on the outside so you could walk away with it off but you can't so to turn on the Claymore portion you just flick that switch and the red light turns on like I mentioned to let you know that it's on the included rechargeable battery pack goes into the Claymore unit itself but the radio batteries are not included it requires like standard alkaline there's also a little on/off switch on the radio so if you want to deactivate the ability to fire it you turn that off and when you turn on the remote it flicks red for you just once to let you know that it's on I didn't have to pair these or bind them or anything out of the box they just knew to connect only to each other but I only have one unit in my house so I don't know if you can run multiples or if one remote would just activate all of them at the same time I don't know but this is the little catch mechanism so you can see how it's actually working here so when I pull this it releases I haven't dissected that part of it but I think it's a simple servo that just kicks this little notch over accomplishing the same thing that the tripwire would be doing anyways so that's the overview of the Claymore and pretty much how it works and how to load it here's some fire [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now for the tripwire demo [Music] so operational analysis my opinion on the performance is pretty positive the amount of ammo that you can shove in there especially when you're using something like the nerf Elite heads you can get a bunch of them in there so if firing in the general direction of your opponent you're pretty likely to hit them but when using standard Durfee leat darts I could only fit four of them in there when I used five it would stress the catch a little too much and I don't want to break the component especially when breaking it means it might just go off in your hands or when you're setting it up so I wanted to only go off when I want it to go off don't we all but my major complaint about that nerf grenade is that it was a directional blast that you couldn't direct so you know kind of inconvenient with this you place it and you set it up to where your opponent should be so I can see a really effective application of this product in the right game type with the right person and you know all the other stars aligned it can work it's certainly not for everybody it's forty to fifty US dollars and it's something that you're setting on the ground which might get kicked stepped on broken if you're not near the product when it detonates like using the trip wire your opponent might be angry and a little you know upset this is equivalent to a mechanical camping noob scrub so you know they might just kind of look at it and kick it and step on it out of anger and not call their hit depends who you're playing with drives me freaking crazy when I run over tripmines or whatever in Call of Duty this is like a virtual annoyance IRL using the tripwire is also a pretty serious tripping hazard which being a tripwire you know it's kind of obvious Oh your trip wires a tripping hazard oh oh but seriously like the product might break you might trip your person your opponent into something and they could hurt themselves so that should be used lightly in in the right context when everybody knows what's going on I personally don't think I'll be using the tripwire that much but the remote detonation is super cool putting these in the corner of a room or around an objective so you don't have to be there your opponent walks up and says no humans could be here oh what's that little red light over in the bush and then Europe like help he gets you know eliminated it could be pretty effective it's definitely a tacticool product for your your arsenal this is one of those reviews that I think the review itself just to see that this type of thing exists is really cool for most of my viewers but very few people are going to want to buy this and use it to its full potential one con that I do want to point out that is a pretty annoying con is is the legs there's a little screw that adjusts the tightness of this adjustment here that loosens up really fast it's a simple screw going into plastic threads and you know that's kind of inevitable that that'll loosen up but it's really disappointing because when these become too loose you can't really place it very well but this type of product will only be used by the most tactical operators or technicians out there so carrying an extra screwdriver and your kit to tighten it right before you you place your explosive device not a big deal so nerf claimed our overall opinion positive it does a good job at what it's trying to do I don't think I'll personally be using the tripwire but for the right environment in context and with the right players and atmosphere it could be a really cool accessory I really appreciate that it's a rechargeable internal battery so you're not just blowing through alkaline that could get expensive and annoying and because of the firing mechanism it's just a direct propulsion like a catapult just like a cannibal you can put in anything you want into a catapult that catapult will fling it if it fits so this is pretty much the same thing just remember to only use safe items in there like foam or Nerf darts that concludes the review of the nerf Claymore I'll leave a purchase link to where I bought it in the description box below that's it thanks so much for watching as always bros stay tactical [Music]
Channel: Coop772
Views: 1,905,776
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nerf, nerfs, gun, guns, blaster, blasters, best, awesome, sweet, cool, epic, coop, coop772, review, claymore, remote, activated, mine, boobie, trap, lolisaidboobies, trip, wire, radio
Id: UJXi5Yzhwt4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 5sec (725 seconds)
Published: Sat May 05 2018
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