T-BONE STEAK Done Dirt Cheap | Recipe | BBQ Pit Boys

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("Barbecue Shoes" by Blue House with the Rent to Own Horns) (truck engine) (door slam) - [Voiceover] Welcome to BBQpitboys.com. Today we're cooking up a T-bone steak at our pit, and it's real easy to do. Alright, listen, when you're hungry for a steak, there's a lot of ways you can cook it up, right? Alright. Now, uh, what we're gonna do here, is we're gonna cook our T-bone up on a chimney, right? You know all about these. Start your charcoal. Well they work real good as a grill. You gotta check this out. So, well you know how to start these, right? Put some paper underneath, yep. Like that, you load it up with some charcoal. And in this case, we load it up just about halfway for our steak. Alright, we're eating good tonight, Martha. You gotta check this one out. We got a T-bone steak. This is about one and three quarter pound, and there is the T-bone. That's where it gets it's name, right? Now, for this recipe today, all we need is some onions, and some mushrooms. And a little bit of butter, some seasoning. That's about all a good man needs, right? No fancy ass casseroles, or side dishes. Come on man it's all about the steak and onions and mushrooms in this case, right? Alright, so, we're just gonna chop up an onion here, a good sized onion. And throw it in this black iron pan. 'Cause we're gonna fry these onions and some of these fresh cut mushrooms. Oh man there's nothing like mushrooms and onions and a steak. Now, we'll throw a couple tablespoons of butter in there. Yeah, gotta have the butter, the steak and the mushrooms and the onions, right? Now, if you've never had T-bone steak before, you definitely gotta check this out. This is some real good eating at the Pit. Yeah, you know all that. Now, here I'm gonna season it, of course, maybe a couple teaspoons. We're using SPG, salt, pepper, granulated garlic, some other seasoning. And of course, you always want to season your steak. You must season it. We're gonna get a good coating on here, on all sides. We're gonna make that nice layer of flavor on this steak. Alright oh man, looks good enough to eat already, right? (laughs) You've heard me say that before. Alright, just waiting for that chimney to get hot. Just a few minutes. And, you got any scrap onion, go real good on a hot fire. Makes it smell good. Now, on the starter, we're putting a grate. Any old grate you got, right? And here we'll throw the pan on. We're gonna fry these up. Oh man. It smells good. There's nothing like kicking back, relaxing, eating some good steak. This is what the good life is all about right. (sizzling sounds) Alright, the onions and the mushrooms, pretty much cooked. We like them al dente, right? A little firm, a little bite, that's the best way. And now, let's throw on that T-bone. Direct, over the fire. Now you ask some food police, say, well, you can't do that. You're not supposed to be letting the flame lick that steak. Well, hell yes you can. Just don't worry about it. We're searing both sides real quick, a real high temperature, oh man. Take a look at that, alright. Now, once you got one side seared, the other seared, what we're gonna do is we're gonna cool down the fire a bit. So, we'll just take this rock, throw it in there. This will lower the temperature so we can slowly cook the steak the rest of the way. Told you this was easy to do, oh baby. (calm music) Alright, this steak is done. We're cooking it medium rare, maybe even rare against the bone. That's the best way to eat a T-bone, right? Oh man, the deeper and the closer you get to that bone, the better it is. Like that, throw on some of them grilled onions and mushrooms on there, hell yeah. Like I said, you don't need any fancy ass grill for this steak. You use what you got. Alright. I say, it's time to take it off the grill and it's time to eat. ("Barbecue Shoes" by Blue House with the Rent to Own Horns) Pull it out of the pan, oh man. We're gonna let it rest, maybe five minutes, good enough. Alright, let me show you what this looks like on the inside. Like I said, we're after medium rare on the outside. And that's what we got, right? As this cools down, you'll see the red come out strong. Well, if you know anything about steak, you know what I'm talking about. Now take a look at this. See them juices? That's what you get with a nice hard sear on the outside, and then a slower cook to finish it off. Oh man. ("Barbecue Shoes" by Blue House with the Rent to Own Horns) Now, let's plate it up. Get some of them onions and mushrooms on there, with that sweet butter. Pour it all over the top and slices through the steak. And the only side you need is a little bit of bread, right? ("Barbecue Shoes" by Blue House with the Rent to Own Horns) Now, of course, I do apologize for eating in front of you like this, but I call this Pit Master Privilege. ("Barbecue Shoes" by Blue House with the Rent to Own Horns) Now don't you ever say you don't have a grill, so you can't cook up a good steak. Just go down, get yourself a ten dollar charcoal chimney lighter, and you're cooking. Oh man, look how nice and tender that is. All of that just falls right through. There you go nice, medium rare, if not more toward rare on the inside. What a quality steak. This is the way you want to serve it. Yeah, we got the food police and the pissboys now going. Here come the vege-manics. ("Barbecue Shoes" by Blue House with the Rent to Own Horns) (gunshot) So the next time you're looking for a recipe for your pit, check out BBQpitboys.com (crow cawing)
Channel: BBQ Pit Boys
Views: 3,559,427
Rating: 4.7776551 out of 5
Keywords: recipes, bbq, recipe, grilling, food, channel, tv, pitmasters, barbeque, bar-b-que, howto, smoker, meat, steak, burgers, grill, AC/DC
Id: 5VycYEOc8Zw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 58sec (598 seconds)
Published: Tue May 24 2016
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