Why The T-14 Armata Tank Best Tank in the World - Top Tank in the World

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Hello everyone, welcome back again to Military  TV. Today I’m gonna take you to see why The T-14   Armata superior to other Main Battle Tanks (MBTs).  Before watching this video. Don’t forget to leave   your comment below If you have any suggestions  or certain topic to discuss for the next vidoes.  The Armata T-14 was first demonstrated during  the Victory Day Parade in May 2015 in Moscow.   The actual production of the tanks was delayed.  The first nine T-14 Armatas were originally   planned to be handed over to the Russian Ground  Forces (RGF) in 2018. This date then got pushed   to 2019 and then to 2021. The T-14 Armata  can be accurately described as the first true   “Russian” tank to land a contract for production,  as it is the first tank design to do so that came   after the fall of the Soviet Union. Design  work for it began in 2010 at Uralvagonzavod,   which also designed the T-55, T-62, T-72 and T-90  tanks. Russian tanks used to rely on high-tech   foreign components in some subsystems. Now the  entire information management suite hardware   and software is also domestically produced. The tank measures 10.8m-long, 3.5m-wide and   3.3m-high, and has a combat weight of 48t. The  T-14 Armata is based on a modular combat platform,   which can also serve as a basis for other armoured  variants such as heavy infantry fighting vehicle   (IFV) and armoured personnel carrier (APC). The hull is divided into three compartments, a   crew cab at forward, an unmanned remote controlled  turret in the centre and a power-pack at the rear.   The driver sits in the left, gunner in the middle  and commander in the right inside a special   armoured capsule. Entry and exit are provided  through three hatches in front of the hull.   The roof of the turret houses a meteorological  mast, satellite communications, global navigation   satellite system , data-link and  radio communications antennae.  Talking about The T-14’s engine, the tank is  powered by an A-85-3 turbocharged diesel engine,   capable of 1,500 horsepower coupled  to 12 speed automatic transmission.   A-85-3 is turbo-piston diesel engine sometimes  named 2A12. A-85-3A engine is used on an Armata   universal platform. The development of the engine  was engaged in Chelyabinsk Transdizel design   bureau. It produced on Chelyabinsk tractor plant. There is information that the Armata would also   have electric transmission to reduce the weight of  the vehicle and increase the use of add-on armor.   The suspension consists on each side of seven  dual rubber-tired road wheels. The T-14 Armata   can run at a maximum road speed from 80 to 90  km/h with a maximum cruising range of 500 km.   All Russian tanks have only six road wheels but  the suspension of the T-14 Armata on each side   consists of seven road wheels with the idler  at the front, drive sprocket at the rear.  The high-power diesel engine and transmission  constitute a single unit that ensures high   maneuverability. The active suspension improves  the tank’s sway resistance on rugged terrain, thus   enhancing the target lock time and fire accuracy. Now, let’s take a look at T-14 Armata’s design.   The tank is designed around the unmanned  turret, which makes it unlike any other   main battle tank (MBT) in service and gives it  a unique set of advantages and disadvantages.   The T-14 Armata is armed with a 2A82-1M smoothbore  gun, since it employs an automatic loader,   the T-14 needs no gunner, 57-millimeter grenade  launcher, and a 12.7-millimeter machine gun.   The 2A82-1M 125mm smoothbore gun is supposed  to provide 15-20 percent better accuracy over   the gun currently fielded in the T-90 main  battle tank. The remote-controlled machine   gun is installed in its own robotized turret and  integrated with the tank’s fire control system.   In general, the T-14’s weapons systems is an  automated one, with all of its components, except   for command and control ones, located inside  the unmanned turret separately from the crew.  The T-14’s armor protection is even more  controversial. The crew is protected by an armored   fighting capsule with all around 900 mm protection  against Armour-piercing fin-stabilized discarding   sabot (APFSDS), 1400 against (High-explosive  anti-tank warhead) HEAT, which is not impressive   in itself. However, the armor is complemented by  4th generation Malachit Explosive Reactive Armor   (ERA), which supposedly boosts the effective  armor by 50%, making 1350 mm against APFSDS.   Then there is the massive Afghanit hard-kill  Active Protection System (APS), which the Russians   got to defend successfully against weapons  travelling at 1,700 m/s, and are trying to get up   to 3,000 m/s. Also quite very suspiciously sources  claim that it can protect against APFSDS rods.   Basically, excellent protection. With the introduction of the Explosive Reactive   Armor, which is basically an explosive plate that  propels the armor plate to resist penetration of   the projectile warhead so it doesn't damage the  steel plate and prevents further penetration,   the armor can even withstand anti-tank missiles  and gunfire with ammunition 120 mm uranium M829   looks like America's. The Russian Defense Ministry  says the Armata’s main combat features are   a high level of passive and active protection,  superior to that of any other armored vehicles.   The tank’s original silhouette combined with the  special coating considerably reduces the vehicle’s   visibility in the thermal and radar range of  observation. The wheels are partially covered by   anti-HEAT rubber skirts. The tank’s sides above  the wheels have built-in reactive armor screens.   Anti-HEAT grills (screens) cover the  engine’s exhaust pipes in the rear.  Extra fuel tanks are behind the armor, which  considerably bolster the tank’s durability.   The armor is capable of withstanding the  impact of any current anti-tank weapon.   The engineers who designed the vehicle say  its resistibility is 15% greater than that   of any other armored vehicle having the same mass: • The tank’s frontal protection is approximately   equivalent to that of a 1,200  mm-1,400 mm steel armor plate.  • The passive armor protection of the hull  and turret is combined and consists of   composite materials and the newest armor steel. Another protection is Active protection system   (APS) Afganit. This system automatically detects  enemy anti-tank shells and guided missiles and   returns fire with special munitions to destroy  them. The system functions in automatic mode only.  The APS is capable of intercepting  any approaching weapons:  • Guided anti-tank missiles • Rocket-propelled anti-tank   grenades and shells fired with  man-portable anti-tank grenade launchers  • Armor-piercing sabots • Air-to-surface missiles  The active protection system provides  defense from ordinary munitions and   weapons that attack from above. This says it  all. The United States’ anti-tank missile TOW   is detected by the tank’s active protection system  which automatically emits an aerosol smoke screen,   thus rendering the missile uncontrollable. After having bit information of T-14’s armor   protection. We are absolutely want to know where  the tank is tested. In the Middle Eastern country,   Russia's T-14 Armata tank has undergone testing in  Syria, a senior Russian official said. The testing   was the latest example of Russia's military  checking the capabilities of its advanced weapons   systems in Syria, a war zone where foreign powers  have deployed forces. According to officials, the   test will allow specialists to see the new tank in  action under real combat and deserts conditions.  Deputy Russian Ground Forces Commander for  Armaments Lieutenant General Viktor Lizvinsky   told journalists in late August 2018 said “You  know, we will test the tank in various climatic   conditions, and not just in the Central Russian  Upland. We will certainly try out the tank in the   North and the Arctic, and we will probably have  to deploy it in the mountains and sandy deserts,   we know that the United States had some negative  experience operating its Abrams M1 tanks during   Operation Desert Storm when virtually all their  engines malfunctioned. Therefore we need to   try out everything, including specific computer  parts and the influence of Aurora Polaris on it,”  For the last part, we gonna see the  Prospective Customers of The T-14 Armata.   Moscow has already received export inquiries  for this tank, however, it will be possible   to ship the tank abroad only after the  beginning of serial supplies to the troops.   The T-14 Armata has been of great interest to  both the Russian Army and foreign customers,   and last month Russian state arms seller  Rosoboronexport announced that the T-14   along with the T-15 infantry vehicle could be  demonstrated to potential foreign buyers at   the Army-2020 international arms show. Industry and Trade Minister of Russia,   Denis Manturov, had earlier announced that  they are already receiving requests for the   deadly T-14 Armata tanks from several foreign  customers. Experts believe that apart from India,   there are few countries that can handle the  ‘Armata’s sophistication’. “I would point to   the UAE and Egypt as two potential customers who  have experience in using sophisticated American,   European and Russian hardware. Algeria may be a  potential destination, too, given that it already   has sophisticated Russian military hardware, such  as the recently-delivered Terminator anti-tank   vehicle. Finally, India is a key destination  for Russian military high-tech, such as the T-90   tank.India’s high dependency on Russian munition  can be seen as 86% of the equipment, weapons,   and platforms currently in military service  in India are of Russian origin. Countries like   Belarus, Egypt, India, and Vietnam are also  regular customers of the Russian munitions.  So, the T-14 is high tech and possibly  with superior capabilities to competitors.  Thank for watching and see you in the next videos.
Channel: Military TV
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Keywords: t 14 armata, t-14 armata tank, t 14 armata tank, t-14 tank, t14 tank, t 14 tank, armata tank, armata t-14, armata t 14, armata t14, t 14 mbt, mbt t 14, t-14 engine, armata speed, t-14 armata video, t-14 armata youtube, tank armata, russia t 14 armata, armata mbt, t14 armata, tanks, t14 armata tank, армата, t-14, t14, t 14, t-14 armata, t14 aramata, t14 tank armata, russia t14, т 14 армата, armata t-14 tank, t 14 armata in action, new russian tank, t14 russian tank
Id: vJyp7d1ANJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 2sec (662 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 30 2020
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