Synology DS224+ vs DS723+ NAS - GO PRO or GO HOME?

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foreign [Music] hello and welcome back and that's right today I want to help you decide which one of these two Nazis best deserves your data today we're going to be looking at the Synology ds723 plus and we're going to be seeing if it's worth going for that or the recently announced ds224 plus now as both of them part of synology's new 2023 2024 series of devices and whether you are a long term soil to user looking to upgrade all these are your first tippy toes into the world of technology now if you've come to this video it's because you've been looking at more compact solutions that better leverage the hardware on offer and the stories rather than prioritizing one over the other it's always been the way with the two and the four bay series of any of these Nas brands that we find that this is a good Balancing Act between the storage the price point and the capabilities of the system but these are not two similar devices and despite their price point rocking around at about 150 to in some cases 200 knicker difference between them I think a lot of users just want to see where exactly that extra money on the ds723 is actually being spent on whether they actually need to spend that money on it but before we get any further just a very quick recap okay so if if you you know around about a year now maybe even a year and a half ago when synology's newer generation of plus Series Desktop devices started appearing with a non-integrated graphic CPUs non-celeron CPUs there a lot of users kind of myself included were kind of disappointed that Synology most likely a lot of other Nas Brands their competitors are decided on that generation to not opt for integrated Graphics process processors be they Intel Celeron Pentium or even some of the AMD options out there I hate seagulls however much like that monkey paw where you make wishes and they're all cursed I think a lot of users felt that way when later on solangee rolled out some integrated Graphics um Nara CPU devices such as the ds423 plus and this the ds224 plus and we were given an Intel Salon that we've already seen before as of three years ago the j4125 so right now there'll be pretty existing sonology now as owners that are looking at this device and not seeing it as any form of an upgrade for this video we will touch on that but this video isn't going to be too much about that we are going to look and look at the benefits of a Celeron versus an embedded AMD ryzon and DSM throughout this so we're not going to hop too much on the integrated Graphics bandwagon until it's necessary you'll see that later on but for now let's crack on with probably the most important factor for a number of you that are looking at purchasing either one of these it's going to be that price point there because we already touched on it the ds723 arrives at a noticeably higher price point than both the ds220 plus currently available and the soon to be released ds224 plus there knocking around the ds73 at about at 450 to even close to 500 knicker mark this is not a cheap box there it is arriving with an architecture that's a big old leap and a jump in a number of ways than its predecessor the ds720 Plus and that price point has been something of a hurdle for some users but in the just over six seven months that it's been available we have seen fluidity in that pricing we have seen it Knocking around for as low as 399 and even 349 in some places I believe during Prime day it's awesome incredible obviously you've got to factor in your local tax in your shipping and your local currencies and such but Fallout device having that fluidity that's something you only ever see on a device that's been around in the market a while now by comparison the ds224 plus which is primed to arrive at pretty much the identical RRP price point of the 2220 220 plus that arrived before of about 350 uh maybe down to 330 knicker there that's quite a disparity so what exactly is this device bringing um extra over the ds224 plus there now we can talk about DSM support there we can talk about the fact this has got a three year warranty and this arrives with a two-year warranty and again there's new versus slightly older there to talk about but I think ultimately if you're looking at the lowest price point what you're getting the best bang for your buck obviously the ds224 is going to be the lowest price point but I think it's up to you and the hardware section to decide where the value lives about what you're getting for your money now I mention this in another video recently where I compared the ds224 plus against its predecessor the ds-2220 plus but Synology re-jigged its portfolio quite significantly in the last 12 to 18 months what do I mean by that well to recap quickly prior to about 18 months ago the Synology portfolio at least in terms of desktop was very easy to calculate your adj series which was your entry level stuff then you had your value series which was kind of entry level with access to more features and kind of the lowest ebb in terms of all of the having access to the majority of features then after that you had to prosumer home and then you had your prosumer home business and between all of those were the price differences about under 250 knicker in between them it was very easy to graduate where you wanted your money to go in the future set you got back and the hardware of each of those tiers was generally the same across all of the two and the four beta devices that you flicked between them before you went into the business tiers much larger when you've got things like big old six and eight Bay devices now in the re-jigging of their portfolio that happened in that last 12 to 18 months it is that Pro tier in between the value tier that got rid of a lot of the kind of value series play level stuff and even minimize the J series there and then when you go into the middle one they re-jigged a lot of what was originally considered Pro Schumer early business and moved it down into home prosuma and that is what has happened with this portfolio and when we were looking at the 220 versus the 224 we said that because they moved everything down the difference between them was incredibly small whereas between these two the hardware between them is enormously different in terms of scope and capabilities now when we look at these two devices this arriving with the dual core AMD ryzen the r1600 is also arriving with 2GB very likely that you know the same they've both got two gig of ddr4 memory between them and they both arrive with two uh times gigabit Ethernet port so two 1GB ports on either often they both got same number of USB port actually no I rephrased that this has only got one USB 3 Port this has got two USB 3 ports but this has got USB and eSATA there sometimes you've really streamlined a lot of the USB support over the last few years and between them they both got two bays and they can both have their memory upgraded um so after that where's the difference is well they are enormous and before we get on to the sheer scope of what the ds723 plus includes which it bloody well should given the extra money let's at least give the ds224 plus a chance firstly that CPU that integrated Graphics I told you we talked about it eventually uh the Intel j4125 acceleron processor quad core 2.0 gigahertz per call that can be burst up to 2.7 gigahertz and again that has an element of integrated Graphics um which can go for between 350 and 750 but I think it might be 800 megahertz integrated Graphics capabilities and also got the 2gig of ddr4 memory soldered to the boards you can't upgrade the initial memory but you can add another four gig Synology memory module ringing up the total to it slightly weird eight gig of memory even though the CPU supports 8 gig but it can go up to six gig there now there isn't any M2 nvme slots inside and there isn't any capabilities to expand the device um that quad-core CPU is going to attract some that want to allocate some of that resources to things like VMS and containers more on that later and the CPU between the two of them has a much lower TDP ultimately translating to a lower power consumption in operation there so it does have it's by plotties and if you're looking at conversions if you're looking at multimedia that you're going to need to transcode on the Fly because your client devices don't support certain file formats or certain compressions and codecs or codecs or your accessing media on the Fly via limited internet connections uh remote access and stuff like that or on particularly heavy bandwidth networks where you might want a file restrict to be better suited to your little iPhones because you don't want to watch an 8K version of Avatar then I would say there are inherent advantages to that to certain usage environment environments and again I Will Champion this with it last year when we were talking about integrated CPUs versus non-integrated however after that the 73 absolutely destroys it outside of those advantages what do I mean by that well for a start the CPU has a higher clock speed the CPU there is a 2.6 gigahertz base that can be burst up to 3.1 when needed gigahertz it's a dual core but For Thread CPU which means you can still allocate virtual CPUs four of them there instead of a quad core which isn't going to be as desirable as four chords if I'm modest but it's still nice to have it um that CPU doesn't have integrated Graphics but it counters it with a better file handling and in terms of file performance all the tests we performed on this but in 10 GB and 1gbe just performed better because it had better file handling has a higher TDP and therefore it's going to consume more power in operation and again TDP is a maximum figure there so not everyone's going to be using that all the time it's like psus but still at the same time that is also combined with two gig of memory as mentioned but ECC memory error correcting code or error code correction meaning that as data is passed through it there is an additional component module on the memory that analyzes the data as it goes through and make sure that the data entering the memory and exiting the memory is identical and if it isn't it quickly checks it with those uh checksum system and ensures that your data is retained correctly which for long-term storage when you want to make sure that your data is not inconsistent or only having any inaccuracies at the bit level level is going to be really appealing but also on top of that that two gig of memory is removable and there are two memory slots there that allow you got to 16 gig maximum remember that weird 6 gig on this coupled with that that memory being ECC means that this has huge business application tends about reshuffling I mentioned earlier on of their portfolio there on top of that in terms of uh business level concerns not only is there that expansion Port allow you to add five more Bays of storage with the dx517 something not supported on the ds72 224 plus there's also the option to add a 10 gigabit upgrade there you can go ahead and get Sonic's own upgrade module to add a 10 GBE upgrade to this system it ain't cheap around about 150 sometimes change in hands are about 170 dollars but it does allow you to add 10 GBE to this and a lot of you might be thinking well it's only a 2 by I'm never going to be able to fully saturate a 10 gig connection and you're right but what if you use the m2mvme slots that's right this has got two M2 mbme slots that allow you to add 1000 Meg ssds because they're limited to gen 3 times 1 that they've been limited to that but it still allows you to have not only two bays of hard drive storage but also two bays of M2 and vme storage you can only use synology's own ssds if you want to take advantage of that currently but you can only use third party ssds if you want to use the caching system and again there are no M2 nvmes on the base of the ds224 plus which is a real shame so again you're getting a higher powered CPU although not integrated Graphics or an awesome annoy some you've got better file handling and the option to scale up both storage and external bandwidth you've got better memory inside although it will prove expensive once you're going down the upgrade route use Technologies on ECC memory but still nonetheless ECC memory uh higher megahertz speed on that memory as well at 3200 and a larger capacity scale of ability and just overall with those M2 nvme's better scalability of storage on day one and years down the line so overall in terms of Hardware although I do have a soft spot for integrated graphics and a Celeron Processor I can't ignore the fact that one this is an older generation Celeron when we're seeing uh Intel rolling out the n5000 series CPU we're seeing the rolling out the j6000 series CPU we're even seeing the uh um n6000 or 6005 Pinterest mcpu changing hands all over the place very affordably in everything from Topton embedded mini PCS to just becoming more and more available and almost certainly it's going to arrive in more and more Nas Series in years to come but yet this is arriving with that 2019 series Celeron so as much as I want to give this um a credibility boost for having integrated Graphics in this scenario again remember that monkey poor I will say that the 723 just wins hands down in terms of the hardware you are getting and even tips into the better value option even though this is a better price option but how is this all impacted in Synology software if it hasn't already become abundantly clear Synology software for the most part is going to be more capable and there's a better scope of expandability in long-term use on the 723 plus they just flat out ears and as the case by design it has to be said to remain Within These price points given the increasing price of a lot of individual components but technology is still trying to maintain the same RRP on these devices every few years when they're refreshed there's no denying that the choice and decisions that have gone into the hard way here are reflected on DSM now what I mean by that well if you're a basic user and you're just you know a small group one or five users you're probably not going to notice any difference between these two um you know obviously in terms of remote external bandwidth you may see differences there and I really wish Synology has gone to the trouble of supporting Network adapted up to 2.5 g because that would certainly close the gap but between the two of them when it comes to internal operations of DSM things are going to be largely the same they both support the same range of apps and services everything from shr and btrfs support there for the file system and later scalability when you move the drives into bigger systems but on top of that with regard to DSM itself they both arrive with support the very latest generation of DSM DSM 7.2 full access to the collaboration Suite chat Drive mail calendar you name it you got support if you want to use Synology office and integrate it with all the other apps and services first and third party you can if you want to use the multimedia Suite so multi-fires for AI photo recognition it's a launching video for the scoping of metadata and conversions and transcoding you've got access to it although obviously the latter will do better on this if you want access to Solitude virtual machine manager you've got the same application support on both of these and whether it's a quad core CPU or a full thread CPU you can still allocate the hardware resources manually then go to container manager as well you've got access to somebody and surveillance station application with both of them arriving with two camera licenses included although you can support a fraction more cameras on the ds723 thanks to that larger memory quantity not just because of that CPU on top of that you've got access to the hyper backup application the active backup Suite application and a bunch of C2 Services as well in terms of DSM for the average user you will notice no difference but the minute you Scope up what you are doing you're adding more simultaneous apps at any given time you're adding more simultaneous active users and backup operations you're running more concurrent and simultaneous services at any given time that's when the ds723 Plus will strengthen its muscles a little bit because it's got more in the tank to take advantage of whereas the ds-224 plus will hit a glass ceiling nowhere near as much as its predecessors and that quad core will prove very useful but there's simply no avoiding that thanks to that larger amount of memory and the fact that memories are slightly higher performance number and that CPU is more in the tank to take advantage of even in terms of efficiency you're going to get more out of the ds723 Plus in DSM long term I think DSM 10.2 will be supported for not dissimilar length of time between them but I think one thing we have to factor in is the CPU that j4125 has only been a has been around since 2019 although both of them uh the when they were introduced by AMD and uh Intel respectively was only about a year or so apart amd's commitment to this embedded ride-on CPU is substantially longer right now which means there will be a longer run on that CPU which means it will be around for longer in technology will be able to experiment with it a little bit longer as well which means I think DSM support is probably going to be longer on this CPU here than it will be on this older generation Celeron Intel have already moved on from this processor as well and no doubt when the newer version of this series arrives in two to three years it will still be rocking a Celeron maybe an embedded AMD but that CPU will have longer support on it than what we're seeing here on the J um four one two five CPU you're still gonna have years and years and years of support DSM and technical support and you know effective lifetime support of DSM on this system effective but between the two of them I think DSM is going to run better and to a larger capacity and for longer on the ds723 plus and it's just another one of those reasons for that price point being higher you're just getting more for that money and if you think you're going to need some of that stuff in the next few years be it for the expandability of storage the expandability of nvmes the efficiency there and the overall Hardware resources under the Bonnet the chances are this is the better choice for you overall you should spend a bit extra but if you don't think you're going to be maxing out what your capabilities are if you're a small group of users or a single user or you're looking more at multimedia than anything else the ds224 plus is still a fantastic choice overall between them although the hardware architecture may seem a little bit old now in 2023 or we've already seen the architecture for a few years it's still a Synology Nas and it's still a great product in terms of the nas industry and there is a reason they're still a market leader thank you so much for watching I hope you found this video helpful if you have let me know in the comments it should be a written guide uh breaking down a lot more of the points I've talked about today and more in the description below if you need further support though use the free advice section over on as compares the big blue button on the right hand side of the page alternatively you can use our free community Forum asked as Compares or contact us on the Discord all of those are linked on the main Pages finally if you found this video helpful and if you were going to shop at any one of the pages linked below um Amazon b h Newegg scan box any of those websites please use the links in the description to take you there but just make sure that you were going to shop there anyway and you found the video helpful make sure those two things are true before you click 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Channel: NASCompares
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Keywords: DS723+ vs DS224+, DS224, DS224+ CPU, DS224+ NAS, DS224+ NAS Hardware, DS224+ vs DS723+, DS723+, Synology, Synology 2023, SYNOLOGY 2024, Synology DS224+, Synology DS224+ CPU, Synology DS224+ Diskstation, Synology DS224+ Hardware, Synology DS224+ NAS, Synology DS224+ NAS Plex, Synology DS224+ Specifications, Synology DS224+ vs DS224, Synology DS224+ vs DS423+, synology nas, Synology NAS 2023, Synology News, Synology Plex, DS224+, DS223+, DS224+ Specs
Id: pXWC0H_MOew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 50sec (1250 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 21 2023
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