Synology DS723+ Unboxing, Assemble & Setup - Part 1

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here I've got the Synology gestation ds723 plus it's a two Bay Naz let's take a look as we take a closer look we've got status disc one disc two lights we've got a USB and then we've got a power button on the front these in older models used to push in and they would kind of pop out and then you you pull them um these you just kind of give a little tug at the bottom when they're not locked and they slide right out on the back power eSATA ethernet ethernet there's a reset button there here we've got a spot so that we could put in a 10 gig ethernet adapter card and then we've got a Kensington lock slot on the bottom we've got two places to put the M2 and vme SSD cards so these would basically be your your caches so that you can access your data a lot faster using its caching system so grab our sled and there's these little spots at the top here where you just peel it back and these holes here are what's going to end up lining up with your these little plastic pieces you want Drive facing this way so that you can have your connection actually it won't fit in the other direction the holes they don't line up foreign gigs now make sure you don't have a lot of static in your clothing and things like that um because that's really gonna that's really gonna mess with things especially if you touch any of the any of the metal there so what you can do is you kind of want to come in at a little bit of an angle and get it seated in and then press it down so you're going to come in a little bit of an angle get it seated all the way and then press down and it's gonna hook into these little Clips here one at the bottom and one at the top and I'm sure that you watch this little guide there that's going to tell you which way it needs to go because there's a guide right there look at that I felt moving there we go there we go all right so it's probably about a 30 degree angle felt a little weird going in now it's in one of the things you can you can look at is these little pens here and here they're going to line up with the little notches in the mid-mery module see how that is there get a little closer look for you see that and then there's the notch finally we're going to connect our power and we're going to connect our ethernet I'm going to connect into Lan one there's also Lan two you could use either one that you want I'm going to connect into Lan one the reason you've got more than one you can set these up for failover or you can also set them up for load balancing okay now that you've got your Synology to station connected to your home network or business Network you're going to open up a web browser and you're going to go to find and what this is going to do is it's going to search your network and it's going to find any Synology devices that you have okay once you've got your Synology drive up here in the you're going to click on connect go ahead and scroll through the Synology end user license agreement read it all as we always do check the box agree and click next privacy statement go ahead and give this a read through and then click continue all right here we've got our Synology DS 723 plus and these do not come with the software the disk station software pre-installed so at this point this is when we're going to go ahead and have it download and install the software so install disk station manager software so we're going to say automatically download the latest version from Synology so we'll click next and all data will be deleted on the drives that's fine these are brand new drives we are not worried about that we're not recovering anything so we're good to go check that you understand and continue okay DSM 7.1 has been loaded let's start all right first thing we got to do is give it a device name like my Synology give it an administrator account name password and then confirm the password I suggest that you check this box for allow the Synology Nas to be split displayed in web assistant basically what that's going to do is allow you to use the address in a web browser in order to find the Synology on your local network reasons that you might want to do this is if you um don't know the IP address of your Synology you kind of lose it on your local network you'll be able to find it this way that can happen if you set the Synology to have a static IP address but your router doesn't recognize it or vice versa sometimes you can get a little confused and not know what what address your Synology has especially if you leave DHCP enabled which means that your Synology when it restarts at some point might pick up a different IP address than the one that you're working with now so for example you can see this one is currently at and then the colon that we have here 5000 5000 is the port that your disk station will communicate on so that dot 44 could possibly change the next time that this unit is restarted or the next time your router restarts you lose power to your home or business those kinds of things okay our next option is to select how we want package updates to be so I suggest the the top one which is recommended automatically install important DSM and package updates only which recommended the other one is to install the latest DSM and package updates um or then just to to notify you and you'll install them manually so we're going to go ahead and check number one top there so here we're presented with the opportunity to create a Synology account so that we can get a few more benefits out of our Nas get secure sign in access to your NAS from anywhere around the clock monitoring this access to your Synology NAS from anywhere is going to be really important to set up the the Quick Connect so that you can easily access your Synology NAS from other locations outside of your office or or your home and if this is something you've had experience with and and and do you understand you have other ways to connect back to devices on your home network you're probably understand everything about this and may or may not need the quick connect if you don't Quick Connect is a really easy way to find your Nas on the internet and use its services so for this I'm going to go ahead and skip this for now I'm going to set this up uh later for a client all right one of the first things that you need to do when you set up your Synology and get yourself logged in is to create a storage pool and a volume so you need at least one storage pool and at least one volume but you can have additional volumes if you want why would you want additional volumes maybe you want to keep some information on one volume that you give access to friends and family and on another volume you want to keep private all right so we're going to select create now and it's going to bring us into this little wizard and it wants us to uh create that first storage Bowl so here you can see your drives are going to make up the storage pool and then inside that storage pool you're going to have one or more volumes okay so here we are where we get to create our storage pool by default it's selecting shr but we're going to select raid one raid 1 is going to give us the fault tolerance that we're looking for meaning that if we lose one drive we still have all that information on the second Drive so basically the two drives in this Nas are written to and read from with the same data they're mirrors of each other and this is going to get us the best fault tolerance down here you can do a description if you want um I don't think one is really necessary for uh for what we have so we're going to click next all right so this is what we get to select the drives that we want in our raid we need to select at least two drives so we're going to go ahead and select both these drives these are both 12 terabyte Synology drives after formatting you can see that we're down to 10.9 terabytes and the combined capacity down here at the bottom is going to be 10.9 remember these are being mirrored so they're really being seen as one drive and so it's not the combination of the two it's just the total capacity which is a capacity of one so basically if you want to go ahead and check the drive while you're creating the storage pool you can do that here or you can skip it being that these are brand new drives I'm going to go ahead and skip it these have never been used before so I'm hoping that they are good from the factory all right now we get to allocate our volume capacity so our storage pool one which is raid one has a total capacity available capacity and then we get a modified allocated size and a volume description so this is basically looking at the first volume that you want to create and how how big you want it to be so what we can do is we can we can just kind of start out with um a thousand and go from there so the btrfs file system is selected by default it's also recommended I think this is the the best option for you to use uh with your Synology Nas you can do ext4 file system it's widely used as they say here Linux operating systems and and so on it could be easily migrated to Synology Raz Nas running earlier versions of DSM I'm going to go ahead and stick with the btrfs okay here we go we are in our storage manager here is our storage pool showing us our two drives shows our rate type is raid one and down the bottom here is the volume that we created volume one says it's healthy it's close to the Thousand gigs that we allocated to it the reason that I didn't allocate everything out of the storage pool is because now I have the opportunity to create additional volumes and then I can assign more storage to those volumes and close this out let's go into our file station there's no no folder available if you want to go to the shared folder page to create a shared folder click ok all right so at this point we get the opportunity to set up a folder that we're going to want to share on this volume we're just going to call this Nas share we won't bother with a description location is going to be on volume one remember we've only got that one volume we're not going to hide the share we're not going to hide subfolders that don't have permissions that's something that's a little more advanced we get into later we are going to enable a recycle bin it's pretty much like your trash so that when something is deleted it goes to the recycle bin it doesn't get deleted immediately and that's really good to know because when you delete something that's on a Network volume it doesn't go to the local trash on your desktop it gets deleted immediately but if you have backups or you have a Synology Nas like this one you will have the opportunity for those files to be moved to a recycle bin and then if you need to go get it because you didn't mean to delete it uh that's where you'll find it all right so we'll click next do we want to encrypt the shared folder we're not going to encrypt the share folder at this time next enable checksum for Advanced Data integrity so we're going to go ahead and enable that because that's a good thing we're not going to enable the uh the compression because that's going to take more system performance we're not going to enable shared folder quota either and we're just going to let that fill all right next we're going to confirm all of our settings here everything looks good next this is where we get into our permissions we don't really have any users on here except for the default admin and then the admin that we created when we set this up what you'll probably want to do is come in and remove the default admin user or remove their access because it is a potential security risk being that the username is admin everyone pretty much knows that so let's go ahead and give read write whoops let's give right access to the admin that we created and we're going to leave the guest access to no access all right let's go over and see what we've got here is our our share our Nas share and here is our recycle bin and everything looks good to go so let's do create create new folder do a test we'll do tests okay and there we go there's our folder
Channel: Clear On Tech
Views: 25,830
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Id: q-QJkqQnxbU
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Length: 21min 25sec (1285 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 03 2023
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