Synology Container Manager For Newbies

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hello viewers in this video I'm going to give you an introduction to container manager on Synology and all the considerations and little tools which make life using container manager respectively Docker much much easier and give you a certain background to understand all of my other videos which are to follow this one now let's get started with the video and I will be starting with the prerequisites to use container manager on Synology well first of all you need to find out if houstonology supports container manager and to do that there is a web page from Synology which I'm giving you the link to below and you have to just look here under container manager and here's the list of Applied models which means all Synology models which are listed here support container manager if yours is listed sorry too bad then either it is too old a model or it doesn't have enough CPU resources to actually run the container manager secondly you should find out if you have enough system resources on your Synology which means particularly ram ram is like engine size the bigger the engine the better it is the same applies to Ram the more RAM you have the better the performance roughly in order to find out how much RAM your Synology has just click on the control panel and then find the icon info center click on it and here you will have all the technical details of your Synology system and the amount of ram which is built in your system is listed here next to Total Physical memory as a rule of thumb you can start get of course get started with one gigabyte however I wouldn't recommend this to run certain containers in production it's just good for certain lab applications and to find out if things are working and if you like them the fun starts in all honesty with four gigabytes I wouldn't actually go with further with the container manager with anything below that however with four gigabytes you can already go into production with certain containers which don't require much resources like for example pie hole or Unbound which are DNS servers then if you need a more demanding containers to be implemented then you should look at least at eight gigabyte or even 16 gigabyte the more the merrier but we will also have to have a look at our cost and starting with four gigabytes you're already on the right side now let's have a look at a few helpful tools which make life installing the containers which I'm going to introduce to you later in other videos much much easier the first is the text editor to install that one you click on the package Center and just position your cursor in this search field and type in text enter and you will see the listing which you which I have here and if tax editor is not yet installed on your system instead of open you will have a button called install just click on it the system will download the required files and then install it for you later on you will see how easy takes editor makes life for example in terms of editing configuration files looking at log files and so on and so on it is really a nice addition and will be available in file station in the context menu another very important tool is terminal access to your Synology and we usually do that using the terminal program on your local computer like on your Windows PC or PC or on your Mac however on the Synology side you have to enable this access and this is done in the following way click on control panel and then find the icon terminal and SNMP click on it and position your cursor or select the tab terminal and make sure that you enable SSH service by checking this checkbox you can leave the port number on 22 although on YouTube there are lots of channels which Proclaim that you should change this support number to something rather arbitrary I on the other hand Proclaim this does not give you an iota of additional safety or security because once somebody had access or has access to your Lan and can walk freely in inside your land and do things they can also put a port scanner on your Synology and I can tell you it doesn't take 10 seconds to find out on which Port SSH is running even taking it one step further if you open SSH on the internet via your router or sorry router for the American friends it doesn't help to put it on port 8822 or 22 22 22 or whatever this doesn't change a thing because all the time the script kiddies are scanning any kind of host on the on the web for open ports and in all honesty SSH has a certain signature and you will find it immediately so don't bother with changing this port number leave it on standard makes it also easier for yourself okay so if you didn't get enable the service you can click on apply and the whole thing is then open with open I don't mean open to the world it is open from the side of your Synology if you're if your firewall protects your your system then of course only you and people inside your organization respectively inside your network can access Synology via SSH and then there's still the question of password and user ID and so on and so on which also protects your system well once this is all done we can take the next step and install container manager before I get started with the installation steps a short word what container manager actually is in previous releases of Simon gtsm up to 7.1 this thing was called docker and you might want to look for the docker thingy and install it and we'll never find it this thing is now called container manager I will quickly show you how to install this go to package Center and position your cursor just like before in this search field and now you can enter the word container container and press enter and here is container manager and if you haven't installed it yet there will be an install button instead of open and by clicking it serial gdsm will download all the required files and install the whole thing one little trick if you can't remember that this thing is called container manager you can still enter docker and press enter and you will still see container manager being offered for installation just as a little tip so if you wanted to know a little bit more about what is going on with container manager it's still named as developed by Docker Incorporated and there's a description all these things the question is why did Synology rename this thing and my interpretation of the whole thing is they slowly but surely want to get a distance to Docker Incorporated because their implementation of container D container demon is not open source and is a commercial product so Synology is slowly but surely taking a distance from that and moving to a more neutral naming convention for this thing and container manages exactly that my five cents about it anyway once you have container manager installed you will find it here in the main menu and just look for this weird symbol and the word container manager and then you can just start it by clicking on the icon and here it is doesn't look much different than Docker the the docker app before in dsm6 or dsm7.1 so you will still if you have used it before find everything which you are used to another very important tool which makes life much much easier is portena and I will be using it in the future in several videos why because container manager doesn't give us certain functionalities particularly if it comes to networking portena is a semi-commercial product uh you can find it under and they are offering a Community Edition which is completely free of charge and a business Edition with a few additional functionalities which is up to a certain point free but then you have to pay for it I will show you how to install the Community Edition and now of course leave a link to the documentation site downstairs in the video description uh just for everyone who wants to know the installation steps are very well documented and although you might be tempted to go via the container manager and look in the registry whether there is something like Paul taina and although it is here then take the steps from here this will not work trust me it is doomed for failure the reason is that a certain file mapping cannot happen using the graphical user interface and that actually destroys everything this is why I'm going to show you how to install it according to this documentation page with one little difference I'll quickly hop there we want to install container apotenus Community Edition set up a new container CE insulation Docker Standalone yeah Docker although it's container manager don't worry about that and install on Linux then you have two basically command lines and don't worry I'm going to show you how to install it without using the command line in actual fact but just bear with me at this point uh I will give you two lines to to copy later on but there will be one difference to uh the one given here I will leave out this port mapping here this for everybody who is still listening uh is only necessary if you want to use what's called an edge agent if you know what it is then you will need this if you don't know what it is everything's gonna be fine so I will give you these two lines to download There's a link in the video description and it will look like something something like this open this with an text editor of your choice don't use a text processor like word or something like that use a straightforward good old text or code editor why word processors want to make things pretty and they might change certain signs like for example the minus to something prettified and then once you copy this to as I'm going to instruct you things will not work okay use a text editor and I'm using vs codium here and I will also link uh link it down in the video description for you to download vs codium is uh very cool because it is completely open source and it doesn't have contain any fluffies or linear theme or goggies which you want to call someone okay vs code you open this file which you just downloaded from my site and you will see something like this here position your cursor somewhere in that the text that doesn't matter where now depending on what kind of platform you're on Windows or Mac press command a or Ctrl a to Mark everything and then command C or control C to put it onto your clipboard now go over to your DSM to launcher DSM and open your control panel find tasks at Euler and click on create schedule task user defined script give this thing a name like install container like I did now and from the users drop down select root that's very important if you don't select root at this point that whole thing will not work and you would want to have a container installation later on now remove the tick from enabled under schedule click on run on the following date and you can put it onto a date in the past because we only want to run it once and only once then click on task settings position your cursor here like I do in this text box and press command V or Ctrl V and you have basically what we had in your our tax intro now in here click on OK read this what's written in this on this alert pop-up understand it and just press ok that's appears because we select root earlier now you have to enter your password this is the password of the user which is logged on to DSM right at the moment up click on submit and now this thing is installed or created now you have to find it again and I'm sure you can remember the name you gave it earlier mark it by clicking on the line and now click on run okay confirm yes you want to run this and if you haven't installed potato earlier it will take a few moments for uh yeah Docker in the background or the container manager in the background to download everything from the interwebs and then to deploy portana and make it accessible for us if you want to know whether everything worked fine just position Your Mark here on that line again click on action and then view result it should look something like this without what I have here if there is an error message just try to understand it and maybe open a question on YouTube or on patreon later on and we will find a solution foreign ER is now installed and we can access it like you've seen in that uh your command line which we copied earlier we have port 9443 to access it and I'm going to show you how to get to portena now open a new tab type https colon forward slash forward slash and now the IP address of your Synology in my case this is then colon 9443 some people forget that nine number four three port points to https protocol and if you don't specify this the browser will try to contact portena on with a HTTP protocol and of course nobody is listening there okay so enter it exactly as I'm showing here press enter and if you are starting portena from scratch won't look exactly like this here you will be requested to create a new admin user with a 12 character password rough characters yes um and yeah create this user there will be also a little checkbox asking you to transmit certain data to portena for improvement reasons and so on and so on you can have it selected or not it doesn't matter it's your personal choice once you have created this admin user and pressed next you will be greeted by portena itself and there will be one pane where you can click on and it will ask or like get started or something like that once you've done that it will look something like on the screen here and you will have a local environment and you can live connect to it which will be then your port or your portal to all kinds of uh potential related resources like the dashboard Stacks containers images networks and so on and so on we will make use of this quite extensively in the future videos which is why I want to introduce it to to you early on potena is really maybe in certain functionality is redundant to container manager on DSM but as I said earlier certain things are not available in the same extent and depth in container manager but portana gives us really nice graphical user access to all these resources this is why we're using it this concludes my video container manager for newbies I hope it was helpful for you or at least it was fun to watch in both cases it would be awesome if you could give me a like additionally I would like to re-emphasize that there are memberships on my Channel with patreon and patreon members get all my videos completely free of ads and additionally I am also answering all your questions and comments on patreon with priority there are also to further membership levels plus and plus plus which gives you 10 respectively 25 rebate on online Consulting by myself and there's also a booking link for that in the video description there's also the completely free YouTube subscription and if you're not subscribed yet please take your time click on subscribe and don't forget to activate the Bell because then you will be notified if there's a new video for now thank you very very much for watching and see you soon bye 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Channel: Navigio
Views: 4,391
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: synology, nas, docker, container, container manager, Synology Container Manager For Newbies, newbies, beginners, Synology Container Manager For Beginners
Id: VW9hlBIoJ8E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 36sec (1236 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 15 2023
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