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one of the last days of planting [Music] a lot of beans in there already our feed plates would like here seed tender bag we had a lot of beans left seeing if it'll fit [Music] yeah you might have to go like that and have a tilt bag [Music] keep going we're getting there guys we're getting there a little bit more hope i don't know what's going on it's kind of like lizzo putting pants on just shoving stuff where it fits we're getting feeding done i got a doctor appointment i gotta leave in like 45 minutes it's kind of like a pre-surgical thing making sure i don't die on the table when they're cutting me open then dad will get planting i'll get rolling and that is the plan for today we've got a couple fields left we're going to knock out and we'll finish playing tomorrow ready ah that hurt my tooth she says bounced off the tooth and went in rattled around the rim and good have fun okay you too okay bring me lunch my girlfriend said at the physical they might probe me i mean i've had a few physicals in my day and they never did that no they might this time well they might get a surprise you might get us the only advice i can give you on that is if they're going to do it don't tense up relax speaking from experience oh lordy i guess i got that to look forward to morning everybody we're back planting soybeans after 44 hundredths of rain over the weekend let it dry off a little bit and now we're back to planting you can see this my first pass along the fence line i'm not steering i've already got in here you can see right here it says east end of burns and so it's a preset deal that i've got in my display i've probably got west north and south all the borders and it's already in there because i set them years ago and then when i come to the field they're just there so real handy deal call help me fill the planter this morning um do chores and he's off to a physical to get ready for a week from tomorrow getting his surgery so i've got a fence coming up and i don't want to break the corner post off when i was cole's age i did a little dabbling in the sheep business for a while and one particular spring i went to the sheep sail up in magnus and huron and they brought in two u's with two lamps i assumed they were pairs price was kind of right one pair looked good one pair was kenny so i bought them and i'd had them about a week and a half and i noticed that the one lamb was growing quite rapidly and the other one didn't seem to be doing really well a few days later the u that i thought was the mother to the one not doing very well had twins so then i had to use and four lamps that's a good way to make money in the she business buy something that you think's got a lamb she has two more that was my last experience with sheep i've had a few experiences that i'll share with you over time but that's all i got to say about that don't you hate it when you turn the same way the guy in front of you does feel like he's thinking you're following him oh no he's stopping he's like boy why are you following me i'm not weird i'm just trying to bring some jimmy john's to my dad so the highlight of my day is coming up the road the young phenom called and he said don't start the next pass because well i'm guessing he's bringing me foods we'll uh stick a camera on his face when he gets here some of the cows we worked yesterday looks like it's a pool day huh pool day that's not him it's the next flight pickup boy you talk about a traffic jam here in rural mount vernon i wonder if this ditch is wet two cars simultaneously back to back whatever you call it please have lunch please have lunch please have lunch please have lunch what are we eating today i'm guessing arby's nope jimmy john hello yeah make me walk through the day well i got a fence here jimmy johnson what do you got here is it another number 11. oh is that how you do that it smells like skunk you clean up pretty good thank you bye thank you first time they've ever feed me in shorts don't look too close it'll blind you looks like he's about two-thirds done we have plenty of time to eat some sandwich and get rolling rolling rolling rolling it's like andy's in the back loading up some more corn he's got i think three more loads to grab today unless he's been here already and he's got it covered of course the front right tire on this thing is flat as heck getting pinched between the rim and the ground just got done on that 74 acre field it's kind of a hillier we're pretty flat here this one's got some hills yeah i'll probably just try to get this planted today shouldn't be if we don't have trouble it shouldn't be anything at all and go to that last field tomorrow gonna pull in spread out and get going i like the view cows are out on grass here cars we're heading to 280s today dad got the first one done and then tomorrow we just got one more field to do and we'll be done rolling planting a little worried that tire is low on arrogant i can see it moving a little extra regerts that's what those are look behind me it looks like we got the brant mobile back there you like that brent mobile i just thought of it it's pretty funny right probably can't see dad but he's way back in that back corner starting this field right next to our pasture where we were working those 35 pairs yesterday another mile down we're going kind of by the south farm hitting an 80. it's got a trench in it of course trench and we'll come back hit this one after dad's got a good chunk of it done whole new meaning to rolling through the stop sign i'm full of them today guys get it because there's a roller in the back and we didn't stop for the stop sign the actions done in this video are completed by trained professionals don't try it at home safety first now there we go starting with the trenches first pass rolling look at that that is just fancy view right there i did notice when we drove by that other field dad's just working on the end rose so we're probably going to catch up to them and then we'll play chicken when we're getting close to each other in the field everybody loves that we're just giving rides to the people of the brant mobile yeah ron we got acres to cover jared let's go this may be a dumb question but uh have you thought about naming your truck over there i've thought about it but i haven't come up with a good name yet okay i mean you don't have to use this one but i was kind of thinking the brant mobile was decent you know it's kind of like batmobile the brand will be yeah that's pretty good actually we could add a spoiler to the bag get some big rooms that's right some lighting a light package yeah i'm sure brant would be excited i'm sure they would they would be super excited about that extra exposure all eyes on you yeah because it's hard to see as it is yeah yeah brent mobile's taking off i just wanted to check out how the unit was coming along they were in the area i haven't broke it yet but we still have a day and a half after planting and rolling so we'll see we're getting to be about two-thirds done that said he got about 30 acres done over there waiting on seed i don't think we'll catch up to him too bad but by the end of that field we'll be we'll be smacking tips the roller and the planter people are gonna give leighton grief for not getting close enough but that's the first time this year he hasn't had it first try [Music] looks like we got about a round left hit the ends we'll be moving on to dad hopefully he's got seed by now and he's going again hey how's it rolling [Music] so looks like dad is almost two-thirds done definitely gonna catch up to him see what the moisture is like after we got that little bit of rain moisture in there so that's nice that's a rock not very moist yeah it doesn't take much to get to the moisture so we like it the race is on i bet dad's thinking you know cole if you go too fast you're just going to catch up to me and have to sit there and wait and that's the same exact thing that my mom says when we go out to eat together she says cool if you eat fast like you normally do you're just going to have to sit there and wait and wait for me to finish into both of those i just go fast and then sit on my phone for a while so i i don't know that's just kind of what i'm gonna do i hate when i do that i got to the end of my pass but i didn't hit my set v for my v line there we go there we go all right we are all right okay set me that's first grade right there kind of like bombology the study of wumbo that's first grade if you don't get the reference i'm sorry you're a little too old for the rodeo [Music] [Music] to [Music] do [Music] do [Music] so [Music] so [Music] dad's got just a sliver left looks like he's gonna beat us it's almost four o'clock i wouldn't be totally surprised if dad decided to do the last field or start the last field today i guess we'll find out otherwise i wouldn't be surprised if we moved a few pairs or uh maybe flip some wind breaks i don't know it's pretty early in the day yeah i asked dad what he wanted to do and he has spoken and he has chosen to move eight more pairs we got one pasture close by that we have half filled it can hold 16 more pairs we're gonna grab eight more our trailer can hold eight pairs bring them down we'll just one by one grab them with the four wheelers a pair at a time and it'll be a root and tooting good time i hope there he goes remember how last video i was talking about how it's nice unfolding this machine because those tires spin so you'd think it'd be pretty obvious it's actually just as nice when you're folding up you see usually if i were to start here with the machine all the way folded out and then pull out by the time i get to the gate my machine would still be pretty well spread and it'd be hard to get around there because i gotta go out make a sharp turn that way but now when i got these tires tilted it sucks it in pretty fast and then we're ready to go ready to go on the road time to wrangle up some kettles i hear the gator i hope dad comes picks me up hello yeah it's really bad actually like it like it's rim on dirt kind of bad so apparently somebody pulled up to the air but didn't pump it yeah it was a message oh that's good we did have it one time we're just a little too far right here and a calf slipped out and then we had to wrangle it up and it sucked so we'll just run them right up there it's also nice to have options duh and so i'm going to open this gate in case for some reason they don't want to go around the building we'll just shoot just like that all righty one at a time we have this strong [Music] redone [Music] we got four pairs plus one calf number five twenty eight so we're gonna look for just a mom on this one and thus dad sees a pair and then we'll probably take that pair otherwise we're looking for 5 28. grabbing a pair come on cliff feeling good just going for a sunday stroll even though it's tuesday come on oh well buggers making this a little difficult [Music] well i guess we didn't use the second option maybe next time [Music] [Music] oh they don't got the easy feel hey hey man uh this is my new knee right here that's what they're using in the size couple days comes with the disease now you might like some air hi some hot mamas in there we bout out of gas you want to wrangle up some kettles she sure does it looks alright oh that wood broke somebody ran into the fence come on cleve don't step on that gate hey don't step on the gate [Music] i see you do you see me ma ma milk i need it over here you come here no you come here but the grass is green over here what am i supposed to do about it know what people love me talk to me hi next video we got a few more pairs to move i'm gonna finish it up planting for the year unless we get a big old rain or a freeze and then we gotta do it all over again right right hope you enjoyed watching today we'll see you next time have a good one [Music] i got good news jcpenney has a luggage sale pack your bags i'm kicking you out thank you thank you lord
Channel: Sonne Farms
Views: 70,301
Rating: 4.9877796 out of 5
Keywords: race, roller, beans, corn, john deere, planting, plant, 4wd, field, harvest, fert, 2021, south dakota, midwest, field work, tires, rubber, brandt
Id: fW03R969jSE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 44sec (1304 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 16 2021
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