Coprse Husband Livestream 4/16 | AMONG US w/ Valkyrae, Sykkuno, etc.

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this [ __ ] never gets easier you think you have it and then you don't go live for like a week and then suddenly it's really hard to live stream again thank you for all the super chats i'm gonna try not to read them as i normally i don't know a way around that yet like someone's super chatted telling me they're getting a tattoo of annie and i'm just supposed to ignore that thank you i will read them just not a lot they're trying to now we're going to be playing normal among us today tommy will be here he'll just be late and tina's filling for him in the first 30 or 40 minutes by testing geez i'm going to be um probably doing more chill stuff like like what we're doing right now on twitch in the near future so i'll have to link to that at the top of the description a lot of the times i just want to talk to you guys and like plan inciting [ __ ] but i feel like i have to do it among a stream to do that sometimes and so i feel like maybe twitch is a good place to do that just on some talking [ __ ] yeah let's so dream is awake i feel bad about kind of giving him [ __ ] for that last time because like i don't know all my friends work really hard and if he was sleeping he probably really needed it i know he's here i assume the discord i feel you laura [ __ ] has been rough it's been really rough lately but hopefully this is fun i mean it will be but they can be like as least anxious as possible um monique i don't think it has to do with corpse bride i don't think i don't know where my mind was at the time but i don't think so because if it was it would be corpse groom theoretically um yeah i don't think so thank you everyone for the very kind words i know i always say my voice is dead but i went on like a seven day [ __ ] multiple copies a day when i'm not supposed to have any like says my doctor and went off my meds and [ __ ] so extra [ __ ] lately congrats on the vaccinations everybody hope you're all doing lovely miss you too thank you for the very warm welcome corpse do you like someone i'm kind of curious you know what do you mean what do you mean do i like somebody sometimes i read things and it's just i don't know if y'all saw my email you would lose your [ __ ] some of the things people say to me is just so [ __ ] weird oh it's like one right like do i just say no no i don't like anybody ever cocky hello hello hello it is time what did you do to him oh nothing oh um who are we missing we are missing toast foosley one two three four five six seven and one more uh who is that who are we missing bretman brideman batman are you live right now yeah are you okay i'm not i'm going to know if it's okay to arm you i will say yes yeah yeah hello i'm live hello dream hello hello hello hi normal among us normal no mods no mods vanilla so this laughs uh bratman i don't [ __ ] call him there he is hello hello i like the new picture it has to be animated like y'alls damn we do all i guess besides leslie i didn't even realize that i'm sorry what happened and my animated profile pictures oh yeah mine's me wait what happens everyone has cute animated pictures except me this is a picture of myself well it still looks man i was trying to convince you to make [Music] they're all cute you know what it looks bad leslie it looks okay well hello to you guys hello everyone morning hello hi cheers i'm having trouble signing in can i not play as a guest i can't play as a guest i'm on a guest account okay i'm playing as a guest i clicked sign in and it just signed me in we signed into what to among us yeah you have to have like an account now i didn't even make an account i just clicked sign in yeah i just pressed the gas button yeah same the game thinks i'm 10 years old so i can't even type in the chat anymore all right same oh i i just click signed in and i'm in so that's probably a good update right brett why are you permanent talking robin hey tina good morning hi good morning i mean hi tina hey hi irene what are you eating too i'm eating something from sweet green oh my god it's a salad i'm just setting up my female questions not the valkyrie custom i'm sorry ray oh but it is a solid right it's a salad yeah kind of there's apples in it oh god i love that why did why did who was that they were so quiet [Laughter] i love apples wait is it better now sounds good so much better much better it's okay what's up why are you so toxic when you play valerie huh oh my god it's just how i like to play okay understandable it's not fun unless you're yelling and cursing at people it just doesn't hit the same okay fair enough oh where do we where's the code gonna be and how do i right in general in general can someone make the lobby i can't even sign in and i think it's because i'm making the lobby okay let me try having so many issues um airship polis mira skilled whatever i'm done with whatever all right i'm down i vote i'll choose yeah or i'll put a vote the original one i like that one [Music] i'll choose [Laughter] what the among servers could not authenticate you what's that yeah i'm having the same issue well what does that mean to play i guess we just have to play minecraft i love minecraft what's a minecraft craft minecraft also what if we just completely migrated to minecraft i'm down i mean why i have to i can't i can't play it's not letting me in yeah it's actually not letting me start a game either what play is let me type the code in do we have to change to europe or something oh yeah let's change to europe that sounds like a good idea you give that code a try are you on europe or anything toast sounds so seductive yeah he doesn't yeah any he knows it i don't think it's letting me join that one oh it's not letting me join it since i'm running it because i'm running an older version of the game don't worry i'll i'll make i'll make a game all right great game we're in we're in i'm in total absolutely why does it tell me i'm in an older version of the game when i just spent five minutes updating it i don't know going to be the person who leaks the code i already know oh wait it says you have an older version oh at the north america yeah yeah right what i'm in how do i come in what did you do oh i'm in i'm in i just had to change the north america change it to north america yep like click the bottom right it already said north america but i had to click it and click north america again oh man i don't want to be the person who leaks the code but i feel like it's going to be me probably will be just don't do that just don't be an idiot just don't do it i'm trying just cover the bottom with your face i've done it my among this is not loading an opening for some reason what's wrong with all right tell us bretman what's going on what's going on bretman thing is literally going on i click on it so many times and it's not opening i think i'm gonna have to restart one second hey i got on steam tina i couldn't help but notice you took my orange and i don't know how i feel about that you're orange okay you know what i'm eating lunch okay fine take it oh wow you didn't have something orange she just gave up orange no i'm just a filth it's my teeth you're more [Music] sorry i don't know if i've said this but i'm eating lunch right now yeah with honey chicken and apples how is it um earthquake my mouth is full though you know here with a mohawk yeah check this out what do you think that's crazy you had like the other mohawk before right yeah i did i missed whoa bretman nice hair what was that scream yes all right looks like we're all in that's all the nice things you guys are saying i haven't played regular among us in so long tommy's shorting in like 30 minutes all right well regular among us on screen what is this i'm ready this is how the game this is how the game was meant to be played guys let's go yeah it's how the developer is imagining yeah this is how they imagine no all right let's get started [Music] oh oh my god wait this is not scope this is not so serious what is this this is definitely not skilled i've never played this map game i don't know what this map i don't know what's going on so doing a task i thought i just heard someone walk [Music] oh no i found sap and sign up and dream oh wow wait that's not leslie that's that's beautiful what's up god you're next yep yeah well they killed dream and satnav they're gonna be off to me now clearly a minecraft hater wait wait wait guys what if what if he killed dream and sapnap so he could be the last minecraft player left george no what is that even time for two kills wait [Laughter] and trash at the bottom bottom right yeah basically by cargo right he just died then he's not stopping back there what about dream i don't know about him i didn't see where he was i did not know i only passed the bretman by the bathroom so now they can learn how to play the game now same i can't i was in the shower i guess we're just going to have this first time on the new map and you guys kill him off like this well if seikuna is gonna skip then i guess i gotta schedule i i just i mean i don't have anything to have information well um i did notice that the imposters were closing a lot of doors [Music] yeah only imposters but here's the thing leslie said closing a lot of doors right how many doors do you think she opened and saw more doors closed i opened she only probably could have seen a couple doors closed she saw a lot of doors yeah i like that skip idea all right so because all right i'm skipping your brain is large i'm skipping massive even good yes i did sorry i'm fixing my camera it's cropped right at my nose [Laughter] million gpa all right guys it's gonna take me like a little bit to get used to streaming again to realize this is all real where'd you get is it just me or is can i even not move oh you gotta open your settings and then close your settings um yeah sometimes oh okay that's a weird thing yeah damn good kill do it anyway i'm back tina [Music] all right i found tina's body in the kitchen on my way to lights in the kitchen in the kitchen oh no wait i think i i passed by someone in the weapons area i was in the weapon no no like right now like legitimately right now oh where's weapons is that where the ak-47 is yeah where the aks are yeah yeah the ak's that we can't get the ak's could have been me because i walked through that area to the kitchen i definitely saw blue but i don't know if i saw toast hat or if i saw george it must be george george wait what man hunting no i was okay listen i was i was like stuck at spawn for like 90 percent of the round and then i went the ladder i don't know i went up the ladder instead i passed another meeting area oh so he wasn't like close to i was by like i don't even know i don't know the map but i went up a ladder and i saw the button and i and i waited i don't even know what i passed toast then and saw his hat walking down and then he reported the body it's toast then no no leslie it would look like it's me because i just left where the body was and toast ran down to where the body was yeah toaster you sausage i didn't see him because the lights were off and i thought it was either toaster the lights were off and you saw them you couldn't beat me i thought it was george but then i saw your hats so what had did you see i just saw blue as like a split second my hat's not even blue or is it well i mean like i thought some kind of blue color and your body's blue and his hat is blue um what was that it might have been my scratch someone in a tunnel i just hope everyone's okay thanks for waking up for the lobby toast no [Music] yeah is it none of us hang on oh my god i don't know but i skipped because we're on seven but i think mean we can hear you bro i have no idea sounds like it stops to me i was i was stuck for most of the round who voted for me uh toaster george that's what i thought i saw but it doesn't mean that they're the killers how am i i was afk stuck with the glitch the whole round go to cargo you just [ __ ] hop to the bed right in front of everybody doors on this map are open as [ __ ] ray won't come back right uh toast won't keep running to the right right [Music] he knew too much they said he's still alive i'm on lights right now i was about to fix them okay so toast has to be clear because he's reporting on five i just passed him though he did i thought so you're in the kitchen right um yeah at the pass by kitchen five seconds ago yeah i better jump bretman what'd you say sorry that was for my chat i was telling them to join my discord i'm sorry okay that's okay i'm so lost on this map i honestly i don't want to out somebody but last time my game got stuck i was imposter and i'm not saying it's george but you could do whatever you want with that i don't think that's how that works i don't think that's how that works actually the bug can happen oh yeah it can't yeah it's happening seems pretty sus right do you think it's do you think it stops going from last round it has together toaster george and i don't think toast would report on five as imposter i feel like i have to go with george well listen listen i'll i'll give you some input what if toast is doing a big brain play oh they will never think that he will report on five as imposter and this is gonna be all the coolest video ever all right say the line corpse this could be a really big brain play by toast kill him now wait i thought he's now principal i'm wearing toast i have no info but i'm voting he said it could be a big brain play by me um and i'll show him that's how i was gonna straighten it if you thought it was toast because i thought it might have been you and toast but you're successful i i from saikudo said it was either toaster george so i and toast reported on a five i'm not really well he just he just passed me though so i think it forced him to who died oh okay so i'm [ __ ] um absolutely [ __ ] here rico [Music] oh okay um what's the kill cooldown does anyone know um like 30 seconds i imagine it's longer on this map i'm kind of surprised there's already a dead body ray were you on the button like the whole time no i spawned in engine room and i ran straight up after doing one task i went straight up to push the button so unless someone was literally waiting at the button i don't think they or you or you kill and call it this is hard this is really hard actually um there's no way it's not corpse right unless wait wait corpse did you vote for toast last round yeah i did why i thought it was him because i i passed him in kitchen and then the only other person there was you um like near that area and then that's why i said ray are you suss of toast and toaster are you such a raise because i was saying that's what's happening both of them but toast reported on five with two imposters left yeah and it wasn't him and it wasn't him so it has to be you i think it's you but then because you were the only person i passed in that area where the body was last run oh but okay toast it's in your hair toast should vote me here because i voted the wrong person the last yeah yeah but i had reason damn right it's not you is it okay this is so sad dude right when i killed bretman you called the meeting like literally like a second after i can't believe you got a kill off they cracked [Music] just not [Music] i was too busy being awesome but you're busy doing that all the time oh thank you goku no no i couldn't agree with you more you're uh you're you're okay oh my god i don't i think i think saikuno is awesome thanks i'm a big fan i think you know i think you're i yeah i'm just trying to join our lobby left why new code new code i'm in the new code oh that was me but i'm changing oh funny dog i'm not a funny dad why can't i change my neck unfunny dog you have to do it in the on the left there's a little oh here we go guys card that you called you have to sign in now i don't think i've made in a manga's account yeah you got to do that neither have i i just continue his guess against account last time i saw tommy he stole 100 grand for me i guess so how is everyone tonight feeling old who's uh who's what wife have you heard that's me you please don't laugh at that you have a wife now well i congratulations you have a wife no one congratulations well i'm currently wifeless but i appreciate you all not rubbing it in that's okay look girls aren't into me either so that doesn't surprise you it's manifest what uh tommy what does the word manifest mean make happen not jack's last name jack manifest i don't know i don't honestly he's the manifested girlfriend you [ __ ] up the lover host bad so shall we have money because why would they be you know but no he [ __ ] up love her host awfully yeah why though i don't know why he did that what do you do wrong oh what he did wrong yeah manifest explain he [ __ ] he he kicked emma on two in amateur's life and he got hosted by nikki voted how how do i do the discord thing where it shows on the screen the bubble here yeah i'm putting the link in general and copy paste that into a browser source okay i will oh i will you know what i'll do the same just you know with me i'll do the same the bubbles are great please don't copy me okay i've done it it's nothing it's not doing anything oh it's working no you copy the list browser source i did it i did it now this time i saw it what just happened i don't appreciate loud noises good job guys imposter all right i feel like it was taught me i'm dying instantly thank you tina for filling i appreciate you so yesterday i managed to say bingus on me on national television that's pretty cool whoever edited that in godsend that jimmy fallon episode aired and they just cut in a clip of me saying bingos like jimmy's like corpse on fire tonight just go bingos i don't even think i actually said that during the livestream like in that context day wonka i think it's one month since day walker around did like 20 mil on spotify thank you guys so [ __ ] much for showing up for that and like continuing to stream it's still doing numbers like every day why why why why he'd go this way found a body what what kind of sickle would kill dream again no it wasn't me wait guys i have a theory all right nobody would kill dream first twice in a row but what if someone just came in and didn't know that dream died last year believe me i would have i would have killed dream if i was the imposter and i would admit to it he's admitting oh he's admitting to it it is the top right of cafeteria by the little thing that's very interesting isn't it okay wait a minute wait a minute i saw someone near there i came from the left and also also i just as i entered the doors got closed as if someone was trying to hide it the top right like a button and i came here and i came from the bottom i came to the bottom so i don't think they came down like above the doorway the body kind of yeah it was like by the the trash thing wait i think i have a hunch who it is then i saw someone leave from there before and i never checked up there so i could have missed the body but i saw bretman running from there a bit ago no i mean i did come from there but i didn't even come from there you saw me coming from i wasn't in there i came from like the bottom of the caf because i saw you come in too but i don't know what do you what do you guys think it sounds a little i just don't know okay i just don't know guys i guess we can skip for now but i have no idea i think whoever he was was on the right side you will not die first ever again dream call me controversial but i'm glad dream's dead what tommy that's controversial that is controversial okay that's pretty controversial mean to me if something happens to tommy i didn't see you he sounds like an imposter what was an accident [ __ ] i don't think tommy did it because tommy ran for the left and the body was top right but it is weird oh he ran through and all the doors closed my arch nemesis a memory task i think we should do drunk among us again soon or something like that uh oh drunk uh first class trouble they're gone already they just killed me and dipped in front of everybody what the [ __ ] um i found the body again okay george you're super clear to me yeah george is so innocent tell us absolutely what do you got i don't know i just uh i it was in um the far left bit is that reactor no wait oh yeah yeah yes wait you know wait a second wait i don't know i could be 100 wrong i saw bretman that's what i was about to say i think he vented i think he vented i think so too what do you think i think you're on to something jordan yeah because i saw i saw you in electrical and i was like oh he's sucks from austin i'm gonna leave him and i run up to there i agree and then you what you were in cameras um i walked there girl y'all be doing too much how you came out you saw me i came out and then i went into security and everybody was there i came from the door okay okay i think george you you got him because i went up first and did the little fuel thingy so i guess that was time but it's possible if bretman's still live on round six early i'm down to vote him but i'm down i've known it was bretman from the beginning oh my god i didn't even i think you caught him george i think don't kill me next right because i skipped i uh oh george you might be next no i have a feeling protect me protect me guys george is going down he's uh basis right let's finish this yes i do have a memory this let's see what tommy's doing not doing his tasks that's for sure was i going to tell you guys who's going to tell you guys about [ __ ] surprise he doesn't just walk away from me and not do it oh i really like that first class trouble no one died whoa well that was awfully sort of you right oh what what it was like five was an impostor i might have called a button here two to make it look like i'm crew well i kind of i thought that someone would have died and i was ready to vote out breitman well you thought wrong i i have a question for you brett what was your play this round or last round this round i actually didn't have a pass i did only one thing this round to be honest with you because i was trying to act not sus that is what the imposter would wait i have i have an important thing yeah that can everything can everyone yeah because i was already i was already as um a crewmate so i was like what would a crew make us never mind where was everyone at the very end of the round i was in real quick [Music] i can't remember where i am i'm at the bottom of the map because that's where bottoms stay all right well i saw someone vent from electrical so i didn't see who it was though right literally the very last second of the george you swear you see people eventually no no it's [Music] you have to collab with the choir girls on twitter i i see you guys say [ __ ] about choir stuff sometimes i have no idea what you're talking about i think it's like uh has to do with uh like the live function on twitter right i've i feel like it has to do i don't know corpse choir right something like that i'm just reading the chat right now and it's just so much it's not raining here it's just i left my store page open should be restocking late next month limited again and then the corp studies are done i'm never doing a restock of them again they're going to be limited like last time but um more of them last time it was just unfair and ridiculous but they're gonna be limited there's not like a a funk ton but more than last time that i'm never restocking them again that was my plan because i had to prove my biggest hate or wrong i just followed tommy around and i hate you even more now no well i'd approve my innocence to you wait wait sorry wait what somebody you were with me that entire round and two people died i was in valkyrie for a long time not him well i voted enough anyway before i don't like it let's go what okay everyone else has to vote together okay why'd you button toast because there's two people dead how did you know because just close the doors oh oh sad but tommy you guys seem like you guys were together okay okay sap who did you vote for toast toast hasn't toast hasn't said anything this game and usually toast brings important information to people it's only been 10 seconds into the round there's one thing i know about toast he's suss yeah yeah i agree so you voted for sap sap votes for toast the rest of us have to figure out who it is right it's toast it's toast um i don't think wait why are you saying it's toasty now you voted for sapna i don't think a single person voted for an imposter so i'm just very impressed that's also what i forget about the sauce on brett from earlier yeah bretman seemed like the safest i just really can't erase i'm not suspicious i am not gonna let y'all sit here and convince me that i'm the imposter knowing for a fact that i'm the who do you think it is brett yeah yeah i honestly think it's i'm sorry that's what my vibes are saying too no no i feel like [Music] i'm voting for who i think it is um you guys have made a mistake you guys have made a mistake all right i don't know who it is but yeah um limited restock probably late next month if not later i'll let you guys know at least a couple days before so don't feel like you're gonna like miss it randomly or something but yeah after that i'm never doing another restock like ever like a hot topic reached out and wanted to carry them and i was just like no oh my god i can't believe we didn't go for bretman there we should have voted brett i kevin can't believe this i'm actually shocked that i'm the only person who voted for it all right let's not kill dreams well i'm glad that's not done if you kill dreams you're you're illegal stop it stop dream always knows that's me so i have to kill him first i'm sorry that wasn't me i'm sorry i'm sorry how did you do that how did you do it can you explain to us because i turned my code blocker off so during this oh because i and then i meant to turn it back on afterwards but i forgot it looks better the whole time i just thought it looks better without it instead of having a little black box just in the middle that is such a sus thing to say you are so you are i'm sorry so how is everyone today i'm having trouble connecting to the new lobby okay um okay how is everyone doing great tommy how are you yeah i'm okay excellent just okay yeah just okay just okay just just hang outside can we make your day better tommy what does that mean did you see it no what do you mean ksi he said he met you and he said he thought you were going to be a lot taller but you were the same height as him that's not true that's what he said that's what he said you can go watch it well listen when i'm gonna i'm gonna vlog and then i'm go and then he's everyone's gonna see the people will know i'll protect your dream actually i don't want to die first either i'll hang out with him where did they go yeah hot topic reached out and i was like um you're limited yeah it's gonna be the same hoodie as last time found a booty oh oh wow they're gonna be rare as [ __ ] guys i lost dream after like ten seconds like he's alive that's okay he's to kill him no i i lost him i was trying to protect him so he wouldn't die and then i lost him in the storage and then i went left i don't know where he went i went to weapons red is oh yeah weapons bottom right above the communication room is that but i think he went up i think i went up i went to weapons i did my weapons then i was doing i was doing download right above okay i'm in lights i'm in storage um i'm an admin where are you ever seen toast here i just ran right the body was above communications on the right side oh you're so big brain you're right it's me well what you just said you're in storage and you came from the right side and the body was yeah i i walked past tommy while he was alive in communications so it was a very recent kill then okay well that wasn't me where were you corpse uh like left side cafeteria rest in peace yeah the awkward silence i was just like sorry tommy what's up you voted for me dream i know that was you that wasn't me that was you wasn't it admit it to me now no it wasn't me it wasn't it was me i'll never let go of the fact that tommy's still 100k for me every yeah i've been working on a lot of music um i'm just always worried that it's there's not gonna be like by the time i finish it it's not gonna matter you know but if i put something out really quick it's like less fulfilling i guess like i could but i don't know it's really hard to navigate this stuff there's no guide on on how to like the right steps to go about things like this you know let's [ __ ] go okay ray should okay this is this should be camera's wrong right there it's me i did it huh huh what i just saw corpse in electrical i think never mind i was i don't know why i said that it's bremen i saw him on camera [Music] it was you why does george always do that you know what's great you guys were on 17 yeah it was crazy i saw you on the top left camera and then like two seconds later on the top right camera and i was like wait a second how did you get there so quickly that's a little funny because i actually didn't vent but i did kill what i did kill but i didn't bet so i don't know if george is saying things okay well i was originally gonna say we're on seven what if he's just false accusing but after that after that he doesn't church i don't know me correctly i killed but i didn't vent yeah i was gonna say we should play it safely but yeah after hearing that i don't i i think no we're just trolling and touching me what is happening i [Music] why is george trolling with no chester now this is regular among us and then it's like you know ever does his task so it makes me feel like me doing mine is completely pointless yeah i don't know like two weeks in internet time is like a year it but people forget about things very very quickly normal artists leave oh [ __ ] okay for like four plus months to go make an album like years sometimes even i can't really do that why um so it's not cycuno because it's not sad none okay why'd you say that because we were together and we both went to medbay to see if there was a dead body in there but listen listen right around ended i'm in i'm in the the the viles thing and i see the vent flap open and close twice and then sycamore runs down so i'm like pretty sure it's not like you know wait the vents opened i didn't even see that i saw it oh i must have missed it so so i don't think it's like unless unless you like memed me and somehow like swooped around so i didn't see it but um and so then it's a dream so then you two are it has to be the person that we that nobody saw right if they were in the event then it's not i finished my last round i finished my last half i didn't want to let dream try a big brain so that's just no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no just georgia actually i finished my last task it was like a little electrical flip flick thing up by the bottom right and shields and then i ran to go to security i didn't there was a body insecurity that i didn't even realize i went on cams i was sitting on cam's watching and then i leave i go to leave cams and i see the body was already on me oh the body was on you okay the body was on you and then the did you press cube connects to cams opened i mean i think it's like kuno but the only reason i think it's like who knows because saikuno at the beginning was like i'm gonna follow you and protect your dream and then he literally didn't even follow me for one second i tried i lost you like the vision's really low i i i i'm slow all right ray were you together at the end yes we are together for a long time i'll say this okay then it's going to be dream even if it's not dream then it's like why if it was me why would i report it if it was me yeah george got bretman out george got bremen now that dream on like the first time ever went to like storage and then went all the way to weapons after that how was it a weird passage i did my i always do my wires first and stories oh god i trust george i trust george come on oh my gosh it's just it's jordan's throwing george george has got to be innocent he's he's got it if it's if it's not dream then it's tycooner all right or is it me wait what what [ __ ] this update i can't type what i want only child here is tommy give him the [ __ ] chat block well oh wow there's no way okay so then it's wait so you're right at the end you were with me and where were you we went to med bay and then we ran out i believe back then wait where where was the body i'm not lights right now i was the only one trying to fix it was it sorry oh my god who was it george why are you changing it you just said two seconds ago if it's not dream it's cycuno and now like you're just changing your mind like i was so sure of his dream but like i was the only one that likes to fix it right now george the oddity listen to me wait george is the only one i trust [Music] so you are with ray there's no way you would eventually ray at the button it has to be psycho george i left you with right i'm at the lights right now i was the only one trying to fix it oh my god oh you're the only one with the lights with the lights aren't just george throw this because you have to fix it i just want you to actually throw this all right both of you go tell me why it's not you i was actually trying to fix the lights i left him at the button with ray george i want you to listen to me all right i want you to turn me up in discord so you can hear me in your ears okay what just george go just go you're wasting time you're wasting time i would never lie to you it's not me george well that's a lie right there you just said right now you just gotta be sad you just said look george let's just look at this i'll just talk this so you understand it'll be you're not saying anything dude listen if you change your plan if you're were in med bay wrong were you what were you doing what were you doing what are you doing for a party because there was just one person so you just went in and ran out yes we went in checked for a body ran out oh my god it's going to be it's just gotta be something no george if you change the plane it's gonna be more i left i trust right now george i know you're in embarrassing [Music] george i trusted you oh my god george george has literally no reason to believe it's me and then just goes it has to be dream because he's smart that was wait how was it what do you in front of you and thought you saw it so i vented again and then i guess you saw it the second time after i left and and it looked like it wasn't me apparently but you came like from the top yeah i i did that because i thought you caught me so i was just running around aimlessly after i watched it like god i vented like twice in front of you and then ran around in a circle and i thought when you said it wasn't me i thought you were trolling me because you saw but wow so i'm definitely leaving george alive someone's gonna walk in on me doing tasks oh no it's like you know um suffer hey where did i even kill um yeah navigation how'd you actually know corpse that just ran past streaming comms walked all the way up to cafeteria and didn't see a body so it had to have been like behind me in that area okay where'd you where were you but before that of course lights before that yeah i saw him at lights um shields i think okay doesn't say when i when i went to comms you were coming from back there yeah but i would almost like to like full clear tommy but thanks dream i won't clear you in the slightest that's fine that's fine all right wait how could you fall clear tommy uh just like i was i didn't see you this day it's just i know i did i did i saw you at cards it's just i was online thinking about [ __ ] man i was having a moment you were doing you were doing you did card you did card swipe at the beginning yeah and it's just i i would i don't know i don't i don't think anyway yeah tommy's clear yeah no no i could be spit no sounds upset he sounds upset that he's clear that's how you can tell he's as good as the rest of you yeah ray does the same thing i do the same thing no it's me guys you've caught me red-handed all right i mean i don't think fine i'm voting dream oh why what did i even do are you just a wrong man you're just bad vibes what's it called no he doesn't drink dreams great at making things fun no bobby no no tommy it's good to be cool it's a good thing no it's not it is i'm going to kill you this round i'm going to kill you why stick with me i'll protect you and me you voted for me they were wrong what are these votes right here what is happening all right that dream's going to kill me dream is kind of obsessed with me maybe i killed your kill dream next maybe tommy's voice is just so inherently funny for no [ __ ] reason the body what what wait tommy didn't you just say you were gonna kill ray there's no there's no way what the the body was right outside of uh med bay holy there was just like five people there yeah me ray and sapnap went in and i was watching snapnap do the the scan but i don't have it i was just watching the lights go out so ray was killed like in front of you guys yes yes well as soon as it lights up someone might have swung by or insta-kill self-report but i don't think so you don't think tommy would yell out i'm going to kill you next round and then actually kill her right no there's no way i'm like like i said i'm like i'm 99 he's clear he wouldn't do that he yeah he's muted he's too innocent yeah he's he's too innocent there's no way leslie i swear to god if he sucks me when i wasn't even there whoa okay okay i wasn't gonna i was just saying you could have been in the area right were you not sort of i was at vitals or vials rather i walked out and saw like five people walking randa simon says psychonauts on top of me okay clear clear we were both at simon says i'm not even done with it yet is this one kill or two hello one hello oh hey tommy um remember last round you said i'm gonna kill you to ray oh i was i was getting a cookie it's gonna [Music] i don't know who else so raids died like in front of you so leslie what was that lights with toes trying to fix them yeah that dream was that like we actually messed each other up stop nap would have killed me did you see the vent at all like no this one could have vented in the lights went off so the only person who was by themselves was tommy who was getting it and i was at cafeteria stood still i also weed doesn't that mean he could have easily swooped in and that's good positions pears we have pears just remember that we have pears remember the pears all right here's my path who would you go for you don't have to go you're innocent you're going with corpse with dream at lights walk to my path we just click so toast and dream no and the toast and dream as a detective combo is the scariest [ __ ] i've ever [ __ ] heard of that's there's no way we're getting past the toast in dream detective combo we need to double kill them there's no other way but they're both fast reporters as well hmm sorry i got scared we can skip oh can you wait for me this time please um what because we just click you ran off from me and i was trying to be your your uh your buddy okay oh sorry you said the power system so i was trying to honor that all right no we're that's not what we were saying i was saying remember the pairs yeah i'll stick with you corpse i'll meet you on the left-hand side because it gets awfully shrunken does the light i think it might be i think so too why why yeah i call it right away it's not it's not tommy i'm like i'm fairly sure it's not toast based on like just his behavior i clear sap nap so well so you cleared sabnap when you two were the only ones in med bay when a body appeared i don't care why you guys don't think it's each other that's what i've been confused on this whole time me too because it was outside of med bay it was yeah we were both but if no one else was there and we all can vouch for each other i thought you would toast red lights we were at lights so if it was only leslie and cybnop there where the body was then it just feels like he would answer me the answer is i'm dumb so i'm just going along with it wait going wrong with it like what does that mean like if someone's saying that i'm so i'm not suss then i believe they're not suss i don't think that leslie would kill in front of you either so maybe i think you're not tommy isn't cersei i think you i think you're pretty innocent that's right that's why that's why i think it's probably corpses we'll see you on the left-hand side right what about leslie yeah keep up with me because leslie was with shot during the last kill yeah and if it was one of cycuna and corpse then they're both because they're a lot they'd be lying [Music] for what all right what are we doing tommy all right i'm deploying this very carefully second i've got a kill there all right so tommy should be able to vouch for us here i already told you thank god sapnap's dead what well i can clear corpse and i can clear tommy in second now i clear corpse what wait wait why how oh we were within the whole game we were bonding yeah the whole time you three were talking all the time um to the left-hand side and then down simon says to the numbers and we ran down yeah someone could have easily slipped away then and then joined i did slip away didn't they admittedly um oops he wasn't with us the entire time however i wasn't stacked on you because i'm gonna interrupt you where was the body found dream it's in security which is that on the left or the right it's on the left side the left oh yeah is it's not dream for this kill too i saw him walk up on it yeah it's not her either i've casted my vote oh god so that's why i mean that's either cycuno corpse okay but corpses are voting so it's either toaster cicuna for this kill and i think i think toast is clear so i'm going to um okay i also have gone sorry bro okay the last one left would be leslie i could make the argument that it's psychonaut leslie okay what do you think toast oh man i mean we got hykuno right we should just double down that's what the other pair would be um i guess if you're if you're not overriding me and tommy being a pair then the other pair would be psycho no leslie theoretically but if you want to vote me here i i no it's like no leslie was with sapnap on that on the one the one yeah yeah that's what i mean if we're not like overriding that one then yeah oh my gosh you're right bastard oh man i can't believe you've done this [Music] i can't believe you've done this oh as soon as toast pointed that out i was like oh yeah actually [Music] wait does that mean the next thing we need yeah that's next dream and toast for being detective together no [ __ ] chance second almost had it though by killing him and then like grouping with us if tommy was more verbal about vouching him it might have been okay that's hard though because i had to fully vouch for a second over there there was no other choice we should go pull this next game is getting like more verbal and actually lies now it's terrifying tommy has found a body and there was someone in the the the area i was in which is the one with the [Music] oh no not the top right oh no no not to the left of navigation left of navigation well i was called it's not it's totally tommy right yeah all three of us were all just in there and then now no no it was navigation someone on the far right then the one to the left of that i was in there i did the leaves or whatever yeah yeah i did the leaves and i i think i saw sat nap because he was orange and i remember seeing orange but i could listen i could be wrong because everyone's got faults you got to believe in yourself in the whole way look out look how different tommy's acting it's like a totally different person i'm talking to right now this is serious actually that's this is this is tommy that wants to win the game because he's the imposter he's the impossible you're right steph you're not just a mom this is tom it's not tommy anymore it's corpse not me because if it was i tell you it's not me it was me yeah why do you talk like that [Laughter] it's not [Laughter] if it was i'd be the best damn imposter there ever and no one would know either and i wouldn't get killed which means you wouldn't tell corpse then right oh my god [Music] first uh something about his voice which is [ __ ] hilarious imagine if he wasn't british for whatever reason i wonder if where you're from changes in flexion like um like a tone of voice rather like pitch like my friend rumi joel wrote me on youtube whenever he speaks um i was hanging out with him one time in person and he spoke um spoke swedish to me in person and his voice got way deeper and when he went back to speaking english it got higher again it makes me wonder if like where you're from changes things [ __ ] we have a lot of vocal fry in southern california so i wonder were together the entire game and we i saw corpse and uh tommy walking straight into reactor and now there's a dead body there well i was with corpse the entire game um does that mean tom i don't know about this one huh stop calling me tom [Laughter] i think comes on to him i think i think it's sam because look he oh look he's i'm no i'm sure i'm dead certain you can hold that i love the reasoning there like i think it's sap he uh uh yeah red i think sap got him guys i saw i saw i was on the cameras i saw him walk into a reactor it sounded like look he's but he's the one that voted he saw it i mean sorry he saw the body if it's me then i was the best damn imposter that this ship's ever seen i don't know who it is one of them too is up to something and i will say i was on cameras and i saw tommy walk in to where they were oops man i was at least for the entire of the end of the game corpse you can say i was with you so corpse you're clearing him for a little while i made an effort to follow you know i couldn't kill someone i'm too light well i'm telling you now it's something up any of us not you cops you're incredible i wonder if i'm able to talk about the music i'm working on if my music took four months to make like an album i don't think then like if i just left and made an album for four months i don't think i'm able to do that this whole [ __ ] thing has been happening for six like my first among this month uh stream was like six months ago you girls dropped september 30th like about six months ago or more it would take like almost that amount of time me just being gone like the same amount of time i've been around i don't think it's possible someone's unmuted i don't think that that would work but because i'm so interactive oh they hadn't seen that right okay well bretman is 100 one of them i walked in okay medical there's a dead body of bretman's running it so what bretman what are you right man what do you have to say i was there by myself and then i was on my way out and then i saw them they said someone fenced me zap says there was a dead body with you in there there was a dead body yeah so there's no way you were by yourself completely right um i'm pretty sure because i was um downloading the um the bio things and corpse came in and i think he got killed right behind me because i didn't see him after that i think he just like walked out wait where was it um in the maid me at bay yeah if reverend manages i think he got killed right behind me because i actually didn't see corp like right after i think he was just behind me and then somebody vented kills and manages did you see the body like die or did he just walk in on him i mean bretman would 100 percent in the body because i was on top of that when i saw him and he started off saying he was alone there and didn't started saying he was alone yeah i walked in there alone and then corpse came in did i stutter i mean sap seems innocent what do you think okay i'm walking to medical right now i see bremen going up the report button flash i don't see anything else um but bremen's not denying anything he's saying he's saying he saw a corpse coming and he's walking away from it well i didn't he got killed right behind me because i was definitely downloading and i think he was he wasn't like right next behind me but he was definitely in the room okay that's all i know i think sap seems really clear no one's gonna say he was downloading in med bay why why we haven't brought this away and then sapp's been doing too much good deed stuff yeah sap has reported so many bodies yeah there's no way right with that many reports i'm going to trust zappos you got him i don't i don't know if tommy was actually the imposter because tommy plays oh really goofy but so andy was acting different-ish he was acting different this round and oh zap oddly convincing oh you hit the button i was about to do that too yeah ray's innocent that's like a new player innocence but he's actually experienced that you got that wrong step i you know we don't know if i got that one wrong i got one of them wrong and obviously you might have to think well one wrong i got one wrong i got one okay but i think i got one right i think i got tommy wrong but i think well i'm definitely i'm sure your grandma you got one ray and sapp are both yeah super innocent to me um what do you think about that george oh uh i think i think i know who the final imposter can i can i can i get my 400 iq play so i can upload it yeah sure go forward you're down to 300 because listen uh okay i think the last imposter is george and this is what uh-huh okay i think it's george because i feel like all the the kills have been like really like like kind of like newbie kills and i don't think toast would have done that i think toast would have done something you're you're just crazy i think you're just saying it's because it's not as good yeah saying i'm saying i think listen i think ketosis is too because like a lot of these kills like the first one is like really like i don't know risky i think toast is too good and then i think the other three people me valkyrie you me and ray seem extremely clear so for me so yeah it's between toast and george i think i've just been doing my tasks so you think it's george because you think george is not as all right go go ahead get your minus that's actually exactly right oh well if he says so i guess no i'm just saying samnap to vote me i'm not saying to actually vote me out oh okay i'll vote you oh oh you already voted me i mean i trust zap he's innocent looking uh for me it's george or toast so i would vote either of them out okay you're fairly safe sorry george oh oh why is it so quiet are you doing it i'm waiting here i'm waiting you guys actually killed him oh zap you got it you got it congrats oh god yes oh the game's full i got kicked okay um [Music] [Laughter] he's an idiot yeah [Laughter] you killed me something up you killed me that was for my own personal reasons that nothing to do with what i actually that you're a [ __ ] detective i'm the best detective you're not the best detective you're bad i'm the best detective i'm going to get the imposter i'm going to kill you and then i'll go say it with me see i'm sorry i'm i'm not sorry you're not a good detective and you've got a little son why have you got a son he's not letting me in the game well tommy you see i'm the original wife trying i think you're punchable you're punchable actually i'm not clearly i'm not punchable let's fight fight can you clear me please bye oh [ __ ] you have to clear me we're going to fight tommy okay valkyrie can you tell him i'm not put she's under leslie can you tell her i'm not punchable you're both punchable fight fight fight go oh what no no like but for the other one disguise toast the mr brains tell them i'm not punchable tommy is not punchable yeah [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] thanks toast you get you get owned man toast let's let's i don't think i can make it we might have to well tommy dude that stops your gain from like hitting the ceiling when you're like i when you yelled your mic lowered oh really do you have something that i don't know do you want to help me with mic settings it would be an honor can you scream xlr can you scream real quick yeah but my mother is in bed but i'll be i'll scream quietly let's see see how it gets quieter does it well that's not on is it uh that was this quiet scream [ __ ] hate this kid um although the twitch in the description might do some solid game golf something the more chill stuff will be there when i you're like everybody watching me play among us and then i get cut off mid-sentence by like a meeting or something or like a body being called you're like wow i wonder what else was going to be said you know that's what the twitter thing might be for it might be for having conversations without the among us stuff and yeah so that's the top of the description however i might do this stuff there too because i'm not obligated to be on any platform i'm a free agent there's no piece of paper that says i have to be anywhere so i might [ __ ] around and do this stuff on twitch like i thought about streaming on twitch today like this but i wanted to tell you guys about it first it can be fun to play first class trouble after this game is the physics on that game are [ __ ] hilarious thank god zap naps dads wow sap is dead that was so long wow that was a really long round leslie let's do it again next round okay okay it could be court wait what are you guys doing what i can't clear one person um it's definitely not tommy why because you said if you were the imposter you would kill sapnap and then announce that it's you oh he didn't do the second part so wait what what do you mean it's you he's trolling sometimes i just say things you know okay i don't think so you want us to vote for you no no no no no my body's in security okay tommy what's your sign tommy was literally standing outside security when i walked in but why did you meet my uh if it's the same person i'd be i don't want to say it though either and leslie what are you guys doing manzo zodiac you said let's do the same thing this next round it was a tactic out the imposter i'll say i'll say i think leslie was suss as hell huh oh you thought it was leslie and she went down and she like like moved off it when she didn't think i knew it was near and then i like walked up and saw her move off it really quickly this is not looking good leslie that's how powerful dreams vouch is the man's got a big brain unless it's him that's the only time it's wrong all right you know how that looks right how's it look what looks who i just ran past a certain someone you want to speak up oh my god me oh did i run past you yeah you're in cafeteria right yeah hey where'd you come from it looked like you came from advent uh no i came from the right side um i don't think you did did i get anyone could anyone no i wait i think you're sketching me out man can you just i don't know this is what happened i think i came from the right and i came like along the bottom i don't actually remember why why why is it even matter madman well be because there's a body in admin oh it can't be gone huh can't be who wait where are you really you think i'll be completely honest guys if there's a chance i die i'm like 89 suss of of george right now oh maybe like 99 actually you could have came from the bottom or from the right it's just weird to come to the right and then run across the bottom well listen i'm listening i i don't know who it is i just don't but i'm going to do what corp says skip seven skip seven i'll skip on seven but if i die guys i'm extremely suss of george for many many reasons oh my god what are some of those reasons well uh one of them is uh you know he did a lot of sus stuff uh like what i don't know what well i i mean do i really just call it yeah no at the beginning of the round he faked the second half of the energy task [Music] that you can't even get until you do the first part i love house i cannot talk sometimes he said like he like elongates the ease in the middle of his sentences like he was like george is extremely extremely he he does that a lot extremely i mean yeah i get [ __ ] it's george what is it surely not but he's so morally good where's the body where's the body it's uh in cams it was me george and cicuno just standing on a vent and george said um i'm gonna kill him i was literally watching cameras what do you mean so there's corpse it's corpse there were two in cafeteria one in storage three in camera room so i believe corpse here i think no i was just watching cameras i didn't even know what happened that was so disrespectful we let you listen no i was oh my god you were actually like no way wait toast night two wait the two times it could be brett it could be bright cause brett said skip last time he's just been dead silent what is his cafeteria i've been voting though that was the only time yeah yeah yeah yeah who who was in storage i literally watched george kill psycho know in front of i was on the cameras i was on the camera who saw the camera george who passed into orange from cafeteria uh i'm not i don't know oh you were on cameras huh well i was i'm just looking for stuff i don't i don't i use cameras i just catch people killing people you better you better get some information i don't remember who was in storage okay corpse is trying to frame me why is it corpse because i was on the cameras and then saying i killed somebody people in security it was george cyclone corpse there was two in cafeteria where toast is or cops dead let you live and then you [ __ ] kill him in front of you are you serious what do you mean actually this is so disrespectful from you this is so [ __ ] i vote corpse because corpse oh you're gonna make me do it all right we're voting again what do you mean you're voting you know you just hate me you came at the end of the round blaming me wait someone call me george okay [Music] george yeah all right so the other one's bremen or tommy right you thought you could get another kill all right all right sorry i just got the imposter out yeah corpses innocent and i know whoever killed toast was in cafeteria and the other person was in storage who was in storage last round um i don't know i was but i was not at the cafe or i came from the cafe i wasn't there yes there was three cafeteria one left and then i was the bad [ __ ] that laughed i it's not me i'm innocent i've got no dirt on my hands when you toast and bretman we're in cafeteria what happened i just walk around in circles hoping that i've done all my tasks i'm innocent i swear so ray you voted um you thought it was it could be right with you she's got so threatened they're both being sussed yeah bretman didn't vote and tommy skipped on fire i skipped you are a roman how is it all right i don't know how we're gonna do this um pardon me believes in a world where tommy votes on her skips on five but bretman is being really over defensive for somebody sounds like he has a lot to lose like perhaps an imposter around um i think it's bremen and the marketing is pretty great i don't have a button anymore i don't have patience for this obviously yeah okay the reason why it's not me is because i was in admin room and i know exactly where everyone is and i voted the killer out with corpse it's either bretman or tommy for sure the only reason why you think it's me is because there was three bodies i mean three people at the cafeteria and i yeah he's got bodies on his mind there's no other reason why it could be me so corbs i would say if it was me ask if it's me is it you tommy no no it's not see let's vote brat well the only reason why i don't think it's tommy's because he doesn't sound like tom this round like you know yeah bretman sounds like he's you know he's trembling he's got funds the ultimate trio that's what they call this you are not in the trio bretman yes i'm either voting bretman to tie this or voting with ray i don't know promise it's not me vote for me already like you always be voting 44. well i don't i i don't know right it's just it's bretman right i it's he sounded like he had a lot to lose so who even says that court it sounded like you were defending your imposter i told you it wasn't me i i tom was not present here thank you thank you [Music] okay poor's dream can't even make it to endgame and maybe so much i have a voice memo from scarlord i'm sure it'll be something nice oh great hold on yo everybody tell corpse to end the stream and finish my [ __ ] song thanks wow nice dude i have an imposter rug what can't do that oh great leslie's besides me and i'm texting hey love now let me let me [ __ ] witness hello hello hello tom this this was probably a really early kill because the body was tucked under admin uh admin table and i was doing upload and then when i finished up all the report buttons there but i don't remember if it was there whenever i started it or not gotta be dream okay he's just got just written all over him gotta look in his eye who's what were you saying dream um yeah so i think i think it was like it would have been an admin like right off of bonn right weren't they waiting kill was in admin yeah do you think the killer might have vented out of admin after they might have they might have vented in and invented out but you were on cams with me no we were both on cameras right leslie yes and you saw uh but you didn't see too much did you where are you i i may have seen something but i'm not sure yet where's do you think it's me what leslie what do you mean you know what you saw and you don't want to call him out uh i'm just not sure yet him wait why'd you say that leslie because i know you saw what i saw and and this is why i don't text and play this is why i don't text and play spit it out leslie all right well now i feel bad you didn't see anything right leslie we didn't both of us didn't see anything come on of course it's a hymn race dead and that's me saying this all right right she's just trying to catch the left side um you have 30 seconds say it spit it out leslie i think we vote no no no no no no guys we gotta vote leslie she's she's a loose candidate she has the losers in 4k leslie she's a loose cannon wait unless you're imposter too oh it's like yeah guys how could you vote for leslie i'm gonna kill dream i'm gonna kill drew i'm gonna kill dream as soon as i can i they close the doors i can't press the buttons oh my god why did oh no it's course i'm impressed how did four people vote leslie i don't know when she was nowhere near the kill guys what's going on i gotta be honest i hear leslie i vote it's leslie she's the loser that i just want to say i never attested to that i'd well you actually you acted you saw something and she's saying what you saw leslie's a loose cannon leslie i'm telling the truth oh wait wait i voted corpse i have scanned what you have no no don't fall for the doctor i don't have a med scan too i will not forget 4k oh god wow perfectly that's a poem you're a poet and you didn't even know it cops check your dispatch [ __ ] damn it yo scar this is why i don't [ __ ] text didn't play i missed cam song god damn it [ __ ] tommy's dm says personally i am not a fan of dream me neither after that [ __ ] damn it that would have been a decent kill had i noticed cam yeah i mean scar working on a song about [ __ ] time that shit's gonna be [ __ ] crazy i'm gonna talk so much [ __ ] [ __ ] on that song i got so much for y'all but it just takes time so hard to like if i were to get off stream right now it's hard to click into like um that part of my brain you know yeah bradman doesn't pull this off i think ramen's got to be stressed as [ __ ] yeah i'm gonna call it something i'm gonna start i didn't i didn't want him to close doors cause i was about to kill dream but i couldn't oh my god i'm just gonna call lights oh my god there you go you just watched bretman panic actually i can already hear him scolding me after this and me saying i was texting oh my where did they see that well wait what i'm pretty sure it was i think i i closed out the camera at just the right time i think it's batman they didn't close their cameras so me was sitting on the cameras for like a very long time doing nothing i close out the camera yeah i see bretman running and i see dream's body falling wait you didn't see me i saw you as well yeah at the end but i saw brendan run that's a little funny because that was that was after that was it was after oh yeah i guess then technically it could have been secondary if it's not bremen then it's like you know but yeah you know i'm going to live for brett it's not like it's me it's you wait what did you say brett i'm thinking we vote out leslie cycuno no that was a joke that was a joke yeah all right i wanted to see if someone would hop on because i know i will hop on no oh oh wait i got how did i get to vote what could you set your phone for me i voted for leslie i [ __ ] up i [ __ ] up i [ __ ] up [Music] i was gonna kill dream and then and then you closed the doors so that like i couldn't press like the sabotage to kill i was trying to get one more for you but um yeah i was i was texting you didn't see cam's wrong in my bed yeah me and course were texting each other we're bros that's what happened don't laugh at that all right sorry about that i don't know about the choir [ __ ] guys i have no idea what any of that is thank you lucy i don't know about six years well i guess it could be around six years because i've only had my channel since 2015. so i started my channel when i was 17. i'm so [ __ ] old i dread my birthday passionately you guys think i'll still be uh be relevant by my birthday 8 8 august 8. i can't really talk to john well oh now i can awesome um a little [ __ ] up but any stacking bodies in cafeteria four more months all i gotta do is make it four more guys where oh no well it was in electrical i walked in there and goggy was dead and now i'm and now i'm weeping if you could see me right now there are just tears everywhere i reckon it was dream wow every time you've been in pasta by myself i think on the right side so i was a mile away from this this isn't well that sounded just as well what throwing out is you know it's a bit suspicious okay so anyone else i know toast is in navigation right now what i'm on cameras oh oh did he just walk in i'm not sure actually i'm in that i was i'm literally a navigation doing upload navigation downloading wait i literally thought i was alone in navigation i'll be honest with you it's like i don't know i think it is what dream i thought it's like wait you were navigating i was doing upload in navigation corpse this isn't i didn't see anybody we need a big hashtag going this isn't where were you toast i was on [ __ ] download the navigation where you say you are dreaming to vote guys here i am i i must be blind because i did not see anybody at all you were on the top navigation test the big blue one yeah yeah [ __ ] looks like we called you said uh [Applause] was i the only person who skipped wow um of course she losing relevancy fast yeah i agree that [ __ ] happened so i'm just glad to have made it six months you know i've i've been to it's been like six months i thought i would die off in like two weeks relevancy is kind of hard to measure though because the pool gets smaller the more you gain oh my god i saved the game you saw it you saw it you saw it leslie failed the double oh my god they're trying i did not kill anybody what i'm pretty sure i saw leslie do it it is 100 seconds why are you kidding me you're kidding me i can't believe no i just leslie weren't you where were you leslie i'm in cafeteria that's exactly where the body was why would you say that anybody you're by yourself i've never seen this play before we know it's in you bret man it's not it's like who knows i'm actually just observing it i've never heard before and what it's leslie she killed right in front of me i think she either failed the doubles i'm a hero i'm a protagonist okay i like the sound of that you voted before hearing who do you um reckon this is tommy not tom he's acting like he always does when he's innocent yeah yes who did you vote for tommy it's leslie i hope he voted for leslie tom who is it i'm not saying you're all being we mean you're not pushing you have to tell us who you are i have no clue what's going on you think it's me who reported and saved the game right now yes so you could say that you made it the craziest thing i've ever heard well also i've done this before and it worked twice i can't believe it god did the exact same thing we did it tommy we did it there's two people that were telling me i was i wasn't somewhere that i was i couldn't see on my screen like no you're not there i'm like what do you mean i'm i'm on the i'm on it we did it though we did it tommy chat i'm trying good all right fellas i'm gonna get off now but this was really fun [Music] like i was like three bars whatever maybe cyclone was like standing no there's no way yeah that was that way my character just was glitched like i was there is anyone else leaving please find bills i'm heading i'm heading out yeah okay all right [Music] [Music] uno i guess that could be it um yeah unless we can find four fills yeah i don't think we how long that was two hours two hours that's sure it's about what i expected though we could go for two more we can do i think we could do a bit more among us and then i'm still here let's go uh i can probably play an hour yeah an hour okay let's try to should i quickly find four pills or i think we can i think we can tina more likely to join do you uh should i ask people or is someone else asking yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it's the salad gang it's like kuno are you guys still in the lobby hey leslie yeah yeah we're still here it's still uh leslie i'm the imposter i'm supposed to do that i know but it's like you know you're twice any hard accuses via claims i failed the double kill i didn't see anyone well leslie i thought of an idea why don't you do it back to me one day okay that's a good idea yeah leslie yeah all right i'm gonna do it get me back with it yeah all right because i think when you call the thing there you look so innocent right we got brooke dude you guys messaged tina yeah i think uh meong's on the way okay take seven eight nine so we have me young broke since nine so the last one would be teenage math i'll call it [Music] hello i'm [Music] i had some trouble speaking from them are you fully healed from yours yeah pretty much um after one day of like resting i was like 95 back and then wow now i'm like fine that's how i felt uh thank you guys the super chats and everything um just for the record i i don't need it but i like you know reading the messages obviously when i say thank you that's usually what i'm referring to most streamers at this like level are like good financially just so everyone knows um yeah but thank you guys for being here i do want to do another charity thing but i don't like when people donate um and then tell me to donate to charity because then it like you know youtube takes 30 by default and then you know there's a lot of there's a like half your money ends up going to the charity by the end of it not for me but from like everything in between so i do want to do a charity thing directly at some point i think that'd be fun um yeah but yeah thank you guys for being here i'm just surprised i made it this far just like i said in the anthony padilla interview shadow anything i'm just like i don't know how the [ __ ] i made it this far still is the case oh by the way sorry you guys witnessed my mental breakdown like four days ago on twitter a little bit of it anyway i try to keep it off of bird out but sometimes it bleeds into it no matter what happens um everything we've done already is like good enough you know oh tina's here all right yeah get her out of here wait i thought you would kill leslie first i'll be honest yeah brett he's headed out for me all day leslie i have not killed you i've only voted for you every single time though and it's gotten me out mel multiple times in fact there was that one time where she was innocent someone said leslie once and then he voted her before anything else [Laughter] good one zaikudo don't reward his behavior please yeah well just don't allow him oh brooke you look like cycuno thanks that's what i was going for in here wait did you get the the shot too tina um oh no i got mine a bit ago maybe like a week ago or something and i got it i accidentally got the johnson so i i'm done wait that's the single one so you don't have to go back so i'm basically going back in like a month saying a month and they're like we only have the jesus probably better than not right yeah definitely unless you have a crazy reaction to it and it all goes wrong but what are the chances of that right like a blood clot or whatever yeah i got scared they were like they're positive all i said was you [ __ ] up on lover house by not choosing emma for this way worse you know true all i said is that you [ __ ] up for not choosing emma unlove her host and to manifest some [ __ ] that's all i said it was with my vaccine so that's like holy jesus crazy they're like if it hurts just take a little tylenol sweetie i'm like okay so i didn't even find a tent but we have a tenth um i don't know i don't know i don't think tina's on here yeah i was going to say we got ten people in this i was like why is this online sorry guys it's always no that's okay never you're good i like your trick did you finish your food tina i did i did i finished it and then that one round is over and then i was like all right time to get ready what's good i'm trying to eat healthy because let's go i'm breaking out yeah same i feel like every month i break up before my period and it's just like so bad so annoying right we're ready let's get it started yeah let's go and have fun everyone okay also changing your pillowcases regularly might help with acne yeah that's true get like three pillows and rotate them and then flip them over well everyone here knows i want to play on airship for police i feel like i'm not as good as scout feels so small now hmm you thought i wouldn't see that tina i can't believe it oh my god is going because unhinged whoever is innocent i wouldn't you're right all right so i think it's me then whoa all right cool okay okay no you said i'm whoever i accused is clear oh okay oh guys you want to hear something yeah yeah um wait i was with george in admin right you remember i do remember okay good job the swipey swipe yep that's true for a long time a little too long you think george i messed it up one time one time give a girl one more time too many oh but well tina killed brooke though absolutely absolutely i have one question for you did anyone see the cameras on yes i did i was on the cameras and guess what i saw oh oh tina you want to tell them what i saw okay cameras weren't on when i walked above which means i could say you know i was on the camera but i saw everything i remember neon was with me tina i don't remember being with you tina what oh all right guys i think it's time to stop messing around i saw everything on the cameras you saw the cameras on and what i saw was tina and brooke hanging out okay yeah yeah two seconds ago and then i got off your cameras wait where i don't even remember what happened and i thought you would crack under the pressure i have no clue i'm skipping i i was following you the whole time so i knew the cameras were crack under the pressure i think tina's interesting um that was all a trick to see if she would crack oh okay while you're treading her i tried to apply pressure is that good cop bad cop gta changed him oh god i've had to take a lot of hostages for the bank robberies see my timing on the last task incredible uh bad observation doggy toast tell us you know i do okay spill the beans oh god he's gonna give us a riddle spill him okay let me think about this riddle you guys discuss amongst yourself okay okay all right discuss among us yeah she's probably snickering to herself yeah it's ray i think we go right here discuss among us discuss among us yeah yeah among us that's the reason she's here oh okay if you don't what other type you don't even have i'm just trying to spice things up hey tell me about it i didn't know toast was standing under them i i wanted brooke or i wanted pregnant and leslie to freak out so genetics is like the possibility of it happening right like is it are people just genetically genetically doomed like is there a way to like get it like hey ray we should probably figure out the body right it's also oil production and also different people have different bio systems on their skin like the oil is being produced from your genetics genetically sometimes hormones you know when you're working with different hormones going through you you produce more oil that's why stress is such a big thing yeah okay okay thank you dermatologist tina it worked there's a color that relates to blue and green yellow and i wouldn't trust two of these people with that yellow is this a riddle yellow yellow wait did he not see wait wait did it work i gotta kill him i mean lights i don't know what to make of this gotta kill tess crazy i have something to say let's go tina she figured out the riddle i have something to say yep this is true so on the cameras i see toast's body at the crossroads between um cafeteria and admin would you wouldn't you think of that what didn't you think right okay it's crazy and i'm like i gotta go find this body and i go in the cafeteria who do i see none other than gogy himself standing behind that very door that guards the body and valky right behind the door so so it brings up a few questions why isn't rey reporting this body the cheese yes it is true i'm standing on toast's body and the reason is i wanted to keep talking about skin and so i just didn't report the body yet so i decided to do download and i was gonna report the body yeah yeah the body is like in the hallway between storage and cafeteria so you saw it but you're chilling on it so you have more time to talk about skin yes and goggy this this begs the question what are you doing just standing there i was running down the boat the report button flicks right and then boom the doors close on me the door oh yeah the door did shut on both sides so i couldn't hold it i was standing there by the door waiting to go through trying to see whose name it was on the other side someone i saw someone saying on the other side you couldn't see that it was ray but i don't see either of us but we can't forget about the riddle from toast okay look at the two colors relating to green don't trust either of them blue yeah but he wouldn't say the color that it was but he said relating right so [Music] he wouldn't say who it was blue and yellow make green we have to admit that you weren't getting out of your body you were standing on the bodies i can't shut up i've done it enough by the it's really good you gotta spice it up for you guys this is what i mean guys oh sometimes it just works out you know all right all right all right sorry tina well wow oh dude i killed in front of everybody yeah what yeah that was good stacked on top of me has been chasing me in the entire game i got away with that kill but corpse did that kill yeah but you are i'm gonna put this on you know [Music] you're right all right fixing i didn't think that toast would see it because like it's in the dark they're stacked there's like three other people there i didn't think that they would see it so when when he knew immediately i was kind of surprised believe it or not but he didn't know i want to see it from his perspective i love like crowded light skills the trains were on when he said blue and green i was like wait i'm clear i'm gonna ask i could know if he even does this test and also turn the rain down whenever i hear rain i just want to make more rain music i'll make a whole album of like agoraphobic l.a rain type [ __ ] i have some old music like that i listen to my old music sometimes from like 2016 and everything i'm just saying in the music is like it's like happened it's weird it is weird hearing me before like the really bad health problems so i sounded like um not my vocal chords from like dirty whatever i'm talking about like i was i don't know it's just like a different spirit yeah some of the things like a lot of things i'm rapping about and um old songs it's weird listening to it now because everything happened wait only one person died good damn guys are just gonna diss the imposter like that um above med bay like left left top left like reactor thing wait what reactor not reactor not reactors what's the thing called um the engine thing yeah oh okay why'd you do it brooke i was about to say leslie what well no because i thought he said reacting leslie would kill me young no because we came off of cameras together we came off the cameras and leslie went up that's true straight to where the blood did she go up wait no i didn't excuse me i'm inside of the left rooms thinking to myself why don't i have any tasks on the left side of the map i check they're all on the right and i was like all right time to go to the right side because you're on the left side [Music] if there was an engineer maybe but then queen there's no default oh i got nothing on her last game where were you going oh no where were you going with that going with what you were like the killer likes venting and then you're like me and corpse oh no i i honestly i i think it might be leslie leslie is that you did you i did vote for you because you were such okay yeah unlike the wikipedia page for that music a lot of the information's incorrect like for me rather it's like corp's husband made his musical debut for like this thing it's like no anything i made as corpse husband for like other youtube music stuff it's like i don't count it as like corpse stuff you know i made corpse husband like vocal appearances but i wasn't making like my own music or like publishing it because i was making it i don't think that like e girls isn't the same like i wasn't making the you know i mean corpse husband is different from corpse in terms of music they're insecurity one storage electrical too electrical no one should be dead i lied all right cam campers all right sorry tina but the cam camping worked out voter off guys voter off what wait really what huh guys she was upset that there are too many people cam camping wait what no cause i'm one of them i'm one of them i'm one of the ones in the cams okay yeah anything based on that reaction she sounded like she did something tell us i'm on the cams honestly this is probably the biggest brain i've ever had in a minute but okay um in the beginning of the round i saw leslie doing tasks in admin and then at this round she was just doing the same task again this is the smallest brain that is the biggest brain plan that i would actually vote on you got it you got it i saw stop it now you did the wires twice and you she did the same wires twice you know what bro i believe camera campers call her out call her out camera campers [Music] tina we were talking i have a monopoly only only sometimes you're actually killing your children sorry leslie but there's only enough room in this town for one dumb sticker that's the only reason i voted for you i didn't even see your vent who is this guy all right well toast probably know something right what's she doing cameras are on so i should just stay here to be safe um wow there's no way they coordinated that that's gotta be luck i think like hey there's no way of them communicating to say like kill on cams as i kill toast here wow okay leslie i wasn't the one who voted you out there you got like nine votes it wasn't everything yeah but because yeah you had backed him up yeah sorry for backing up my friend bretman what about your friend leslie it was his first time ever saying he was big brain i wanted him to believe him he if you call someone out i'll vote for them even if it's myself even if it's myself say less say less okay well if you want me to say less then i won't do it oh but that was a joke i'll do it leslie i'll do i owe you one vote one free vote super cool yup i will ready unless it's in like the final three or something nope he said free vote he said if it's in the final three it'll be whenever i want um whatever i'll put the leaf back on yeah george that's fine keep your leaves you're right okay i missed my scarf yeah i missed my carrot clip there there they're there oh no thanks leslie oh craig i have no tips for you thank you i agree wait i gotta play the game but so many [ __ ] super chatty 500 dollars are you serious what do you mean as promised don't promise that that's that's a lot of lunch icador okay groceries groceries groceries thank you so much that's i don't know i don't know i wish i could like give back somehow i'm trying thank you so much try not to read super chats on stream like i said but you can't just not acknowledge that you know i don't know how everyone's so good i just i'm kind of looking forward to streaming on twitch because i don't have a sub button hey what's why do you guys think we have that kind of relationship i would kill her i would did a cooking stream together but we would kill each other so not only did brooke die first she just got we would enjoy killing each other so you're admitting to it you know we can't even ask brooke because she's dead wow rick dies first tina just i didn't think you could kill her anymore but tina just did it yeah if tina didn't kill her the first time she just killed her again i think we just witnessed a live murder we just witnessed a live murder in a meeting how can i trust you tina uh though i've literally done nothing i'm hovering my mouse over the oh god okay the way the way the truth is like someone said he knows jesus christ it's he's he's directing the narrative he's taking the charge me i did nothing but sit back and be quiet you know and it's because i don't i don't know what's going on and i'm just doing my tasks right wait but tina the first thing you said was well how's it going guys she just wants to know about our day what's wrong with you people get real thank you leslie yeah you know what i'll skip leslie's got a good one i will say one thing though um there's one person i should bring to attention holy jesus you guys killed her yes you actually killed me look guys at least at least her and brook can talk it out now right well we really voted for her just for asking how our day well um i kind of believed tina there like a little bit at least tina's kind of cracked it among us sometimes like tina's arc of this game your learning arc she just got like cracked out of nowhere but i could be wrong i like being imposter on this map way more than a scout i'm surprised we haven't played airship though i know how to use buttons okay um why why are the colors wrong this is not lyme this is not science interesting oh my god i almost got the report but enough i uh ah god damn it i was so close toast what did you oh well at least it'll be over soon toast definitely knew who the killers were but how do you know he was on the cameras and both bodies were inside of the cameras which means here's the thing um bretman died first and he was the only one who was dead corpse's body was right by bretman so someone killed him as he was about to find bretman's body toast must have seen it and wait where is the body so both killers must be on the left side it's at the bottom uh you know by the little wheels and the trash in the o2 room in range of the cameras i think wow toast also oh man that's crazy i thought it was toast because he pushed tina out and then we all jumped on that and now no no no toast knew who the killers were but they got him wow tustin's trolling the only problem is i'm not sure who it is right now i was hoping toast was alive because he could have told us i think so i think cycuno's for sure clear i'm delighted you're clear i mean he's reporting five and i don't think tina was a killer i can tell you who my biggest susses are but before that i do want to bring out some attention to one particular person leslie yes did you fail to double kill again holy pizza i'm joking okay my biggest sauce is actually my biggest sauce is actually meow meow meow what you think it's me lovely for like well most of this is been acting really strangely george you got any info yeah george what do you got i have nothing nothing i have nothing i feel like i'm actually around i actually can't hard clear anybody right now so my sus is well i'm clear i think it's not sakuno based on how he's talking no i think second and because i reported it and he reported on five and i do believe there might be two killers still yes i think they're definitely there's a lot of bodies there's a lot of bodies so my biggest sus is miyong i can't tell if ray's innocence surprisingly but i mean you know every time i'm imposter right who do you think my biggest sucks is what's george oh it's not george i did nothing is just come forward george went to go turn off the lights [Music] i can't believe you guys made me save the game twice um yes well i was going to push the button if you weren't going to um anyway my biggest sus is meong i shockingly can't tell if rey's innocent for some reason usually i can all that wrong i couldn't always know when i'm imposter so that means i'm innocent if you think i'm in not actually i don't always know well it's more that i can tell when rey's innocent which is why i usually know but oh i don't know she doesn't i don't she doesn't seem guilty but doesn't seem super innocent this round why do you think it was me well because you said you had no info i didn't have any info so i feel like you're a common denominator since you have no info at all because i feel like everyone else sort of has info i'm just gonna say my biggest sus is still meong because she's been moving around very much i was dancing at the last map as well near course who do you think it is yeah who do you think it is well i know it's not leslie because i was with her for most of the round yeah i agree it's not leslie leslie you think oh leslie so you're suss of mia even though you're with her wow yeah well okay i was over the first half of the round and then i don't know what happened in las vegas okay i can explain another reason why meow hits us i saw leslie running around doing tasks and miang just followed her wiggling about um ray ray kind of flip-flopped on slykuno last round did anyone know [Music] so i reported not me twice pretty sure it's not leslie it's between them three i just don't know who it's not me my biggest sus is still me young but i i actually have no one to kill me young then because she's a common denial what do you know keeps saying everybody but her is the common denominator leslie yellow name leslie who is it i'm very raised all right leslie i trust leslie i trust leslie don't believe these things like i said trust yourself okay guys ray said everyone else was the common denominator which makes her the common denominator oh oh my god yeah i knew they got it right because there were two votes on george meaning both in boston's voted him second one knows the last one's me young everybody knows i guess she could get two kills here i don't know what she's doing though okay she should close the doors second i just have a button right oh no second oh doesn't have a button at the last second but couldn't report it fast enough you saw my body yeah i like ran up and tried to report it and it was over yeah i'm so glad you won that yeah i was like [ __ ] yes i'm so glad you won that wait we sussed out both impressions of you like what the heck yeah i was happy to vote for any of the three i was most of me young and then ray kept trying to find the common denominator which i think made her the common denominator i actually can't believe that i can't actually been getting impostor quite a bit but i haven't been taking it seriously i probably should be no way alive to office security to security someone's camping cameras oh if i'm able to we're both faking this well you know camping cameras shouldn't be allowed right hmm i guarantee if i pop out this vent somebody walks up right when i do that oh hello i'm trying to play very well leslie died first cicuna's a common denominator um i only have one question to the person who kills weaponry okay why do you think she was standing there where was it it was right under a camera oh for safety but here's the thing same person saw me on the cameras by myself and didn't kill me so i'm not going to tell you who it is because they spared me and killed leslie leslie i have no choice like look she could have killed me on cameras but uh oh it has to be um yeah it could be anyone uh yeah yeah yeah right you're on your own could have killed [Music] oh but the fact that they didn't kill me while i was alone on cameras i i can't i can't do it i can't do it calculated when i didn't kill seikuna it was uh i meant to do that i knew i knew that would happen hello everyone hello hi saikudo said she yes okay who would kill laughter would actually shrimp for all right ray look i can't do this i just keep doing it ray you just called your own death i oh it was it was wrong wow i'm just kidding it wasn't red it wasn't right it wasn't red oh okay all right but that would have been dramatic right if it was a video they wouldn't have believed you it would have been incredible listen listen listen listen listen listen it wasn't ray it actually it's true though if this person caught me alone on the cameras and if they had killed me i would have never seen them kill leslie why did you why were you so sick because i thought i thought he was trying to protect someone that he would super shrimp for which is you you start throwing names out so who else voted for he said what if he said she which i didn't hear until after the round was over so who who would you who are you protecting psychonauts it's literally because she caught me alone on cameras could have killed me didn't kill me then i caught her killing someone else because she didn't kill me on cameras so i i like i can't really call her out if she spared me right well i only survived to catch that kill because she didn't kill me oh that's convenient tina or brooke george no yeah we scan each other we scanned them i'll give you another hint then she has a heart above her head okay then vote yeah yeah there's two of them that was the entire point notice that i said that after you guys you guys already narrowed it down to tina or brooke so i didn't really give you any more information oh leslie's life matters gonna kill ray gotta kill ray gotta kill ray no one could press button if they're dead now they should be able to see deacon tim's opening they gotta press the button okay all right well well super cool i'll give you another hint i think the person just killed toast am i right well there's only one girl left saikuno oh yeah ray you said i'll give you another hint okay okay guys remember when it was just called your own death and then said it was a joke we're on six so i can't keep uh can't keep doing this ray tell him ray just tell him well we got rid of tina yeah but he said i'll give you another hint meaning that they're still oh right all right oh actually i no no you gave it away you know you did right it is it was you right goodbye ray you guys kill me in my mind you got like three kills because they randomly voted off tina so true i could have tied it [ __ ] i should have listened more carefully um oh [ __ ] my gosh um i'm right below right reactor at the moment [Music] whoa where's the body at i found cycuno's body in the advent room wait robin i was just with you and um yeah i left george in at cams is there an event that goes wait ray wouldn't tell me that robin do you know if there's an event that goes from from wait where's psychonauts wait of course i don't think it's wait course if we both saw each other then that just leaves red brevin no it's not me i promise it's not me no but you know it's not me right i mean i i got out one of them where's like where's what we all did but where's psychonauts body again it's an admin is there disney does the admin vent below uh admin go to cams i don't know where the events go exactly i'm sure you don't well regardless there would be like you think it's me she could have walked i'm shocked that you both think it's me because i was pressing for leslie's justice i don't know who it is but i don't think brother well actually it's clear that it's not me right like it's between you two it's not us though well i don't think it's cork he could have killed george at cam but there's no event that goes from um admin to cam's right so oh my god this is so hard wait wait wait wait wait bro i figured it out the body isn't an admin she reported it somewhere like closer to her yeah yeah yeah ah bretman oh my god ray wished out the second imposter but don't i don't even know both of you are just you didn't i don't know who it is between the two of you [Music] they were on three wait how is that [Music] i can't believe you marinated me but i was i voted for you ray why didn't you vote for a car because you and tina just keeps getting voted yeah but she could have killed me and i wouldn't have seen it and i was just like i don't know what to do what's the i actually [ __ ] up i should have voted um ray i didn't think that brethren was going to crack and vote me last second that's weird i feel a revenge call coming on right now um yeah if ray had just voted well i guess she could have voted bremen in three-way tied it i've never seen ray actually that confused in a 50-50 in a long time worth it's always really funny doing the camps thing because there's event right there like watching people leave cams and then killing their is the obvious thing what do we got here where'd you find this um it was at cam's i almost didn't see her body because she was like killed like cams brookie must have just died and meow must have just killed brook no i'm cracked the kids might be tina cause [ __ ] each other you think i'm going to vote for tina again i can't believe it yeah all right that's what we're doing good for you no no no you scanned brooklyn i watched them i watched them on the med scanner and i was like well i can't believe it brooke brooke and me unbelievable so i left to go into specimen where i did my one two three and now i'm doing the simon says right wait and this is leslie's body on cam so i'm thinking wait i can confirm the story there were two in med bay and one in specimen yeah i was on admin trying to look for the body yeah and i just went in the specimen and miam was with brooke i have an idea wait wait what's the idea [Music] so it's just some some things that i saw throughout the round um [Music] i think it's just time to get her out i think we just uh ripped the bandit off what here's here's the thing guys i was on admin like for a bit right trying to guess where leslie's body was there was only ever two people in med bank if brooke and me young were in med bay and it never went up to three if i get voted on his crew one more time i'm just saying that tina's story adds up i'm gonna flip my lid flip it look tina's story adds up yeah i'm just saying based on that that's not it doesn't wait you said it wasn't hard let's just get her out of here guys no okay yeah let's get her guys let's go next oh my god thankful music it's so hard to do both at once alone [ __ ] like i was talking about the pool of relevancy you're like of course you're losing relevancy i agree with you there's less people to pull from once you've already you know what i mean like it's so hard to measure that like sub growth rate goes down but monthly listeners goes up but monthly listeners isn't necessarily streams and then like there's just so many factors to it you don't really know what's going on at a point hello everyone but i agree with you know's dead what a [ __ ] liar what yes yes toast yes sir no that's where i came from okay wait you're with me is that what you said i fixed the lights with you and me and we opened it those doors together okay good vouch good vouch i was with you yes um george came in late though oh to lights dead good observation hey thanks bestie oh no problem bestie uh we should solve this murder sorry okay i actually don't think it's tina oh why why is that i still think it's you but because both of you went in together the three of us went in together it's not me and martina well well think about this it's me potentially from the first round because she was the last person i saw with the body then except that you didn't you didn't report brooke's body no someone reported no though that's okay they're both innocent for this guys let's just get over with involutino like uh that's a good idea on seven on seven [Laughter] wait let's hear from miss valkyrie and bretman and also toast and miss beyonce i got nothing all right it's tina i got nothing to do okay well well now that we know well it's seven but i'm gonna start meena and tina oh thank you ray thank you i appreciate it i actually skipped so that wasn't who would have the nerve to do that on seven i mean i don't know [Laughter] the gumption what the [ __ ] dude just said a word i don't know i'll pick my vocabulary so where did she get these words from like she doesn't study words as far as i know all right tina stay away from me okay hmm weird isn't it uh i fixed lights ray was watching me well her body's at lights and okay you run out just now toes so [Music] it if you're in decon then why is that saying brett because i checked admin both of you maybe it's both of you you're not setting breadman even though he did come in yeah i think i know i'm saying oh i just said it what the hmm i have admin info if anyone would like it all right hitting you with it right now i was in specimen i came out check the admin table there was one in comms two an electrical one in cams i don't know where the other one was me and ray was the two in electrical i don't know who was cam still that was me then you should have seen him yeah what is all there and then george said that george said he was in coms before i actually gave that admin info so he didn't lie about his location so we're looking at a corpse bretman type of situation here uh tina how did you think i knew you were indeed contempt oh well mina says she saw me walking in and ray's body was already dead if i walked in and i would have killed him and went around in a circle so it's not me it's me young or pregnant no i think it's toast in britain i think it's mia i think it was yeah um so if meon's gonna push on me i have to push on her i think it's meow or bretman not i don't call him i'm gonna vote um isn't bremen wait bretman is the common denominator we vote for him um no i'm not right wait robin i'm sorry i just i think you man i feel like such a um i don't know it made sense that's what i was thinking too oh god it's a corpse in me i know god i think i'm losing my marbles tina had no pair uh toast does this thing where we're on six where he says like oh that was not a good kill brett but oh maybe she just killed me young um hello [Laughter] at least i ruined my own game that's best case scenario honestly she was camping by the button to call it anyway i mean she caught him both red-handed pretty much toast what if it's not herself [Music] like wait bretman posted the pair that's what he said that was right after everything yeah that was my energy guys thank you [Music] wait you say aloha when they leave i think it means hello and goodbye right i love it freaking cute aloha bretman happy birthday [Music] [Laughter] tina that you never vote me out really is that so i wouldn't i can't help but notice that one time when there was like nine votes on me i don't know i couldn't help i couldn't help but notice that time that you told everyone that you would kill me not feel bad this is some out there she did it's because we would both kill each other and not feel bad because we know what it takes to win right i think the words she said she would enjoy killing me oh it's even worse you would enjoy killing okay listen you know why i said that all right are we getting a fill all right are we calling it not for either honestly yeah ma'am um do we do we know anybody do we have friends we will have a friend we will have one we'll scour the lands hold on one second gower all of the lands scouring the lands brb um hello anyone um actually i think it might be my last game i'm hungry oh no you didn't you should you should go in i didn't eat you should have eaten lunch we can just call it midnight but oh yeah thanks for playing thanks for having me george can hang is can't do george can hang you can hang out uh-huh i don't know [Music] yeah if you make it past two hours of among us you're a gamer yeah you can really freaking hang let's go george she's so proud of george all right george you be whatever you want to be [Applause] what a nice boy what a nice boy he's been playing everyone thanks next time all right yeah i think that's it um i think i could be wrong but uh me rey toes sakuno uh miyong and tina we might be playing first class trouble soon i think we're just gonna take a little break um like i don't know how long i don't think it's gonna be that long but i'm gonna stop streaming uh twitch channel top of the description go there for um follow that for like chill stream stuff or possibly this uh i was gonna say so i was talking about toast towel so it says this towel when we're on six where he tries to get someone out but his the second person that he says is always his imposter partner because he likes to have a little bit of sauce on them just in case they get out um that's what i was talking about before that was funny though um i don't know if i'm gonna do you know what they're doing um i don't know if i'm gonna have many like videos or streams soon this might be one of the last ones for a while um yeah i don't know i i don't i'm not like a consistent like i like to do new things a lot or work on big projects and stuff rather than like a daily consistent thing so um but then making that job is really hard because platforms like youtube and and social media value consistency and like in the algorithm especially like i can't post on instagram every day i can't post on tech talk every day i can't post a video every day you know what i mean those things aren't like available to me i've been thinking a lot about um the direction i want to go it's weird it's like there's a lot to think about the whole faceless anonymous stuff it's like i can't leave my house can't go to any kind of event well because of covet as well but like i have to hide like the majority i mean it's like what do you do like if i stream every single the hell well by the way i'm not saying all this for like pity or whatever i'm just letting you guys into what i'm thinking about lately because i feel like i've always been pretty open i always want to have that like openness with you with you guys but um yeah it's it's a weird lifestyle luckily i'm already a recluse to begin with so it's not that much of a change but like it sucks that i can't go outside if i wanted to i don't know my wisdom teeth are not better that [ __ ] is [ __ ] uh she's here you know but that's where my health problems have been flaring up really bad lately and i hate talking about that because then people like i don't want you guys to like feel bad but like i can't go to physical therapy and and like i don't know if i go to physical therapy there's a chance of one of the people there recognizing me it's a whole process that takes months to do but if i don't go i'm just like in in pain 24 7 and i have a lot to navigate on top of like the mental stuff uh relapsed recently but um yeah yeah i guess i'm just whenever i tell you guys all this i'm not trying to invoke any kind of thing i'm just i've always been super straightforward i never want youtube to be a platform or any other platform to be um like a lot of youtubers don't say how they're actually feeling or like streamers and [ __ ] you know and i feel like if you go a long time without doing that it's easy to fall into the whole of that you're just not saying anything ever about how you're actually feeling so i'm trying to do that but um yeah uh i'll talk to you guys later i'll hopefully get to play with him but yeah um thanks for all the love don't trend anything i don't i don't to do with that anyway i'm just talking to you guys but yeah thank you guys for being here and hopefully i'll play with him in a second i don't know if we're still doing that but i'll let you guys know okay bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: More Corpse Husband Clips
Views: 147,333
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokimane, among us, among us imposter, among us gameplay, among us funny moments, among us impostor gameplay, among us impostor tips, among us memes, among us best impostor, among us funny, corpse, corpse among us, proximity chat among us, proximity chat, corpse husband, pokimane twitch, pokimane stream, 5up, trainwreck, modded among us, among us mod, among us impostor mod, nogla, nogla among us, bakbak, flashlight mod, ludwig, corpse husband livestream
Id: -f2BjabUw_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 206min 43sec (12403 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 17 2021
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