Sydney to Melbourne in a Model Y without using any Superchargers

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hi I'm Lee welcome to the channel I hope you're having a lovely day I am a short overweight middle-aged sweating I've got thinning brown hair black gloss I'm wearing a red t-shirt with a yellow lightning bolt down the center because in this video we're going to be talking a little bit about charging because we're going to be driving from Sydney all the way to Melbourne now if you've watched my previous video from Melbourne to Sydney this one's going to be a little bit different so in Melbourne to Sydney what we did is I wanted to see what it was like to do a road trip if you didn't know much about electric cars you sat down on a Tesla you typed in Sydney and you just followed the instructions of the car go to the supercharger go to that supercharger stay there save us if you'd like to see that video go check it out I'll put a link somewhere around here in this video from the drive to Sydney to Melbourne slightly different what I'm going to do is I want to not use any of the Tesla superchargers so I want to see what it's like if I was driving a non-tesla vehicle and what the charging infrastructure is like for that and that sort of experience now a few things about road trips with trick cars interestingly enough the way that electric cars work is the least efficient when driving on the highway so for a number of reasons but first of all so electrical's got this cool thing called regenerative braking where when you take your foot off the accelerator and with some it's not bad it works with the brakes but basically what it works is how the car slows itself down is as you take your foot off the accelerator particularly with the Tesla is that it uses the energy of the wheels and the car slows itself down but it takes that energy of slowing the car down and it puts that energy back in the battery so sort of stop start driving in city is actually really good for battery efficiency because you're constantly sort of slowing yourself down and putting a little bit more juice back in the battery really cool if you're driving down like a mountain you could start with like 80 at the top of the hill and you'd be you know have 85 at the bottom of the hill which is pretty awesome other things that affect your efficiency is the temperature so batteries generally like to be quite warm I think the ideal I don't know but someone correct me if I'm wrong I think the ideal temperature for Tesla battery is about 25 between 25 and 45 degrees depending on what it needs to be doing so if it's cold your battery might not last as long so there's that as well also temperature so aerodynamic so if you've got a headwind that's going to slow you down tailwind's going to speed you up if the car is particularly dirty um anything that affects the aerodynamics can slow the car down so highway driving is actually the least efficient for the battery which is interesting um now you do need to do a little bit more planning if you're going on a road trip not in a test because the Tesla sort of works everything else out for you now I haven't driven any other electric cars so I'm not sure how other electric cars deal with this if people know in the comments please let me know hopefully I will get to try out some other electric cars in fact the reason why I was up in Sydney is because I was here for the fully charged electric show and I made some cool contacts where I might be getting some cool new cars to try out watch the space but as I said so it does take a little bit more planning um when you're doing an electric road trip with a non-tesla and it's not a huge amount but just worth looking at so the first app that I want to show you that you use for your planning is an app called plug share and how this works is you go into the app tap in you know excuse me show me you know show me where I am and it'll show you all the charges that are around you so for example here I'm at Bondi Beach you can see there's actually a couple of charges around here if I tap on the one that I'm at the green ones are like sort of AC charging so slightly slower and yellow or orange sorry orange are the faster ones um so you can see here that I checked in a little while I've got another 24 minutes before I can check out it shows you that there is a fee well I covered this app in another video check out my charging video and you'll see more details about that so plug share but we'll get back to that in a moment and I'm talking a little bit fast because the sun's coming up my light's going to check so I need to do this uh quick smart so the app that I'm actually going to use is an app called a better route planner and how better root planner works is you put in where you're starting so I'm starting from here on Bondi Beach and I'm going to drive to chadstone in Melbourne you put in what car you're driving now I have cheated a little bit here because um so if I put in that I was in a model y or in a Tesla a better route planner would just say oh we'll just you know go to the Tesla superchargers but I don't want to do that on this drive so I've told it I'm in an ionic five so you can say what car you're in what percentage of batteries at um what percentage you want to get to so I'm saying yeah if I get to Melbourne with 10 that's fine a little bit of other information and then you tap on you know work out the route for me and it goes out and works out that route for you and it's just having a bit of a think now so there we go so it's come up with my route and it's saying that it will take me eight hours and 52 minutes to do the drive with another one hour and 90 minutes worth of charging with four charges my first stop that it's suggesting is in goulburn and it's saying I should get there with 21 and I should charge there for 30 minutes get up to 95 then go to takuta I should get there with 11 and I'll charge it for 17 minutes to get up to 70 then charge you get the basic idea and you can change this so you can say no I don't want to go there I want to go in another place um and I can then just tap on go and this you can just pop your phone up on you know where you put your phone and it'll actually do like a navigation it'll do maps for you as well if you're doing this with a Tesla kind of cool thing is you can tap on share then tap on map tap on Apple Maps and then you see how this little share icon in the sort of top right hand corner of the directions if I tap on that I can then use the share sheets as it's called tap on Tesla and then I can share that map to my Tesla navigation system and there you go it's just popped it on my Tesla and like then my Tesla maps are on there and it's doing its thing pretty cool right but I actually don't want to go there I actually want to try out one of the of course there's a car alarm going off I do apologize for that I hope you're not hearing that too much on the um sound but I actually wanted to try a different charger on the way because I want to try one other NRMA charges so I'm going to go into um into plug share and where was that charger that I want to try out let's count here now we want to go much further um I think it was this one in Sutton Forest I want to check out Sutton Forest if I tap on Sutton Forest tap on the map say get directions go Apple Maps then again this is odd but just slightly different with pleasure you have to tap on cancel for that direction and then tap on the share option tap on Tesla and it'll then send that navigation straight to your Tesla now while that's having a bit of a thing now that is saying that I should get there with 55 it'll take an hour and 43 minutes to do it and um yeah fairly straightforward now before we get going I do want to show you a couple of things just here on the Tesla system here so this is um down here this sort of gives you a little bit more Vindication of your efficiency so um you can see that on my current Drive I did I use two kilowatt hours it was 21 kilometers because I was staying with my cousins up on the shore and I was doing 109 kilowatt hours per kilometer now I think and I keep getting this confused but I think how this works is the lower the number the better when it comes to the kilowatt hours so for example um sort of city driving you'll be like 100 120 I found on the drive up here for um highway driving I was normally around the 100 and 160-ish marks out of 161 and 70 somewhere between there and that's sort of like how efficient you can go um now also you do have this efficiency system so orange is you weren't driving particularly efficient and green as you were charging if you know extra efficient and you want to have that little dot above the Gray Line ideally again I'm not going to drive in any particular I'm not going to drive extra slow or extra fast I'm just going to do the speed limit because I want to see if you're not specifically making adjustments for being electric car just driving normally as it were and what that experience is like the last thing to look at before we actually get going is probably one of the most important things of a trip which is patkus or trip food because it's important to hydrate and keep your snacks up so I've got my two liters of water which I get through pretty quickly I then have my Tupperware o biltong we then have another Tupperware with um some Drive horse which is really handy because you just grab that sort of just nushing that as you go along and I really love random Asian snacks um I just I just love trying new things so my local one and if you watch the video for coming up I I actually I hardly got through any of the snacks that on the drive up so I've still got plenty left um so kind of cool I want to give a shout out to my local store the um snack box on Center Road in Melbourne um they they're not giving out these cool reusable bags and I'm easily impressed but it's got a little pouch that's a little teddy bear that you can fold the bag into which is kind of nice um if you want to watch see what sort of stuff I've got in here it's pretty much the same stuff I had last time but so we've got um some wheat cracker soy ramens we've got um fruit jellies oh we've got milk mochi got whatever that is and I do have some healthy stuff I've got some um well healthy by my definition I've got some soy crisps I've got some pecan nuts and I've got some some muesli bars in there but um we'll see if we touch those I'm not sure uh bro I think that's everything if there's anything I've missed or anything I've thought of I'll um I'll catch you up on the driveway and yeah yeah let's um let's get going [Applause] [Music] thank you so this is an interesting little thing um and I had the same sort of thing when I was driving up from Melbourne so when we left Bondi Beach the prediction of the car it reckoned that I was going to be at about 58 battery um by the time we got to this first charger but now it's saying we're going to be as high as 63 now I reckon it's going to get back down close towards 58 because it did this all the way on the drive up from Melbourne so because there's been a bit of traffic so again you remember how I said stop start traffic is actually good for the efficiency of the battery and you'll get more range out of it so because there's been a bit stop start traffic and you know that's sort of been going on it's now predicting that we're going to have five more percent when we get there which is pretty cool while I've got you here I do want to talk a little bit about the autopilot function of the Tesla Model wise now this is I've spoken about this in a couple of other videos but if this might be the first video that you're watching on my channel so I think it's well worth talking about a little bit here there's two levels of autopilot on the Tesla Model wise model 3s that that they come with standard so the first one is adaptive cruise control and how you turn that on is you flick down on the right hand stalk and that activates and you can see there that it's saying 61 Max because I've got it set to max out at the speed that I'm driving so I'll get up to 76. push down it's now 77 and then to get it to match the actual speed limit you either push down and hold or you can tap the actual speed and then it sets it to 100. now the car will now adjust my speed depending on the speed of the car in front of me so I've got a truck in front of me right now and they're doing 75 74 and they're slowing down a bit and so my speed will adjust accordingly you can also change the the follow distance so there's a little dial on the right hand side of the steering wheel and if I flick it back you can see there now I've got a four car limit and I can set that all the way back to seven or I can set it down oops going a little bit out of my Lane there bad me or I can set it all the way down to two colleagues but I like to have it to three colleagues now you know just how the car warned me there that I wasn't really paying enough attention because looking at the screen and I veered a little bit out of my Lane very bad of me it I shouldn't have been looking at the screen as closely but that lets me talk about the next stage of autopilot which is Lane keep assist so to activate that you double click double push down on the right hand stalk so I pushed down twice and then you see I get these two blue lines on the outside of my car in the display see how good the adaptive cruise control that car came in in front of us and saw it and pretty good huh and how this works is as long as there are Road markings on the roads you can see there's white lines the car will now keep me in the lake now I do have to keep my hands on the wheel and watch what happens this guy's probably gonna no he's not gonna come out in front so you do have to keep your hands on the wheel if you take your hands off the wheel I'm just going to have my hands kind of floating above the wheel because it's looking for just a little bit of you know a little bit of pressure from your hands or moving your hands a little bit from side to side so a little bit of tension on the steering wheel if it doesn't feel that for about 30 to 45 seconds a little thing will come come up here and say put your hands on the wheel and if I don't it'll start flashing in blue here and really sort of say put your hands on the wheel and if I don't do that it'll actually turn the autopilot off and I believe I've never actually done this to try it but I believe then what happens is if it turns autopilot off you can't activate autopilot again until you pull over the car and put it into Park the reason why I want to talk about this feature is that it I love this feature and I love this feature a lot and the reason why I love it particularly for long drives is that I find it really helps alleviate see there we go it's saying apply pressure and then so I've just got to give the steering wheel just a little bit of a wiggle and then it doesn't complain for a little bit and if you want to turn autopilot off just push up on this on the right hand stalk and that turns off autopilot and adaptive cruise control if you wanted to turn the lane assist off but keep the adaptive cruise control on just indicate and change lanes and it'll turn off the the lane keep assists so as I was saying the thing that I really love about this is that it really helps with driver fatigue and again I'm not saying you don't get fatigued and I'm not saying that you don't have to concert you still have to pay attention to all the other drivers around you because you know you might see someone in front of you veering in and out of the lane you know I I don't want to get ahead of them I'm going to pull back and you still have to drive and pay attention but just the fact that you're not having to focus all the time on the accelerator to slow yourself down speed yourself up and you're not concentrating all the time to keep yourself in the lane you know instead of having to have 95 concentration while you're driving you can have you know 75 85 concentrations not a lot less but just that little bit less really at least for me really makes me feel a lot less fatigued from long drives like this so yeah it's really good um so yeah it looks like we're going to get there in an hour and three minutes our efficiency at the moment is is is pretty darn good um I did add about a kilometer worth of driving as I was leaving Bondo because as I was driving up the hill sort of I I looked to the side I was like oh my word the sunrise is just stunning so I thought okay I'm just gonna as soon as I can turn around I'll turn around quickly and just go back down the hill and try and get a little bit of the sunrise um and I think I'll play some of that footage now and I think I think you'll agree it was well worth the the extra kilometer to get that Sunrise because it was just oh I wish I'd had time to sort of just sit there for a bit and and just grab some footage and finish I need to change lanes because I'm you know turning Lanes there you go I've changed as soon as I change lane it turned the lane assist off and then I could just turn it back on if you want to be able to change lanes without turning the lane assist off you can buy a thing called enhanced autopilot which adds a whole bunch of features one of them being the autopilot will actually change the lane sphere which is pretty cool um but in Han Solo pilot is five grand so it's a fair chunk of change um it'd be really cool if you could like subscribe to it sort of like on and off oh please tell me I'm in the correct thing well I I okay I think this is a challenge my focus is not great and so um actually I hope the camera isn't Focus I'm confident the camera's in Focus but my focus is not great so if I'm talking to you and I'm kind of paying attention to the road I might take a wrong turn off here and there so hasn't happened yet but I'm sure it will eventually um yeah I would have loved to have just sat there on Bondi and just gotten footage but I also want to get home so I wanted to definitely get out of Sydney before traffic got got pretty bad um yeah and you know again you know I could as you can see I'm gonna be a NAD saying I'm gonna be at 64 when I get to um this first charge so I could have gone a fair bit further and it's going to be interesting to see how a better route planner recalculates this whole trip because I've I haven't gone as far as it wanted me to go to that first charger it wanted me to go all the way to goulburn um yeah it'll be interesting to see how how it changes um what I need to I will also make something I I forgot to mention in the introduction is that I think it's really important when you're doing these sorts of you know what if you're driving a Tesla and using the Tesla superchargers odds are charges you're gonna find you know the charges aren't going to be so busy that you can't find a charger to plug into they're fast they're up and running it's very rare like maybe during school holidays and a lot of people are traveling there might be some traffic jams at Tesla superchargers and as Tesla opens up those superchargers and makes them available to non-tesla cars that might also be a situation but generally when you're driving you know with with um Teslas it's you know the drive up from Melbourne was just an absolute Doddle it was really easy when you're not driving a Tesla at the moment and things are getting better all the time now you'll notice that um the speed limit has now changed to 110 so again I just hold down on the right hand stalk and my car adjusts to 110. um I've got a model 3 coming up on my right hand side I'll wait we'll still we'll see if we get away back very few people do the Tesla wave anymore I've actually stopped doing it but let's see if we can hello all right so as I was saying um when you're not using Tesla charges I I sort of try and plan my trip with sort of military Precision so I've got a primary charger right that's the charger that a better route planner has told me to use but I'll also go into plug share the night before and check what fast charges are relatively close to that first charger that I'm going to so that if I get to the fast charger that a bit of a root plan has told me to go to and that fast charger is out of order or the it you know there's there's cars already charging them there's going to be two other cars to get through I've got a secondary and a tertiary option just in case now you might be watching this going well I don't have to do that with a petrol car no you don't have to do that with a petrol car so yes when you're planning a non-tesla electric road trip you do need to spend 10 minutes the night before you go just to plan out the trip a little bit more it is a little bit more but it's 10 more minutes it's not that big a deal and that extra planning if something does go out of plan at least for me it it it alleviates a lot of the stress so instead of just assuming I'll just trust the software and you can trust a software but the software doesn't always know when charges are down or if it's busy it normally does but just in case you know you never know so I think that extra little bit of planning is just going to make your trip a lot more stress-free um potentially potentially there's no need for that stress as well so yeah we'll resume probably in about oh I don't know I'll bring you back in about when we're about sort of four or five minutes away from the judge and we'll see where we are in terms of percentage actually I should mention you'll notice that I'm talking a lot about percentages not kilometers left to drive so if I tap on the percentage it shows me how many kilometers effectively I've got left in the tank um I prefer not to look at kilometers left and I just look at percentage left I don't know why but mentally that just I feel I I get less stressed by looking at percentages rather than um kilometers left so yeah we'll uh we'll see you when we get close to the charger talk soon foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] to skip the Sutton Forest charger and go straight to Goldberg now now here's the reason why so originally a bit of Route Planner was saying I should go to goulburn so I'm just sort of actually going back to the original recommendation of a better route planner and the reason for that is because this was so I looked at a better airplane they were saying right if you if you go to Sutton forest and charge it's saying I should charge all the way up to 95 because then I Should Skip goldburn and gold all the way to gundagai and get there with 10 but I'm gonna get there with like 61 58 and then to get up to 95 something to understand about batteries is from 10 to 20 all the way up to 80 a battery is going to charge quite quickly but from 80 to 100 the battery is going to charge quite slowly so for example on like a super fast charger you could go from 20 to 80 percent in 10 to 15 minutes but then to get from 80 to 100 it could take you another 15 to 20 minutes so when you're on long drives like this if you have the ability to only charge up to 80 and then get to the next charger that's like the most efficient way to do it so if I go to Sutton Forest it's not the most efficient way to do it it's more efficient if I go further go to goulburn get my battery at a lower percentage and get to 80 of gold burn and then go to gonna go so on so forth so you spend less time charging so I'm just gonna go on to here and change this to change it to the address to Goldberg so let's go in there and navigate to charge Fox Goldberg navigate to charge Fox goulburn maybe I need to put on an American accent no don't go to Goldberg that's not that's not no that's not where we're going navigate to charge Fox Goldberg [Laughter] Okay so if you have a mixed accent such as mine oh that's classic if you have a a a a a a globally mixed accent such as mine and you want your car to understand you put on an American accent that little what okay so I'm going to get so I'm going to be down to 52 percent see that's okay so that's that's only 10 less you know what I'll get there I'll plug Oh see now I'm thinking can I go any further so I wonder if there's any wonder if there's any charges just like you know I thought you know what I'll just go to goulburn we'll follow the plan we'll go to goulburn we'll charge we'll see how we go um yeah so now it's saying we're gonna get to goulburn with 51 we'll get there in 49 minutes chat you when we get there [Music] well the weather has truly turned atrocious I just drove through some fog that was I believe the phrase is thick as pea soup we're about 28 minutes out of goulburn and you can see our efficiency has um changed so the drive is 165 kilowatt per hour says charge 159 um now it's pretty we're gonna be down to 45 percent when we get there um yeah 27 minutes out let's see how we go it's it's you know I appreciate you've got to sort of different cars are going to have different battery sizes different efficiencies so like for me for this car it would be nice if there was another fast like super fast charger between goulburn and between gundagai so I could go to that one and then maybe even skip gun to go and go all the way to wadonga um and I think as the infrastructure gets better and as things spread out we're gonna get to that stage where no matter how much range your particular car is whether your car has more range or less range than other cars they'll you know there'll be more fast charges more spaced out so you can optimize your particular Journey for what your car is capable of so um yeah totally doable now but it's only going to get better um yeah let's uh let's catch up again [Music] it's going to be interesting so when I last checked um if these charges were available if someone had checked it on plugged you now again it's not guaranteed because you know you could you could get there and someone's there but they haven't checked in on plug share because not everyone does not everyone knows about plug share hopefully you know channels like mine and others can help you know spread the word that that hopefully more and more people use plug share and Mormon people remember to check in I will admit that there are times when I you know where I get there I charge and I should check in but I forget to check in um so yeah so it should be just coming up here on the left it always seems to be at an unnamed Road um I'm gonna guess that it's at this service station coming up yeah it looks like it's at the service station so let's pull in here and see there we go so there is someone here there's an 803 charging but that's fine because there's supposed to be two super fast Chargers or there's three ports I'm guessing the fancier looking ones here are the um the fast charges oh that's interesting so there's a there's a spot of rain on the camera I was kind of belonging there this this is another interesting thing that I actually think Tesla's missed an opportunity because where the charge port is it makes sense because that's where you know where um the petrol Port is on petrol cars but you have a look like this 803 here next to us I think that's a nano three yeah yeah it's 803. their charge board is on the front like there's there may be a technical reason but there's also the possibility of less technical reasons as to why you put the charge port on the back of the front so you might as well just put on the front so you can charge yeah anyway it's an idea um right let's jump out and start charging now these are charge fox now I could use the app to activate this or I could use the RFID the RFID Card I am going to use the RFID Card because that should be easier so let me just go and grab that from the center console and let's go plug in and see how this goes okay so this should be fairly straightforward I do like that it's got instructions so take it out do that do that so let's pop that out open the charge port that in yep plug connected now we RFID Card it why is that not doing anything do I need to push a button huh okay that's not working um okay so let's go into a phone and we will unlock the charge port maybe we need to use the app or maybe there's a button I need to push okay so let me go and go into the charge FOX app and we'll try it like that so open charge ports plug it in and now let's go on to here we go and this is four five oh seven yep details four five ah we are waiting for further Parts it's broken it's broken okay so let's see if we can use the slow one ah didn't say it was broken 4030 that one's broken too haha okay this is I mean in a way this is good because I want a drama I got drama okay so um so either we see how long that person's gonna be or we look at options right first of all I really need to pee because I've just drunk like a liter and a half of water so let's unlock the charge port put that back move the car and see what's what actually before we go let me just jump onto um see it's usually nothing on here says faulty that's annoying um now let's just jump onto here and see if this byd is very kindly checked into plug share and if if they've said how long they're going to be today is the 13th nope they haven't checked in see and again they haven't checked in so let me go to the bathroom and then we'll get in the car and we'll see what we're gonna do okay so there's some good news and some bad news the good news is as I sort of walked around the corner I saw four guys walking with purpose back towards where I am and I figured oh they're probably the um the owners of the ATO 3 and it turns out I was correct they were the 803 drivers so they very kindly left and said yep no shot is working just fine interestingly chatting to them a little bit um four guys it was a rental 803 and they had driven up uh from Melbourne for the show just like I had so that was interesting they um I want to say hoobert they work for a car company so um interesting uh a little interesting conversation um if you guys are watching it was nice to meet you all um all right so now let's plug in and let's see what happens and how this all works and what we're going to decide because we're 44 . yeah what percentage do we need to get to to get to going to go all that sort of jazz so let's go and plug in so take two um it's liquid cool that's pretty cool so take that out open up the charge port plug it in get the RFID Card out of my pocket yep so it's showing now showing RFID tap payment accepted click click click click and starting session the bad news was that I didn't get to pee so I really just want to do this and then run to the bathroom Okay exciting session I'm going to get in the car and let's see what what the plan is right so as the charging is oh it's only going to take us 45 minutes to get to 100 but let's see if we want to get to 80 percent um would getting us to 80 because that's going to be the fastest charging is 80 going to get us where we need to go so let's jump into a better route planner and go from my position and see what it is suggesting for us please work fast I need to go to the bathroom is it okay 66 okay it's only charging 66 ah now here's an interesting thing so when you're going to superchargers with a Tesla the Tesla will do this clever little thing called preconditioning so it will precondition the battery and get the battery to the optimum temperature for charging because because battery is charged best when they're warming up now obviously because I wasn't going to a supercharger and unfortunately you can't tell the Tesla about how I'm going to a different charger I still want you to precondition the battery hasn't pre-conditioned so we're charging fairly slowly at 65.66 I'm hoping that's going to speed up because there's a there's a 350 kilowatt charger and my car can charge I think up to about 130 140 kilowatts somewhere around there it's not going to get that high now but I'm hoping that in 5-10 minutes that charging speed is going to gonna get a little bit quicker um Okay so interesting so this is saying that if if the next stop should be gundagai and we need to get we'll get there with 16 if we leave here with 90 percent no no no oh no no okay so if we leave here with 80 we should get to gonna go with 16 so that's fine so we don't have to charge past 80 percent and we should get to kind of go just fine so let's do that um I'm gonna go to the bathroom see you in a bit I know it feels like I'm never gonna get to the bathroom and you can see they're already as the battery starts to warm up it's getting even better by the way that 40 has to get up to 100 so it's gonna be a bit quicker we'll we'll note the time there but quickly before I go to the bathroom what I need to do as a good citizen which I just said I should do is I need to check in here so let me check in and one of the main really one of the really big reasons why I want to check in here and it says how long you're going to be here so I'll be here maximum 40 minutes and I won't even be here that long but let me just put in 40 minutes you can't I'll put in 45. um the reason why I need chicken is to let other people know that you know that that this charge is being used uh so that they don't come here but also if they do come here um they can message me through the plug share app I think they've reactivated that feature and let me just put in what speed I'm getting at the moment 74. and that way they can you know just message me through here and go hey how long are you gonna be gonna be um and particularly as a Tesla driver I could go to a supercharger whereas if you don't have a Tesla you you need to use these charges you can't use the Tesla ones at the moment so I also want to put that in there so if someone does need to charge desperately I can move my car and I can just go to the supercharge and they can they can take it so yeah try try to be a nice responsible citizen [Music] so it's 9 51 now and we're up to 83 it never got um faster than 75 kilowatts and we've reached enough to to head out and head to gundagai but before we go I did just want to look at what would be my options if I wasn't in a Tesla because worse comes to worse if I needed to charge and I got here and this was taken it was used what have you I could have just gone down the road to the supercharger in charge there but what if I wasn't driving a Tesla what options would I have had so let's go and open up the plug share app and see what um charges are around here or what I could get to so Justin goulburn there's a couple of AC charges so Best Western um there's one there but that's Tesla one Within goulburn there we go there's a type 2 yep so there's a 22 kilowatt so again it would have been slow but I could have plugged in sat down had breakfast um used that one there's also another one okay so that's the that's the supercharger but right next to the supercharger at the visit info site there is another type two that people were getting 7.4 so they aren't super fast Chargers but they are plenty of charges you know there's three charging options in goulburn if we zoom out uh what have we got oh I could have just gone back up the road to BP so BP they would be a 75 kilowatt one so that's that's it's more that I'm getting here so yeah it actually it wouldn't have been too terrible worst comes to worse if this charger wasn't working or it was taken I could have gone up the road down the road and there are options for me so let's go ahead and stop the charging here so I could do this on the device there but I can also do it here within the charge FOX app I can go in and see that I'm using it where do I see that I'm using it truly no this isn't free um yes I know it's in use it's a news by me how do I huh maybe because I started it with the RFID Card I won't let me do that so let me just go and unplug and we'll uh get on our way we did charge a little bit longer than planned I actually got chatting to these lovely folks in the BMW I think it's an I3 they've had that for eight years and you know I mean you can see it it's a great Nick and they're loving it it's just just nice chatting to people about electric cars so before I leave I'm going to check out of plug share and then I'm gonna cheat a little bit in terms of how I'm gonna get to gundagai because the charge Fox charges in gundagai are right next to the Tesla superchargers so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to tell my car to navigate to the gundagai superchargers because then the the car is going to precondition the battery and in theory in theory when I get to gundagai um then I should be able to charge fast because the battery will have warmed up so let me go and check out of here um so I mean it would have it's going to check me out anyway but I will go and check out and do the responsible thing and I'm going to put the navigation for gundagai into here um so I'll just put on charges and so showing goulburn is the closest but then let's go down a bit supercharge Canberra no okay let's just pull out of the map I'm confused by the map where famous sakes um that's gundagai there we go and it shows me there that five stalls are available well it doesn't matter the file stores are available because I need to try oh you know I should check if that I mean I'm an hour away or even more but I should check now in plug share if um the Gunder guy if the Gunder guy charge Fox charger is in use so let's go and I think where in Heaven's name is going to go I know that's shepparton I'm really bad with Australian oh there we go so yeah Oliver's no that's the Tesla one so we need to zoom right in because they're like when I say next to each other they are right next to each other and today's the 13th and so on the 13th there is someone there at the moment you're waiting no no I've just finished all right no worries um see and this is one so that was someone just checking if if they can plug in um and so there is someone there they logged in about half an hour ago so by the time I get there I'm gonna assume that they're probably have moved on but yeah so let's uh head off and see how the next set of the journey goes so calculating I'm gonna go it is an hour and 46 minutes and it's pretty we'll get there with 50. we are you know what just for just for just for jollies let's check the wadonga supercharger navigate to the wadonga supercharger please are we gonna yeah it's selling us to to stop a gun to guy anyway so no so we we're not going to have to charge for long um but yeah we do have to go to gundagai so let's go to supercharge good guy and we'll use the charge Fox ones there cool let's let's head out this is going to be a challenge um see again like for my car if my car was like if there was a a charger between the guy and wadonga wait a minute why do I check that because if I'm gonna get there with 57 percent like I wanna I wanna be getting to places with like 20 and charge you know super fast from 20 to 80 or whatever and then you know so so basically slightly longer charging but fewer stops whereas this is working out to be see I should have I should have calculated the slightly different Lane hmm I might pull over next chance I get which I think will be pretty soon and I'm just gonna see what fast charges are between gundagai and no no no no I'm not going to I'll tell you why because I want to go to gundagai because I want to do this preconditioning trick so that I'm telling my model y to precondition the battery because it thinks it's going to a supercharger but it's actually going to plug into the gundagai charge Fox charger and I want to see if I get a faster charging rate right off the bat from that um yes yes let's do that okay well we are an hour and 44 minutes away from gun to guy 174 K's to go probably will catch up maybe somewhere along the road or alternately we'll um I'll check in with you sort of you know once we're a couple of minutes away from the charger and you've got the under guy um talk to you soon [Music] I want to jump in quickly because we've got about 32 minutes before we get to gundagai and the car just came up to show me that it is starting to precondition the battery for supercharging so this is this is what's going to be interesting if when we get to gundagai and plug into the charge Fox charger um if we're going to get a faster rate of charge than what we got when we were in goulburn my guess is we will just take over here for a moment also I did want to add in I said earlier that um you could turn off autopilot by putting the Indica another way to turn off water bottles just put just tap tap the brake and that'll turn autopilot off as well um just gonna get past this person um so yeah should be interesting once we get to gundagai to see how quick the charging is um I'm actually kind of hoping it's not too quick because I do need the bathroom as as is my way because I I filled up this massive water bottle um and I've pretty much emptied it so into me so I need to empty it out of me by the time I get there this is this definitely seems to be a theme for this um for this journey and but the other bit of a theme with the food that I got I finally sort of got around to trying some of the stuff these gge soy sauce ramen these are awesome I will definitely be getting more of these [Music] we're about three minutes out from gundagai and as usual the estimated percentage that we were going to be you know got up sort of up into the 50s now it's down to 47 um so as usual it's kind of a little bit up and down I'm not sure why um I've been doing 110 which is the speed limit most of the way um every now and again if I got a phone call or something I'd you know not notice that the car in front of me had slowed me to 100 or what have you um speaking of which I'm actually going to turn off autopilot and let these two lovely cars overtake me because I actually need to be in the right hand lane to turn right into the supercharger from here my efficiency has actually been really good um yeah well for highway driving it's been really good um yeah up and down but let me let me let me just concentrate on this because the turn off isn't in 800 meters in 800 meters turn right um I think that's it down there so that's just coming up now um and that'll probably be where I come back on here um yeah so always um worth concentrating now it'll be interesting there wasn't anyone on the charge Fox charger um when I checked oh oh it came in a bit hot there should have taken my foot off the accelerator way sooner um so I could have gotten lots more recharge but that's my bad okay 50k here so now the exciting bit is first of all to see if someone's on the charge Fox charger or if it's available and um worth seeing if the preconditioning is going to help give us a faster charge here um because we tricked the car into preconditioning itself for this charger so we stopped you on the way up it was it was quite it's quite a nice little quite nice little store place oh I didn't notice on the way in that it's the roof is covered with solar panels good on them um I see people walking towards the back which suggest no they look like they're walking through there and now ah there's people on there why is there a Tesla driver plugged into there when they could just be plugged into here let's see what this story is okay so hopefully this is working now this is Ah that's not even on no I think this one's broken too so let's just go ahead and plug in see if anything happens nope I reckon that's busted and again so this is the experience now I wonder why though I wonder why that model Y is plugged in here when it could be plugged in there so right I will go and plug in there so I just looked in those those these ones are NRMA charges so maybe that model y maybe they're NRMA drivers and I think if you're an NRMA member you get a discount on charging so maybe that's why they are charging there because it's cheaper for them than using these superchargers but since I don't live in an mrma state I don't get no discount so we'll just use the supercharged yeah that's a shame because I really was interested to see if that charger was going to be faster um because of that but oh best late plans of my cement um right let's go plug in here I tried nothing oh oh fantastic thank you so that model y driver actually told me that I can actually charge on this it is working um but the screen's not working RFID things aren't working but the app is working so um let's give this a try because again I'm really curious to see if because I mean I'm assuming the battery is still warm from the preconditioning so let's see if um this works and apparently it's nine cents per kilowatt cheaper so that's you know that's that's better every little bit helps um especially these days so let me just park really badly and let's plug in and see how we go well that was very nice of that bottle-wide driver to um sort of help me out with a little bit of information so again these are some of the challenges that we're going to come up against that that we really need to work on so I thought this wasn't working because the screen's off are plugged in nothing happened but he came and told me that if you plug in and you can use the RFID car is not working but screen's not working but the charge is working fine so you can actually use the app to activate the charger it's I will say that that's not the best experience now then again the one that they were plugged into you know was working fine um and it was good that I was getting the fastest speeds with the whole preconditioning trick so now let's have a look at um where we go to next so I changed the position to our position here I've said right we're going to get it get up to 80 and um a better route planner is actually suggesting that we go to takuta we'll get there with 60 but just top up um for six minutes up to 75 because then that will get us to buy no worth it I think benawatha north um I think what I might do is um I think what I might do instead is I might wait here a bit and get up to 80 85 here and then skip to kuta and go straight to benawatha North because I reckon Banner worth Oh see it reckons I'll drop 15 percent should we risk no you know let's put let's put the map in for Butterworth North and um let's see if that's gonna get us there or not so that's okay so let's let's jump into plug share and just find that charger um think that yep just past wadonga unless I mean I could just type in the so that's what's you know I could type in the address but it's easier just to do it this way and share it with the car so let's go ahead and share that to the car and see whether the car thinks we can get there on the 78 80 that we're on again this is different because I've told a better route planner that I might and I mean an ionic um so again the the you know the efficiency of the car is slightly different so I reckon I reckon I'm going to risk it so at the moment the car is predicting that I'll get there with 20 battery I'll probably get there with 10 battery but I think that's um I think that's I think I I think we should I think we should be okay so let's just go back into a better route plan and just double check uh what's after that so after Banner with North um then we drive to Avenel and we only need to get up to 58 there so pretty quick charge so yeah so I reckon I reckon we get up to 80 80 ish here and um we head out from here we we skip takuta we skip the six minute charge into kuta and we head straight to banawarthur North and we should we should make it there now this is saying two or four okay yeah cool okay well let's let's see how we do so let's go and plug and head up [Music] okay so that was cool um met lovely gentleman who has a an Audi e-tron he's been loving it since November um we charge a little bit more than we were planning to but you know I tend to I'm a talker uh right so now it's predicting that we will have 33 actually let's have a look at a better route planner and say that we have 93 and where it suggests that we would go Okay cool so same sort of setup but we yeah so now it's definitely telling us to go to it's the same setup but it's telling us to cut out that that single charger so let's get going that never gets old yeah just putting your foot down and just yep that never gets old okay run away now it will be interesting to see how we end up so it is at the moment saying that we should get to the next Charger with 40 um let's see how that works out it's about two hours away 204 kilometers away um we'll check in soon [Music] we're about three minutes out from the next Charger we've done well so it's again it's estimating now that we'll get there with 40 percent um efficiency has been pretty good 146 um on this drive which is good it's interesting on on my drive up when I was using all the superchargers which is over here there but on the drive up um it was all pretty much sort of like 160 160 there thereabouts and this is like you know quite a bit better so I wonder if I mean it could be that I had a headwind it could be that it's just uphill more uphill to get to Sydney and more downhill to get to Melbourne I just thought I I don't know I I might try and see if I can look into that a little bit but yeah it's it's it's interesting um again it's interesting also that this charges a little bit off the hype but it looks like it's only oh 2.5 kilometers until we get to where we're going so it's really not that far um as usual I'm very relieved to see that there's a bathroom there um because she's um you know look on the bright side I am well hydrated I will I will say that I have definitely made sure that I'm well hydrated on this drive two minutes to go interestingly enough I um I had a quick look at plug share about an hour and a half ago and there were three ionic fives checked in and charging there which is pretty cool um I hope one or two of them are still there it'd be interesting to have a bit of a chat to those drivers but um yeah let's see what's that it looked like from the photos that there's quite I mean I could have just looked at the details but my brain's not quite functioning for that um look there were quite a few charges at this charging location um so it'll be interesting to see how many are working um how many oh how many are being used it's also interesting that it's definitely gotten warmer you know it was it was a little nippy this morning but um we're up to 28 degrees now so apparently this charging I think Maps has um set me on a little bit of a goose chase because I don't see anything that looks like no okay that is not this is not where that that's definitely not the charging station so it's probably behind me I'm going to turn around and go to that service station because I reckon that's probably where I need to go I'm gonna guess it's in that service station a little Center there otherwise well this will make the video a bit more interesting yeah it's definitely not there um it's interesting because I took like the map thing from plugshare and just shared it through so interesting but yeah I I would hope it's it's all in this sort of Center here worse comes to worse I'll oh yeah there's the charges back there so just drove across warlock it was like this 803 there's a model three there looks like there's quite a few um quite a few people charging yeah quite the little gang it looks like it is full so let's go and have a chat and see actually let's go park there and we'll see what the situation is and how long I might need to wait looks like this out of three is waiting so we might have to just jump back to a different one but yeah let's see what the story is I will update you shortly so that was a bit of an interesting situation so I arrived here there's four charges there's two 50 kilowatt ones I think and two 350 kilowatt ones there's a there's a BMW plugged into one of the 50 kilowatt ones the other 50 kilowatt one is not working at the moment there was a byd and A3 plugged into one of the 350s at another model three plugged into another one of the 350. now you might be wondering why am I finding so many Teslas on non-tesla charges well because you know Victoria if you're a member of rscv these are rcd charges you get 40 off it was nice um but there were a couple people hanging around so I came out said hello um one of them hopefully is a new viewer thanks for subscribing and and um liking the channel I look forward to hearing your feedback um lovely lovely folks we're chatting about electric cars as you do um and you know the folks in the model 3 said oh once that once one of those free up they're only about 10 um and the bydato is now charging so the model 3 dual motor plugged in they've just left I've just plugged in you can see I'm actually getting some pretty decent speed so I'm getting 98 kilowatts and I only need to get up to about 80 because I had a look on a bit of root planner and you can see here that it's showing that from here if I had 80 I only have to go um 179 kilometers to Avenel uh plug into the EV charger there uh only to go from 13 to 58 should only be 12 minutes and then that'll get me to chadstone with 11 know me I'll probably end up chatting to a few people um and I'll probably end up with a little bit more than 58 but yeah that's it so as long as that EV charger is up um that's that's going to be the trip [Music] right into the home stretch we've just got one more charger to do um I've already put in the uh directions for our next one is as usual um I ended up chatting to someone at the charging station and instead of charging up to 80 I charge up to 88 um but yeah no surprises there let's get on away so we've got one more charging stop in Avenel which we only need to get up to about 58 there let's say we end up chatting to and what percentage we end up getting to but um yeah let's close all our windows and get going it'll be interesting to see um what the EV charger is like I'm also a touch anxious about that one because there is only um two charge points at Avenel um according to plug share at the moment there's no one there at the moment so let's see how that works out now at the moment somehow in in the minute that we've been driving um it's saying that we're gonna get there with 38 instead of 36 percent um but let's see what what it says once we get onto the highway I am gonna yet again it was on-rampable something there that I I potentially could have had to have gone on to but no it's all good we're going to Melbourne and um let me turn the air con on because I am roasting it here um and Melbourne is up ahead cool so let's see it's not saying 39. okay let's see what it says when we get onto the highway and start doing a 110. if you can hear me over the echo look it is 30 degrees outside so it is um a little warm and I have turned the air conditioning onto high once I get onto the highway I'll turn on to low and I'm a mess another thing that I do really like about the the model Y is the air conditioning cools the car down really quickly like I'm already feeling you know quite cool so um like I'll be able to turn this to low in about 30 to 40 seconds let's get on here cool and autopilots change that to low and right hour and 40 minutes um we're down to 37 predicted when we get there let's uh see what it actually is 289 K's to Melbourne almost home I'm really looking forward to getting home is it I've changed plans just a smidging so ever know where we were going for the EV Chargers is a little bit further past euroa from this direction so we're going to go past your row and I remembered that there are some charge Fox um hyper fast Chargers 350 kilowatt charges just like the ones we were just at at um the petrol station just just off the highway by euroa so and I could charge up to 80 there and get home just on that charge so I'm gonna go there instead and the reason why I think the station oh that guy's a bit wobbly let's um let's get past the wobbly truck and then I'll I'll fill you up while we're getting past the wobbly truck so my logic here is we get to euroa we try and use the charge Fox charges there and if everything's you know if they're available I checked in plug share they seem available um there are people there like four hours ago so probably not there anymore um they're available charge up to 80 we'll probably end up chatting to someone go past 80 years it seems to always happen um but even if we just get up to 80 we can then get all the way home just on that charge Happy Days uh but if there are charges that are not working or if all the charges are busy then worse comes to worse we just pull out of there and keep going to Avenal and we use the EV charges and evanol and nothing sort of change so I've just added the charge Fox charges as a stop because in in maps on the Tesla you can tap on these three little buttons then you can add a stop so I did that to add the stop um I'll charge folks I've still got Evernote as the final destination for this trip um but I've got the charge Fox ones in there and I've got you know it's saying that we're going to get there with 47 so theoretically let's say we get there with 45 we only need to charge 35 percent and we're we're away and we get to go home so um yeah we will find out in about an hour and three minutes time exciting isn't it [Music] we're two minutes out from the charge Fox station in euroa so let's see ish we're gonna get there and a charge is going to be available or if we're gonna just move on by and continue on to Avenel so I think this is the service center so one kilometer ahead looks like this is the one also I apologize for how blown out this is but the sun's streaming through and my ND filter is down at the bag down there and it would be unsafe of me to reach for it all right here we go place your bets place your bits no we're only down to 50 which means we only need to get 30 while we're here so that should be interesting black Utes every black Ute I've seen here has just been like hurtling down the road it's like you know I like red cars well look at that all those cars are lined up trying to get petrol I wonder if the charges are going to be just as busy oh they look busy they look busy they look busy but they don't look that busy that looks that looks available to me I'm gonna have to do like a 50 000 point turn here gee this place is busy isn't it let's go plug-in may have parked a little too close but it'll work out so open charge port grab charger plug it in welcome connect okay and now let's see if we can use RFID Card oh that clicked oh it's saying charge cable not fully secured I just heard that on okay no RFID Card I will use the app wow it's really busy here really busy so um started up with the app preparing a chart session your car is charging happy days so how we doing 53 77 I reckon because it's so warm 97 it's charging pretty quick 103 that's pretty decent I reckon that's probably about as fast as we're gonna get but that'll get us to 135 minutes which we don't need we only need to get to 80. so let's as usual Mr Silvia is going to go find a bathroom and um yeah we'll we'll sort that out I don't need to buy any water I got enough water at the last stop and we'll get up to where we need to and we'll be on our way right well we're up to 81 which is plenty I'm holding my head up here to get rid of that glare off of the screen so hopefully that helps um I actually put in the navigation for a Bowls Club near chadstone that I know has a free 11 kilowatt charger that very often is not being used so um I think I'm going to navigate to there instead of going straight to chatty because very often um the chadstone charges are always busy so let's have a look and see what percentage I should be by the time I get there and if I can get there I should get there with about 37 30-ish oh 38 there we go so 30 38 is predicting I think maybe 30 somewhere between 30 and 38 is what my prediction is and this is the final leg let's um let's head home so it's a long weekend here in Victoria um and I did find it amusing that there is cues for the petrol uh pumps and yet I was able to just drive up and get a charge that was that was any I know I'm being silly I'm being silly because it's just it's just as in fact let's be honest at the moment more likely that I would not be able to get a charge as opposed to not being able to get you know a petrol pump but it's amusing because so often you know when there are issues of not enough charges you hear all about it on the news I get it because it's newsworthy and it's new and people are excited or scared of new things that was not good um but you don't get that when although maybe other news will be about how you know lots of people are away for the weekends and so you know there was cues of petrol pumps although that's kind of old news isn't it and I think um you know busy times there will be queues of petrol pumps and there will be queues for electric charging so plan accordingly have backup plans or yeah what have you Melbourne Homeward Bound I wish I was home would bound hopefully that's not enough to get me a copyright strike [Music] well we're on our one two three four five Lane Highway and we've been slowed down to 80 kilometers so we must be in Melbourne I'm not a car person even I find this silly and frustrating but I digress um we've got about 29 minutes until we get to the Bowls Club ETA at the moment is that we should get there at 6 57 and estimation for uh battery percentage when we get there is 35. so yeah looking good we we hit traffic oh I don't know about 20 30 minutes ago um but it's been it's been it's been flowing okay I mean like it's 6 30 so you know we've we've we've skipped rush hour so door to door think it'll end up being about 12 hours yeah because we left we left we left Bondi at about seven so we'll get there just under seven so yeah about 12 hours I'm not quite sure why because I mean I didn't really spend that well I supposed to spend there's been about an hour charging but I didn't spend that much time charging so yeah so not oh you know what I tell you what it was it was like so for example um in of course it's the one that I can't remember how to pronounce than a weapon Banner that one uh it was that one where I arrived and there were no charges available so I spent 10 minutes again it delayed me like 10-15 minutes before I could plug in a charge and to be fair again I ended up chatting except for one except for the last charging station I ended up chatting to people at every single charging station and I ended up spending more time and charging more than I was planning um so yeah you can't really the time is you know this is certainly not a scientific trip we're also now passing the well we're sort of getting onto the CBD so there's this lovely um architectural piece here these two pieces I'm always not always but every now and again I'm a little bit nervous going I'm sure they had a really good structural engineer but I'm not sure how much I trust anyone to have that thing over me as as I drive under it um and for those who aren't aware so actually you would have seen this um if you watched my Melbourne to Sydney video this sort of domey thing here that I'm driving under um it looks kind of cool here but at night it's lit up and it looks really cool when it's when it's lit up at night it's quite a bit they almost you know one out of every three car commercials that shot in Melbourne they'll get a shot of the car driving under here at night so that's nice the sun is beaming in it's a beautiful 22 degree day here in Melbourne and um yeah we'll uh we'll catch up again once we get to our destination and see how we've gone overall [Music] we are almost there I am two minutes away apparently um and as you can see the efficiency on this drive has been you know this this final drive the efficiency the efficiency compared to the rest of the drivers been even better than it's then it's interesting like I'm gonna have to sit down and look at stuff and try and work out why this drive from Sydney to Melbourne was noticeably more efficient than my drive from Melbourne to Sydney because I didn't drive any faster or slower you know I sort of just stuck to the if the speed limit was on gen I went 110 you know that sort of thing um I'm gonna have to work that one out interesting enough you know you can see on this drive obviously you know the efficiency is even better and that's you know because um ah that's because I put the wrong thing in the map so I need to just go around here um yeah so it's interesting how you can see that because this drive involved a little bit of City Driving um even though I was on the highway it was you know a lot of the highways in in Melbourne are 80k zones as opposed to 100 110k zones and is she gonna check I don't know thank you so yeah so that that you know that sort of explains why this uh section of the drive is even more efficient than the rest of drivers bit but like when you consider like the drive to say I think the driver's Sydney overall was like 163 kilowatt hours per kilometer um 160 kilometers per kit I don't know I don't know how to say that but that that thing the one at the bottom so it was 163 whereas this one's been 146. that's that's quite you know quite a bit better um now watch the irony I was going to say that irony would be that I'd get here and this one would be taken as well but no it looks like that there is an mgz over there and I know at least this that side one is working the second one wasn't working last time I checked but this side one is so I should be able to plug in and get a little bit of a charge while I get some footage for you of how filthy this car is and not just the car but I don't remember you know the the today being particularly I mean I know I said at some point you know like I was I was a bit but I'm gonna have to air out the car quite a bit because I'm pretty I'm pretty fresh um well there you go we made it um it is 6 58 um overall efficiency was 146 uh 132 907 kilometers there we go I'm gonna plug in for a little bit um I'm not gonna try and do the summation now because that sun is just I'm guessing I'm way blotting out and all that sort of jazz so I'm going to do the summation back in my office and then we can talk about pricing and just do it overall so um hi back in the office I'm going to try and be as quick as I can because you have done so well to get this far I know it's a long one I'm gonna try and plan these out better next time because now I've got a better idea of how the road trip sort of work and I'll try and if they're going to be this long I'll break them up into like part one part two part three unless you prefer having these ones being so long so please let me know in the comments although having said that probably only the people who want it to be so long will comment because this is right at the end and if you've made it to the end you don't what oh I'll get on with it so let's quickly talk about cost um in terms of the cost of these trips I do want to correct a few things that I said during the trip which wasn't entirely correct so as an racv member with charge Fox I don't get 40 cents off I get a 20 percent discount so in goulburn we charged 28.88 kilowatt hours um so normally that's charged with 60 cents but I get a 20 discount so that cost me 13.86 in gundagai we charge 27.72 kilowatt hours that cost me 13.31 in battle with the north we charged 30.47 kilowatt hours and that charge that cost me 14.62 and in Euro we only charged 19.13 kilowatt hours and that cost me 9.18 so when we add that all up that is 50.97 for the four charging stops along the road now I will also mention um I did charge that little bit at Bondi just before I left now that charge only cost me 54 cents but there's a minimum charge of one dollar at that Bondi charger so technically the whole thing cost me 51.97 but you can take it away before that Bondi one um in terms of summation and overall thoughts I actually recorded my overall thoughts while I was in bonawatha north um so I'm going to play that just directly after this um I could do that now but I felt that I I really captured my thoughts at the time I think a lot better than if I tried to repeat them now um I hope this has been useful I hope this has been helpful as usual if you have subscribed thank you so much for your support if you haven't subscribed Please Subscribe and like if you have liked the video so have a listen to my summation and then a little bit of that like And subscribe thing at the end again so um yeah thanks see you soon so I just thought it's it's worth it's interesting so it's going the battery is low temperature but I'm definitely getting much better speeds and charging here than I got in goulburn first thing in the morning also I'm a little bit shitty because it's 29 degrees out and um yeah I've turned off the aircon so you can hear me better off the microphone the things I do for you I just I felt the need to sort of sum up things a little bit here now um you know I I suppose like I was chatting to the people here and the experience was definitely a lot easier when I was charging and using the the Tesla supercharged of course the Tesla superchargers are the most expensive charges you can use but as with a lot of things in life you pay for convenience so yes they cost more but they are a lot more convenient to use these charges pretty much at every non-tesla charger I've gone to there has been a little bit of an issue um you know that first one that I got to one out of the two wasn't working um that was in goulburn then in gundagai um the screen wasn't working but you could use the app but you couldn't use the RFID Card then when I got here to wherever it is that I am where am I um when I got to North which is where I am now um you know the charges were all taken one wasn't working out of the four even with that it's still been quite as quite a stress-free trip you know so for example like when I park here um you know the other two cars sort of in the queue before me so I just left my car parked on the side I went and got some water from the service station I went to the bathroom by the time I got back you know that that dual model 3 with lovely folks um you know they only needed 10 they they left I came in this energy is going to take over from me in about 10-15 minutes it's it's been slightly less convenient but it hasn't been a major hassle I can see how it could be a major hassle so absolutely there's there's room for improvement um but I was I was somewhat anxious about the possibly I had visions of you know every charger being down and me having to sort of cheat and use the nearby superchargers and what have you um but it's it's been all right thanks for joining me um in case this is the end if you have um found this video helpful if you've liked it please like And subscribe if you have subscribed already thank you so much for your support and we'll catch on the next one safe and happy driving [Music] so we're here on Bondi and we're going to shoot the intro for the Sydney to Melbourne shoot I've got that bright light that's giving me some healing I normally had it up here but I was getting reflection on this camera on the screen so I had to move it that one's lighting me here and then I've got a couple of um I've got these lights on the wheel just to give me a little bit of fill um yeah let's see how how we go [Music] yeah anyway so travel love we're gonna meet you see you later bye sorry I can't help myself I just yep yep yep [Music] come on 5G work it's always when you need it to work that it doesn't work isn't it it's just crazy what does that do I do something oh so that sort of works like Punchy as well cool let's just turn that off no charges new brush I don't know how to speed that up or not speed that up but we'll just see how we go easy as that he says constantly and it doesn't work I need to reboot the car don't I yeah okay [Music] start that all over again oh my goodness oh wow oh yeah oh yeah not sure what I'm feeling but I'm feeling something
Channel: Not a car guy
Views: 10,841
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tesla Road Trip, EV Road Trip, Tesla, Tesla Model Y, Model Y Road trip, Chargefox, Non Tesla Charger, No Supercharger, Sydney to Melbourne, Tesla Roadtrip, EV Roadtrip, Model Y Roadtrip, No Superchargers, Charger infrastructure, NRMA, RACV, NSW, VIC
Id: 7bWovO3Kjms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 29sec (5549 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 04 2023
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