SWTOR is Actually Amazing For 2024

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I've been playing Star Wars the older public since 2012 so when I talk about this I'm talking from a place of good experience needless to say I've experienced every single high and low of this MMO's life from The Glory Days of the rise of the hot cartel and Shadow of Revan to the very controversial Eternal Throne expansion if you've been interested in this game for the last couple of years but haven't checked it out that's probably because you've been met with a lot of videos that all said the same thing the game is Dead mobile games are kept up better than this MMO so on and so forth and to be 100% transparent I have been making videos criticizing this game and the developers since 2015 in fact the last major video I made criticizing the direction of the game was last year that did fairly well granted it was more of an emotional reaction to what was happening in the game at the time but my sentiment on this game as a whole has changed since then and that's why I think that everyone should be playing Star Wars the older public right now and going into 2024 because at its core we all genuinely know that it's a great MMO but I'm going to tell you why let's start off with the fact that this is really the only game in the Star Wars universe that literally allows you to be whoever you want to be one of the biggest problems I've had with the Disney era of Star Wars and the games coming out since the acquisition was games that were being made with the preset of a character Jedi Fallen order with preset decisions the story you didn't really interact with at all you couldn't really affect the outcome in the way that in my opinion really mattered at least not nearly in the level that Star Wars the older public has been able to do there are literally hundreds if not thousands of different ways you can affect your character story if you don't believe me guys just look at my character screen I used to have twice as many characters as this across all servers I've done each class story more than five times and I've enjoyed listening to the different dialogues and seeing the various consequences of my actions through various choices you're not going to get that type of experience in any other MML let alone any other Star Wars game this this provides you with thousands of hours of replayable story content and ways to keep things fresh whenever I look at a new games to play I'm always looking at a few things one the character customizations and how much I can individualize myself from the rest of the population if it doesn't meet that criteria I'm generally not interested in the game Star Wars the order public has done one of the best jobs in the MMO scene at making your character really all about you and the level of customization that it has now I know ESO has a bus slider but like come on you can't win them all the next thing is content and as a whole this MMO is second to none while there hasn't really been a big expansion for quite some time there is still plenty of missions and items to collect well beyond the main class story you're not going to get bored of getting your reputation up with various factions to doing secret missions to get rare items and different places to find objects that really have you taken in the whole Star Wars universe as you travel across the Galaxy this is something that a lot of people really have taken for granted in this game myself included there aren't many MMOs that have a more beautiful expansive atmosphere that the base planets do in this game after you've done every side quest in the game there are still things to do if you want to fight other players then PVP is the way to go I've often said that Star Wars the Old Republic PVP is some of the best PVP around for MMOs and I still think that to this day sadly last year BioWare decided to remove the ranked PVP option from the game at the time guys I was a PVP main my channel was literally built on making PVP content it's what I'm known for and I was extremely upset when they decided to go this route and I briefly considered quitting but then I honestly took a step back and thought about what was happening the rank scene was not only small but it was getting toxic and it didn't make it fun if you were a new player or just trying to learn which is something that I really wanted to push on my channel longtime viewers of my channel might be surprised at this seemingly different perspective from years past and I think that's because of one thing I've just grown up I have other things to do and a game can't be my allc consuming passion if PVP is in your cup of tea then there are dozens of flash points uprisings and operations to partake in though you'll need to Guild for the most part for completing any of the operations flas points are basically dungeons but provide good story for most of them and can drop decorations for your stronghold if that's something you're interested in doing I personally want to get back to rating and doing more PVE content and just overall every single thing in the game things that will be more challenging you'll find operations in Star Wars very rewarding challenging and just overall fun some of my Fondest Memories Are from trying to complete various raids throughout the game the next point is probably the most important that I want to talk about here and that's the community of swor I've said this in a previous video but what you need to know about swor is that this is a game that was made for Star Wars fans first and MMO fans second if you love Star Wars then you will love this game the love of pre- Disney era Star Wars is honestly what keeps this game going while YouTube content for this game seems Bleak there's plenty of streamers who play this game daily and do a variety of different activities the game's biggest content creator sista literally streams every single day so if you're looking to get help or learn about the game her channel is a One-Stop shop for all new players the reality is most people streaming this game are just looking to have fun and enjoy the only Star Wars game that has had lasting meaning at least for the last decade or so it didn't always used to be that way I'm able to admit that I was part of the problem I used to make video after video on the fall of swor and all of the troubles that the game was facing and to be honest I still stand by some of those videos but the reality that nobody wants to hear is that this game isn't going away anytime soon sure the game won't be able to compete with Wow or Final Fantasy 14 but it doesn't need to and I don't think it wants to it doesn't need to be top three in the MMO charts for it to be considered a living game the population and the community is healthy for a game of its age while its massive content releases are presumably behind us that doesn't mean that the best community and experiences are gone I have been playing this game with my wife and I've had a lot more fun showing her how to play the game that I've had doing anything else recently who knows maybe she'll even get to max level and want to do endgame activities like raids if I had to think about what was really holding SW tour back right now it's the videos and content being made around it nobody is going to want to play this game if they're bombarded with funeral videos and rants about the game the content creators themselves don't really play that much anymore and believe me I get it if you're not having fun don't play the game and move on but I think people took this game to seriously for too long and it's definitely soured a lot of people this includes me and my time playing the game I've been playing since launch but I have had a change in perspective and since that change the game feels alive and well not only because it's felt that way but because it's actually true people want to play and people are having fun now I will say I know a lot of you like playing the game solo and there's nothing wrong with that just ignore all the videos I made about solo players ruining the game K cool but I'd encourage you to play with other people there is nothing more enjoyable in this game than getting home after a long day of work and hanging out with your gild doing various things around the Galaxy you can always play solo when they jump off for the night anyway a lot of people I've been seeing in the comment sections of various Star Wars the public videos are saying that they use this primarily as a solo player RPG experience and as I just said there's nothing wrong with that but I really feel like you guys are missing out on the joys of this game when experienced with a good group of people there are guilds out there that are still running things daily and weekly I've been in a part of them and there's always guilds recruiting it just might take some time for you to figure out which one is the best fit for you and which one is active enough to meet your needs Star Wars to order public is an easy game to get into and anything challenging doesn't really show up until the endgame while I don't really like how everything is soloable now it does make it easier for newer players to get involved into the game and overall I think that's a good thing so I hope I've done a decent job of convincing you to give Star Wars a try don't be discouraged by the videos on YouTube you need to be able to judge for yourself and I think you'll be surprised just how at home you'll feel in a galaxy far far away if you found this video helpful or enjoyable consider subscribing I make videos on Star Wars to order public as a hobby so I upload as I can I stream with my wife as much as possible and I would love to have you and hang out in the comment section so we can just keep enjoying this game together I genuinely hope this game is around for another 10 years and I kind of I think it will be if you have any questions feel free to drop them in the comment section and I will see you guys in the next one
Channel: NoblePlays
Views: 59,292
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mmo, mmorpg, nobleswtor, nobleplays, swtor, star wars the old republic, is swtor worth it 2023, is swtor worth it 2024, is swtor worth playing, swtor central, swtor angels, swtor imperial angent, swtor imperial agent gameplay, swtor trooper story, swtor agent story, swtor community, is swtor dead, is swtor good, swtorista, xam xam
Id: oPzBFp9h-lY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 36sec (516 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 11 2023
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