Ranking Every SWTOR Class Story from WORST to BEST (2023 Edition)

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these are the Star Wars the Old Republic class storylines ranked from worst to best as well as what's good and bad about each class experience my name is nixium everybody's favorite optimistic power hungry Sith Warrior and I'm exiled Ranger a guy who has done literally everything in this game because I have no life we're talking about The Good The Bad and The dastardly today now my job with this video is to share with you guys what's awesome about each class experience and because Nexium is going Light Side for some reason I get to go full dark shy [Music] line I can [Laughter] excuse me so let's jump to light speed and fly in with our lowest ranking class starting with number eight [Music] it's the Jedi Consular this is your chance to play as a scholarly Jedi a more knowledgeable one AKA you're a giant book nerd alright but it's cool you're gonna be interacting a lot with the Jedi Council you're going to be promoted through the Jedi ranks a lot quicker and you're gonna be fighting the dark side as a consular in a more literal sense dealing with a dark side plague Unleashed by The Sith Lord vivacar even dealing with the children of the emperor himself no spoilers though as the Consular you are the great negotiator you help build diplomatic relations in the Republic against the empire it's a great story it's the class to play if you're a big fan of just studying the force and not solving everything with your lightsaber sorry Nexium I feel like I have to butt in here for a second let's just say it this story has terrible writing there's literally no point picking a single Dark Side option in your entire playthrough of this story it makes no sense the companions are very grating and unenjoyable with their personalities there's maybe like one good companion you get him first and you have nothing else to look forward to from your crew for the rest of your story this in line with the children of the Emperor also felt extremely utilized there were so many ways you could have snuck in these secret Sith spies into the storyline with people that you knew fracturing your trust with them but it was never fully implemented your character always feels very wooden in how they speak too I don't know what the voice director was thinking when they made this decision but in trying to make the Jedi Consular sound very wise and this Sage of force wisdom they made them sound incredibly boring to listen to zero personality really flat performances from some actress who usually gives some great performances all this just really brings the Jedi Consular down for me and that's why it's number eight on this list number seven The Smuggler you're living out the Han Solo fantasy everybody it's the every man for himself feeling run rampant and as a Smuggler you're gonna be experiencing a lot more than just the Republic storyline let's put it this way crime it's a lot of fun you get some pretty good one-liners in as well before jumping into combat as this guy in treasure hunting and getting revenge in the storyline it's a lot of fun especially in the early game what can I say you're a Smuggler you're a giant scumbag trying to make your way through the Galaxy it's great while the story does have its strength you know what I'm gonna say it you should be playing skavik Story the guy who steals your ship at the beginning of the story he's having the adventure that I should be having it would have just made the structure of the whole story a lot better without dragging me into Republic Politics the origin story feels trapped by its need to be a Han Solo tail like you never feel like you have any agency this lack of player freedom is why this story is at number seven number six the Sith Inquisitor this is the ideal Dark Side witch fantasy Emperor Palpatine Vibes guys get ready to see the pure power of the dark side Sith magic artifacts Cults using your powers to corrupt others you will scheme your way through the dark politics of the Sith Empire against other Sith Lords you have an interesting family history and Legacy that will play into your story and the best part you have a hot milf for your Sith master I said it I said it someone had to say it and I said it um okay anyways while I will admit that there are some really good bright spots to this storyline especially when it comes to the building up of your Sith power base over time and there are several returning characters as well in terms of NPCs I will say that the antagonists of this storyline do tend to be a bit overly tropey and forgettable to a large degree not to mention that the light side versions of this story are also not written quite as well in a similar fashion to the Jedi Consular also I will say that the crew that you have while mostly hits does have one or two misses kind of bringing this down number five the Jedi Knight the Jedi Knight is like Star Wars comfort food playing this class evokes the feeling of nostalgia for the original trilogy just with a few less foster parents being burned alive you'll have a fairly solid group of companions that you'll enjoy interacting with a great group of guys that you can explore the Galaxy alongside of the Jedi Knight also has very strong ties to the greater storyline of the world and of Galaxy through its relation to the game world's main antagonist the emperor I think the best part about the Jedi Knight though is that both the light and dark side options are mostly well written to fit the overarching story it's a really fun class to play while the path is tried and true this also tends to leave the story feeling a little bit vanilla overall not too much happens here that's unexpected or surprising it's a bit too tied into the standard hero's journey that it doesn't take too many risks which would have been a lot more enjoyable to experience there's also a part of the story that feels like it's just skipped over into entirely when it comes to act 2 that had a lot of potential when it comes to the journey your character could have taken either light or dark side number four the imperial agent that's right the imperial agent most people would say that the imperial agent is their favorite class in the game in terms of the story and they are well within their right to say that because let me tell you the imperial agent has one of the better written stories especially in terms of dialogue you have a great strong collection of antagonists with Jadis being the real highlight of the story there's also some very inventive Mission design in this class as well that ties into the story you can disguise yourself in uniforms use accents cut off cameras it's great and lastly the imperial agent has the best ship in the game by far do we all agree yes no let us know down in the comment section in the top half of these rankings we're kind of focusing a little bit more on missed opportunities as they're all pretty great stories overall I would say nothing exemplifies this more than the imperial agent which had such Grand aspirations for a story that thrived on agency pun intended it kind of held back from pursuing it further it also tends to fall a little bit too much into James Bond desk tropes and a lot of the companions are almost all unenjoyable to spend any time with number three the Republic trooper the trooper gives you that solid military sci-fi adventure with this interesting approach to delving into the themes surrounding dark operations in Special Forces the companions that you get to work with in the trooper storyline is also interesting they feel alive there's a solid feeling of narrative progression through the rank system as you play this class and both the light and dark side choices they all make sense for the most part for the storyline depending on how you feel would best accomplish the mission that you're trying to do but the best part about playing the trooper at least in my opinion is who doesn't love the idea of shooting Sith Force users in the face or throwing grenades at them the trooper is just a lot of fun the trooper as a class often gets hated on but I think it deserves a lot more love I will say in a sort of strange inversion of the imperial agent story while you enjoy the characters that come along with you on your story and your relationship with them and the world of Black Operations a bit more the antagonists of this storyline are either not given enough time before becoming antagonists or they aren't well developed enough to be interesting the mission organization structure also leaves a lot to be desired the quest design it's just not that great also there's very little satisfying narrative payoff that carries forward it's always off to the next mission with very little reflection number two Bounty Hunter as a bounty hunter you'll be encountering solid riding with jokes that always seem to land unlike The Smuggler I admit and these jokes don't kick you out of the scene that they take place in there's also an interesting theme this interplay between the greed focused world of bounty hunting and the potential to live by a code of honor among the mandalorians I think the biggest Pro however is that there is a very solid narrative payoff at the end of every story chapter no matter if you go light or dark side with most of your choices and last but not least you got the best one-liners in the game you will drop your weapons and surrender to me you will realize what a complete idiot you are agreed on all accounts however while not as egregious as The Smuggler there is a part of the story where you do end up being forced into stewed ship underneath the Empire again this just comes from the structure of the MMO the fact that they didn't create an independent faction for both Smugglers and bounty hunters so this kind of affects this as well although maybe not as frequently the story also suffers from a similar problem to the trooper where the mission structure relies a little too much on uninventive Mission design when it comes to targets that you have to hunt down and could have expanded further to Encompass a larger more fulfilling story involving the Mandalorian culture before we talk about number one though please be sure to like the video subscribe if you want it means a lot guys here we go number one the Sith Warrior the best dark side master in the Galaxy it's Darth Barris the wide he is an excellent antagonist whose story interacts with yours across all three base game ax you will actually grow to hate this guy in the storyline you will want to defeat him it feels just like how a Sith should feel it's great you have an excellent crew that has a lot of layers to them and two of them can be very dynamic in their attitudes and personality depending on your choices as a Sith Warrior you also avoid all the Sith politics and all that garbage you are just there to fight and Claw your way through the ranks through the world of the Sith the Empire is fun you get to become the Aegis on the front lines in the war against the Republic you also get to shock bet whenever you want and you get your very own Apprentice who was formerly a Jedi you turn her away from her master before you guys proceed to uh well let's just say uh do you agree with our breakdown of each class guys I'm sure many of you are going to disagree and say no this class is better this story was more interesting were we fair with our assessments let us know down in the comment section below and if you want to learn more about how Darth nixium started a Colton sword tour that worshiped Bark's root beer as a galactic deity watch the video on your screen now because his first experience with the game was rather odd
Channel: Nixxiom
Views: 105,102
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: star wars the old republic, swtor, swtor classes, swtor in 2023, swtor classes ranked, swtor sith warrior, swtor jedi knight, imperial agent, smuggler swtor, trooper swtor, Jedi Consular, Sith Inquisitor, Bounty Hunter swtor
Id: ZQWzzWhDx2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 32sec (692 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 18 2023
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