Swimming With a Small Shark | What Sam Sees

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hey guys it's me Sam okay we're going on a dangerous dive down deep and dare to check out his species of fish that's been ruling the waves since the age of the dinosaur have you seen it it has beady eyes a pointy fin really sharp teeth and it likes to patrol the waters that's right you guessed it it's a giant shark you mean this little bitty okay well maybe I'm not so dangerous dive come on let's go [Music] I've been diving in oceans all around the US but today I'll be diving the Atlantic coral reef tank to check out the bonnethead shark but before I suit up let's talk with national aquarium dive safety officer Josh Miranda tell me how you got inspired to scuba dive and get involved in the national aquarium funny enough my earliest inspiration was actually the National Geographic they produced a documentary on sharks back in 1982 and that was when I first discovered my love for sharks Josh sounds like the perfect guy to teaches about the bond ahead another safety diver Holly is going to join us let's go check out this shark the bonnethead likes to hang out in the dark areas of the tank Josh is showering these blue tangs with gravel which creates a gentle scratching sensation that actually feels good to the fish kind of like a back scratcher but where's the bonnet hat every time I try to get close it just swims away maybe Josh or Holly will have better luck it's much smaller than I thought and it kind of looks like a little hammerhead very cool [Music] yeah oh yeah that's awesome I loved it Josh you're the sharp guy right I'm a big sharp guy so we have a 1 watt ahead in here and the behavior of this line ahead is a little bit different than the behavior of most on a heads in the wild can you explain that to us and in the wild bonnet heads would normally inhabit coastal estuary waters meaning that they want to have some of us flat out open areas near the shore or along the coast which is why he tends to prefer this section of the tank okay so how big is full drum for a bonnet head would you say you would normally expect the average adult on it had to be about maybe three three and a half feet so that's kind of small if you compare it to a hammerhead which smacks eyes maybe what would you say the max size for the great hammerhead which is the largest of the family is about 19 or 20 feet wow that's really long these body heads are really tiny it's been fun learning about the bond ahead let's head to the black tip brief where we can learn more about other sharks [Music] I just had an amazing session with my dive buddy Josh now we're at the black tip reef and we can see some new sharks here what do we have down here here in the black tip reef we actually have several species of sharks including the black tip reef sharks for which this exhibit gets its name we also have two species of well being sharks won't be gone the tassel will be gone and we have two ornate well because there are so many species of sharks that I didn't know about and lastly we have one of my favorite sharks the zebra shark and we have two of them as well our large female Zoey and our young males eat more species equals more diversity which means a much healthier much richer environment so if sharks are absent the animals and fish that they consume their populations will grow and they will consume more resources and occupy more space in these full reefs and that means that there's less space and less food for other animals knew that the shark species could be so diverse and have such an impact Josh it's been such an amazing opportunity learning all of this stuff about sharks that I didn't know before what did we learn we learned that fauna heads on average only grew up to 3 to 4 feet long and their vital to our marine ecosystem and this little guy is a member of the hammerhead family sharks come in all shapes and sizes and aren't so scary after all until next time everybody [Music] you [Music]
Channel: National Geographic Kids
Views: 339,205
Rating: 4.7183099 out of 5
Keywords: what sam sees, scuba diver, scuba diving, national geographic kids, nat geo kids, kids, kid, for kids, national geographic, nat geo, animals, making stuff, educational, shark, ocean, fish, adventure, aquarium, Swimming, Small Shark, Sam comes, face-to-face, bonnethead shark, National Aquarium, Baltimore, Maryland, sharks of all sizes, difference in their habitats, episode, plqlntldjs0zr56mscvzlbeucr3brchb-e, plqlntldjs0zqhijtbzwh91umhdxpb3elf
Id: Uav4iZsm-KY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 12sec (372 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2018
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