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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] we share our lives with people we think we know them but do we ever really know anyone [Music] [Music] [Music] I am looking for Joel Thompson yes Mike McCoy I'd like to speak to you about your late husband Leonard Thompson it's about as insurance whatever it is you have to say I'm not interested mrs. Thompson please it'll only take a minute well I was just about to make some coffee thank you did you paint all these yes I did after Leonard died I never got around didn't see that one I have a whole storage room downtown careful it's hot thank you everything is selling oh you have a strong hand confident sensitive color you're a teacher right yeah I'm a professor with art history at University of Oregon so that's all this about well I work from Bremer Insurance being sure Arthur white well your husband used to work uh huh you know I would think after all these years that this would stop do you know how long it took to pay off his funeral expenses I am NOT a rich woman no what's accusing you of anything no so what are you doing here you came all the way here to engage a lonely Widow in some casual chitchat this is Thompson you know I have so much work to do so if you don't have anything to tell me that I haven't already heard I would like you to leave now please we believe your husband died a week ago that's impossible my husband died 10 years ago in a fire in fact I've always been suspicious of the circumstances surrounding our husband's death especially after the embezzling charges so three days ago my company received an anonymous tip think so Leonard Thompson your husband he's living in Washington under the name of Bill Robbins [Music] that photo is only a few months old [Music] but my husband died in a fire to him years ago I called them Hill broke Police Department to confirm a tip they told me that they found his body lying on a path in the woods I hardly died of a stroke no I buried his body 10 years ago I need someone to confirm the identity in the body we need to make the claim official it's important I'm sorry I don't believe this I know this is painful I really do need your help look I don't want I can't I can't do this if you change your mind you just don't take no for an answer do you here's my card it's got my cell number on it call me anytime just take it thanks for the coffee [Music] I can't see Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] McCoy you just need me to identify the body that's right when do we leave Oh pick you up tomorrow morning at 7:00 fine mrs. Thompson [Music] [Music] [Music] morning Ernie more damage ready messages uh judge Hutchinson calls someone toilet paper at his house last night we'll put out an APB and she says extreme caution suspect may be armed with paper your wife wouldn't approve well I have one vise match oh and an insurance investigator dropped by to see you no all the way from Los Angeles is waiting in your office right no then no thanks bear claw uh no thank you Mike McCoy Raymer insurance well Mike McCoy what brings you out here to the wilderness we've come to confirm Bill Robbins identity well I'm sorry to waste your time mr. McCoy but the body's already been identified by own acquaintance what kind of acquaintance an acquaintance I think you should let his wife take a look well he wasn't married to let you know uh doc I don't follow you guys sheriff is this Jill Thompson she was married to the deceased for 13 years prior to his arrival here the company's been investigating this man for years he is suspected of embezzling substantial funds from his employer the money was insured by my fur so if there's a chance of retrieving any of the loss you have to do so must have been quite substantial for you to come all this way mr. McCoy ten million dollars well that's sad it's very interesting obviously I need to be sure it's our man and if it isn't I promise you I'll get out of your hair immediately and if it is and there's some work to be done now bail lives here about nine ten years ago he's kind of a quiet type to bother much with the locals they saved me some some big wall family down there in Texas felt the kids on a leak field as if you donated enough for money no one asked questions is that right did he ever mention a wife yeah I recall something about her dining fire moved away to get away from the pain something like that are you ready Joe can you confirm [Music] I'm not leaving it that's all right so I've identified the body you've done more than enough I'm not going anywhere till I figure out what's going on you owe me that [Music] I'd like to see his house [Music] it's something and it looks like we know where the money went let it always like to live large it's beautiful look at the view amazing quite a collection of art you know when I first met Leonard he didn't know the difference between Picasso and Pesaro sure learn fast watch this that's a hard one huh huh well every art collector has his eccentricities you'll find the house exactly as he left it except for some juice in the kitchen we put that back in the fridge cheese what about the juice oh he hated it call he always had on the counter before he went running sure this place is the way you left it Sheriff what what wasn't like this before you might think about getting a padlock on that door y'all excuse me I have to call the precinct what do you think happened [Music] maybe they were looking for something in here but wait and they just take the art I mean it's worth a million easy they're very shrewd who didn't know anything about our [Music] looking for something in particular yes something he always had looks like your husband was a man of many secrets [Music] I'm gonna go talk to her to see if he can tell us who this acquaintance was [Music] I need some air so Leonard finally got what he wanted he got the money he got to live like this secluded from the world god I knew sometimes we don't know people as well as we think we do do you know that we were so in debt I barely got a cent of his life insurance he charged everything every trip every little trinket look if we recover anything I'll make sure that you're reimbursed with interest okay sheriff I'd like to see where the body was found man this is still an ongoing police investigation what sheriff I dragged her all the way out here why don't you give her a break nobody was doing way out here that are used to run five miles a day rain or shine according to the report to us in a low 30 set day a bit of a local record actually wonder why I didn't use a treadmill it's not the same now we found him laying her face up looked like it stumbled backwards any physical bruises gash on his back - what does this have to do with your missing money Amy well according to the medical examiner could have been any number of things you're jogging out here in the woods about any shirt on you didn't have a shirt on it's freezing Leonard always ran with his shirt he had these stretch marks he was embarrassed about stretch marks we're right here on his lower back so what we have is a man jogging without his shirt on in freezing weather that doesn't strike you as odd odd nothing hard about heart failure it happens all the time so what happens now well I've got the files or sheriff Knowles I report my findings to the insurance company a report that's it well we'll get a court order to seize his possessions and assets liquidate what we can Janome my guess is he's probably spent everything that arm wasn't cheap are you doing with all this you know no marriage is perfect this doesn't make sense this was Leonard I knew him he was my husband there's anything I can do you just want something to talk to good night good night [Music] here inside [Music] so it's up to me go away go away where were you yesterday I called you all afternoon I even swung by your class that obnoxious TA was teaching again how is that we had those copyright documents to fill out remember oh I forgot well never fear your lawyers here here you go Thanks so was he cute who well you tell me I haven't had a date since Reagan was in office really but I think there's a little left if you want some Jill we're friends right yeah you're my lawyer aren't you Wow you know I'd like to take after 10 years I'm more than just your lawyer I didn't mean it like that are you sure because sometimes I don't feel like we're that close Oh chilly you don't let people in what's wrong give me something to work with here okay you remember that insurance company which one the one that was harassing me after Leonard died right they were trying to recover the money they said Leonard stole from his company yeah well they reopened the case you're kidding what cuz they just found his body what a week ago in Washington oh my god he went through all of this after the fire how could they say something like that well it's true I went I saw it and he was living in a beautiful house on the Channel Islands that's ridiculous what would he be doing up in Washington do you think anyone knew it's like who what about a secretary Carla yeah whatever happened to her she quit after Leonard died or maybe she went with him maybe they were you know there's Shelby she moved over to Springfield to be with her mother after the funeral other than you who knew him better than anyone in the world I don't think so all I'm saying is it's worth the call you know investigate find closure I don't know I don't know the past is the past I don't know what digging up will accomplish the truth huh yeah it's like that philosopher said those who forget the past are destined to repeat it I hope you never decide to become a stalker I just may do this oh that's creepy [Music] Carla Darla No [Music] are you insane was a person that's why quiet you have no goodness secretive hurt recharging her you're interviewing I'll tell you what charge her then you can interview her until then I'd like a moment to confer with my client alone okay yes thanks for coming yeah yes J another I know she's been dead about eight hours how do you know I talked to the cops in the way are they charging me yet look I know you want answers we all do but you've got to be careful you've caught a lucky break this time Carla had a nosy neighbors who watched you pull up just before she called the cuckoo someone ransacked this house before I got here what yeah what if they were looking for something at Leonards and they didn't find it so then they came here and you start asking questions like that you're gonna find yourself from you told me to investigate I said investigate make some phone calls talk to all those Queens it's not breaking and entering in other people's houses I didn't break and enter the door was open I fell in the house mate listen if they know about Carla they know about me exactly what if they come to your house next do you remember all the pain you went through the first time I mean we don't want to see you go through that against it just promise me you'll go home and put this all behind you listen when Mike asked me to go to Washington at first I didn't want to go now I just want the truth [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm on the hi hi how can I help you um can I please have some information on your rates certainly whatever a cheat please thank you oh and internet banking I do a lot of traveling oh I love the Internet so are you think you've living here or just interested in business opportunities I'm not sure yet I'll get you your information all right hi nice day [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] let's talk shot what are you doing here I could ask you the same question this is where he was murdered murder yeah if you'll examine the ground you'll see where the body was pulled back onto the main path yeah well we did examine the ground once I found out where the body came from I found this what is it it's a piece of cloth like for a t-shirt so you came all the way out here because you had some kind of I had a hunch and why would a man go running in this freezing weather with no shirt on because your husband was a health nut my husband hated his stretch marks he always had a shirt on and so if the body wasn't found with a shirt and something someone tampered with the body maybe someone was hiding the fact that he was murdered so what are you some kind of armchair detective no I'm a professor I just am obsessed with detail and I live with the man for 13 years I say else you wanna tell me about now what is it you found something I don't know it's maybe nothing sent someone out here with some benefit the lane if this is a massive crime scene that they should be able to find choices in blood okay and I'll take that so you'll check that for DNA Oh we'll do everything we can are you sure there's nothing else you want to tell me yeah I'm sure [Music] [Music] [Music] Leonard was a man of Secrets he lived for riddles and puzzles perhaps that's why he loved apart he could find a world of meaning and just a simple brushstroke [Music] [Applause] like what timing I was just about to make myself some coffee I got a call from sheriff Knowles and don't Brooke no I guess why you wouldn't know anything about a murder investigation when ya know sure you don't know anything about it no anyone ever tell you you drink too much coffee it's my creative crutch anyway according to the preliminary tox report they found traces of a substance called stelazine in his system stelazine what's that a poison which so used to treat schizophrenia it could cause hallucinations and if injected it would kill you immediately and the medical examiner found an injection point at the base of the skull just inside the hairline so your suspicions were correct well I never was murdered so Leonard supposedly embezzled 10 million from his firm right I mean before he faked his death and disappeared all right but he took out five million cash just before he died how would you know that I haven't a good information [Music] so he didn't spend all the money no there's five million dollars out there missing was a lot of money enough to kill for come here perhaps we could get together again you know to go over some of the details of the case of course tomorrow night I can't tomorrow night there's a new exhibit at the university Oh Oh another time I mean unless you want to come with me no I don't want to intrude no no it's but so long as you're not bored I'd love to okay well it starts at 7:00 debate alright see ya then okay Dave yeah it's a date Oh date new mystery no no just some research look look now that is suitable husband material what suitable husband material six figures nice house nice car he's just getting a coffee that's where money you have any idea how much that costs besides I didn't see a ring is this how you care about a come on Jill it's been ten years it's time for you to put the widow's weeds back in the drawer get back in the game widow's weed yeah before it's too late just so happens I have a date tonight what who the insurance guy Mike his name is Mike is he cute do you like I just met him never seen this look from you before what look yes look you know what I'm talking about well at least one of us was married I am saving myself Oh for mr. right for mr. rich and fabulous whoever comes first [Music] go around [Music] what's going on you alright thought I was trying to kill me they tried to run me off the road you're kidding no why didn't you call me I forgot your card at home what did the police have to say well I made a report but they said they couldn't do anything without a license plate or a better description of the car but you're okay we don't have to go out no no I'm fine I'm fine looking forward to it come on okay at least you won't have to be my bodyguard I know these people will be quite safe here always this confident or just when someone's trying to kill you okay thank you you're welcome sure Thanks what's your take on this one this one um this I love this one this is um separation loss of unity disengagement exactly hmm Wow what you okay yeah I guess I'm just worried about you that's all worried about me oh I probably just overreacted today after what happened to Carla I don't think so okay so this one I love what do you see there a riddle a mystery waiting to be solved what does a Leonard used to say oh that life is a riddle waiting to be solved Wow huh um let's go look at some more sure so what was your life like with Leonard I'm sorry I'm talking about the case again just I need to know everything if I'm gonna be able to profile oh so now you're profiling well if we're ever gonna get to the bottom of this well what about you what about me well what if I have some profiling to do myself okay fire away okay well was there ever a mrs. McCoy yeah once after college seems like only yesterday this job could take up a lot of time didn't like being alone no ain't neither when I was on the road I used to miss her so much our marriage just became a series of sad goodbyes came home one night and found her in bed with a buddy of mine I had no clue I don't know what I'm telling you this for I never talked about this stuff it's okay anyway a youngin after the divorce I decided I needed to make a choice I was never gonna have a relationship and you chose your work yeah I know what it's like well it's like infidelity lies deception what did you ever see in him well when we were married everything was different roses and champagne big shari excuse me do you think he actually loved you did you love your wife yes very much so then love isn't that simple no it's painful what he wanted me to say here that I shouldn't have loved him that we shouldn't have been married that my life was a waste you don't know anything about my relationship I know what I've seen you deserve better than that Leonard was selfish devious narcissist not Jill good night [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah yep coming yeah yeah yeah you tell mrs. intimidation I will not stand for it good morning to you too I was in the market minding my own business and I saw that I was being stalked again with the same car you left that by my rental did he hurt you no I went to confront him and he was gone what yeah listen is this your company you tell me right now cuz I'm gonna stop cooperating I mean it my company does insurance yeah try yourself now what do they want isn't your investigation enough what do they tell you you already know I'm an investigator I interview acquaintances check fax the home office deals with the clients Arthur white you know I used to suspect that he was the one that took the money and pinned the blame on the one employee who couldn't defend himself come on let's go where are we going I'm gonna see him Arthur yeah I don't care who it is you can't get away with this it doesn't make sense Mike if you're gonna commit art forgery say paint the Mona Lisa you're gonna sign it your own name no I'd sign it da Vinci that's right so it's not our white that's intimidating me someone else trying to make us think it's out of the way yeah today what do um what about we spend the afternoon together working on your profile well I'd love to but I have to go down to Los Angeles one of my last cases is me and all in the core okay I'll be back tomorrow night about dinner sounds good you'll be all right yeah mmm I teach class - I am I'm gonna apologize for last night got angry I shouldn't have done that yeah you pointed out some things that I needed to see it's a second I gotta take this mic just in case please today the bishop is known as st. Nicholas legend has it the bishop would throw three gold coins or small bags of gold down the chimneys of households with daughters too poor to have Diaries in order to save them from slavery I know you're there who is this hello I you've reached the cell phone like McCorkle River insurance now tell me what are you doing here your phone's off the hook I got worried something might have happened you need to show this to the police they can find out who did it why don't I just put a sign on my front lawn saying I don't have it and I don't know where it is or a bumper sticker or a neon sign so they get the message ill get a [ __ ] they're not gonna stop you now when they couldn't find out Leonard's they went to Carla's and now they're here couldn't find what the money Leonard's money yeah if I find it first Jill what are you talking about look you don't know who these people are obviously they could hurt you you need to get away from all of this Jill mic is Jill don't worry I'm on my way to the airport maybe there explain when I see you I can't believe you talked me into this what's this you know what I want what does that mean well we know that Leonard had ever have his money when he died God have we actually come into his account online and he withdrew over five million dollars a few days before he died Julie nevermind so listen so if the killer knew that you probably figured it was Leonard safe I mean it was cashed it wasn't gonna be in his mattress make sense I mean we know they they broke into the same that's right and I factually kill Leonard and they check the safe and it wasn't there no they're still looking for ya and they think you got it yes so what are we here for well if they're still after me I figured I might as well find it first pleasure to see you again sheriff's water surprise mr. McCoy any news on the case no but if there is you'll be the first to know well actually we were wondering if you might have found something around the house for instance well we've got reason to believe the victim may have left a large sum of cash around the house I can't say that we found anything like that okay well do you mind if we take a look yes I do look I don't know how you do things down there in California but call me old-fashioned up here we'd like to preserve our crime scenes especially in a homicide investigation sheriff please I've helped you out I there's just something I need to understand who's my husband okay open up [Music] [Music] [Music] turtles yeah man put them on [Music] you find anything no it's you well bent over this house with a fine-tooth comb off the Attic to the guest rooms nothing and I got a call about that piece of fabric you found yes the only DNA that they found on it belong to your husband [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] today the bishop is known as st. Nicholas legend has it that the bishop would throw three gold coins or small bags of gold down the chimneys I didn't expect it to be that easy did be sorry sure the killers went over the house a dozen times you're fine I'll show you later it's 5 o'clock you mind if I lock out sure come on I'll buy you a drink don't you mind off this this is a vegetarian place or what you find it's Leonard's medallion the one he always wore was his father's cut he'll ones for trying to get it cleaned looses technical is patron saint of thieves and unmarried men are Lana by day he was a bishop of Myra but at night he roamed the back alleys of the city helping the poor makes him sound like cesaro legend has it he dropped three bags of gold down the chimneys a second he doesn't find this by the chimney no I am found at the crime scene and you didn't tell us sheriff can I get a water yeah you know I don't taste this chef I'm just trying to do his job as far as he's concerned you you could be the killer me why would I be the killer no revenge your husband betrayed you if you found out you wanted revenge that's ridiculous he doesn't know that look I want to find out what happened just as much as you do but I don't think we should let our imaginations run away with us no I think we missed the last ferry no there's a motel down the road what is it that woman I saw in the bank a few days ago you mean the bank where you stole your ex-husbands information that's not funny maybe I should have read her to join us okay [Music] can I get a water please Hey I was just wondering you have to go please can we go sure at the back [Music] what is it I saw it saw what the tattoo what tattoo the rose on her hand right here between her thumb in her forefinger just like the photo at Leonard's house and you saw her in the bench yes she's a teller she just needed time to work her way into his life I get lost here I mean if you still haven't told me why you're so intrigued by Leonard's weird onion and yeah you're already on to something else okay you know the painting in by the fireplace yeah well this may sound strange but I felt a connection to it with the rape and the medallion there's a link you know the medallion has the the gold spheres and the and the beating has the gold eggs and they're just sitting there like that like that by the riddle waiting to be solved yeah you gotta get back there Mike know what I think we need to do is just back up and review everything look everything you've said could be a clue the medallion the Raven the Rose Tattoo it could all add up to spike I think I know what's going to I I know you think you know all I'm saying we oughta sleep on here's your key sir room 108 I kill no problem room 109 next to mine what's the matter why why didn't you tell me when you found the medallion the first time because I didn't think it was that important maybe you didn't trust me I hope that some reason I understand I mean I think about what you've been through in the stocks even betrayed frightened out of your mind it's not easy to trust again good morning uh we'll get to the bottom of all ice Mike just wanted to know that you know ever since you came knocking on my door you know you open me up what is it thank you [Music] I just want you to know that [Music] come on [Music] okay [Music] see in the morning okay I'll be right next door okay if you need anything goodnight no one's gonna harm you [Music] well hello you're just in time for client appreciation day you got a second I'm not working sorry well I'm not here to open account which you know I'm late why are you following me thought we could have a little talk talk about what my husband what about him you know how he died a stroke I identified the body he was murdered but I think you know that are you accusing me you know working in this Bank must have given you incredible access to personal information so I helped him open an account we hit it off he neglects to tell you who's married he neglected to tell me a lot of things I had to find out honey when you've been around as long as I have you can detect those kind of lies a mile is that what you decide to go after his money if you're gonna press charges you better call the sheriff of course when you found out you didn't know where the money was that must have made you real angry huh oh look you taking a trip somewhere none of your business come to Oregon people are real friendly there I like California better so what was the plan exactly it's intimidate me just enough to get me to crack like Carla who Phelan problem was she know where the money was did she let me save you some trouble a lot or neither nice coat hey stick around will you yeah hi it's still Thompson calling from Mike McCoy well no he's investigator is on the Leonard Thompson cake no it's a Leonard Thompson case that the embezzlement for right accounting the embezzlement provider counting on us or now there's never been a Mike McCoy work [Music] [Music] hello Shelby - what ooh Mike 10 years ago there is no investigation he's a fraud oh my god they're waiting for me to find the money that's what he's been waiting for could that be so stupid Jill Jill just settle down so what'd you find nothing nothing is all paintings anything of value the painting the painting above the fireplace Jill Jill [Music] yes this is Jill Thompson I needed him to meet me at the Robins house right away I'm sorry sheriff knows he's already left the date may I take a message yes the message is to meet me the Robbins has its emergency you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey job what took you so long look good sleep well you're still here Oh Charlie's Angel no one's gonna hurt you so it was you in that car outside my house maybe it was your silent partner younger teller working at a bank provides older man with a ton of money then you call your boyfriend tell what a mark you found without it got suspicious took the money out you've gotta put in to save killed him but it wasn't in the safe that's what you found out you needed help needed you are you good gel you're very good I mean you have this incredible buy for detail yeah miss a thing yeah got a great knowledge of our got a decent close together maybe I just knew my husband take the compliment come on we think about him the Bishop of Myra the Golden Globes in the golden medallion hooking him up the picture the chimney the best if I get it up I didn't figure you that's very hurtful that's very unnecessary what are you doing don't touch it leave the money alone put it down excuse me put it down or you'll do what lousy go ahead and shoot Randy Randy take the gum out of your mouth [Music] it doesn't have to be like this I had a thing going you know good vibe shared things with you I never shared with another woman you know what I don't think you gonna shoot Japan wrong couldn't trust you that much [Music] [Applause] hoodie chili ran come on you know I'm gonna find you [Applause] [Music] maybe come on daddy [Music] oh girl my acceptance was special [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hi oh thanks I'm sorry I I tried to call you yeah I know you all right yeah did you ever find anything nothing oh just like Leonard to spend it all I guess he had Mike and Randy for going home yes so so we're all set would you like a lift I'd love one come on let's go [Music] I can't believe you're just gonna take off you're the one who told me it's time to move on but I didn't think you'd actually pay attention you're gonna miss all the fun I've had enough fun for a while so what about the investigation well Mike and Randy killed Leonard and Carla case closed I still can't believe it Mike insurance guys ten years later and I'm still an excellent and what about the money you know they never found it looks like Leonard got the last laugh yeah it's like something out of a bump yeah I should write one you know you really should okay listen I have something [Music] this is the infamous patron saint of thieves yes for women who are saving themselves [Music] take care of you okay and try to stay out of trouble okay [Music] [Music] why would Leonard after all the deception and secrets leave clues that only I would understand in some strange way he must have wanted me to find the money I guess we all have our secret lives [Music] [Music] and you watch me draw the [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Movie Central
Views: 375,661
Rating: 4.6763091 out of 5
Keywords: watch, free, movies, online, Turner, TCM, youtube, download, full, movie, films, classic, 70s, 80s, 60s, sci-fi, horror, drama, latest, retro, b-grade, funny, comedy, hollywood, worst, ever, popcornflix, bigtime, goldmines, Free movies on Youtube, Hollywood movies, Classic, Movies, free full movies, Classic Movies Channel, CMC, CMC YouTube, Secret Lives, Daphne Zuniga, full mystery movies 2020, daphne zuniga one tree hill, free full tv movies, #FreeYouTubeMovies
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 2sec (5342 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 16 2020
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