Something Evil Comes | Full Action Thriller Movie

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[Music] the death toll continues to climb in the aftermath of the deadly tsunami triggered by a massive earthquake in the indian ocean [Music] the quake centered along a previously unrecorded fault line 170 miles off the coast of thailand measured 8.9 on the richter scale [Music] while relief efforts continue thousands in thailand sumatra indonesia malaysia and along the eastern coasts of sri lanka and india are still missing there stay tuned to world news for further updates [Music] foreign [Music] edwin thank god you're all right uh i'm fine gracias senorita we were worried something had happened to you oh you didn't tell us you were leaving the drilling platform we were worried well i didn't want to wake anybody i uh caught the early supply helicopter that came back this morning uh miss breaker will be very happy about that uh oh uh the government has all the required reports uh there's nothing left to file my uh work here is essentially done you'll be heading home then yes i have uh other commitments that i need to take care of my luck didn't want to miss the flight edwin oh i'm so glad i caught you mm-hmm i was so afraid you'd get away before i had a chance to say goodbye ah mr bicker it it has been a pleasure working with you and uh if you require any additional legal services you can contact frank gerson my partner back at the front of course it is such a long flight back to the united states i was thinking that perhaps if you take a warm bath before you travel that'll help you a lot mr macklin hmm could you pour edwin a warm bath hmm thank you miss bricker i really don't have time for a bath now what we're gonna start doing is dry drilling and testing on the uh exploration wells and when we do that we're gonna need a lot more paperwork because we want to be compliant right so what i was thinking is you could stay on with us because you know what all our needs are ah well i set it up so the company can file those reports directly it's much more efficient that way yes and that way i think am i correct you don't you don't have to read them at all then is that right uh yes that's that's right so i'm curious why did you i was just being thorough as i said everything's an order here there's no problems well i know it's in order here but our computer dogs show that you downloaded a lot of files from the thai basin and from our interest on the southern california coastline i just i just wondered why you felt the need to access those files uh i wanted to be sure there weren't gonna be any more problems your own internal investigation suggested that the rig drilling may have triggered the tsunami wave that hit thailand we had no way of knowing that was going to happen thousands of people died that was an accident and accidents [Music] [Music] uh oh mr macklin looks like you're going to be taking a little trip next week yeah that's what you said two weeks ago and i'm still waiting on those supplies what do i need i already told you what i need half a dozen times i need antibiotics i need clean dressing i need fresh water i need food that isn't covered with mold and i need the damn military drivers to stop stealing the stuff off the truck before it even gets here hello hello i give up foreign day 18. i feel like i made a mistake by coming here i thought that i could do something to help but it just seems like everything that i do makes no difference at all i don't know how much more of this i can take maybe i'm not as strong as i thought i was oh so mark hello yes this is romy vaster who's this yes edwin faster's my brother why [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] my brother edwin was an extraordinary human being but then i don't need to tell you all that [Music] because most of you already know because we've all been along for the ride [Music] edwin graduated harvard law in the top 10 of his class [Music] he could have had any job that he wanted but instead he decided to work for the da's office because he wanted to make a difference [Music] and even after that finished [Music] his partnership with frank person held the promise of doing anymore but to me he'll always be my big brother he used to pull up my pigtails and scare the crap out of me in the tunnels underneath our house and who i love very very much [Music] and i just hope that someday i'll be able to live up to his example and make a difference in the world frank i don't know how to thank you for cooking after everything ah something i got some friends in the state department who owe me a couple favors it's the least i could do i mean edwin wasn't just my law partner we grew up together we all did if there's anything you need no just you guys listen though there are still a few forms that you need to sign us next to kim and i got charlotte working under the office i'm gonna head back in the city anyway i'll pick them up and i'll bring them up to the house tonight thank you you take care of mr d certainly will i hope you don't mind miss but uh i've taken the liberty to arrange a a small dinner in the house it seemed the right thing to do of course i thought we'd keep things simple just uh just a few of his close friends what would i do without you mr dave i've looked after the faster family since before you were born i'm not about to stop now i'll meet you in the car so how's the new album coming along the record company heard it said it's got a lot of hit potential we saw that old video of yours on a tv show the other day hi hey what was it called honey i don't remember honey you know that show the one i don't remember honey you guys are coming over to the house right where else would we be thank you we'll be right back i remember america's favorite one hit wonders you're good hi serena hey i don't know what to say you don't have to say anything i'm so sorry i was late my sports editor took a fly ball to the head and i had to cover the little league tryouts i uh i heard that you're you're running the newspaper that's great yeah the um santa bodega sentinel all the news that fits if your idea of news is brownie recipes and who had tea with who i just can't believe this i mean i know i wasn't a part of the family but edwin always felt like a brother to me no you're mr dee's niece i mean if you're not an official member of the faster clan by now i don't know who else is it was really nice to see you i just wish it was under better circumstances look um i'll catch up with you in a bit okay okay [Music] what am i gonna do without you i'm so sorry for your loss thank you were you friends with edwin yes being here today i i wish i would have gotten a nominee i'm sorry i'm roomy faster i'm liam naglin i was an associate of your brothers and a big admirer of his dedication his work i guess i'm not alone he obviously had some wonderful friends my brother touched a lot of lives more than he'll ever know [Music] um listen we're uh we're having this thing at the house it's just close friends but if you'd like to join us i wouldn't want to oppose no no it wouldn't be any imposition at all it's um it's a bit out of the way about an hour out of town that's the address it's the last house with the gate you can't miss it thank you i'll see if i can make it thank you for coming today my pleasure [Music] looks like we're in for some weather looks like [Music] charlotte charlotte [Music] charlotte yes mr gerson yes who is this so am i safe and assuming that mr macklin has been there already what are you talking about ah [Music] well um when mr vaster was here when he worked for me he accessed some incredibly sensitive documents and then he sent them to you my email now you know i can't have that kind of information floating around in the general public you understand that yeah i don't know what you're talking about edwin didn't send me anything oh are you sure uh cambridge 5 northern cal dot web that's the internet provider for your area dear you and vasterbos went to harvard and harvard's in cambridge and so naturally we assumed that he would send the files to you where's his law partner well you assumed wrong because that's not my email address all right i didn't receive any files i don't have anything that you want must have been his friends then huh maybe a member of his family you know i had several very very talented computer hackers looking into this and they have not been able to find an answer for me she's dead all right you sent somebody here to kill charlotte for a goddamn email i did absolutely nothing of the sort i sent an employee down to retrieve some files of course you have to admit he does have a habit of taking things into his own hands do you know before i met him he was convicted for eviscerating a priest with a boy scout knife and he was only 11 11. can you believe that and where is he this uh employee of yours he's probably rounding up bastards fans trying to find who owns the email address don't you think you have to stop him now you have to call him off darling i have absolutely no control over any of this but you know my representative is not an unreasonable man and i expect of you to sit down with him and give him what he wants then you will be able to prevent the situation from becoming much more pleasant than it already is oh and a word to the wise darling do not get the police involved i'm really surprised that you're still alive he just hates loose ends [Music] yes [Music] i brought this back for edwin he always loved thailand he always won one of these i didn't mean to intrude is there anything you need miss no thank you yesterday everything's pretty much the way i left it a year ago yes master edwin once wanted your room kept as it was for when you returned he knew i was coming home i believe that's why he started the renovations he wanted it to be a home again just the way it had been when your parents were alive they love this place yes they did it served me rather well too i was a loss as to what to do with myself when your father and i finished our military service so when he very kindly invited me to america to look after the property and eventually his family i dare say it gave back some meaning to my life oh no thank you mr d i i can take care of this i have plenty of practice in thailand it's my pleasure miss the house has felt quite empty with both of you gone serena stays from time to time but i may say it's going to be very different around here without master edwin mr d it's okay i'm gonna miss him too was so strong indeed he was but as your mother used to say the only thing stronger than a vaster man is a vaster woman thank you mr d i must confess i was afraid i was afraid when you came back this time that i i wasn't going to be your mr d anymore i suppose it's only proper for a young lady like yourself to refer to me simply as william yeah it might be proper but some things are sacred yesterday i did hope you'd say that now then i'll see to our guests shall i i expect uh master jordan's is already empty you've reached frank gerson i can't take your call right now please leave a message no jordan i don't understand what you're saying what i'm saying jordan i'm saying is this whole thing smells bad to me he's in some third world rat trap actually brazil has the strongest economy in south america okay he's in a first world rat trap and he's in the bathtub p.s in the two years i was his roommate at harvard not once did i ever see him take a bath thanks well maybe the shower wasn't working mm-hmm and uh he wanted to watch a little telemundo so he brought the tv set in with him i mean it just doesn't sound like ed to me he's right you know what a safety freak head was he used to make his worst seat belts going through the car wash there's no way he would have had something electrical that close to water you know what guys this is seriously in bad taste what if he was murdered and it was made to look like an accident god jordan stop it what do you think mr d in regards to edwin it's a little suspicious don't you think well i think it's a very difficult time for everyone we're all entitled to our opinions ah see mr d agrees with me on the other hand master jordan shut up is everything okay yeah i tried to call frank but his phone must be off you know frank he's probably stuck at the office helping some little old lady sue her doctor uh yeah i tried calling his office but no answer maybe he's just stuck in traffic or something so romy edward had big plans for this place are you gonna keep it chris what i i just mean i could get her a really good price for it if she wanted to sell sell the faster ancestral home this place is like a museum to our life you learned how to swim here chris yeah i almost drowned until ed taught me how to hold my breath underwater tara you walk down those stairs on your wedding day a trip to my gown would have broken my neck if ed hadn't caught me she told me how to play guitar in the observatory yes how could we ever forget that memories huh [Music] roman you're not going to sell the house are you i mean ed wouldn't have wanted that i don't know what i'm gonna do i'm just gonna take it one day at a time you know [Music] so thailand that must have been fun ladies and gentlemen may i have your attention please i've known edwin vaster ever since he was in diapers and i've known most of you just as long as well and if i may be permitted to say this is the grimmest gathering of your collective company i've ever had the displeasure of attending uncle william not to be rude mr d but this isn't exactly the happiest day of our lives precisely and on a day like this the last thing edwin vaster would want is for his very good friends to be sitting around this drafty old house feeling sorry for it or for themselves what are we supposed to do then celebrate his life honor his memory by doing the one thing that he loved best texas hold'em no limits [Music] hello [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my [Music] yo boy frank i'm leaving i'm on the first plane out of here in the morning edwin you can't just walk away from a project you'll ruin our reputation listen to me you have no idea what kind of people we're dealing with this woman wrecker she's involved in a cover-up they've been doing unregulated offshore drilling i think it might have something to do with triggering the seismic events in the region maybe even a tsunami i don't want to hear about it okay you're not there to save the world you're there to do a job now please just finish it and we'll talk about this when you get home i don't get what the big deal was all i said was she could make some serious money if she sold his house the big deal is that you don't discuss business with somebody whose brother just died it makes you look desperate have you seen the credit card bills this month that's not the point maybe i should just leave you two lovebirds alone huh are you gonna ask him or will i ask him what god all right i can't believe i'm doing this jordy you know business has been pretty bad lately the whole real estate market's been in a slump whoa whoa whoa if this is gonna be about money you don't even have to ask really that's great because the answer is no oh jordan we're not asking for a handout we're asking for a loan with interest yeah see i have a rule about lending money to friends even good ones don't thanks anyway it'll be okay everything's gonna be okay what you need is a setup like serena's had all these years everything's taken care of never had to worry about money her whole life the only reason why she's working at that crap newspaper is because she's got to keep an eye on mr d make sure he doesn't fall down and break a hip when we all shipped off to harvard they didn't want serena to feel left out so romy's dad faked the whole scholarship thing paid the whole ticket i just came down to say goodbye i'm gonna head back into town i need to work on tomorrow's edition of the crap gazette serena wait i'm sorry i'm drunk and i'm a jerk when i'm drunk even when i'm not drunk i'm still a jerk don't be sorry jordan everything he said was true jordan i love you sometimes i really don't like you you're not really gonna go i am if i can find my keys look outside the road's probably flooded by now i'll take it slow don't worry you know how jordan gets when he drinks i mean nobody's listened to him anyway since his last hit record that was like five years ago it's a smile yeah i knew about the scholarship anyway uncle william told me years ago it's not that it's not even jordan it's just i don't know seeing everybody again reminded me how things used to be you know all the good times we had in this house meanwhile you guys are all out there doing big things in the world and i'm back here writing about bake sales i like big seals i know it's just i don't know if this is where i belong or if this is just what i've gotten used to wow you're good mine's must've gone down they're always the first to lose power out here mr d mr d i'm gonna go and uh serious you want to light some candles sure might as well just light a match to jordan's breath i think that would light up the whole house mr d hello uncle william william [Music] okay see if i can remember how to do this directions directions directions okay wear safety glasses and ear protectors it's romy you shouldn't be out here you'll catch your death please today this place has nothing on thailand the lions must have gone down from the rain you go back to the house and i'll take care of this get out of those wet clothes you hear me yes sir this is ridiculous i can't see a thing well you'd rather be on that storm instead just a little further you just stayed back there in the hot tub and waited for someone to come get us forget that about scotch anyways yeah my fingers are all pretty something's coming oh romy mr d hello can anybody hear me [Music] so babe is the butter outside already yeah yeah i got it outside it's good hey frank hey hey what took you so long this is poker game you're all here evan always said best parties end up in the kitchen huh yeah hey what happened to your head i was just uh at the office moving some filing boxes from a shelf they fell down well i hope you're in good enough shape to help set the table yeah of course gotta surprise me frank friend of yours is here he scared the crap out of serena trying to find the front door to this place come all the way from brazil right ah let there be light frank good to see you [Music] [Music] hey well i took a little more effort than i than i thought it seems the power line good evening hello uh mr d this is liam macklin a friend of edwin and frank's i'm afraid that's a little presumptuous on my part we worked together on the brazil project one that frank's sermon set up for us william dutton the vaster family hussman pleasure to meet you sir edwin's passing was such a great shock to all of us i thought it was right that i come and pay my respects on behalf of the company well very gracious gesture mr mackerel oh please liam i certainly didn't mean to barge in here like this but when i talked to edwin's sister earlier today she invited me up here to meet you all i would think that edwin would want us all to get to know each other well the only way that i know how to do that is to have a drink what'll it be liam and just a glass of chardonnay swine chardonnay so mr d what's up with the power well seems that the lines are definitely down somewhere fortunately the generator has enough petrol to keep us going for quite a while you carry your own corkscrew that's a sign of a true wine aficionado sound of a true drunk nice huh these are my friends yeah i've had a few chardonnays what of it thanks so then um to friends and to edwin i guess we should have waited for romy where is she uh romy had to go back to town really in this weather yes it uh it seems she lost a bag in transit and she needed a few things well i hope you won't mind if i wait for her it seems it's uh earlier today when we met i was a bit emotional and i didn't offer proper condolences from the company well she may be quite a while the weather's quite bad out there and the roads can be rather dreadful yeah coffee squat liam there's plenty of food and besides we're all sick of looking at each other right guys well if you're sure it wouldn't be an intrusion and last thing i would want to do is to cause you any more grief not at all we'll we'll just set another place at the table uh frank can you give me a hand in the kitchen i'll help all right i got it so liam ever consider investing in real estate oh he's just a a guy who works for the company in brazil i've never been able to tell a lie frank not even as a child i want the truth now who is that sitting on our table i've never seen that guy before in my life and why did he cut off the power of the house what cut the lines clean through he also sabotaged the generator but i was able to repair that what does he want from us there's a file there's part of an email that edwin apparently sent to one of us while he was working offshore he must have broken into their secure hard drive and stole it whatever it is they've sent macklin to get it back wow this is this is ridiculous we'll we just tell him we don't have it and send him on his way but we can't he killed charlotte he blew up my goddamn office i think he murdered edwin excellent charnay anything i can do to helping you no no no i was just uh going to phone romeo and let him know you're here oh that's very thoughtful of you thank you although with a storm i'd be surprised that the phones are still working is that roose beef yes yes it was a master evelyn's favorite mine too ah do you mind now that is a beautiful piece of meat you know there are only two ways to carve a roast one way you make a deliberate direct cut right in there get what you want and take it out clean and simple the other way the more primitive way i think is to pack you get every ounce of meat off the bone [Music] then you just pick what you want out of the pile messy but still quite effective look i don't know what it is that you're looking for macklin but we don't have it frank so i suggest you just head on back down to brazil and utility or miss brecker you don't know what i want how do you know it isn't here please mr gerson let's try to keep this thing professional shall we now you know why i'm here the email address in question is cambridge five at northern cal dot web i simply want to know who has it i swear to you i've never heard that email address in my life i have no idea the world of email is a bit of a mystery to me last time i checked harvard was located in cambridge massachusetts alma mater of edwin vaster and five of his closest friends now i can slice this roast neatly or i can make a mess [Music] it's up to you it sounds to me like another case that jordan sings the hits so what are you blaming me for because i didn't say anything yes you did you've been mouthing off about everybody all afternoon no wonder romy left why don't we call her jordan apologize for whatever it was you said did you call her i would suggest that we leave miss romy alone for a while she's had a long trip and it's her first chance to gather her thoughts we can save a plate of leftovers for her for when she returns like there's gonna be any leftovers mr d ladies first of course oh at last a real gentleman in here other than you mr d smells great um that's the one thing i miss most about being in brazil good old-fashioned american cooking so mr macklin oh liam what were you working on in brazil with edwin nothing that exciting really oil exploration offshore drilling rights that sort of thing frank had set up the structure here and edwin was helping us with the paperwork down there why is that funny edwin was an environmentalist i did a piece on him for the paper last year he was on the board of directors of two international direct action groups one of which was global warming and the other one specifically to stop offshore drilling the only way he'd be involved in what you're talking about is if you held a gun to his head well people can change can't they maybe that's what happened to him you don't know edwin that well at all then do you electric cars that's the way the future no more depending on foreign oil i'm moving all my assets out of real estate and into research and development what assets i've got assets yeah me are you married mr maclin no actually i'm not hmm why do you have to be like that like what speaking of brazil we had a funny thing happen down there we had some documents that accidentally got deleted from our files and nothing of any real value but uh we need them to finish the filing with the government files were encrypted in code so no use to anyone but um you know governments they need their their paperwork anyway edwin had mentioned that he emailed those files to a friend back here in the states anybody at this table get that email why would edwin send us paperwork on some job he was doing uh i don't know he mentioned something that he he wanted to stay in touch let you know what he was up to anyway the email address was right here in town cambridge five northern cal dot web ring any bells with anybody not mine no maybe it was an email address that you had forgotten something that you don't check very often i don't think so well i mean he must have sent it to somebody here think liam give it a rest huh no one got the email he passed the wine please thank you well i was just asking a simple question i mean there's no need to be rude he's right jordan please just frank i get it all right he's your client but edwin isn't even cold yet when you're asking about his email account show some respect master jordan i think you've had about enough to drink yeah that's all right maybe i overstepped my bounds here i i was just trying to get some cooperation before things become unpleasant oh unpleasant what is that a threat jordan calm down are you threatening us huh you bean counter or whatever it is that you actually are why don't we go outside i'll teach you something sit down everybody sit down [Music] i ask you to sit down sit down now oh my head that's my guitar head what the hell is wrong with you listen you just leave them alone now frank you know i can't do that [Music] which one of you has my email come on [Music] how much money do you want to let us go ah there's an old expression it's unlucky to make a deal with the devil don't flatter yourself are you gonna kill us you can't finding the email address is only part of the equation he's going to need a password he won't be able to get it from a corpse he needs us alive not all of you i only need them you're the hired help but if i don't start getting a little cooperation around here it's me i'm cambridge 5. leave them alone let them go i'll give you the password ah no that wasn't so hard was it he's lying it's me i'm cambridge five edwin sent the email to me chris no it came to me my email address is cambridge5 me too he sent me the file last week the spartacus routine please cell phones judging how self-absorbed you people are i bet you can't last five minutes without checking your emails give them to me [Music] 9-1-1 what's your emergency there's a man in my house and he's got a gun and he's going to kill my friends i need the police i can't hear you are you in danger yes i'm in danger i need the police now what's your name romy romyvaster what is your phone bill like got a lot of irons in the fire you need my phones all right turn them all on you two jeeves i'm a bit of a luddite i'm afraid i i don't have a cellular phone i don't even use a computer is that it what about you i don't have one you think i'm an idiot you work for a newspaper you don't have a cell phone it's a very small paper all right we're going to clear this thing up once and for all hello cambridge five one of you will be receiving an email and we'll know exactly which one of you has been lying come on [Music] nothing well then i guess we know who's been lying all along god everybody wants to be a hero not a smart move why are you doing this to us shut your [ __ ] up will ya she should be thankful i didn't put a bullet in your head for ruining at five thousand dollar suit romy are you still on the line oh god he just shot he he just he just killed my friend he just killed frank all right now listen to me romy stay calm stay calm now just so there's no misunderstanding around here you butler is there any rope around this house [Music] i have no idea well why don't you find something tie everyone up anyone with a loose knife guys now [Music] there's police on the way they've been called officers are coming but the roads in your area are flooded from the storm you live on bay road right yes at the end apparently that road is washed out a mile from where you are the police cruisers can't reach you yet what we'll dispatch a car to you as soon as the storm lifts up a little [Music] when shouldn't be much longer are you in a safe place what does the intruder know where you are no i don't think so it's all right miss stay on the line with me i need you to stay on the line and stay with me what about the others the police will be there soon stay out of sight the important thing right now is for you to stay safe coming after you when this is over liam i'll be sure to leave a forwarding address nice work you're next i'll do the honors how's that feel huh all warm and tingly inside go to hell whoa what do we have here huh ah cambridge five hmm told you it wasn't me but you have been receiving messages let's take a look at them where are you it's like whole new language isn't it l-o-l here's one that came in five minutes ago upstairs mr d said danger that's you mr d for danger now just where are these messages coming from on high maybe romy didn't go into town after all come with me but if i hear so much as a breath out of any of you he's mr d for dead [Music] you're doing all this for a computer file no i'm doing all this for a quarter of a billion dollars in oil treaties something i doubt people like you would understand people like me the hired help ever get tired of people telling you what to do [Music] these chairs have been here since we were kids the wood's probably half rotted by now crystal be stupid he told us not to move do you know what tara maybe instead of dumping on your husband all the time you should do something to help yourself for a change oh you want him to come down and kill us well i got news for you he's gonna kill us anyway you're gonna call her one wrong word and you watch her die romy [Music] tell her i'm gone tell her or you're all dead it's all right he's gone he left romy i feel like i made a mistake by coming here i thought that i could do something to help but it just seems that everything i do makes no difference at all i don't know how much more of this i can take maybe i'm not as strong as i thought it was you're so dead well let's just see who you really are now shall we mr macklin no wallet no id miss i'm gonna need some of that rope it's okay it's okay oh god break what happened up there where's uncle william he's okay he's got the gun driving to macklin did you kill him no but he's gonna have one hell of a headache when he wakes up here take this upstairs help mr d tie him up hand oh god jordan for once just think of someone other than yourself i'm just saying jordan just go there see it's gonna be okay no it's not you always say that you always say it's gonna be okay and it's not if frank's dead edwin's dead how's it gonna be okay how's anything gonna be okay for any of us after this honey police are on their way the road's washed out but they're standing in a helicopter are you sure you're okay yes okay what i'm fine i'm fine it's just what are you going up there and looking for you i don't want to lose you there that should hold him where exactly did you learn how to do this oh you know master jordan when one picks things up here and there let's have a look at that hand shall we who is this guy i'm sure i have no idea it's a matter for the authorities now so let them take care of it a bit of plaster and you should be back playing that wretched guitar of yours in no time i don't think so they hated my new album a good company dropped me three months ago so excited i don't fit into their sales demographic anymore times do change i'm too ashamed to tell anybody trust fund's long gone and i had to file for bankruptcy last week i couldn't even afford to buy flowers for edwin mr d master edwin wasn't terribly fun to flowers anyway let's uh leave him for the police come on [Music] [Music] mr macklin shouldn't give us any more trouble for a while miss at least not until the police get here and then he's their problem are you all right uncle william of course here i've dealt with his type before common street thugs and expensive clothes i don't usually make it past the kids what about this cambridge 5 address it's not mine what about you guys he's a psychopath i mean he could have made the whole thing up not all of it frank's dead well i'd best accede to repairing the electrical cables that generator's not going to last all night i thought the lines were down well that's what our mr macklin would have us believe i felt it was a good idea to allow him that remember how to use this going on tin cans in the backyard they say it's like riding a bicycle we'll be fine it's important to humor your elders miss willie thank you good now not to worry back in a minute hang on mr d i'll give you a head how much longer before the police get here do you think an hour two this this cambridge five thing keeps sticking in my head there's something the name sounds familiar do you have any idea what macklin was talking about what was in these files i don't know something that edwin and frank were into obviously something illegal romy come on you knew your brother better than anyone do you really think he'd be involved with somebody like maclin i don't know maybe i wasn't seeing things clearly maybe i was just seeing what i wanted to see my brother the hero hell of a homecoming [Music] all right let's have a look here we did quite a number on this i think i could bypass the main line and reboot system uh i'll need a wire stripper from that toolbox there oh excuse my knife where is my knife i knew there was something about this i did a piece on homeland security last year and part of it was about famous viceroy history look at this five cambridge university students worked undercover for the soviet union during the cold war four of them got caught but the fifth one the youngest one got away the cambridge five mm-hmm it was a great piece didn't make it to the paper though gump bumped by a story on a church yard sale yeah but what does that have to do with us or edwin i don't know he'll have to ask liam macklin or whoever he is honey wait it's not safe out there cheers he'll safer than it is in here tara what are you doing you told me to stop whining and start doing something so this is me doing something i'm leaving didn't you hear what i said the road's flooded are you coming with me or not fine i've got the keys anyway tara tara come on tara please you're being ridiculous maybe but it's better than ending up like frank we can't just let them go you want to stop them go ahead i've had enough for tonight [Music] so you're flooding it honey i can't go back in that house well that's got it we'd best get back inside the police are likely going to want a statement and where exactly did you learn how to do that well as i told you one picks things up here and there ready mr d mr d sir d yes i i understand that officer and i appreciate the fact that the road is washed out but we have a man here who's dead and the guy who killed him is tied up in my bathroom so what do you expect me to do here just wait all night for you guys and we'll be there as soon as we possibly can okay thank you please hurry everything is the same everywhere serena and with the storm front forecast to continue to move through our area we can expect another two to three inches of rainfall serena don't turn the key until i say so okay okay try it [Music] again [Music] foreign [Music] serena serena all right all right stop stop we're just gonna kill the battery what's wrong with this i don't know let's just leave it here we'll call it cap it'll be okay i'm only gonna ask this one time stop please are you cambridge fly i don't know what you're talking about yes or no yes or no [Music] oh [Music] mr d he got out he's outside or something well folks the storm front seems to have passed through the area but with most of the major routes in and out of the city affected by the rains authorities are asking the public to stay hey stop raining bro so if you don't need to drink rain stop maybe the police can get through we'll have more music coming up mr do what i can't hear you the grossest why i love it i know i love you too mr d i love edge attention cambridge shoppers tonight we have a special go ahead tell him robbie don't now since no one else has stepped up with the email address i assume that you are the proud owner of cambridge 5. so i want to see you right down here in person you with your password or she dies fast enough you son of a [ __ ] miss baster language their ladies present don't move get your hand out of there or if you're gonna play cops and robbers you gotta bring your own toys [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] mail calls mail call mail call [Music] mail call [Music] mail call mr d [Music] uncle william [Music] they're coming to get you barbara stop it you're ignorant they're coming for you barbara stop it you're acting like a child they're coming for you look there comes one of them now he'll hear you here he comes now i'm getting out of here john [Music] [Applause] cambridge spies mail call mail call mail enter name cambridge 5 at northern web love it i love [Music] ugh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] joints down here all the time i know every secret door in the place what jordan uncle william i don't know he was in front of me i lost him he's dead god mr d okay let's get the hell out of here all right the cops have got to be here by now but what about me she knows this place like the back of her hand she's probably waiting for us outside somewhere mr d here are the two reports i told you about the first proves a causal link between nortec drilling in the indian ocean and the resulting sea floor collapse to trigger the tsunami wave that struck thailand earlier this year [Music] [Music] so [Music] the second is an independent engineering report and shows the same geological conditions along the pacific plate off the california coast where northac is scheduled to bring its newest drilling platform online within the next six months i believe the same disaster will happen there if they do both documents are encrypted as we discussed i love april [Music] so [Music] of course serena [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] copies all right the police you guys just stay here stay out of sight i'm gonna get to the front gate make sure they can get in be careful this place is like a maze do you know they have tunnels going underneath the ground so you can go anywhere it's incredible when you have more money than sense of things you can do my brother wanted to make a difference well i guess he did then huh he got several of his best friends killed all in the name of a few thousand soggy taurus and some beach bums you come any closer she's dead i can make this quick with one bullet or i can make it very slow with many it's up to you [Music] [Music] smart [Music] [Music] um [Music] it's funny after everything that's happened after everything we've been through i still have days where i feel like i've made a mistake by coming here part of it i guess is realizing that i don't need to be 10 000 miles from home to really be doing something with my life to really be making a difference [Music] it still feels like no matter what i do it's never going to be enough to really change the world and bad things are always gonna happen and bad people are gonna keep on doing [Music] them but the truth is this time it is different [Music] this time it's not just me who has to be the strong one and it sure makes the heavy lifting easier when you've got somebody around to share the load to be sure my brother edwin is a pretty hard act to follow he set the bar so high that sometimes it feels as if the only way to get over it is by standing on the shoulders of my friends [Music] so i guess it's lucky for me that my friends are as strong as i am [Music] maybe stronger and we all want to make a difference [Music] so [Music] you
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Id: gHWx0Pep8v4
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Length: 91min 42sec (5502 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 19 2020
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