Sweet Celebs Who Married Really Mean People

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We spend a lot of time obsessing over  celebrity couples, so when some of the   sweetest stars have found their way into bad  relationships with less-than-stellar people,   it can be pretty disturbing. These are  some sweet celebs who married awful people. When Sandra Bullock got teary-eyed while thanking  then-husband Jesse James at the 2010 Oscars,   we all rooted for them. That also  made it hurt twice as much when   news broke that James allegedly cheated on  America's sweetheart with a slew of women,   at least one of whom had no issue rocking  Nazi regalia while modeling for pictures. "A lot of people, particularly women,  hated you for what you've done,   as you say, to America's sweetheart." "Yeah. I think those people  barely liked me anyway." That Nazi image may not have bothered James,  though. He's reportedly been linked to   Nazi-related art for quite a while, and some very  unsettling photos of him in Nazi gear went public. Bullock kicked him to the curb and told People - "The photo shocked me and made me sad. This was  stupid, this was ignorant. Racism, anti-Semitism,   sexism, homophobia, anything Nazi and a boatload  of other things have no place in my life." Zsa Zsa Gabor's ninth husband,  Frédéric Prinz von Anhalt,   seemed to capitalize on her December 2016 death  as much as he could. According to The Hollywood   Reporter, von Anhalt made much of his speech  at her memorial service, about Hollywood and   about himself, even admitting that he met  her because he paid a photo agency $5,000   to snap him with a star to establish himself  as a celebrity — and that star was Gabor. As if that wasn't enough, he also used  his platform to call Elizabeth Taylor fat,   when she was wheelchair-bound  at the end of her life. Christie Brinkley married Peter Cook in 2001,  but by 2007, he got sloppy with his alleged   cheating. Around 2005, Cook supposedly  began hooking up with an 18-year-old   assistant behind Brinkley's back. The  assistant's stepfather reportedly learned   about the affair and spilled the beans to  Brinkley, who quickly filed for divorce.   They had a bitter custody battle over their  daughter, and a nasty battle over money that Cook   lost. In the end, he took home only $2.1 million  of Brinkley's estimated $60 million fortune. After Cook and his subsequent wife split in  2014, she publicly apologized to Brinkley   for ignoring her warnings about  Cook, who, according to Page Six,   was later accused of photographing  women without their knowledge. Anne Hathaway wasn't married to  Italian businessman and alleged   swindler Raffaello Follieri, but he  said he'd bought her an engagement   ring and was getting ready to ask for her  hand when their world came crashing down.   In 2008, four years into their relationship,  Follieri was arrested for money laundering. "I broke up with my Italian boyfriend and   two weeks later he was sent to  prison for fraud…. Yeah! Wow!" According to the Daily Mail, authorities  seized personal photos and even Hathaway's   diaries from his Trump Tower apartment as  evidence in the crimes. The tabloid claimed   relationship problems surfaced days earlier when  news broke that Follieri's charity organization   was being investigated by authorities,  prompting Hathaway to resign from its board. Madonna and Robin Wright were  both married to Sean Penn,   and he's been accused of  treating both of them horribly. People and the Daily Mail alleged that Penn's  jealous rages during his relationship with Madonna   led him to physically attack not just her, but  also some of her friends and business associates. As far as his relationship with Wright, well,   it doesn't seem like his dating life suffered  during their marriage, as he allegedly had   relationships with celebs like Petra Nemcova  and Jewel before he and Wright divorced. Ike Turner helped propel Anna Mae Bullock  to superstardom when he took her under   his wing and changed her stage name to Tina  Turner. Unfortunately, with his tutelage and   musical genius came reported domestic abuse,  which Tina detailed in her memoir, I, Tina,   and which was dramatized in the film  "What's Love Got to Do With It". Before divorcing Ike in 1976, Tina claimed  his abuse was so severe that, at one point,   he broke her jaw. Robin Givens was a star on the rise when she  met heavyweight champion Mike Tyson in 1987.   The couple tied the knot after a year  of dating, but this marriage was far   from perfect. During a joint 1989  interview with Barbara Walters,   Givens explained that she loved  Tyson and why she was with him,   but when asked about Tyson's alleged domestic  abuse, she was equally forthcoming, saying - "He's got a side to him that's  scary. Michael is intimidating,   to say the least. I think that there's a  time when he cannot control his temper,   and that's frightening to me, and to my  mother, and to anyone around. It's scary." Tyson and Givens divorced  shortly after that interview.   Tyson accused Givens and her mother of  conspiring to swindle him for his money. Britney Spears may have dodged a bullet  when she annulled her ultra-brief marriage   to childhood friend Jason Alexander.  They were husband and wife for just   55 hours in 2004, but by 2012,  he still wasn't over it, saying - "Nice guys finish last. Look out for yourself.  If you are going to really get involved into a   relationship with a celebrity and you are just an  average Joe, make sure you are thinking business!" He also was dismissive of Spears'  engagement to then-manager Jason   Trawick, which ended in 2013. Alexander said, "I think it's fake and I think  people are afraid to say it." In February 2016, court documents obtained by Us  Weekly revealed that Alexander spent four months   behind bars on domestic violence charges in 2015,  pleading guilty to a count of felony assault. Former Spice Girls member Melanie  "Mel B" Brown filed for divorce from   estranged husband Stephen Belafonte  after more than a decade together. According to stories from Daily Mail and The  Sun, Belafonte reportedly had quite the rap sheet   before they got together. In 1994, he was  charged with receiving stolen property,   after allegedly pleading down from burglary and  theft. In 2000, he was accused of assaulting   two men in a road rage incident; that charge  was reduced to vandalism. In 2003, Belafonte   pleaded no contest to allegedly battering his  then-common-law wife while he was drunk. He also   admitted to bludgeoning a duck to death with a  brick outside of his New Jersey home, when he   was a teenager. He reportedly fled to Los Angeles  and never paid his court fine for that incident. During their marriage, he was allegedly involved  in a physical altercation with three men at a   London hotel in 2010, leaving one hospitalized,  but he was never charged. After their split,   Brown accused him of physically abusing her  throughout their marriage, alienating her   from her family, sexually exploiting her for  money, and cheating on her with their nanny,   who he allegedly got pregnant and forced to get  an abortion. Belafonte denied all of those claims. Model and actor Ali Landry was married to Mario  Lopez, who later confessed to cheating on Landry   during his bachelor party just days before their  wedding in 2004. He told Howard Stern in 2011 - "It was spring break...everybody was hanging  out. That was a situation where I was not   mature enough and not man enough. I had  no business of being in that position." Their marriage was annulled after just two  weeks, but in his memoir, "Just Between   Us," Lopez poured salt on the wound by writing  that he never loved Landry in the first place. Josh Duggar of "19 Kids and Counting"  fame married Anna Duggar in 2008. In 2015,   a police report surfaced from 2006, in which Josh  admitted to being, quote, "extremely sorry" for,   quote, "wrongdoing". The wrongdoing of which  he was accused was particularly heinous:   Molesting five young girls, including his own  sisters, Jill Dillard and Jessa Seewald, per TMZ. The sexual abuse reportedly occurred  in 2002, when Josh was 14 years old.   He wrote in a since-deleted message on  the family's Facebook account that he   and his victims all sought counseling  after he confessed to the incident. Also, in 2015, Gawker revealed that Josh had spent  at least $1,000 for a paid Ashley Madison account,   a service where married people go to find sexual  partners for extramarital affairs. According to   People, Josh later confessed to cheating on  Anna and to being addicted to pornography. In April 2021, Josh was arrested  for alleged possession of   images or video portraying sexual  abuse of children. Per People,   he pleaded not guilty to the charges and faces  up to 20 years behind bars, if convicted. Bethenny Frankel's divorce proceedings from   ex Jason Hoppy lasted longer  than her two-year marriage. "This has been a very big surprise and I never  would have expected that it would have gone   one tenth of how far it's gone." The pair tied the knot in 2010,  but were separated by 2012,   and by Frankel's account, the  split was very ugly. However,   it was Hoppy's alleged behavior after  their divorce that was most unsettling. TMZ reported that, in November 2016,  Frankel's boyfriend, Dennis Shields,   had his lawyer send Hoppy  a cease and desist letter   after Hoppy allegedly sent him more  than 100 harassing emails about Frankel. In January 2017, Page Six reported that Hoppy  was arrested for allegedly threatening Frankel   when she picked up their daughter from  school in New York — and it was revealed   that he allegedly sent more than 150 emails of  various insults and threats to her and Shields. Dita Von Teese married Marilyn Manson in  November 2005 after five years of dating,   but by December 2006, the couple divorced.  Teese later told Harper's Bazaar of the split - "Let's just say that it must have been  something pretty bad for me to move out   of the house after six years together and  to pack up my stuff on Christmas Eve." She didn't specify the reason, but  it's speculated that Manson took   up with actor Evan Rachel Wood at that  time. Manson and Wood went on to date   from 2007 to 2010. In February 2021,  Wood alleged on Instagram of Manson - "He started grooming me when I was a teenager  and horrifically abused me for years. I was   brainwashed and manipulated into submission. I am  done living in fear of retaliation, slander, or   blackmail. I am here to expose this dangerous man  and call out the many industries that have enabled   him, before he ruins any more lives. I stand with  the many victims who will no longer be silent." According to Vanity Fair, at least four  other women accused Manson of abuse,   and "Game of Thrones" star Esme Bianco sued  Manson for sexual battery in April 2021.   The "Dope Show" singer has denied all allegations. After adopting daughter Soon-Yi Previn in 1978,  Mia Farrow began dating Woody Allen in 1980,   and they were together until 1992.  Though they never married nor cohabited,   they shared son Satchel, now journalist  Ronan Farrow, and adopted daughter Dylan.   Mia and Allen split when she found  nude photos of Soon-Yi in Allen's home,   which the filmmaker later claimed  was no big deal, telling Time - "Soon-Yi had talked about being a model  and said to me would I take some pictures   of her without her clothes on. At this  time we had an intimate relationship,   so I said sure, and I did. It  was just a lark of a moment." After their split, Mia accused Allen of  sexually abusing adopted daughter Dylan;   a prosecutor claimed there was, quote,  "probable cause" to prosecute Allen,   but reportedly declined to press charges in  order to save Dylan the trauma of a trial,   per CBS News. For his part, Allen has  long denied the allegations, but Dylan,   Ronan, and Mia stand by them to this  day. Allen and Soon-Yi wed in 1997. Roman Polanski married Sharon Tate in January  1968, but their union ended tragically when   she and their unborn child were victims  of the Manson Murders in August 1969. In 1977, Polanski was arrested for sexually  assaulting 13-year-old Samantha Gailey,   now Samantha Geimer. He initially denied the  charges, but later agreed to a plea bargain.   However, the judge in the case reportedly  planned to renege on the plea bargain   and sentence Polanski to 50 years behind bars.   Polanski fled first to London, then to France,  where he evaded extradition for decades. In 1988, Geimer sued Polanski and they agreed  to a financial settlement, but by 1996, it was   reported he still owed her over $600,000; they  reportedly settled the matter by 1997, per the Los   Angeles Times. In 2009, Polanski was arrested  in Switzerland and initially jailed, but then   placed under house arrest in his sprawling estate.  Then, according to The New York Times, Switzerland   refused to extradite him to the United States. A  Polish court also turned down extradition in 2015. According to The New York Times, an  eyewitness alleged in court that Aaliyah,   then 13 or 14 years old, had a  sexual relationship with R. Kelly,   then in his mid-20s. A year later, Kelly and  Aaliyah illegally married, allegedly because   he believed she was pregnant with his child.  Kelly was accused of bribing a government   employee to get Aaliyah a fake ID saying she  was 18 years old. The marriage was annulled. Aaliyah is one of the youngest girls  that Kelly allegedly sexually abused;   numerous other women accused Kelly of  sexually abusing them when they were minors.   In September of 2021, BBC reported  that Kelly was found guilty of eight   counts of sex trafficking and one count  of racketeering. As of this video,   Kelly also has a trial pending in Chicago over  alleged obstruction of justice and possession   of child sex images, and he has been charged with  sex abuse in the states of Illinois and Minnesota. From 1996 through 2002, four women each sued  Kelly for various sex offenses that allegedly   occurred when the women were underage; the cases  were settled out of court. In June 2002, Kelly   was charged with making videos depicting child  sexual abuse, but was found not guilty. Separate   charges of producing child sexual abuse images  in Florida were dismissed between 2002 and 2004. Ronnie Spector of The Ronettes married  music producer Phil Spector in 1968,   but outside of the studio, their relationship  got ugly fast: Ronnie told The Telegraph that   Phil held her hostage in their shared home and  only let her leave the house once every month,   for just 20 minutes, to purchase feminine  hygiene products. She alleged that if she   took more than 20 minutes, he'd send a bodyguard  out to find her and that he often hid her shoes   from her to keep her from going out, and  prohibited her from performing live at all. She also revealed that Phil  kept a gold coffin in their home   and threatened to kill her if she ever left him. In 2009, Spector was convicted of shooting and  killing actor Lana Clarkson at his home in 2003,   despite maintaining his innocence and  insisting that Clarkson had taken her own life.   When asked about Spector's 19-to-life  sentence, Ronnie told The Telegraph - "It feels wonderful! The  more he tried to destroy me,   the stronger I got. It made me think,  'How dare you? You don't own me.'" Denise Richards began dating Charlie Sheen after  guest starring on "Spin City" in 2001, and they   married in 2002. Four years and two daughters  later, they divorced, with Richards alleging that   Sheen was using drugs while she was pregnant with  their youngest child, and that he threatened to   kill Richards and her parents. The split pair were  amicable at first, but have since been at war in   the press and in the courts over custody and child  support, with Sheen frequently insulting his ex. Sheen married Brooke Mueller in 2008. The  couple welcomed twin boys in March 2009,   but all was not well: That December,  CNN reported that Sheen was arrested   after Mueller accused him of threatening her at  knifepoint and trying to strangle her. In 2011,   he was arrested again for allegedly threatening  to murder Mueller. The couple subsequently split. Richards and Mueller weren't the only women  to accuse Sheen of various forms of abuse:   In December 2015, his ex-fiancee  Scottine Ross alleged that Sheen   was physically abusive and that he didn't  disclose to her that he was HIV-positive   before they had unprotected sex. Bree Olson also  accused Sheen of not disclosing his HIV status,   and another woman sued him for the same.  Sheen denied all the allegations and said   he's paid close to $10 million in settlements  before publicly revealing his diagnosis. John Legend and Chrissy Teigen were considered  a golden couple, but in spring 2021,   reports resurfaced about past online bullying  from Teigen. Her most frequent target was   model Courtney Stodden, who was groomed to marry  Doug Hutchinson when they were underage. Teigen   directed some insulting public tweets  at Stodden but it didn't end there:   Stodden revealed in an interview with  The Daily Beast that Teigen also sent   them direct messages urging them to kill  themselves. Teigen also blasted Lindsay   Lohan and Farrah Abraham on the platform.  Most of her mean tweets, which reportedly   may have cost her some endorsements, were from  2011. She and Legend tied the knot in 2013. Teigen posted a public apology to Stodden  in May 2021 via Twitter. However, Stodden   told TMZ that Teigen never actually reached  out to them or their team privately at all. Cameroonian singer Denica also accused  Teigen of shoving her at the 2016 Grammys,   and more recently, Teigen beefed with  comedian Heather McDonald in September 2021. Amy Winehouse was reportedly in  a toxic relationship with husband   Blake Fielder-Civil before her death  in 2011. She married Fielder in 2007,   which many fans point to as the beginning of her  downturn into the drug and alcohol addictions   that led to her death. Winehouse's former  manager Nick Shymansky told The Guardian - "It was horrible to see her going from  someone so tender and brilliant and warm   to being kind of derelict and lost. I've been  very angry with [Fielder-Civil] in the past,   but at the end of the day he wasn't a grownup,  he was a lost kid who had his own issues." Fielder-Civil denies responsibility for   Winehouse's issues. He told  The London Sunday Times - "I don't think I ruined her, no. I think  we found each other and certain people   need to realize that she did have  other addictions before she met me." If you or anyone you know is struggling  with addiction issues, help is available.   Visit the Substance Abuse  and Mental Health Services   Administration website or contact SAMHSA's  National Helpline at 1-800-662-HELP (4357).
Channel: Nicki Swift
Views: 593,399
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Keywords: nicki swift, celeb couple, celeb marriage, celeb spouses, divorce
Id: -8GGHi9x1Cw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 3sec (1083 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 09 2021
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